Security System 1 - 12

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  • 8/14/2019 Security System 1 - 12


    #12. Infrastructure andConnectivity

  • 8/14/2019 Security System 1 - 12



    Understanding Infrastructure Security

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    Virtual Private Networks

    A virtual private network (VPN) is a private

    network connection that occurs through a public

    network. A private network provides security

    over an otherwise unsecure environment. VPNscan be used to connect LANs together across

    the Internet or other public networks. With a

    VPN, the remote end appears to be connected

    to the network as if it were connected locally. AVPN requires either special hardware to be

    installed or a VPN software package running on

    servers and workstations.

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    Virtual Private Networks

    VPNs typically use a tunneling protocol such as

    Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), IPSec, or

    Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).

    Figure 3.9 shows a remote network beingconnected to a LAN using the Internet and a

    VPN. This connection appears to be a local

    connection, and all message traffic and

    protocols are available across the VPN.

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    Virtual Private Networks

    As mentioned earlier, VPNs are used to make

    connections between private networks across a

    public network, such as the Internet. These

    connections arent guaranteed to be secureunless a tunneling protocol (such as PPTP) and

    an encryption system (such as IPSec) are used.

    A wide range of options, including proprietary

    technologies, is available for VPN support.

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    Virtual Private Networks

    Many of the large ISPs and data

    communications providers offer dedicated

    hardware with VPN capabilities. Many servers

    also provide software VPN capabilities for usebetween two networks.

    VPN systems can be dedicated to a certain

    protocol, or they can pass whatever protocols

    they see on one end of the network to the otherend. A pure VPN connection appears as a

    dedicated wired connection between the two

    network ends.

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    Wireless Access Points

    It does not take much to build a wireless

    network. On the client side, you need a wireless

    network card (NIC) in place of the standard

    wired NIC. On the network side, you needsomething to communicate with the clients.

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    Wireless Access Points

    The primary method of connecting a wireless

    device to a network is via a wireless portal. A

    wireless access point(WAP) is a low-power

    transmitter/receiver, also known as atransceiver, which is strategically placed for

    access. The portable device and the access

    point communicate using one of several

    communications protocols, including IEEE802.11 (also known as Wireless Ethernet).

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    Wireless Access Points

    Wireless communication methods are becoming

    more prevalent in computing because the cost

    of the transmitting and receiving equipment has

    fallen drastically over the last few years.Wireless also offers mobile connectivity within a

    campus, a building, or even a city. Most wireless

    frequencies are shared frequencies in that more

    than one person may be using the samefrequency for communication.

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    Wireless Access Points

    Wireless communication methods are becoming

    more prevalent in computing because the cost

    of the transmitting and receiving equipment has

    fallen drastically over the last few years.Wireless also offers mobile connectivity within a

    campus, a building, or even a city. Most wireless

    frequencies are shared frequencies in that more

    than one person may be using the samefrequency for communication.

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    Wireless Access Points

    Wireless communication methods are becoming

    more prevalent in computing because the cost

    of the transmitting and receiving equipment has

    fallen drastically over the last few years.Wireless also offers mobile connectivity within a

    campus, a building, or even a city. Most wireless

    frequencies are shared frequencies in that more

    than one person may be using the samefrequency for communication.