Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

1 20 January 2014


The Secular Citizen, Cardinal, India, Mumbai,

Transcript of Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

Page 1: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

120 January 2014

Page 2: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

2 20 January 20142 20 January 2014

Pope Francis melted hearts when he snuggled upwith a baby lamb at a living nativity scene on January 6,2014, during the holiday of Epiphany. The adorable scenewas staged at St. Alfonso Maria de' Liguori parish church,in the outskirts of Rome.

In addition to being one of the most adorable picturesthat has ever been taken of Pope Francis, the lamb is apowerful Christian symbol that has special significance tohis papacy…

…Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of apastoral approach in ministry, and once said that priestsshould stay close to the vulnerable and be “shepherdsliving with the smell of the sheep.” This little sheep agrees.

The lamb is sometimes seen as a metaphor for Jesus,who is known as the "Lamb of God." The title comes fromJohn 1:29, where John the Baptist sees Jesus and ex-claims, "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sinof the world."

Other Biblical lamb references include the passage inIsaiah 11:6 which predicts a time when, "The wolf also shalldwell with the lamb..." which is usually misquoted as "Whenthe lion shall lie down with the lamb."

The pope also made time for some geese, a bunnyand some kids of the human variety during his visit.

Pope Francis Plays TheGood Shepherd's Role To


Peace Activist PriestDismissed From Jesuits

United States: Apopular U.S. Catho-lic priest and authorknown for his peacewritings and some 75arrests for civil dis-obedience actionsacross the countryhas been dismissedfrom the internationalJesuit religious or-der, which says hewas "obstinately disobedient" to its directives.

Removal of Fr. John Dear caps 32 years in the orderfor the priest, who has been known for protesting a widerange of issues, including U.S. policies on Latin America,nuclear weapons development, and the cooperation of

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Cynthia Baptista Awarded‘Samaj Bhushan Puraskar’

Vasai: Ms. Cynthia Baptista, director of Apang Seva,Vasai, a retired teacher of St. Aloysius School, Vasai isawarded Samaj Bhushan Puraskar for her social work bythe Khristi Kruti Samiti in Yashvantrao ChavhanaNatyagruha, Aurangabad. Ms. Cynthia organizes variousbeneficial programmes right through the year for the odd300 physically handicapped persons in Vasai and runninga special school and a workshop for the mentally chal-lenged people. Her efforts continue nonstop for the last 26years. One such programme is the day-long annual Rallyof the challenged people. This year’s 27th Rally will be heldin St. Joseph’s Sr. College, Satpalle, Vasai on Sunday, 19Jan. 20114.

Cynthia does not take government subsidy noraccept foreign funds. She says she gets enough and moreto run the school without fees and even feed the 25 inmatesdaily with midday meal. Three years ago Abhang Bhavan,a behive of the activities of Apang Seva was blessed byArchbishop Felix Machado.

(Contd.. on p. 4)

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320 January 2014

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‘Thought for the week’No one will manufacture a lock without a key. Similarlythe God does not give problems without solutions. Onlywe should have patience and courage to find them.



Cover : While Buying Gold Jewellery(Article on pg. 8 & 9)

Manmohan Singh LeavesLegacy Of Disappointments

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s announcement in his New Year press conference that hewould retire at the end of his second term – whether

his United Progressive Alliance win or lose May elec-tions – surprised nobody.

Singh sheepishly said that history would be morekind to him than his political opponents and the media,which have in recent years delighted in framing India’s13th prime minister as a man of inaction and underachievement.

It is a moot point as to which aspects of his 10-year leadership, and fiveyears as finance minister in the 1990s, Singh is banking on to claim his placein history. The Oxford-educated economist, former United Nations official andeconomic advisor to previous governments will be best remembered fordismantling economic controls installed by Jawaharlal Nehru after indepen-dence in 1947 up until Indira Gandhi’s premiership into the late 1970s. Singhwas the man that demolished “License Raj,” the notorious red tape aroundIndia’s previously planned economy.

Opening the economy to Western and Japanese capital investment –according to some a diktat of the International Monetary Fund – helped tocreate India’s booming IT and telecoms sectors. But there was no accompa-nying safety net for the poor and marginalized.

After initial annual growth rates of eight percent in his early years,prompting glowing assessments at home and abroad, Singh suffered themortification of seeing GDP growth slide to below five percent in the past twoyears as the economy – no longer insulated from the turmoil of Wall Street –withered in the Western financial meltdown.

In one fell swoop Singh went from darling of finance and industry to apariah: Two years after Newsweek called him “the leader other leaders love,”TIME pictured India’s incumbent on its July 2012 cover with the tagline “theunderachiever”. Coupled with a spate of corruption scandals, Singh’spremiership and Congress Party suffered.

The Congress Party waged an internal struggle within the coalitiongovernment in its attempts – too often half-hearted – to help its main supportbase: the poor.

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(Contd.. on p. 4)

Contentspg. 3 - Manmohan Singh Leaves

Legacy Of Disappointmentspg. 5 - Kochi College Girl Self 5 - Why Pope Francis And

Arvind Kejrival Are The GameChangers Of 2013

pg. 7 - Human Body: A MiracleMachine

pg 8 - While Buying Gold Jewellerypg 10 - A Politician Who Speaks 15 - The Eucharist: Its Passion,

Power, Richness And Beautypg 16 - Are You Ready to Get Mar-

ried?pg 17 - Make a Good First 18 - How To Help Build Your

Childs Self Esteempg 19 - Inspiration!pg 20 - Matrimonials

Page 4: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

4 20 January 2014

There have been new initiativeslike the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Em-ployment Scheme which gives 100days paid work to landless, unem-ployed rural poor and the Right to FoodAct, promising heavily subsidized riceand wheat to roughly two-thirds of thepopulation below the poverty line. Whilethese policies were successes, theywere all formulated by the NationalAdvisory Council, set up by CongressPresident Sonia Gandhi. Singh couldhardly be called the architect.

His leadership has also beenfound wanting when it comes to pro-tecting minorities including Dalits,Christians and tribal groups; he admit-ted as much in his parting statement.

Many of the minorities' problemshave been directly related to inactionby local governments responsible forlaw and order. Violence against Chris-tians and Muslims continued unabatedas the government has failed to enactthe Prevention of Communal and Tar-geted Violence Bill, mainly due to op-position from the Hindu-nationalistBharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Even so,Singh’s cabinet showed a shamefullack of courage when it came to gettingit passed through parliament.

His 10 years leading the govern-ment have also seen scant progress ontensions in Kashmir. Singh has offeredno political solution to heal the deepwounds and emotional cleavage out-side of empty rhetoric that Kashmir isan integral part of India.

The government has also failedmiserably in foreign relations and inter-

nal security. The current diplomaticcrisis with the US over the case ofenvoy Devyani Khobragade and herallegedly underpaid maid has shown aham-fistedness that has become all tocommon in New Delhi. Dialogue hasbeen bypassed. Meanwhile, relationswith Sri Lanka and Pakistan have beenat their lowest for years.

The military has been buttressedwith new rockets and missiles, aircraftcarriers and warplanes, but incursionsby Pakistan to the west and Chinaalong the northern lines of control haveexposed cracks in India's armor.

Singh will, finally, have to answerthe charge that it was under his watchthat religious fundamentalism consoli-dated further and grew, creating theground on which Narendra Modi, chiefminister of Gujarat, could emerge as aprime ministerial candidate of the BJPdespite claims he accommodated ri-ots that left 790 Muslims and 254 Hin-dus dead in 2002.

Facing this main challenger inMay, Congress can no longer be sureit retains the trust of the poor, Dalits,tribals and other minorities which havebacked the party at the ballot box overso many years.

It means bad news not just forCongress but for Indian secularism,the sole security guarantee for reli-gious minorities, and others.

This will be Singh’s lasting legacy.

John Dayal is general secretary of theAll India Christian Council and a mem-ber of the Indian government’s Na-tional Integration Council.

(Contd.. from p. 3)

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Manmohan Singh Leaves Legacy Of Disappointments

Jesuit educational institutions withAmerican military recruiting programssuch as the ROTC.

The dismissal also raises the spec-ter of Pope Francis, the first head of theCatholic church to belong to the Jesuitorder, having to confirm the dismissalof one of the order's members.

Dear, a longtime NCR columnist,writes about the dismissal in his weeklycolumn, posted Tuesday. He writesthat he is leaving "with a heavy heart ...because the Society of Jesus in theU.S. has changed so much since Ientered in 1982 and because my Je-suit superiors have tried so hard overthe decades to stop my work for peace."

Dear also made available to NCRcopies of letters from both the Jesuitheadquarters in Rome and the Vaticancongregation responsible for mattersconcerning religious life, notifying himof his dismissal. The specific chargeagainst Dear listed in the documents ishis refusal to live in a Jesuit communityin Baltimore.

The decree from the Jesuits,signed by the order's international su-perior general, Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, anddated June 19, says Dear has been"obstinately disobedient to the lawfulorder of Superiors in a grave matter."

Dear, Nicolás states, "was dulyinformed ... that his failure to obey thecommand that he return to the speci-fied house of the Order by a specifieddate would be cause for his dismissalfrom the Society of Jesus."

Nicolás says the matter came tothe attention of the Jesuit officials inRome following a request for actionfrom the Maryland province of the or-der, one of seven provinces the ordermaintains in the U.S. and the one inwhich Dear became a Jesuit.

Nicolás says he and five othermembers of the Jesuits' internationalcouncil then held a vote on whether todismiss Dear, which resulted in a unani-mous vote for dismissal.

Source: National Catholic Reporter

Peace Activist PriestDismissed From Jesuits(Contd.. from p. 2)

Page 5: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

520 January 2014

JACK OF ALL STALLReliable House forReligious Goods

Gloria Church Bldg.,263, Dr. Ambedkar Rd.,

Byculla, Mumbai - 400027Tel.: 23725963, 23749358

Estd: 1951 Prop. B. D'Souza

KOCHI – A college girl in Kerala pub-lished her first book of English poemsin the leading digital book She contacted the pub-lisher, made her own cover design,page lay out, converted it into HTMLformat, priced and published the Kindlereader version, 27 December.

“I published the book on Amazonby myself, by following the instructionsgiven on their (Kindle Direct Publish-ing) website,” Sheryl says explainingthe publishing process.

Sharing further details she says,“I formatted my book, according totheir [] instructions, and Icreated a cover using Amazon’s soft-ware. Since this book has not beengiven to any publisher for publishing, Iown the rights to publish the book, andI had to fill a Tax Exemption form (as Iam not a U.S. citizen). Finally, I submit-ted by book document (after convert-ing it to HTML) and it was publishedwithin 24 hours.”

“My first book, ‘Sheryl’s PoeticFantasies’, features 50 poems basedon various themes, such as nature,food, travel, school, and philosophy,”says Sheryl Cherian Parakkal fromKochi.

“It is written mostly in a light-hearted way, solely to entertain andperhaps even amuse those who readthem,” says Sheryl who completed her“O” and “A” levels (class X and XII) in

Dubai.Currently a student of BSc Chem-

istry at St. Teresa’s College Ernakulum,Sheryl spent some months studyingchemistry in the University of Sheffield,UK.

“Before I began writing, I decidedto target adults, but as I wrote anddiscovered what my writing style waslike, I decided to aim for and audienceof older children and young adults,”confesses Sheryl who loves readingnovels, listening to music and watch-ing movies.

Her poem titles run on a widerange of topics from Egypt, The CandyShop, Creative Madness, The Acci-dent, Mosquito Menace, Firefly, etc.

“My college peers and my par-ents liked my poems a lot, and con-gratulated me for publishing the book,”Sheryl says with a tinge of pride.

“I felt like a child again,” saysSheryl’s friend who read a few of herpoems.

Sheryl buts in “If I have been ableto capture the bliss of childhood in mywriting, then I am truly happy!”

“Use your time productively,” shesays quoting author Paulo Coelho as

Kochi College Girl Self PublishesBook Of Poems In Kindle

her advice to fellow college-mates.Coelho says, “there are 24 hours

in a day and instead of lounging aroundin front of the TV, do useful things.”

Revealing further the genesis ofher passion for poetry Sheryl says,“The poet that inspired me and whosepoem encouraged me to write in asimple and humorous manner is RogerMcGough, who wrote the poem ‘Vin-egar’:

VinegarSometimesI feel like a priestIn a fish and chips queueQuietly thinkingAs the vinegar runs throughHow nice it would beTo buy supper for two.

The very simple yet witty poem, wascounted among the United Kingdom’sfavourite twentieth century poems in apoll conducted by the British Broad-casting Corporation in 1999.


Page 6: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

6 20 January 2014

in a trial lasting until Easter, also dropsthe word ‘submit’ in the phrase ‘Do yousubmit to Christ as Lord?’ because it isthought to have become ‘problemati-cal’, especially among women who ob-ject to the idea of submission.

Why Pope Francis And Arvind Kejrival Are The Game Changers Of 2013

It takes a lot of energy to moan, whineand complain about how awful thingsare in our towns, cities, states and

country, and how bad politics and dis-torted economics are not only encroach-ing on our human/ religious rights, ourfinancial well being, but also in short,ruining our country. It is energy we areoften willing to expend without a thought,as it is very easy to do. All of us in thiscountry have to figure out how to turn thissituation into something positive, if wewant our energies to be channeled, tobring in the required change we desire.

Pope Francis and Arvind Kejrivalhave thought us during 2013, that thingscan be changed for the positive, if we areready to look at things that trouble ourconscience and do something positiveabout it. If you are tempted to complainwhen things do not go your way, just getyourself moving instead and be thechange you want to see to take placearound you. We all need to work harder,

smarter, different and just try to changethings as they are for decades. You willbe surprised to find that what you need todo, is simple and well within your control.It is energy well spent!

If we do believe that Congress hasallowed this country to become one ofthe most corrupt in the world, and thealternative is a communal party, whichhas been already curtailing our religiousindependence in the states where theyrule, we as Christians need to act promptlyto support a party such as AAP, whichhas taken on both these two large politi-cal parties. It's spectacular performancein the Delhi State Assembly elections,has already shaken up the political par-ties around the country and change forthe good has started to take place. Thereis a silent revolution that is taking shapearound the country these days. What isurgently required all around the country,is for people to become 'Signed In' mem-bers of AAP and then get many of their

friends do the same. This is a party thathas a policy of inner party democracyand the party members will be asked tovote to choose their own candidate tostand for elections and will not be im-posed from above, by the party highcommand. This an opportunity for allsecular citizens of this country to grab.One just has to go the party websitewww. Aam Admi Party.Org to register asa member.

Both Pope Francis and ArvindKejrival are saying the same things; thatcrony capitalism and disparity of wealthbetween the rich and the poor, is eatinginto wellness of nations. Uncontrolledcorruption is also corroding the very soulof our Country. As 2014 has begun, weare lucky to have two dedicated person-alities to lead and guide us. Time will tellif we are just complainers or doers likethey are.

—Eric D'Sa

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720 January 2014

Human Body:

A Miracle Machine

Saliva keeps you alive. Without salivayou cannot taste or digest anything. Bythe age of 60, most people lose abouthalf their taste buds. But, if you rub yourtongue with sour lime and salt beforeeating, you can generate lots of salivaeven in old age.

The largest cell in the humanbody is the female egg and the small-est is the male sperm. The strongestmuscle in the human body is the heart(tongue being the second strongest)and the hardest bone is the jawbone.

The acid in your stomach candissolve razor blades. So, how can e-coli and other germs survive in it? So,when you get acidity, it means yourstomach lining which normally replacesitself every three days, has corroded somuch that you need to fast and takecurds to build it anew. And this can bedone within a week's time.

The human lungs contain ap-proximately 2,400 kilometers (1,500miles) of airways and 300 to 500 millionhollow cavities, having a total surfacearea of about 70 square meters. Like-wise, if all of the capillaries that sur-round the lung cavities were unwoundand laid end to end, they would extendfor about 992 kilometers. Also, your leftlung is smaller than your right lung tomake room for your heart.

Sneezes regularly exceed 100mph, while coughs clock in at about 60mph. Your body gives off enough heatin 30 minutes to bring half a gallon ofwater to a boil. Your body has enoughiron in it to make nails grow.

Everyone has a unique smell,except for identical twins, who smellthe same. Your teeth start growing 6

months before you are born. This iswhy one out of every 2,000 newborninfants has a tooth when they are born.

A baby's head is one-quarter ofits total length, but by the age of 25 willonly be one-eighth of its total length.This is because people's heads grow ata much slower rate than the rest of theirbodies.

Babies are born with 300 bones,but by adulthood the number is re-duced to 206. Some of the bones, likeskull bones, get fused into each other,bringing down the total number. Hu-man feet have 52 bones and the twofeet between them have 500,000 sweatglands.

Male nose can remember 50,000different scents. But women surpassmen in that department.

The human body is estimated tohave 60,000 miles of blood vessels.

The pain the women experienceduring delivery is the severest. By Yoga,rhythmic breathing, or by relaxing, thiscan be reduced considerably.

The life span of a human hair is3 to 7 years on an average. Every daythe average person loses 60-100strands of hair. But you must lose over50% of your scalp hair before it be-comes apparent to anyone.

The human brain cell can hold 5times as much information as an ency-clopedia. Your brain uses 20% of theoxygen that enters your bloodstream,and is itself made up of 80% water.When the water in the brain dries up,the brain shrinks and Alzheimer's setsin. Though the brain interprets painsignals from the rest of the body, thebrain itself cannot feel pain.

Your eyes are always the samesize from birth but your nose and earsnever stop growing. By 60 years of age,60% of men and 40% of women willsnore.

The brain operates on the sameamount of power as 10-watt light bulb,even while you are sleeping. In fact, thebrain is much more active at night thanduring the day.

Nerve impulses to and from thebrain travel as fast as 170 miles perhour. Neurons continue to growthroughout human life. Information trav-els at different speeds within differenttypes of neurons.

It is a fact that people who dreammore often and more vividly, on anaverage have a higher IntelligenceQuotient.

Facial hair grows faster than anyother hair on the body. This is true formen as well as women.

A human baby acquires finger-prints at the age of three months.

About 32 million bacteria callevery inch of your skin, home. But don'tworry, a majority of these are harmlessor even helpful bacteria.

Three hundred million cells diein the human body every minute.

Like fingerprints, every individualhas a unique tongue print that can beused for identification.

It takes 17 muscles to smile and43 to frown.

Humans can live longer withoutfood than sleep. Provided there iswater, the average human could sur-vive about two months without fooddepending on their body fat and other


The Human Body is a miracle machine withinbuilt healing power. It's possible for yourbody to survive without some internal or-gans. Even if you lose your stomach, yourspleen, 75% of your liver, 80% of yourintestines, one kidney, one lung, and virtu-ally every organ from your pelvic area, youwould live.

(Contd.. on p. 17)

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8 20 January 2014

Gold is among the most lovedprecious metals in the world.It’s a wonderful ornament to

wear as well as a great hedge againstinflation and falling markets. Anothersignificant attribute of gold is that it canbe liquidated easily around the world.

For Indians, gold is a symbol of purity,prosperity and opulence. But how welldo you know your gold jewellery andwhat things should you keep in mindwhile buying gold ornaments?

Here’s what you need to know whenbuying Gold Jewellery.

Understand that there are varia-tions in gold that affect its purity, qualityand price - the main factors to considerinclude purity, gram weight and de-sign.

Purity - When it comes to purity,most gold has markings inside thatindicate its Caratage.

Pure gold is too soft to use it as jewellery.So it is alloyed with a mixture of metalslike silver, copper, nickel, and zinc togive it strength and durability. The mostcommon ‘Carat’ options are 18 K, 22Kor 24 K.

The higher the number, the higher thepurity of the gold.

Price - The price of gold jewellery isdetermined by the purity of the gold,which alloy it is combined with, and bythe amount of skill and labour that goesinto the piece – the higher the skill andlabour, the higher the making charges.

Colour - Gold has many variations.In addition to yellow gold, white goldand rose gold are also popular options.You can also find many two-tone styles,if you prefer a mix of colors.

Combining pure gold with other metalscreates a new and diverse colour pal-ette. Mixing in white metals, such as

palladium or silver in combination, cre-ates white gold, now the overwhelmingchoice for wedding bands in the US.The inclusion of copper results in thesoft pink complexion of rose gold. Andgold can now be created in a spectrumof other colours, such as green, purpleand even black.

But the greatest demand for goldaround the world remains for yellow

Carats Fineness GoldPurity Comments(of 1000) (%)

24 999 99.9% Pure gold

24 990 99.0% Minimum allowed forpure gold jewellery.Popular in China

22 916 91.6% Popular in India

21 875 87.5% Popular in MiddleEast

19.2 800 80.0% Standard in Portugal

18 750 75.0% Standardinternationalcaratage

14 585 58.5% 583/58.3% in US

While Buying Gold Jewellery

tional criteria on hallmarking (ViennaConvention 1972). As per this scheme,licence is granted to the jewellers byBIS under Hallmarking Scheme. TheBIS certified jewellers can get theirjewellery hallmarked from any of theBIS recognized Assaying and Hallmark-ing Centre. (Know more about BIS hall-mark certification here)

Jeweller’s Reputation - Buyinggold is based on trust and you arebuilding a lifelong relationship with thejeweller. Ensure that brand is well es-tablished and has proven reliability andauthenticity.

gold, warm, rich, and subtle -the ultimate in precious metals.

Identification - In manycountries including India, locallaw requires that every item ofgold jewellery bears a clearstamp indicating its caratage.This identification is often con-trolled through a hallmarkingsystem. Branded Jewellers usu-ally stamp the jewellery them-selves, displaying both their ownidentifying mark and thecaratage or ‘fineness’ of eachpiece.

Government of India' has iden-tified BIS as a sole agency andThe BIS Hallmarking Schemehas been aligned with Interna-

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920 January 2014

Adding other metals to the mixalso allows metallurgists to changethe color of gold. Palladium ornickel can be added to create whitegold. Adding copper produces arose or pink tint, while silver givesgold a greenish cast.

When Gold Is Used as a Coating

There are many ways to mechanicallyapply a coating of gold onto a muchless expensive metal, reducing theitem's cost. The thicker the layer ofgold, the less likely it is to wear awayeasily and expose the metal under-neath.

Gold Filled Jewelry

Newer gold filled items have markingsthat indicate how much and what typeof gold was used for the layer. A mark-ing that says 1/20 12K G.F. means thatthe jewelry is at least 1/20th 12K goldby weight.

Gold Plated Jewelry

The gold layer in gold plated jewelry istypically thinner than the gold in goldfilled jewelry, so it usually wears awaymore quickly. Plating is done in differ-ent ways.

You might see terms such asgold washed used to describe a verythin layer of gold--one that won't bevery durable.

So What Should You Buy?

Solid gold is durable, so it is a betterchoice for jewelry you'll wear regularly.If you have allergies to nickel or othermetals, choose items that have highgold content, such as 18K or 22K goldjewelry.

Gold filled or plated jewelry issuitable for jewelry that you wear occa-sionally. Everyday use would eventu-ally diminish the gold layer, exposingthe metal below, which might stainyour skin or cause an allergic reaction.

Gold as an investment option

There are 2 primary reasons why youneed to invest in gold.

1. Investing money in gold is worthbecause it is a hedge against infla-tion. Over a period of time, the returnon gold investment is in line with therate of inflation.

2. It is worth investing in gold for a onemore very valid reason. That is goldis negatively correlated to equity in-vestments. Say for example 2007onwards, the equity markets startedperforming poorly whereas the goldhas performed well. So having goldas an investment option in your port-folio mix will help you reduce theoverall volatility of your portfolio.

Jewellery buyingOur age-old and traditional way of in-vestment is jewellery buying where onecan buy gold ornaments, bars or coins.However, it has its own disadvantages,total buying cost involves heavy mak-ing charges (it can be 10 to 20% of totalcost).However, when you try to sell thesame piece to same jeweler, he willbuy it below market rates and deductthose making charges from the totalprice of your jewel.

RiskGold does not carry much risk at leastin India, as we hardly see deflation inthe real sense. Even when the officialfigures where showing negative infla-tion (deflation) during the last year, theactual prices of food items were in-creasing. This was reflected in the goldprices too.

LiquidityGold scores the highest in terms ofliquidity, compared to all other invest-ments. At any time of the day and anyday gold can literally be converted tocash. Banks would give you a jewelleryloan

India (NRIs included) is crazy about gold jewellery. With the World Gold Council(WGC) aggressively marketing social and religious functions as gold buying events,the demand has shot up in the recent years to record levels. Research shows thatover 16,000 tonnes of gold is there in Indian households predominantly in the formof jewellery. The value of this as per market price is a whooping Rs. 27.2 lakh crore.That is close to twice the foreign exchange reserves held by the RBI.

Facts AboutGOLD

Very few chemicals can attack gold,so that’s why it keeps it shine evenwhen buried for 1000’s of years.

A total of eighty-eight thousand tonsof gold have been extracted fromearth ever since. This means all thegold that has been dug up so far inhistory would, if melted, make a cubemeasuring approximately 25x25x25meters.

Gold is one of the heaviest metals inthe world. For example, it is 19,3times as heavy as water. One cubicmeter weights some 19.300 kilogram.

The word Gold derives from the OldEnglish word Gelo meaning yellow.

Switzerland was the last country to tieits currency to gold; it backed 40% ofits value until the Swiss joined theInternational Monetary Fund in 1999.

Absolutely pure gold is so soft that itcan be moulded with the hands.

Gold can be found beneath the earthon all seven continents. It is believedthat around 80% of earth's gold is stillburied underground.

The size of a standard gold bar is 7"by 3 and 5/8" by 1 and 3/4"

A carat was originally a unit of massbased on the carob seed used byancient merchants.

The chemical symbol for gold is Au,which is derived from the Latin word"aurum," which means "shiningdawn."

The melting point of gold is 2,063degrees Fahrenheit.

Gold is a great conductor of electric-ity.

Pure gold does not cause skin irrita-tions.

Some sufferers of rheumatoid arthri-tis receive injections of liquid gold torelieve pain.

Two thirds of the world's gold comesfrom South Africa.

India is the world's largest consumerof gold today.

King Croesus of Lydia created thefirst pure gold coins in 540 B.C.

Page 10: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

10 20 January 2014

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He knows nothing and thinks heknows everything that pointsclearly to a political career” pro-

claimed Geogre Bernard Shaw once;perhaps too annoyed with the botchedup politics of his time. Contemporarypolitics is and the public’s anger, ha-tred and aversion towards politiciansare still the same, at least in India. Butwhen within the dirt of politics (and in abusiness where ‘hypocrisy and dis-honesty’ rules) rises an exception, thenthe public support and respect onegets becomes immense. Intellectualspredict that the recent changes in theIndian political arena, with the rise ofnew parties, enthusiastic youths with azeal to do something for the nation, isgoing to change the face of Indianpolitics in coming years. Many of the‘gen-next’ leaders are not only compe-tent but also do ‘politics’ differently.Their efforts to decrease the gaps be-tween the people and leaders and theirdesire to ‘de-eliticise’ themselves areremarkable. One such young leader isthe Kendrapada (Odisha) BJD MP fromLok Sabha, the suave Jay Panda.

Baijayant “Jay” Panda has be-come one of the well known faces ofIndian politics which stands for ‘goodand clean’ governance. He started hispolitical career with his entry into RajyaSabha in the year 2000 and went on tobe elected directly by the people be-coming a Lok Sabha MP. The people ofhis constituency have constantly showntheir affection towards their MP for thesole reason that he combines efficiencywith accessibility and transparency.What seems to be pertinent is to dis-cuss his achievements and the reasonwhy he has been successful in strikinga chord with the masses.

A good leader needs to lookbeyond the larger politics and get in-volved in a lot of other activities incollaboration with the people of theirconstituency. Panda has been involvedin many developmental issues withinthe constituency and understands thelocal needs of his people. Instead of

blindly following the policies dictatedby the ‘policy planners’, its pertinent tothe heterogonous needs of a local com-munity. Panda has been playing a keyrole in the development of the peopleof Kendrapada. The place has alwaysbeen victimized by intense floods andnatural calamities. Unlike other leaderswho love to make an ‘aerial tour’, Pandanot only personally organised the reliefoperations but also personally visitedthe inaccessible areas to distribute re-lief and listen to people’s grievances.Even the worst hit areas were coveredby boats. He also took care of the postflood medical facilities in the district byorganizing free medical camps. As faras health facilities are concerned, it hasimproved substantially in Kendrapadaalong with efficient PHCs, he has madea lot of efforts to make functional Mo-bile Health Units in his constituency.

Panda has started someunique way of communicating with thepeople and addressing their problemswith the least delays. The schemes like‘Sukha Dukhara Sathi’, crisis help, postcard relief has made the people feelthat their MP is a ‘next door guy’ who isjust a ‘call away’. The former refers tomaking people think that he is theirfriend, both during happy and sadtimes. Through this concept, he tries toreach people from different social back-grounds and shows his support. The

crisis help has actually helped peoplewho are caught in emergency situa-tions related to accidents, health, fires,etc. fast help is provided from Jay’soffice to victims of such untoward inci-dents. Post card system has facilitatedpeople to just send their grievances bypost personally to Jay and get it solvedsoon! When the voice of the masses isignored by the officials (which happenoften) a ‘post card’ acts as a miracle forthe denizens of Kendrapada. All these‘unique’ ways devised by him, bringhim closer to the people. Both in termsof socio economic development andinfrastructure development, efforts hasbeen made to bring a change inpeople’s lives. For them, he is no longerthe inaccessible man seen in posters

A Politician Who Speaks The Voice Of His People:

The Rise Of Bijayant ‘Jay’ Panda

(Contd.. on p. 19)

Page 11: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

1120 January 2014

When Therese Daoud arrived atTel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital with a hugecancerous tumor, doctors said heronly chance of survival would be toamputate the leg. What happenedduring the following months has leftthe medical staff and the nationspeechless.

“If someone had told me thestory of what happened to Therese, Iwould have said they are crazy andsent them to a mental hospital,” saidProfessor Yaakov Bickels, head of theOrthopedic- Oncology Department atthe hospital. “But I was there. I saw itwith my own eyes.”

What the professor saw he de-scribed as a malignant tumor “thesize of an orange.” The biopsy showeda sarcoma. “This is one of the mostaggressive and terrifying of all can-cerous tumors,” Bickels explained.“With a tumor developed to this de-gree, the only treatment we couldoffer Therese was to amputate herleg.”

“I was in shock when the doctorstold me,” said Therese, a junior highschool science teacher. “I thought hewas talking about someone else. ButI had no choice. I began to preparemyself for life with one leg.”

Therese sent lab tests and x-rays to the USA to double check, butthey came back with the same prog-nosis. The leg must be amputated tosave her life.

On the day of surgery, after wait-ing in the hospital for three days,Therese was informed that becauseof “technical difficulties” the opera-tion must be rescheduled. When shewent back for the rescheduled sur-gery, just as she was about to bewheeled into the operating theater,Therese was told again, “the amputa-tion must be postponed.” This timethe surgical units were unavailabledue to a number of emergency cases.By the time Therese got another datefor surgery, her mother had becomevery sick, and Therese decided toherself postpone the operation in or-der to take care of her mother.For most of us, postponing a life sav-

ing surgery would have been over-whelming. Not for Therese. “Threetimes the surgery was delayed,” shesaid. “This was a clear sign to me fromheaven that I should not have the sur-gery.” Israeli TV showed images ofTherese praying in a church in thenorth of the country.“When she told me that she had de-cided not to have the leg amputated, itwas clear to me. She would soon die,”contemplated Prof. Bickels. “I was sorryabout her decision.”

Three months later, a huge smileon her face, Therese walked unaidedinto Bickels’ office. “What happened toyou?” he asked. “I prayed,” she re-sponded. Stunned, Bickels im-mediately sent Therese for an MRI, butthe results were undeniable. The killergrowth had receded dramatically. “Thisjust does not happen,” stammered theprofessor. “A growth of this kind can-not not recede like this.”

Miraculous Healing in Jesus Stuns Israelis

Doctors and nurses could notbelieve the results, so they sent foranother biopsy. But to no avail. Therewas no cancer. It had completely lefther body. “We kept checking herrecords over and over,” said an as-tonished Bickels. “We just could notaccept that the cancer had gone with-out any treatment.”

Israeli news stations have beenreporting on the miracle and all admitthat it is impossible to explain whathappened to Therese, other than thepower of her faith.

Hospital staff and reporters eventraveled to Therese’s home to look forsome other explanation. They tastedthe food she eats and checked thewater she drinks, but there was nophysical explanation. They left con-templating one undeniable, unavoid-able and very uncomfortable option –that prayer in Yeshua, the Messiah ofIsrael, still heals today.

1120 January 2014

Hindu Politician Who Converted To ChristianityTo Fight For

Religious Freedom

Chandi Rai, a recently elected Com-munist member of Nepal's constitu-ent assembly, talks to AsiaNewsabout his conversion. Born into afamily from the Kirat ethnic minority,he claims that true democracy canonly exists with religious freedom.

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12 20 January 201412 20 January 2014

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Page 14: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

14 20 January 201414 20 January 2014

Royal Christian Familyinvites


A grand gathering to get acquainted with boys and girls ofmatching age group who are in search of a suitable Life-Partnerof their choice with an ultimate view to matrimony.

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participants.K Many choices for a Boy or Girl in his/her own age groupK Marriage counselling and guidance by experts in the field.K Cordial atmosphereK Free and independent way of choice + Volunteers to assistK A well planned introduction session.K Boys-Girls of matching standard, status and education.K Games and other activities to get to know with each other.K Participants include good boys and girlsK Each Get-together is limited to around 100 boys and 100 girlsK Boys and girls from all over Mumbai and from other locationsK Get-togethers will be held on Sundays or Holidays

Places are limited !Book Your Seat Early !!

Royal Christian Family99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor,Near GPO., Fort, Mumbai 400001Tel.: 022 - 22693578, 22654924

Email: [email protected],[email protected]

Page 15: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

1520 January 2014

The Eucharist:Its Passion, Power, Richness And Beauty

by Leon Bent

The Year of the Eucharist2014 for the Archdioceseof Bombay is meant to

counter the contemporaryworld, which undertakes thebuilding of Paradise by its ownmight, by driving God from HisParadise. In the tempestuousocean of time and toil, the Eu-charist is an island of stillness,a fountain of grace, a spring ofLiving Waters, a nostalgic rep-lica of the Last Supper, a me-morial to the Paschal Mystery,a promise of the Heavenly Feastto come, and a wellspring ofsanctification. One feels, in therush of the passing, the seren-ity of timelessness.Passion and Power

Jesus’ ‘sacrificial ritual’opens the floodgates to abun-dant life, and shows us the wayto bear fruit that lasts forever!For ours is a Church of the Eucharist –the ambrosial Body and Blood of theRedeemer!

We can re-invent the “Lord’s Sup-per” by living a radical lifestyle, so that,the Saviour is born in us, not once, butcontinually, filling our lives with liquidgold: His eternal Love! The decision isleft to us!A Conscious Choice

The young boy mentioned in theGospels made this choice, as he con-fidently offered “everything” he had toJesus: Merely five loaves and two fishthough it was! An act of fierce faith onthe supposedly teenager’s part! TheSon of God then miraculously fed fivethousand men, besides women andchildren. “Lord, I too will not wait. I willlive the present moment filled to thebrim with love! Yes, Lord, I will becomea silent offering, without boundaries!”It’s Core: Mystery

The heart of the Mystical Supperis the ‘Words of Institution’: He “took”

the offering and “prayed” (blessed),then “broke” (multiplied) the little lad’sfood a thousand times over, and “gave”it to the large crowd.

In the Paschal Banquet: He takesour offerings (especially our frail, flawedselves, other petitions, etc.), blessesand breaks (mingles them with his veryown glorified Body and Blood) them,and gives them back to us, holisticallyhealed and sanctified. “Take and eat,

this is my Body – Take and drink,this is my Blood!”Conversion Experience

For this hidden richness toburst forth, the adorable presenceof Christ in the Bread and Winecannot be received mechanically,out of habit, but always in a spiritof poverty, repentance and repa-ration; love, joy and peace; withthe soul of a simple child.

When we “Do this in memory ofme,” as Jesus urged and man-dated, our hearts are on fire withhis love! If we live like this,eucharistically, revolutionarily, weare on a faith-journey of wordlesscommunion! Only love can bringabout this extraordinary and pro-found mystery! We accept this“remembrance” in faith, as part ofGod’s great love for us. However,it is worth knowing that, spiritual-ity is not restricted to certain “holy”places and “sacred” times. Jesusis Lord of history!

The Clincher!Lord, I want to be the little, inno-

cent, meek and humble boy, who of-fered you ‘everything’ he had! I holdnothing back, not even my life! I wantnothing except you, your splendour,and timeless bliss: The ‘pledge of eter-nal glory’ (Jn. 6:35, 47- 58). My one andonly desire is to partake of the MarriageFeast of the Lamb of God - The EternalBanquet of Love!

Fund Raising Music ConcertThe Navjeet community centre of the Holy Family Hospital is presenting afund raising Musical Concert produced by Felix Flor, on Tuesday 28th

January 2014 At St. Andrew’s auditorium Bandra at 7.30 pm.Compered by Shahriyar Atai, the concert will feature Ella Atai,

Frederica Flor, Edward Mendes, Niyati Melody Mirajkar, James Miranda,Khashiff & Mihika Miranda, Marie Paul, Tara Sutaria , the groups RelativeHarmony & Victory Chorus Line, a Doctor’s Musical OPD conducted by DrNikhil Cunha & others.

Page 16: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

16 20 January 2014

Subscriptions forThe Secular Citizen

Renewal as well as New, can be sentthrough Bank Fund Transfer to any oneof the following banks:

Bank: HDFC BankBranch : CST - Mumbai VTAccount Name: The Secular CitizenAccount No. 03552000006744ISFC code: HDFC0000355orBank: Citizen Credit Co-op Bank Ltd.,Branch : Colaba, MumbaiAccount Name: The Secular CitizenAccount No. 000000000000489ISFC code: CCBL0209003

Please inform us through email:[email protected] or through phone:22693578 after transferring the same.

Google has been named as themost talked about company in2013, edging out Apple, as re-

vealed in a list by Dow Jones.The list showed that Google was

the top company of 2013 with nearly124,000 media mentions during theyear while Apple came close secondwith nearly 120,500 mentions.

According to the Sydney MorningHerald, Google received a lot of atten-tion in the news every single month, butits highest month of mentions came inMay in which the search giant held itsdeveloper conference Google I/O.

Apple's biggest month of mediamentions was September, in which thetech giant announced its new productsincluding the iPhone 5s and 5c andlatest iOS 7.

Meanwhile, Microsoft and Bankof America were ranked third and fourthfor more than 84,000 and 71,000 men-tions respectively.

Google 'mosttalked about' in


Are You Ready to Get Married?

Marriage is always thatelusive oc-

casion in life thatwomen want to en-sure is beautiful andwell worth the wait.But marriageable ageis seldom the samefor every woman. So,how do you gage ifyou are ready for mar-riage? Check outthese signs that youare ready to get mar-ried.

You both are on the same page:When both of you want the same thingsin life, it means you both can think ofmarriage. Ensure you both have shareddreams and aspirations.

He brings out the best in you:When you are with him, you are happy,feel confident and he wipes away anytraces of discomfort that you may oth-erwise have. This displays that he isyour perfect match.

You always think of leading life withhim:

You are constantly invaded withthoughts of spending the rest of yourlife with him. You think of him mosttimes of the day. This is a clear indica-tion.

You have come to terms with hisflaws:Most marriages fall apart because thereis a lack of acceptance of each other’simperfections. When both of you arefully aware of each other’s flaws andare completely willing to live with eachother despite the flaws, you are readyto get married.

You can communicate well with him:In marriage, being able to communi-cate what you need and want is impor-tant.

You have begun using ‘we’, ‘us’ and‘our’ with him:When you have begun to use a lot of‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ when talking with/ofhim, you are trying to include him inmost decisions of your life. If you aren’tready for marriage with him, you arenot likely to use them as often as you doit as of late.

You imagine having kids with him:Are you beginning to think about kidsthat you will have with him and what abeautiful family life you can lead withthis man? Simple thoughts about howmany kids you want to have and howthey should look like hint the fact thatyou are ready for marriage.


Vitamin D in PregnancyResults in Stronger Babies

Researchers have suggested thatbabies are likely to have strongermuscles if their mothers had a higherlevel of vitamin D in their body whilethey are pregnant. In the researchvitamin D levels were measured in678 mothers in the later stages ofpregnancy. When the children werefour years old, grip strength andmuscle mass were measured. Re-sults showed that the higher the lev-els of vitamin D in the mother, thehigher the grip strength of the child.

Page 17: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

1720 January 2014

First impressions are always important, and never more sothan on the work-front. The

reality is - and will always be - thatpeople make an assumption of youwithin the first few seconds you meet.This can include everything from theway you dress, to how you speakand your general attitude. At work,the first impression can not only im-pact short-term perceptions of you -but your long-term reputation andcareer success.

How can you be sure to make a goodimpression from the very first day?

1. Always maintain a positive atti-tude. While this may sound simple, on-the-job pressures and stress will some-times take over your general mood.The impact of a positive attitude isgreat. You not only combat daily workissues in a more balanced way, butshow your manager that you are ca-pable of dealing with difficult situationscalmly.

2. Listen carefully. We all want to beheard, but in many instances listeningto what others have to say is moreimportant. Be attentive. Make eye con-tact. Show that you appreciate the opin-ions of others and can work as part ofa team.

3. Watch your manners. This is some-thing your mother probably told you,and she was right. On the job etiquetterequires that you monitor your behav-ior at all times. Do not tell off-colorjokes. Do not get into petty arguments.Do not attract undue attention to your-self that is not work-centric. All of thesecan impact the impression you project.

4. Be mindful of formal and informaloffice policies. As a newcomer, youwill be charged with understanding thegeneral dynamic of your new job. Thisincludes both formal and informal poli-cies. Become familiar with general of-fice procedures. This can include thedaily routine of the office. As a new-comer, it is your responsibility to ob-

serve and adapt to your new workenvironment as much as possible.

5. Get to know your co-workers. In-troduce yourself to your team and oth-ers. Remember their names. While workis not a social gathering, getting toknow the people around you is a goodway to make an impression.

You should also be mindful about theassociations you make. Being affili-ated with the office gossip or trouble-maker will not reflect well on you.

6. Watch what you wear. What youwear to work says a lot about you.While you should always maintain yourown personal style, there are limits.Follow the dress code as much aspossible. If it is a casual office environ-ment, wearing a suit is not necessary.But dressing too casually can workagainst you too. The general rule is tonot dress for the job you have, but theone you want.

7. Watch what you say. People notonly make assumptions about youbased on what you wear, but also whatyou say. The words you choose are allpart of the impression you make. If youuse slang or off-color phrases, you arenegatively impacting the impressionyour co-workers have of you. Whilebeing completely eloquent at all timesis not expected, be sure to use yourwords carefully. You will be judged.

While the tips above are all helpful anduseful in building the impression youmake at work, they serves as a guide tobuilding the everlasting impression youmake to those around you in general.

Make A Good First Impression At Workfactors.

Sleep deprived people, however,start experiencing radical personalityand psychological changes after onlya few sleepless days. The longest re-corded time anyone has ever gonewithout sleep is 11 days, at the end ofwhich the experimenter was awake,but stumbled over words, hallucinatedand frequently forgot what he was do-ing.

Every human spent about half anhour after being conceived, as a singlecell. Shortly afterward, the cells beginrapidly dividing and begin forming thecomponents of a tiny embryo.

Right-handed people live, on av-erage, nine years longer than left-handed people do. However, it is a factthat the human body comes with aguarantee card of 100 years of fault-free service from God, the finest manu-facturer. Hence, the so-called scientificmedicine saying we have increasedyour life-span is the biggest lie, likesaying vaccines protect you from dis-eases, when they are multiplying dis-eases.

To take care of this most intri-cate machine, remember some simpletruths. Body heals itself. So do nottinker with it. 90% surgery is unneces-sary. The health of the body dependssimply on input and output ratio: Thefood that you eat and expel, the wateryou drink and discharge, the air thatyou inhale and exhale, the thoughtsyou ingest and reject. Remember thatold saying: mens sana in corpore sano?It means healthy mind in healthy body.Period.

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“We Deliver Your Express Needs”

(Contd.. from p. 7)

Page 18: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

18 20 January 2014

I n these days of overwhelming social mediaideals and kids growing

up at the speed of light, know-ing how to help build yourchild's self esteem can be achallenge. Even though itseems ‘kids these days’ areso different from when wewere growing up, there aresome parts of childhood thatare still the same as ever.

There Is No SuchThings as Little Stuff

Little discoveries today willturn into bigger accomplish-ments later on in life. When they realizethat kudos for a job well done feelbetter than waking up to a snow day,they will want to continue to do betterand better!

Even When They Don’t Make aBig Deal, You Should

It seems the rule of thumb these days isfor children to try to be unimpressed…with everything. This is just for show.Deep down, kids love to know they arenoticed and appreciated. So when youget the note that your child has reachedthe final of the school spelling bee, orthat she received a B in the class shestruggled to get a C in last semester,throw a parade! When he cleans hisroom without being asked, greet yourindustrious little one with two openarms, and a big “I’m so proud of you!”

Not Better than, but The BestYou Can Be

Everything these days seems to be acompetition. Why not try to remindyour child the only person she has toconsider when trying to do better thanlast time is herself? If they outdo their 3-point shooting average on the court,fantastic! Who cares if it’s not the high-est score in gym class? The momen-tum is moving in the right direction.When your 9-year-old takes off his wa-

ter wings, what’s the difference if he’sthe last person in swim class to take theplunge? In the end, the only personeither of you will probably remember inthat class is him.

Affection Affection Affection

Why not call your child into the kitchenone day? When he gets there, take hisbeautiful head in your hands and planta big mom kiss right on the top of it.Then turn him around and say “Re-sume,” sending him back to whateverhe was just doing. His first responsewill be to wonder what the catch is.Eventually, his reaction will be to smileinside (if not out) when he thinks of hissilly, loving mom. There are few thingsthat can make a child feel more worth-while than a hug for no reason. It showsyou are thinking of your children whenthey don’t even know it, and that theywill be called out not only when thevase gets broken or the dog needsfeeding, but also just when you can’thelp but tell them they are loved just forbeing themselves.

Point Out The Good Stuff

Kids are selfish creatures, as it shouldbe. Their main job is to figure out whothey are, and how they fit in this world.Along this path, they will do things thatseem right. While you may disagreesometimes, other times, your heart will

catch at how wonderful theyare. There are also the otheroccasions when they dosomething second nature tous, or something you’veasked them to do a thousandtimes. Instead of the ‘It’s abouttime’ eye roll, how about call-ing them on the good stuff?Tell her you noticed shestarted squeezing the tooth-paste from the end—goodjob! Or that he put the toiletseat back down—nice job!With this, they may find otherways to get those verbal patson the back more often.

Spend Time with Them EvenWhen You Don’t ‘need to’

Instead of trying to get the errandsdone as quickly as possible with abackseat filled with chatterboxes, howabout finding ways to lose track of timeand get them done with as much fun aspossible? The dishes, lawn mowing,and bills can wait. You’ll have them forthe rest of your life. These times withyour children will go by in a blink and ahalf. Make them count even if you can’tmake them last. Why not ask them aquestion which might spur a conversa-tion? It could take a few tries, but onceyou hit on a subject that catches theirattention (do you think fish talk, whatwould you change your name to if itcould be anything, where would youlike to visit more than any other place inthe world), you are on the way to alifetime of talks with your kidlets.

Ask Their Opinion And Advice

The next time you have a little decisionto make—what to make for dinner,what to give Aunt Judy for her birthday,where to put the Christmas tree—askyour protégée. Chances are, they willhave a thought and some interestingreasoning to back it up. While you maynot follow their line of logic, you mightsee things from a different angle, andthat’s never bad. And they will feel likethey have a voice that is heard, andrespected just for being theirs.

How To Help Build Your Childs Self Esteem

Page 19: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

1920 January 2014

InspirInspirInspirInspirInspiration!ation!ation!ation!ation! but a person like them to whom theycan send posts!

Panda has been successfulnot just as a local leader but equallyadmired as an MP in the Parliament.He has introduced a lot of privatemember’s Bills that deals with impor-tant issues like increasing the power ofthe Auditor and Comptroller General,removing the tainted leaders and put-ting a check on criminals in politics,etc. He has been associated with manycommittees and campaigns which aimat public welfare. His role has beenimportant in the campaign against to-bacco. In his bill, he seeks to increasethe graphic warning on tobacco coverand restraining their promotions andadvertisements in public areas. Veryrecently, he was involved in the causeof the exploitation of Odiya migrantworker in the brick kilns in Andhra. Hewrote to the Human Rights Commis-sion and the Andhra CM and visitedthe place himself to get first hand infor-mation.

He has been active in socialnetworking sites like facebook andtwitter where he regularly updates hisday’s activities and photos. His websiteis impressive as it shows all detailsabout the developmental work he hasdone in Kendrapada, his associations,interviews, policy opinions, articles,etc. It also has a section to promotetourism in Kendrapada. The websitealso contains regular updates of vari-ous meetings held quarterly inKendrapada. The site has been veryuseful for the Kendrapada people todirectly know what he is doing andcommunicate with him. All these ef-forts Jay Panda has made have provedthat a real good leader can change theway development and politics is done.Politicians must learn that along withhonesty, it is skills, competency, de-sire to achieve something and mostimportantly, making themselves a partof the lives of the masses, is the onlyway to gain respect. TheodoreRoosevelt rightly said that ‘the mostsuccessful politician is he who sayswhat the people are thinking mostoften in the loudest voice’.

SUCCESS is a journey,not a destination

Success is not a destination. It is not a place to go.Being successful today does not imply success tomorrow.Success is overcoming obstacles. Success is an action. To be successfulis a continuous process of action. Success is working towards your goalsand dreams.Success is thus a journey not a destination.Winning today is temporary. It may be an argument, a sporting event, oranything else that may be important to you at that moment.Getting a title today is temporary.Getting a promotion today is temporary.Success is a journey to accomplish your goals, plans and dreams.It’s willingness in pursuit of victory irrespective of the obstacles.It’s to go after your goals and pursue your dreams, make the sacrificesneeded to achieve your goals and dreams.It‘s an action packed journey of living your passion and in the process youachieve your dreams. Pursuing to leave a legacy of empowering otherpeople to achieve the same as you did.

This journey is best described by: Dan Brodsky Chenfeld

“Pursuing a dream often involves improving at an activity you love. To bebetter than you are, the best you can be, or even the best there is. Everyonewho has the courage to pursue a dream is by definition a competitor. You’realways competing against yourself, sometimes against other people, some-times as part of a team, at other times solo. Too often people let the actual“victory” they are after define them as winners. Using that as the one and onlymeasure of success is very inaccurate. The final score or the best time maydetermine who won a contest, but in no way does that alone define who is awinner and who is not in the bigger picture.

Titles are temporary.

Becoming a winner is an ongoing process that involves making the decisionto pursue your dream, waking up every day to face the obstacles that pursuitwill inevitably present, keeping your eyes on your goal, and not backing off foranything. It will almost certainly require you to step out of your comfort zone,work hard, experience days and weeks of pain, frustration, and personalsacrifice while enjoying mere moments of incredible joy, pride, and fulfillment.All this will happen long before the day of the “competition.” And unlike a title,money, or fame, what you gain in the process cannot be taken away from you.It is yours forever and yours to use towards any other goals you may have inlife.”

– Dan Brodsky Chenfeld

(Contd.. from p. 10)

Page 20: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

20 20 January 2014

MATRIMONIALSMUMBAI : Roman Catholic Bachelor,aged 28 years, Ht. 6’, Wheatish Com-plexion, medium Built, born & broughtup in Bombay. Family oriented withcaring disposition. Edn. BE(Autombiles) working as an EngineerR & D. Seeks alliance with a tall, edu-cated working girl with a positive atti-tude. Contact email :[email protected] OR9833237363 (Regd. No. 6017)MUMBAI : Mangalorean/TamilianRoman Catholic Bachelor, aged 30years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 85 kgs, Fair Com-plexion, Edn. B.Com., + Post Gradu-ate 2nd year. Seeks a suitable goodlooking, working girl below 27 years,.Contact email :[email protected] OR8390022313 (Regd. No. 5898)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt.62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. S.S.C.,working as a Receptionist. Seeks asuitable match. Simple, understand-ing and ajustable nature. Contact :Email : [email protected] 9833094187 / 64235329 (Regd.No. 5897)MUMBAI : Anglo Indian RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht.5’ 111/2”, Wt. 84 kgs, Fair Complexion,Edn. B.E., Mumbai University, hav-ing own business. Seeks a RomanCatholic educated girl from Mumbai,below 27 years. Contact : Email:[email protected] OR 28388034(Regd. No. 5896)MUMBAI : Marathi Converted RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 45 years Ht.6’, Wt. 76 kgs, Wheatsih Complexion,Edn. H.S.C., working in Kuwait as aPublic Relation. Contact Email:[email protected] OR9619344291 (Regd. No. 5863)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicWidower, aged 44 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt.65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion , Edn.Diploma in Mechanical Engineering,working aborad as a Mechanic. Seeksa simple, loving, well mannered be-low 38 years preferably working girl.

Address your replies to :

Regd. No.ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY,99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st

Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your MatrimonialAdvertisement Call:

2269 3578 OR 2265 4924

Contact Email :[email protected] OR9702148869 (Regd. No. 5861)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 36 years, Ht.5’ 6”, Wt. 80 kgs, Fair Complexion ,Edn. 10th + Diploma in Hotel Manage-ment, working as a Supervisor in Mus-cat. Seeks a sutiable match. ContactEmail: martis. [email protected] 9029263886 / 9757411125 (Regd.No. 5857)GOA : Goan Roman Catholic Bach-elor, aged 41 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Ht. 68kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 1stYear B.Com., Having own Resort Wellsettled. Seeks a Girl willing to settle inGoa. (Regd. No. 5856)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht.5’ 11”, Healthy, Fair Complexion, Edn.MS Engineering, workaing as aDeputy Manager, Well settled Seeksa Mangalorean RC graduate workingor non working girl. Contact Email:[email protected] (Regd. No.5855)MUMBAI : A loving caring, jovialMangalorean Catholic Bachelor withsober habbits, aged 37 years, Ht. 5’7”, Wt. 62 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. Graduate, Working in MNC BPOas a Senior Executive, seeks a suit-able match. Contact Email :[email protected] OR9820821961 / 9892569050 (Regd.No. 5853)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 41 years, Ht.5’ 6”, Wt. 79 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. HSC., Having own businessof Catering. Seeks a suitable match.Working or Non working, simple,Godfearing girl. Contact Email :[email protected] OR Mob.:9987226243 (Regd. No. 5843)

MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht.6’ 2”, Wt. 87 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. MBA, Banker, well settled.Seeks a bride below 29 years, tall,prefereably Mangalorean. ContactEmail: anthony.eternity@ gmail.comOR Mob.: 9820863381. (Regd. No.5842)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicBachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt.59 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn.HSC, Dip. in Hospitality Manage-ment in Hotel Operation, Management& Catering Technology Goa. Workingas a Supervisor in Dubai Seeks a suit-able match age between 28 to 34years. Contact Email:[email protected] /[email protected] OR9323189989 / 00971508460630(Regd. No. 5839)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht.6’1”, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complex-ion, Edn. HSC + Diploma in HM, work-ing on the Ship as a Steward. Seeksa suitable match. Email :[email protected] OR9821540938 (Regd. No. 5838)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht.175 cms, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complex-ion, Edn. B.Com., M.B.A., working asa Manager Bank. Seeks a suitablematch. Contact :[email protected] OR Tel.:28628102 (Regd. No. 5837)

Members are requested toinform us when they are settled,so that publication of theirdetails can be discontinued.

Page 21: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

2120 January 2014

MATRIMONIALSMUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 27 years. Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 55 kgs,Fair Complexion, Edn. PGDBA, work-ing as a HR Executive. Seeks a suit-able match. Contact email :[email protected] OR9619090409 (Regd. No. 6019)MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged30 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, FairComplexion, B.Com., working as aSME, Seeks sober, well settled bach-elor. Contact : email :[email protected] OR9820264984 (Regd. No. 6007)MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged26 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 60 kgs, TanComplexion, Edn. B.Sc + PGDQA,working as a QA Personnel in Phar-maceutical, Seeks a good looking,understanding, responsible, wellsettled bachelor. Contact email :[email protected] OR9892394604 (Regd. No. 6006)AHMEDABAD : Goan RC Spinster,Wheatish, slim, good looking, aged29 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 49 kgs, Edn.B.A., PGDMFI, Pursuing MBA, work-ing as a Senior Officer in Bank. Seeksa educated, well settled bachelor fromdecent and respectable family. Con-tact email : [email protected] /[email protected] OR 079-22162694 (Regd. No. 6004)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,fair, good looking, aged 29 years, Ht.5’ 2”, Wt. 62 kgs, Edn. Post graduate(MBA), working as a Manager inMNC, Seeks a well educated and wellsettled bachelore. Contact Mob.:9930441402 / 9769678734 Email:[email protected] (Regd. No.6003)MUMBAI : East Indian RC Spinster,aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 58 kgs,Fair Complexion, good looking, smart,Edn. M.M.S., B.Com., working as aManager - Marketing. Seeks a hand-

Address your replies to :

Regd. No.ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY,99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st

Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.Royal Christian Family

Helps In ChoosingThe Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years

some, intelligent, well settled bachelor.Contact email :[email protected] OR9167650179 (Regd. No. 6002)MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Divorcee,age 30 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 56 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Com/MBA, Sr. Executive with a reputed firm,seeks a suitable match. Contact email: ritadsouza58@ OR9323628370 (Regd. No. 6001)GOA: Goan RC Spinster, aged 26years, Ht. 4’ 9”, Wt. 42 kgs, WheatishComplexion, Edn., MBBS, DiplomaAnesthesa, working as a Anaesthestist.Seeks a well setled bachelor below 31years, Doctor or Engineer. Contactemail : [email protected] OR8600306139 (Regd. No. 6000)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 37 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 73 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com /MHRDM, working as an Asst. Mgr, HR.,Seeks a well settled graduate RC Bach-elor. Contact email :[email protected] OR 9820665058(Regd. No. 5998)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 39 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 70 kgs,Fair Complexion, Edn. B.D.S. Dentistby profession. Email :[email protected] Tel.: 25633474(Regd. No. 5997)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 27 years, Ht. 4’ 11”, Wt. 58 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. T.Y.B.A.,Teacher by profession. Contact email :[email protected] OR9819126871 (Regd. No. 5995)KOLHAPUR : Goan RC Spinster, aged25 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 52 kgs, WheatishComplexion, Edn. MBA (HR), MBA(System), Lecturer by profession.Seeks a well educated with good fam-ily background. Contact email :[email protected] OR9226088408 / 9226944426 (Regd. No.5991)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster,aged 25 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 54 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A.,working as a Financial Analyst in MNC.Seeks a suitable match. Contact email: [email protected] OR

Please renew your membershipat lease a month in advancebefore its expiration date.

9619522154 / 9969114346 (Regd.No. 5988)Poona : RC Spinster, aged 32 years,Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complex-ion, Beautiful, Edn. B.A., B.Ed., PGD.P.M. working as a HR Executive.Contact email : [email protected] 9765411451 / 9881201988(Regd. No. 5987)HARYANA : Goan RC Divorcee,aged 41 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 56 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA,working as a Sr. HR Consultant.Seeks a suitable match. Contactemail : [email protected] OR9899501960 (Regd. No. 5986)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spin-ster, aged 26 years, Ht. 4’ 8”, Wt. 45kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.MBA., working as a HR. Contact email: [email protected] OR8806890197 (Regd. No. 5977)MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, 29years, Ht. 5 ’ 5”, Wt, 70 kgs, Wheatishcomplexion, smart, B.Com., LL.B.,Legal Professional, smart. Seeks awell educated, financially stable, wellsettled abpve 6’ 6”. Contact email :[email protected] /[email protected] OR9819890592. (Regd. No. 5958)BANGALORE : Anglo Indian RCSpinster, 26 years, B.E., workaing asa Software Engineer, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt.67 kgs, good looking, fair, comingfrom a decent family, seeks a humble,god-fearing, doctor, engineer or wellsettled bachelor from India or abroad.Contact email :[email protected] 09845665529 (Regd. No. 5956)

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22 20 January 2014

MATRIMONIALSMUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 25 years, Ht. 156 cms., Wt.56 kgs, Fair Complexion, beautiful,Edn. T.Y.B.A., working a Cabin-Crew.Contact Email :[email protected] OR Mob.:9320385208 (Regd. No. 5967)DUBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 55kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MA.,HR, working in Dubai well settled.Seeks a suitable match. Contact email: [email protected] OR9822487408 / 0832-2444390 (Regd.No. 5966)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht.5’ 2”, Wt. 45 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Com., working for Travel Agency.Seeks a tall, graduate Mangalorean boybelow 29 years. Contact email :[email protected] OR9773669764 (Regd. No. 5965)MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spin-ster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 60kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., Sr.Stylist (Hair & Makeup). Seeks a suit-able match. Contact email :[email protected] OR 9167560077 /9930689139 (Regd. No. 5964)MUMBAI : RC Mangalorean Spinster,M.Com/MBA (Finance) 27 / 5’2”, tal-ented, with strong family values & fromrespectable family, working for a bankin Mumbai. Seeks well qualified boyupto 32, reply with recent photo & fulldetails to email:[email protected] OR9920424282 (Regd. No. 5962)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, 231/2 years, Ht. 5, Wt,55 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn.C.A., working for MNC, Seeks a suit-able match. Contact email :[email protected] OR9322295449 / 9769861559 (Regd. No.5961)MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catho-lic Spinster, 37 years, Ht. 5 ’ 2”, Wt, 58kgs, Wheatish complexion, looks muchyounger to her age, good looking,smart, Edn. M.A. M.Com., working as

a Senior Journalist. Seeks a well edu-cated and well settled bachelor. Con-tact email :[email protected] OR9833065385 (Regd. No. 5959)MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinsteraged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 57 kgs,Fair Complexion, Edn. Electronic Engg.working as a Key Account Manager inBank. Contact email :[email protected] OR9820247177 (Regd. No. 5935)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, 31, 5’ 2”, Wt. 56 kgs,Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Pharm,Ph.D., Seeks a well settled qualifiedbachelor. Contact : email :[email protected] OR Tel.:9920283957 (Regd. No. 5849)MUMBAI : Parents of Goan RomanCatholic Spinster, 32, 5’ 6”, Slim, Fair,goodlooking, smart, B.Sc., AssisantManager in Tatas. Seeks a suitable wellsettled Goan Bachelor. Contact : email: [email protected] OR Tel.:24461697 (Regd. No. 5848)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, Aged 25, Ht. 5’ 4”,Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. B.Com., employed as an Admin-istrator. Seeks a suitable match. Con-tact email :[email protected] OR9920623791 / 7738745831 (Regd. No.5847)MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Parents of spin-ster, Only Child, 30 / 5’4”, Wt. 50 kgs,B.A. M.S., Pyschotherapy seeks a suit-able match hardworking, honest,godfearing, bachelor. Contact Email:[email protected] /[email protected] (Regd. No.5844)MUMBAI : R.C. Goan Parents of spin-ster 27/ 5’2”, MCA, working as Pro-grammer for an MNC seeks alliancefrom Graduate or Post-graduate GoanRC Bachelor with sober babits, mothertongue English and good family back-ground upto 31 years, Reply with de-tails and fulsize photograph to Email :[email protected] OR

09601406660 (Regd. No. 5841)NAVI-MUMBAI : Mangalorean Ro-man Catholic Spinster, aged 31 years,Ht. 5’ 1”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B. Com., employed as an Admin.,Contact Email :[email protected] OR Mob:9820579253 (Regd. No. 6011)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 35 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt.60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.A., employed as a Secretary. Con-tact : Mob: 9833120168 (Regd. No.6010)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic Spinster, aged 28 years. Ht.5’ 3”, Wt. 45 kgs, Fair Complexion,Edn. B.E. Computer, working as a I.T.Consultant. Seeks an educatedMangalorean boy from good familybackground. Contact : 8879179796 orEmail : [email protected] (Regd.No. 6018)MUMBAI : Mangalorean RomanCatholic parents invite alliance fortheir daughter 28 years, 5’ 2”, Edn.MBA., Marketing, working for HealthCare I.T. in MNC., Seeks a welleducated and well settled MangalorenBoy aged between 29 to 33 years.Contact Email:[email protected] OR Mob.:9833159954 (Regd. No. 6015)MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman CatholicSpinster aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 7”,Average built, Tan Complexion, Edn.Dip. in Hotel Management, Seeks aguitable match. Contact email :[email protected] OR9158622614 (Regd. No. 6013)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 4’ 11”, Wt.49 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.BHMS., Doctor by profession. Con-tact : [email protected] OR9869000687 (Regd. No. 5733)MUMBAI : Goan Roman CatholicSpinster, aged 28 years. Ht. 5’ 3”,medium built, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. HSC, working as a Reception-ist. Contact email :[email protected] OR9821025069 (Regd. No. 6016)

Page 23: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

2320 January 2014 2320 January 2014

After the successful visit to Holy Land (Jordan, Israel, Palestineand Egypt) with 128 members group in May 2013,

The Secular Citizen and DIVO readers are getting ready tovisit Western Europe in 2014

The countries includePortugal, Spain, France, Germany,

Switzerland, Vatican, Italy, etc.

The tour is organised in association with an expert tour operator

Those interested to join this group are requested to contact :

The Secular Citizen / Divo99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor,

Fort, Mumbai 400001

Tel.: 022-22693578, 22654924

PDDM Centre Of Fine Arts (Diya Kala Kendra) Launched

Sister Disciples of the Divine Master (PDDM), a religious Congregation for women, founded by Bl. JamesAlberione, has launched a new apostolic initiative ,

Divya Kala Kendra (Centre for Sacred Arts), as part of theirLiturgical Apostolate on January 5, 2014, the Feast ofEpiphany, at Prarthanalaya, Bandra, Mumbai. Aimed atspreading the Good News of Jesus through the medium ofdance and music, the Centre situated at “Prarthanalaya”,Bandra, offers Certificate Courses in Music and Dance tothose interested, and are above the age of 7.

Explaining the purpose of the new initiative Sr KanikaiMary, the Provincial Superior of the Sister Disciples, saidthat in the Indian tradition music and dance belongs to therealm of divine worship, and the new centre will train peoplewho can authentically incorporate these forms into theLiturgy, thus making the Liturgy more relevant and mean-ingful in the Indian context. Moreover, she added, FrAlberione, our founder, had always reminded us of thissaying “worship the Lord in Art and Beauty”, and hence thenew Centre is a long-cherished dream come true for theSisters.

Sisters Amita Mascarenhas and Sushma Dungdung ofthe Sister Disciples who are directing the Courses at Divya

Kala Kendra are professionally trained in their respectivefields for many years, and having completed their studiesthey have been training young people in different institu-tions in the city over the past few years.

The Sister Disciples are part of the Pauline Family thatis celebrating the Centenary of its foundation, this year, andDivya Kala Kendra is their special contribution to the IndianChurch and to the Paulines around the world, during theCentenary year. More information about the Centre, andabout specific Courses offered, can be obtained on e-mail:[email protected]/ [email protected] orby telephone: 022-26422437.

—Fr Alfonso Elengikal,SSP

Page 24: Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.3 dated 20th January 2014

24 20 January 2014

Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every weekPosted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.RNI No. 56987/92 Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

24 20 January 2014

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo