SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs...

SEEM4570 System Design and Implementation Lecture 2 – JavaScript

Transcript of SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs...

Page 1: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

SEEM4570 System Design and Implementation

Lecture 2 – JavaScript

Page 2: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions


• In this course, we focus on app development. • Prepare your project based on P.24 of Lecture Note 1.

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Page 3: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JavaScript (JS) Usages

• Handle Events• E.g. when you clicked a button. “clicked” is an event

• Validate input• E.g. check your input email address is well-formatted.

• Run animations• …

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Page 4: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Properties

• JavaScript is a Scripting Language• A scripting language is usually lightweight.

• JavaScript does nothing with Java.• Easy to learn.• It is an Object Oriented Programming Language• Some people may argue with me… But that's fine as

different people may have different opinions• A good article:

• We will discuss more about OOP later in this course (UML). Let us focus on how to use it at the moment.

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Page 5: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

More about JS

• Developed by Netscape• Past: designed for browsers to use

• Run programs from browsers (HTML is a layout engine and not programmable)

• Now: JavaScript everywhere paradigm • E.g. Node.js

• Supposed to call ”Mocha", but changed to "JavaScript”• There is no relationship between Java and JavaScript

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Page 6: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Programs

• A computer program is a list of instructions to be executed by a computer.• These instructions are called statements.• So each JS statement is a command. The purpose of

the statements is to tell the computer what to do.• You can add semicolon or not add semicolon at the

end of a JS statement

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Page 7: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Inside HTML

• JavaScript must be written in <script> … </script>• You can put <script>…</script> anywhere.• All are correct:

• <html><head><script></script></head>…</html>

• <html>…</html><script></script>

• <html>…<body><script></script></body></html>

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Page 8: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

First JS

• <script>alert("My First JavaScript");</script>• Old examples write <script type="text/javascript"> instead

of <script>. This is no longer required because JavaScript is THE scripting language in all modern browsers.• alert() is a built-in function.

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Page 9: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS in External File

• You can put JS in an external file. • Suppose we have the following structure:

• +– www+– index.html+– my_script.js

• In the html file:• …

<script src="my_script.js"></script>…

• In my_script.js (note: no need to write <script></script>):• alert("My First JavaScript");

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Page 10: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Comment

• Similar to C or Java, we use /**/ or // to write comment:• <script>

/* Write some useful information in this block.You can write many lines here.*/alert("hello");

// This is another line of comment.// This is another line of comment.alert("yeah");</script>

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Page 11: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions


• In the following slides, we will assume everything is written inside <script></script> and omit it for the sake of clarity.

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Page 12: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Variables

• In a programming language, variables are used to store values.• JavaScript uses the keyword var to declare variables.• E.g.: var x;• By default, a variable has the value undefined unless you

assign a value to it.• An equal sign is used to assign values to variables.• var x = 10;• var name = “john”;• var pi = 3.1415

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Page 13: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Debug

• For debugging, you can use console.log() to display some information:• <script>

var x = 10;console.log(x);</script>

• In the following slides, always try to use console.log(…) to show the output.

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Page 14: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Data Types

• Technically, every variable in JS has a data type:• Undefined• Number• Boolean• String • Null• Array (a kind of Object)• Object

• Yet, as JS is dynamic typing – it will assign the expected data type to each variable. You do not need to define them explicitly.

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Page 15: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Boolean

• A Boolean is a logical entity that consists of either a true or a false value:• var x = true;• var y = false;

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Page 16: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Numbers

• You can do arithmetic operations on numbers.• var radius = 10;• var pi = 3.1415; • var area =pi * radius * radius;

• JS numbers are stored as double precision floating point. Sometimes the calculation may be wrong:• var x = 0.2 + 0.1; // x may be 0.3000000000000000001

• One simple way to solve the above problem:• var x = (0.2 * 10 + 0.1 * 10) / 10

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Page 17: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Numbers (cont’d)

• You can do common arithmetic like all programming languages

© 2018 Gabriel Fung 17

+ Addition– Subtraction* Multiplication

/ Division% Modulus

Page 18: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Strings

• A string can be any text inside quotes. You can use single and double quotes:• var s1 = "Hello";• var s2 = 'Hello';• var statement1 = "He is 'John'." ;• var statement2 = 'He is "John".' ;

• If you want the same quote inside and surround a string, you need to use “escape character” (i.e. \):• var statement3 = "He is \"John\"." ;• var statement4 = 'He is \'John\'.' ;

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Page 19: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Strings (cont’d)

• Since escape character is a backslash (i.e. \), so if you need to show a backslash in a string, you need to encode it using escape character:• var tricky_statement =”one backslash here: \\ OK?";

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Page 20: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Strings (cont’d)

• You can concatenate strings using “+”:• var s1 = "How";

var s2 = "are";var s3 = "you?";var s4 = s1+s2+s3; // s4 becomes “Howareyou?”var s5 = s1+" "+s2+" "+s3; // s5 becomes “How are you?”

• Note: if you use “+” between a number and a string, then JS will treat the number as a string.• var a = 10;

var b = 20;var s1 = “total is ” + a + b; // s2 becomes “total is 1020”var s2 = “total is ” + (a + b); // s2 becomes “total is 30”

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Page 21: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Null and Undefined

• Variables can be emptied by assigning their values to null• var s1; // s1 is undefined. NOT null

var s2 = null; // s2 is null

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Page 22: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Arrays

• An array is a special object. It holds more than one value at a time.• Strictly speaking, there is no “array” data type. But because

of their special properties, we always refer them as “array” instead of “object”.

• We usually group logically related items into an array.• Instead of writing:• var car1 = "Toyota";

var car2 = "Volvo";var car3 = "BMW";

• Consider:• var cars = ["Toyota", "Volvo", "BMW"];

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Page 23: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Arrays (cont’d)

• You access the elements inside an array by referring to its index.• var cars = ["Toyota", "Volvo", "BMW"];


• Some books may write this:• var cars = new Array(“Toyota”, “Volvo”, “BMW”);• It is an old school style.

• Programing just like fashion, some “styles” will be ”outdated”!!!

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Page 24: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Functions

• We define functions using the keyword “function”:• function output(){


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Page 25: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Functions (cont’d)

• Like all languages, function can return values:• function outputPie(){

return 3.14;}var x = outputPie();console.log(x);

• We can pass values to and return values from functions:• function calculateSquareArea(width, length){

return width * length;}var area = calculateSquareArea(5, 10);console.log(area);

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Page 26: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Functions (Advance Level)

• We can define function as a variable as well:• var calculateSquareArea = function(width, length){

return width * length;};var area = calculateSquareArea(5, 10);console.log(area);

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Page 27: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Functions (Advanced Level) (cont’d)

• Functions can be “self-invoked” as well:• (function () {

console.log(“I am called automatically!“);})();• The above is essentially the same as:

• function callMe() {console.log(“I am called automatically!“);


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Page 28: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Objects

• An object contains properties and methods• Let’s consider there is an object “car”:

• Properties: • Brand: BMW• Model: 330i

• Methods:• Engine Start• Engine Stop

• A property has a name and a value (i.e. store some information).• A method can be regarded as a function (i.e. do


© 2018 Gabriel Fung 28

Page 29: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

JS Objects (cont’d)

• There are two ways to create an object:• Define as a single object using object literal.• Define as a prototype, and then create some objects later.

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Page 30: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Create Object using Object Literal

• Example 1 (declare an object, then add properties and methods later):• var car ={}; // declare an object

car.brand = “BMW”; // add propertiescar.model = “330i”;car.engineStart = function(){ // add methods

return “engine started!”;}car.engineStop = function(){

return “engine stopped!”;}• Note: some books write “var car = new Object()” (an old

school style) instead of “var car={}”.

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Page 31: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Create Object using Object Literal (cont’d)

• Example 2 (declare properties and methods when you declare the object):• var car = {

brand: “BMW”,model: “330i”,engineStart: function(){

return “engine started!”;},engineStop: function(){

return “engine stopped!”;}


© 2018 Gabriel Fung 31

Page 32: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Create Object using Object Literal (cont’d)

• Example 3 (declare some properties and some methods when you declare the object, and add more later):• var car = {

brand: “BMW”,engineStart: function(){

return “engine started!”;},

};car.model = “330i”;car.engineStop = function(){

return “engine stopped!”;}

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Page 33: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Create Object using Object Literal (cont’d)

• To return the values of properties or call the methods:• console.log(car.brand);


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Page 34: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

A Special Keyword “this”

• Inside an object, we can use a special keyword “this” to refer to the object itself.• var car = {

brand: “BMW”,model: “330i”,engineStart: function(){

return this.brand + “ engine started!”;},engineStop: function(){

return this.brand + “ engine stopped!”;}


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Page 35: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Create Object Using Prototype

• The object literal method can only create one single object.• What if we want to create many similar objects?• We can define the skeleton of the object first, then

create it later.• The skeleton is called “prototype”. We then create the

object on demand.• Sometimes, we call “prototype” as “class” as well. They may

use interchangeably.

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Page 36: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Create Object Using Prototype (cont’d)

• Example:• function CarFactory(brand, model){

this.brand = brand;this.model = model;this.engineStart = function(){

return this.brand + “ engine started”;}

}var car1 = new CarFactory(“BMW”, “330i”);var car2 = new CarFactory(“Toyota”, “Aqua”);console.log(car1.engineStart());console.log(car2.engineStart());• Note: we usually use Sentence Case for prototype

(CarFactory vs. carFactory).© 2018 Gabriel Fung 36

Page 37: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Create Object Using Prototype (cont’d)

• To add properties or methods to a prototype:• CarFactory.prototype.engineStop = function(){

return this.brand + “ engine stopped”;}• Note: you MUST have the keyword “prototype” in this case.

• Only modify your own prototypes. Never modify the prototypes of standard JavaScript objects (although it is always possible to do).

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Page 38: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Create Object Using Prototype (cont’d)

• To add properties or methods to an object created by a prototype :• var car = CarFactory(“bmw”, “330i”);

car.color = “red”; // you can add properties to an objectcar.standby = function(){…); // you can add methods

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Page 39: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Useful Objects/Prototypes/Functions

• Math• var radius = 10;

var area = Math.PI * radius * radius;console.log(Math.round(area));• Reference:


• Date• var currentDate = new Date();

console.log(currentDate);• Reference:


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Page 40: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Useful Objects/Prototypes/Functions (cont’d)

• String• var s = “Welcome to the class”;

console.log( s.length() );console.log( s.toUppserCase() );console.log( s.charAt(1) );console.log( s.replace(”o”, “0”) );• Reference:


© 2018 Gabriel Fung 40

Page 41: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Useful Objects/Prototypes/Functions (cont’d)

• Array methods:• var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];

console.log(fruits);fruits.pop(); // Removes Mango” (last element);console.log(fruits);• Reference:


© 2018 Gabriel Fung 41

Page 42: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Useful Objects/Prototypes/Functions (cont’d)

• Number:• var x = 10;

var y = 5 / 0;console.log( Number.isInteger(x) );console.log( Number.isNaN(y) ); // NaN: Not a number• Reference:


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Page 43: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

Useful Objects/Prototypes/Functions (cont’d)

• typeof• var a = 10; // number

var b = “A word”; // stringvar c = [“bmw”, “volvo”]; // arrayvar d = yes; // booleanvar e = {}; // empty objectconsole.log( typeof(a) );console.log( typeof(b) );console.log( typeof(c) );console.log( typeof(d) );console.log( typeof(e) );

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Page 44: SEEM4570 System Design and Implementationseem4570/2019/Lecture/lecture02.pdf · JS Programs •Acomputer programis a list of instructions to be executed by a computer. •These instructions

If-then-else, Loops, try-catch-finally

• JS handles “if-then-else”, ”for”, “try-catch”:• for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

…}• if(i != 10){

…}• try{



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