SDP Educational Model

SDP Educational Model for School Development

Transcript of SDP Educational Model

SDP Educational Model for School


Presentation Overview

Who are we

What we do ?

Company Strategy

SDP Educational Model ??

Model Objectives

Services, Courses Offered

Training Methodologies

WHO we are

Sustainable Development Professionals SDP for Consultancy and Training services combine management and services

with professional consultancy to help organizations achieve their strategic goals

improve their processes, develop their employees to help increasing efficiency

and effectiveness, our services:

Management Consultancy

School Transformation Training

Soft Skills Training

Management Training

Technical Training

What we do

• Teachers Training

• Student Training

• Management training

• Leadership Training

• ICT Training

• Cross Cultural Training

• Soft skills Training

• ISO Standards consultation and training

School Transformation

QHSE Management System

• Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental

management consultancy and training services.

• Quality (ISO 9001:2008),

• Environment (ISO 14001:2004)

• Safety (OHSAS 18001:2007)

• We will help our clients in standardizing their processes and

procedures and help them be qualified to ISO standards and other

international standards/ awards.

Company Strategy :

Vision : Be a preferred clients’ choice to Elevate and Enhance Individuals

and Organizational Performance.

Mission: Help organizations achieve their goals through a full range of

comprehensive , integrated management services, as well as

development of their human resources.

Values : Our Values are derived from our title; we believe in:

Continuous Improvement

Creativity and Excellency

Professional Cooperation

Quality and High Standard Services

School Transformation Training

Wide array of customized training opportunities. either online

training or at your location.

We can customize a program that is carefully designed to

focus on competencies in areas such as educational

leadership, management, teacher training, curriculum

development, testing, assessment, and evaluation.

We can tailor a course program that will

closely align with your institution’s

professional development needs and growth.

Our Program is approved by:KHDA & by Illinois Board of Higher Education andInternational Higher Education Accreditation



• The core element is the


• The end in mind is the


• The effectiveness comes from

School Leaders/ School Environment

KHDA Vision :Lifelong learning to fulfill Dubai’s aspirations.

KHDA Mission:

To assure quality and to improve accessibility to education, learning and human development, with the engagement of the community


• The core element is the


• The end in mind is the


• The effectiveness comes from

School Leaders/ School Environment

ADEC Vision – Education First

ADEC MissionTo produce world-class learners who

embody a strong sense of culture and

heritage and are prepared to meet global


Challenges in Education!!

Lack of sharing, lack of team

learning, lack of

cooperation, lack of

resources, and in some cases

teachers lacking capabilities

and skills of teaching, are few

of the related problems to


Globalization: Quality, E-

learning, Standardization,….etc

Rapid changes and growth in all

sectors, and aspects


Diversity, Society, Family,…..all

impose challenges

Education and Development :Education proves to be one of the best sustainable development tools for individuals, families, and societies. Many researches and statistics relate education with development

Education Is an INVESTMENT

What’s behind Research !!??

• Investments in education for developing countries have a high return: from

25% – 30%. - Lockheed and Verspoor (2001)

• Overall, the rate of return on 1 additional year of school is 10%, and the

highest returns are found in low and middle-income countries.

– Psacharapoulos and Patrinos (2002)

• Quality education that produces 1 standard deviation increase in cognitive

skills can raise returns to as much as 48%.

• EFA Global Monitoring Report (2006)

• An increase in test scores by one standard deviation is associated with an

increase in annual growth in income per capita of 0.5 – 0.9% -Jamison


• Post primary education increases the likelihood of women securing a

formal wage earning job by 26%. -Sackey (2005)

What’s behind Research!!??

• In a survey of over 60 studies on the impact of teacher education, a

statistically significant majority found that teacher education had an

impact on the effectiveness of their teaching.

– Hanushek (1995)

• Small bonuses (3% of annual pay) to teachers for improving student’s

test scores encouraged an increase in scores by .19 standard

deviations in math, and .12 standard deviations in language.

– Muralidharan, Vankatesh (2006)

• Quality investments can well exceed (sometimes double) those

from increasing the average number of years of schooling.

– Jamison, Jamison, Hanushek (2006)

Education = Development

Creating leaders for the future

Leaders are born at schools ; they are an output

of effective teaching process and environment

To help achieving this ……we are hereto share the HOW

SDP Educational Model

The Overall Model Goal

Our Educational Model represents a systematic approach of

building concepts , knowledge , and skills to help those working in

the Educational Sector achieve the strategic goals, objectives, and

outcomes needed from the teaching and learning processes.

Tools & Approach

Systematic Approach

Presenting the concepts to learnersFacilitating team learning and sharingAssessing progress of learningReviewing concepts learntFinalizing the learning sessionIntroducing the subject to learners


Help institutions to enhance performance and quality of

education they present, increase the efficiency, and effectiveness

of education

Help institutions to gain accreditation , and thus enhance image

and reputation.

Help management , and teaching staff increase their

knowledge, and skills relevant to the subject matter ,Increase

leadership skills for staff, teachers, and supervisors

Help students and learners gain knowledge, and skills in more

efficient and effective ways

Help parents share in the educational process and be helpful

assets to their children ( Entry, and mid school levels)

Model Tools: KASH

Knowledge Skill

Attitude Habit


Kolb’s Learning Styles

Approach & Tools

Systematic Approach

– Introducing the

subject to learners

– Presenting the

concepts to learners

– Facilitating team

learning and sharing

– Assessing progress of


– Reviewing concepts


– Finalizing the learning






Q& A , Mind-mapping


Approach & Tools

Systematic Approach

Get Attention , Link with

previous, Objectives, Structure, Stimulate (


Explanation, Activities, Summary, Example


Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

Frame, Evidence, Effect, Diagnosis

Questions and Answers

Outcomes , Feed back, Future Link





Q& A , Mind-



Our Courses



Our Courses

Several courses in the following areas:

• School Administration and Management

• School Leadership


• K-12 Teacher Training

• TESOL, ESL/EFL Teacher Training

Courses Major Topics

Principles of Educational Administration Foundations and Organizational

Change in the Field of School Administration

Professional Development Leading Effective Curriculum Design and

Academic Leadership in the 21st Century: An Integrative Approach

Accreditation and Compliance Management – CAO

Qualification and Proposal Quality Assurance

School safety, Child Protection & safety


TESOL ,SAT, ACT, IELTS, TOEFL Preparation courses

Teacher Professional Development

Brain-based Teaching ,Constructive Learning Approaches and Graphic


Building Learning Autonomy, Learner Motivation

Courses Major Topics

Collaborative Learning and Multiple Intelligences and Classroom

Instruction That Works

Comprehension at a Higher Level through, Computer-assisted Learning

Engaging Emotional Intelligences for Learning Retention and Learning


Language Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation

Making Input Comprehensive in Language Teaching

Active learning: creating the excitement in the classroom

Teacher’s Career Loyalty: Responsibility & Accountability

Classroom Management

Memory and Learning Retention

Common Core

Pre-School Teaching

Differentiated Instruction

Teacher Evaluation

ICT training

• Interactive White Board

• Using Prezi Effectively

• Apps and Tablet Learning

• Computer-assisted Language Teaching

• Using Cartoon Animation in Teaching

• Building Online Programs

• E-learning platforms

• MOODLE and Blackboard

• Teaching Smarter with SMART Boards

• Interactive Lessons with iPad

Why SDP?

Learning from the

practical experiences of

others in similar sectors

through interactive


Courses with deeper

understanding of the

practical implementation

of the Standards and


With our partners

We are offering a high


of curriculum, training

material , supervision in

cooperation of the

international world wide

partner with

Arab Flavour

Our Team

Staffed with a team of highly


Educators and Consultants

fully versed in international

education, to meet the needs and

goals of educational institutes



P.O Box 454, Postal Code 11732Tel. no. : (+962) 6 5661080Fax no. : (+962) 6 5661518 Mob. no.: (+962) 795580058 / 0502934963

[email protected]