Secrets of taking a successful listening comprehension test Robert Märcz Foreign Language Centre...

Secrets of taking a successful listening comprehension test Robert Märcz Foreign Language Centre University of Pécs EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Transcript of Secrets of taking a successful listening comprehension test Robert Märcz Foreign Language Centre...

Secrets of taking a successful listening comprehension test

Robert Märcz

Foreign Language Centre

University of Pécs

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012


- Questions of listening comprehension- Influencing factors- Context, participants and instruments- Results- Conclusions

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Particular Features of Listening Comprehension

50% of our communication time

Complex process (top-down / bottom-up)

Various use of different strategies

Cannot be observed directly

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

What influences

Objective factors:Task characteristicsText characteristicsSituation-specific factors:

quality of the inputactual circumstances

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

What influences

Subjective factors:L2 proficiency (in general)L2 listening ability (in particular)Memory and attentionBackground knowledgeExperiences – exposureInterest and motivationUse of strategies

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Context and participantsECL International Language Examination System

Level – B2Listening comprehension test Two tasks: multiple choice (three options) (Eve’s Life)

short answer (Judy Bloom)

Online questionnaireCc 500 answers within the first two week (cc 30%)

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

The Questionnaire

Three parts:1. Background data (7 items)2. Statements concerning the factors that influence

listening comprehension (Influencing factors = motivation, aptitude, memory, confidence, preparation and exposure to L2) (30 items)

3. Statements concerning strategies (cognitive and meta-cognitive)(16 items)

/Likert scale: 1 -4 / not anonym -

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012


Concentrate only on influencing factors (2nd part)

Data on the performance of the test-takers and the questionnaire compared

Quantitative analysis: simple frequencies, percentages and standard deviation calculated

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysis

I need the language exam – 3.83A language exam may always come in useful – 3.81I regularly listen to music in English – 3.71I like the English language – 3.59I like the sound of English – 3.48I can learn easily – 3.11I regularly watch films in English with subtitles - 3.06/standard deviation .497 - .684 /Commonalities: motivation, aptitude and exposure

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysisCorrelations between

test performance and influencing factors

Concentrating only on significant correlation

(i) intrinsic motivation(ii) confidence(iii) preparation(iv) exposure to L2.

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysis

Three steps:1. bivariate correlation: test performance and

influencing factor (consisting of several items)

2. bivariate correlation: between test performance and each of the statements (constituting a particular influencing factor) separately

3. Cross tabulation (batch correlations)

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysisIntrinsic motivation

Significant and weak, correlation (0.195)I like the English language (0.261)I like the sound of English (0.180)

(I like the American culture / I am interested in British culture)

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysis

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Int. Motivaton Total

Low HIgh


0 – 59%

Count 108 100 208

% within LPC_categories 51,9% 48,1% 100,0%

% within Mot_int_50_50 52,7% 37,5% 44,1%

% of Total 22,9% 21,2% 44,1%

60 - 79%

Count 56 82 138

% within LPC_categories 40,6% 59,4% 100,0%

% within Mot_int_50_50 27,3% 30,7% 29,2%

% of Total 11,9% 17,4% 29,2%

80 – 100%

Count 41 85 126

% within LPC_categories 32,5% 67,5% 100,0%

% within Mot_int_50_50 20,0% 31,8% 26,7%

% of Total 8,7% 18,0% 26,7%

Results and analysis

ConfidenceSignificant and almost moderate correlation

(0.358)I am good at listening comprehension (0.379)I can understand English films well (0.336)Other items (0.218 – 0.273)

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysisTable 7/ LPC_categories * Confidence50_50 Crosstabulation

Confidence Total

Low High


0 – 59%

Count 140 68 208

% within LPC_categories

67,3% 32,7% 100,0%

% within Confidence50_50

55,8% 30,8% 44,1%

% of Total 29,7% 14,4% 44,1%

60 - 79%

Count 67 71 138

% within LPC_categories

48,6% 51,4% 100,0%

% within Confidence50_50

26,7% 32,1% 29,2%

% of Total 14,2% 15,0% 29,2%

80 – 100%

Count 44 82 126

% within LPC_categories

34,9% 65,1% 100,0%

% within Confidence50_50

17,5% 37,1% 26,7%

% of Total 9,3% 17,4% 26,7%EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysis

PreparationNo significant correlation with this influencing factor

BUT significant and weak correlation with one statement:

I came well prepared for the listening comprehension test (0.152)

Others:I practiced listening comprehension exercisesWe completed many LP exercises with my teacher

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysis

Exposure to L2Significant and weak, correlation (0.280)

Correlations: (0.129 – 0.299)

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Results and analysis

Exposure to L2 Total Low High


0 – 59%

Count 134 74 208

% within LPC_categories 64,4% 35,6% 100,0%

% within Exposure50_50 54,3% 32,9% 44,1%

% of Total 28,4% 15,7% 44,1%

60 - 79%

Count 66 72 138

% within LPC_categories 47,8% 52,2% 100,0%

% within Exposure50_50 26,7% 32,0% 29,2%

% of Total 14,0% 15,3% 29,2%

80 – 100%

Count 47 79 126

% within LPC_categories 37,3% 62,7% 100,0%

% within Exposure50_50 19,0% 35,1% 26,7%

% of Total 10,0% 16,7% 26,7%

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

ConclusionsThere is significant though mainly weak correlationbetween

test performance


confidence (0.358) exposure to L2 (0.280)intrinsic motivation (0.195)preparation (0.152)

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012


As the construct of any language tests is thelanguage knowledge itself the results mean that:

- the test is not biased- it measures the construct- there are some factors that do provide


EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012

Thank you for your attention!

EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012