Search Engine Ranking Factors

Search Engine Ranking Factors


Every website need to be optimized to get good search engine rank. Here you can find Some Major search engine factors that will impact on search rankings. @ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Search Engine Ranking Factors

Tools Integration

Which tools you are using like Google web master tool,

Bing webmaster tools, are you verified your website by using

these tools? It’s also important verified web site get chances

to better optimize for search engines.


Mobile Optimization

Is your website is optimized for mobile? If it not optimised

for mobile try to optimise for mobile and small screen

devices because day by day searching through is mobile

increased and it’s also effecting on search rankings.



Use always fresh and unique content in a webpage. Don’t

copy content from any others, because search engine will

always crawl your content. If you use any copy content then

mention the source from where you are copied.


URL Structure

Use the URL in proper way like try to put keywords in

URL and avoid numeric and auto generated URL structure. By

using keywords in URL it will increase visibility of your web

page in search engine will increase.


Search Engine Submission

When you make changes in website submit your

website to major search engines and use pinging tools to

quick index for your webpages, because search engines

don’t know about your updates.


Social Media Connections

Now a day’s social media will playing major role in search

engine optimization. The web traffic coming from social

media sites and followers / Connections in major social

media sites allows rise up your position in search engines.