Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015 fileSecond Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015 "He went about...

Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015 "He went about the entire region of the Jordan -proclaiming a baptism of repentance.” Luke 3:3 Luke, the evangelist, regarded the coming of John the Baptist as a very important preparation for the Christmas Story. Understanding what John the Baptist did and said is essential to our preparation for the coming of Christ. Indeed we cannot receive Christ, we cannot experience the Christ Presence until we have moved through the experience that John the Baptist makes available to us. What is that experience? John, of course, was the proph- et of repentance, the preacher of repentance par excel- lence. From beginning to end that was his ministry and that was his message. In today's Gospel Lesson, Luke tells us that "He went about the entire region of the Jor- dan proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the for- giveness of sins, as it is written in the Book of Isaiah the prophet: A herald's voice in the desert, crying, Make ready the way of the Lord, Clear Him a straight path... And all mankind shall see the salvation of God." A few verses later, Luke tells us that the crowds asked John what to do. What did repentance mean to their lives? Then comes John's famous reply, "whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. Whoever has food should do likewise.” Many of you are all caught up, or soon will be, in the outward preparations for the festivities surrounding the Christmas Event. Many of you have all your Christmas cards already written, ready to be mailed. Many of you are busy making plans for dinners, parties, special trips to be with relatives or entertaining relatives who will be visiting. Many of you are concentrating on the annual Christmas shopping spree. But there is not one single word of instruction in the New Testament that points us in the direction of all this outward preparation. The word of instruction that is there for us to pick up on is to pre- pare inwardly for the coming of Christ. Part of the stereotype of repentance in the history of the Church is that Christians "repent" and go out and do ex- actly what they were doing before. That is not repent- ance in the Biblical sense. The Scriptural words for re- pentance carry with them a strong connotation of change. The truly repentant sinner wants to think differ- ently, speak differently, and act differently. Honest re- pentance means a new way of living and relating to oth- ers. Furthermore, honest repentance leads to share with those in need around us the mercy and compassion of our God. “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. Whoever has food should do likewise.” Peace be with you, Fr. Miguel Ceja IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Tuesday, December 8th 8:00am Mass in English 6:30pm Bilingual Mass (Eng/Span) 8:00pm Mass in Vietnamese Consecraon to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 6:30pm Bilingual Mass. For those being consecrated: please wear light colored clothing, and women wear white veil. ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00pm Various priests will be available to hear confessions. (There will be no confessions on Sat, Dec 12 or 19) CELEBRATION FOR OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE—Dec 12 Everyone is invited to attend all of the festivities! (Events will be in Spanish) 3:00am Procession & Rosary 4:00-6am Mañanitas by Mariachi Internacional de Mexico 6:00-7am Banda Music 7:00am Mass in Spanish Coffee, Hot chocolate, & Mexican sweet bread available in the Parish Hall. Tamales will be sold. 7:00pm Mass in Spanish 8:00pm Re-enactment of the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego Coffee, Hot chocolate, & Mexican sweet bread available in the Parish Hall. Tamales will be sold. Aztec Dancers performance in the Hall.

Transcript of Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015 fileSecond Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015 "He went about...

Second Sunday of Advent

December 6, 2015

"He went about the entire

region of the Jordan

-proclaiming a baptism

of repentance.” Luke 3:3 Luke, the evangelist, regarded the coming of John the Baptist as a very important preparation for the Christmas Story. Understanding what John the Baptist did and said is essential to our preparation for the coming of Christ. Indeed we cannot receive Christ, we cannot experience the Christ Presence until we have moved through the experience that John the Baptist makes available to us. What is that experience? John, of course, was the proph-et of repentance, the preacher of repentance par excel-lence. From beginning to end that was his ministry and that was his message. In today's Gospel Lesson, Luke tells us that "He went about the entire region of the Jor-dan proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the for-giveness of sins, as it is written in the Book of Isaiah the prophet: A herald's voice in the desert, crying, Make ready the way of the Lord, Clear Him a straight path... And all mankind shall see the salvation of God." A few verses later, Luke tells us that the crowds asked John what to do. What did repentance mean to their lives? Then comes John's famous reply, "whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. Whoever has food should do likewise.” Many of you are all caught up, or soon will be, in the outward preparations for the festivities surrounding the Christmas Event. Many of you have all your Christmas cards already written, ready to be mailed. Many of you are busy making plans for dinners, parties, special trips to be with relatives or entertaining relatives who will be visiting. Many of you are concentrating on the annual Christmas shopping spree. But there is not one single word of instruction in the New Testament that points us in the direction of all this outward preparation. The word of instruction that is there for us to pick up on is to pre-pare inwardly for the coming of Christ. Part of the stereotype of repentance in the history of the Church is that Christians "repent" and go out and do ex-actly what they were doing before. That is not repent-ance in the Biblical sense. The Scriptural words for re-pentance carry with them a strong connotation of change. The truly repentant sinner wants to think differ-ently, speak differently, and act differently. Honest re-pentance means a new way of living and relating to oth-ers. Furthermore, honest repentance leads to share with those in need around us the mercy and compassion of our God. “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. Whoever has food should do likewise.” Peace be with you, Fr. Miguel Ceja

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Tuesday, December 8th 8:00am Mass in English 6:30pm Bilingual Mass (Eng/Span)

8:00pm Mass in Vietnamese Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 6:30pm Bilingual Mass. For those being consecrated: please wear light colored clothing, and women wear white veil.

ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE Tuesday, December 15th at

7:00pm Various priests will be

available to hear confessions.

(There will be no confessions on Sat, Dec 12 or 19)

CELEBRATION FOR OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE—Dec 12 Everyone is invited to attend all of the festivities! (Events will be in Spanish) 3:00am Procession & Rosary 4:00-6am Mañanitas by Mariachi Internacional de Mexico 6:00-7am Banda Music 7:00am Mass in Spanish Coffee, Hot chocolate, & Mexican sweet bread available in the Parish Hall. Tamales will be sold. 7:00pm Mass in Spanish 8:00pm Re-enactment of the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego Coffee, Hot chocolate, & Mexican sweet bread available in the Parish Hall. Tamales will be sold. Aztec Dancers performance in the Hall.

Segundo Domingo de Adviento

6 de diciembre, 2015

“Entonces comenzó a

recorrer toda la comarca

del Jordán predicando

un bautismo de

penitencia.” Lucas 3:3 El evangelista Lucas consideraba la venida de Juan Bautista como elemento preparativo para la historia de Navidad. Por lo tanto, entender lo que Juan Bau-tista dijo e hizo es esencial en nuestra preparación a la venida de Cristo. No podríamos nosotros experi-mentar la presencia de Cristo sin el papel importan-te que el Bautista realizo para posibilitar la venida del Mesías. ¿Quién era Juan el Bautista y que ha-cia? Juan Bautista fue un profeta que llamaba al arrepentimiento. Ese fue su mensaje de principio a fin, “Recorría toda la comarca del Jordán, predican-do un bautismo de penitencia para el perdón de los pecados.” Ya lo predecía el profeta Isaías, “”Ha resonado una voz en el desierto: Preparen el camino del señor, hagan rectos sus senderos.” Unos cuantos versos más tarde, Lucas nos indica que la gente le pregunto a Juan, “Maestro, ¿Qué tenemos que hacer nosotros?” Él les decía, “Quien tenga dos túnicas, que de una al que no tiene ningu-na, y quien tenga comida, que haga lo mismo.” Ya muchos están muy ocupados en múltiples tareas de preparación para la Navidad. Muchos ya hemos comprado tarjetas, instalado luces y arbolitos. Esta-mos haciendo listas de seres queridos a quien rega-laremos en esta Navidad. Muchos más se han con-centrado en el consumo materialista desde el famo-so viernes negro y el lunes cibernético. Es impor-tante estar alertas, porque todo eso nos puede des-viar o distraer del objetivo principal de nuestra cele-bración, la Encarnación de Dios en el Nino Jesús. Esta temporada de Adviento es un tiempo de peni-tencia, de profundizar en nuestro proceso de con-versión. Y Juan Bautista sugiere que la manera más genuina de manifestar nuestro arrepentimiento y conversión es compartiendo con los más necesita-dos. Paz y Bien, Padre Miguel Ceja




NOVENA PARA LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE Todos están invitados a rezar el rosario a las 6:30pm en la capilla todos los dias (excepto Dic 8, el rosario es a las 6pm porque hay misa a las 6:30) Diciembre 6-7-8-9-10-11

INMACULADA CONCEPCION Martes, 8 de diciembre 8:00am Misa en ingles 6:30pm Misa bilingüe 8:00pm Misa en vietnamita


Martes, 15 de diciembre 7:00pm

Varios sacerdotes estarán disponi-bles para escuchar sus confesiones.

(no habrán confesiones los sabados 12 y 19 de diciembre)

CELEBRACION DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE Sabado, 12 de diciembre 3:00am Procesión y Rosario 4:00-6am Mañanitas con el Mariachi Internacional de Mexico 6:00-7am Banda 7:00am Misa en español Pan, café y chocolate caliente en el Salón Parroquial. Habrá venta de tamales. 7:00pm Misa en español 8:00pm Obra de las Apariciones de la Virgen a San Juan Diego Pan, café y chocolate caliente en el Salón Parroquial. Habrá venta de tamales. Danzantes Aztecas en el Salón.

NEW REGISTRATION / Nueva registración CHANGE OF ADDRESS / Cambio de Dirección Complete this form & drop it in the collection basket Llene esta forma y deposítela en la canasta de la colecta

NAME/Nombre: ________________________________________________ PHONE / Teléfono: ________________________ ADDRESS / Dirección: ______________________________________________________________________________________

tiêu không thật sự cần thiết để dành cho hoạt động bác ái. Cầu nguyện: Lạy Chúa Giê-su, Chúa đã cho chúng con có dịp nhìn lại cuộc sống của mình. Xin cho chúng con luôn kiên vững trên con đường mang tên Giê-su, để chúng con hiểu biết chân lý và đạt được sự sống đời đời. Amen.

CẦU NGUYỆN THEO Ý ĐỨC GIÁO HOÀNG - Ý chung: Cầu cho mọi người chúng ta cảm nghiệm được lòng thương xót của Thiên Chúa, Đấng luôn sẵn sàng tha thứ. - Ý truyền giáo: Cầu cho các gia đình, nhất là những gia đình đang gặp đau khổ, tìm ra dấu chỉ của niềm hy vọng chắc chắn nơi việc hạ sinh của Đức Giêsu. CẦU NGUYỆN VÀ THĂM BỆNH NHÂN

Xin Cộng đoàn cầu nguyện cho những người già, bệnh trong cộng đoàn. Nguyện in Thiên Chúa và Đức Mẹ nâng đỡ những người ấy. Đồng thời xin thân nhân thông báo cho HDMV để tiện việc cử người thăm viếng.



LIFELINES / LINEAS DE VIDA Pregnant & Scared? You have options:

¿Embarazada y tienes miedo? Tienes opciones: 1-800-395-HELP /

Hurt by an Abortion? For hope & healing contact:

Ayuda para sanar despues de un aborto: English 1-800-HOPE-790 Español 909-520-3867

Natural Family Planning / Planificación Familiar Natural : 909-475-5351

Adoption Needs / Adopción

Holy Family Services 1-800-464-2367






Xp 3, 14-18a; Pl 4,4-7; Lc 3, 10-18

“Hãy dọn sẵn con đường cho Đức Chúa . . . Rồi hết mọi người phàm sẽ thấy ơn cứu độ của Thiên Chúa.” (Lc 3,4-6) Suy niệm: Đức Giê-su Ki-tô hoàn tất chương trình cứu độ của Thiên Chúa cách đây đã hơn 2.000 năm, thế nhưng không vì thế mà chúng ta đương nhiên được giải cứu, nói như thánh Âu-tinh: “Khi tạo dựng nên con Chúa không cần có con, nhưng khi cứu độ con, Chúa cần con cộng tác.” Vì thế mà mùa Vọng là thời gian thuận tiện để chúng ta nhìn lại sự cộng tác của mình trong chương trình cứu độ của Thiên Chúa. Để có thể đón nhận ơn cứu độ, mỗi người chúng ta phải điều chỉnh lại cách ăn nết ở của mình. Con đường cứu độ cứu độ là chính Đức Giê-su Ki-tô. Nhưng nếu chúng ta không mở cửa tâm hồn mình, uốn nắn lại con đường là lối sống của mình để “nối mạng liên thông” với Đức Ki-tô thì ơn cứu độ không thể nào đến với chúng ta được. Mời Bạn: Lắm khi chúng ta bị mê hoặc lạc lối trong “mê cung” của tiền bạc, thú vui, quyền lực, danh vọng. Để thoát ra khỏi “khu rừng rậm” cám dỗ ấy, phải biết loại bỏ lòng đam mê, ham muốn chúng và chỉ nhắm tới Chúa là lẽ sống duy nhất và vĩnh cửu của mình mà thôi. Chia sẻ: Không thể theo Chúa nửa vời mà mong đạt tới sự sống đời đời được. Bạn có cảm nghiệm gì về tính triệt để này của Tin Mừng Chúa Ki-tô? Sống Lời Chúa: Sống tinh thần mùa vọng bằng cách sống giản dị, không xa xỉ hoang phí, tự nguyện giảm bớt những chi


Estamos acceptando donaciones de calcetines (nuevos o semi-nuevos y limpios). Ahora que comienza el frio, hay muchos desamparados que necesitan calcetines.

Favor de traerlos a Misa o a la oficina.


December 10— 7pm Parent Meeting for all kids going to Youth Day in Anaheim on Feb 25. All high school youth are invited to at-tend and must register this month! Space is limited! December 17—Christmas Activities & Party

PROJECT ANGEL TREE Help us with gifts for children in need this Christmas! The Christmas tree is in the church. Please take an ornament off the tree and purchase a gift for the age & gender designated on the ornament and bring back to the church. You may turn in gifts at church or in the parish office. Thank you for your generosity!

PROYECTO DE ARBOL DE ANGELES Ayudanos a ayudar a niños necesita-dos en esta Navidad. El arbol de Navidad esta en la iglesia. Toma un adorno y compra el regalo para la edad y para niño o niña es-pecificada en el adorno. Trae el regalo a la iglesia. Tambien puedes entregar los regalos en la oficina. Gracias a todos por su generosidad!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! SHARE YOUR TALENTS! We are looking for… ...Professional cantors & musicians to help in 1 or 2 masses ...Professional painters to volunteer their time ...Experienced wood carvers to help with a Year of Mercy project Call the office please! 951-689-8921 ext. 100


DICIEMBRE 10— 7pm Junta de Padres para todos los que quieren asistir al Dia de Jovenes en Anaheim el 25 de febrero. ¡Todos los jovenes están invitados! Deben registrarse este mes. Espacio es limitado. DICIEMBRE 17—Actividades de Navidad

¡NECESITAMOS VOLUNTARIOS! ¡COMPARTE TUS TALENTOS! Estamos necesitando… ...Cantantes y músicos para ayudar en una o dos misas. ...Pintores profesionales que deseen donar su tiempo. ...Gente con experiencia en hacer diseños en madera para un Proyecto del Año de Misericordia. Favor de llamar a la oficina al 689-8921 ext. 100.

SOCKS OF LOVE We are currently accepting donations of

socks (new and clean gently-used) for the homeless and needy. Please bring to

church or to the parish office. The socks will be distributed through our Food Bank.


DECEMBER 6-12 SUNDAY _______ DECEMBER 6 DOMINGO 8:30-10:30am Grupo de Hombres 1/2 Hall 8:30-10:30am Fellowship 1/2 Hall 12-4pm VRE Advent Retreat 1/2 Hall 9:00am Eng Children’s Liturgy Rm 1 10am-12 Tongan Community Rm 6 11am-12pm Sp. Children’s Liturgy Rm 1 12-2pm Viet Rel Ed Rm 2-8 1pm-2pm Sp. Children’s Liturgy Rm 1 3pm-4:30pm Viet. Retreat MC 6pm-9pm Viet. Community Hall 6:30pm Novena OLG (ujieres) Chapel 7:00pm AA MC-A MONDAY DECEMBER 7 LUNES_ 10:00am-11:00am School xmas practice Church 5:30pm Pageant Practice Church 6:00pm Choir-Fidel Rm 5 6:00pm AA Hall Annex 6:00pm Citizenship Class Room 4 6:30pm Novena( Prev. y Rescate) Chapel 6:30pm Edge Hall 7:00pm Grupo de Oración Min Ctr A 7:00pm RICA Rm 7 TUESDAY DECEMBER 8 MARTES 8am-3pm School Spelling Bee Church 9:30am Grupo de Mujeres Hall 12:00pm School Hall 6:30 Novena OLG (grupo de oracion) Chapel 6:30pm RELIGIOUS ED Rm K-8, MC, Hall 8:00am Immaculate English Church 6:30pm Immaculate Bilingual Church 8:00pm Immaculate Viet. Church WEDNESDAY ___DECEMBER 9 MIERCOLES 8:00am Mass in English Church 10:00am-11:00am School Xmass Practice Church 12:00pm Mass in Spanish Church 6:30pm Confirmation Hall, 4-8 6:00pm Sp. RE posada practice Church 6:30-9pm Choir-Pablo Room 1 6:30pm Novena OLG (Justicia Social) Chapel 6:30pm Council Christmas Dinner Office 7:00pm Roots of Justice MC 7:00pm Lectores Chapel 8:00pm Tamale making Hall & kitchen THURSDAY __ DECEMBER 10 JUEVES 10:00am-11:00am School Xmas Practice Church 5:30pm-6:30pm Xmas Practice Hall 6:30pm Sp, RE K-8, M/C 6:30pm Novena OLG (Mujeres de Jerusalen) Chapel 7:00pm Youth Hall FRIDAY __ __ DECEMBER 11 VIERNES 10:00am-11:00am School Xmas Practice Church 6:30pm Novena OLG (monaguillos) Chapel 6:30pm Sp. RE K-8, M/C All Day OL of GUADALUPE Preparations Hall & Church SATURDAY DECEMBER 12 SABADO All Day OLGuadalupe Hall & Church 4:00am-6:00am Las Mañanitas Church 7:00am Mass Spanish Church 4:00pm Mass English Church 7:00pm Mass Spanish Church


A todas las familias que deseen reservar la imagen de la Virgen Pere-grina por una semana (de domingo a domingo), favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia al 951-689-8921 ext. 100.

Any family wishing to reserve the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, please call the parish office.

FECHA/DATE FAMILIA/FAMILY MISA/MASS DIC 20 Antonio Montano 1:00pm DIC 27 Ana Barrrios 11:00am ENERO 3 Gaby Quezada 1:00pm





DEC 12

5:00pm 7:00pm

Fr. Anthony Bui Fr. Miguel Ceja

DEC 13


Fr. Anthony Bui


Fr. Miguel Ceja


Fr. Miguel Ceja


Fr. Miguel Ceja


Fr. Anthony Bui


Fr. Anthony Bui


Each day has a team that works from 9am to 11:30am. Many of our volunteers are retiring from ministry and we need help every day.

If you are available during those hours, please join one of the teams on a day you can commit to. We have all sorts

of duties you can help us with! Please call the Food Bank Coordinator:

Sue Spagna at 687-8146.

From OLPH Devotion, Divine Mercy year begins December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016. Pope Francis is inviting all members of the Church to pray, meditate, and learn about the Divine Mercy of God. Please join us in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet after the 8:00 am Mass Monday through Friday and Sun-days after the 7:30 am Mass. For information about the Divine Mercy Chaplet, contact Marie Fiveash at (951) 359-1739 for English or Gloria Munoz at (951) 682-0029 for Spanish. God Bless, OLPH Devotion


For the Continued Gift of Community here at O.L.P.H. Please remember in your prayers the following

parishioners or members of their family who are ill or are recovering from illness or surgery:

Deacon Joe Acosta, Albert Alarcon, Esther Alarcon, Juan Del Toro, Rosa Diaz, Victor Diaz, Troy W. Félix, David

Fortuna, Martha Freeman, Jose Garcia, Catherine Garrett, Kent Gorham, Tom Hoesman, Hilario Jimenez, Rogelio Juárez, Patti Kirchoff, Fred Koury, Amparo Lopez, Judy Lopez, Valerie Lopez, Angelina Lord, Jim Maldonado, Maria Trini Mayorga, Al McAdams, Lynda McAndrew, Mary Mendoza, Yolanda Montes, Marie Nava, Jane Norder, Rosa Oliva-rez, Mario Órnelas, Sylvia Órnelas, DeDe Paramo Taulli, Helen Quiroz, Jess Quiroz Sr., Michael Reddoch, Ernie Rincon, Nathan Rodriguez, Jesse Santos, Lorie Santos, Dorie Sebastian, Michael Sexton, Georgia Smith, Linda Sinatra, Shirley Shovah, Corinne Swiecki, Richard Troup, Bill Valdez, Opalani Vaipulu, Charles Van Buren, Peter Wilkerson, Lynn Woolweaver, and Dickie Ybarra


Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Thursday: Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15 Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47, Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA: DICIEMBRE 7-13 Lunes: Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9-14; Lc 5:17-26 Martes: Gén 3:9-15, 20; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38 Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Mt 11:28-30 Jueves: Is 41:13-20; Sal 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15 Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Sábado: Zac 2:14-17 o Ap 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lc 1:26-38 o Lc 1:39-47, Domingo: Sof 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Fil 4:4-7; Lc 3:10-18

Please pray the Intentions of the Holy Father for the MONTH OF DECEMBER:

Universal Intention: That all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving. For Evangelization: That families, especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE SAT, DEC 12- CAPTAIN 4:00pm Lillian Kalmar SUN, DEC 13 - CAPTAIN 7:30am Frank Whatley 9:00am Steve & Lupe Maldonado


4:00 Intention of Susie Sanchez on her 98th birthday +Emile Hishmeh by Rick Hishmeh 7:00 +Carmen Arias y Jose Maria Carrillo de Fam Castañeda Fajardo Intención de Quinto Aniversario de “Abrigando al Hermano” SUNDAY DECEMBER 6

7:30 +Sergio A. Delgado III by his parents & brothers +Severa Kellenberger by Kaye Smith 9:00 +Estella Dymond by her sister +Bonnie Rivera Martinez by Santos & Jenny Rivera fam. +Trinidad, Maria & Maria Refugio Nieto 11:00 +Maria Zavala de su hija Maria y nietos +Imelda Ayala Quevedo de su familia +Vicente Urrutia Silva de su hija y nietos +Jose Trinidad Carrete de su hijo Emilia Carrete 1:00 + Leopoldo y Margarita Zavala de Miguel Zavala y familia Intención de Magdalena Adame de Virginia Adame +Esperanza Alvarez y Jose Fajardo de la Fam. Castañeda Fajardo Intencion de Gerardo Elizondo de su hermana 5:00 Pro populo (for the people) 7:00 Pro Populo (for the people) MONDAY DECEMBER 7

8:00 Pro Populo (for the people) TUESDAY DECEMBER 8

8:00 Intention of 47th Anniversary of Joe & Cely Rafols 6:30pm Intencion de cumpleaños de Conny De Medina de sus hijos y nietos WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 9

8:00 Int. Birthday of Gloria Muñoz de Salome Romero 12:00 +Rosa Avila Moreno & Manuel Ochoa de la familia Castañeda Fajardo THURSDAY DECEMBER 10

8:00 +John M. Acosta FRIDAY DECEMBER 11

8:00 Intention of Pat & Teri Norris

Intention of Wedding Anniversary of Ausencio Garcia & Luvia Segundo SATURDAY DECEMBER 12

4:00 7:00 SUNDAY DECEMBER 13

7:30 +Emile Hishmeh bt Rick Hishmeh +Sergio A. Delgado III by his parents & brothers 9:00 +Raul de la Vara by his daughter Intention of Birthday of Robert, Matthew, and Jessica Gurrola by Gloria Gurrola +Pedro Acosta de sus esposa e hijos +Bill Alley by Ligia Acosta 11:00 +Araceli Villegas de sus padres, hijos y hermanos Int. Francisco Ramirez de su esposa e hijos +Heredy Dueñas de sus hijos 1:00 + Marcelino Soto y Leopoldo Zavala de Miguel Zavala y familia Intencion de cumpleaños de Victor Castañeda de la familia Castañeda +Jesus Castañeda & Manuel Salvador Castañda de la fam. Castañda Farjardo Intencion de Felicitas Castillo de su hermana 5:00 7:00