Searles Mazzacano EMSWCD Beneficial Insects V2 · after Farming With Native Beneficial Insects;...

Beneficial insects in your garden Seven-spotted Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano © 2016 C. A. Searles Mazzacano Celeste A. Searles Mazzacano, Ph.D. Presented for EMSWCD 1 A. Roles of beneficial insects B. Meet the beneficial insects (and other arthropods) C. Invasives to watch out for D. Creating & maintaining habitat E. Resources & projects Beneficial Insects Convergent Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano Great Black Wasp; C.A.S. Mazzacano 2 Szecksa 3 How I think of insects Dung beetle: C.A.S. Mazzacano European mantis, OR: C.A.S. Mazzacano Great Spangled Fritillary: C.A.S. Mazzacano Darner: C.A.S. Mazzacano Mole Cricket, Costa Rica: C.A.S. Mazzacano Giant Robber Fly, TX: C.A.S. Mazzacano Flatheaded mayfly; C.A.S. Mazzacano Blood-colored Milkweed Bug; C.A.S. Mazzacano 4 Searles Mazzacano_EMSWCD Beneficial Insects V2 - October 4, 2016

Transcript of Searles Mazzacano EMSWCD Beneficial Insects V2 · after Farming With Native Beneficial Insects;...

Page 1: Searles Mazzacano EMSWCD Beneficial Insects V2 · after Farming With Native Beneficial Insects; Xerces Society Common name bloom time Douglas meadowfoam* spring globe gillia* spring

Beneficial insects in your garden

Seven-spotted Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano© 2016 C. A. Searles Mazzacano

Celeste A. Searles Mazzacano, Ph.D.Presented for EMSWCD


A. Roles of beneficial insects

B. Meet the beneficial insects (and other arthropods)

C. Invasives to watch out for

D. Creating & maintaining habitat

E. Resources & projects

Beneficial Insects

Convergent Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Great Black Wasp; C.A.S. Mazzacano




How I think of insects

Dung beetle: C.A.S. Mazzacano

European mantis, OR: C.A.S. Mazzacano

Great Spangled Fritillary: C.A.S. Mazzacano

Darner: C.A.S. Mazzacano

Mole Cricket, Costa Rica: C.A.S. Mazzacano

Giant Robber Fly, TX: C.A.S. Mazzacano

Flatheaded mayfly; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Blood-colored Milkweed Bug; C.A.S. Mazzacano

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How many people think of insects


How we should all think of insects

Oregon Zoo; C.A.S. Mazzacano


• improve soil conditions

• food for wildlife

• aesthetic and recreational use

Cedar Waxwing eating dragonfly; Larry Rea

Red Satyr; C.A.S. Mazzacano

River Jewelwing; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Wood Ground Beetle; iNaturalist, oldbilluk

Benefits of insects


• pollination

- 70% of flowering plants pollinated by insects

- bees, flies, beetles, moths

Sweat Bee; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Benefits of insects

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee; C.A.S. MazzacanoFlower Fly; Thomas Bresson

Soldier Beetle; David Hebert

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• decomposers

- beetles and flies break down & recycle animal dung and carcases

- beetles, flies, termites break down plant material

Burying Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Benefits of insects

Dung Beetles; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Black Soldier Fly; C.A.S. Mazzacano

“tumblebug”; C.A.S. Mazzacano


• natural pest control


• Predators

- consume pest eggs, larvae, and/or adults

- beetles, lacewings, wasps, flies, bugs, thrips, mantids, spiders, mites

Assassin bug; kestrel360, iNaturalist

Natural Pest Control


• Parasitoids

- lay eggs or insert larvae in or near host; developing larvae feed externally or internally on body of living host

- host dies when parasitoids become adults

- wasps, flies

Tachinid fly getting ready to parasitize elm leaf beetle larva; Jack

Kelly Clark/UC Davis

Natural Pest Control

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Japanese Giant Mantis; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Western Red Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Black and Yellow Garden Spider; Kammy Kern-Korot

Great Black Wasp; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Spined Assassin Bug; Judy Welna, iNaturalist


Fiery Searcher; John Pickering, Discover Life


Western Red Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Red Milkweed Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Pterostychus ground beetle; Rob Sandelin

Oregon Tiger Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Multicolored Asian Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Predators - BeetlesLady Beetles

• round to oval

• bright colors, bold spotted patterns

• larvae & adults eat aphids, scales, mites, caterpillars, insect eggs

Lady Beetle larva;,

Jerry McCormick

Convergent Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Multi-colored Asian Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Sorrowful Lady Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Predators - BeetlesGround Beetles

• broadly oval; dark to metallic

• large jaws, sculpted wing covers

• larvae & adults eat insect eggs, caterpillars, snails

European Ground Beetle;Biopix, EoL

Bronzed Tiger Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

carabid larva; Phil Myers

Snail-eating Beetle; Ken-ichi Ueda

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Predators - Beetles

Rove Beetles

• elongated dark body

• short wing covers expose abdomen

• eat small soil organisms

Devil’s Coach Horse; Cedric Lee

Rove Beetle; Joyce Gross


Predators - BeetlesSoldier Beetles

• long body, soft wing covers, long antennae

• yellow/orange & black markings

• eat mealybugs, aphids, soil organisms

Margined Leatherwing; David Hebert

Podabrus Soldier Beetle; vncdatatech01


Predators - LacewingsBrown & Green Lacewings

• soft delicate body; loose, oval, multi-veined wings

• eat mealybugs, aphids, scales, caterpillars

Brown Lacewing; James Bailey

Green Lacewing; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Green Lacewing egg


Predators - WaspsWasps

• victims of bad PR!

• paper wasps, yellowjackets, and hornets feed their young on live insects

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Predators - WaspsPaper Wasps, Digger Wasps

• build nest of chewed fibers, or nest in existing holes or dig ground tunnels

• bring live paralyzed prey to young

European Paper wasp; C.A.S. Mazzacano

paper wasp nest; Andrea Joy Davis

Polistes aurifer paper wasp; Edward Rooks

Sphex digger wasp; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Predators - FliesFlower Flies

• larvae (maggots) eat aphids, scale insects

• adults are bee mimics, pollinate plants

Helophilis syrphid; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Toxomerus syrphid; MJ Hatfield


Predators - Flies

Robber flies

• adults eat anythingthey can catch

• larvae prey on insect larvae in leaf litter, loose soil, decaying wood

Laphria robber fly with blister beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Giant Robber Fly; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Predators - BugsAssassin Bugs

• large, spiny body; flared abdomen

• stout needle-like mouthparts

• eat all types of insects

Rhynocoris Assassin Bug; Phil Huntley-Franck

Pselliopus Assassin Bug; John & Jane Balaban

Assassin bug; kestrel360, iNaturalist

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Predators - BugsAmbush Bugs

• stout body with flared abdomen

• enlarged forelegs

• bright colors & patterns

• eat all types of insects

Phymata americana; Kurt Schaefer

Jagged Ambush Bug; Dale & Elva Paulson


Predators - BugsDamsel Bugs

• small, slender, yellow/brown body

• thickened forelegs

• eat insect larvae, small insects, eggs

Nabicula subcoleoptrata; Jason Michael Crockwell

Nabis roseipennis; Jason Michael Crockwell


Predators - Bugs

Minute Pirate Bugs

• tiny, straight-sided body

• black & white pattern

• eat spider mites, thrips, aphids, insect eggs

Minute Pirate Bug nymph; Lynette Elliott

Anthocoris musculus; Lynette Elliott


Predators - BugsBig-eyed Bugs

• small oval body

• broad head with big bulging eyes

• eat small insects, mites, eggs

Geocoris uliginosus; Lyle J. Buss, U of FL

Geocoris; Jack Dykinga, USDA

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Predators - Bugs

Predatory Stink Bugs

• triangular brown/grey body with shield-like cover

• eat large prey such as caterpillars & beetle larvae

Rough Stink Bug; Lynette Elliott

Two-spotted Stink Bug; Matthew Priebe


Predators - MantidsPraying Mantis

• large elongated body; brown or green

• triangular head, large eyes

• spiny raptorial forelegs

• eat whateverthey can catch

Stagmomantis californica egg case; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Mantis religiosa; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Stagmomantis californica; randomtruth


Predators - ThripsBanded-winged, Black Hunter, & Six-spotted Thrips

• long, minute, slender body

• adults black, may have white wings

• strap-like, feathery wings

Franklinothrips nymph; Jack Kelly Clark/UC Davis

Aeolothrips; Christophe Quinton

Black Hunter Thrips

Black Hunter Thrips; Ilona L.


Predators - SpidersSpiders

• round body, 8 legs

• often with bright colors or patterns

• web builders & active hunters

• eat whatever they can catch

Wolf Spider; C.A.S. Mazzacano

cross spider; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Black and Yellow Garden Spider; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Zebra Jumping Spiders mating; C.A.S. Mazzacano

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Predators - MitesPredatory Mites

• tiny, pear-shaped, shiny body

• 6 or 8 legs

• fast-moving

• eat thrips, spider mites, insect eggs

Red Velvet Mite; Univ. of WI-Milwaukie

Western Predatory Mites eating Spider Mite; UC Davis


Predators - Centipedes


• long segmented body

• 1 pair of legs/segment

• eat small arthropods in & on the soil

centipede; iNaturalist, Paul Heiple

Stone Centipede; iNaturalist, Cristophe Quintin


Tachinid; BioImages, EoL


Bee fly; Siegrun Storer, EoL

Braconid; kimberlietx, iNaturalist

Trogus ichneumonid; Lea Gelling, iNaturalist

Braconid pupae on Sphinx moth larva; Tim Guida, iNaturalist


Tachinid; Jack Kelly Clark/UC Davis

Parasitoids - Flies

Tachinid Flies

• resemble house flies but with stout bristly hairs on tip of abdomen

• parasitize caterpillars, beetles, bugs, earwigs, grasshoppers

Tachinid eggs on leafroller caterpillar; Jack Kelly Clark/UC Davis

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Bee Fly (IVilla sp.): C.A.S. Mazzacano

Parasitoids - FliesBee Flies

• hairy, brightly colored

• wings held to side at rest

• adults are pollinators

• larvae parasitoids of soil-dwelling beetles, wasps, caterpillars, bees


Ichneumonid wasp; Nuytsia@Tas

parasitized catalpa caterpillar; John Obermeyer/Purdue Entomology

Parasitoids - WaspsIchneumonid and Braconid Wasps

• long slender body

• long antennae & ovipositor

• parasitize caterpillars, beetles, wasps, bugs, flies, aphids Braconid larvae exiting host;

UC Davis

Braconid on grape leaffolder; UC Davis


Trichogramma attacking corn earworm egg; UC Davis

Parasitoids - Wasps

Trichogrammatid Wasps

• tiny (<1 mm), compact body

• short antennae, hairy wings

• parasitize insect eggs


Invasive Insects to Watch ForGypsy Moth pheromone trap; Paul GordyJapanese Beetle; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Japanese Beetle; Les Mehrhoff, Discover Life

Gypsy Moths; Tom Murray

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Invasive Insects to Watch For

Japanese Beetle

• medium-sized oval scarab (0.5”)

• bright metallic green thorax, coppery wings

• 2 small white hair tufts behind wings, 5 patches on each side of abdomen

• larvae C-shaped, up to 1” long

Ohio State University

Ohio State University


Invasive Insects to Watch ForJapanese Beetle

• adults eat leaves & flowers of >300 tree & vine fruits, crops, shrubs, trees

• prefer grape, apple, cherry, peach, plum, rose, corn

• larvae pests in turf grass

• several detections & eradications in OR

Purdue Extension

Univ. of IL Extension


Invasive Insects to Watch For

Asian Gypsy Moth

• females 2”, white/cream wings; males 1.5”, dark brown

• several detections & eradications in Oregon

Purdue Extension

John H. Ghent, USDA Forest Service


Invasive Insects to Watch For

Asian Gypsy Moth

• females lay eggs in oblong masses on trees, coverwith body scales

• feed on >500 spp. of trees & shrubs

• defoliation, landscape-scale devastation

John H. Ghent, USDA Forest Service

John H. Ghent, USDA Forest Service

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For reporting, information, and resources:

• Oregon Department of Agriculture:

• Oregon Forest Pest Detectors:


Creating habitat

Portland OR; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitat

“If you build it, they will come”…

• conservation biocontrol

• better to create habitat for local species than to buy insects

C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitat• many beneficials also

eat nectar & pollen

- increases survival, fecundity

• often small insects with small mouthparts, short tongues

- good landing pad & easy access important


yarrow; C.A.S. Mazzacano

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Creating & maintaining habitat

• designate at least 10% of garden space to plants for beneficials

• provide bloom throughout the season

• variety of flower shapes (umbel, daisy, spike, ball)


Baby Blue Eyes; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitat

• annuals provide nectar, pollen, egg-laying sites

• perennials provide stable habitat

marigold; Wikimedia Commons

Spirea; C.A.S. Mazzacano

after Farming With Native Beneficial Insects; Xerces Society

Common name bloom time

Douglas meadowfoam* spring

globe gillia* spring

self-heal early summer

yarrow summer

blanketflower summer

showy milkweed summer

sulfur buckwheat summer

Douglas aster fall

Canada goldenrod fall

blue wild rye N/A



Creating & maintaining habitat

• carrot family: yarrow, dill, fennel

• daisy family: gayfeather, sunflower, marigold

• cabbage family: sweet alyssum; broccoli

gayfeather; Joseph Dougherty/

sunflower; Donna, iNaturalist


Creating & maintaining habitat

• legumes: lupine, clover

• stonecrops: sedum spp.

• flowering herbs attractive (dill, fennel, parsley, mint, angelica, cilantro, lavender)

Lupine; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Lavender; C.A.S. Mazzacano

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Creating & maintaining habitat

• Early spring flowers:

- Oregon grape

- Red-flowering currant

- Black twinberry

- Spring beauty

Oregon Grape; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Spring Beauty; Keir MorseBlack Twinberry;

C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitat

Oregon Iris; WSU Extension

Red Columbine; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Pacific Bleeding Heart

• Late spring flowers:

- Red columbine

- Pacific bleeding heart

- Oregon iris


Creating & maintaining habitat• Summer

- Tapertip onion

- Showy milkweed

- Graceful cinquefoil

Showy Milkweed; C.A.S. MazzacanoGraceful Cinquefoil; Ben Legler

Tapertip Onion; Colorado Wildflowers


Creating & maintaining habitat• Late summer/fall

- West Coast goldenrod

- Pearly everlasting

- Slender tarweed

- astersWest Coast Goldenrod;

Univ. of Waterloo

Slender Tarweed; Mark Turner Pearly Everlasting; Al Schneider

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Creating & maintaining habitat

• trees & shrubs offer shelter from sun, wind, rain, predators

- willow, maple

- roses (baldhip, Nootka, swamp), elderberry, oceanspray

Swamp rose; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Blue elderberry; Mike Cardwell


Creating & maintaining habitat

• grass clumps provide shelter, overwintering habitat

- California brome-grass

- Blue Wild-rye

California brome-grass: Matt Lavin

fescue; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitat

• patches of undisturbed soil

• water source

C.A.S. Mazzacano

C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitatIntegrated pest management (IPM):

• ecosystem-based strategy

• long-term prevention of pests/damage using multiple techniques

- biological control, habitat manipulation, planting & watering practices, using resistant varieties

• preserves natural system as much as possible

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Creating & maintaining habitat

• Reduce/eliminate pesticides

- disrupt natural enemies

- pests faster to disperse & re-colonize treated areas than natural enemies

Oleander aphids on rush milkweed; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitat

• Reduce/eliminate pesticides

- removing natural enemies may allow additional pests to establish

- non-lethal levels can impair reproduction, foraging

Oleander aphids on rush milkweed; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitat

• IF pesticides used, treat to suppress target organism only

• minimize risks to human health, non-target organisms, & environment

Oleander aphids on rush milkweed; C.A.S. Mazzacano


Creating & maintaining habitat

• build healthy soil

• proper plant placement and irrigation

• plant mostly natives

• “scout” your gardens

• tolerate some damage

Indian plum; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Black Twinberry; C.A.S. Mazzacano

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• prepare planting area

• create planting plan

• plant, mulch, water, monitor

Laren Leland, Portland OR Laren Leland, Portland OR

Laren Leland, Portland OR



Insectary garden; Rincon-Vitova

Insectary garden; New Mexico State University • dense plantings in

strips or patches


Habitathedgerow; Frederique Lavoipierre

• can include trees, shrubs, understory

• hedgerows

hedgerow; Janet Allen



scale model beetle bank, Tualatin, East Multnomah and West Multnomah SWCD

• beetle banks provide shelter for ground beetles

• berm planted with bunch grasses (blue wild rye, California oatgrass, slender wheatgrass, prairie junegrass)

• can add wildflowers

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Habitatinsect hotel; Cheshire Wildlife Trust

• insect hotels provide brush pile and nesting tunnel-like habitat insect hotel; Susan Mulvihill





• Encouraging beneficial insects in your garden,

• A pocket guide to common natural enemies of crop and garden pests in the Pacific Northwest,



• Beneficial insects, spiders, and other mini-creatures,

• Meet the Beneficials,

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Visit to find additional workshops and resources!

* annual native plant sale!


Questions?Yellow-faced Bumble Bee; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Western Swallowtail, C.A.S. Mazzacano

Cardinal Meadowhawk; C.A.S. Mazzacano

Netwinged Beetle, C.A.S. Mazzacano

Celeste A. Searles Mazzacano, [email protected]

Copyright © 2016 Celeste A. Searles Mazzacano. All rights reserved. This presentation or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

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