SEARIS 2014 Keynote - MiddleVR - Philosophy and architecture

Sébastien ‘Cb’ Kuntz @Cb_VRGeek Philosophy and architecture SEARIS 2014 SEARIS: Software engineering and architecture in interactive systems, an IEEE VR workshop.


MiddleVR is a generic VR plugin. SEARIS is the "Software engineering and architecture for realtime interactive systems" workshop for IEEEVR.

Transcript of SEARIS 2014 Keynote - MiddleVR - Philosophy and architecture

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Sébastien ‘Cb’ Kuntz @Cb_VRGeek

Philosophy and architecture!SEARIS 2014

SEARIS: Software engineering and architecture in interactive systems, an IEEE VR workshop.

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When I was in engineering school, we had software architecture classes and projects. Without any experience, this is a very abstract topic When I was an intern at Discreet (Autodesk, 3DS Max, Flame, Inferno, movies sfx), was very impressed with the “architect”, and wanted to be like him ! Turns out it takes a lot of experience to be a good architect, so share my experience architecting MiddleVR and show that the philosophy that you choose, consciously or not, actually drives your architecture

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• Introduction!

• Origin of MiddleVR!

• Goals!

• Demo!

• Philosophy & Architecture!

• Conclusion

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(French railways)

“Creating Virtual Reality Games:!

The Fundamentals”

Founder & President

Sébastien ‘Cb’ Kuntz

Also board member of the national French VR association AFRV ( and founded the VR Geeks association (

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And it seems I have been interested in head-mounted displays for longer that I remember.

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Zone hunter (Virtuality-1994)

I fell in love with VR on a field trip in London when I was a teenager. The experience was far from perfect: the HMD was bulky, one display was blurry, but being able look around and shoot where I wanted incredible. I quickly decided I wanted to make a career in VR.

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• Polhemus magnetic tracker, treadmill, 5DT Glove • C++ / OpenSceneGraph / VRPN / OpenAL

Fiacre: train the operators at maintenance of equipments on the railway tracks. I was in charge of all the VR engine and application development !(sorry I can’t put SNCF videos online)

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Simurat: check wagons before they leave on the tracks

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After 4 years I was hired by Virtools as their VR lead engineer. Virtools was a great tool to create 3D applications. Simple to learn thanks to the building blocks programming scheme, and many non-programmers, like designers and even farmers, created great applications.

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I was in charge of adding VR functionality's to Virtools engine, coding, writing documentation, support customers

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I often say that we are at the prehistory of VR. Last week was the Big bang of VR. I could test Oculus DK2, Sony Morpheus and Valve’s HMD. The future is coming quickly.

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• VR tools to simplify VR

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Virtual reality

Presence in a virtual world

Interesting because: - natural interactions: no interface to learn. if we want to look under a table, no button to press, just move your body. - natural reactions & emotions : if I throw a ball at you, you will have the reflex to grab it. if you are afraid of heights, you will have this fear in VR.

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If it’s real VR, you probably

look ridiculous !

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• Build hardware

To create and maintain presence, you need to ...

• Build software

• Build user experience

Most people forget about taking time to build the user experience. Test with users !

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The challenges of creating a VR software

We already have great hardware, but we don’t know how to make the most of it.

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“VR is mainly a software problem”!!Jaron Lanier! !

Software is like a fuel for your car. Without any fuel, you will not go very far, even if you have a Porsche.

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Device management

Physical device!!

Driver Application

An application needs to get the data from a physical device through a driver.

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Device management

Tracker 1! Driver Tracker 1


Tracker 2!!

Driver Tracker 2

The problem is that each driver gives access to similar data in a different way so you need to have specific part of programs for similar drivers.

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code for one driver if you switch to another device, another driver:

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This is a completely different code which gives exactly the same information but for another device.

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And there are a lot of devices out there.

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Correct perspective

(c) Johnny Lee !3D applications assume that the user is in front of the screen. If you move in front of the screen, it looks like a 2d painting !If the application knows where the user is, the screen becomes a window on the virtual world (perceived depth without stereoscopy)

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Correct perspective

In general 3D engines allow you to do that but you have to do all the maths by yourself Necessary for every big VR wall, anytime stereoscopy, HMDs, Caves... !

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Even after you have computed your stereo images, you have different ways to display them. It can be active stereo, passive stereo, autostereo etc.

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Warping & Blending

Then if you have a curved screen, your perspective will have to be distorted.

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Warping & Blending

Warping is about getting a correct perspective for screens that are not planar (curved) Blending is about managing the overlapping regions between several projectors.

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Graphics cards limitations

• Number of outputs!

• Processing power

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multiple graphics cards

• Pro!

• More outputs!

• More processing power!

• Con!

• 3D engines are not optimized for multi-pipe

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• Pro!

• More outputs!

• More processing power!

• Con!

• 3D engines don’t support clustering

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• No seams across displays require 3 layers of sync!

• 3D objects synchro (Scenelock)!

• New images display (Swaplock)!

• Left/Right eyes (Genlock)


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• Many different 3D user interactions!

• Navigation!

• Selection!

• Manipulation!

• Draw!

• System control!

• etc.

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Interactions are dependent on hardware

For example navigation will be different for different VR systems

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Menus are also a big issue in VR.

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Haptics (force feedback)

If you need haptics, you will have to have a physics engine that run at 1000hz and interface with specific hardware.

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• Modify application to!

• Change drivers!

• Change displays!

• Change interactions

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So to create a complete VR application, you have to manage all of this !

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• Platform for creating interactive 3d applications!

• Widely used!

• 2.5 million registered developers

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• High-quality rendering!

• Deferred renderer!

• Occlusion culling!

• Realtime shadows!

• Ambient occlusion!

• Light mapping

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Unity 3D Features• Programming!

• C#, Javascript!

• Profiler!

• Physics!

• NVidia PhysX!

• Cloth!

• Soft/rigid bodies!

• Ragdolls!

• Cars

3D formats !

FBX, Collada, 3DS, OBJ…!

Audio engine!



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• Simple to use!

• Create your own tools inside Unity

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Asset store

• Buy / sell assets!

• 3D models!

• Textures!

• Shaders!

• Scripts!

• Editor plugins

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Unity is a great tool but it doesn’t natively support VR systems easily.

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• Build hardware

To create and maintain presence, you, the author, need to ...

• Build software

• Build user experience

Our goal is to minimize the time you spend on building the software so that you can focus on building the user experience.

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In my mind, VR is not that difficult. Doesn’t have to be. A part is that the hardware is hard to use, but a bigger part is that the software is hard to use mostly by design.

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In 2010 sent an e-mail to Roland Blach asking for all the SEARIS papers and studied them attentively

Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems Working Group

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Existing VR software


• OpenTracker!

• VRJuggler!

• Virtools!

• Worldviz!

• …

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In VRPN, you first have to edit a configuration file, understandable by computer scientists only. Then you have to understand how it works: callbacks, terminology is also a bit obscur (analog..) VRPN is only solving the devices management, and as we have seen, there are a lot of other issues when creating a VR app.

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VR Juggler

VR Juggler needs to understand a lot of concept: proxy device? derive of off OpenGL::App ? My main problem is that you have to bend your application to their design

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VRPack’s configuration file is even more complex than VRPN. Even working at Virtools, it took me quite a while to understand how it works ! Switching configuration files is also complicated.

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Worldviz Vizard

• Based on OpenSceneGraph!

• Python

Vizard is a really nice environment but still a bit too complex to use.

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Worldviz Vizard

For example this is how you would configure trackers and a Cave.

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The need for better VR software tools

• Hardware getting cheaper!

• But engineers are not getting cheaper!

• Need to be more efficient and spend less time creating apps!

• Democratization!

• VR developers are not all engineers anymore

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• Simplify VR!

• Simplify creation of VR applications!

• Simplify deployment of VR applications!

• Create new VR tools!

• Adapting existing 3D applications

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What is ?

• Generic VR plugin (C++ SDK) !

• Functionalities ○Manage input devices

•3D trackers, keyboard, mouse, joystick ○Manage display

•Viewports, cameras, stereoscopy, cluster ○High-level building-blocks ○Interactions ○Menu

CaveLib - VRJuggler

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MiddleVR (C++)

Drivers OpenGL DirectX Network

C# Wrapper

GUI UnityLua



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GUI to easily configure any VR system quickly.

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Once you have exported your application, you can simply add it to the list of Simulations in MiddleVR’s gui. Then you can pick any configuration and simply click Run and your application will be dynamically reconfigured for this configuration

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MiddleVR Features

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Supported Devices• Via VRPN :

• A.R.T • Vicon • Optitrack • Wiimote !

• Polhemus Fastrak Tracker, 3Space Tracker, Patriot Trackers,

• Ascension Flock of Bird • Intersense IS600, IS900 • 3dTech HiBall-3000 Wide Area Tracker, • Advanced Realtime Tracking Gmbh DTrack

Client, • World Viz Precision Position Tracker PPT

1.2, • Natural Point Optitrack Rigid Body Toolkit, • Phasespace optical tracking OWL, • ...

• Native drivers • Oculus Rift • Leap Motion • Kinect (Microsoft SDK) • PNI SpacePoint

Fusion • GameTrak • Razer Hydra • SpaceMouse • Motion Analysis (beta)

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Haptics (force feedback) Haption IPSI

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VR Camera• MiddleVR computes all the cameras’ parameters


• Correct perspective!

• Scale 1

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• Active stereoscopy (OpenGL Quad-Buffer)!

• Which Unity can’t natively handle!

• Passive stereoscopy

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Viewports management

Viewports configuration

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Simply configure your system

Configure what is happening in the real life. Seeing things happening in real life changes a lot. Can easily check - axes swap, offsets - screens are correctly placed - if tracking is covering the area !Allows you to experiment.

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We provide standard navigations: - classic joystick navigation - elastic navigation - grab the world

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A nice new feature is the homography. This allows you to grab corners of your viewports and have them match the physical corners of your cave.

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Cluster & Multi-pipe

• Scenelock!

• Swaplock!

• Genlock!

• Multi-pipe (soon)

Regarding clustering, one unity player is running on each computer. SceneLock: synchronise the state of all input devices and position/orientation of some specific objects. SwapLock: implemented our own mechanism Genlock: done in HW

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Supported displays

• Virtually any HMD • VR-Wall, Powerwall • Workbench, Holobench • HoloStage • CAVEs • 3D TVs • zSpace • Igloo Vision • …

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• Simplify creation of VR applications!

• Simplicity of adding VR into application!

• Simplicity of API!

• High-level tools!

• Interactions: Selection, manipulation, navigation, menus, GUIs

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Example of device management

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Driver 1

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Driver 2

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Device management

Replaced manual edition of cfg file by GUI Simply choose the driver from the list, don’t need to rewrite it.

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Looks like english ! No need to understand what a sink is (opentracker), or forced to set callbacks.

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Here is the minimum code you have to write to use MiddleVR. You don’t have to modify the structure of your application to integrate MiddleVR !

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Class reference

Most VR systems out there can be described with these highlighted simple, atomic, concepts

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The value of Simplicity

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The value of simplicity

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is

nothing left to take away”!

Antoine de St Exupery

Simplicity is a huge principle for me. We don’t hesitate to remove code/feature that are covering way too much. EVEN IF ALREADY WRITTEN !! We’re a Startup, we don’t have resources, so we have to be simple No resources is a strength Lots of resources can actually be a curse

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The value of simplicity

• For each feature you add!

• Test!

• Document!

• Support / maintain!

• Each feature costs !!

Each feature you add, you have to support it for the entire life of the product. Simplicity is harder to achieve, so cost more at first, but in the long run is beneficial

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The value of simplicity• Huge value in simplicity !!

• User side!

• Faster to learn, less to remember!

• Developer side!

• Faster to code!

• Easier maintain!

• Less bugs!

• Business side!

• Need less coders!

• More interesting features!

• Easy download / setup > Quickly validate on user’s hardware !!

• Easier support

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API in simple english• Long discussions for naming of functions, classes, variables!• Consistent api!

• SetNumButtons, SetButtonsNum, SetNbButtons > SetButtonsNb!• French not good at english!

• Analog ? Digital ? Proxy ?!• Use natural terms depending on device!

• Joystick->GetAxisValue()!• Joystick->IsButtonPressed()!• Keyboard->IsKeyPressed()!

• Why “Register” ? Why not “Add” ?!• Why so complex, want to sound very clever ?!• AddDevice, AddCamera, …!

• API in degrees, because more intuitive / simple to work with

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Simplified API

• Simple but complete API!• Like legos!• Rotate!

• Node3D->Rotate( Quat )!• Node3D->Rotate( Euler )!• Node3D->Rotate( Axis, Angle)!• Quat( quat ), Quat( Euler ), Quat( Axis, Angle)

Simplified API: only one way of doing things: less to learn, less to remember Everything you need is in the Quat class, so it’s reusable in any part of the code

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The value of simplicity

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”! DaVinci

Fight hard to create / maintain simplicity. Engineers come and implemented what was in their mind, anticipate cases that would rarely happen. We do code reviews. Often rewrite often 3 times before acceptable.

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The value of simplicity• Design user interface for the 80%!

• Don’t ruin the experience for the 20%!

• Simple things should be simple!

• Complex things can be complex!

• Put in an “advanced menu”!

• Don’t let beauty of design ruin user experience!

• Like real life architects who want their design to be beautiful but totally unusable on a day to day!

• Example of Lego!

• Simple but complete

Tell horror network socket story :) !Current tools designed for geeks/engineers (examples vrpn/virtools vr)

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• Engineers have a strong tendency to over-optimise!

• Complexifies code!

• Code must be above all readable!

• To avoid bugs!

• To maintain maintenability!

• If you want to optimise!

• First profile your code!

• Optimize what is *really* taking time!

• not what you *think* takes time

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“The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”!


Test with users

• if user don’t understand, not add more doc,!

• simplify !!

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Hardware SDK are mostly too complicated

!Even Oculus !!!!! Less time to implement haptics !!!

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• Why not just a few simple functions with sensible defaults ?!

• Init()!

• Update()!

• GetValue()!

• Destroy()!

• And add more functions for more advanced

HW manufacturers don’t know how to write an API

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• User Guide!

• Class references

Of course the ideal tool would not need documentation, I honestly like to write documentation. It helps spot errors, inconsistencies. If it’s hard to document, the feature must probably must be simplified instead of writing a more sophisticated doc !!

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• Simplify deployment of VR applications!

• GUI to configure VR systems!

• Dynamic reconfiguration of application!

• Ship with standard configurations!

• Abstractions

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• Abstractions!

• Devices!

• 3D Nodes (User)!

• Interactions (soon)

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Device management

Driver Tracker 1


Driver Tracker 2

** The problem is that each driver gives access to similar data in a different way so you need to have specific part of programs for similar drivers.

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Device abstraction

Virtual Device Application

Driver Tracker 1

Driver Tracker 2

A virtual device only stores data. For tracker, position+orientation Drivers write data in the virtual device. Allow to change driver without application (PORTABILITY) --- Replay allows you to playback a recorded working session. It enables quality insurance because you can give the same input to your application and check that the output is always the same.

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Device management


Virtual Device Application



Replay allows you to playback a recorded working session. It enables quality insurance because you can give the same input to your application and check that the output is always the same.

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• Cameras & viewport created dynamically

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User• Human-centric rather than techno-centric

Rather than accessing devices, we could simply ask the position of the user’s head, or hand ! This allows to write scenarios like : What does the user see ? Is the hand close to ... ?

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Virtual Device 1

Hand (3D Node) Application

Virtual Device 2

Inverse Kinematics

User abstraction

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Interactions• MiddleVR includes high-level interactions!

• Navigation!

• Selection!

• Manipulation!

• … More to come!

• Future: Interactions abstractions!

• Dynamically change interactions based on hardware

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Interactions abstraction?














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• How to create portable interactions ?!

• Navigations can be portable!

• Except collisions!

• Generalise what is generalisable!

• + Custom part for engine dependent!

• Collisions!

• Highlights!

• Gizmos


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• Ability to create menus and GUIs in HTML5 (soon)

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Create immersive HTML5 GUI

HTML 5 gui in VR

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C++ Reflexion

• Also for configuration file!

• Cluster synchronisation!

• Accessing drivers specific information

Property is simple couple of getter/setter. In header write naturally Set/GetParent !One line to add property in source code.

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Working with multiple 3D engines

• Different coordinate systems!• vrCoordinateSystem( Front, Up, Right )!

• +/- X,Y,Z!• OpenGL:!

• Front= -Z!• Up = +Y!• Right = +X!

• DirectX:!• Front=+Z!• Up=+Y!• Right=+X

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Working with multiple 3D engines

• C++!

• Compiling!

• STL, Boost!

• Strings (Wide strings)!

• Link issues!

• Different compilers (VC2005/2008/2010/2012)!

• Different languages!

• C wrapper!

• Lua wrapper

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• Simplicity!• Creation!• Deployment!

•Adaptability!•Hardware!• Software

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Our future

• Games/apps development:

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Talked about the philosophy and architecture You see how deeply the philosophy impacts the architecture Simplicity at its core which has a huge value for everybody, but has to fight hard for it.

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Thank you ! Questions ?

[email protected]

@Cb_VRGeek @imin_vr