Seeing the Paranormal with biofield imaging

BioField Reader (BFR) Biofield Imaging system Seeing the Paranormal


These slides show some of the amazing things which our eyes normally miss. Your eye has a very limited capacity to perceive all the signals around you. You need a microscope to see very small things, a telescope to see things far away, and an infra-red camera to see in the dark. Similarly, Biofield Imaging (digital light filtering) software provides another way of allowing you to seeing more information about your surroundings. It takes the light signals received via video and still cameras and digitally filters them with a computer programme; with the aim of altering the image to reveal 'hidden' things the eye would not normally see. The original purpose of digitally filtering the light around subjects was to aid human health. assessment. However, whilst investigating this health application of the software in our research we discovered that various practitioners were receiving 'paranormal' results - i.e. the images the light filtering produced were not in the 'normal' or 'expected' category.

Transcript of Seeing the Paranormal with biofield imaging

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BioField Reader (BFR) Biofield Imaging system

Seeing the Paranormal

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The Human Eye and Vision

Our eyes have evolved for our survivalWe see only small part of the light spectrum

We miss a lot of information about the world

Bees and birds see into the ultraviolet spectrum – we can't

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

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Seeing the Paranormal

© 2014 Resolutions All Rights Reserved

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

You need a microscope to see very small things

Your eye has a very limited capacity to perceive all the signals around you.

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

You need a telescope to see things far away

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

You need an infra-red camera to see in the dark.

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Biofield Reader software provides another way of allowing you to see more information about your surroundings..

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

With Still cameraWith Video Camera

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Seeing the Paranormal with Biofield Reader

BioField imaging software takes the light signals received via video and still cameras and digitally filters

them with a computer program; with the aim of altering the image to reveal 'hidden' things the eye would not

normally see.

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Image Before processing Image with filter applied

The BioField Reader software helps our eyes discern subtle gradations of light and gives us more information about our surroundings: information we normally can't see.

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Original Application – Health Assessment

Originally, digitally filtering the light around subjects was to aid human health assessment.

Whilst doing this research we discovered that various practitioners were receiving 'paranormal' results.

These images were not in the 'normal' or 'expected' category.

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

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The Resolutions Team includes individuals who are very

experienced in investigating the paranormal.

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Seeing the Paranormal with Biofield Reader

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Diana and Alan - mediums in the ground-breaking Scole Experiment, have many years experience of investigating the paranormal

Diana Bennett Alan Bennett

Jane Solomon Grant Solomon

Jane and Grant have been investigating the paranormal for many years. They are the authors of the international best-seller The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death

Experienced Investigators

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Experiment:AIM: To determine if there are changes in light during kundalini meditation.

The next slides show images taken by Dr Yamuna, a medical doctor.

Some time ago, after beginning to see the energy field or aura with her own eyes, she became very interested in energy medicine of all kinds.

Dr Yamuna showed us one of the paranormal results she received using biofield imaging, and kindly gave us permission to publish and share her results. Her original handwritten notes can be seen.

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

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First experiment:

Dr Yamuna conducted an experiment in her clinic, to see how Kundalini meditative states affect the light patterns around the person meditating.

The images were processed with digital light filtering software.

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

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Kundalini meditation BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Image 1: subject starts her meditation

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Image 2: subject goes deeper and maintains the Kundalini meditative state for a few minutes

Kundalini meditation

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Image 3: subject stands up after meditation - her body shape begins to change in the filtered image and the outline of an oval shape begins to form

Kundalini meditation

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Image 4: an 'egg‘ enclosing oval bands of colour completely replaces the subject's form

Kundalini meditation

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Image 5: another woman in the room enters the camera‘s field of vision and appears to 'disturb' the subject's light field and so ‘breaks’ the 'egg' pattern

Kundalini meditation

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

There could be many interpretations of this series of images captured by the digital light filtering equipment.

Dr Yamuna felt that one explanation could involve the 'cosmic egg' from Indian spiritual philosophy.

Kundalini meditation

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Uncontrolled kundalini?

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Kundalini energy has been described as a 'coiled serpent' which resides at the base of the spine.

It can 'awaken' in individuals who have prepared themselves and can result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss.

In others it can awaken spontaneously and cause physical and psychological problems.

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Uncontrolled kundalini?

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

The following is the case of a young woman who reported a sudden onset of psychic disturbances and also that she was affecting electrical equipment.

She said that lights around her would flicker, light bulbs would blow and that computers would malfunction and crash.

She decided to have a BioField scan to see if it could reveal any imbalances in her energy field.

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Uncontrolled kundalini?

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Processed image of her lower back and legs - she is wearing jeans

As she was causing problems with computers, we saved each scan as it was done so that we would not lose any scans should the computer crash.

The scan (left) was the last one taken but, before we could save this view, we saw - on the computer screen - a large surge of 'energy' erupt from the area of her right foot.

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Uncontrolled kundalini?

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

Processed image of her lower back and legs - she is wearing jeans

This surge of energy 'connected' with the desk on which the computer sat and the computer crashed.

Surge of energy.

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Uncontrolled kundalini?

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

On rebooting the computer, the only scan that was found was the one above - despite it not having been saved. It clearly showed that there was a great deal of unrestrained energy around her base area and legs. Areas of imbalance (seen as red and dark blue) are indicated in picture above.

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Uncontrolled kundalini?

BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal

After her scans the woman was given ten minutes hands-on healing. She returned the following week for another scan (above) - she reported that psychic disturbances and electrical problems had stopped. The base energy, seen between her legs and also around her legs, appeared much calmer and contained. Only a small 'spike' of red energy can be seen from the base of her spine emanating down between her legs.

Scan of front of legs – bare skin

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For more about BioField Reader and the paranormal see:

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BioField Reader: Seeing the Paranormal