Sea Island Ootton - University of...

1i 7MwpJ THE DAILY SCX GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 0 1906 3 6 I f r r r DISTRICT MEETING KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Will be Hold With Mount Vernon Lodge Afternoon uid Night MANY WILL BE PRESENT District Comprises Eleven Lodges Embracing Three Counties and All Will Send Representatives Fine Pro- gram Arranged for Occasion The Knights of Pythian lodges com- prising the Fifth District of which there are eleven embracing the coun- ties of AUehua Bradford and Levy will assemble in thir city today Mount Yrriton Lndgr No yt brine the The meetings will be held and evening and will lit presided over by District Deputy Grand Chan V K Dow All lodges in the district will send reprtHentative arid a good ruwd is expected At the conclusion of tin evening session a spread will be made hariohellor Commander CiiMiman of Mount Vernon Lodce reipjfst a good attendance a am t interesting and iiiAtrnctivt program been nr ranged MR CARPENTER MAY COME Executive Committee of Conference Wired Invitation Monday DesiroiiAof having KV VV J Car- penter make an addrets before the Bible Conference the executive com- mittee of the Conference through Major W K Thumai wired an invita- tion to that diilinnuiiihed divine and friend of Gainesville Monday asking him to come at once and rvmain long as ht pleased a a guest uf the Conference- No reply was received up to late lnt night but the committee believed that Mr Carpenter who i in Tampa will respond to the request In that event Mr Carpenter will no doubt preach at the Tabernacle this evening It if needles to add that he will be greeted by a big audience and extended a mus- ing welcome SHADOWS OF SIN Was Produced at Opera House to Small but Appreciative Audience Mr and Mr IMO C Hamilton with a pool support presented the Hveaet- jccric drama Shadoxv uf Sin at tin opera home night to a mall audience much smaller than the efl- isincy and olevermM of the company The scenery in Shadow of Sin was zoo I and showed up to good couriering the dimension of the stagy The singing and dancing wa good end altogether the p rfortnance was above the average Death of Mr Leonard The sad death of Hugh Leonard of NVw Jeraey occurred nt his home in the English Colony Saturday and the interment was held in Evergreen Sunday Ilev I J Lynch of St Patrick Catholic hunch officiating The funeral was in charge of Ir T F Thomas of tire Thomas Imlertakint Company Deceased was suffering from lung trouble arid came to Florida with the hope that the change would benetlt him but it too late is nnr rind by a wife end one son to whore the sympathy of tlu community Sick Headache- Th disitreding ailment ults from i disordered con Ittmn of the rtomach ill that ii needed to effect a curt i a Joe or two of Chamberlain Stomach nnd Liver Tablet In fact till may be aril l i tl or greatly lesieued III severity by taking of the e tablets n sooti a the tirs- tympn f HII at taik appear by Mil ilriririfti Attention Veterans HendijUKrier Camj N- U I V I ir rv 10 I J Comrade Y u are n ie ted to meet itt tii e iiri hoiice in iaineville- an TiWfdny the tlih day March at tv oclock ii tt morniwir Itnpr- laai lS Mj before the camp IV f J a Adjutant To Curu tn Ore Diy THKB IAXATIVK Hi Mo Tablets DrutrjM rrfut J r r f t- ail to cure E V Ur vr f on each l hUH has a last dtlUrv1 wIn lit t tx- tadld rl II tI old l Hoot ll l 1 I in a Cold t this after- noon Mellor advan- tage cem- etery at- tack ado c t r1 wall I I tt t1i ref tr Ilvy Cmrnal 1 rt 4 ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > < + + + ± + + + j OLD AGE DEPENDS NOT UPON YEARS BUT UPON VITAL FORCE people Some at tttty yarji tfa rally ntp- i while others at n ventj reeui active vigoron and young It i not y ar hilt it i of force that mat a person old Weak jened d getion thin Iud poor circulation ruin tsrt functinnal pow- er and vitality on the wane and then the symptoms of old age quickly ap- pear Our well known drucgut V M Johnson ny That fejlmg may be off end we wisi every per in Gainesville who feels old whether they err o in year or not j would try great dicivery Vinol- I We know that it vital princii which will in a natural manner strengthen digestion end rich r blood sunning through the and new life and strength to every organ of the binly and this o what makes the old feel young again j Mr II say At theatre of eightynine I felt the nerd of a tonic soiiiething to strengthen and build me up Fur omctiniif I have been taking Vinol and I have found that it brings and renewed vitality to the aged as nothing else I Vinol repairs worn tifttue checks the natural decline and replaces weak- ness with strength It is an ideal bodybuilder for old folks We promise you that Vino i first of all agreeable beciuse it contains no oil Second that it is a gen- uine cod liver medicine containing all the medicinal curatives and strength making element taken direct from fresh cut livers and third we will re- turn your money if it does not do we claim for it W M Johnson Druggist MICANOPY ITEMS Entertainment by Famous Reader Groves Looking Micanopy February 10 Miss Lilly Burke wader and impersonator gave an entertainment at Feaster v Johnson Hall Friday evening for the benefit of the Micanopy High School She wa very entertaining and all went away well pleaded with the even- ings enjoyment C J Barr has returned hump to Ridge Springs S C after spending a few week visiting relatives here B Kobeson and fancily of Marl etta ia spent last week in town vis- iting his brother Prof 0 C Kobeson- Dr Montgomery a Urge number of patients here at the present time for treatment Hi practice is setting so large that he will be compelled to build an infirmary for the accommo- dation of his many patient Capt Sam Means of Melntosh has spending a few day in town with friends Mrs Means went to Giineftville Sat- urday to attend the Bible Conference Kev K A Gray will spend this week in Cmine ville attending Bible Confer- ence The fiM quarterly meeting of K Church South held here Friday morning Rev F K Bridges presiding elder in the chair Iloprc- trhtRtives from Kvinston Slulnh Me and Wacahoutn were present j The interests of the church were Carr fully looked after and reported in line condition Kev Bridges preached an eloquent and instructive sermon Thtirs day night I V Chilly spent n few days this week veiling home folks Orange tree ore looking well here The growers are feeling more hopeful of raising prang than ever since the freee of lS o They are pruninz up atidfertiltngtreei hoping to gnat a large crop fall Kev Thompson preached at the Baptist church here Sunday e err glad to apt 1 W Car- ter out after a few day indoors with lngripie j Seaboard Pirior Cars The Senttonnl Air Line operate buf pirtor curs Between Waldo grid Tampa trmii leaving Waldo duct c tunu tti HIt morning tra n fr m I j I or r oU U tr it i i ttcmlvc old m1 I I I und t old warded I Ill W will fishy i hit FineNotes I ha teen Ii into h here Q this t nHiI 11 1 tt ry R trtlr t rrgard t- old years r cal ron the has rein its Avery vigor ex- actly E the- M t ere h n a i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + + + + + + + + NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED i T Kentiard rej r et IK te i r e i iT nifhin left r m trs ii Iery eounty- f J i L I 1U Oil Of AKVi t tt Sll div iii id c ty ns guest s Jilia- Waarrf gt- J B Duuglnss formerly a merchant- of this city bit now iratmer cf the commissary of YeTvle lon Sampson City spent Sunday with family I F Inullingof Lake View Jerry Well of Worthington Wm Adam of Windsor IV B H Djdif of Jone- ville audit W Thomas of Alachoa were trading in the city yesterday County Tax Assessor Colson return rd yvmrdsy from an otScia visit to Trenton and other points in the West End He reports the people of that section in a most prosperous condition The regular meeting of Mt Vernon Lidg No V Knights of Pythias will be held the Castle Hall this beginning at 7 3o otncK A full attendance desired Visitii g brothers welcome The Sun in it report of the meet- ing of Stonewall Camp Inited Cmt federate Veteran Saturday stated that the name of T M Vetiable hid been added to the roster This wa a a Mr Venablc ha been a lung time a member of the ramp The report should have read I T English Startling But True People the world iver were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chica go theater in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives yet more than five times this number or over 3 JOO people died from pneumonia in Chica- go during the same year with scarcely- a passing notice Every one of these eases of pneumonia resulted from cold and could have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy A ureat many who had every reason to fear pneumonia nave warded it off by the prompt use of this rem- edy The following is an instance of this sort Too much cannot be in favor of Chamberlains Cough Rem- edy and especially for colds and in Huenza I know that it cured my daughter Lura of a severe cold and believe saved her life when was threatened with pneumonia W D Wilcot Logan New York Sold by all druggists Low Rates to Louisville Ky and Re- turn Via Atlantic Coast Line The Atantic Coast Line will sell ticket to Louivi If Ky on February LMlh 5th and l6ih at rate of one fare plus twentyfive cents for the round trip with final linit March Itli 10 d For further information see At- lantic Coast Line agent or write C Hi vi TX Dutrict Passenger Agent Jacksonville Fla Man Past Sixty in Danger Mure than mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders us- ually enlargement of the pros- trate gland This i both painful and dangerous and Foley Kidney Cure should be taken at the flrt sign of danger as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this dis- ease Mr Rodney Burnett Rock Port Mo write I suffered with enlarged prostrate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foleys Kidney lure I feel better than 1 have for Ji years although I am now 1 yar old J W MoCollum A Co New Minister Appointed Caracas Feb 10 via Wlllemsail- h 17 TIll Vne8Uflan government has apM lnteil Cuzmun Gubrlan to be minister to the Tnlted States In the place ol N VelorGoltlcoa who of r n l Ircidont Castro by voting to hold Pan American courtesy at Kin Jankro Afraid of Strong Medicines Many people utfer for years from rheumatic pain Mid prefer so rather than take the strong medicines usually given rleutniitim nut knowing that stick relief from pain limy he hid by pimply applying Ciatnb rlam Bi i m without inking tiny medic ne a y I nr are liy all w y lay- f t t u p u hit II I I mistake 1 Inns l Liner ter here even- Ing furl acid she Firs r half the for t IrUIg t > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > ++ + + + + + + + + The olJ cIJ- c 1 Its if new one quickly tory of a weak throat i rr f jl rc3 s up the tat t ij h hit It Mfngthcns heals A- tr jotor to ti I you all about it h j e a umrllln Ar C b a It 1 r II rr f c I Luc a tin a t nhV vi 1c1 t Is 1rrr- s 1taa > > < + G W Hyde Company We are now open for business and invite your inspection W G W Hyde Company HFDUTTONCODEALE- RS IN Sea Ootton Sea Island Cotton Seed and Twine Walrus Leather in Strips or Sides Manufacturers of the James English Sea Island Cotton Gin and Supplies for me GAINESVILLE FLORIDA U 8 A G S MERCHANT A CO Retailers and Jobbsjrt la Staple and Fancy Groceries ralm lanBan Mtf lilt FartNiart SOUTH BIDE SQUARE i I t GAINESVILLE PLOKIDA Highest market price paid for Chicken Eggs other PruslM- ti Complete stock of H Corn Oats Flour Snit Oottoa S 4Ht l and We handle only the VERY BEST geeds at Ui LOW PRICES and guarantee Mtfetkcttai always FIVE SUPERB TRAINS DAILYT- hree to the East and Two to the West Yin ATLANTIC COAST LINE w V rk and Florida Special leaves Jacksonville 1260 p m daily ex- c j i- H lurid and India Limited leave Jacksonville 855 a m daily New York Kxpresi leave W m daily hiiHgo Florida Limited leave lackiunville 930 a m daily Ilizie Flyer leave Jacksonville 000 p m daily Through sleeping earn to Xew York Chicago and St Louis sleup fog ear cerviei t Aiigiiiita in leaving Jacksonville at 855 a m For Pullman renervatliii tied till information write FRANK C HOYL- STON Iitriil Pa enifer Agent JitckMiiiville Flu t JDBT rAY 11 Island Meal 1 > II Ill new THE DAILY SUN 10 W t N S M t j s C t r n 1IiN z gad EST West Jack nnvrlle Rr also > + + + +

Transcript of Sea Island Ootton - University of...

Page 1: Sea Island Ootton - University of Feb 10 via Wlllemsail-h 17 TIll Vne8Uflan government has apM lnteil Cuzmun Gubrlan

1i 7MwpJ



I fr r r



Will be Hold With Mount VernonLodge Afternoon uid Night


District Comprises Eleven LodgesEmbracing Three Counties and All

Will Send Representatives Fine Pro-

gram Arranged for Occasion

The Knights of Pythian lodges com-

prising the Fifth District of whichthere are eleven embracing the coun-ties of AUehua Bradford and Levywill assemble in thir city today MountYrriton Lndgr No yt brine the

The meetings will be heldand evening and will lit presided

over by District Deputy Grand ChanV K Dow All lodges in the

district will send reprtHentative arida good ruwd is expected

At the conclusion of tin eveningsession a spread will be made

hariohellor Commander CiiMimanof Mount Vernon Lodce reipjfst agood attendance a a m t interestingand iiiAtrnctivt program been nrranged


Executive Committee of ConferenceWired Invitation Monday

DesiroiiAof having KV VV J Car-

penter make an addrets before theBible Conference the executive com-

mittee of the Conference throughMajor W K Thumai wired an invita-tion to that diilinnuiiihed divine andfriend of Gainesville Monday askinghim to come at once and rvmainlong as ht pleased a a guest uf theConference-

No reply was received up to late lntnight but the committee believed thatMr Carpenter who i in Tampa willrespond to the request In that eventMr Carpenter will no doubt preach atthe Tabernacle this evening It ifneedles to add that he will be greetedby a big audience and extended a mus-

ing welcome


Was Produced at Opera House to

Small but Appreciative Audience

Mr and Mr IMO C Hamilton witha pool support presented the Hveaet-jccric drama Shadoxv uf Sin attin opera home night to a mallaudience much smaller than the efl-

isincy and olevermM of the company

The scenery in Shadow of Sin waszoo I and showed up to good

couriering the dimension ofthe stagy

The singing and dancing wa goodend altogether the p rfortnance wasabove the average

Death of Mr LeonardThe sad death of Hugh Leonard of

NVw Jeraey occurred nt his home in

the English Colony Saturday and theinterment was held in Evergreen

Sunday Ilev I J Lynch of St

Patrick Catholic hunch officiatingThe funeral was in charge of Ir T F

Thomas of tire Thomas ImlertakintCompany

Deceased was suffering from lungtrouble arid came to Florida with thehope that the change would benetlthim but it too late is nnr

rind by a wife end one son to whorethe sympathy of tlu community

Sick Headache-

Th disitreding ailment ults from

i disordered con Ittmn of the rtomachill that ii needed to effect a curt i a

Joe or two of Chamberlain Stomachnnd Liver Tablet In fact till

may be aril l i tl or greatlylesieued III severity by takingof the e tablets n sooti a the tirs-

tympn f HII at taik appearby Mil ilriririfti

Attention VeteransHendijUKrier Camj N-

U I V I ir rv 10 I J

Comrade Y u are n ie ted to

meet itt tii e iiri hoiice in iaineville-an TiWfdny the tlih day March

at tv oclock ii tt morniwir Itnpr-

laai lS Mj before the camp IV f

J a Adjutant

To Curu tn Ore Diy


Tablets DrutrjM rrfut J r r f t-

ail to cure E V Ur vr fon each l






wIn lit

t tx-




tI old


Hoot ll

l 1 I in

a Cold


this after-noon







tackado c

t r1 wallI

I tt

t1i reftr Ilvy Cmrnal1













< >













people Some at tttty yarji tfarally ntp-

i while others at n ventj reeuiactive vigoron and young

It i not y ar hilt it i offorce that mat a person old Weak

jened d getion thin Iud poorcirculation ruin tsrt functinnal pow-er and vitality on the wane and thenthe symptoms of old age quickly ap-pear

Our well known drucgut V MJohnson ny That fejlmg maybe off end we wisi every per

in Gainesville who feels oldwhether they err o in year or not

j would try great dicivery Vinol-I We know that it vital princii

which will in a natural mannerstrengthen digestion end rich rblood sunning through the and

new life and strength to everyorgan of the binly and this o whatmakes the old feel young again j

Mr II sayAt theatre of eightynine I felt

the nerd of a tonic soiiiething tostrengthen and build me up Furomctiniif I have been taking Vinoland I have found that it bringsand renewed vitality to the aged asnothing else I

Vinol repairs worn tifttue checksthe natural decline and replaces weak-ness with strength It is an idealbodybuilder for old folks

We promise you that Vino i firstof all agreeable beciuse it containsno oil Second that it is a gen-

uine cod liver medicine containing allthe medicinal curatives and strengthmaking element taken direct fromfresh cut livers and third we will re-

turn your money if it does not dowe claim for it W M

Johnson Druggist


Entertainment by Famous ReaderGroves Looking

Micanopy February 10 Miss LillyBurke wader and impersonator

gave an entertainment at Feaster v

Johnson Hall Friday evening for thebenefit of the Micanopy High SchoolShe wa very entertaining and allwent away well pleaded with the even-ings enjoyment

C J Barr has returned hump toRidge Springs S C after spending afew week visiting relatives here

B Kobeson and fancily of Marletta ia spent last week in town vis-

iting his brother Prof 0 C Kobeson-

Dr Montgomery a Urge numberof patients here at the present timefor treatment Hi practice is settingso large that he will be compelled tobuild an infirmary for the accommo-dation of his many patient

Capt Sam Means of Melntosh hasspending a few day in town with

friendsMrs Means went to Giineftville Sat-

urday to attend the Bible ConferenceKev K A Gray will spend this week

in Cmine ville attending Bible Confer-ence

The fiM quarterly meeting ofK Church South held here

Friday morning Rev F K Bridgespresiding elder in the chair Iloprc-

trhtRtives from Kvinston Slulnh Me

and Wacahoutn were present j

The interests of the church were Carrfully looked after and reported in linecondition Kev Bridges preached aneloquent and instructive sermon Thtirsday night I

V Chilly spent n few days

this week veiling home folksOrange tree ore looking well here

The growers are feeling more hopefulof raising prang than ever since thefreee of lS o They are pruninz upatidfertiltngtreei hoping to gnat alarge crop fall

Kev Thompson preached at theBaptist church here Sunday

e err glad to apt 1 W Car-

ter out after a few day indoors withlngripie j

Seaboard Pirior Cars

The Senttonnl Air Line operate bufpirtor curs Between Waldo grid

Tampa trmii leaving Waldo ductc tunu tti HIt morning tra n fr m




or roU U tr it


i ttcmlvc old m1






I Ill











into h






11 1 tt ryR trtlr t rrgard t-



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+ + + +






i T Kentiard rej r et IK tei r e i iT nifhin leftr m trs ii Iery eounty-

f J i

L I 1U Oil Of AKVi t tt Slldiv iii id c ty ns guest s Jilia-Waarrf gt-

J B Duuglnss formerly a merchant-of this city bit now iratmer cf thecommissary of YeTvle lonSampson City spent Sunday withfamily

I F Inullingof Lake View JerryWell of Worthington Wm Adam ofWindsor IV B H Djdif of Jone-ville audit W Thomas of Alachoawere trading in the city yesterday

County Tax Assessor Colson returnrd yvmrdsy from an otScia visit toTrenton and other points in the WestEnd He reports the people of thatsection in a most prosperous condition

The regular meeting of Mt VernonLidg No V Knights of Pythias willbe held the Castle Hall this

beginning at 7 3o otncK A fullattendance desired Visitii g brotherswelcome

The Sun in it report of the meet-ing of Stonewall Camp Inited Cmtfederate Veteran Saturday statedthat the name of T M Vetiable hidbeen added to the roster This wa a

a Mr Venablc ha beena lung time a member of the rampThe report should have read I TEnglish

Startling But TruePeople the world iver were horrified

on learning of the burning of a Chicago theater in which nearly six hundredpeople lost their lives yet more thanfive times this number or over 3 JOO

people died from pneumonia in Chica-go during the same year with scarcely-a passing notice Every one of theseeases of pneumonia resulted from coldand could have been prevented by thetimely use of Chamberlains CoughRemedy A ureat many who had everyreason to fear pneumonia nave wardedit off by the prompt use of this rem-edy The following is an instance ofthis sort Too much cannot bein favor of Chamberlains Cough Rem-edy and especially for colds and inHuenza I know that it cured mydaughter Lura of a severe cold andbelieve saved her life when wasthreatened with pneumonia W D

Wilcot Logan New York Sold by alldruggists

Low Rates to Louisville Ky and Re-

turn Via Atlantic Coast Line

The Atantic Coast Line will sellticket to Louivi If Ky on FebruaryLMlh 5th and l6ih at rate of one fareplus twentyfive cents for theround trip with final linit March Itli10 d For further information see At-

lantic Coast Line agent or writeC Hi vi TX Dutrict Passenger

Agent Jacksonville Fla

Man Past Sixty in DangerMure than mankind over

sixty years of age suffer fromkidney and bladder disorders us-

ually enlargement of the pros-

trate gland This i both painful anddangerous and Foley Kidney Cureshould be taken at the flrt sign ofdanger as it corrects irregularities andhas cured many old men of this dis-

ease Mr Rodney Burnett Rock PortMo write I suffered with enlargedprostrate gland and kidney trouble foryears and after taking two bottles ofFoleys Kidney lure I feel better than1 have for Ji years although I am now

1 yar old J W MoCollum ACo

New Minister AppointedCaracas Feb 10 via Wlllemsail-

h 17 TIll Vne8Uflan governmenthas apM lnteil Cuzmun Gubrlan to beminister to the Tnlted States In theplace ol N VelorGoltlcoa who ofr n l Ircidont Castro by voting tohold Pan American courtesy atKin Jankro

Afraid of Strong MedicinesMany people utfer for years from

rheumatic pain Mid prefer so ratherthan take the strong medicines usuallygiven rleutniitim nut knowingthat stick relief from pain limy he hidby pimply applying Ciatnb rlam

Bi i m without inking tinymedic ne a y Inr are liy all

w y lay-f

t t up








Inns l








Firs r





IrUIg t







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+ +


+ +






The olJ cIJ-c 1 Its if

new one quicklytory of a weak throat

i rr f jl rc3 s up the tatt ij h hit It Mfngthcns heals A-

tr jotor to ti I you all about it


e a umrllln Ar

C ba It 1 r IIrr f c I

Luc a

tin a t nhV vi

1c1 tIs 1rrr-

s 1taa




G W Hyde Company

We are now open for business

and invite your inspection


G W Hyde Company


Sea OottonSea Island Cotton Seed and Twine Walrus

Leather in Strips or Sides

Manufacturers of the James EnglishSea Island Cotton Gin and Supplies for me


G S MERCHANT A CORetailers and Jobbsjrt la

Staple and Fancy Groceriesralm lanBan Mtf lilt FartNiart


Highest market price paid for Chicken Eggs other PruslM-

ti Complete stock of H Corn Oats Flour Snit Oottoa S 4Ht land We handle only the VERY BEST geeds at Ui LOW

PRICES and guarantee Mtfetkcttai always


hree to the East and Two to the West Yin


w V rk and Florida Special leaves Jacksonville 1260 p m daily ex-

c j i-

H lurid and India Limited leave Jacksonville 855 a m dailyNew York Kxpresi leave W m daily

hiiHgo Florida Limited leave lackiunville 930 a m dailyIlizie Flyer leave Jacksonville 000 p m dailyThrough sleeping earn to Xew York Chicago and St Louis sleup

fog ear cerviei t Aiigiiiita in leaving Jacksonville at 855 a mFor Pullman renervatliii tied till information write FRANK C HOYL-

STON Iitriil Pa enifer Agent JitckMiiiville Flu
























WestJack nnvrlle Rr




