Security Measures for You and Your Baby - Dignity Health

Security Measures for You and Your Baby At St. John’s Hospitals, the safety and welfare of your new baby is our top priority. Our electronic banding system, communication and active participation between parents and our staff are key components of our security policies and procedures. Below you will find some information that will be useful during your stay. Newborn Bands Your baby will wear two identification bands and a security band that will identify him/her as your child while here at the hospital. Two bands will be assigned right after birth, in the Labor and Delivery Room. These bands will be placed on one wrist and one ankle. The identification number on each band will match the number on the identification band assigned to the mother and her support person. You and your baby will room together and will have the same nurse – this will allow you to be familiar with all staff members involved in your care. Anytime a staff member needs to perform a medical procedure, your baby’s identification band will be matched with the procedure order before performed. If your baby will be moved to an area other than your room for a test or procedure, the ID band will be matched to yours upon return. Staff Name Badges Mother-infant area staff members wear bright pink-banded ID badges with their picture, name and job title. The badge also includes the hospital name. As staff members introduce themselves to you, please make a point of noticing their pink-banded ID badge. This special badge is a way for you to recognize our staff. If someone asks to remove your baby from your room and you don’t know them, please call for your nurse immediately. Security Measures A monitoring device will be placed on your baby’s ankle. This band is part of our infant security system and allows us to monitor the location of your baby within the hospital at all times. This system will alert hospital staff should the baby be taken too close to an exit or should someone attempt to tamper with the band. Your nurse will check the band and adjust it as needed. This band will be removed before you and your baby leave the hospital. All exits from the mother-infant area are equipped with an alarm system and are video- monitored by our security staff. Please do not take your baby near any of the exits, as this will alert our security system. If you would like to walk in the hallway, we ask that you wheel your baby in the crib and stay within the “safe zone” at all times. Please ask your nurse where the “safe zones” are. Please do not carry or allow your visitors to carry your baby outside your room.

Transcript of Security Measures for You and Your Baby - Dignity Health

Page 1: Security Measures for You and Your Baby - Dignity Health

Security Measures for You and Your Baby

At St. John’s Hospitals, the safety and welfare of your new baby is our top priority. Our electronic banding system, communication and active participation between parents and our staff are key components of our security policies and procedures. Below you will find some information that will be useful during your stay.

Newborn BandsYour baby will wear two identification bands and a security band that will identify him/her as your child while here at the hospital.Two bands will be assigned right after birth, in the Labor and Delivery Room. These bands will be placed on one wrist and one ankle. The identification number on each band will match the number on the identification band assigned to the mother and her support person. You and your baby will room together and will have the same nurse – this will allow you to be familiar with all staff members involved in your care. Anytime a staff member needs to perform a medical procedure, your baby’s identification band will be matched with the procedure order before performed. If your baby will be moved to an area other than your room for a test or procedure, the ID band will be matched to yours upon return.

Staff Name BadgesMother-infant area staff members wear bright pink-banded ID badges with their picture, name and job title. The badge also

includes the hospital name. As staff members introduce themselves to you, please make a point of noticing their pink-banded ID badge. This special badge is a way for you to recognize our staff.

If someone asks to remove your baby from your room and you don’t know them, please call for your nurse immediately.

Security MeasuresA monitoring device will be placed on your baby’s ankle. This band is part of our infant security system and allows us to monitor the location of your baby within the hospital at all times. This system will alert hospital staff should the baby be taken too close to an exit or should someone attempt to tamper with the band. Your nurse will check the band and adjust it as needed. This band will be removed before you and your baby leave the hospital.

All exits from the mother-infant area are equipped with an alarm system and are video- monitored by our security staff. Please do not take your baby near any of the exits, as this will alert our security system. If you would like to walk in the hallway, we ask that you wheel your baby in the crib and stay within the “safe zone” at all times. Please ask your nurse where the “safe zones” are. Please do not carry or allow your visitors to carry your baby outside your room.

Page 2: Security Measures for You and Your Baby - Dignity Health

Medidas de Seguridad Para Su BebéEn los Hospitales St. John’s, la seguridad y el bienestar de su nuevo bebé es nuestra prioridad. Nuestro sistema de pulseras identificativas, comunicación y participación activa entre los padres y nuestro personal son componentes importantes de nuestro sistema de seguridad para su bebé. Abajo encontrará información que le será útil durante su estadía en el hospital.

Pulseras de Identificación Para Recién NacidosSu bebé recibirá dos pulseras identificativas y una pulsera de seguridad durante su estadía en el hospital. Estas pulseras identifican al bebé como su hijo/hija. Dos de estas pulseras se le pondrán al bebé en la sala de partos en cuanto nazca. Las pulseras serán puestas en la muñeca y en el tobillo del bebé. El número de identificación en cada una de estas pulseras será el mismo número que se le asignará a las pulseras identificativas que llevarán la mamá del bebé y su acompañante. Su bebé se quedará en el cuarto con usted y tendrá la misma enfermera que usted tundra – esto permitirá que usted se familiarice con todas las personas encargadas de proveerle cuidados médicos a usted y a su bebé. Cada vez que un empleado tenga que realizar un procedimiento médico, la cinta de identificación de su bebé deberá corresponder a la de la orden del procedimiento al compararla antes de realizarse. Si su bebé va a trasladarse a un área fuera de su cuarto para una prueba o procedimiento, la cinta de identificación deberá corresponder con la suya al compararla al regreso.

Identificación de Nuestro PersonalMiembros del personal de maternidad siempre llevan puesta nuestra

tarjeta de identificación. Esta tarjeta es de color rosado brillante e incluye la fotografía, el nombre, y el nombre del puesto que desempeña el empleado. La tarjeta de identificación también incluye el nombre del hospital. Inspeccione esta tarjeta de identificación de color rosado brillante con cuidado, puesto que es una manera de reconocer a nuestro personal.

Si alguien le pide permiso para remover a su bebé del cuarto y usted no les reconoce, por favor llame a su enfermera inmediatamente.

Medidas de SeguridadUn aparato electrónico, en forma de pulsera se le pondrá a su bebé alrededor del tobillo. Esta pulsera es parte de uestro sistema de seguridad y nos permite observar la ubicación de su bebé adentro del hospital. Si su bebé es acercado a las salidas del hospital o si alguien intenta remover esta pulsera del tobillo de su bebé, nuestro personal de seguridad será alertado. Su enfermera se encargará de hacer ajustes a la pulsera si es necesario. Esta pulsera será removida cuando usted y su bebé salgan del hospital.

Todas las salidas del área de maternidad están equipadas con alarmas de seguridad y son vigiladas por medio de cámaras de video por nuestro personal de seguridad. Por favor no camine con su bebé cerca de las salidas—esto puede causar una falsa alarma. Si desea caminar por el pasillo, le pedimos que ruede la cuna con su bebé y que permanezca en todo momento dentro de la “zona segura”. Por favor pregunte a su enfermera donde se encuentran las “zonas seguras”. Por favor no salga ni permita que visitantes salgan del cuarto con su bebé sin usar la cuna.