Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday...

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz All the earth bows down be- fore ByuGttvrtvTRv,vtttzzvdrdtz6zzhuvuyvzyrtzREv,vdrttDGtetrzzzzzzzzzzzzz you, O God, and sings to you, sings BrtzJuyuLoovuyvrtJuzzizYvz,vtttvrtzgyvtuytzHytRv/vvuyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz out your Name, O Most High. Ps. Be ByuvuvuvuyvyivivUc.cczzzuyvyuvzuzzzzcuyczyiccicccUcc.zzzzzzz joy- ful in God, all you lands: sing the glo- ry of his Name: BuyvyuvJuvytvyuvyvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxx sing the glo- ry of his praise.

Transcript of Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday...

Page 1: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66

BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz All the earth bows down be- fore ByuGttvrtvTRv,vtttzzvdrdtz6zzhuvuyvzyrtzREv,vdrttDGtetrzzzzzzzzzzzzz you, O God, and sings to you, sings

BrtzJuyuLoovuyvrtJuzzizYvz,vtttvrtzgyvtuytzHytRv/vvuyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz out your Name, O Most High. Ps. Be

ByuvuvuvuyvyivivUc.cczzzuyvyuvzuzzzzcuyczyiccicccUcc.zzzzzzz joy- ful in God, all you lands: sing the glo- ry of his Name:

BuyvyuvJuvytvyuvyvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxx sing the glo- ry of his praise.

Page 2: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Misit Dominus (Mode 5) Psalm 107

XqveveervDevevrteFaraeawaqzFrwDerEc,cevtertJuuKiuiczzuyu When they cried to the Lord in their dis-

XtrtJuustzseGtrezREv,vevtrvruvuvut›zyrEc,cevteGtrezzGtezzz tress he sent forth his word and healed XrtzzJuuizzHyufGtuiz:pppuvUv.vtzvhuzzhuzzzuuzLoizzJuutrGtuuzKiuyzzzvYv.zzzz them; he saved them XvuyvrtvhuizutzzDerzzGtizgJugyzzRv,zzzzzzzztuzzGdtdrzzt›zyzREv/Dvevevtzzzzzzzz from the grave. � Let them give XutzzJuutzzJuutzJuuUcmcTzJuutzzJuutzzJuuuizzJuutzzJuutzJuuUcmvJuvuviJuuu thanks to the Lord XczJfuftzzJuutzzJuurzGtz›zyzFsrsezzhJuzzhuoiUc,cetrJuizJuuJuizJuuyzzKjioKiiuzzkLopLoouzzKjiozzzzzz for

XzKiiyzzJhuiJuutzhJuzzyutzzFrrEzc,zzzzzzezzzzzcteGtrezzGstsezzzzdrdtz6zzJuivuyKioizhuzzyuyTc. his mer- cy

Page 3: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

XzzJc zzzzzzzzzz and the won- ders he has done for his FrvtvutJuvuvjKivuivhJuzhuzzuuHyutzzFdrtzzJuuiUYc,ccuiuvfuft

HXtuKiovuuJutzzJuuJutzzzJuuTc,cerzGtuuzKioJuuzgGtzzr›zyzzTEv/cccccccccczzzzzzzz chil- dren.

Page 4: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Laudate Deum (Mode 4) Psalm 148

Al- le- lu- ia.



� � � � � �Praise the Lord, all you an- gels of

BrytEv.vtz6zJuyJu‰ziHyrzgHyu‰zizsGstsezGttzGtezHytRv.vryzJfuftzzzdHydrzzzfGtzzetzHytrGtzzzzzzzz his; praise

BTRv,vtezrtvyuvu‰ziuzHyyTv,vuˆziuzHyyrzHyuyzGtrtzYzGttRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz him, all his host.

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Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Jubilate Deo (Mode 1) Psalm 66

MqwvwzzgHyuvHyvyvyiHyztyzzGttRcmzzzvgyztzzKiiizzzzzzzzzrtxxxxxryzKiytzzzz Be joy- ful in God, all you lands;

MutzzzgHyuzYv.vyviyzKitzzFrrwqzzzSwwqzzzSwWv,vqwzzFrrtzzzHyytzzHyYv,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz be joy-

MFrtzzzHyyzzzHytyzKiizzzKiuizzLooIv,v:po:pz[ozKiiuzyLovoKiivuyvyiHyztyzzzzzzzzzz ful in God,

MGttRv,vgyztzzKiiivrzzzzvzzzzryzKiytzzzJutyzKiiYv,viizHytzzzHyz7zzKiuzzKiiczzzzzzz all you lands;

MzKiuzzzyizGttRv.vryvytvfyftzzzKiizzzKiyvtyzzzTRv,vrtzzzHyrzzzGtytzioizzz sing the glo- ry of

MiizKiuyvGftzrzzzyytzzgHyztyzKiiiHyytzzYc.ccjijoz:popzIYczmztycgygiLoiocOYzzzzzmzzzz his Name. Come and lis- ten,

MjijozpopviyviiivzyytczzzdtdrdTvmcrtccyrzftfyftuoKiiiHyitrGtzzcrtw all you who fear God, and I will

MrytccTc.vyiiviuviuyGtrGttWcmcwrzGtrtFrrzFrrwzterzzcyitzarawarzzzz tell you what the Lord has done

Page 6: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode


for me, al- le- lú- ia.

Page 7: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year A)

Laetabimur (Mode 2) Psalm 20

<GtvtvtrzGtrzDerztrzGtvyvtz6zzUv,vutuvioivko[pzLoizzzzzzzzz We will shout for joy at your vic-

<uivtz6zzUv,vtvJuvivioKiuvuiJuuztyTv,vuuyvuiLoiozzzzzzz to- ry, and we will tri- umph in the

<huzztyzTRv,vuyvuivjizzyKiuzHytzFrtvRzez4zzGtrzzGtyvTv/vvvz Name of the Lord our God.

Ad libitum Psalm 20:1

<FrvtrvruvJuvuvuvJuvuyvuivivuivUv.zzzzzzzzzutzzzzzztuzzzzzzzzzz May the Lord an-swer you in the day of trou- ble: the Name

<uvuvJuvuvKivutvuvyrvtyTv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the God of Ja- cob de- fend you.

Page 8: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year B)

Dicit Andreas (Mode 7) John 1

XuuvuiviuyzUv,vuvuyvyrvyuiuvfuftz6zJuyzGtrtzzzzzzzzv An- drew said to Si- mon his bro-

XTRv.vJuvuvipovzziovzyuviizzccRcc,vFrvtvuyJuizkozzzzzzzzzz ther, “We have found the Mes- si- ah, who is called

XiovuiJuuYv.vHyvuvioivutvtrvaeawaqzFrwFrvRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the Christ”; and he led him to Je- sus.

Ad libitum Psalm 34:1

XruyvuivivivipvovoivIOv.viyvuivizzvjKiviz9z:pzzzz I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall ev- er

XivJuvuuuvTRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz be in my mouth.

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Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year C) Dicit Dominus (Mode 6) John 2

MryvgyzˆzuHytvRTv,zzvFrvwrvrrrvwrvrrGtrvRv,vrzz The Lord said, “Fill the jars with wa- ter and

Mtyvytvyz7zKivivtytzFrtvTRv.vrtHyvtvgyiuivyyˆzzhuvzzzzzzzz take them to the stew- ard.” When the stew- ard

MtyvFrvtvtytrGtvTRv,vHyvtvrtvftfyfTv,vtvˆzuutJuizzzzzz tast- ed the wa- ter, then be- come wine, he said

MˆzJuvyvdrdtdrvRv.vHyvtvipLovivgugyz7zzjivytKipLovivyizzzzzzzz to the bride- groom, “You have kept the good wine un- til

MITv.viiuvHyvtvryrtvTv,vtvHyvuvivuuvyvtrzzzzzzz now.” This was the first sign that Je- sus per-formed be- fore

MtyvtvRvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz his dis- ci- ples.

Ad libitum Psalm 66:4

MrtvtrvtyvˆzuvyvtvtvRv.vrvzzzzztyzzzzzzzzzzyvxyvyvyizzzzzzz Come now and see the works of God: how won- der- ful he is

MtvrvzzrvtvrwzzvdrvtvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in his do- ing toward all peo- ple.

Page 10: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit (Year A & B)

Dominus secus mare (Mode 1) Matthew 4

CervytvyvrevEv,vrvHyvuiviuzHyz7zKiuzKiŸzovKivzzzzzz The Lord was walk- ing be- side the sea of

Ci:pp[zviuviiUv,vhuŸzoKiuviuvgyzzrJuyvytvgyzztHyrvRv,zzzzzzzzz Gal- i- lee when he saw two bro- thers,

CdrdydJudivuvuiviuvuiJuuYc,cyuzjiciyvyuzjivppvhihuloiuzKiy Pe- ter and An- drew; and he called them, say-

CYv.vKivyuvtyUv,vyivKivuvruHyyrzGtrervREv,vruyz ing, “Fol- low me, and I will make you fish-

CgyzzruyvuytyvdrdtdRv/vcyvuivivivivivipviviuzzzzzzzzzzz ers of men.” Ps. The hea- vens de-clare the glo- ry of

CUIv.vuyvuivivivipKivuvHyvyyyvRv/vvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God: the firm- a- ment shows his han- di- work.

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Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit (Year C)

Adorate Deum (Mode 7) Psalm 97

VevHyyvyvuyvyiJuiHyyTv,vftyJuvuvoopLooyvyrzczztyz Bow down be- fore God, all you an- gels of

VEv.vrHyyrvytyFrrEv,vrytJuivyrvyyvyuyTv,vGtvyzzzzzzzzzz his. Zi- on hears and is glad, and the

VJuvevevsesrz5zHytvyyyvzzzytvryFrrEv/vceytvyuvuvUv,zz cit- ies of Ju- dah re- joice. Ps. The Lord is King;

VuovivKiviuvUIv.vutvyuvuvuvuvuz8zLovuvHyvyyyzzz let the earth re- joice: let the mul- ti- tudes of the isles be

VREv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz glad.

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Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Timebunt gentes (Mode 5) Psalm 102

MwvdrrtvFrvrvdtdycFaraeawzzzGstsesrstzzRc,crvzzyrtyhKhihiLoioviuizzzzzzz The na- tions shall fear your Name, O

M Lord, and all the kings of the earth


MgKigizuzHyiGttRv,vrtHytvyzKiiiyzKiiuzzHyiTzzzzdrdyz7zsKisusystsrzzzFdrytrGtrvRv/ your glo- ry.

MrvytvtivivKiivoKiiizzfKfifyizzKgigyzizzKdidtzyˆzuzzzdzGtdrzKii:poKiijuYc,zzzzzzzziozzzz � For the Lord will build up Zi-

MLhohihozJ h[h[hizL hohiz[[[pzKiiuYc.crvrvdrytrctyvgyiuyzKiiiviciiYm on, and his glo- ry shall ap- pear.


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Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Dominus regnavit (Mode 8) Psalm 97

BtyuvuyzJuz8zLoivuLooovopoJuuYv,cioHyuzfHyftzzJuz8zLooizHyiJuizzzzzzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

BJuuYv/vovkozzipovoivio:ppouzLouzjKioIv,vKiviuvo[pvoiozzzzzz � The Lord is King; let the earth re-

BuyzjKioiYzzhJu‰ziuzTzgHykiJuyzUYv.vHyvyvuyzKiouzLoiyzzJu‰ziutzKiuyzUzLoozLop[zzzzzzzzzz joice; let the mul- BOUv,chohphzKipozzKioyzzzdJudyz‰fzfKifyzzKiuyJutzvytvTvz,vutvyuvouLoivizzzzzzz ti- tude of the isles be

BioUYv,ctuofJfufyzzzfGtfuz8zLoizzzkLoiuzzzzjKizzyizJuizzdHydtzHyuzLoozJfufyuizzHfyftzLoozJuyuIzzJuuzYzzz/ glad.

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Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Dextera Domini (Mode 2, transposed) Psalm 118

BryvhuiJuyvgyyyyzzJhuivJuvivgyguyrzzfGtrezFrrEv,veverzHyuyzzzzzz The right hand of the Lord has struck

Bui:ppKiozlpvhuzyiuvUv.vuvoovoivJuvuvoouzLooUv,cHyvuzzzzz with pow- er; the right hand of the Lord has ex-

BuLoozLooupLoouvuiuyvUYv.vHyvuvuz8zzkozvoiUv,vyvLooozJuizz alt- ed me; I shall not die but live

ByrYv,vDevrvyuHyvuvhuipo:poiuvJuvuvuz8zLooKiuzKiiUv/zzzzzzzzzzzzz and de- clare the works of the Lord.

Third Sunday After Epiphany

Page 15: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Years A & B)

Venite post me (Mode 8) Matthew 4

BHyvevyrYv,vyvyoiovuyvzzzzyyvzEv,vrHyyzHyiuviuzz “Fol- low me, and I will make you fish- ers

ByuvUYv.vLovzzzovouLovzzovzzzoovzzzovouvjijovuiJuyuvUYc,zzzz of men.” When they heard these words, they for- sook their nets

BHyvrvgyuzzjKizzuziYv,vyvyuyFrreHyrzzzzvHyvvyvgygugYv/vvvzzzzzzzz and their boats and fol- lowed the Lord.

Ad libitum Psalm 119:1

BHyvuyvyovLovoivopvpvopvOv.vouvuovovooivyuzzz Hap- py are they whose way is blame-less: who walk in the law

BoivuvYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the Lord.

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Page 16: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Communion (Year C)

Comedite (Mode 8) Nehemiah 8

BtuHyvyvuyzJuyTv,vGtvyzhuzzzzvou‰zizv‰ziyzUTv,vtezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and

BtyvJuvYv,vyvJuvyvtrvGtvrvyvyuvyuvtyTRv.vyzzz send por-tions to those for whom no- thing has been pre- pared; for

BuyvGtvyvJuvyvGtvyvYEv,vtrvyuvtrvEv.vtyvKuzzzzzzzz this day is ho- ly to the Lord. Do not be grieved; the joy

ByvtyvUv,vuyvuiHyrzzgHyuiHyvyvggygugYv/vvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the Lord shall be your strength.

Ad libitum Psalm 81:2

BHyvuyvyovoivopvpvopvOv.vovLovooivyuvoivuzzzzzzz Raise the song and sound the tim- brel: the mer- ry harp and the

BYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzz lyre.

Page 17: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit Laetetur cor (Mode 2) Psalm 105

NDevevtyvyvyiHyyTv,vyviiviviuzKiopzKiuKivyvzzzzzz Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord re-

NgygugYv.vKivoKiivyiuviuKiyvyvgyztyzTEv,vtvtyiuviiizzz joice. Look to the Lord your God, and he will

Nyz7zzjivgyguzHytyvYTv.vytyvgyzztyzGstsevyuGtvyviuzKiopzKiuKivyzzzz strength- en you; do not cease to seek his

NgygugYv/vtvytvtivivkiviuviovoviovivIv.viyvz face. Ps. Give thanks to the Lord and call up- on his Name: make

NyivivKizzzzzzzzzzoviyvivutvyuYv/vtvytvtiviuviococzz known his deeds a- mong the peo- ples. Re- mem- ber the mar-vels

NiovivIv,viyvyivivKivivLoviyvKivutvyuYv/vzzzz he has done: his won- ders and the judg-ments of his mouth.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Quis sicut Dominus (Mode 5) Psalm 113

MrrvtyvdydrzztrewzzGtezFrtvrvrtHyytHytvrtzgHyztrtvTRv,zzz Who is like the Lord our God,

MyivKivyvjijovzzhihuz8zLoiovOIv.vyvftˆzuytzzHdydrvHyvtvyrzzzzzzzzzzz who sits en-throned on high but stoops to be- hold

MyivKivuivHyvtyvrtFrrtSawaqzzgyzztˆzuzYRv,vdrdydtzzKjiiiiHyyryzGftyzzzzzz the hea- vens and the earth.

GMGttRv/vyviovoKiiyKiozhKihuiozYRv,vgHyiizOzzKiiyzKiozKhihuiozYRv,zzzz � He takes up

MgHygˆgzguzztuzzzzKjizzuizzJuizTRv,vyrHytrzzHyrtyKiizLouiyzKiozJ[[[Ivv,viozzzzzz the

Mkpkoz0zz;[vo[vKiuKivyvyKiityRc.vrvytvtiviv weak out of the dust and lifts up the poor

Page 19: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Misit Dominus (Mode

MjijojizzLoizz:poiuzzIYv,vdrytrvtyvgyiuyKiiiviiYzzz,ˆzzuyutzdFryutzdFrytzzz poor from the ash- es.


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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Adorabo (Mode 7) Psalm 138

MGtvyrtviyKiiovopKiiiTv,vioJuizdHydryizzJzhuzozzKiiizKiytyzzUzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

MHyyTv/cvGtviivkoziozgHyztyzdFrdyz7zzIzzzKhihuzytzzzzzYTc,cztyvztvftfyz7zzjizzzzzzzz � I will bow down toward your ho-

M:popicoivhyiHyyrtzHyrvRv.vrtyvioJ[[izLoozKiiiyzzKiitzzHyyrzTc,zzzzz ly tem- ple and bless

Mdrdtdy7zzjKjijozJ[[izLoozzKiiiyzzKiitzzHyyrzTc,crtzHyyrzzfGtfyz7zIzKhihuzytzYTc,cftfyz7zzjizz your

Mhihu8oiLoozKiz9z:pozl:pzopzOUc,ciozKiizHytyzzUzzHyyTv/vvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Name.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Bonum est (Mode 8) Psalm 92

BrceccrcyyHyiuccURv,vzzzrzzzzzzzzzryvuLoooJuyvfyftz6zJuyvtyzzzzzzzzzzz It is a good thing to give thanks to the

Byz7zLouizzUYv,cGtvcyvyovoooz:p[LoivoooUYc,cyLooovjojpjzLo‰ziuizz Lord and to sing prais- es to your

B‰zIUv,vftuovoiouvGtz6zJuyJuopLooUcmcLoouLoozJuyuzIzJuuYv/zzzzzzzzzzzzccc Name, O Most High.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year A) Beati mundo corde (Mode 1) Matthew 5

BuovoivuiJuvuvuyrvtyuvYv.vyvuytyvtrvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Bless- ed are the pure in heart: for they shall

BerzfGtzrervREv.vetvtrtvez4zzGftvevftfuvytyJuuyvYv,vyv see God; bless- ed are the peace- mak- ers: for

ByuvHyvtvyuvuvLovuvuytvYTv.vtuovop[vpvopvzzzzzzz they shall be called the chil-dren of God; and bless- ed are

BPOv,czzzLovuvLovyzzzzzzzzzzzzJuzzzzzzzhohuz8zzOIzzzzzzzmvyvyuHyyvtvyutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz those who are per- se- cu- ted for righ- teous-ness’

BYTv,vyvutJytrvetDeeWv,vevdtdrz6zzJuyuvyuvtrverzgGtzrerzz sake: for theirs is the king- dom of hea-

BREv/vzzzzzvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzz ven.

Ad libitum Psalm 34:9

BtvyuvUvuovuvJuvuyvYUv.vytvyuvuvuouvyvzzftvzzz Fear the Lord, you that are his saints: for those who fear him lack

BtyvUv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz noth- ing.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Years B & C)

Illumina (Mode 1)1 Psalm 31

CytyvrtvREv,vrvtuyvryvyyvrswczzsezgtreczzEv,zzzzz Make your face to shine up- on your ser- vant,

CevyuvuiviuzHppiviviŸzoizJuutvuivyuKzhizuyuvUYcv.vzzzzzzzz and in your lov- ing kind- ness save me;

CiŸzoizJuutvJuvuvytyvryvtevREv,veccrcccyvyyuzGftyte Lord, let me not be a- shamed for hav- ing called

CrtvytrvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz up- on you.

Ad libitum Psalm 31:1

CyvuivivivivivivivivIv,vivivipvivizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz In you, O Lord, I have tak- en ref- uge; let me nev- er be

CKiviuvUIv.vuyvuivivivipKivuvHyvyyyvRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz put to shame: de- liv- er me in your righ- teous- ness.

1 Adaptation based upon the corrected version of the melody accessible at:

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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Venite, adoremus (Mode 2, transposed) Psalm 95

XuuivrtevrtvhuoiuvuuuzGftfyfTv,vrtzzzzzzzzzzzzzuiutzzzzvtuzzzzzzzz Come, let us bow down and bend the

XioKiiUc,ctrtvutJuuJuiccuccurcctcccuiJuucczzzrtzzzzzzzzzutHytrccRzz. knee and kneel be- fore the Lord our mak- er;

XtrtvutJuuzJuivuuuvrtvftffifuvzzyuvftfyfTv/vzzzzzzFdrvzzzzzztrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for he is the Lord our God. Ps. Come let

CruvuvuvuvUv,vuvuvuvuvuvuvuvJuvuyzzzzzzzzuivzzzz us sing to the Lord: let us shout for joy to the rock of our

XivuivUv.vutvtuvuvuvuvuvuvuvzuvzzuvzzzzzzzuzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sal- va- tion: let us come be- fore his pres-ence with thanks- giv-

XUv,vuvuvuvhuvzzKivutvJuvyrvtyTv/vvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ing and raise a loud shout to him with psalms.

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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Gradual (Year A)

Dispersit, dedit (Mode 2 transposed) Psalm 112 XwzzvwvzzrtvtvutJuutrzHyrzfGtyvTv,zcutuizLkovuGttr›zzHytr

They have giv- en free- ly to the

XretrGttezFrtuutrGtz¯z6zJuiJuuGtyTc.vuuvuvuyuiLouyJuuYv,chihuzzzzzzz poor, and their righ-

XKiutvtvtuGtrtzJuutzzJuuyGtuzFrrEv,verzftvftuyGtyvrtvutuzjizzzz teous-ness will last for ev-

XiuKioiuzLouLopizHyutrGtz6zzuIc,cuiLkozzzioKiouGtz6zUTc/czctvuivgLggogigugyzz er. � Their de- scend-

XJutRc,cHyrGGtuuKioiOc,cuo:piyzJuyrzGtytrTc,ciz9z:kpkozz:poiocOIc.civ ants will

Xicjpjiz9zz:poivivKiviovhohuLoiJuutzJuutzUzzJuuzzUTc,cuiLoiuLoiuITc. be migh- ty in the land;

XuuvuvuvuvuvuvuiviJhuzyrtzJhuzzyrtUc,cyiLoutczztuGtrtJuut the gen- e- ra- tion of the up- right

XJuuyGtuFrrEc.ccerzfGtuytHyrtJutvuivioJuyuIc,crtJuuoidJdudydGtz6zzUTc/ will be blessed.

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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Gradual (Years B & C)

Tollite hostias (Mode 5) Psalms 96 & 29 MzwtrcFrz5zHytycrz5zHytczdtdrz5zHytyizHytFrerGttRc,crczzdrdyz7zKioKicyGttr

Bring of- fer- ings and come in-

MyicioJuiyvgytˆzuyrzczzrytzjiopozK KiiyuYc.ccopvovovioIc,cyz to his courts; wor- ship the Lord in

MyvfyftzHytrtvdtdrvrytviuiyvrtvdrdydtzzzjiiiiHyyryzGftyzGttRc/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the beau- ty of ho- li- ness.

MrvytvtivKivoKiiizKgigyzzLjijiozzKiiizdKidtzyˆzuzTRc,ciivivoiJ[[izLoizzz � The voice of the Lord strips the for- M[[[LooivovioKiiyuYc.ccyvKivovopvoivyytHyytgHyiHyytvzzz ests bare; and in the tem- ple of

MtrtvTRv,vrvrvrtvrvdrytrvtyvgyiuyKiiiviiYc,czzzzzzzzzz the Lord all his own are cry- ing “glo- ry.”


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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Laudate Dominum (Mode 2) Psalm 117

NDevtHytHytyvtyzJuiHyyzzzvtHYc,cyuizzlLozzuozKiuytzKiizKiuyzJuuYzzv/ Al- le- lu- ia.

NevtyvyiHyuzYTv,vuuchuhioKiiuvyz7zKiuivUYv.voiuKiuyuzzzzzzzzzzz ����������Praise the Lord, all you na- tions; laud

NUYv,vgyuHyytvhuiJuuvgygugyvYv,vyuizkLozuozKiuytzKiizKiuyzJuuzYzzzzzz/ him, all you peo- ples.


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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Perfice gressus meos (Mode 4) Psalm 17

CevrytvftccztyvyyzHyyzYRv,vseryvytvtuHyyvrvru My foot- steps hold fast to the ways of your

ChuzyiPvutvhuhizzHyruyTv,vFrvruvuyuvytrvyyHyvrHyyrzzzzzzzzzzzzzz law, O God; in your paths my feet may

CyiuyJuiuvtuHyyvYTv.vtvtyKiŸzouvuifyftzzvyyzHyrzHyuvytv not fal- ter; In- cline your ear to

CTc,ctvyuHyyvrHyyrvrz5zYv.verHytHyvtvtvtuGtvtvtyzzzzzzzzz me and hear my words; show me your mar- ve- lous

Cuiuvtyvzgugyz7zKiuivIUv,vtvftfyz7zzhihuvuizzzzyvzztz6zUv,crvzz lov- ing- kind- ness, O Sav- ior of those who

C take ref- uge at your right hand.


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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Communion (Years A & C)

Introibo (Mode 8) Psalm 43

XryvyvutJuyRvc,vcrtJuyvyvyuzjivitvtiuvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I will go to the al- tar of

XyiJuuHytrzTRv.cvDevrvdrdtz6zJuvuvtyvtrzGtz6zzzhuvctytzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God: to the God of my joy and

XrtzgHyztrtvTRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzz glad- ness.

Ad libitum Psalm 43:3

XdFrvtrvruvuvuvuvhuvuyvuivivuivUv.vutvtuzzzzzzz Send out your light and your truth that they may lead me: and bring

XuvuvuvuvuvJuvuuyvrtvuyvGtvzzRv/vvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzz me to your ho- ly hill and to your dwell-ing.

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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Communion (Year B)

Multitudo languentium (Mode 2) Luke 6

Ztz6zJuytzvtz6zUc,cutvuizkLoziuivIUc,cuuHyvtzzzzzzzfuftz6zzJuuzJui Man- y who lan- guished and were trou-

ZUv,vtrvtz6zzhuvuuyGtrvtz6zhzJuzytzHytrvTRv,vuiJuuztzzzzvytzzz bled with un- clean spir- its came to

Zrz6zJuytyvYTv.vuviz9zŸz:poivoivuyvuiJuyvryJuytvYTc, Je- sus: for pow- er went forth from him,

ZzztvzzzzzuuyzJuiuizJuutvyuvyyTv/vvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and healed them all.

Ad libitum Psalm 34: 4

ZrvtrvruvuyvuivivuivuvzzzzUv.vutvtuvuvuvzzzzz I sought the Lord and he an- swered me: and de- liv- ered

ZuvJuvivutvuvyrvtyTv/vvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzz me out of all my ter- ror.

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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Esto mihi (Mode 6) Psalm 31

Btezzzzz stsez4ztcttrwvtz6zJuyJuuzzcftfyftccTcmctvtyvtrczzzez4zztzz Be my strong rock, O Lord, a cas- tle to

BttrwvttvzzyuGttv.vtvyuvuvyvyuytvyuvyvterwvWzzzzz. keep me safe; for you are my crag and my strong- hold;

BttvyuvuyuLooovuozzzzzyutvyuGttv,vttrvDevtvyrzgHyuvTzzzzz/ for the sake of your Name lead me and guide me.

BzzzztyvytvyuvuvuvuvuvuvuvUv,vuvuvHyv‰zivuvzzz Ps. In you, O Lord, have I tak- en ref- uge: let me nev- er be

ByvyvTvzzzzzz.vyvtvtvyvtevtvyvzztvzzTv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz put to shame; * de- liv- er me in your righ- teous-ness.

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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Tu es Deus (Mode 3)1 Psalm 77

BweGttHytRc,cdrdtz6zJzgugyvyvgy‰iuzgyzttzGteytRv,crtHyvychuzyiuzzz You are the God who a- lone

BKioIc,ciopovoooJuoiyvyuvdrdtz6zJu‰ziyGttzDerEv.vyuy:pvpLoouLozzz does won- drous things; you have

ByvyKiiuLoouKivyuvdrdtz6zJuz‰ziyGttDerEv,cyivjijojKiz9z:kpkozzizzJuuyLoozzLoozz de- clared your pow’r a- mong

BLoooHyyTc,ctvftfuz8zzkovgigyKiuyJuutJuucmcHyooozzLoooohJzuyHtrtzJuoytyuzzzzzzzzz the na- tions.

BgHyguzHyyRv/vyiviuvoopLoouzgHyoJhuizJuuYv,ciovooLouyJuz8zzLjojic,cdrdyz � By your strength you have

BhJuoizkozzuzLoooozLouyzJuz8zzkovooLouyuvhuzyKiuyuGttRc,crvteGttezFrtzHyuzzzzzzzzz re- deemed your peo-

Bjpj[jizLooLoucyczLoozzLooIv.vyvuivivivooxvjiopJhuoiLouyLoioPzzz, ple, the chil- dren of Ja- cob 1 Adaptation based primarily on the corrected form of the melody accessible at:

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B[LoopzLkozziuPcc,cc[LoopzLkoziuzzzKiyizzLkozzyzuozzLoJozJgugyzzGttEcc,ccyvzzuivzzzzzzzzzzzz and Jo-

BiizzkLozzuizzJhuzyuzzzHgyzzrtzzgHyzutzzHgyiuzzHyuzTRv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz seph.

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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Cantate Domino (Mode 1) Psalm 98

CrKiiviuytFrrvervRc,crezzhuzyuizJuytzFdrtrezRc,crKiiuyzzzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

CJuuzzKjizrzyTEcc,cctuytzzFdretzzYRxx/xcczzrKiiuyJuytRvrvrtczzzzzr5zYRzzzzzmzz � Sing to the Lord

Crvreqzzevrz5zzYRv,vriviuyuzzKzjizrzyTEzzzc,zzcrvrreqzDerzvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz a new song; for he has done

CrtytFrrverzzzvRv,crezzhuzzyuizJhuytzzFdrtrezRc,crKiizJuyzJzuuzzKjizrzyzTEzmzz marv ’lous things.


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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Benedictus es, Domine (Mode 3) Psalm 119

Mtvrvtvuoizzzyz7zzjivIUc,cyvHyiiuvytvGtizizHKiyzLoiuiz Bless- ed are you, O Lord; in- struct me in

MuyvtyKiyrcTRc.vtvrvtvuoicyz7zzjivIUv,vyvHyiiuvytz your stat- utes; bless- ed are you, O Lord; in- struct me

MGtiiHKiyzzLoiuivuyvtyKiizLopKiiiHyz7zKiuviizKiuyizHyyzFrtRc.vervtzzzz in your stat- utes; with my

MtyuvyytyvHyiioHyytvrtviiKiuHyiHyyFrtRv,cwtvtvgygizHyz7zzKiz lips will I re- cite all the judg-

MtvrtKiiGftziiivGftiiivytyˆzJutrzGtyFrerzftzrzEv/vvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ment of your mouth.

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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Manducaverunt (Mode 1) Psalm 78

CrvrtccervyuKiyuKiiUc,vuvytvyizczzzJuurvrtrvRzzzzz. The peo- ple ate and were well sat- is- fied;

CrvrvytyJuivuuyuvrtevyuiŸzhohuz8zLoiJuvyvyuzzKjizzuyuvUYc. for the Lord gave them grain from hea- ven.

CivuvKivuvyvuuvRv,vrz5zHyytFrrvervyuKiyJuzzzzytzzzzzzzr5zzgyzz they were not dis- ap- point- ed; for he gave them what

CztyvTRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz they craved.

Ad libitum Psalm 78: 1

CyvuivivivipviviuvUIv.vuyvuivivKivivipizzzzz Hear my teach-ing, O my peo- ple: in- cline your ear to the

CJuvyvyyyvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz words of my mouth.

Gregorian chant adapted to English words by Bruce E. Ford.

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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Domine, in tua misercordia (Mode 5) Psalm 13

MrvryvyGttrtvTRv,crwvrtvyKiiHytrtvTRc,crtˆzJuuzzz I put my trust in your mer- cy, O

Mtz6zzˆzJuytvrtHytrGttRv.vrvrtgyvytyviiivIc,ciyvipozzzzzzzzzz Lord; my heart it joy- ful be- cause

MKivuvipLovoKiiyvyz7zzIv.vrtvrvrtgyvdtdrz5zHytvrtvYTzzz, of your sav- ing help; I will sing to the Lord,

Myz7zzjivioKiiJuytHyˆzuYc,cHyvyKiiyvtyvgygˆzguzzGtz6zzJuytvrtHytrtzzzzzzzzzzzz for he has dealt with me rich-

MTRv/vzzzrzzvyvivIv,vivivivivivovovIv.vyzzzzzzzz ly. Ps. How long, O Lord? Will you for- get me for- ev- er? How

MivivivovuvivyvYv/xxxxxcccccccccccccccccccccccczzzz long will you hide your face from me?


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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Ego dixi (Mode 5) Psalm 41

MrcreGtz6zzˆzuvtrvtrvRTc,cwzFrrtzFrrtSwezSwwQc,cwzzzzcrwzFrerzz I said to the Lord, “Be mer-

MSweAqvwvrtvtytciiHyiGttRc.ccytyFrrtrvRTc,cwzFrrtzFFrrtSwezzzzzzzzzz ci- ful to me; heal me,

zMSwwQc,cwvrwvrvtytˆzJuyTc,ctvtrHytyzvyrtyzfKfififyftzzHyz7zzKioKiizzzz for I have sinned a- gainst you.”

MyuYv,crtyKKiiLopKiizzgHyzztˆzuzYRv/vryKiiLopivIvmviuvoz0zz;[zzzzzzzzz � Hap- py are they

MjojiviviizjLjojizz:poiuzKgiggyczYc,cyccoizzLopizzLoizzLopozz:;pzziozz:pozz:ppizz:p[zzzzzzzzz who con- sid- er the poor

MLkoziizYcmyczzziyKiiicgigyz7zzKjijozKiopKiizLooIc.czyczzzKjijiviviocLjojizzJutyzKiu and need- y; the Lord will de- liv-

MtyIcmcuo:piHyvyvyiHytyjKijizyzjKijizuzHyiGttRc,crvtyvgyiuHyuvtyzzzz er them in the day of

MiyiovkopKiuiOv,vtyKiipodKdidudzHyz7zzIYv/cccccccccccccccccccc trou- ble.


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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Verba mea (Mode 2) Psalm 5

<rtvtvrtvtHyyTv,vtyJuzizzLfoftz6zzhuzytzFrz5zHyuzHyyTc/cczzzzrtzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. � � � � Give

<ftfuzfzHyz7zKiuTv,vftuiviikovdidtdHyduHdydtdzFrz5zHyuyTc,zzzctczzzzztwzzdDdedrdzdGtdydTcz. ear to my words, O Lord,

<iovitzdzHdydudydtdzFrz5zHyuvYTv,vGtvtvrevrtvtHyyTv,ctyJuizzzzzzz and heark- en to my cry for help.



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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Intende voci (Mode 5) Psalm 5

MyytˆzuHyyrzGtrvRv,vtvyz7zjivjioKiiccytczKiiHyz7zKiirtRc.zz Heark- en to my cry for help,

Mrtvftfyz7zKiuyvyuvtyvyKiizKiozKiozKiiTc,ciizKioiozKiizfyftfzHyz7zzIYc.zzzz my King and my God;

MGtvyvryKiizKiz9zz:jjpjoz:poKivivio:poKiiuYv,vyivrz5zHytzgHyiiizzLoio for I make my prayer to you,

MKiizGttKiuyzjivdrdtdrvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzz O Lord.



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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Narrabo (Mode 2) Psalm 9

NDecevtuYc,cycyuvtevDevztvzyvzziivytcztuLoiuOIc.zzzzzz I will tell of all your mar- ve- lous works, O Lord;

NHyvivuvioKiic,cHyviuvioKiivytvgyztyzTEc.vtuHyvyviiz I will be glad and re- joice in you; I will sing

NytvtvyuTv,vtuLoiuzjivyvgygugYv/vvvvvvvvvvz to your Name, O Most High.

Ad libitum Psalm 9: 10

NtvzzzzytvtivivzzzziviuviovoviovivIv.viyvyiccizzz Those who know your Name will put their trust in you: for you nev-

NivivivzzizvoviyvivutvyuYv/xxxxxvvvvvvvvzzzzz er for- sake those who seek you, O Lord.