SECTION 4 PRELIMINARIES & BILLS OF QUANTITIES De Welzim Tender Documents 02.pdf · Item Quantity...


Transcript of SECTION 4 PRELIMINARIES & BILLS OF QUANTITIES De Welzim Tender Documents 02.pdf · Item Quantity...

Page 1: SECTION 4 PRELIMINARIES & BILLS OF QUANTITIES De Welzim Tender Documents 02.pdf · Item Quantity Rate Amount No BILL 1 PRELIMINARIES NOTES NOTES: The agreement is to be the JBCC Series



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NOTES: The agreement is to be the JBCC Series 2000 PrincipalBuilding Agreement prepared by the Joint Building ContractCommittee July 2007 edition 5.0 code 2101

The ASAQS Preliminaries (November 2007 Edition) publishedby the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors for usewith the said JBCC Principal Building Agreement shall bedeemed to be incorporated herein.

Tenderers are referred to the abovementioned documents forthe full intent and meaning of each clause thereof. Theseclauses are hereinafter referred to by clause number andheading only.

Where standard clauses or alternatives are not entirelyapplicable to this contract such modifications, corrections orsupplements as will apply are given under each relevant clauseheading and such modifications, corrections or supplementsshall take precedence notwithstanding anything contrarycontained in the abovementioned documents.

Where any item is not relevant to this specific contract suchitem is marked N/A, signifying "not applicable".

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The Model Preambles for Trades (1999 Edition) as publishedby the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors shall bedeemed to be incorporated in these Bills of Quantities and noclaims arising from brevity of description of items fullydescribed in the said Model Preambles will be entertained.Supplementary preambles are incorporated in these Bills ofQuantities to satisfy the requirements of this project. Suchsupplementary preambles shall take precedence over theprovisions of the said Model Preambles. The contractor'sprices for all items throughout these Bills of Quantities musttake account of and include for all of the obligations,requirements and specifications given in the said ModelPreambles and in any supplementary preambles.


Definitions (A1)

A Definitions and Interpretation Item

Objective and Preparation (A2-A14)

B Offer, acceptance and performance obligations Item

C Documents Item

D Design Responsibility Item

E Employer's Agents Item

F Contractor's Site Representative Item

G Compliance with laws and regulations Item

H Works Risk Item

J Indemnities Item

K General Insurances Item

L Special Insurances Item

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A Effecting Insurances Item

B Assignment Item

C Security Item

Execution (A15- A23)

D Preparation for and execution of the works Item

E Site and Access Item

F Specific security and access restrictions apply. ReferSection C of Preliminaries. Item

G Contract Instructions

Supervision by the Principal Agent and other Agents isintended as a means of checking the interpretation of workdone and providing clarification and further informationwhere required during the progress of the work.Supervision shall not in any way relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility for ensuring that the work is carried outsatisfactorily in all aspects, in good time and in accordancewith the contract. Although the principal Agent and theother Agents will make spot checks from time to time ondimensions and levels as the work proceeds, checking ofthe setting out, dimensions levels and positioning for allitems is the contractors responsibility and should anyerrors occur during the course of or be found aftercompletion of the Works, the cost of remedying same willbe for the Contractor's account. Item

H Setting out of the Works Item

J The contractor shall notify the principal agent if anyencroachments of adjoining buildings, structures,boundries, etc. exist in order that the necessaryarrangements may be made for the rectification of anysuch encroachments. Item

K Temporary Works and Plant Item

L Nominated subcontractors Item

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A Selected subcontractors Item

B Employer's Direct Contractors Item

C Contractor's domestic subcontractors Completion (A24-A30) Item

Completion (A24-A30)

D Practical Completion Item

E Works Completion Item

F Final Completion Item

G Nothing in clause 26 shall be construed so as to restrict orremove in any way the contractor's liability for any latentdefects and any insufficiencies in the works or materialsnor to prescribe the employers common law rights in anyway. Item

H Latent defects liability period Item

J Sectional Completion Revision of date for Practicalcompletion. The removal and replacement of materialsand/or workmanship that do not conform to the descriptionshall not constitute grounds for an extension of theconstruction period nor for an adjustment to the contractsum. Item

K Penalty for late or noncompletion Item

Payment (A31- A35)

L Interim Payment - Notwithstanding this or any otherclause, materials and goods stored off site shall not beincluded in the amount authorised for payment. Item

M Material on site shall be paid to the maximum asdetermined by the Employers Financier. Item

N Clause 31.9 : Replace "seven (7) calendar days" with"fourteen (14) calendar days." Item

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A Adjustment to the Contract ValueAll fluctuations in costs, with the exception of fluctuationsin the rate of Value Added Tax, shall be for the account ofthe contractor. Where prices are submitted by thecontractor or n/s subcontractor during the progress of theworks in respect of contract instructions or in regard to aclaim under the terms of the contract and notwithstandingthe fact that such prices may be used in an interimpayment certificate, there is to be no presumption ofacceptance. Should the principal agent wish to accept anysuch prices prior to the issue of the Final PaymentCertificate, it shall be in writing. CPAP is not applicable. Item

B Recovery of expense or loss Item

C Final Account and Final Payment Item

D Payment to other parties Item

Termination (A36- A39)

E Termination by Employer - Contractor's default Item

F Termination by Employer - Loss and damage Item

G Termination by Contractor - Employer's default Item

H Termination - cessation of the works Item

Disputes (A40)

J Settlement of Disputes Item

K Clause 41.0 - Post Tender Provisions - The required posttender information shall be inserted in the post tenderprovisions after consultation with the contractor. Item

L Contract Agreement (A41-A42) Item

M Clause 42.0 - Contractual Agreement. The requiredinformation of the contracting parties and the amount ofthe accepted contract sum shall be inserted in thecontractual agreement for signature of the agreement bythe contracting parties. Item

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Definitions and interpretation

A Clause 1.0 - Definitions and interpretation Item


B Clause 2.1 - Checking of documents Item

C Clause 2.2 - Provisional bills of quantitiesThese bills of quantities are in multiple procurement format- are provisionally measured and the subsequent tradesare budgetary allowances and selected/ nominatedsubcontract amounts. Item

D Clause 2.3 - Availability of construction documentationThe budgetary allowances and Selected/nominatedsubcontract amounts allocated for subsequent tradesincluded in this document will be separately procured,based on multiple procurement of subcontractors duringthe construction period. Item

Previous work and adjoining properties

E Clause 3.1 - Previous work - dimensional accuracy Item

F Clause 3.2 - Previous work - defects Item

G Clause 3.3 - Inspection of adjoining properties Item

Samples, shop drawings and manufacturer's instructions

H Clause 4.1 - Samples of materials Item

J Clause 4.2 - Workmanship samples Item

K Clause 4.3 - Shop drawings Item

L Clause 4.4 - Compliance with manufacturer's instructions Item

Deposits and fees

M Clause 5.1 - Deposits and fees Item

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Temporary services

A Clause 6.1 - Water Item

B Clause 6.2 - Electricity Item

C Clause 6.3 - Telecommunication facilities Item

D Clause 6.4 - Ablution facilities Item

Prime cost amounts

E Clause 7.1 - Responsibility for prime cost amounts Item

Special attendance on n/s subcontractors

F Clause 8.1 - Special attendance Item


G Clause 9.1 - Protection of the works Item

H Clause 9.2 - Protection/isolation of existing/sectionallyoccupied works Item

J Clause 9.3 - Security of the works Item

K Clause 9.4 - Notice before covering work Item

L Clause 9.5 - Disturbance Item

M Clause 9.6 - Environmental disturbance Item

N Clause 9.7 - Works cleaning and clearing Item

P Clause 9.8 - Vermin Item

Q Clause 9.9 - Overhand work Item

Schedule of variables

Information necessary for elections and completion of thoseclauses contained in the schedule which are necessary fortender purposes is given in Section 2 : "Contract Data EC"

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A Where warranties for materials and/or workmanship arecalled for, the contractor shall obtain a written warranty,addressed to the employer, from the firm supplying thematerials and/or doing the work and shall deliver same tothe principal agtent on the certified completion of thecontract. The warranty shall state that workmanship,materials and installation are warranteed for a specifiedperiod from the date of final completion and that anydefects that may arise during the specified period shall bemade good at the expense of the firm supplying thematerials and/or doing the work, upon written notice to doso. The warranty will not be enforced if the work isdamaged by defects in the construction of the building inwhich case the responsibility for replacement shall restentirely with the contractor. Item


B The contractor and/or nominated/selected sub-contractorshall prepare and submit, at his own expense, three (3)copies of shop drawings of all fabricated work, working orsetting out drawings shop details and schedules to theprincipal agent for approval prior to commencement ofmanufacture. Correction of shop drawings shall notconstitute a change in scope of work unless the contractornotifies the principal agent in writing within seven (7) daysand shall not proceed with fabrication until so authorizedby the architect. Item


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A Samples are physical examples furnished by thecontractor to illustrate materials, equipment orworkmanship and to establish standards by which the workwill be judged. The contractor shall furnish without delaysuch samples and "mock ups" as may be called for by thearchitect who may reject all material and workmanship notcorresponding with the approved samples. Samples mustbe submitted in duplicate or as instructed and must allow areasonable time for their consideration. Samples must beproperly labelled with the project name and location,contractor's name, the type, finish composition ofmaterials date of submission and the contract documentreference in which the project is identified. Item


B Should overtime be required to be worked for any reasonwhatsoever, the costs of such overtime are to be borne bythe contractor unless the principal agent has specificallyauthorized in writing, prior to the execution thereof, thatcosts for such overtime are to be borne by the employer. Item


C It is specifically agreed that the contractor accepts theobligation of assisting the professional consultants inimplementing proper cost control in an effort to preventthe final building cost from exceeding the budget. It isspecifically agreed that the professionals and thecontractor will endeavour to agree and sign off variationswithin sixty days of them arising. Item


D The contractor shall take delivery of, handle, store, useapply and/or fix all proprietary branded products in strictaccordance with the manufacturer's instruction afterconsultation with the manufacturer's authorizedrepresentative. Item

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A The position of construction breaks and the extent ofindividual concrete pours are to be recorded by thecontractor on the structural engineer's drawings and are tobe submitted to the principal agent and the structuralengineer for their records. Item


B Site instructions issued on site are to be recorded intriplicate in a site instruction book which is to bemaintained on site by the contractor. Item


C At the end of each week the contractor shall provide theprincipal agent with a written record, in schedule form,reflecting the number and description of tradesmen andlabourers employed by him and all subcontractors on theworks each day. Item


D At the end of each week the contractor shall provide theprincipal agent with a written record, in schedule form,reflecting the number, type and capacity of all plant,excluding hand tools, currently used on the works. Item

HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT (Act 85 of 1993)

E Compliance with the current Occupation Health and SafetyAct and all relevant and applicable regulations, especiallythe Construction Health & Safety Act, (as amended) for theduration of the contract. Item


F Observation of all legislation, policies and by-lawsregulating the "AIDS" endemic and "HIV" prevention,treatment and observation. Item

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A The contractor shall not cede nor assign his rights orclaims to any monies due or to become due under thiscontract and no purported cession or assignment will berecognised without the written consent of the employer. Item


B The Architect shall make such visits to the Works as hemay from time to time deem necessary. In the event of anymatter arising which the Contractor considers of suchimportance that the Architect must be consulted, everyreasonable attempt shall be made by the Contractor tocommunicate with him before proceeding with the point atissue. Item

C It must, however, be borne in mind that the Architect isemployed, to ensure correct compliance with the terms ofthis contract, proper building procedures in accordancewith the best traditions of the various trades and adequatefinishes as specified and to his satisfaction. The Architectis thus in no way responsible for any act or omission on thepart of the Contractor which may result in any patent orlatent defects in materials or workmanship, breach orneglect of any local regulations. The Contractor thereforeremains at all times responsible for any neglect, deviationor wrong act, whether the same be discovered before orafter the final certificate, or any other certificate is issued. Item

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A A registered Land Surveyor shall set out the works, gatherall relevant data such as datum levels, platform heightsetc. and hand this information to the Principal Agent in anelectronic format. The contractor shall submit on a weeklybasis and updated "Schedule of Information Required" toall parties concerned, indicating dates upon which suchinformation and details are required in relation to thebuilding programme. Timeous advanced notice is to begiven by the contractor for information or drawings whichare required on site. The contractor shall be responsiblefor the timeous notification to the Quantity Surveyor toenable him to call for tenders for all work to be executedby selected sub-contractors and shall, therefore, notify thequantity surveyor in writing at least fourteen (14) days priorto required availability date of these tender documents. Noclaim whatsoever will be afterwards admitted due to thecontractor having failed to comply with this condition. Item


B Upon receipt of detail drawings for any works, thecontractor shall, before putting that work in hand, ascertainthat the dimensions given on the detail drawingscorrespond with the dimensions of any work already built.In the event of a discrepancy between the detail drawingsand the work already built, the discrepancy, shall bebrought to the principal agent's attention who shall decidethe procedure. All drawings, whatever their origin, are tobe issued to the site, or to any other designated person orpersons, only through the principal agent's office and shallbear the principal agent's office stamp and signature. Anup to date register of all drawings issued to the contractorshall be kept on the works. Any other drawings used on thesite will be used at the contractor's risk and should anywork be incorrect due to the use of unauthorised drawings,the cost of rectifying such work shall be for the contractor'saccount. All drawings used on the works shall be properlymounted on suitable sheet material, or otherwiseprotected and kept in good condition. Any drawingsbecoming bleached or otherwise obscured so that theycannot be properly read shall be returned to the principalagent for replacement, as any errors due to misreading ofdamaged or obscured drawings shall be made good by thecontractor at his own expense. Item

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A The Contractor shall in terms of the Compensation forOccupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act 130,1993) (COID Act) be registered with the Director Generalof the Department of Labour as an Employer by the namein which the accepted tender was submitted and for theintended line of business pertaining to the Contract and therelevant COID Act Section 83 Assessments shall be keptfully paid up throughout the duration of the Contract. TheContractor must allow under this clause for allrequirements as specified in the Compensation forOccupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act 130,1993) and must fully adhere to all requirements and shouldallow to comply with all the relevant Legislation, as well asC.S.I.R Internal Services Health and Safety Specification -Annexure A. A safety audit will be done on a regular basisof all requirements. Item


B All right of publication of articles in the media, together withany advertising relating to, or in any way connected withthis project shall vest in the employer. The contractor,together with his sub-contractors shall not, without thewritten consent of the employer, cause any statement oradvertisement to be printed, screened or aired by themedia. Item


C The site is within a security village. The contractor will besubject to the rules of the estate as it may apply andchange from time to time. Working hours are restricted.The current allpicable rules form part of this tenderdocument and is attached. Workers, supervisors,suppliers, sub-contractors may be required to register andpay for a contractor's access card Item

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A Notwithstanding any information to the contrary in thecontract document or preliminaries, references to "PrimeCost" or "PC" shall mean the cost at which an item ormaterial is obtained inclusive of delivery to site andexclusive of value added tax. Unless otherwise statedinstallation is not included in the Prime Cost and thecontractor is to include this in his rate. The prime Costdoes not include any allowance for wastage and refers tocost per net measurable unit. The contractor is to allow forwastage, shrinkage, bulking etc. Item

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View site

Before submitting his tender the contractor shall visit the siteand satisfy himself as to the nature and extent of the work to bedone and the value of the materials contained in the buildingsor portions of the buildings to be demolished. No claim for anyvariations of the contract sum in respect of the nature andextent of the work or of inferior or damaged materials will beentertained


Water supply pipes and other piping that may be encounteredand found necessary to disconnect or cut, shall be effectuallystopped off or grubbed up and removed, and any newconnections that may be necessary shall be made with properfittings, to the satisfaction of the principal agent

Making good of finishes shall include making good of the brickand concrete surfaces onto which the new finishes are applied,where necessary

The contractor will be required to take all dimensions affectingthe existing buildings on the site and he will be held solelyresponsible for the accuracy of all such dimensions where usedin the manufacture of new items (doors, windows, fittings, etc)

Removing of material shall include loading and carting away toa dump-site located by the contractor. It shall include anydumping fees etc

Old materials

Old materials resulting from the alterations and demolitions areto be removed from the site unless otherwise specified

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Special care is to be taken not to interfere unnecessarily withany electrical or telephone installations that may be met withand due notice is to be given to the Principal Agent when anydisconnections or removal of wires, fittings, etc are necessaryand the contractor is to afford every facility to the electricianscarrying out this work


All demolition work is to be carried out in accordance with theLocal By-laws and to the requirements of the requirements ofthe Local Health Authorities. The contractor is to allow forgiving notices and paying any fees related to municipalrequirements

All demolition work is to be carried out in strict accordance withthe instructions and to the satisfaction of the Principal Agent

Temporary coverings, Screens etc.

The contractor will be held responsible for any damage toproperty or goods in the existing buildings due to his not havingtaken adequate precautions, and all damage caused is to bemade good at the contractors own expense. The contractormust provide for all necessary screens, partitions, tarpaulins,barriers, signage, demarcation etc. to protect the work andprevent any nuisance from dust as may be required or directed.

Damage to persons or property

The contractor will be held responsible for any damage topersons or property and for the safety of the structures and heis to allow for protecting and indemnifying persons using theexisting buildings from injury by virtue of the buildingoperations, including providing necessary barriers, signs, etc.

Setting out

All dimensions affecting work in the existing buildings are to betaken on the site and the contractor will be responsible fortaking correct sizes of all new work, the sizes given in this billare approximate.

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Making good

Prices for all works described throughout the Bills of Quantitiesare to include for making good, whether specifically mentionedor not in all trades except Painting, unless otherwise described.

The contractor must make good to existing work damaged ordisturbed through alterations and to existing work remainingafter doors, screens, fittings, walls, etc are removed, by fitting inshort lengths of skirtings, architrave's, etc. and taking out andmaking good suspended ceilings and floors on necessaryjoists etc. Plaster finishing to walls and ceilings and renderingfloor tiles, etc, to floors for facing up walls with brickwork cut,toothed and bonded to existing with facing bricks, quarry tilesor common brickwork to receive finishing, unless otherwisedescribed

All materials in making good are to match existing and the workis to be left complete and perfect in every respect.

Fixing in position

Fixing new and re-fixing existing materials is to include forcutting and fitting over existing skirtings, cornices, quadrants,etc. or for cutting existing work and for finishing up to new andfor making good as previously described

Re-fixing existing materials is to include for all necessarycutting to suit, forming mitres, fair ends, etc, for supplying shortlengths of new materials to make up for any deficiencies andfor supplying new screws, nails, etc. as is necessary.

Junction of new and existing

Making good at junctions of new and existing works is toinclude for piercing out, cutting through and removing shortlengths of existing materials and for jointing to match existing.

Credit For old Materials

Provision is made in the final summary to quote the value ofmaterials in summary to be taken into consideration whenadjudicating the tenders. The rates below are to be free of saidvalues. Only items marked as "(Credit)" to be taken intoconsideration

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Break down and remove brickwork etc

A 230mm Walls m2 6

Hack up and remove

B Brick paving m2 261

C Surface bed 85mm thick, excavate and remove in situmaterial, level and compact to receive new surface bed170mm lower than before m2 13

Taking out and removing doors, windows, etc from onebrick walls including thresholds, sills etc. (Credit)

D Aluminium window size 400mm X 400mm. No 1

E Timber garage door 4800 X 2125 No 1

Carefully take out and remove timber door, keeping framein existing position, including protecting and preparingframe to receive new doors (Credit)

F Timber door size 813 X 2032mm No 9

Carefully take out and remove ironmongery from timberdoors, and set a side for re-use and later refixing in a newdoor.

G Hinges,bolts, handles, locksets, etc No 9

Hacking up/off and removing tiles including removingmortar bed or adhesive from concrete or brickwork andpreparing surfaces for new screed, plaster, tile finish, etc

H Ceramic floor tiles m2 2

J Ceramic wall tiles m2 11

K Natural stone tiles m2 10

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Hacking up/off and removing granolithic, screeds, plaster,etc and finishes from concrete or brickwork and preparingsurfaces for new screed, plaster, tile finishes, etc

A Epoxy finish from floors m2 35

B Epoxy finish from treads and risers of stairs m2 1

C Internal cement plaster from walls m2 56

D External cement plaster from walls m2 57

Take out and remove piping, sanitary fittings and tapsincluding cutting off as necessary, disconnecting pipingfrom fittings (Credit).

E Wash hand basin on and including pedestal, with pillartaps, including short lenghts of piping. No 1

F WC pan with cistern, including short lenghts of piping. No 1

Carefully Take out doors, windows, etc includingthresholds, sills, etc setting aside for re-use and laterrefixing in a new position

G Alluminium folding door and frame, 3280 X 2125mmincluding setting up and building in old track and guide innew brickwork. No 1

Take down or out and remove including cutting, grindingetc as may be required

H Steel balustrades (Credit) m 11

J Toiletroll holders, soapdishes, curtain tracks, mirrors, towelrails etc (Credit) Item

K 18.5m of Pallisade Wall consisting of small brick wall, withcolumns and steel balustrades (Credit) between columns.+/- 1300mm high Item

L 3.00m long Steel gate (Credit) Item

M 8.1m long Steel Balustrades +/- 1200mm high Item

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A Boundary Wall 20.6m long, including steel gate 4.4m long. Item

Carefully take out and remove, setting aside for re-use andlater refixing on to new roof trusses.

B Roof Tiles m2 24

C Roof barge tiles m 25

Cut into and leave remaining in place

D Cut into existing roof including trusses, batterns, bracing,wall plates etc as required to accommodate new rooftrusses Item

Chisel out and remove, and prepare for new brickwork

E 400 X 400mm Alluminium window frame, to receive newbrick work No 1


Altering Openings

F Altering opening in one brick wall where three 400 X400mm high aluminium windows are to be removed toform an opening for a new aluminium folding door 3000 X2125mm high overall by breaking out brickwork on bothsides, bottom and top including removing precast concretelintels, placing temporary propping, making good cementplaster on both side into reveals. (New door, frame andpaintwork elsewhere) No 1

G Altering opening in one brick wall where 900 X 1800mmhigh aluminium window is to be removed to form anopening 1200 X 2700mm high overall including removingprecast concrete lintel, placing temporary propping,making good internal cement plaster on both sides, ceilingplaster, and floor screeds. (making good paintworkelsewhere) No 1

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A Altering opening in one brick wall where 1250 X 2125mmhigh timber door is to be removed to form an opening 1500X 2700mm high overall by breaking out brickwork includingremoving precast concrete lintel, placing temporarypropping, making good cement plaster on both sides,ceiling, and floor screeds. (Making good paintworkelsewhere) No 1

B Altering opening in one brick wall where 813 X 2032mmhigh timber door is to be removed to form an opening 900X 2700mm high overall by breaking out brickwork includingremoving precast concrete lintel, placing temporarypropping, making good cement plaster on both sides,ceiling, and floor screeds. (Making good paintworkelsewhere) No 1


Brickwork in NFP bricks in class II mortar in building upopenings

C 230mm Walls m2 6


Making good internal cement plaster

D Walls in patches m2 5


E Cutting toothings and bonding new brickwork to existing m2 4

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Engineer's Specification

Refer to the specifications prepared by Johan Erwee engineersdated 01 Febuary 2011

Net measurements

All units of measurement are net and no allowance have beenmade for bulking

Nature of ground

The nature of the ground is assumed to be pickable material,therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "hard rock" or"soft rock"

Carting away of excavated material

Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall bedeemed to include loading excavated material onto trucksdirectly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock pilessituated on the building site, paying any fees levied by theauthorities including estate management, etc


Site clearance

A Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation,hedges, shrubs, lawn, bush, etc including trees notexceeding 200mm girth and 100mm deep topsoil to becarted away to a dumping site located by the contractor. m2 176

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Cost of tests

The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubesas required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shallinclude the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for thepurpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on thetests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by anindependent firm or institution nominated by the contractor tothe approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measuredseparately)


Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use andwaste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"),for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing andfixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easyrelease during stripping and for reconditioning as necessarybefore re-use

The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such constructionas is sufficiently strong to afford the required support withoutdamage and shall remain in position until the newly constructedwork is able to support itself.

Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to beslabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described

Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc willonly be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer fordesign reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity orcollapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the costthereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance fortaking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations,provision for which is made in "Earthworks"

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Reinforced concrete raft foundations. Refer to thespecifications and detailed drawings compiled by JohanErwee Engineers dated 1 Febuary 2011. All work to becarried out in accordance with the specificatons, approveddesign drawings and to the satisfaction of Johan ErweeEngineers.

A 20Mpa Concrete raft foundation for residential house inpickable soil including trench excavations, dampcourse,soil poisoning, concrete, formwork, reinforcing, curing,surface bed and carting away of excess material to adumping site located by the contractor, etc (approximately140m² for double storey addition) Item

B 20Mpa Concrete raft foundation for residential house inpickable soil including trench excavations, dampcourse,soil poisoning, concrete, formwork, reinforcing, curing,surface bed and carting away of excess material to adumping site located by the contractor, etc (13m² for singlestorey addition) Item


25MPa /19mm concrete

C Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 17


D Making and testing of three 150 x 150 x 150mm concretestrength test cubes per set No 5


Rough formwork to sides

E Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mmhigh or wide. m 8

Rough formwork to soffits

F Slabs propped up not exceeding 3,50m high m2 83

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A Slabs propped up exceeding 5,0m not exceeding 6,5mhigh m2 3


Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work

B 8 mm Diameter bars t 0.433

High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concretework

C 25mm Diameter bars t 0.095

D 16mm Diameter bars t 0.052

E 12mm Diameter bars t 1.281

F 10mm Diameter bars t 0.844

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Bill No. 3

Concrete Formwork & Reinforcement


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Blocks, sills, etc measured linear shall be made in suitablelengths. Large size setting out drawings shall be preparedwhere necessary and submitted to the architect for approvalbefore moulds are made


Where kerbstones, blocks, etc are laid in ground descriptionsshall be deemed to include necessary excavation, filling in andramming


Precast lintels 110 X 75mm

A Standard precast concrete lintels m 81

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Sizes in descriptions

Where sizes in descriptions are given in brick units, "one brick"shall represent the length and "half brick" the width of a brick

Hollow walls etc

Descriptions of hollow walls shall be deemed to include leavingevery fifth perpend of the bottom course of the external skinopen as a weep hole.

Walls in two skins described as "bagged and sealed" shall bedeemed to include having the outer face of the inner skinbagged with 1:6 cement and sand mixture and sealed with twocoats "Brixeal" bitumen emulsion waterproofing coating.

Face bricks

Face Bricks shall be ordered timeously to obtain uniformity insize and colour. Face Bricks to be selected from three palletssimultaneosly to avoid to ensure uniformity of colour.


Descriptions of recessed pointing to fair face brickwork andface brickwork shall be deemed to include square recessed,hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc


Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar

A Mass brickwork in piers and columns m3 9

B Mass brickwork in chimneys m3 5

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A 115mm Walls m2 35

B 230mm Walls m2 236


Brickwork reinforcement

C 75mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 77

D 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 556

Turning pieces

E 115mm Wide turning piece to lintels m 50


150mm Thick natural stone cladding including wire ties,jointing etc (Prime cost amount of R 350/m² includingdelivery and excluding VAT)

F To walls m2 121


110 x 220 x 50mm Brick pavers (Prime cost amount ofR130.00/m² including delivery and excluding VAT) on50mm riversand on approved weedkiller, including surfacepreparation.

G Paving to falls, including edges, cutting etc m2 196

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Waterproofing of roofs, basements, etc shall be laid under a tenyear guarantee. Waterproofing to roofs shall be laid to evenfalls to outlets etc with necessary ridges, hips and valleys.Descriptions of sheet or membrane waterproofing shall bedeemed to include additional labour to turn-ups and turn-downs


One layer of 375 micron embossed damp proof course.

A Under Cills m2 8


One layer Derbigum SP4 torch-on waterproofingMembrane with 75mm side laps and 100mm end lapssealed to primed surfaces on concrete or screed surfacesand finished with two coats Roofcote bituminousaluminium paint, by approved specialist being a member ofthe Gauteng Waterproofing Association. Installation tocarry a ten year guarantee

B On concrete floors m2 4


One layer Derbigum Cover Grade CG3 and one layer CG4torch on waterproofing Membrane with 75mm side lapsand 100mm end laps on concrete or screed surfaces, byapproved specialist being a member of the GautengWaterproofing Association. Installation to carry a ten yearguarantee

C On concrete floors m2 5

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A Seal edges at junction with parapet or balustrade notexceeding 100mm high including turn-ups m 10


Three coat "Fibre seal" fibre reinforced Acrylicwaterproofing per manufacturer's specification

B On parapet walls including 85mm turn down to bottom oftop corbelling course m2 4

C On walls and floors of showers m2 12


Silicone sealing compound including backing cord, bondbreaker, primer, etc

D 5 x 10mm in joints between tiles and sanitary fitting orworktop, etc m 8

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420 X 332mm "Marley Monarch Double Roman" concreteroof tiles, nailed onto battens spaced at max 345mmcentres including one layer underlay. (battens elsewhere)Pricing of ridges, hips and valleys to include junctions andfair ends

A Roof Covering with a pitch of 26 degrees m2 163

B Ridge tiles m 17

C Valley tiles m 30

D Hip tiles m 19


Galvanized sheet iron:

E 0,8 mm Side wall flashing and cover flashing, sealed intoplaster joints m 4

F 0,8 mm Headwall flashing and cover flashing, sealed intoplaster joints m 9

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Roof trusses to be designed and constructed with soft woodstructural timber to include for live loads, wind loads and to taketile roof covering, purlins and fibre cement of gysumplasterboard ceilings with brandering. Each roof truss shallhave all its members accurately cut and close butted togetherand rigidly fixed by CSIR approved patented galvanized metalspiked connectors, fixed on both sides of each intersection byan approved method, all in accordance with the manufacturer'sinstructions.

The design, manufacture and transportation of the roof trusses,bracing, etc. shall be under the control of a registered Engineerin accordance with SABS 0243 and it shall be required from themanufacturer of the trusses to lodge a written guarantee thathis construction has been designed by a qualified StructuralEngineer and that he is in possession of a capability certificateissued by the Institute for Timber Construction an approved bythe Repressentative/agent.

The tenderer's attention is drawn to the fact that the tenderdrawings only represent the overall size and bearing points ofthe trusses and not the required design.

Erection must be carried out as described in "The Erection andBracing of Timber Roof Trusses" published by the Truss PlateAssociation of South Africa Ltd. and the National TimberResearch Institute, CSIR.

Descriptions of roof trusses shall be deemed to include fordesigh, manufacture, supply, hoisting and fixing in position,trimming ends, notching, etc. and for any temporary bracing.


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Plate nailed timber roof truss construction

The following is applicable in respect of roof trusses:

Trusses at maximum 1000mm centres

Roof covering is Marley Double Roman concrete roof tiles on38 x 50mm battens at 345mm Centres

Grade 6 SA Pine

A 76 X 52mm Wall plate m 55

Roof construction of 26º double pitched trusses with300mm overhang including wall plates, purlins, bracing etc(refer drawings for dimensions)

B Roof construction for the additional L shaped building,consisting of scissor trusses over the new lounge area,10.10 X 5.90m joining to the old roof and a double pitchroof trusses over the main bedroom area, 7.20 X 9.50mincluding all hip, vally, rafter beams and bracing asneccessory to construct roof as per plan attached

No 1

C Roof construction for the extended entertainment area4.15 X 3.00m consisting of double pitch roof trusses as perplan attached. No 1


Wrought Meranti

D 19 x 135mm High Profiled skirting (Prime Cost amount ofR100.00 including delivery and excluding VAT) m 75


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"Innoware" or similar

A Sectional overhead garage door size 4880 x 2125mm highoverall with Gemini overhead motors and two remotes(Prime Cost amount of R16,000.00 including delivery,installation, finish and excluding VAT) (D7) No 1

B Sectional overhead garage door size 2440 x 2125mm highoverall with Gemini overhead motors and two remotes(Prime Cost amount of R10,000.00 including delivery,installation, finish and excluding VAT) (D8) No 1

Semi-Solid Doors

C Single 40mm Interior Doors size 813 x 2125mm high(Pime cost amount of R800.00 including delivery andexcluding VAT) (D10) No 4

Horizontally slatted solid fire doors

D 1/2 hour fire door 813 X 2125mm high fitted into a timberframe (Timber Frame measured elsewhere) No 1

Solid Meranti

E Frame for single door No 5

F 40mm Single door size 813 x 2032mm high hung toexisting timber frame (Prime Cost amount of R800.00including delivery and excluding VAT) No 9

Solid meranti horizontally slatted doors

G Purpose made pivot door and frame size 1780 X 2125mm,- Refer drawing attached - D6 No 1


Wrought Meranti

H 19 x 135mm High profiled architrave (Prime Cost amountof R60.00 including delivery and excluding VAT)

m 23

J 19 x 90mm Filler piece between door frame and architrave m 19

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A 19 x 30mm Filler piece between door frame and architrave m 4

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Carpentry & Joinery


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Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed withhardened steel nails or pins or shot pinned to brickwork orconcrete or Bolted to steel trusses.

Items described as "plugged" shall be deemed to includescrewing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding600mm centres, and where described as "bolted" the boltshave been given elsewhere


6.5mm Tapered edge Gypsum ceiling boards nailed to andincluding 38x38mm SAP brandering to bottom of timbertrusses at 400mm intervals, Apply 48mm RhinoTape overjoints and FibaTape over butt joints and apply one coatminimum 3mm RhinoLite or similar skim coat to a smoothand even polished finish

A Horizontal ceilings m2 57

25mm "Thermocoustex" ceiling boards with 48mmRhinoTape over joints and FibaTape over butt joints andapply one coat minimum 3mm RhinoLite or similar skimcoat to a smooth and even polished finish

B Raking ceilings between rafters on and including 38 x 38SA Pine brandering fitted over rafters at 350mm centres(each 3rd brandering substituted with purlins measuredelsewhere) m2 43

Gypsum board cornices

C 75mm Coved cornice m 111

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Glass wool insulation

A 75mm Insulation in blanket form closely fitted and laid ontop of brandering between roof timbers etc m2 57

B 75mm Insulation in blanket form closely fitted and laid onceiling between trusses etc m2 43

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Bill No. 9

Ceilings Partitions and Access Flooring


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Stretch Carpets on underlay (Prime Cost amount ofR350.00 installed and excluding VAT)

A On floors m2 35

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Finishes to ironmongery

Where applicable finishes to ironmongery are indicated bysuffixes in accordance with the following list: BS Satin bronze lacquered CH Chromium plated SC Satin chromium plated SE Silver enamelled GE Grey enamelled AS Anodised silver AB Anodised bronze AG Anodised gold ABL Anodised black PB Polished brass PL Polished and lacquered PT Epoxy coated SD Sanded



A 3mm X 120mm Ballbearing Hinge (Prime Cost amount ofR100.00 per pair including delivery and excluding VAT) No 5


Brass / Chromium Plated

B Cylinder sashlock (Prime Cost amount of R120.00including delivery and excluding VAT) No 5

C Double Cylinder (Prime Cost amount of R125.00 includingdelivery and excluding VAT) No 5


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A Handle Pair (Prime Cost amount of R350.00 includingdelivery and excluding VAT) No 5

Refixing of existing ironmongery sets.

B Servicing and repairing all existing hinges, handles,locksets, etc removed from timber doors, and fitting intonew timber doors. No 9



C Toilet roll holders (Prime Cost amount of R400.00including delivery and excluding VAT) No 2

D Soapdish (Prime Cost amount of R150.00 includingdelivery and excluding VAT) No 5

E Towel rail (Prime Cost amount of R500.00 includingdelivery and excluding VAT) No 2

F Hand Towel rail (Prime Cost amount of R300.00 includingdelivery and excluding VAT) No 3


"Yakota Clipper" Curtain tracks with wall mountingbrackets plugged to brick walls.

G Double track m 23



H 3x32mm dividing strip m 4

J Brass magnetic doorstop (Prime Cost amount of R75.00including delivery and excluding VAT) No 5

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Bill No. 11



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The contractor and/or nominated/selected sub-contractor shallprepare and submit, at his own expense, three (3) copies ofshop drawings of all alluminium work, working or setting outdrawings shop details and schedules to the principal agent forapproval prior to commencement of manufacture. Correctionof shop drawings shall not constitute a change in scope of workunless the contractor notifies the principal agent in writingwithin seven (7) days and shall not proceed with fabricationuntil so authorized by the architect.


Approved windows and sliding or sliding/folding doorswith glazing per AAAMSA standards (unless otherwisestated) with frames in "Black" powdercoating to SANBSANP3055 and with paintable acrylic sealant on internal sideand UV Resistant sealant to the external side betweenframe and steel member / plaster. Installation after curingof plastering. Protect against damage after installation. No'touch-ups' allowed. Profiles, glazing and installation toconform to AAAMSA standards.

Shop drawings are to be submitted and approved by thearchitect prior to installation.

A Window size 400 X 400mm high overall of one fixed panel. Refer drawing attached - W1 No 3

B Window size 600 X 1200mm high overall of one side hungopening sections and one fixed pane including adjustablefriction stay and window catch . Refer drawing attached -W2 No 7

C Window size 600 X 1800mm high overall of one side hungopening section and one fixed pane including adjustablefriction stay and window catch . Refer drawing attached -W3 No 12

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A Window size 600 X 1800mm high overall of one side hungopening section and one fixed pane. All glazing to beobscure glass or sandblasted. including adjustable frictionstay and window catch . Refer drawing attached - W3 No 2

B Window size 900 X 1800mm high overall of two side hungopening sections and two fixed panes including adjustablefriction stay and window catch . Refer drawing attached -W4 No 2

C Window size 1200 X 900mm high overall of two side hungopening sections including adjustable friction stay andwindow catch . Refer drawing attached - W5 No 1

D Window size 900 X 2125mm high overall of three top hungopening sections and one fixed pane including adjustablefriction stay and window catch . Refer drawing attached -W6 No 1

E Window size 2540 X 2125mm high overall of six fixedpanes. Refer drawing attached - W7 No 1

F Sliding/folding door in five leaves size 3460 x 2125mmhigh overall including sliding mechanism, handles, flushbolts and cylinder lockset . Refer drawing attached - D1 No 1

G Sliding/folding door in five leaves size 3000 x 2125mmhigh overall including sliding mechanism, handles, flushbolts and cylinder lockset . Refer drawing attached - D2 No 1

H Sliding/folding door in five leaves size 3070 x 2125mmhigh overall including sliding mechanism, handles, flushbolts and cylinder lockset . Refer drawing attached - D3 No 1

J Sliding/folding door in three leaves size 2540 x 2125mmhigh overall including sliding mechanism, handles, flushbolts and cylinder lockset . Refer drawing attached - D4 No 1

K Window and Sliding door combination 3600 X 2125mmOverall consisting of a double aluminium sliding door size1800 X 2125mm high overall, in two equal sliding panels,and two windows size 900 X 2125mm on either side, eachhaving 3 top hung openings and one fixed pane - refer todrawing attached - D5 No 1

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A Window 2400 X 2635mm high overall with one mullion andthree transoms creating eight equal sized panes and onesidelight below 400 X 2380mm high.(Timber doormeasured elsewhere) - refer to drawing attached - D6

No 1

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Bill No. 12



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Untinted granolithic, on concrete

A 50mm Thick on floors and landings m2 58


1:4 Cement screeds wood floated on concrete

B 25mm Thick on floors m2 147

C Average 40mm Thick on floors to falls m2 2


Steel floated cement plaster on brickwork

D On walls m2 376

E On walls in patching m2 4

F On narrow widths m2 31

Cement plaster rendering coat followed by gypsum skimplaster finishing coat, on concrete

G On soffits of slabs m2 85


Wood floated cement plaster on brickwork

H On walls m2 298

J On narrow widths m2 23

K Extra for plaster band 110mm x 20mm thick includingrounded edges m 206

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Cement plaster on concrete

A On ceilings m2 37

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Bill No. 13



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Item Quantity Rate AmountNo




uPVC pipes and fittings:

Soil, waste and vent pipes and fittings shall be solvent weldjointed

uPVC pressure pipes and fittings:

Pipes for water supply shall be of the class stated

Pipes of 40mm diameter and smaller shall be plain ended withsolvent welded uPVC loose sockets and fittings

Pipes of 50mm diameter and greater shall have sockets andspigots with push in type integral rubber ring joints. Bends shallbe uPVC and all other fittings shall be cast iron, all with similarpush-in type joints

Copper pipes:

Pipes shall be hard drawn and half-hard pipes of the classstated. Class 0 (thin walled hard drawn) pipes shall not bebent. Class 1 (thin walled half-hard), class 2 (half-hard) andclass 3 (heavy walled half-hard) pipes shall only be bent withbenders with inner and outer formers. Fittings to copper waste,vent and anti-syphon pipes, capillary solder fittings andcompression fittings shall be "Cobra Watertech" type. Capillarysolder fittings shall comply with ISO 2016. Only compressionfittings shall be used in walls or in ground

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Reducing fittings

Where fittings have reducing ends or branches they aredescribed as "reducing". In the case of pipes with diametersnot exceeding 60mm only the largest end or branch size isgiven. Should the contractor wish to use other fittings andbushes or reducers he may do so on the understanding that noclaim in this regard will be entertained. In the case of pipeswith diameters exceeding 60mm all sizes are given and noclaim for extra bushes, reducers, etc will be entertained

Exposed concrete surfaces

Exposed surfaces of concrete stormwater channels, coverslabs, inspection eye marker slabs, gulley tops, cleaning eyetops, catchpits, inspection chambers, etc shall be finishedsmooth with plaster


No claim for rock excavation will be entertained unless thecontractor has timeously notified the quantity surveyor thereofprior to backfilling

"Soft rock" and "hard rock" shall be as defined in "Earthworks"

Laying, backfilling, bedding, etc. of pipes

Pipes shall be laid and bedded and trenches shall be carefullybackfilled in accordance with manufacturers' instructions

Where no manufacturers' instructions exist pipes shall be laid inaccordance with clauses 5.1 and 5.2 of each of the following: SABS 1200 L : Medium-pressure pipelines LD : Sewers LE : Stormwater drainage Pipe trenches etc shall be backfilled in accordance with clauses3, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 7 of SABS 1200 DB : Earthworks (Pipe trenches) Pipes shall be bedded in accordance with clauses 3.1 to 3.4.1,5.1 to 5.3 and 7 of SABS 1200 LB : Bedding (Pipes). Unless otherwise described bedding of rigid pipes shall beclass B bedding

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Wire gratings

Descriptions of gutter outlets etc shall be deemed to includewire balloon gratings

Flush pans

Flush pans shall have straight or side outlets and "P" or "S"traps as necessary

Stainless steelbasins, sinks, wash troughs, urinals, etc.

Units shall have standard aprons on all exposed edges andtiling keys against walls where applicable

Waste unions

Descriptions of waste unions shall be deemed to include rubberor vulcanite plugs and chains fixed to fittings

Steel sectional water tanks

Tanks shall comply with SABS CKS 114

Rainwater disposal

Description of "suspended" deem to include patent metalhangers as "Plumblink" Pear-shaped hanger bracket or similar of galvanised threaded rod let into soffit of concrete slab andother end fastened to galvanised strap around rainwater pipesuspended not exceeding 1m below soffit, including holes andbolting, not exceeding 1m apart.

Fixing of pipes

Unless specifically otherwise stated, all pipe work shall bechased into brickwork.


uPVC Pipes

A 110mm Pipes vertically in brickwork m 8

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Extra over uPVC pipes for fittings

A 110mm bend No 2

"Fulbore" cast iron outlets

B 100mm Vertical outlet No 5


Underground quality PVC pipes

C 110mm Pipes laid in trenches not exceeding 1.00m deep m 24

Extra over PVC pipes for fittings

D 110mm ABC cleaning eye in end of pipe No 3

E 110mm Bend No 4

F 110mm Access junction No 3

G 110mm Access pipe No 1

Concrete encasement

H Encase soil pipe in 300 x 300 x 20MPa concrete including3 x Y10 top rebar and 3 x Y 10 bottom rebar and R 8Stirrups @ 500c/c m 3


NOTE: Prime Cost (PC) Amounts below include wastefittings, connectors, traps, ballcocks, delivery and excludeVAT etc. Contractor to allow for taking delivery,installation, testing and commissioning

White Vitreous China

J WC suite with Geberit concealed cistern and wall hungpan, including toilet seat (Prime cost amount of R 6000.00) No 2

K Basin on pedestal (Prime cost amount of R 2,500.00) No 1

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A Drop-in or sit-on basin (Prime cost amount of R 3000.00) No 2

B Free standing bath with centre outlet size 1700 x 700mm(Prime cost amount of R 16,000.00) No 1

"Toilet Friend 0720751339"

C Toilet extractor fan (Prime cost amount of R4000.00including delivery and excluding VAT) (Chasing intobrickwork by main contractor) No 2


NOTE: Prime Cost (PC) Amounts below include deliveryand excludes VAT, Contractor to allow for taking delivery,installation, testing and commissioning

Chromium Plated

D 15mm Shower mixer, arm and rose (Prime cost amount ofR 2500.00) plus shower trap and outlet (Prime costamount of R 350.00) No 1

E 20mm Bath mixer (Prime cost amount of R6000.00) withtwo discharge points, one through hand shower head, andthe other through bath mixer. each discharge point to beseparately connected.

No 1

F 15mm Topfix WHB Mixer (Prime cost amount of R2000.00) No 3


Waste water removal system from sanitary fitting toconnection with external sewer system / discharge intogulley, including testing of system.

G For one cluster servicing 1x WHB, 1 x WC on ground floorin new guest WC, including chasing pipes into existingbrickwork and joining into existing verticle waste dischargep i p e . No 1

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A For one cluster servicing 1 x WC and 2 x WHB, 1 x showerand 1 x bath on first floor (Main Bathroom) No 1


Hot and cold water supply in Galvanized mild steel orClass 2 Copper or NHBRC approved alternative pipingfrom point of entry into building up to termination atsanitary fitting, including routing via electric water heaters,including testing

B For one cluster servicing 1x WHB, 1 x WC on ground floorin new guest WC, including chasing pipes into existingw a l l s No 1

C For one cluster servicing 1 x WC and 2 x WHB, 1 x showerand 1 x bath on first floor (Main Bathroom) No 1

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Bill No. 14

Plumbing and Drainage


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Item Quantity Rate AmountNo





Provide the Prime Cost amount of R300.00/m² includingdelivery and excluding VAT for 450 x 450mm porcelain tilesfixed with porcelain tile adhesive to plaster (plasterelsewhere) flush pointed with jointing compound.

A On walls m2 55

B On narrow widths m2 3

Polished Aluminium trims, listello's etc

C Corner trim (PC of R45.00/m including delivery andexcluding VAT) m 24


Provide the Prime Cost amount of R300.00/m² includingdelivery and excluding VAT for 450 x 450mm porcelain tileswith porcelain tile adhesive including flush pointed withjointing compound.

D On floors and landings m2 112

Provide the Prime Cost amount of R900,00/m² includingdelivery and excluding VAT for 25 x 25mm mosaic tilesfixed with tile adhesive to screed (screed elsewhere) flushpointed with waterproof jointing compound.

E On floors to falls and currents m2 2

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Item Quantity Rate AmountNo




6mm Silvered float glass copper backed mirrors withpolished edges holed for and fixed with chromium plateddome capped mirror screws with rubber buffers to plugs inbrickwork or concrete

A Mirror 400x600mm high No 3

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Item Quantity Rate AmountNo





One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Trade 65" PVAemulsion paint in colours which have a value of 7 or lesson the Munsell system in accordance with SABS 1091

A On ceilings and cornices m2 68


One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Weathershield" PVAemulsion paint in colours which have a value of 7 or lesson the Munsell system in accordance with SABS 1091

B On exterior walls and columns m2 298

One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Trade 65" or similarapproved PVA emulsion paint in colours which have avalue of 7 or less on the Munsell system in accordancewith SABS 1091

C On ceilings and beams m2 85

One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Weathershield" PVAemulsion paint in colours which have a value of 7 or lesson the Munsell system in accordance with SABS 1091

D Mouldings and bands not exceeding 300mm wide or girthin colours differing from surrounding work m 202

One coat primer and two coats "Dulux Trade 100" orsimilar approved PVA emulsion paint in colours whichhave a value of 7 or less on the Munsell system inaccordance with SABS 1091

E On internal walls m2 362

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One coat stain and two coats teac oil

A On doors and door frames m2 18

B On existing or re-used doors and door frames m2 13

C On skirtings and architraves not exceeding 300mm wide m 97

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Section No. 2


Bill No. 17



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Section No. 2



Bill Page AmountNo No

1 -23-Alterations

2 -24-Earthworks

3 -28-Concrete Formwork & Reinforcement

4 -29-Precast Concrete

5 -32-Masonry

6 -35-Waterproofing

7 -36-Roof Coverings etc

8 -41-Carpentry & Joinery

9 -44-Ceilings Partitions and Access Flooring

10 -45-Floor covering, Plastic linings

11 -48-Ironmongery

12 -52-Metalwork

13 -55-Plastering

14 -62-Plumbing and Drainage

15 -63-Tiling

16 -64-Glazing

17 -67-Painting

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Item Unit Quantity Rate AmountNo




Palisade wall

A Palisade wall consisting of: One brick wall in NFPbricks in class II cement mortar, 595mm high aboveNGL with a 85mm brick corbelling on top, and330X330mm columns 1385mm high above NGL ofNFP bricks in class II cement mortar with a460X460X85mm thick precast concrete column cap(PC amount of R300.00 delivered and installed,excluding VAT). Columns are spaced at a maximuminterval of 3170mm. The palisade wall and columns areall on a 700 X 300mm thick 20MPa concrete stripfooting excavated in earth. Including a 545mm highpalisade metal fence, of 38X25X1mm rectangulartubing, fitted between brick columns (PC Amount ofR600.00 per meter, delivered and installed, includingVAT) All exposed brick work are to be plastered with aexternal cement plaster to a smooth finish to receivetwo coats of external quality "Dulux Weathershield"paint. The palisade fence is to receive 1 coat primerand 2 coats of enamel paint. Provision should be madefor all items associated with the work to be completedat per the detail drawings attached.

m 3

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Boundary Wall

A Boundary street wall consisting of: One brick wall inNFP bricks in class II cement mortar, 1360mm highoverall above NGL with two 85mm brick corbelling asper drawings attached, and 330X330mm columns1385mm High above NGL of NFP bricks in class IIcement mortar with a 460X460X85mm thick precastconcrete column cap (PC amount of R300.00 deliveredand installed, excluding VAT). Columns are spaced at amaximum interval of 3170mm. The boundary wall andcolumns are all on a 700 X 300mm thick 20MPaconcrete strip footing excavated in earth. All exposedbrick work are to be plastered with a external cementplaster to a smooth finish to receive two coats ofexternal quality "Dulux Weathershield" paint. Provisionshould be made for all items associated with the workto be completed at per the detail drawings attached.

m 21

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Section No. 3


Bill No. 1

External Works


Page AmountNo

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Item Quantity Rate AmountNo




All cost price items and provisional sums will be nett and noBuilder's discount will be applicable


Budgetary amount

A Allow the budgetary amount of R 30,000.00 for builderswork to be quantified Item 30,000 00


B Allow the amount of R 50,000.00 for contingencies. Item 50,000 00


Shutters to D1

C Allow the amount of R 20,000.00 for supply and installationof Timber Shutters to Folding Door D1 Item 20,000 00

D Profit Item

E Attendance Item


F Allow the amount of R 30,000.00 for supply andinstallation of Handrails/Balustrades to stairways andbalconies Item 8,000 00

G Profit Item

H Attendance Item

Carried to Collection R Section No. 4SECTION 4D - PROVISIONAL SUMSBill No. 1Provisional Sums2010J049House De Welzim

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Built In Cupboards

A Allow the amount of R 25,000.00 for design,supply andinstallation of Built In Cupboards Item 25,000 00

B Profit Item

C Attendance Item

Shower doors

D Allow the amount of R 4,000 for the supply and installationof shower doors Item 4,000 00

E Profit Item

F Attendance Item

Vanities With Natural Stone Tops

G Allow the amount of R 10,000.00 for the design,supply and installation of Vanities Item 1,000 00

H Profit Item

J Attendance Item

Quarts Carperts Around Pool

K Allow the amount of R 50,000.00 for the supply andinstallation of Quarts carperts around the pool area Item 50,000 00

L Profit Item

M Attendance Item


N Allow the amount of R 20,000.00 for supply and installationof a fireplace Item 20,000 00

P Profit Item

Q Attendance Item

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Internal Electrical installation

A Allow the amount of R 80,000.00 for the domestic electricalinstallation including light fittings Item 80,000 00

B Profit Item

C Attendance Item

Under Floor Heating Systems To New Rooms

D Allow the amount of R20,000.00 for the design, supply andinstallation of electrical based underfloor heating to theMain bedroom, Bathroom, Dresser and Lounge Item 20,000 00

E Profit Item

F Attendance Item

Under Floor Heating Systems To Existing Rooms

G Allow the amount of R10,000.00 for the design, supply andinstallation of electrical based underfloor heating to theGuest Room Item 10,000 00

H Profit Item

J Attendance Item

Air-Conditioning To Existing Rooms

K Allow the amount of R 15,000.00 for the supply andinstallation of Air-conditioning Units to Existing Guest room Item 15,000 00

L Profit Item

M Attendance Item

Air-Conditioning To New Rooms

N Allow the amount of R 30,000.00 for the supply andinstallation of Air-conditioning Units to new rooms Item 30,000 00

Carried to Collection R Section No. 4SECTION 4D - PROVISIONAL SUMSBill No. 1Provisional Sums2010J049House De Welzim

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A Profit Item

B Attendance Item


Water supply and reticulation

C Allow the amount of R 5,000.00 for water supply mains,site reticulation and garden taps, etc

Item 5,000 00

D Profit Item

E Attendance Item


F Allow the amount of R 20,000.00 for the design, supplyand installation of gates Item 20,000 00

G Profit Item

H Attendance Item

Pool Seat

J Allow the amount of R 20,000.00 for the design, supplyand installation of the Pool Seat Item 20,000 00

K Profit Item

L Attendance Item

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Section No. 4


Bill No. 1

Provisional Sums


Page AmountNo

Total Brought Forward from Page No. -72-




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Section Page AmountNo No


Less credit for old materials listed in Bill 1 Alterations Item


Sub-total R

Add: VAT @ 14% R



Carried to Form of Tender R

2010J049House De Welzim

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House De Welzim

DMS Quantity Surveyors

Mr & Mrs De Welzim

Addition to a double storey residence


12.00 23 February 2011

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23 February 2011

DMS Quantity Surveyors

Wapadrand Office Park, 90 Kingbolt Crescent, Wapadrand

Mr & Mrs. De Welzim


Addition to residence on erf 1210, Midstream Estates

Principal Building Contract

(012) 807 2501 086 661 3241 [email protected]

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