Security Function

Internet Security SMBC Nikko Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd Internet Security Antivirus & Anti-Spyware

Transcript of Security Function

  1. 1. Internet Security SMBC Nikko Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd Internet Security Antivirus & Anti-Spyware
  2. 2. WordPress Security and Firewall Plugin Security also uses an unprecedented security points grading system to measure how well you are protecting your site based on the security features you have activated. Our security and firewall rules are categorized into "basic", "intermediate" and "advanced". This way you can apply the firewall rules progressively without breaking your site's functionality.
  4. 4. Vulnerability # 1: SQL Injection & URL Hacking WordPress is a database-backed platform that executes server-side scripts in PHP. Both of these characteristic can make WordPress vulnerable to malicious URL insertion attacks. Commands are sent to WordPress via URL parameters, which can be abused by hackers who know how to construct parameters that WordPress may misinterpret or act on without authorization
  5. 5. Vulnerability # 2: Access to Sensitive Files A typical WordPress install contains a number of files which you dont want outsiders to access. These files, such as the WordPress configuration file, install script, and even the readme file should be kept private.
  6. 6. Vulnerability # 3: Default Admin User Account Many default WordPress installs include an administrator user account whose username is simply admin. Hackers may try to log into this account using guessed passwords
  7. 7. Vulnerability # 4: Default Prefix for Database Tables The WordPress database consists of numerous tables. In many WordPress installs, these tables are named with a default prefix that begins with wp_. For hackers, the ability to predict anything can provide an extra advantage
  8. 8. Vulnerability # 5: Brute-Force Login Attempts Hackers often rely on automated scripts to do their dirty work. These scripts can make numerous attempts to log into your WordPress administration page by trying thousands and millions of combinations of usernames and passwords. Not only can being bombed with login attempts slow down your web site for legitimate users, it may also succeedgiving hackers complete control of your site.
  9. 9. Security and Firewall features User Accounts Security User Login Security User Registration Security Database Security File System Security htaccess and wp-config.php File Backup and Restore Blacklist Functionality Firewall Functionality Brute force login attack prevention WhoIs Lookup Security Scanner Comment SPAM Security
  10. 10. Feature 1 - User Accounts Security 1. Detect if there is a user account which has the default "admin" username and easily change the username to a value of your choice. 2. The plugin will also detect if you have any WordPress user accounts which have identical login and display names. Having account's where display name is identical to login name is bad security practice because you are making it 50% easier for hackers because they already know the login name. 3. Password strength tool to allow you to create very strong passwords.
  11. 11. Feature 2 - User Login Security 1. Protect against "Brute Force Login Attack" with the Login Lockdown feature. Users with a certain IP address or range will be locked out of the system for a predetermined amount of time based on the configuration settings and you can also choose to be notified via email whenever somebody gets locked out due to too many login attempts. 2. As the administrator you can view a list of all locked out users which are displayed in an easily readable and navigable table which also allows you to unlock individual or bulk IP addresses at the click of a button. 3. Force logout of all users after a configurable time period 4. Monitor/View failed login attempts which show the user's IP address, User ID Username and Date/Time of the failed login attempt
  12. 12. Feature 2 - User Login Security cont. 5. Monitor/View the account activity of all user accounts on your system by keeping track of the username, IP address, login date/time, and logout date/time. 6. Ability to automatically lockout IP address ranges which attempt to login with an invalid username. 7. Ability to see a list of all the users who are currently logged into your site. 8. Allows you to specify one or more IP addresses in a special whitelist. The whitelisted IP addresses will have access to your WP login page. 9. Add captcha to WordPress Login form. 10. Add captcha to the forgot password form of your WP Login system.
  13. 13. Feature 3 - User Registration Security 1. Enable manual approval of WordPress user accounts. If your site allows people to create their own accounts via the WordPress registration form, then you can minimize SPAM or bogus registrations by manually approving each registration. 2. Ability to add captcha to the WordPress user registration page to protect you from spam user registration.
  14. 14. Feature 4 - Database Security 1. Easily the default WP prefix to a value of your choice with the click of a button. 2. Schedule automatic backups and email notifications or make an instant DB backup whenever you want with one click.
  15. 15. Feature 5 - File System Security 1. Identify files or folders which have permission settings which are not secure and set the permissions to the recommend secure values with click of a button. 2. Protect your PHP code by disabling file editing from the WordPress administration area. 3. Easily view and monitor all host system logs from a single menu page and stay informed of any issues or problems occurring on your server so you can address them quickly. 4. Prevent people from accessing the readme.html, license.txt and wp-config- sample.php files of your WordPress site.
  16. 16. Feature 6 - htaccess and wp-config.php 1. Easily backup your original .htaccess and wp- config.php files in case you will need to use them to restore broken functionality. 2. Modify the contents of the currently active .htaccess or wp-config.php files from the admin dashboard with only a few clicks
  17. 17. Feature 7 - Blacklist Functionality 1. Ban users by specifying IP addresses or use a wild card to specify IP ranges. 2. Ban users by specifying user agents.
  18. 18. Feature 8 - Firewall Functionality 1. Access control facility 2. Instantly activate a selection of firewall settings ranging from basic, intermediate and advanced 3. Enable the famous "5G Blacklist" Firewall rules courtesy of Perishable Press 4. Forbid proxy comment posting 5. Disable trace and track 6. Deny bad or malicious query strings 7. Protect against Cross Site Scripting (XSS) by activating the comprehensive advanced character string filter. or malicious bots who do not have a special cookie in their browser. You (the site admin) will know how to set this special cookie and be able to log into your site.
  19. 19. Feature 8 - Firewall Functionality cont. 9. WordPress PingBack Vulnerability Protection feature. This firewall feature allows the user to prohibit access to the xmlrpc.php file in order to protect against certain vulnerabilities in the pingback functionality. This is also helpful to block bots from constantly accessing the xmlrpc.php file and wasting your server resource. 10. Ability to block fake Googlebots from crawling your site. 11. Ability to prevent image hotlinking. Use this to prevent others from hotlinking your images. 12. Ability to log all 404 events on your site. You can also choose to automatically block IP addresses that are hitting too many 404s
  20. 20. Feature 9 - Brute force login attack prevention 1. Instantly block Brute Force Login Attacks via our special Cookie-Based Brute Force Login Prevention feature. This firewall functionality will block all login attempts from people and bots. 2. Ability to add a simple math captcha to the WordPress login form to fight against brute force login attacks. 3. Ability to hide admin login page. Rename your WordPress login page URL so that bots and hackers cannot access your real WordPress login URL. This feature allows you to change the default login page (wp-login.php) to something you configure. 4. Ability to use Login Honeypot which will helps reduce brute force login attempts by robots.
  21. 21. Feature 10 - WhoIs Lookup 1. Perform a WhoIs lookup of a suspicious host or IP address and get full details.
  22. 22. Feature 12 - Comment SPAM Security 1. Monitor the most active IP addresses which persistently produce the most SPAM comments and instantly block them with the click of a button. 2. Prevent comments from being submitted if it doesn't originate from your domain (this should reduce some SPAM bot comment posting on your site). 3. Add a captcha to your wordpress comment form to add security against comment spam.
  23. 23. Feature 12 - Security Scanner 1. The file change detection scanner can alert you if any files have changed in your WordPress system. You can then investigate and see if that was a legitimate change or some bad code was injected. 2. Database scanner feature can be used to scan your database tables. It will look for any common suspicious-looking strings, javascript and html code in some of the WordPress core tables.
  24. 24. Feature 13 - Additional 1. Ability to remove the WordPress Generator Meta information from the HTML source of your site. 2. Ability to prevent people from accessing the readme.html, license.txt and wp- config-sample.php files 3. Ability to temporarily lock down the front end of your site from general visitors while you do various backend tasks (investigate security attacks, perform site upgrades, do maintenance work etc.) 4. Ability to export/import the security settings. 5. Prevent other sites from displaying your content via a frame or iframe.
  25. 25. Overview
  26. 26. Web Hosting Security Suite
  27. 27. Web Security Suite Features htaccess Hack Detection StopTheHackers server side scanner can detect if your htaccess file has been modified to redirect visitors to your site to another malicious domain. The auto cleanup system can fix these issues without any manual intervention. All pages get checked, every time Have subdomains? Your website has hundred of pages? No problem. We can scan all your pages. Every time! Artificial Intelligence: We find security threats before everyone else does Additionally to the normal Health Monitoring our artificial intelligence based engine with advanced self- adapting capabilities constantly monitor new strains of malware and protects your online business from these emerging threats. Protect your website from never-before-identified malware today Automatic Malware Cleanup We know that not everybody is a security expert. If your website has malware on it, our automated system can remove it for you. Different levels of automations are possible. Decide weather you: Only want to detect malware and fix malware infected files on your own Check and detect malware, but let you choose whether to apply fixes. Apply fixes automatically The automatic malware cleanup comes with a backup feature, creating a backup of the original file, before automatically cleaning it. This allows you to roll back any changes to the original state.
  28. 28. Web Security Suite Features cont. Blacklist and Reputation Monitoring Blacklist Monitoring is a comprehensive daily check on the status of your website on the Google Safe Browsing List and other search engines including Yahoo, and Bing; malware blacklists like Malware Patrol and Malware URL; DNS Blacklists; phishing blacklists like PhishTank; spam blacklists like SpamCop; and many more. We automatically notify you if your website ends up on a blacklist and help you to remove your site from the search engine blacklist. External Link Scan StopTheHacker will not only scan content on your own website, but also scan websites that you link to. This is to ensure visitors to your site do not get infected even if they visit a third party site where you link to. The goal is to provide you with the information you need to keep control over the complete security envelope of your website. Facebook Protection We dont stop at only protecting your website against hacker attacks, we also offer the possibility to check and protect your Facebook page against spam and scams. FTP Scanning StopTheHackers service can analyze all files on disk via FTP access and can point out deeply buried malware in your hosting account and on your servers.
  29. 29. Web Security Suite Features cont. Fully automated scans with email alerts Weekly, Daily, Hourly or Continuous With StopTheHacker, theres no software to manage and its easy to set up. Based on the edition you choose, we scan your website weekly, daily, hourly or even continuous for thousands of threats, and send you an email alert if we find anything. You even can decide if we should automatically remove the threat. Insecure Folder Permissions Detection StopTheHackers server side scanner can detect if folders on your hosting account have permissions that are unsuitable from a security perspective. Malicious Change Detection StopTheHackers scanners tell you about malicious code that has changed your webpages. We do not burden security personnel with thousands of good change updates instead we target our messaging to make you aware of only the changes you need to pay attention to. Malware Detection: Protects your website form malware & hackers Each scan checks all pages of your website for known viruses and web malware threats to see if hackers have injected malicious code into your website. Our notification system immediately informs you about any our scans find, so you can take all actions needed.
  30. 30. Web Security Suite Features cont. Phishing Page Detection StopTheHackers server side scanner can detect if your hosting account is being used to serve phishing pages mimicking companies like PayPal and can warn you in advance, before your site gets blocked. PHP Spam Shell Detection StopTheHackers server side scanner can detect if hackers have installed PHP shells (c99, c100, r57 and more) in your hosting account to take over your website. The auto removal function can help not only detect but remove these automatically. Quality Check StopTheHacker will always perform a quality check to make sure that malware removal has not affected the functionality of your site. Scan Subdomains StopTheHacker service includes scanning of subdomains, like on your site.
  31. 31. Web Security Suite Features cont. Scan Top Level Domains StopTheHacker will scan your most important top level domains, like, and more. Speed Monitoring The new Speed Monitoring gives you real-time information on the page speed and response time of your website using detailed graphs. Uptime Monitoring Up-time Monitoring gives you an overview of the availability of your website including details on down time. In case the site goes down we will send you an email alert. Webpage Defacement Detection StopTheHackers server side scanner can detect if hackers have defaced your webpages so you can take immediate action.
  32. 32. About IT-Werks Pte Ltd Website Development Mobile App Development Hosting Service Cloud Solution Internet Marketing Social Media Marketing Online Video Marketing RFID Solution GPS Solution Wireless Solution NFC Solution System Infrastructure
  33. 33. Area of Expertise - Website Development
  34. 34. Area of Expertise Web Portal Development
  35. 35. Area of Expertise - Mobile Development
  36. 36. Area of Expertise - Cloud Solution
  37. 37. Area of Expertise - Internet Security Solution
  38. 38. Area of Expertise - Internet Marketing
  39. 39. Area of Expertise - Social Media Marketing
  40. 40. Area of Expertise - Online Video Marketing
  41. 41. Area of Expertise - Wireless Solution
  42. 42. Area of Expertise - System Infrastructure
  43. 43. Area of Expertise Clientele Profile
  44. 44. Area of Expertise IT-Werks Pte Ltd Website Development Mobile App Development Hosting Service Cloud Solution Internet Marketing Social Media Marketing Online Video Marketing RFID Solution GPS Solution Wireless Solution NFC Solution System Infrastructure
  45. 45. Thank You