SD001 - glnmedia.s3. · PDF fileDiagnostic Tests CONTENTS Instructions ... PLACEMENT TEST for...


Transcript of SD001 - glnmedia.s3. · PDF fileDiagnostic Tests CONTENTS Instructions ... PLACEMENT TEST for...


Science 200-800Diagnostic Tests


Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiScience 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Science 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Science 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Science 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Science 600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Science 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Science 800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Answer Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

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All trademarks and/or service marks referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners. Alpha Omega Publications, Inc.makes no claim of ownership to any trademarks and/or service marks other than their own and their affiliates’, and makes no claim of

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Science 200-800


This test is designed to aid the teacher or parent in proper placement of the student into theLIFEPAC curriculum. It has two sections: the Student Test and the Answer Key. The AnswerKey follows the Student Test.

This is not a timed test and the student should be given an opportunity to answer each questionadequately. If the student becomes bogged down and the test seems too difficult, skip to the nextsection. If the test is still too difficult, this child’s academic skill level has been reached and test-ing may stop. Each test level should take no longer than one hour.

Testing should begin approximately two grade levels below the student’s current or just com-pleted grade level. For example, a student entering fifth grade [500] should begin testing at thethird grade [300] level. (See Below.) Of course, a second or third grader could not test below thesecond grade level. This allows for proper grade level placement as well as identification of anylearning gaps that the student may have.

Once the test has been administered, it is ready to be scored. The teacher or parent does all ofthe scoring. Each section has 10 numbered questions. Each numbered question equals onepoint. Use the Answer Key to mark all incorrect answers on the Student Test. Next record thetotal number of correct answers in the box beneath the LIFEPAC number in the right hand col-umn. When all tests have been graded, transfer the number correct by LIFEPAC to the StudentPlacement Worksheet on the back of the answer keys. Then add the total number of points pergrade level.

Test Level Test Level201 - 210 Level 2 601 - 610 Level 6301 - 310 Level 3 701 - 710 Level 7401 - 410 Level 4 801 - 810 Level 8501 - 510 Level 5

1. Some nonliving things are rocks, stars, and ________.a. treesb. dogsc. the sun

2. Some living things are birds, fish, and ________.a. plantsb. rocksc. clouds

3. Living things need air, water, food, and ________.a. treesb. starsc. light

4. God made ________.a. carsb. treesc. toys

5. God made ________.a. riversb. picturesc. clocks

6. God made ________.a. pencilsb. rabbitsc. desks

7. Man made ________.a. beesb. birdsc. boxes

8. Man made ________.a. the sunb. trainsc. the moon

9. Man made ________.a. pencilsb. rocksc. fish

10. A living object that can think and has a soul is ________.a. rockb. manc. fish


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. Food for plants is made by ________.a. stemsb. leavesc. veins

2. Water is carried up the stem from the roots by ________.a. leavesb. stemsc. tubes

3. Water and food move through small tubes called ________.a. rootsb. veinsc. stems

4. Plants need ________ to help the green work.a. lightb. windc. animals

5. Plants need ________ to make food.a. seedsb. airc. sleep

6. All plants need some ________ to live.a. grassb. windc. water

7. Plants live in different places called ________.a. habitsb. habitatsc. bad habits

8. Most plants that live in the desert need very little ________.a. waterb. sunc. air

9. Plants can grow from a cutting, a root, or a ________.a. rockb. bulbc. petal

10. Plants need air, sunshine, and ________.a. windb. restc. water


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. Animals have keen ________ to help them survive.a. sensesb. bonesc. zoos

2. When an animal growls, it tells you to ________ .a. come closeb. keep awayc. feed it

3. A cat stays clean by ________ its fur.a. pullingb. combingc. licking

4. A giraffe and a mouse are ________ size.a. the sameb. a differentc. a big

5. Most small animals make their homes in ________ .a. treesb. boxesc. holes

6. Birds are covered with feathers to help them ________ .a. flyb. walkc. nest

7. All animals need ________ to breathe.a. waterb. foodc. air

8. Some animals change ________ to stay safe.a. feetb. colorc. hands

9. God gave all animals ________ to help them live.a. instinctb. insidec. into

10. Fish get oxygen through their ________ .a. billsb. gillsc. fins


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. All people have muscles connected to their ________.a. foodb. bonesc. dogs

2. All people have a ________ to pump blood.a. headb. bonec. heart

3. Little holes in the skin are called ________.a. poresb. bonec. heart

4. You need at least ________ hours of sleep each night to stay healthy.a. 2b. 20c. 9

5. People need to eat from the ________ food groups everyday.a. threeb. fourc. five

6. People need to drink ________ to stay healthy.a. waterb. popc. soda

7. The group of people you live with is your ________.a. friendsb. familyc. pets

8. God gave you a mother and father to ________ you.a. obeyb. harmc. take care of

9. People in your family help you because they ________ you.a. liveb. lovec. grow

10. Machines inside your body are called ________.a. organsb. bonesc. muscles


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. Pets and plants need ________.a. careb. friendsc. families

2. Pets and plants need air, food, and ________.a. flowersb. toysc. light

3. A pet needs to have ________ in a dish.a. waterb. winterc. wait

4. A wild animal ________ a good pet.a. isb. is notc. are

5. A good house plant would be a ________.a. treeb. weedc. sweet potato

6. A good pet would be a ________.a. lionb. giraffec. kitten

7. A pet is not ________.a. a toyb. an animalc. fun

8. If you take care of your plant, it will ________.a. greenb. growc. die

9. Do not feed your pet ________.a. anythingb. too muchc. enough

10. Some plants do not have ________.a. rootsb. seedsc. flowers


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. Your five senses are seeing, touching, hearing, tasting and ________.a. smellingb. walkingc. talking

2. The sense that tells you that a flower is white and green is ________.a. hearingb. touchingc. seeing

3. The sense that tells you that your pillow is soft is ________.a. touchingb. hearingc. smelling

4. You taste sweet food at the ________ of your tongue.a. tipb. bottomc. edge

5. You hear God’s Word with your ________.a. eyesb. nosec. ears

6. You use your senses to help you ________ God’s world.a. seeb. knowc. hear

7. A blind person reads by using ________.a. a white caneb. a dogc. Braille

8. A person who cannot hear is ________.a. deafb. blindc. home

9. You can talk to a deaf person with your ________.a. feetb. handsc. eyes

10. When someone talks I should ________.a. talkb. listenc. touch


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. Red and yellow make the new color ________.a. purpleb. greenc. orange

2. Blue and yellow make the new color ________.a. purpleb. orangec. green

3. If you want a darker color, you add ________.a. yellowb. blackc. white

4. Everything has a ________.a. shapeb. leafc. thorn

5. A circle is round and ________.a. squareb. pointedc. flat

6. If you pull on a square, you have a ________.a. rectangleb. trianglec. circle

7. A rock is ________.a. softb. hardc. fluffy

8. Paper is ________.a. bumpyb. stickyc. smooth

9. Clothes are ________.a. hardb. roughc. soft

10. Water is ________.a. wetb. dryc. thick


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. We all live in an ________.a. environmentb. envelopec. everything

2. The environment has both living and ________ things.a. animalb. not livingc. plant

3. Each part of the environment is ________ the others.a. the same asb. connected toc. greener than

4. Something that makes water, air, or ground dirty is called ________.a. pollutionb. ecologyc. fuel

5. You help stop pollution by ________ old things.a. cyclingb. recyclingc. eating

6. When you study how living things and nonliving things need each other, you learnabout ________.a. pollutionb. trashc. ecology

7. You can take care of God’s world by ________.a. picking up trashb. throwing candy on the groundc. making noise

8. Too much noise ________ the world.a. helpsb. hurtsc. heals

9. Noah helped care for God’s world and save it from ________.a. pollutionb. firec. The Flood

10. When you make new things out of old things, it is called ________.a. cycleb. recyclingc. melting


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. Some animals can change their ________.a. colorb. handsc. feet

2. People change as they ________.a. singb. readc. grow up

3. Some animals’ fur gets very thick in the ________.a. summerb. winterc. spring

4. In most places winter weather is ________.a. hotb. warmc. cold

5. Leaves change their color in ________.a. springb. fallc. summer

6. “To everything there is a ________ .”a. seasonb. winterc. summer

7. God’s love is ________.a. shortb. everlastingc. long

8. God’s Word ________.a. changesb. never changesc. always changes

9. God’s love is like a ________.a. circleb. linec. square

10. All winter long some animals ________.a. eatb. drinkc. sleep

1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �



1. The things you see around you make up your ________.a. foodb. environmentc. toys

2. In the winter the maple tree ________.a. budsb. has leavesc. has no leaves

3. You can take care of your environment by ________.a. riding a bikeb. eatingc. washing windows

4. In the summer you can ________.a. ice skateb. swimc. make a snowman

5. People can fight pollution by ________.a. picking up trashb. going to the storec. eating

6. People grow from baby to child to ________.a. workerb. adultc. kid

7. Your teeth will be healthy if you ________ them.a. grindb. paintc. brush

8. A coat keeps you ________.a. coldb. warmc. big

9. Things that you can smell have an ________.a. odorb. orderc. ears

10. Loud sounds can hurt your ________.a. eyesb. nosec. ears


1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �


1. Two things that people have that animals do not have are __________.a. hairs and nailsb. a conscience and a spiritc. a conscience and a braind. a spirit and a tail

2. Both animals and people can __________.a. be creativeb. talk with Godc. breathe and eatd. be sorry when they have done something wrong

3. People, not animals __________.a. have a skeletonb. have a heartc. need exercised. have a mind to figure things out

4. Digestion happens in the stomach and __________.a. small intestinesb. heartc. lungsd. blood

5. The food the body does not need is __________.a. digested againb. passed off as wastec. taken by the blood out of the bodyd. taken back to the store

6. Food is taken to all parts of your body by the __________.a. airb. stomachc. bloodd. lungs

7. All living things need __________.a. nitrogenb. oxygenc. carbon dioxided. blood

8. Important to breathing are your nostrils, windpipe, and __________.a. lungsb. stomachc. bloodd. exercise

9. To keep your body growing and changing you need air, food, water, __________.a. jogging, and playingb. oxygen, and bloodc. exercise, and restd. books, and sleep

10. To know how fast the heart beats, you feel the __________.a. headb. pulsec. pursed. nose


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The part of a green plant that takes in water and minerals is the __________.a. leavesb. stemc. seedsd. roots

2. The part of a green plant that makes food and gives off oxygen is the __________.a. leavesb. stemc. seedsd. roots

3. The part of a green plant that takes water and minerals to the leaves is the __________.a. leavesb. stemc. seedsd. roots

4. In order to grow, plants need water, minerals, __________.a. the right temperature, and rocksb. the right temperature, and oxygenc. carbon dioxide, and the right temperatured. oxygen and soil

5. Green plants __________.a. take in carbon dioxide and give off mineralsb. take in oxygen and give off water c. take in minerals and give off carbon dioxided. take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen

6. Green plants are green because they have __________.a. oxygenb. carbon dioxidec. mineralsd. chlorophyll

7. A food that we eat that is really a seed is __________.a. an onionb. a carrotc. a lima beand. celery

8. A strawberry plant can make a new strawberry plant by using its __________.a. seedsb. stemsc. rootsd. leaves

9. New plants can grow from seeds, stems, roots, or __________.a. bulbsb. barkc. rocksd. water

10. Temperature is measured by __________.a. degreesb. ouncesc. inchesd. feet


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Reptiles are different from birds in their size, shape, __________.a. color, and being cold-bloodedb. breathing, and being alivec. color, and breathingd. color, and having a heart

2. Animals that have a backbone belong to a group called __________.a. mammalsb. vertebratesc. insectsd. birds

3. Animals that have a head, thorax, abdomen, and antenna are called __________.a. mammalsb. vertebratesc. insectsd. birds

4. Two groups of vertebrates that are warm-blooded are __________.a. reptiles and birdsb. fish and mammalsc. birds and amphibiansd. birds and mammals

5. Animals that are born alive (not from an egg) and make milk for their babies are called__________.a. mammalsb. vertebratesc. reptilesd. whales

6. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are all __________.a. invertebratesb. insectsc. vertebratesd. cold-blooded

7. The metamorphosis stages of a butterfly are __________.a. egg, cocoon, adultb. egg, larva, pupa, adultc. egg, adult, egg, pupad. butterfly, cocoon, caterpillar, egg

8. The metamorphosis of egg, tadpole, and adult fits the __________.a. vertebratesb. reptilesc. mammalsd. toads and frogs

9. Reptiles, birds, and mammals in order to breathe use __________.a. gillsb. lungsc. both gills and lungsd. pores

10. To molt is to __________.a. growb. multiplyc. shedd. add


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The five food groups we should eat from each day are __________.a. protein, eggs, grains, cereal, vegetablesb. dairy, protein, cheese, cereal, fruitsc. fruits, eggs, protein, grains, vegetablesd. fruits, vegetables, dairy, protein, grains

2. If you had corn, an apple, and milk for lunch, you still need __________.a. an egg sandwichb. a piece of piec. a glass of popd. a banana

3. Bananas belong to the fruits group. The item that belongs to the protein group is __________.a. cottage cheeseb. oatmealc. riced. hamburger

4. Food helps you grow taller and __________.a. gives you energyb. makes you happyc. helps you obeyd. makes your eyes blue

5. Food helps keep you warm and __________.a. makes you sickb. makes you get smarterc. keeps you from getting sickd. gives you a toothache

6. Spaghetti belongs to the food group called __________.a. dairyb. fruits c. grainsd. meat & beans

7. To keep you well and strong, you should drink each day four to six glasses of __________.a. mudb. popc. coffeed. water

8. Brush your teeth the way they grow and each day wear __________.a. clean clothesb. new clothesc. torn clothesd. old clothes

9. One way to take good care of your eyes is __________.a. to wear sunglasses at nightb. never eat carrotsc. read in dim lightd. read with good light coming over your shoulder

10. You should take a bath __________.a. every dayb. once a weekc. once a yeard. once a month


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. What things are made of is called __________.a. moleculesb. matterc. chemistryd. property

2. A chemist is a scientist who studies __________.a. about plantsb. about matterc. about starsd. about animals

3. A chemist who believed in God and served Him was __________.a. Isaac Newtonb. Ronald Boydc. Robert Boyled. Charles Brown

4. The shape and size of a ball are its __________.a. matterb. massc. gravityd. properties

5. The properties of a tomato are __________.a. soft, smooth, roundb. long, hard, lightc. hard, rough, heavyd. liquid, clear, wet

6. The list of words that names matter and properties is __________.a. horse, ball, desk, hairb. ball, round, pencil, hardc. clear, big, smooth, heavyd. solid, liquid, gas, gravity

7. When matter has a fixed size and shape it is called a __________.a. liquidb. gasc. solidd. molecule

8. When matter is invisible (cannot been seen), it is usually a __________.a. liquidb. gasc. solidd. molecule

9. When the shape of matter changes but stays the same size, it is called a __________.a. liquidb. volumec. invisibled. molecules

10. When a liquid freezes it becomes a __________.a. gasb. drinkc. solidd. rock


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. All sounds are __________.a. loud noisesb. talkingc. vibrationsd. colors

2. Sounds travel in __________.a. wavesb. lightc. colord. tubes

3. Strong vibrations make __________.a. soft soundsb. loud soundsc. no soundsd. music

4. You hear when sound reaches your __________.a. skinb. brainc. eyesd. eardrum

5. When you hear, sound hits the eardrum, passes to three bones in the middle ear, then to the__________.a. brain, the nerves, and the outer earb. nerves, the head, and the inner earc. inner ear, the eyes, and the headd. inner ear, the nerves, and the brain

6. Sound causes your eardrum to __________.a. get biggerb. get smallerc. vibrated. break

7. The larynx helps you __________.a. hearb. speakc. seed. taste

8. The larynx is in your __________.a. earb. throatc. eyesd. tongue

9. A whisper sends sound waves that are __________.a. strongb. weakc. straightd. slower

10. Nerves take the message to the __________.a. eardrumb. brainc. handd. heart


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. A day and a night together was first called a day by __________.a. Godb. scientistsc. teachersd. Adam

2. The earth rotates on its axis once every __________.a. 365 daysb. 3 monthsc. 24 hoursd. week

3. When you are having day, people on the other side of the earth are having __________.a. summerb. nightc. day, tood. winter

4. The seasons in order are __________.a. spring, summer, fall, winterb. summer, fall, spring, winterc. winter, spring, fall, summerd. summer, winter, spring, fall

5. We have seasons because the earth is tilted on its axis and it __________.a. rotates on its axisb. revolves around the sunc. moves up and downd. is close to the sun

6. For the earth to revolve once around the sun, it takes __________.a. 24 hoursb. one weekc. one monthd. 365 days

7. There are four time zones in the United States called __________.a. Eastern, Central, Southern, Pacificb. Central, Southern, Pacific, Atlanticc. Pacific, Atlantic, Mountain, Desertd. Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific

8. Each time zone is equal to __________.a. two hoursb. one hourc. three hoursd. ten minutes

9. There are time zones on the earth because __________.a. the earth turns or rotatesb. the earth revolves around the sunc. the earth stands stilld. the sun moves

10. You know the day, month, and year from a __________.a. clockb. calendarc. mapd. ruler


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Rocks are formed by __________.a. heat and waterb. wind and pressurec. heat and pressured. man and animals

2. Rocks are changed in size and shape by __________.a. water, wind, plants, and birdsb. water, wind, heat and cold, and plantsc. man, wind, pressure, and chemistsd. matter, pressure, vibrations, and volcanoes

3. Many rocks were once __________.a. graniteb. magmac. pebblesd. water

4. Granite is an example of __________.a. metamorphic rockb. sedimentary rockc. igneous rockd. lava rock

5. Limestone is an example of __________.a. metamorphic rockb. sedimentary rockc. igneous rockd. lava rock

6. Melted rock that flows from a volcano is called __________.a. lavab. magmac. granited. igneous

7. Scientists who study rocks are called __________.a. biologistsb. chemistsc. archaeologistsd. geologists

8. Rocks can be used for __________.a. statues and foodb. statues and buildingsc. jewelry and plantsd. enjoyment and soup

9. The faces of four Presidents are carved out of granite at __________.a. Mount Whitneyb. New York Cityc. Yellowstone National Parkd. Mount Rushmore

10. Most rocks are made up of tiny crystals called __________.a. iceb. metalsc. mineralsd. salt


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Light from the sun is changed into heat energy when the light is __________.a. absorbedb. transparentc. heatedd. cooled

2. Rubbing your hands together quickly to make them warm is an example of heat energycaused by __________.a. electricityb. fuelc. fired. friction

3. A fire makes heat energy from __________.a. fuel and frictionb. oxygen and electricityc. fuel and oxygend. static electricity and friction

4. Heat energy causes a solid to __________.a. change to a liquid or a gasb. stay the samec. move from place to placed. contract

5. Heat energy causes molecules to __________.a. slow downb. vibrate more quicklyc. stay togetherd. radiate

6. A very good conductor of heat is __________.a. waxb. woodc. copperd. air

7. Keeping warm is a benefit of __________.a. waterb. moleculesc. sleepd. heat energy

8. Most of the heat on the earth comes from __________.a. fireb. the sunc. fueld. electricity

9. Too much heat energy can cause problems of __________.a. pollution and garbageb. overweight and lack of foodc. pollution and sunburnd. no water and too much fuel

10. To take up more space is to __________.a. expandb. contractc. extractd. conduct


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The hot liquid rock that rises from deep within the earth is called __________.a. graniteb. limestonec. magmad. igneous

2. An example of a gas is __________.a. iceb. water vaporc. gumd. dirt

3. In leap year, February has __________.a. 28 daysb. 29 daysc. 30 daysd. 31 days

4. If it gets too cold, plants will __________.a. dieb. grow fasterc. live longerd. cry

5. A hearing aid makes the vibrations __________.a. weakerb. slowerc. fasterd. stronger

6. Molecules can only be seen with a __________.a. telescopeb. microscopec. pair of glassesd. horoscope

7. Only humans have __________.a. a bodyb. a consciencec. eyesd. a nose

8. Matter has weight and takes up __________.a. spaceb. timec. moneyd. color

9. In order to breathe, fish use __________.a. air tanksb. poresc. lungsd. gills

10. Energy from the sun is __________.a. fuel energyb. light energyc. radiant energyd. electrical energy


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The four main parts of a plant are the roots, stem, __________.a. leaves, and barkb. leaves, and flowersc. leaves, and trunkd. sepal, and branches

2. The part of a plant that holds up the plant is called the __________.a. the leavesb. the flowersc. the stemd. the branches

3. The part of a plant that holds the plant in the ground is __________.a. the rootsb. the flowersc. the stemd. the branches

4. The plant takes in water and minerals from the soil through its __________.a. flowersb. leavesc. root hairsd. nose

5. Plants give off __________.a. carbon dioxideb. funny smellsc. oxygend. light

6. The bud of a plant is a part of __________.a. the rootb. the pollenc. the stemd. the chlorophyll

7. The pea plant stores food in __________.a. the seedsb. the groundc. the rootsd. the stem

8. The roots of beets and carrots are storehouses for __________.a. bulbsb. fruitc. schoold. food

9. Plants make food in their __________.a. flowersb. leavesc. fruitd. seeds

10. Some plants store food they make in the fruit or in the __________.a. rootsb. flowersc. barkd. ground


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Cats are meat-eaters while sheep eat __________.a. birdsb. cheesesc. plantsd. people

2. Whales breathe through their __________.a. mouth and gillsb. lungs and nosec. lungs and gillsd. gills and skin

3. Animals with long, sharp teeth are usually __________.a. meat-eatersb. youngc. plant-eatersd. old

4. Sheep have no __________.a. wool on their headb. cutting teeth on their upper jawc. tongue in their mouthd. muscles in their body

5. The largest mammal is the __________.a. shrewb. elephantc. sharkd. whale

6. Salmon are born in a __________.a. caveb. spawning groundc. nestd. hospital

7. An ostrich egg is kept warm by __________.a. the maleb. the femalec. both the male and the femaled. a large wool blanket

8. Crickets sing with their __________.a. mouthsb. tonguesc. legsd. wings

9. A man-made place of protection for birds is a __________.a. sanctuaryb. flockc. netd. extinct

10. A group that helps educate people about protecting wildlife is the __________.a. library guildb. Audubon Societyc. future farmersd. church


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The four God-given resources most living things need are __________.a. food, water, air, and heatb. light, water, fire, and gasc. water, air, light, and soild. food, air, clothes, and homes

2. Light and heat come from __________.a. the earthb. the sunc. withind. the moon

3. Energy from the sun helps you grow through a __________.a. food chainb. water cyclec. decay cycled. growth cycle

4. The missing part of this food chain is you, milk, cow, grass, and __________.a. farmerb. dairyc. sund. trucks

5. Animals that feed on other animals are called __________.a. producersb. predatorsc. ecologistsd. decomposers

6. To have a balance of nature in a community there must be __________.a. predatorsb. ecologistsc. peopled. plants

7. To keep living, all living things depend on __________.a. themselvesb. animalsc. each otherd. the planets

8. Human communities need plant and animal communities to live, but human communitiesare special because __________.a. man is made in God’s imageb. man has legsc. man has instinctd. man can make his own food

9. To increase the water supply, you can __________.a. replant forestsb. stop drinking waterc. drain the swampsd. make it rain more often

10. National parks __________.a. are only for rocksb. preserve some natural treasuresc. are privated. are a thing of the past


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The ability to do work is called __________.a. energyb. gravityc. matterd. machines

2. The force that causes things which are in motion to stop is called __________.a. energyb. gravityc. frictiond. work

3. Four kinds of energy are __________.a. light, sound, heat, and waterb. light, water, heat, and snowc. fire, water, ice and sund. light, sound, heat, and electricity

4. A pitcher standing still with a ball in his hand is an example of __________.a. energy in actionb. stored actionc. stored energyd. no energy

5. A ramp is a simple machine called __________.a. a leverb. a wedgec. a screwd. an inclined plane

6. The six simple machines are __________.a. a wheel and axle, a pulley, a lever, a wedge, a screw, and an inclined planeb. a wheel and axle, a fulcrum, a lever, a force, a wedge, and energyc. a force, a wedge, energy, friction, gravity, and a pulleyd. a pulley, a block and tackle, a wheel and axle, a wheel-barrow, an inclined plane, and a screw

7. A doorknob is a __________.a. pulleyb. wheel and axlec. screwd. force

8. Raising a flag on a flagpole is done by the use of a __________.a. screwb. hammerc. ladderd. pulley

9. A tractor is an example of a __________.a. simple machineb. complex machinec. small machined. wedge

10. A complex machine used for transportation is a __________.a. mixerb. typewriterc. horsed. jet plane


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Materials that carry electricity from place to place are called __________.a. currentsb. insulatorsc. conductorsd. electrons

2. Electricity will not flow through __________.a. waterb. a circuitc. a magnetd. an insulator

3. The track along which electricity flows is called __________.a. the round tripb. the electric trackc. the circuitd. the current

4. Electricity is used __________.a. in homesb. in storesc. in hospitalsd. in all of these

5. Anything that a magnet will not attract is called __________.a. magneticb. plantsc. nonmagneticd. metal

6. The ends of a magnet are called its __________.a. spikesb. currentc. barsd. poles

7. When electric current passes through a coiled wire, it makes __________.a. a sparkb. an electromagnetc. a generatord. an electric cell

8. A doorbell is made with __________.a. a generatorb. a fusec. an electromagnetd. an electrode

9. An electrical switch is a __________.a. coilb. circuit breakerc. conductord. magnetic pole

10. Electric cells are used to make __________.a. lightningb. static electricityc. toastersd. current electricity


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The two types of thermometers most commonly used are __________.a. Fahrenheit and Centralb. Celsius and Centigradec. Celsius and Fahrenheitd. water and gas

2. Water boils at __________.a. 32° Fb. 100° Cc. 0° Cd. 100° F

3. When heat is applied to ice, it will __________.a. turn to snowb. stick to whatever it is sitting onc. turn to water and evaporated. turn to gas

4. Food is carried to all parts of the bodies of animals and plants by __________.a. bloodb. waterc. evaporationd. drinking

5. If a material will dissolve, it is __________.a. insolubleb. 32° Fc. a suspensiond. soluble

6. A material that will not dissolve in water is __________.a. saltb. sugarc. oild. coffee

7. Anything that has weight and takes up space is called __________.a. atomsb. elementsc. moleculesd. matter

8. Air is usually found as __________.a. a solidb. a liquidc. a gasd. an element

9. The building blocks of molecules are called __________.a. elementsb. liquidsc. molesd. atoms

10. Hydrogen and oxygen are __________.a. liquidsb. elementsc. propertiesd. solutions


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. We live in an ocean of __________.a. fogb. waterc. aird. steam

2. The layer of ozone in the earth’s atmosphere protects people against __________.a. harmless sun raysb. beneficial sun raysc. ultraviolet sun raysd. visible sun rays

3. Weather changes are sometimes caused by __________.a. temperature, air pressure, air movement, and moistureb. temperature, mothers, and weathermenc. electrons, air pressure, and magnetismd. moisture, gravity, and rotation of the earth

4. To water the earth God provided the __________.a. ozoneb. lightningc. decay cycled. water cycle

5. A storm of snow-carrying high winds is a __________.a. hailstormb. hurricanec. blizzardd. rainstorm

6. Heavy winds carrying sand is a __________.a. hailstormb. sandstormc. blizzardd. tornado

7. When forces of weather change the earth’s surface, these changes are called __________.a. weather changesb. geographic changesc. erosiond. day and night

8. The moon has no __________.a. dustb. rocksc. lightd. atmosphere

9. To predict or forecast the weather, weathermen use __________.a. atmosphereb. guessesc. instrumentsd. air pressure

10. Air pressure is measured with a __________.a. thermometerb. wind vanec. anemometerd. barometer


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The two planets nearest the sun are __________.a. Mars and Mercuryb. Mercury and Marsc. Mercury and Venusd. Mercury and Earth

2. The farthest planet from the sun is __________.a. Jupiterb. Plutoc. Marsd. Saturn

3. The center of the solar system is __________.a. the moonb. the earthc. the sund. the galaxy

4. The universe began when __________.a. gravity started itb. God created itc. stars were bornd. it just happened

5. Heavenly bodies that look like a star with a tail are called __________.a. asteroidsb. cometsc. moonsd. meteors

6. Small planet like objects in orbit between Mars and Jupiter are __________.a. asteroidsb. cometsc. moonsd. meteors

7. A group of stars that seem to make a picture in the sky is called __________.a. an asteroidb. a galaxyc. the Milky Wayd. a constellation

8. The Wise Men were led to Jesus by __________.a. a constellationb. an angelc. the Star of the Eastd. the Bible

9. Galileo and Lippershey are famous astronomers who made the first __________.a. satellitesb. telescopesc. radiosd. spectroscopes

10. The Bible says that in the future __________.a. we will all live on Marsb. the moon will split in twoc. there will be a new heaven and a new earthd. the sun will revolve around the earth


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The amount of the earth’s surface that is covered by water is __________.a. one-fourthb. one-halfc. almost three-fourthsd. all of it

2. All weather occurs in the __________.a. troposphereb. ionospherec. stratosphered. sphere

3. The very center of the earth is called the __________.a. crustb. mantlec. cored. hydrosphere

4. The surface of the earth is called the __________.a. mantleb. corec. crustd hydrosphere

5. The earth is shaped like __________.a. a cylinderb. a spherec. an ovald. an eclipse

6. At the poles of the earth, the earth’s forces are greater. These forces are called __________.a. mechanical and electricalb. gravity and energyc. magnetism and gravityd. water and heat

7. God created animals and man on the __________.a. first day of Creationb. sixth day of Creationc. seventh day of Creationd. fourth day of Creation

8. God created day and night on the __________.a. first day of Creationb. sixth day of Creationc. third day of Creationd. fourth day of Creation

9. A crack in the earth’s crust where layers of rocks have slipped or moved is called __________.a. valleyb. mountainc. volcanod. fault

10. When part of the earth moves quickly and shakes, it is called __________.a. an earthquakeb. a faultc. a volcanod. a rockslide


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Living things in order to live need air, water, and __________.a. clothesb. housesc. foodd. exercise

2. Bees live in a __________.a. houseb. pondc. hived. hole

3. God has given to many animals a guide called __________.a. flightb. fearc. instinctd. extinct

4. The study of how living things affect their environment and each other is called __________.a. biologyb. ecologyc. geologyd. archaeology

5. Two or more simple machines put together to make one is a __________.a. big machineb. bad ideac. complex machined. wheel and axle

6. A machine that makes electricity is __________.a. a conductorb. an insulatorc. a generatord. a magnet

7. Solid, liquid, and gas are three forms of __________.a. elementsb. matterc. solventsd. molecules

8. The wearing down of rocks and soil by weather is called __________.a. erosionb. irrigationc. fertilizerd. a cycle

9. A false science that says the stars can tell the future is called __________.a. astronomyb. astrologyc. biologyd. gravity

10. The force that pulls everything toward the center of the earth is called __________.a. electricityb. magnetismc. rotationd. gravity


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The unit of life for all living things is called a __________.a. membraneb. living organismc. celld. breath

2. The living substance in a cell is called __________.a. cytoplasmb. bloodc. nucleusd. nutrients

3. Two types of cells are plant cells and __________ cells.a. nonlivingb. largec. organicd. animal

4. Cells which carry messages about what is happening inside and outside of the body arecalled __________.a. cell wallsb. nerve cellsc. muscle cellsd. blood cells

5. Both plants and animals are protected by __________.a. shadeb. waterc. epithelial tissued. blood cells

6. To each organism God provided cells of various sizes and __________.a. colorsb. shapesc. originsd. energy

7. Psalm 139:14 says that we are __________ made. a. accidentallyb. stronglyc. wonderfullyd. quickly

8. God gives man physical life through cells and eternal life through __________.a. faithb. cellsc. churchd. good deeds

9. Plants receive and use energy through a process called __________.a. breathingb. respirationc. foodd. photosynthesis

10. The cycle of energy which makes both plant and animal life possible is called the__________ cycle.a. oxygenb. carbonc. died. organic


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. The main stages in the life cycle of a plant are beginning stage, growth stage, and __________.a. life stageb. adult stagec. ending staged. pollen stage

2. Choose the correct statement and write its letter in the blank. __________.a. A plant can be prevented from completing all stages in the life cycle.b. All plants have the same length of life cycle.c. All plants reproduce the same way.d. New plants are not important.

3. Some trees bear seeds inside fruit and some bear seeds inside __________.a. leavesb. pollenc. conesd. stalks

4. God has provided wind, bees, and insects to carry __________.a. pollenb. eggsc. leavesd. cones

5. Spores are formed in __________.a. ovariesb. anthersc. spore casesd. roots

6. Fungus plants are made up of tiny threads called __________.a. sporesb. rootsc. hairsd. hyphae

7. Algae is reproduced through __________.a. mitosisb. buddingc. more sporesd. fungus

8. One-celled plants are reproduced by __________.a. taking material from the parent cellb. seedsc. sporesd. cones

9. The main difference among plants is __________.a. colorb. the way they growc. the way they are reproducedd. the way they take in food

10. All plants were created by __________.a. mitosisb. Godc. seedsd. budding


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Animals that do not have backbones are called __________.a. hostsb. plantsc. vertebratesd. invertebrates

2. Flies, earthworms, and snails are examples of __________.a. vertebratesb. invertebratesc. mollusksd. fungi

3. Egg-laying invertebrates begin life from __________.a. mitosisb. pollenc. an egg celld. carbon

4. The wormlike form in some insect life cycles is called __________.a. larvab. nymphc. adultd. an egg

5. Two kinds of invertebrates are one-celled invertebrates and __________ invertebrates.a. two-celledb. egg-layingc. furryd. crawling

6. One-celled animals have no __________.a. nucleusb. life cyclec. arms, legs, eyes, or heartd. cytoplasm

7. All vertebrates begin their lives as fertilized __________.a. egg cellsb. sporesc. spermsd. larvae

8. The life stages of vertebrates are adult stage, growth stage, and __________.a. embryo stageb. egg stagec. beginning staged. last stage

9. The vertebrates which lay eggs outside their bodies are fish, amphibians, reptiles, and__________.a. insectsb. mollusksc. mammalsd. birds

10. All mammals have fur or __________.a. hairb. feathersc. scalesd. gills


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Two cycles in nature’s web of life are the carbon cycle and the __________ cycle.a. energyb. waterc. foodd. heat

2. Animals get water by drinking it or getting it from __________.a. sweatingb. cryingc. the food they eatd. dew

3. An organism that makes its own food is a __________.a. producerb. consumerc. decomposerd. factory

4. Second-order consumers eat mostly __________.a. plantsb. animalsc. decomposersd. soil

5. Wolves are __________.a. first-order consumersb. second-order consumersc. decomposersd. producers

6. Changes in the amount of __________ cause big changes in the prairie balance of nature.a. carbon dioxideb. rainfallc. mineralsd. fertilizers

7. Man has affected the balance of nature by __________.a. eatingb. sleepingc. drinkingd. polluting

8. Man has affected the balance of nature by killing animals and __________.a. clearing plants and trees from the landb. feeding animalsc. eating too muchd. giving weather reports

9. Humans were given responsibility over all other living things by __________.a. natureb. lawc. Godd. common sense

10. One way to be a careful steward would be to __________.a. conserve waterb. drive a car a lotc. disobey hunting and fishing lawsd. litter


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Anything that is moving has __________ energy.a. potentialb. storedc. kineticd. high

2. All the energy for the earth is provided by __________.a. windb. the sunc. storaged. movement

3. A burning leaf gives off __________ energy.a. heatb. mechanicalc. potentiald. sound

4. Lightning is a type of __________ energy.a. potentialb. chemicalc. electricald. mechanical

5. For work to happen, __________ is needed.a. energyb. a personc. the sund. good weather

6. Jesus’ work in John, Chapter 6, was __________ work.a. spiritualb. mechanicalc. potentiald. electrical

7. Burning can be __________ for useful work.a. misusedb. controlledc. wastedd. stopped

8. A machine which controls burning to provide useful work is a __________.a. furnaceb. batteryc. garden hosed. telephone

9. Nuclear energy presents three main problems. Natural elements which are sources for nuclearfuel can be used up. The waste water from nuclear plants is very hot. The third problem is that__________.a. few people are qualified to work in the plants b. the rays given off by atomic reaction can be dangerousc. there is a law against using nuclear powerd. nuclear power is not very useful

10. One of the most pressing energy problems today is the shortage of __________.a. peopleb. oilc. moneyd. laws


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The earth before the Flood had __________ plants and animals according to the Bible.a. only a fewb. two of each kind ofc. a great number ofd. no

2. According to the Bible, after it stopped raining, the Flood water covered the earth __________.a. forty days and forty nightsb. nearly a yearc. one dayd. 100 years

3. Petrified wood and fossilized leaves show that earlier plants were __________.a. very smallb. not greenc. not plentifuld. of great size

4. Oil was formed from animals. Coal was formed from __________.a. plants and treesb. animalsc. sunlightd. oil

5. After the Flood the world population __________.a. disappearedb. decreasedc. grewd. learned to swim

6. The Bible tells about differences on the earth after the Flood __________.a. in great detailb. in clues but not much detailc. in several booksd. in the New Testament

7. Fossils show that some animals __________.a. had not seen rainb. are extinctc. liked the coldd. made noise

8. To learn about changes in the earth, scientists study land movement, fossils, and __________.a. glaciersb. desertsc. cropsd. roots

9. Physical records indicate that the continents are drifting. The event which could have startedthe continents drifting could be __________.a. the Floodb. earthquakesc. hurricanesd. pollution

10. An important cycle which started after the Flood is the __________.a. water cycleb. carbon cyclec. life cycled. breathing cycle

1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. When minerals have become hardened into rock forming a fossil, the fossil is called a(n)_________.a. print fossilb. original-remains fossilc. petrified fossild. carbonized fossil

2. Dinosaur foot prints are an example of __________.a. print fossilsb. original-remains fossilsc. petrified fossilsd. carbonized fossils

3. Original remains fossils have been protected from decay by amber, permafrost, oil, and__________.a. coalb. sedimentc. woodd. weather

4. Petrified bones, teeth, shells, and wood are hardened minerals that have replaced __________.a. sedimentb. the living cellsc. fossilsd. decay

5. Petrified bones, tusks, and teeth were found in __________.a. Alaskab. Arizonac. Massachusettsd. Ireland

6. A well-known fossil deposit is located in Los Angeles, California. More than two hundred kindsof animals and plants have been identified here. This fossil deposit is known as the __________.a. Los Angeles depositb. LaBrae Tar Pitsc. Cumberland Bone Caved. Gobi Desert

7. Some scientists, who believe the earth is millions of years old, classify fossils according to__________.a. geological ageb. the Floodc. typesd. carbonization

8. Fossil identification is made difficult when __________.a. complete fossils are foundb. parts of fossils are broken or missingc. trained people look for themd. you have to dig for them

9. Teeth can give clues about a fossilized animal’s __________.a. eating habitsb. brain sizec. offspringd. age

10. If good inferences are made from fossils, __________ can take place.a. scienceb. testsc. reconstructiond. building of museums



1. The earth is shaped like __________.a. a sphereb. an oblongc. a footballd. a square

2. The earth’s landforms are __________.a. never changingb. constantly changingc. not importantd. all alike

3. The outer layer of the earth is called the __________.a. shellb. mantlec. crustd. skin

4. Core material is thought to be mostly __________.a. iron and steelb. steel and nickelc. nickel and irond. lead and zinc

5. Living bodies contain minerals. Minerals are not alive. When the bodies die, minerals canreturn to the earth. In Genesis 3:19 the Bible tells us, “...for __________ thou art, and to__________ you shall return.”a. dust, dustb. water, waterc. flesh, fleshd. bones, bones

6. Granite and basalt are __________ rocks.a. metamorphicb. igneousc. sedimentaryd. elementary

7. Small pieces of rocks often break down further through __________.a. weatheringb. irrigationc. foldingd. volcanoes

8. A glacier is a __________.a. fierce stormb. lava eruptionc. snow stormd. large moving mass of ice and snow

9. Weathering is a force that __________.a. builds landformsb. wears away landformsc. has little effect on landformsd. never occurs

10. Recent volcanoes have left landforms called __________.a. treesb. cone structuresc. glaciersd. erosion

1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. All matter takes up space. This property is called __________.a. weightb. presencec. volumed. brittleness

2. Some matter has the property to __________.a. flyb. conductc. created. see

3. Matter can be in the form of a solid, liquid, or __________.a. gasb. colorc. powderd. spray

4. Chemical changes in matter result from burning and __________.a. meltingb. freezingc. rustingd. raining

5. The smallest part of matter that can still exist without a chemical change is called a __________.a. moleculeb. cellc. microscoped. particle

6. All molecules are always __________.a. stillb. greenc. in motiond. learning

7. One of the reasons we have seasons is because the earth is titled on its __________.a. axleb. axisc. equatord. latitudes

8. The water cycle functions because the matter in water changes __________.a. formsb. propertiesc. mineralsd. colors

9. God’s design for earth included __________.a. controls over itb. careless creationc. too much matterd. too little matter

10. Water and land to support life were provided by __________.a. natureb. erosionc. Godd. matter



1. Cells which are connected together and have similar functions are called __________.a. multicellularb. tissuec. groupsd. gases

2. Animals with backbones are called __________.a. backersb. bravec. vertebratesd. invertebrates

3. The group of animals that live part of their lives on land and part of their lives in the waterare called __________.a. frogsb. reptilesc. amphibiansd. fish

4. Stewardship involves being __________ living things.a. careless withb. careful withc. afraid ofd. angry with

5. Stored energy is known as __________.a. useless energyb. potential energyc. kinetic energyd. low energy

6. If no movement takes place, __________ work is done.a. a lot ofb. noc. a littled. easy

7. Physical records suggest that sometime in the past the whole earth had __________.a. a similar climateb. a polar climatec. six different seasonsd. no climate

8. Fossils of plant and animal remains that have not decayed are called __________.a. print fossilsb. original-remains fossilsc. petrified fossilsd. carbonized fossils

9. Many mountains were formed by __________.a. the folding processb. erosionc. raind. highway crews

10. Matter can move. This property is called __________.a. massb. bitternessc. inertiad. shape

1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �


10a. �b. �c. �d. �

1. Study Diagram 1 of a leaf. The letter Y on the diagram labelsthe part of a leaf known as __________.a. the chloroplastb. the stomatac. the cuticled. the spongy layer

2. Study Diagram 1. The letter Z on the diagram labels the partof a leaf known as __________.a. the chloroplastb. the stomatac. the cuticled. the palisade layer

3. Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll, energy, and__________.a. nitrogenb. waterc. sulfurd. magnesium

4. The leaf factory uses an animal by-product called __________.a. carbon dioxideb. oxygenc. nitrogend. chlorophyll

5. The water and minerals flow up the root to the stem and leaves because of a __________.a. strawb. vacuumc. root haird. pull of gravity

6. Water and minerals pass through the outside cell walls of the root from the __________.a. soilb. leafc. stemd. grass

7. Leaves produce proteins, vitamins, and other foods. This food is transported by tubes calledphloem to the __________.a. leavesb. atmospherec. rootsd. soil

8. The phloem and xylem are also parts of __________.a. a leafb. the barkc. the soild. a flower

9. Certain chemicals are produced naturally by plants. These chemicals __________.a. can kill the plantsb. help the plants to grow properlyc. slow plant growth downd. attract insects

10. The chemical 2, 4-D is an example of a helpful regulator. This chemical is used by man to__________.a. kill weedsb. poison animalsc. fertilize gardensd. make plants green


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. Study Diagram 2. The letter M labels the part of the digestivesystem known as the __________.a. esophagusb. pancreasc. stomachd. liver

2. Study Diagram 2. The letter P labels the part of the digestive system known as the __________.a. small intestineb. large intestinec. rectumd. appendix

3. In the small intestine digested food __________.a. dissolves into the bloodb. turns into sugarc. becomes villid. turns into a liquid

4. Gastric juice in the stomach __________.a. breaks down the tissues of meatb. is only present in birdsc. lets the body know it’s time to eatd. a, b, and c

5. All blood passes through the kidneys so that __________.a. poisons and waste can be filtered outb. blood cells can be countedc. sugars can be digestedd. oxygen can be added

6. The blood cells which cause blood to clot are called __________.a. white blood cellsb. red blood cellsc. type ABd. platelets

7. The strongest muscle is the cardiac muscle which is the muscle of the __________.a. brainb. heartc. lungsd. mouth

8. Bones store __________.a. muscleb. caloriesc. calcium and phosphorousd. a, b, and c

9. Christians should keep their bodies healthy by __________.a. reading the Bibleb. going to churchc. witnessingd. maintaining habits of good diet, exercise, and cleanliness

10. Eating fish oils and getting plenty of sunshine help to prevent the bone disease called __________.a. ricketsb. muscular dystrophyc. pneumoniad. a common cold


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The part of the brain which allows us to see, smell, hear, taste, and feel is the __________.a. cerebrumb. cerebellumc. medullad. cranium

2. The part of the brain which is the center for breathing and the heartbeat is the __________.a. cerebrumb. cerebellumc. medullad. cranium

3. Bird migration is an example of __________.a. reflexb. instinctc. learned responsed. intelligence

4. A habit, such as reading your Bible daily, is an example of a (n) __________.a. reflexb. instinctc. learned responsed. energy

5. Plants seeking water is an example of __________.a. geotropismb. phototropismc. hydrotropismd. negative tropism

6. Roots which grow downward into the soil are examples of __________.a. geotropismb. phototropismc. hydrotropismd. negative tropism

7. The northernmost biome is __________.a. desertb. forestc. grasslandd. tundra

8. Two main groups of aquatic biomes are the marine biomes and the __________.a. fresh-water biomesb. tropical biomesc. desert biomesd. temperate biomes

9. The transfer of the minerals of the earth to living organisms and then back to the earth againis called a __________.a. cycleb. chainc. circled. response

10. A balance of nature was established by God at the time of creation, and man __________.a. has continually worked to maintain this balanceb. has had no influence on this balance of naturec. has done many things to destroy this balance of natured. has been a good steward of God’s creation


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The two special cells in male-female reproduction are the __________.a. sperm and eggb. spore and eggc. sperm and spored. spore and pollen

2. Two types of cells division which occur in male-female reproduction are reduction division and__________.a. osmosisb. tropismc. mitosisd. genetic

3. The father of genetics is __________.a. George Washingtonb. Carl Corrensc. Gregor Mendeld. Punnet Square

4. Intelligence is not controlled by a single gene, but by several genes. This is known as __________.a. the principle of dominanceb. multiple genesc. the Punnet Squared. incomplete dominance

5. The parts of a reproductive cell which carry genes are called __________.a. genesb. chromosomesc. germsd. sperms

6. Genes are made of __________.a. DNAb. chromosomesc. genesd. germs

7. An albino is an example of __________.a. a mutationb. evolutionc. a chromosomed. a transmission

8. The color of a Siamese cat is an example of __________.a. mutationb. evolutionc. the temperature of the environment affecting the genes for colord. a, b, and c

9. The presence of DNA assures that cattle produce cattle, dogs produce dogs, and so forth. Godestablished this law at the time of creation. In Genesis 1:24 He said, “...Let the earth bring forththe living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after hiskind; and it was so.” “After his kind” means __________.a. black dogs produce only black dogs and so forthb. dogs produce dogs and so forthc. female dogs produce only female dogs and so forthd. only kind and good creatures are produced

10. Genetics, the science of heredity, __________ God’s word.a. disprovesb. questionsc. agrees withd. contradicts


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. A pure substance that cannot be broken down by ordinary chemical means is __________.a. an elementb. matterc. a moleculed. a compound

2. Molecules may be defined as the chemical combination of two or more __________.a. elementsb. moleculesc. protonsd. atoms

3. The weight of an atom comes from adding __________ together.a. moleculesb. atomsc. protons and neutronsd. electrons and protons

4. The atomic number given in the Periodic Chart is the number of __________.a. moleculesb. protons in the nucleusc. neutrons in the nucleusd. electrons in the nucleus

5. A shiny, lustrous material that conducts electricity and heat is __________.a. a metalb. a nonmetalc. a radioactive substanced. a rare earth element

6. An element which is unstable and breaks down of its own accord is __________.a. a metalb. a nonmetalc. a radioactive substanced. a rare earth element

7. Oxygen has 8 plus-charged protons. The number of minus-charged electrons in oxygen is__________.a. 4b. 8c. 2d. 16

8. The atomic number of lithium is 3. The weight of lithium is 7. The lithium atom has 3 protonsand __________ neutrons.a. 3b. 4c. 7d. 0

9. Lemon juice is an example of __________.a. a baseb. an acidc. an elementd. an atom

10. Baking soda is an example of __________.a. a baseb. an acidc. an elementd. an atom


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. Sound waves are a series of compressions and __________.a. sessionsb. ringsc. rarefactionsd. fractions

2. Sound can be heard when sound waves cause vibrations on the __________.a. eardrumb. outer earc. ear canald. ear lobe

3. The bottom part of a light wave is called the __________.a. crestb. troughc. low waved. length

4. Examples of radiations which cannot be seen by the human eye are __________.a. translucent and opaqueb. photons and refractionc. electromagnetic spectrumsd. ultraviolet rays and X rays

5. God promised never to flood the earth again. As a reminder of this promise, he sent __________.a. less rainb. thunderc. a rainbowd. clouds

6. A rainbow is visible because raindrops act as a __________.a. mirrorb. prismc. light waved. promise

7. The man who discovered the colors that make up light is __________.a. Thomas Edisonb. Benjamin Franklinc. Sir Isaac Newtond. Nero

8. When the colors of light are mixed, they produce the color __________.a. redb. blackc. whited. violet

9. A red tablecloth appears red because __________.a. it absorbs all the red light in the spectrumb. it reflects only the red light back to the eyec. a blue dye has been usedd. in reality it is white

10. Red, green, and blue are __________.a. the primary colors of lightb. the colors of the rainbowc. opposite colorsd. secondary colors


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. Exerting a push or pull is known as __________.a. forceb. workc. motiond. gravity

2. The force that pulls things toward the center of the earth is __________.a. gravityb. muscularc. waterd. steam

3. The scientific definition of work is __________.a. force used to generate powerb. motionc. horsepowerd. the amount of force times the distance it moves an object

4. The unit for measuring work is called the __________.a. foot-poundb. horsepowerc. timed. effort

5. The measurement of electrical power is called __________.a. wattsb. shockc. lightd. horsepower

6. 550 foot-pounds per second is __________.a. 1 wattb. 1 kilogram-meterc. 1 cubicd. 1 horsepower

7. The force that holds planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies in space is called __________.a. inertiab. gravityc. universal forced. cosmic force

8. The tendency of an object to remain at rest or to continue in motion with constant speed in astraight line is called __________.a. inertiab. gravityc. constancyd. pendulum

9. A force that opposes motion is __________.a. inertiab. gravityc. workd. friction

10. A mechanical device used to help do work is __________.a. forceb. a machinec. a circulard. motion


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The length of the earth’s journey around the sun is __________.a. 5 yearsb. 10 yearsc. 3 monthsd. 1 year

2. The shape of the earth’s orbit around the sun is __________.a. circularb. ellipticalc. horizontald. rectangular

3. The seasons are caused by the revolution of the earth around the sun and the __________.a. earth’s tilt on its axisb. elevationc. earth’s shaped. cloud coverage

4. Time zones are determined by the __________ of the earth’s rotation.a. speedb. directionc. longituded. eclipse

5. A solar eclipse occurs when __________.a. the earth passes between the sun and the moonb. the moon passes between the sun and the earthc. comets pass between the sun and the earthd. the sun is covered by clouds

6. A type of eclipse in which the moon is darkened is __________.a. an ellipseb. a solar eclipsec. a lunar eclipsed. an equinox

7. Five of the planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. The otherthree planets are __________.a. Juno, Pandora, Neptune, and Popeyeb. Zeus, Ezra, Medusa, and Plutoc. Satin, Uranium, Neptune, and Blutod. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

8. The smallest planet is __________.a. Mercuryb. Uranusc. Saturnd. Earth

9. Shooting stars are called __________.a. meteorsb. cometsc. asteriodsd. planets

10. A heavenly body with a long trail of gases is called __________.a. a meteorb. a cometc. an asteroidd. a planet


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. About 99 percent of the sun is made of __________.a. molten lavab. chemical firec. hydrogen and helium gasesd. oxygen

2. The power plant of the sun is its __________.a. coreb. coronac. solar flaresd. reflectors

3. The Milky Way Galaxy consists of __________.a. one starb. our solar system onlyc. billions of starsd. candy bars

4. Clouds of dust and gas found in the Milky Way are called __________.a. galaxiesb. asteroidsc. meteoroidsd. nebulae

5. Scientists use a star’s color to calculate its __________.a. distance from earthb. temperaturec. sized. spectrum

6. The brightness of a star is called its __________.a. magnitudeb. magnificencec. magnifierd. spectrum

7. Scientists study the dark lines in a star’s spectrum to identify __________.a. the star’s nameb. the age of the starc. elements in the stard. the star’s origin

8. An instrument used to study the spectrum of light of a star is a __________.a. spectroscopeb. telescopec. magnifying glassd. microscope

9. The constellation which contains the Big Dipper is __________.a. Ursa Majorb. Ursa Minorc. Taurusd. Orion

10. Cassiopeia is a constellation which looks like __________.a. a bullb. a hunterc. a herdsmand. a giant letter W or M


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The tubes which transport water and minerals upward in the stem are called __________.a. xylemb. phloemc. cuticled. cortex

2. Three functions of skin are to remove cell waste (sweating), to protect the body from germsand dirt, and to __________.a. hold the body togetherb. help humans get a suntanc. cool the bodyd. give each person a different color

3. The part of the brain which coordinates all the muscles so that they work together is the__________.a. cerebrumb. cerebellumc. medullad. cranium

4. Plants seeking light is an example of __________.a. geotropismb. phototropismc. hydrotropismd. negative tropism

5. A change in a gene which forms a new trait that can be inherited is called __________.a. transmissionsb. evolutionc. creationd. a mutation

6. A substance whose molecules consist of atoms which are chemically united is __________.a. an elementb. matterc. a moleculed. a compound

7. The loudness of a sound is the __________.a. pitchb. rarefactionc. vibrationd. amplitude

8. The rate of doing work is called __________.a. quicknessb. deadlinec. powerd. inertia

9. The prime meridian is located at __________.a. 180°b. 90°c. 0°d. 60°

10. The visible surface of the sun is called the __________.a. coreb. coronac. photosphered. reflector


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The standard metric unit of volume is the __________.a. literb. cubic centimeterc. cubic meterd. milliliter

2. The standard metric unit of mass is the __________.a. poundb. gramc. tond. kilogram

3. Objects are usually grouped together because they are __________.a. smallb. largec. similard. different

4. In terms of internal structure, a cat is most like __________.a. a wormb. a jellyfishc. an insectd. a bird

5. A scientific law is __________.a. a deductive statementb. an observationc. a hypothesisd. unbiblical

6. Deductive reasoning begins with __________.a. an observationb. an experimentc. a generalizationd. research

7. The first step in applying the scientific method to solving a problem is __________.a. identifying the problemb. forming a hypothesisc. conducting an experimentd. drawing a conclusion

8. A guess that must either be proved or be disproved is __________.a. a lawb. an observationc. a conclusiond. a hypothesis

9. Biological science deals with __________.a. rocks and mineralsb. mathematicsc. plants and animalsd. money and laws

10. The sciences that deal with customs, laws, religion, and behavior are __________.a. mathematics and logicb. the social sciencesc. the physical sciencesd. the biological sciences


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The metric system began in __________.a. Germanyb. the United Statesc. Franced. Great Britain

2. The United States began a formal shift toward use of the metric system under President__________.a. Jacksonb. Lincolnc. Wilsond. Ford

3. Divisions of the metric system are based on the number __________.a. twelveb. twoc. tend. three

4. The dimension of length has __________ basic metric units.a. oneb. threec. twod. four

5. Mass is a measure of __________.a. densityb. volumec. matterd. weight

6. The response of an object to a gravitational force field is its __________.a. massb. weightc. densityd. volume

7. This type of graph is a __________ graph.a. lineb. circlec. bard. picto-

8. This type of graph is a __________ graph.a. lineb. circlec. bard. picto-

9. A pictograph is most similar to a __________ graph.a. variableb. circlec. pied. bar

10. To relate parts of a quantity to the whole quantity, a __________ graph is best.a. lineb. circlec. bard. picto-


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The motions of the sun, moon, and stars give the appearance that the center of the universe isthe __________.a. earthb. sunc. North Stard. moon

2. Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo promoted an explanation of planetary motion called the__________ theory.a. geocentricb. heliocentricc. concentricd. eccentric

3. Five lights in the night sky that sometimes do not follow the normal paths of stars are__________.a. meteorsb. planetsc. cometsd. satellites

4. Something that could not happen if the sun and moon were on the same celestial sphere is__________.a. cometsb. eclipsesc. sunsetsd. tides

5. The astronomer who modified Aristotle’s geocentric theory with epicycles was __________.a. Aristarchusb. Ptolemyc. Copernicusd. Galileo

6. The astronomer whose observations with the unaided eye were used by other astronomers topredict the shape of orbits was __________.a. Keplerb. Brahec. Newtond. Copernicus

7. The time taken for a planet to revolve around the sun is known as the __________.a. monthb. period of revolutionc. orbital equationd. speed of the planet

8. The sun occupies a point within the planetary orbits called the __________.a. centerb. focal pointc. equinoxd. directrix

9. Gravitational attraction exists __________.a. only between objects in our solar systemb. only between the earth and the moonc. only between objects on the earthd. between all objects everywhere

10. As the distance between objects increases, gravitational attraction __________.a. increasesb. decreasesc. remains constantd. is unaffected


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. Most of the energy used on the earth comes directly or indirectly from the __________.a. center of the earthb. decay of radioactive elements in the mantlec. fusion reactions on the sund. combustion of coal

2. Solar energy is stored as chemical energy in the form of __________.a. uraniumb. saltc. petroleumd. hydrogen

3. The element that serves as fuel for solar energy is __________.a. uraniumb. hydrogenc. petroleumd. helium

4. The scientist who explained mathematically the conversion of mass to energy was __________.a. Newtonb. Bohrc. Einsteind. Planck

5. The word that best describes an eclipse is __________.a. surfaceb. shadowc. ringd. light

6. Umbra refers to __________.a. the darkest part of the eclipseb. partial eclipsec. the brilliant ring around the sund. the new moon

7. The largest planet is __________.a. Mercuryb. Jupiterc. Earthd. Mars

8. Jupiter most closely resembles __________.a. the sunb. the moonc. the earthd. Mars

9. The high high tides and low low tides are called __________ tides.a. floodb. ebbc. springd. neap

10. A seacoast town experiences __________ high tide(s) every twenty-four hours.a. oneb. twoc. fourd. eight


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The two most abundant atmospheric gases make up __________ of the atmosphere.a. one-halfb. three-quartersc. nine-tenthsd. well over nine-tenths

2. The most abundant gas is __________.a. oxygenb. carbon dioxidec. nitrogend. hydrogen

3. The lowest layer of the atmosphere is the __________.a. troposphereb. ozonospherec. stratosphered. ionosphere

4. The part of the atmosphere in which radiation from space produces charged particles is the__________.a. troposphereb. ozonospherec. stratosphered. ionosphere

5. Seawater and certain sedimentary rocks are two reservoirs in the __________ cycle.a. carbonb. nitrogenc. hydrogend. water

6. The cycle whose energy is provided by the sun during evaporation is the __________ cycle.a. carbonb. nitrogenc. oxygend. water

7. Sulfur oxide pollutants are formed by using __________ as a fuel.a. coalb. natural gasc. uraniumd. geothermal steam

8. Lead in the atmosphere interferes with the body’s ability to produce __________.a. carbon dioxideb. bloodc. oxygend. calcium

9. Our role as steward implies that we __________ our natural resources.a. consumeb. sell abroadc. use wiselyd. recycle

10. A reasonable goal for an industrialized nation is __________.a. to reduce pollution to zerob. to reduce pollution by 50 percentc. to accept the minimum pollution necessary to maintain a desirable life styled. to accept the present level of pollution


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The greatest effect on weather is exerted by __________.a. windb. temperaturec. air pressured. moisture

2. The temperature of an air mass directly affects the __________ the air mass.a. winds aroundb. air pressure beneathc. moisture withind. precipitation from

3. Air pressure increases when __________.a. the temperature of the air mass decreasesb. the temperature rises and the humidity remains constantc. the temperature rises and the humidity increasesd. the temperature rises and the humidity decreases

4. The wind pattern around a low-pressure region is called __________.a. a cycloneb. an anticyclonec. an aneroidd. a downdraft

5. The air mass that typically forms over northern Canada is __________.a. maritime polarb. maritime tropicalc. continental polard. continental tropical

6. Tall, fluffy clouds are called __________.a. cirrusb. stratusc. nimbo-stratusd. cumulus

7. The boundary between two air masses is __________.a. a stormb. an isobarc. a weather frontd. a downdraft

8. A drop in temperature is usually forecasted by the arrival of __________ front.a. a warmb. a coldc. an occludedd. a stationary

9. A small, local storm that forms from rapidly rising warm air is __________.a. a thunderstormb. a tornadoc. a hurricaned. a typhoon

10. The eye of a hurricane is characterized by __________.a. heavy rain and winds greater than 80 kphb. little rain and high windsc. heavy rain and light windsd. little rain and winds under 5 kph


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The weather that characterizes an area is the __________ of that area.a. geographyb. barometric pressurec. climated. latitude

2. A statement that might be part of a region’s weather report is __________.a. a yearly rainfall of 50 cmb. a daily high of 35° Cc. an average seasonal temperature of 25° Cd. the Sunshine State

3. Primary control of a region’s temperature results from __________.a. radioactive decayb. solar radiationc. volcanic activityd. geothermal heat

4. The coolest climates occur at __________.a. high altitude and high latitudeb. low altitude and low latitudec. high altitude and low latituded. low altitude and high latitude

5. Climate that has characteristics derived from being near water is called __________.a. mesothermalb. tropicalc. maritimed. polar

6. The term desert is commonly a synonym for __________.a. polarb. tropicalc. maritimed. arid

7. Communities within the Arctic Circle do not regulate their lives by __________.a. the sunb. lawsc. traditiond. a clock

8. Rain forests provide adequate hunting and gathering for __________.a. Pygmiesb. Bedouinsc. Eskimosd. Mediterraneans

9. The continent whose entire interior is a desert is __________.a. North Americab. Australiac. Europed. South America

10. Tropical rain forests make up the interior of __________.a. Australiab. North Americac. Antarcticad. South America


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1-3 Answer these three questions by referring to the illustration.

1. X labels the part of the cell which is the __________.a. membraneb. nucleusc. Golgid. cytoplasm

2. Y labels the part of the cell which is the __________.a. membraneb. granulesc. cytoplasmd. corpuscle

3. Z labels the part of the cell which is the __________.a. membraneb. nucleusc. cytoplasmd. corpuscle

4. Parts of the body, such as the nose, trachea, and lungs, that work together are collectivelycalled __________.a. tissuesb. organsc. systemsd. organisms

5. The heart, kidney, liver, and other bodily parts that each carry out one or more jobs are indi-vidually called __________.a. a tissueb. an organc. a systemd. an organism

6. The flexible support tissue that gives shape to, among other things, the tip of the nose and theears is __________.a. cartilageb. ossiclec. ciliad. osteum

7. Stomach and intestinal movement are controlled by __________.a. voluntary musclesb. cardiac musclesc. involuntary musclesd. striped muscles

8. The gap between nerve cells is called __________.a. a synapseb. an axonc. a neutrond. a dendrite

9. The part of the brain that controls coordination and voluntary movements is the __________.a. medullab. cerebellumc. cerebrumd. spinal cord

10. The central nervous system is made up of the __________.a. cerebellum, eyes, and earsb. cerebellum, speech center, and eyesc. cerebrum, eyes, and earsd. cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �




1. The circulatory system is made up of the __________.a. heart, lungs, kidneys, and liverb. heart, veins, capillaries, and arteriesc. lungs, kidneys, liver, and thyroidd. mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine

2. Blood that arrives at the heart goes first to the __________.a. lungsb. brainc. abdomend. kidneys

3. White blood cells are designed to __________.a. transport oxygenb. carry nutrientsc. fight infectiond. prevent hemorrhages

4. The purpose of blood platelets is to __________.a. stop bleedingb. carry oxygenc. prevent infectiond. produce antibodies

5. Digestion of protein begins in the __________.a. mouthb. stomachc. small intestined. large intestine

6. In the mouth digestion of __________ begins.a. proteinb. starchc. fatd. sugar

7. The function of the kidneys is similar to the function of __________.a. a carburetorb. a brake cylinderc. an oil filterd. a windshield wiper

8. The bladder is connected directly to the __________.a. heartb. stomachc. large intestined. kidneys

9. The master control gland for the body is the __________ gland.a. pituitaryb. pancreasc. thymusd. adrenal

10. Physical or emotional stress produces a response in the __________ gland.a. pituitaryb. pancreasc. adrenald. thymus


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. Information gained during an experiment is called __________.a. datab. conclusionsc. hypothesisd. laws

2. The prefix kilo- means __________.a. one-thousandthb. one-hundredthc. one thousandd. one million

3. The word geocentric means __________.a. astronomical b. sun-centeredc. solard. earth-centered

4. The scientist whose name is given to the law of gravitation is __________.a. Keplerb. Aristotlec. Newtond. Copernicus

5. The type of reaction that generates the sun’s energy is __________.a. fusionb. fissionc. chemicald. oxidation

6. The gas comprising about 21 percent of our atmosphere is __________.a. oxygenb. carbon dioxidec. nitrogend. hydrogen

7. A narrow, funnel-shaped cloud of rapidly rotating winds around a low-pressure center is__________.a. a thunderstormb. a tornadoc. a hurricaned. a typhoon

8. Air pressure at high elevations is less than at sea level because __________.a. warm air is lighter than cold airb. winds blow up mountain slopesc. less air overlies high elevationsd. temperatures are cooler at high elevations

9. The outer skin layer is the __________.a. hairlineb. dermisc. epidermisd. fatty layer

10. Metabolism and growth rate are controlled by the __________ gland.a. pancreasb. thyroidc. thymusd. adrenal


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. Science is best defined as __________.a. an orderly arrangement of knowledgeb. an accumulation of informationc. the study of physics, chemistry, and geologyd. incorrect and unscriptural assumptions

2. A complete and correct statement is that technology __________.a. is the cause of the world’s pollution problemsb. draws people away from the good things in lifec. is amoral; that is, neither good nor badd. will solve the world’s basic problems

3. Most Greek philosophers were not true scientists because they __________.a. could not readb. did not experimentc. were concerned more with art and literature than with things of natured. were not government funded

4. The birth of technology occurred with the __________.a. Industrial Revolutionb. Renaissancec. invention of the wheeld. atomic age

5. The number 93 million, in scientific notation, is __________.a. 93,000,000b. 93 millionc. 93 x 106

d. 9.3 x 107

6. A correct scientific notation is __________.a. 431 x 10-3

b. 7 x 108

c. 16 x 105

d. 0.05 x 10-8

7. The metric unit of mass is the __________.a. kilogramb. meterc. poundd. liter

8. A measure of volume is __________.a. meterb. literc. secondd. gram

9. A scientist is most likely to find out if his guess is correct by __________.a. performing experimentsb. asking a graduate studentc. thinking about the questiond. using a computer

10. The announced or published result of interpreting the data collected in an investigation is__________.a. a lawb. a theoryc. a problemd. an experiment


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. All matter in the universe has __________.a. magnetismb. momentumc. massd. motion

2. Matter on earth exists in at least one of __________ states.a. twob. threec. twelved. twenty

3. Generally, molecules of a solid are more __________ than are molecules of other states.a. spread outb. close togetherc. highly actived. free to move

4. The gaseous state of a substance (for example, water) differs from the solid state in that thegaseous state has __________.a. a definite volumeb. high speed moleculesc. less energyd. a definite shape

5. The nuclei of most atoms are made of __________.a. protons and electronsb. electrons and nucleonsc. neutrons and protonsd. neutrons and electrons

6. Of the following choices the compound is __________.a. H2Ob. H2c. saltwaterd. Ne

7. An example of a mixture is __________.a. hot waterb. salt waterc. sodium hydroxided. hydrogen

Answer Items 8 through 10 by referring to the entry for potassium.

8. The number of protons in an atom of potassium is __________.a. 2b. 19c. 20d. 39

9. The number of protons in an atom is called the __________.a. mass numberb. atomic massc. valenced. atomic number

10. The number of particles in the nucleus of a potassium atom is __________.a. 2b. 19c. 20d. 39


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �





1. Common table salt (NaCl) is composed of sodium, a highly reactive metal, and chlorine, apoisonous gas. The harmless product is a result of a __________ reaction.a. nuclearb. chemicalc. physicald. phase

2. An extremely small amount of matter is converted to energy in a __________ reaction.a. nuclearb. chemicalc. physicald. phase

3. The fuel for a fusion reaction is __________.a. hydrogenb. heliumc. radiumd. uranium

4. A common fuel for fission reactions is __________.a. hydrogenb. heliumc. leadd. uranium

5. Beta radiation consists of __________ emitted from an atomic nucleus.a. protonsb. neutronsc. electronsd. mesons

6. Gamma radiation is most similar to __________.a. alpha radiationb. soundc. lightd. electrons

7. Of the following choices the acid is __________.a. NaOHb. KClc. HNO3d. NaHCO3

8. An identifying characteristic of an acid in solution is __________.a. H+b. OH-c. K+d. O=

9. All bases contain __________.a. oxygen and sodiumb. helium and potassiumc. oxygen and hydrogend. hydrogen and potassium

10. Of the following choices the base is __________.a. NaHCO3b. HNO3c. NaOHd. KCl


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. Starches and sugars are both classified as __________.a. proteinsb. fatsc. carbohydratesd. vitamins

2. The nutrient class that is neither animal nor vegetable is __________.a. proteinsb. fatsc. mineralsd. carbohydrates

3. The nutrient that transports vitamins A, D, and E and that is a slow-energy source is __________.a. proteinsb. mineralsc. fatsd. carbohydrates

4. Complex organic substances necessary in small amounts for normal growth and health are__________.a. mineralsb. vitaminsc. carbohydratesd. fats

5. Cheese and butter belong to the __________ food group.a. vegetablesb. grainsc. dairyd. protein

6. The grains food group includes __________.a. macaroni, rice, and spaghettib. spaghetti, peas, and peanut butterc. cheese, rice, and breadd. beans, fish, and rice

7. Fats begin digestion in the __________.a. mouthb. stomachc. small intestined. large intestine

8. Proteins begin digestion in the __________.a. mouthb. stomachc. small intestined. large intestine

9. Exposure to sunshine is necessary for the body to produce __________.a. Vitamin Ab. Vitamin Bc. Vitamin Cd. Vitamin D

10. Vitamin C-deficiency symptoms, such as excessive bleeding and bruising, may be relieved byadding __________ to the diet.a. whole-grain cerealsb. lean meatsc. oranges and tomatoesd. milk and cheese


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. Any push or pull is the definition of __________.a. forceb. massc. energyd. work

2. Every object in the universe is always __________.a. at restb. doing workc. exerting forced. curving

3. An example of an object with potential energy is __________.a. an airplane at 35,000 feetb. a car traveling 80 km/hrc. an engine on a sidingd. a pendulum at the bottom of its swing

4. The total energy an object possesses equals __________.a. kinetic energy minus potential energyb. potential energy minus kinetic energyc. one-half kinetic energy plus potential energyd. kinetic energy plus potential energy

5. The handle of a spoon in a soup bowl feels hot because of __________.a. conductionb. convectionc. radiationd. both a and c

6. Heat is distributed throughout the water in a teakettle because of __________.a. conductionb. convectionc. radiationd. none of these

7. Ten percent of the energy needed for the United States is supplied by the energy offalling water converted to __________ energy.a. electricalb. chemicalc. atomicd. geothermal

8. The most frequent energy conversion is that of mechanical energy to __________.a. chemical energyb. radiant energyc. heat energyd. electrical energy

9. The disorder of creation in general is __________.a. increasingb. decreasingc. remaining constantd. increasing and decreasing

10. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the amount of available energy in theuniverse is __________.a. decreasingb. increasingc. constantd. radiant


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. A magnet has __________ pole(s).a. oneb. twoc. threed. four

2. A substance commonly used to show a magnet’s lines of force is __________.a. sawdustb. iron filingsc. waterd. salt

3. Electrical charges are different from magnetic poles in that __________.a. unlikes attractb. likes repelc. charged objects attract all uncharged objectsd. magnetic poles attract all nonmagnetic objects

4. The statement that is not a law of electrostatics is __________.a. objects with unlike charges attract each otherb. objects with like charges repel each otherc. charged objects repel neutral objectsd. charged objects attract neutral objects

5. An electric circuit that has only one path is a __________ circuit.a. complexb. seriesc. perpendiculard. parallel

6. If in Item 5 V equals 6 volts and R equals 2 ohms, the current, I, is __________ amperes.a. 4b. 12c. 3d. 8

7. The first battery of silver and zinc was constructed by __________.a. Fred E. Evereadyb. Al Voltac. Ray O’Vacd. Thomas Edison

8. The first working light bulb was developed in the laboratory of __________.a. Franklinb. Coulombc. Edisond. Morse

9. The most abundant fuel in the United States is __________.a. petroleumb. coalc. natural gasd. uranium

10. Solar power does not produce a high percentage of today’s electricity needs because __________.a. the sun’s energy that reaches the earth is insufficientb. no means exist to conduct sunlight to citiesc. the technology is still too expensived. the Federal government has imposed a moratorium


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �



1. Surveyors and mapmakers use __________ to represent distances that cannot be drawn directly.a. arithmeticb. geometryc. calculusd. statistics

2. Indirect measurement is used __________.a. along highways between citiesb. in building housesc. in measuring distances to planetsd. in designing automobiles

3. A symbol commonly used to represent a force is __________.a. xb. •c. →d. 0

4. The result of a force to the north and a force to the east is a force to the __________.a. northeastb. southeastc. southwestd. northwest

5. An object that has no force acting on it is likely to __________.a. move in a straight lineb. come to a stopc. move in a circled. fall to the ground

6. The result of a single force acting on an object is __________.a. cancelled by the object’s weightb. accelerationc. no movementd. rotation

7. The rate of doing work is __________.a. powerb. energyc. forced. mass

8. If work is “bought,” __________ must be “spent.”a. powerb. joulesc. energyd. mass

9. The work done in lifting a forty-pound crate three feet is __________ foot-pounds.a. forty-threeb. thirteenc. one hundred twentyd. thirty-seven

10. If twenty-four joules of energy are spent in four seconds, the rate of output is __________ watts.a. sixb. ninety-sixc. twentyd. twenty-eight


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. The friction that brings a boat to a stop after the motor has been cut is __________ friction.a. rollingb. slidingc. atomicd. fluid

2. Dragging a flatbed across the ground produces __________ friction.a. slidingb. rollingc. atomicd. fluid

3. To lessen resistance of a boat moving through water, engineers often adjust the __________.a. grease on the bearingsb. number of sailsc. size of the engined. shape of the hull

4. An application of the inclined plane is the __________.a. wedgeb. wheel and axlec. leverd. gear

Answer Items 5 through 7 from the illustration.5. The ideal mechanical advantage of the single fixed pulley is __________.

a. 0b. 1c. 100d. 200

6. The actual mechanical advantage of the pulley is __________.a. 0b. 1c. 100d. 200

7. The efficiency of the pulley is __________ percent.a. 0b. 1c. 100d. 200

Answer Items 8 through 10 from the illustration.8. The work input on the inclined plane is __________ foot-pounds.

a. 100b. 25c. 125d. 2,500

9. The work output is __________ foot-pounds.a. 100b. 25c. 125d. 2,500

10. The efficiency of the inclined plane is __________ percent.a. 80b. 100c. 50d. 25


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1 ft.

5 ft.100 pounds

100 pounds

100 pounds

1. About five people could be fed by one United States farmer in 1910, and by 1970 more than__________ people could be fed.a. 40b. 80c. 120d. 160

2. The forerunner of the wheat grown today for bread and cereal was most like __________.a. wild grassb. bulrushesc. corn cobsd. green beans

3. The result of crossing two different strains of plants or animals is called a __________.a. thoroughbredb. hybridc. halfbreedd. crossbreed

4. A desired trait that has resulted from selective breeding of corn is __________.a. taller plantsb. more green leavesc. larger earsd. more silk

5. Decomposers in the soil __________.a. produce compounds poisonous to plantsb. return dead material to simpler formsc. have little significant valued. live in leaf nodules

6. A common practice that reintroduces nutrients into the soil is __________.a. one-crop agricultureb. terrace farmingc. contour plowingd. crop rotation

7. The energy-input part of the water cycle is __________.a. evaporationb. precipitationc. run-offd. percolation

8. The rate of evaporation depends on the temperature of the air and water, the wind, and__________.a. the amount of moisture already in the airb. the angle of the sunc. the amount of water in the oceand. the presence of trees and shrubs

9. The term ecology comes from a Greek word that means __________.a. pollutionb. homec. recyclingd. gum wrapper

10. The total amount of living material in an area is called __________.a. biomassb. protoplasmc. food pyramidd. omnivore


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1. A complete and correct definition of technology is the __________.a. application of scienceb. source of pollutionc. opposite of simplicityd. basis of war

2. Science as an orderly system of thought began with the philosopher __________.a. Copernicusb. Newtonc. Aristotled. Democritus

3. Substances that have only one kind of atom are called __________.a. matterb. elementsc. moleculesd. atoms

4. An example of a physical change (only) is __________.a. metal rustingb. an acid dissolving limestonec. water evaporatingd. wood burning

5. Kinetic energy depends upon __________.a. matter and motionb. matter and forcec. height and forced. matter and height

6. A measure of disorder is called __________.a. energyb. entropyc. powerd. wattage

7. The formula for work is __________.a. F = mab. F = G c. I = Prtd. W = Fd

8. To reduce friction the powdered lubricant __________ is used.a. siliconeb. greasec. graphited. grabtite

9. The simple machine that has a fulcrum is the __________.a. wedgeb. wheel and axlec. leverd. gear

10. Bacteria in leguminous plants produce __________ compounds.a. oxygenb. carbonc. hydrogend. nitrogen


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �



SCIENCEDiagnostic Test Answer Keys

2 0 0 – 8 0 0



1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �

2011a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �

2021a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �

2031a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �

2041a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �



1a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �

2061a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �

2071a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �

2081a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �

2091a. �b. �c. �

2a. �

b. �c. �

3a. �b. �c. �

4a. �b. �c. �

5a. �b. �c. �

6a. �b. �c. �

7a. �b. �c. �

8a. �b. �c. �

9a. �b. �c. �

10a. �b. �c. �



1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

3011a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

3021a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

3031a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

3041a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �



1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

3061a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

3071a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

3081a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

3091a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �



1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

6a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

7a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

10a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

4011a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

7a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

4021a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

5a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

6a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

8a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

4031a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

6a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

4041a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

6a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

9a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

7a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

9a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

4061a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

6a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

4071a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

6a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

9a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4081a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

5a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

7a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

8a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

4091a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

6a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

7a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

8a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �




1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

5011a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

5021a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

5031a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

5041a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

5061a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

5071a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

5081a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

5091a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �




1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

6011a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

6021a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

6031a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

6041a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �



1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

6061a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

6071a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

6081a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

6091a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �



1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

7011a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

7021a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

7031a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

7041a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �


1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

7061a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

7071a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

7081a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �

7091a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �c. �d. �

4a. �b. �c. �d. �

5a. �b. �c. �d. �

6a. �b. �c. �d. �

7a. �b. �c. �d. �

8a. �b. �c. �d. �

9a. �b. �c. �d. �

10a. �b. �c. �d. �



1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

7a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

9a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

8011a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

6a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

8021a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

6a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

7a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

8a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

8031a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

6a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

8a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

8041a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

5a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

7a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

9a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �b. �

c. �

d. �



1a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

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b. �c. �

d. �

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b. �

c. �d. �

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b. �c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

9a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

8061a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

4a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

5a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

7a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

9a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

10a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8071a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

4a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

5a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

9a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

10a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8081a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

5a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

7a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

9a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

10a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

8091a. �b. �c. �d. �

2a. �

b. �c. �d. �

3a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

4a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

5a. �b. �

c. �

d. �

6a. �

b. �c. �

d. �

7a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �

8a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

9a. �

b. �

c. �d. �

10a. �

b. �

c. �

d. �



Science 200-800 Placement Worksheet

_________________________ _________________________Student Name Age_________________________ _________________________Date Grade Last Completed

200 300 400 500 600 700 800____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

TOTAL ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____SCORE

GRADE LEVEL PLACEMENT: A student can be placed academically using the rule thathe/she has successfully passed the test for any given level if he/she achieves a Total Scoreof 70 points or more.

This student places at grade level ____________________.

LEARNING GAPS: Learning gaps can be easily identified with the placement test. If a stu-dent receives points of 6 or less on any individual test, he/she has not shown mastery of theskills in that particular LIFEPAC. If desired, these LIFEPACs may be ordered and completedbefore the student begins his assigned grade level curriculum.

Learning gap LIFEPACs for this student are ________ ________ ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________

It is not unusual for a student to place at more than one level in various subjects when begin-ning the LIFEPAC curriculum. For example, a student may be placed at 5th level in Bible,mathematics, science and social studies but 4th level in language arts. The majority of schooltime should be concentrated on the areas of lower achievement with the ultimate goal ofequal skill mastery in all subjects at the same grade level.


ISBN 978-0-7403-0045-5

9 7 8 0 7 4 0 3 0 0 4 5 5

SD001 – Nov ’14 Printing