Secrecy in Multiuser Wireless Communications: Flirting with

Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research Secrecy in Multiuser Wireless Communications: Flirting with Many Girls or Boys at the Same Time Giovanni Geraci and Jinhong Yuan Feb 18, 2013 Jinhong Yuan: Secrecy in Multiuser MISO Wireless Communications

Transcript of Secrecy in Multiuser Wireless Communications: Flirting with

Page 1: Secrecy in Multiuser Wireless Communications: Flirting with

Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Secrecy in Multiuser Wireless Communications:Flirting with Many Girls or Boys at the Same


Giovanni Geraci and Jinhong Yuan

Feb 18, 2013

Jinhong Yuan:

Secrecy in Multiuser MISO Wireless Communications

Page 2: Secrecy in Multiuser Wireless Communications: Flirting with

Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research


Introduction: Physical Layer Security

System Model and Proposed Scheme


Upper Bounds

Imperfect Channel State Information

Ongoing Research

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Secrecy in Multiuser MISO Wireless Communications

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research


Introduction: Physical Layer Security

System Model and Proposed Scheme


Upper Bounds

Imperfect Channel State Information

Ongoing Research

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Secrecy in Multiuser MISO Wireless Communications

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Security in Wireless Networks

I Security is crucial for wireless communications:users rely on wireless devices to transmit sensitive data.

I Due to the broadcast nature of the physical medium,every node in the network is a potential eavesdropper.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Classical Cryptography

I Symmetric key: a secret key must be distributed

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Classical Cryptography

I Asymmetric key:the eavesdropper must have limited computational power

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Physical Layer Security

I Physical layer security exploits the randomness of the channel

I No secret key is needed

I Even an eavesdropper with unlimited computational powercannot extract any information from the received signal

I How? Example:

I Eavesdropper’s channel is noisier than the intended receiver’s

I Message is encoded in such a way that the intended receivercan recover it, but the eavesdropper cannot

I Some of the bits are used to “confuse” the eavesdropper

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Physical Layer Security

I Physical layer security exploits the randomness of the channel

I No secret key is needed

I Even an eavesdropper with unlimited computational powercannot extract any information from the received signal

I How? Example:

I Eavesdropper’s channel is noisier than the intended receiver’s

I Message is encoded in such a way that the intended receivercan recover it, but the eavesdropper cannot

I Some of the bits are used to “confuse” the eavesdropper

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Secrecy Rates

I The secrecy rate is the rate at which:

I The message is transmitted reliably to the intended user

I No information is leaked at the eavesdropper

I The secrecy rates achievable in multi-user networks withpractical transmission schemes remain an open problem.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Code construction: random binning

I Generate a message m out of 2nR possible messages.

I Associate m to a bin of size 2nR′, and select a message m′

inside the bin. Transmit the codeword (m,m′).

I If Cm are Ce are capacities to intended user and eavesdropper,then choose R + R ′ < Cm and R ′ > Ce ⇒ R < Cm − Ce .

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Code construction: random binning

I Generate a message m out of 2nR possible messages.

I Associate m to a bin of size 2nR′, and select a message m′

inside the bin. Transmit the codeword (m,m′).

I If Cm are Ce are capacities to intended user and eavesdropper,then choose R + R ′ < Cm and R ′ > Ce ⇒ R < Cm − Ce .

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Code construction: random binning

I Generate a message m out of 2nR possible messages.

I Associate m to a bin of size 2nR′, and select a message m′

inside the bin. Transmit the codeword (m,m′).

I If Cm are Ce are capacities to intended user and eavesdropper,then choose R + R ′ < Cm and R ′ > Ce ⇒ R < Cm − Ce .

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Code construction: random binning

I The intended receiver can correctly decode

I The eavesdropper can decode within each bin,but he cannot distinguish between different bins!

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research


Introduction: Physical Layer Security

System Model and Proposed Scheme


Upper Bounds

Imperfect Channel State Information

Ongoing Research

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Multi-User MIMO with Malicious Users

How do we define the secrecy rates for this scenario?

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Multi-User MIMO with Malicious Users

How do we define the secrecy rates for this scenario?

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Worst-case Scenario

I The BS cannot predict the behavior of the users. We assumethat users can cooperate to jointly eavesdrop on other users.

I Worst-case for message uk : the K − 1 unintended users forman alliance k and jointly eavesdrop on user k.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Worst-case Scenario

I Secrecy rate Rs,k : reliable transmission to user k without

allowing k to obtain any information about uk .

I The secrecy sum-rate is given by Rs =∑K

k=1 Rs,k .

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

System Model

One Base Station (BS) with M transmit antennas serves Ksingle-antenna users. The vector of received signals y is given by

y = Hx + n


I x = 1√γWu is the vector of transmitted signals

I W = [w1, . . . ,wK ] is the linear precoding matrix

I H = [h1, . . . ,hK ]† is the Rayleigh fading channel matrix

I n is complex Gaussian noise with E[nn†]

= σ2I

I ρ = 1σ2 is the SNR.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Equivalent MISOME wiretap channel

I Each user k, with its own eavesdropper k and the transmitter,forms an equivalent MISOME wiretap channel[1]

I The eavesdropper k can cancel interference from uj , j 6= k

[1] A. Khisti and G. Wornell, ”Secure transmission with multiple antennas I: The MISOME wiretap channel,” IEEETrans. Inf. Theory, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 3088−3104, Jul. 2010.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Equivalent MISOME wiretap channel

I For the k-th MISOME with linear precoding we obtain[2]

Rs,k = log2

(1 + SINRk

)− log2

(1 + SINR


)[2] I. Csiszar and J. Korner, ”Broadcast channels with confidential messages,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 24,no. 3, pp. 339−348, May 1978.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Secrecy sum-rates

I The secrecy sum-rate achievable by linear precoding is

Rs =K∑





∣∣∣2γσ2 +

∑j 6=k


∣∣∣2︸ ︷︷ ︸SINR term



∑j 6=k |h

†jwk |2


︸ ︷︷ ︸leakage term


I We need to choose the precoding matrix W = [w1, . . . ,wK ]

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Regularized Channel Inversion

I RCI precoding is better than plain CI, particularly at low SNR

W = H†(HH† + αIK


I We look for the αopt that maximizes

Rs =K∑





∣∣∣2γσ2 +

∑j 6=k




∑j 6=k |h

†jwk |2



I We study the RCI precoder in the large-system regime:M,K →∞, with their ratio β = K/M being held constant.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Regularized Channel Inversion

I RCI precoding is better than plain CI, particularly at low SNR

W = H†(HH† + αIK


I We look for the αopt that maximizes

Rs =K∑





∣∣∣2γσ2 +

∑j 6=k




∑j 6=k |h

†jwk |2



I We study the RCI precoder in the large-system regime:M,K →∞, with their ratio β = K/M being held constant.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Proposed SchemeTransmitted signal generated as x = Wu, where

W =



)−1for β ≤ 1



)−1HH for 1 < β < 2

0 for β ≥ 2

ξ =−2ρ2 (1− β)2 + 6ρβ + 2β2 − 2 [β (ρ+ 1)− ρ] ·

√· · ·

6ρ2 (β + 2) + 6ρβ

ρ is the transmit SNRβ = K/M is the number of users per antenna

r = max

K log2β2


, 1

)is a power reduction constant.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Proposed SchemeTransmitted signal generated as x = Wu, where

W =



)−1for β ≤ 1



)−1HH for 1 < β < 2

0 for β ≥ 2

ξ =−2ρ2 (1− β)2 + 6ρβ + 2β2 − 2 [β (ρ+ 1)− ρ] ·

√· · ·

6ρ2 (β + 2) + 6ρβ

ρ is the transmit SNRβ = K/M is the number of users per antenna

r = max

K log2β2


, 1

)is a power reduction constant.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research


Introduction: Physical Layer Security

System Model and Proposed Scheme


Upper Bounds

Imperfect Channel State Information

Ongoing Research

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Achievable Secrecy Sum-Rate

We showed that an achievable secrecy sum-rate for our scheme is

Rs (H) =K∑



1 +ρ|hHk wk |2


j 6=k |hHk wj |2

1 + ρ∥∥H




We study Rs in the large-system regime (Random Matrix Theory):

I M,K →∞I The ratio β = K/M is held constant

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Achievable Secrecy Sum-Rate

We showed that an achievable secrecy sum-rate for our scheme is

Rs (H) =K∑



1 +ρ|hHk wk |2


j 6=k |hHk wj |2

1 + ρ∥∥H




We study Rs in the large-system regime (Random Matrix Theory):

I M,K →∞I The ratio β = K/M is held constant

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Large-System Analysis

In the large-system regime

R◦s = K


1 + g (β, ξ)ρ+ ρξ



1 + ρ




g (β, ξ) =1


sgn(ξ) ·

√(1− β)2


2 (1 + β)

ξ+ 1 +

1− βξ− 1

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Asymptotic Sum-RatesFor large SNR, the secrecy sum-rate Rs simplifies to

Rs ≈

K log2

1−ββ + K log2 ρ for β < 1

K2 log2

2764 + K

2 log2 ρ for β = 1

3K log2ββ−1 − K log2 ρ for β > 1

whereas the sum-rate R without secrecy is[3]

R ≈

K log2

1−ββ + K log2 ρ for β < 1

K2 log2 ρ for β = 1

K log2ββ−1 for β > 1.

[3] V. Nguyen and J. Evans, ”Multiuser transmit beamforming via regularized channel inversion: A large systemanalysis,” in Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Dec. 2008, pp. 1 4.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Asymptotic Sum-RatesFor large SNR, the secrecy sum-rate Rs simplifies to

Rs ≈

K log2

1−ββ + K log2 ρ for β < 1

K2 log2

2764 + K

2 log2 ρ for β = 1

3K log2ββ−1 − K log2 ρ for β > 1

whereas the sum-rate R without secrecy is[3]

R ≈

K log2

1−ββ + K log2 ρ for β < 1

K2 log2 ρ for β = 1

K log2ββ−1 for β > 1.

[3] V. Nguyen and J. Evans, ”Multiuser transmit beamforming via regularized channel inversion: A large systemanalysis,” in Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Dec. 2008, pp. 1 4.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Asymptotic Sum-RatesFor large SNR, the secrecy sum-rate Rs simplifies to

Rs ≈

K log2

1−ββ + K log2 ρ for β < 1

K2 log2

2764 + K

2 log2 ρ for β = 1

3K log2ββ−1 − K log2 ρ for β > 1

whereas the sum-rate R without secrecy is

R ≈

K log2

1−ββ + K log2 ρ for β < 1

K2 log2 ρ for β = 1

K log2ββ−1 for β > 1.

I For β < 1 secrecy can be achieved at no costI For β = 1 secrecy can be achieved at a cost of less than 4dBI For β > 1 the secrecy requirements result in a poor sum-rate

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Simulations vs Large-system analysis

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ρ [dB]


Simulations, M = 10

Simulations, M = 20

Simulations, M = 40

Large-system analysis

β = 0.8

β = 1.2

β = 1

The analysis is accurate even for finite-size systems

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research


Introduction: Physical Layer Security

System Model and Proposed Scheme


Upper Bounds

Imperfect Channel State Information

Ongoing Research

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Upper Bounds

We consider two upper bounds:

I Sum-rate R without secrecy requirementsI The gap R − Rs represents the secrecy lossI i.e. the loss due to the secrecy requirements

I Secrecy capacity Cs,SU of a single-user systemI The gap Cs,SU − Rs represents the multi-user lossI i.e. the loss due to the requirement of serving multiple users at

the same time

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Upper Bounds

We consider two upper bounds:

I Sum-rate R without secrecy requirementsI The gap R − Rs represents the secrecy lossI i.e. the loss due to the secrecy requirements

I Secrecy capacity Cs,SU of a single-user systemI The gap Cs,SU − Rs represents the multi-user lossI i.e. the loss due to the requirement of serving multiple users at

the same time

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Upper Bounds

We consider two upper bounds:

I Sum-rate R without secrecy requirementsI The gap R − Rs represents the secrecy lossI i.e. the loss due to the secrecy requirements

I Secrecy capacity Cs,SU of a single-user systemI The gap Cs,SU − Rs represents the multi-user lossI i.e. the loss due to the requirement of serving multiple users at

the same time

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Cost of Secrecy in Multi-User Systems [bits]

Users per antenna Secrecy Loss Multi-User Loss

β < 1 0 ∼ 0

β = 1 0.62 0.62

1 < β < 2 2− log2 β 2− 2 log2 β

β ≥ 2 log2ββ−1 0

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Proposed Scheme vs Upper Bounds

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ρ [dB]


Proposed scheme

Upper bound (no secrecy)

Upper bound (single user)

β = 1

β = 1.2

β = 0.8

No multiplexing gain loss!

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research


Introduction: Physical Layer Security

System Model and Proposed Scheme


Upper Bounds

Imperfect Channel State Information

Ongoing Research

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Imperfect CSIT

H = H + E, var(hij

)= 1− τ2, var(eij) = τ2

τ2 can significantly degrade Rs , especially at high SNR.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Imperfect CSIT

H = H + E, var(hij

)= 1− τ2, var(eij) = τ2

τ2 can significantly degrade Rs , especially at high SNR.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Imperfect CSIT

H = H + E, var(hij

)= 1− τ2, var(eij) = τ2

τ2 can significantly degrade Rs , especially at high SNR.

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Secrecy Sum-Rate under Imperfect CSIT

In the large-system regime

R◦s = K


1 + g(β, ξ)ρ+ ξρ

β [1+g(β,ξ)]2


1 + ρ

[τ2 + 1−τ2





ρ4=ρ(1− τ2

)ρτ2 + 1

and ξ4=


1− τ2

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Minimum Required CSIT quality

I For β ≤ 1, a CSI distortion τ2 = Cρ , with

C =


(√4b − 3− 1

)for β < 1


(√3b − 2− 1

)for β = 1

produces a high-SNR rate gap of log2 b bits.

I For β > 1, if limρ→∞ τ2 = 0,

then the high-SNR rate gap is zero.

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Minimum Required CSIT quality

I For β ≤ 1, a CSI distortion τ2 = Cρ , with

C =


(√4b − 3− 1

)for β < 1


(√3b − 2− 1

)for β = 1

produces a high-SNR rate gap of log2 b bits.

I For β > 1, if limρ→∞ τ2 = 0,

then the high-SNR rate gap is zero.

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ρ [dB]


τ2 = 0

τ2 = Cρ , C for log2 b = 1

β = 1.2

β = 1

β = 0.8

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research


Introduction: Physical Layer Security

System Model and Proposed Scheme


Upper Bounds

Imperfect Channel State Information

Ongoing Research

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Ongoing Research

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Imperfect CSIT in FDD and TDD systems

I We want a constant rate gap, compared to the case withperfect CSIT (no multiplexing gain loss)

I In a Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) system:I How many feedback bits are required by each user?

I In a Time Division Duplex (TDD) system:I How much channel training is required by each user?

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Imperfect CSIT in FDD and TDD systems

I We want a constant rate gap, compared to the case withperfect CSIT (no multiplexing gain loss)

I In a Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) system:I How many feedback bits are required by each user?

I In a Time Division Duplex (TDD) system:I How much channel training is required by each user?

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Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Imperfect CSIT in FDD and TDD systems

I We want a constant rate gap, compared to the case withperfect CSIT (no multiplexing gain loss)

I In a Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) system:I How many feedback bits are required by each user?

I In a Time Division Duplex (TDD) system:I How much channel training is required by each user?

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SDoF under Hybrid CSIT

Transmission scheme that achieves the optimal SDoF region?

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SDoF under Hybrid CSIT

Transmission scheme that achieves the optimal SDoF region?

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Acknowledgements (in alphabetical order...)

I Dr. Iain B. CollingsCSIRO ICT Centre, Sydney, Australia

I A/Prof. Romain CouilletDept. of Telecommunications, Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

I Prof. Merouane DebbahAlcatel-Lucent Chair on Flexible Radio, Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

I Malcolm EganUniversity of Sydney, Australia

I A/Prof. Mari KobayashiDept. of Telecommunications, Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

I A/Prof. Adeel RaziNED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, PakistanUniversity College London

Jinhong Yuan:

Secrecy in Multiuser MISO Wireless Communications

Page 57: Secrecy in Multiuser Wireless Communications: Flirting with

Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

PublicationsConference Proceedings

I G. Geraci et al., “Secrecy sum-rates for multi-user MIMO linearprecoding,” Proc. IEEE ISWCS, 2011

I G. Geraci et al., “Large system analysis of the secrecy sum-rates withregularized channel inversion precoding,” Proc. IEEE WCNC, 2012.

Journal PapersI G. Geraci et al., “Secrecy sum-rates for multi-user MIMO regularized

channel inversion precoding,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., November 2012I G. Geraci et al., “Large system analysis of linear precoding in MISO

broadcast channels with confidential messages”, IEEE JSAC, 2012,submitted.

Book ChaptersI G. Geraci and Jinhong Yuan, “Physical Layer Security for Multiuser

MIMO Communications,” InTech Publisher, 2012, submitted.

In PreparationI G. Geraci et al., “Secrecy Sum-Rates with Regularized Channel Inversion

Precoding under Limited Feedback”, for IEEE ICASSP, 2012.

Jinhong Yuan:

Secrecy in Multiuser MISO Wireless Communications

Page 58: Secrecy in Multiuser Wireless Communications: Flirting with

Outline Introduction System Model Performance Upper Bounds Imperfect CSIT Ongoing Research

Thank you!

Jinhong Yuan:

Secrecy in Multiuser MISO Wireless Communications