Script - Macbeth a La Mafiosi

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Transcript of Script - Macbeth a La Mafiosi

  • 8/19/2019 Script - Macbeth a La Mafiosi



    Setting: In Italy during an alternate modern era that is quite the same as ours, except

    for the fact that mafias roam freely, while magic still exists.

    ACT 1

    Scene 1

    [At a deserted street. Macbeth and Banquo enter after winning a great gang fight]

    MACBETH This is a glorious day, Banquo!

    BANQUO Indeed, Sir. Such feats of victory shall be sung for ages to come.

    MACBETH Yes, my friend! My cheerful mood has not been dulled by these murky woods.

    [The three witches suddenly appear]

    WITCHES [Laughing together] Warriors, wanderers, fate’s favourite chosen! 

    WITCH 1 The one who soars!

    WITCH 2 The one who mourns!

    WITCH 3 But both still walking cheerfully!

    BANQUO Lord has mercy! Look at these beasts!

    MACBETH Ugly!

    BANQUO Foul!

    MACBETH Wretched!

    BANQUO Sexy!

    MACBETH [Looks questioningly to Banquo] What did you just say?

    [Banquo shooks his head]

    WITCHES [Sneeringly and loudly] Shut up!

    [Witches move around]

    WITCH 1 We’re here not to play! 

    WITCH 2 We’re here not for fun! 

    WITCH 3 But here called by winds and whispers of the realm!

    WITCH 1 Compelled to call!

    WITCH 2 Compelled to tell!

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    WITCH 3 To move, convulse events! [All three look at each other with smirking smile

    and laugh]

    WITCH 1 All hail, Caporegime of Florence!

    BANQUO No! He’s the Caporegime of Pisa. Tough luck there Macbeth.

    [Witch 1 looks annoyed. Everyone looks at Banquo in silence]

    BANQUO Forgive me, do continue with whatever you are saying.

    WITCH 1 [Continues] Caporegime of Pisa will be the Caporegime of Florence.

    WITCH 2 Strength, brave, nobility.

    WITCH 3 Bloodlust, hatred, censure.

    WITCH 1 Macbeth, be the Godfather, more but lesser than Banquo!

    WITCH 2 Banquo, lesser but more than Macbeth!

    WITCH 3 Macbeth, Godfather himself but children bereft

    WITCH 1 Banquo, himself bereft but children be the Godfathers!

    WITCHES [Laugh loudly]

    [A sudden thunderstorm occurs followed by a sudden silence. Macbeth and Banquo look at

    each other scratching heads]

    MACBETH You speak in riddles. My friend and I don’t understand. 

    [The three witches all smack their hands to their foreheads]

    WITCH 1 Macbeth shall be the Godfather

    WITCH 2 And Banquo will not!

    WITCH 3 But Banquo’s descendant shall inherit the title of Godfather!

    WITCH 1 And not yours, Macbeth!

    WITCH 2 Do you freaking understand? Go figure!

    [A brief silence]

    MACBETH [Coming to a realisation] Stop, you weirdoes! I beg to know more! How can I

    be the Caporegime of Florence when he’s alive, a prosperous gentleman?

     And as for being a Godfather , that’s unthinkable! From where did you get

    these stories? Speak now!

    [The witches vanish]

    BANQUO Well, there they go.

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    MACBETH I wish they had stayed. [Looks at Banquo and says broodingly] Your children

    shall be Godfathers.

    BANQUO You shall be Godfather, and Caporegime of Florence too, went it not so?

    MACBETH Exactly. Who’s here? 

    [Enter Ross and Angus with their mission from Don Duncan]

    ROSS Don Duncan has happily received the news of your success.

     ANGUS We come as escorts, with the Don’s thanks. Not with rewards… 

    ROSS …But as sample of the honour yet to come, he named you the Caporegime of

    Florence. Hail most worthy Caporegime.

    BANQUO [To himself] What? The sexy… I mean Weird Sisters have spoken the truth? 

    MACBETH But the Caporegime of Florence isn’t dead! 

     ANGUS He who was the Caporegime lives yet, but under sentence of death which he

    deserves. I know not of his bad deed that wrecks our territory, high treason

    has been proved and he’s confessed. 

    MACBETH [To himself] Two truths are told. The greatest is yet to come. This meddling

    with the supernatural can neither be good or evil. Why am I having these

    thoughts of murder?

    BANQUO [To Ross and Angus] Look how our partner is so carried away. [To Macbeth]

    Macbeth, we are ready to leave when you are.

    MACBETH [Recovering] Forgive me. Gentlemen, thank you for your kindness. Let us go

    meet the king. [To Banquo] Think about what has happened. Let’s speak

    openly to each other later.

    BANQUO [To Macbeth] Gladly.

    [They go]

    Scene 2

    [The palace at Rome. A fanfare. Enter Don Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain, Lennox, and

    attendant, and servant]

    DUNCAN Has Florence been executed?

    MALCOLM My Padrino, yes. One of the witnesses said so.

    DUNCAN [Looking demented] Florence was a gentleman on whom I built my trust.

    [Enter Macbeth, Banquo, Ross, and Angus]

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    [To Macbeth, enthusiastically] Oh, worthiest cousin! I cannot keep up with the debt I have to

    you. I can only say more is due to you than I can ever pay.

    MACBETH [Bowing] The service to you as a loyal follower pays itself, my Don.

    DUNCAN [To Banquo] And you noble Banquo, you are no less deserving. Let me

    embrace you and hold you to my heart.

    BANQUO If I prosper there, the benefits will be all yours.

    DUNCAN Joy overwhelms me. To all, let it be known that my eldest son, Malcolm, will

    be my successor. He is not the only one honoured. All merit will be nobly

    rewarded. We’ll move to Macbeth’s manor at Turin to strengthen our


    MACBETH Leave the rest to me. I’ll delight my wife with the news of your coming. [He

    bows] I humbly take my leave. [To himself] No one shall take away what’s

    mine. Darkness, I bid you to hide my wicked ambitions.

    Scene 3

    [Macbeth’s manor in Inverness. Lady Macbeth (Lady Mac) enters, reading a letter from


    LADY MAC “They met me on the day of victory and they possess supernatural powers.

    They vanished when I wanted to question them. While I stood there in

    amazement, messengers came from the Godfather, greeting me asCaporegime of Florence, the title that the Weird Sisters had addressed me

    before. They also said that I shall be a Don. I am sending you this news, my

    greatest love, so that you won’t lose a moment’s enjoyment through ignorance

    of the greatness that’s in store for you. Keep this to your heart, and farewell.”  

    Pisa you are, and now, Florence. You shall be what you have been promised.

    Yet I’m worried about your nature. You want greatness, but you lack the

    ruthlessness that’s needed. Come home quickly, so that I can inspire you with

    my passion and brave words.

    [A servant enters]

    What’s your news? 

    SERVANT The Don comes here tonight.

    LADY MAC You’re mad to say so. Isn’t your master with him?

    SERVANT With respect, it’s true. Our Capo is coming. A fellow messenger ran ahead of

    him, he’s almost dead. 

    LADY MAC Look after him tenderly. He brings great news.

    [The servant leaves]

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      [Opening her arms, looking as if she is in a trance] Come you spirits that tend

    on mortal thoughts. Unsex me here and fill me from the crown to toe with

    direst cruelty. Thicken my blood, make me remorseless, so that nothing can

    stand in what I must do. Come to my woman’s breasts and turn my milk sour,

    you abettors of murder. Come dark night, shield me from heaven so that it

    won’t see the blood I spill and cry ‘Stop! Stop!’. 

    [Macbeth enters]

    Great Caporegime of Pisa! Worthy Caporegime of Florence! Your letters have

    shown me the future so clearly that I feel it with us now.

    MACBETH My dearest love, Duncan comes here tonight.

    LADY MAC And when does he go?

    MACBETH Tomorrow.

    LADY MAC He will never see tomorrow. My Capo, stop showing emotions. Keep calm and

    avoid suspicion. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. You

    leave the business to me.

    MACBETH We must discuss this more.

    LADY MAC Don’t show your feelings. Leave all the rest to me. 

    [They go]

    Scene 4

    [Outside Macbeth’s manor . Enter Don Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox,

    Macduff, Ross, Angus, and attendants]

    DUNCAN [To Banquo] This manor is pleasantly situated and appeals to my senses.

    [Lady Macbeth enters]

    See! See! Our honoured hostess! We appreciate your labour.

    LADY MAC Our lives are at your service, my Padrino.

    DUNCAN Noble hostess, we are your guests tonight.

    LADY MAC Ourselves, your servants, and all that we possess are yours to command. Let

    us enter, my Padrino.

    [They go]

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    Scene 5

    [A room in Macbeth’s manor. Macbeth enters]

    MACBETH When it’s done, that’s the end of it, then the quicker it’s done, the better…

    [Doubting] but he trusts me, the great Don. I am nothing but a man with an

    ambition that can bring about one’s downfall. Should I do this?  

    [Lady Macbeth enters]

    How now? What now?

    LADY MAC Why have you left the room?

    MACBETH Has he asked for me?

    LADY MAC Don’t you know he has? 

    MACBETH Let’s stop this nonsense. He honoured me and I won great respect from the

    people. Why should we cast it aside?

    LADY MAC [Scornfully] Are you afraid to match your act with your ambitions? You want

    the crown, but now you’re a self -confessed coward.

    MACBETH Enough of that. [Looking pitiful] What we’re up to is not human. 

    LADY MAC What beast was it then that made you share this with me? You lost your nerve

    when the time is perfect.

    MACBETH If we should fail?

    LADY MAC Fail? Us? Be courageous and we won’t. When Duncan is asleep, I’ll give his

    two officers with so much wine that they will forget everything. When they’re

    sleeping, what can’t we do to the unguarded Don Duncan? We’ll blame the

    drunken officers for our great murder.

    MACBETH Will they believe it?

    LADY MAC Who dares to take it otherwise as we shall grieve upon his death?

    MACBETH [Resolutely] I am settled. I am devoted to this terrible deed. Let’s go and be

    perfect hosts. We must conceal our hearts behind false faces.

    [They go]

    ACT 2

    Scene 1

    [ A few hours later, in a courtyard in Macbeth’s manor Banquo enters with his son Fleance,

    who is carrying torchlight]

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    BANQUO What time is it, my boy?

    FLEANCE [Looking at the sky] The moon is down. I have not heard the clock.

    BANQUO [Looking at Fleance] Where’s your watch, son? Anyway, the moon goes down

    at twelve.

    FLEANCE I think it’s later than that, father.

    BANQUO My eyes are heavy as lead, and yet I would not sleep. God, restrain in me the

    cursed thoughts that come to me in dreams. [He hears a noise and pulls a

    gun] Who’s there? 

    MACBETH A friend.

    BANQUO [Lowering his gun] What, sir, not yet at rest? The Don’s in bed. He sleeps like

    a child after a happy day in the playground.

    MACBETH Well, we were unprepared, but we did our best.

    BANQUO  All was well. Anyway, I dreamt of the three sexy… I mean, Weird Sisters last

    night. To you, they have showed some truth.

    MACBETH I think not of them, but if you have some time to spare, we must talk about

    their prophecies. Back me when the time comes, and you’ll do yourself some


    BANQUO Provided I can remain honourable in doing so, free from evil and loyal to the


    MACBETH Sleep tight.

    BANQUO Thanks sir, the like to you.

    [Banquo and Fleance leave]

    MACBETH [To his attendant] Tell your mistress to pound the alarm when my drink’s

    ready, then get to bed. [The attendant goes]

    [Macbeth sits deep in thought at a table, then he comes to, startled, but staring into space.]

    Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle towards my hand? [He

    snatches at the empty air] Nothing there, yet I see you still. Are you a creation

    of a sick brain, o dagger? You are pointing the way I meant to go and you are

    an instrument I am to use. I’m so obsessed with murder that I’m seeing things.

    [He makes up his mind] I mustn’t give myself away, just when the time is ripe

    to kill him.

    [An alarm goes off]

    [Resolutely] Now I go and it’s done. Hear the alarm not, Duncan, for it is a

    sound that summons you to heaven or to hell. [He goes to Duncan’s roomstealthily]

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    Scene 2

    [Lady Macbeth enters, carrying a glass]

    LADY MAC The wine which has made them drunk has made me bold. [Thinking of

    Macbeth] He’s doing it now. The drunken servants are snoring since I’ve

    drugged their drinks. [She pauses, as if thinking of old memories] If Duncan

    hadn’t resembled my father as he slept, I’d have killed him myself. 

    [Macbeth staggers in, his hands and arms bathed in blood and carrying a dagger]

    LADY MAC My husband!

    MACBETH [In a low voice] I have done the deed. Listen! [They are both silent] Who lies

    the second bedroom?

    LADY MAC Donalbain.

    MACBETH [Looking at his hands] This is a dreadful sight.

    LADY MAC [Scornfully] Stop being a drama queen!

    MACBETH [Disregarding her] Methought I heard a voice cried ‘Sleep no more! Ma cbeth

    has murdered sleep!’. I’ve murdered sleep meant to rejuvenate the body

    weary from the day’s work… 

    LADY MAC [Interrupting] What do you mean?

    MACBETH [Disregarding her] Still the voice cried ‘Sleep no more! Macbeth has murdered

    sleep, Macbeth shall sleep no more!’ 

    LADY MAC You’re so dramatic!  Go get some water and wash that filthy evidence from

    your hands. [Startled] And why did you bring the dagger with you? It must lie

    there, go carry it and smear the sleepy servants with blood.

    MACBETH [Horrified] I’ll go no more. I am afraid to think of what I’ve done. Look at it

    again I dare not.

    LADY MAC Coward! Give me the dagger. You fear sleeping people like you fear the devil.If he’s still bleeding, I’ll smear the servants’ faces with blood, so it will look as

    if they did it.

    [Lady Macbeth goes out. An owl suddenly hoots]

    MACBETH [Terrified] Where’s the damn owl? What’s happened to me, that every voice

    appals me? [Looking down at his hands] Whose hands are these? They pluck

    out mine eyes! [Groaning] Oh, will the ocean cleans my hands of this blood?

    No! More likely these hands will stain the vast green seas blood-red.

    [Lady Macbeth returns. Her hands are blood-red]

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    LADY MAC [Scornfully] My hands are of your red, but I don’t have a heart as white as

    yours. Let’s return to our bedroom. Put your nightgown on in case we’re called

    for. And don’t be so emo! 

    MACBETH Better to be emo than to face reality!

    Scene 3

    [Morning at Macbeth’s manor. Enter Macduff and Lennox]

    MACDUFF [To Lennox] I wonder if our Capo is up. [Macduff suddenly sees Macbeth from

    afar] Ah, speak of the devil. Here he comes.

    [Macbeth enters]

    LENNOX Good morning, noble sir!

    MACBETH Good morning to you both.

    MACDUFF Is the Don up, my lord?

    MACBETH He sleeps like a noble swine, which means not yet.

    MACDUFF Oh. Well, he ordered me to call him early. I have almost slipped the hour.

    MACBETH I’ll bring you to him. [They walk towards the Don’s bedroom] 

    MACDUFF Hosting the Don is an agreeable inconvenience to you, I know, but it’s aninconvenience more the less.

    MACBETH Tasks we like doing never seem irksome. [Pointing] This is the door. [Macduff

    goes in]

    LENNOX Is the Don leaving today?

    MACBETH He is. That was his plan.

    LENNOX The night has been unruly. Where we stayed our chimneys were blown down,

    and people said wailing was heard, strange screams of death. Some said

    there were earthquakes.

    MACBETH It was a rough night.

    LENNOX My young mind doesn’t recall one like it before. 

    [Macduff returns, wild-eyed]

    MACDUFF Oh horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart cannot conceive this abomination!



    What’s the matter ?

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    MACDUFF Havoc has reached perfection. God’s anointed Don has been robbed of his

    sacred life!

    MACBETH His life?

    LENNOX Mean you Don Duncan?

    MACDUFF Don’t bid me to speak. See and then speak yourselves. 

    [Macbeth and Lennox run off]

    Wake up, wake up! Pound the alarm! Murder and treason! Banquo, Donalbain,

    and Malcolm, wake up! Pound the alarm!

    [An alarm goes off. Lady Macbeth enters, all innocent]

    LADY MAC What’s the matter? Speak, speak! 

    MACDUFF Oh, gentle lady! No woman could survive the telling.

    [Banquo enters]

    Oh Banquo, Banquo! Our Don’s murdered! 

    LADY MAC No! What? In our house?

    BANQUO Dear Duff, contradict yourself and say it isn’t so! 

    [Macbeth and Lennox return]

    MACBETH Had I died an hour before this happened, I had lived a blessed life. From now

    on, there’s nothing left worth living for. 

    [Enter Malcolm and Donalbain, Duncan’s sons] 

    DONALBAIN What’s the trouble? 

    MACDUFF Yours. The fountain of your family has been stopped.

    MALCOLM No! By whom?

    LENNOX Those of his servants, as it seemed, had done it. Their faces and hands were

    bloody. So was a dagger, still unwiped. They stared around and looked

    demented. No man’s life was to be trusted with them. 

    MACBETH Oh how I wish now I hadn’t lost my self control and killed them. 

    MACDUFF Why then?

    MACBETH Can you be so calm when you see the lifeless body of your Godfather? My

    love for our great Don overwhelmed my reason.

    LADY MAC Help me, please! [Pretending to faint]

    MACDUFF Look after the lady.

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    MALCOLM [To Donalbain] Why do we hold our tongues, when it’s our business more

    than anyone?

    DONALBAIN [Replying to Malcolm] What should we say when our own lives are in danger?

    Let’s go. Our tears are not ready to come yet. 

    MALCOLM Nor is our deep sorrow fully felt.

    BANQUO [To servants] Take care of the lady. [To the others] Let’s go away, get dressed,

    and meet to discuss this murder. By God, I’m ready to fight against any

    treasonous malice.

    MACDUFF And so do I.

     ALL So all.

    MACBETH Let’s quickly dress, and meet in the hall. 

    [They all go except for Malcolm and Donalbain]

    MALCOLM What will you do? Let’s not consort with them. It’s easy for a hypocrite to show

    a sorrow he doesn’t feel. I’ll to France.

    DONALBAIN To Germany, I. Our separation will keep us both safer. Here, smilers keep

    guns beneath their coats.

    [They go]

    Scene 4

    [Next morning, outside Macbeth’s manor . Enter Ross and an old man]

    OLD MAN In all my seventy years, I’ve seen some dreadful times and things strange, but

    compared to this awful night, they’re insignificant. 

    ROSS Ah good father. The heavens are showing their displeasure at mankind’s

    behaviour. It’s daytime now, but it’s dark like a night. 

    OLD MAN It’s unnatural, just like the recent murder. Last Tuesday, a falcon was attacked

    and killed by an owl.

    ROSS  And Duncan’s beautiful horses suddenly went wild as if they would make was

    with mankind. They even ate each other.

    [Macduff enters]

     Ah, here comes the good Macduff. How goes the world, sir, now?

    MACDUFF Why, see you not?

    ROSS Does anyone know who did this bloody murder?

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    MACDUFF [Cautiously] The men Macbeth killed.

    ROSS Alas, what did they hope to gain?

    MACDUFF They were hired. Malcolm and Donalbain, the Don’s two sons, have fled the

    country. They’re suspected. 

    ROSS Careless ambition destroys itself. Then most likely Macbeth will become Don?

    MACDUFF He’s already chosen and is at Scone for the initiation ceremony.

    ROSS Where’s Duncan’s body? 

    MACDUFF Taken to Palermo, the family’s tomb. 

    ROSS Are you going to Latina?

    MACDUFF No, cousin. I’m going home to Genoa.

    ROSS Well, Latina for me.

    MACDUFF May you see things well done there, but things may have changed for the

    worse. Addio.

    ROSS [To the old man] Farewell, father.

    OLD MAN God’s blessings go with you, and with those that would make good of bad and

    friends of foe.

    [They go to their separate ways]

    ACT 3

    Scene 1

    [At Macbeth’s manor. Banquo speaks by himself] 

    BANQUO You own it all now, Macbeth... Godfather. Florence. Pisa. I fear this, Macbeth.

    You dirtied your hand yet it was promised they stay not with you. As I, I...

    should be the father of many Godfathers. Will my fortune ever come as well?

    [Macbeth enters with Lady Macbeth]

    MACBETH Ahh... Here be our dearest friend.

    LADY MAC Yes... How the feast shall be nothing without him.

    MACBETH It’s a shame you won’t be there. Are you going to leave this afternoon?

    BANQUO Yes Padrino. It would have taken the whole afternoon up to the night to reach.

    MACBETH Hmm. We hear our bloody cousins in France and Germany invent stories tothe people. Not admitting their cruel murder of their own kin. Well, I am dying

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    KILLERS [Bowing] We shall perform what you command us.

    MACBETH Your spirit shines through you! The right moment is tonight. Leave no trace.

    No marks. No witnesses. Not even his son, Fleance. And when you’re

    finished, I’ll come to you. 

    KILLERS We are resolved, my Padrino.

    MACBETH Be on your way.

    Scene 2 

    [A room in Macbeth’s manor. Lady Macbeth is with her attendant and servant]

    LADY MAC [To the attendant] Is Banquo gone from the manor?

     ATTENDANT Yes, my Lady.

    LADY MAC [To the servant] Tell your Padrino that I wish for his presence, for a few words.

    Now both go.

    SERVANT Yes, my Lady.

    [Attendant and servant exit]

    LADY MAC We have it already. All what desired of is here now. Never had I imagine it

    leads to such great worry. It would have been better to be destroyed than to

    dwell in this fearful joy by destruction.

    [Macbeth enters with a glum face]

    LADY MAC My husband? What is it? Are you having thoughts of what is done? It is gone

    my dear? Let it die. Things that cannot be healed should be forgotten.

    MACBETH Our deed will haunt us my dear. It will never leave. We will live in fear.

    Duncan rests in peace by his grave while we fret in this worry.

    LADY MAC Calm down sweetheart. Be happy and jovial among your guests tonight.

    MACBETH Perhaps I will. I suggest you do the same though... while remembering that

    Banquo will one day take all of this away from us. Wear your poker face while

    you’re at it, dear. 

    LADY MAC [Sighs] Enough of this dear!

    MACBETH Bah! My head have been filled with rash thoughts these days!

    LADY MAC Don’t forget to use your shampoo! 

    MACBETH [Looks at Lady Macbeth, annoyed] What? It’s not my hair that I’m talking

    about; it’s those accursed Banquo and his son Fleance! 

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    LADY MAC They’re not immortals honey. They’ll eventually be gone one day.

    MACBETH That’s correct. Before supper is served, before the blankets cover us tonight,

    we will sing and dance with joy!

    LADY MAC Really? Why is that?

    MACBETH Well you see, when Banquo and Fleance goes into the back alley as they

    search for the bike, I’ve sent some… [Lady Macbeth yawns at some point in

    this line]

    MACBETH [Pissed] Just be blissful in this matter, baby. It’ll hurt your brain if you think too


    Scene 3 

    [In the back alley. Two killers are playing poker when another killer enters and joins them]

    KILLER 1 Who are you?

    KILLER 3 Me? Oh ha-ha. A salesman. Duh, I’m a killer.

    KILLER 2 What?! I thought Macbeth only sent two of us?

    KILLER 3 Macbeth told me to make sure that you guys get the job done!

    KILLER 1 Pfft! Nonsense. See these hands? See the muscles on this guy over here?

    You sit down and watch carefully when we crack the bones off of thoseBanquo and that... other guy, his son I think.

    KILLER 2 It’s good that you’re here though! Keep watch! When they arrive call us. We

    want to have another round in this. [Continue playing poker]

    KILLER 3 [Suddenly] Did you hear that?

    KILLER 1 & 2 What? [Both stand up in shock]

    KILLER 3 [Laughs]

    [Killer 1 and 2 look to each other with infuriated faces and then beat Killer 3. Suddenly

    Banquo and Fleance enter. All killers are shocked and quickly hide]

    BANQUO It’s quite dark now son! Switch on the torchlight! 

    KILLER 1 Hey I think that’s the guy! Damn I was winning the poker! 

    KILLER 2 Shut up! Turn around! Go behind the dumpster!

    [All killers go behind the bushes. Killer 3 continues to watch]

    KILLER 3 Hey, here he comes! Here he comes!

    BANQUO I think it’s going to rain tonight! 

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    [The killers come out. One of them looks at Fleance]

    KILLER 1 Hello people! We’ve come to… 

    BANQUO Fleance! Run! They’re pedophiles!

    [All run, but THE killers manage to outpace them. A fight ensues. Suddenly, two of the killers

    grab Banquo]

    Damn it! Son, RUN! SAVE YOUR VIRGINITY! Avenge me!

    [Killer 3 stabs Banquo but Fleance gets away]

    KILLER 2 [Shouts to Fleance] Hey! We’re killers not rapists okay?!

    KILLER 3 You, you, you butterfingers! You let him get away!

    KILLER 1 Well, we got the old guy out. That’s better than nothing. 

    KILLER 2 Well, let’s report this. 

    Scene 4

    [A feast at the manor. Full table in the middle of the stage and chairs. Macbeth, Lady

    Macbeth, Ross, Lennox, followers, and attendants enter]

    MACBETH Have a seat. I welcome you to the feast!

    MAFIOSO Thank you Padrino.

    MACBETH [To Lady Macbeth] I’ll mingle with the guests now. Okay, honey? 

    LADY MAC Of course darling. Let them know how welcome they are to my heart.

    MACBETH Yes, yes, sure. [Approaches the killers who have just entered the stage] What

    are you doing? [Points to the kiler’s face] Euwww! What’s that? 

    KILLER 1 Banquo’s blood. (Wipes face)

    MACBETH Well, better on your face than his insides. Is it done?

    KILLER 2 Dead as a roasted pig my lord.

    MACBETH So he’s dead then? 

    KILLER 2 Duh, what do you expect? It’s a yes, boss.

    MACBETH Good, good. Along with Fleance?

    KILLER 1 [Reluctantly] Well, that little git escaped.

    MACBETH Fff….fettuccine!  Shit….take mushrooms! Arrgh! My head hurts! But you got

    rid of Banquo right?

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    KILLER 1 Yes Padrino. Thrown into the sewage tank. It is not advisable to drink water

    from the tap tomorrow.

    MACBETH Ah... the old snake is dead, that leaves the little one. He’s harmless. Go, I’ll

    meet you afterwards.

    [Killer 1 leaves]

    LADY MAC My sweet honey ice tea, you are ignoring your guests! We need a toast here!

    MACBETH Yes, my dear love, [Sarcastic] very gently reminded. Dearest family! A toast to

    our appetites and good digestion! Cheers! [Drink]

    LENNOX Please have a seat Padrino!

    [A black out happens. Ghost of Banquo appears]

    MACBETH [Sarcastically] Of course somebody had to forget paying the electricity bills.[Sighs and then ironically speaks] Dear Banquo… how our feast would have

    been better if he is around. It is better if he does it on purpose rather than


    LENNOX What a shame. Please my Padrino, your seat!

    MACBETH Well... I would have if there are any seats left.

    LENNOX Here’s one your majesty if you can see it!

    MACBETH Where? [Suddenly sees the Ghost of Banquo and yells ‘BANQQQQQQ…!!!’] 

    [Electricity turns on and Banquo disappears. Everyone is surprised by the sudden scream]

    LENNOX This is quite annoying [referring to the light]. ‘Bank’, Padrino? 

    MACBETH [Exasperating] BANK! I mean BANK!!! I forgot to withdraw from the bank to

    pay the bills this morning. [Breathless] Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!

    LADY MAC [Stands up and goes to Macbeth] Dearest guests, please be calm, our

    Padrino has this disease of shock when he suddenly remembers to do

    something that he forgot! [Whispers to Macbeth] Are you freaking mad?

    MACBETH Honey! B… b… banquo! He’s here! He’s, he’s... [Another blackout and

    Banquo reappears] THERE!!! GHOOO!! GHHOOOSS!!! GHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    [Lights again and Banquo disappear] GAS TANK!!!

    LADY MAC [Mad] Husband, control yourself! Are you out your mind?

    MACBETH Death! Death has been in war each and every time again! Death occurs! But

    never have this happened! What is this?

    LADY MAC Dear, your noble friends are looking at you!

    MACBETH [Quickly recovers] Ah! Yes! My friends please, please do forgive me... I havethis... astigmatism. People who know me are definitely used to this condition.

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    [Another blackout, and Banquo appears again] AAAARGH! Damn apparition!

    It’s not my fault! It’s not by my hands that sealed your fate and ties your

    bonds! Be gone! Go away! [Banquo’s ghost leaves] Oh... It worked. 

    LADY MAC Husband! You spoiled the feast with this… this… behaviour! 

    MACBETH You... you’re saying that you didn’t see that? Truly? 

    ROSS See… what… Padrino? 

    LADY MAC Please, please don’t question him; he usually gets worse when you do. Thank

    you for coming, please, be on your way.

    LENNOX As requested my Lady, good night Padrino.

    [Mafioso leave]

    MACBETH Blood, crows, magpies, what time is it?

    LADY MAC Almost dawn sweetheart.

    MACBETH Macduff... he didn’t come to the feast did he? 

    LADY MAC No, he didn’t, did you invite him? 

    MACBETH [Looking outside emotionlessly] I heard rumours about him. I’ll summon him

    alright. I must go to the witches again. I must see my endeavour.

    ACT 4

    Scene 1

    [A deserted hut during a thunderous night. In the centre, there is a boiling cauldron. The

    three witches enter]

    WITCH 1 The striped cat has meowed three times.

    WITCH 2 The hedgehog has whined three times plus one.

    WITCH 3 My demon cries ‘it’s time! It’s time!’ 

    WITCHES [Chanting]

     All around the pot let’s go. 

    In it poison guts we throw.

     And boil a toad that’s thirty-one and night beneath cold stone.

    Slept while poison sweat ooze out.

    Let’s boil them first in the charmed pot.

    [All witches circle the pot and chant]

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      Double, double toil and trouble,

    Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

    Double, double boi… 

    WITCH 1 [Suddenly] Stop, stooooop! This is boring! Why chant when we can do

    something else?

    WITCH 2 So?

    WITCH 3 I know what we should do.

    [All witches start to dance to a funky pop song]

    WITCH 1 Stop! Something wicked this way comes. Open locks, whoever knocks!

    [Macbeth enters]

    MACBETH Well now, what are you old hags doing?

    WITCHES A deed without a name.

    MACBETH I call upon you to answer me.

    WITCH 1 Speak.

    WITCH 2 Demand

    WITCH 3 We’ll answer. 

    WITCH 1 Tell us whether you would hear it from our lips or our master’s masters. 

    MACBETH Call them. Let me see them.

    WITCHES [Chanting]

    Pour in blood of sow that ate of her nine piglets.

     Add the sweated grease from a killer’s gallows. 

    Feed the flame.

    Come spirits high and low.

    [Hawaiian music plays and then an apparition (App 1) appears with and looks at Macbeth]

     APP 1 Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff, beware the Caporegime of

    Genoa. Dismiss me. Enough.

    MACBETH You have confirmed my fear. I have a question… 

    WITCH 1 [Interrupting] He will not be commanded. Here’s another, more powerful than

    the first.

    [Beyoncé’s Crazy in Love plays. The second apparition (App 2) appears]

     APP 2 Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Be bloody, bold, and determined. Laugh to

    scorn the power of man, for no one born of woman shall harm Macbeth.

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    MACBETH Then live Macduff. Why should I fear you? But I’ll safeguard my fate. You

    shall not live Macduff.

     APP 2 Be lion-hearted, and don’t worry about who is irritated  or discontented of

    where the plotters are. Macbeth shall never be defeated until the Forest of

    Central Park comes against him at Capitoline Hill.

    MACBETH Ridiculous! Who can order the trees to pull their roots from the ground and

    march? Sweet predictions! Yet my heart years to know one thing: shall

    Banquo’s children be the masters of this territory? 

    WITCH 2 Seek to know no more.

    MACBETH I demand to be satisfied. Deny me this and may an eternal curse fall on you!

    WITCH 2 Show his eyes and grieve his heart.

    WITCH 3 Come like shadows and then depart!

    [Macbeth screams as Banquo’s ghost appears from the back and covers Macbeth’s eyes.

    Macbeth starts to see visions]

    MACBETH Let me go! [Over-dramatically scared] OH MY GOD! Banquo’s son… the title!

     And who is this who looks like him? And another one? No! No! All

    descendents of Banquo are Godfathers?! [Finally Banquo lets go of Macbeth

    and disappears. Macbeth regains his strengths] Wait? Is this so?

    WITCHES Speak no more, seek no more.

    [The witches vanish]

    MACBETH Where are they? [Calls to someone outside] Lennox, come!

    LENNOX Yes, Padrino?

    MACBETH Did you see the Weird Sisters?

    LENNOX No, my Padrino. Padrino, I have a news for you. It seems that Macduff has

    fled to France.

    MACBETH France you say? [Smirks and says to himself] The time’s ripe to get rid ofMacduff’s family. Let’s go. 

    [They go]

    Scene 2

    [Macduff’s mansion at Genoa. Lady Macduff (Lady Duff) and Ross enter]

    LADY DUFF What had he done to make him fly the land?

    ROSS Be patient, cousin.

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    LADY DUFF Patience? He is a coward, running away from his fear!

    ROSS You know not whether it stems from his fear or his wisdom.

    LADY DUFF Wisdom? Leaving his wife and children?

    ROSS My dearest coz, please control yourself. Your husband is noble and wise. I

    dare not to speak much further. I bid you farewell. Blessings upon you.

    [Ross leaves and Lady Macduff sighs. As she turns around and about to leave the stage, a

    murderer appears]

    LADY DUFF By God, who are you?

    MURDERER Where is your husband?

    LADY DUFF Only heaven knows where he is.

    MURDERER Then I see no reason for this conversation to continue. [Pulls out the gun]

    [Lady Macduff suddenly hears her children scream]

    LADY DUFF [Screams loudly] My children! Murderers! Help!

    [Lady Macduff and the murderer run out of the stage]

    Scene 3

    [In front of the HQ of the National French Milieu in Paris. Malcolm and Macduff enter]

    MALCOLM Macduff, I’m afraid I cannot take the title of Godfather. I lack many qualities of

    a good boss.

    MACDUFF If it is so boss, I have to leave serving Italy with grief for Italy without you is

    meaningless to me.

    MALCOLM Macduff, what I said just now was a lie. You are loyal to me and Italy. I have

    no experience with women and war. Lead me to the right path, Macduff.

    MACDUFF I will do so, boss. I will honour the trust you’ve given. 

    [Ross enters]

    Look who’s coming! My noble cousin! Welcome! Is Italy still as it was?

    ROSS Alas, poor territory. It cannot be called our mother, but our grave, where no

    one but those who know nothing ever smile.

    MALCOLM What’s the latest grief?

    ROSS A report an hour old is considered stale news. Each minute gives birth to a

    new one.

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    MACDUFF How’s my wife and children? 

    ROSS [Reluctantly] Why well… 

    MACDUFF The enemies have not attacked their peace?

    ROSS [Shakes his head] There was a rumour that many men had taken up arms. I

    believe this is true for I saw the rival forces on the march. [To Malcolm] If you

    appeared in Italy, Mafiosi would spring up. Our men would fight to get rid of

    their terrible misfortunes.

    MALCOLM Let them be comforted. We are coming there. The Boss of the French Milieu

    has lent us ten thousand men. There is not a more experienced gang

    member in Europe.

    ROSS I wish I could respond with similar comfort, but I have words I dare not say.

    MACDUFF To whom do these words concern? To all or to one?

    ROSS The main burden is yours alone.

    MACDUFF If it’s mine, don’t keep it. Pray tell. 

    ROSS Your mansion was stormed, your wife, children, servants, men and women all

    savagely shot.

    MALCOLM Merciful heaven! [To Macduff] Dear Duf f, don’t hide behind your hat. Express

    your sorrow. Silent grief whispers to the overburdened heart and breaks it. Be

    comforted. Let’s make our great revenge the medicine that cures this terriblegrief.

    MACDUFF Oh, I could weep like a woman and rage like a braggart. But, gentle heavens,

    cut short all delay! Bring me and this Italian fiend face to face. Set him within

    the reach of my gun. If he escapes then, may Heaven forgive him.

    ROSS Spoken like a man. Come and fight. Our fighters are ready.

    [They go]

    ACT 5

    Scene 1

    [A doctor and a gentlewoman (G’woman) stand in a room in Macbeth’s manor]  

    DOCTOR I have two nights watched with you but still could not believe what you have

    reported. When was the last time she walked?

    G’WOMAN  Since his Padrino went to field, I have seen her rise from her bed, put on her

    nightgown, unlock her closet, take out some paper, fold it, write on it, read it,

    seal it up, and then return to bed, remaining asleep the entire time.

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    DOCTOR It’s unnatural to be asleep and act as if you’re awake. When she is like this,

    besides walking and doing various activities, have you heard her say


    G’WOMAN  She says something, sir, but I fear I will not repeat it to you.

    DOCTOR You really should, as why should you not?

    [Suddenly Lady Macbeth enters, holding a candle]

    G’WOMAN  Oh look. Here she comes. Hide sir, hide!

    [The Doctor and the gentlewoman hide]

    DOCTOR She looks strange. You see, her eyes are open!

    G’WOMAN  Yes, they are open as they seem, but their sense are shut.

    LADY MAC [Rubbing her hands. in between lines she cackled, like a psycho]

    Oh, there’s still a spot here. [the Doctor writes what he sees] Come out,

    damned spot! Out, I command you! One, two. OK, it’s time to do it now. Hell is

    murky – nonsense, my lord, nonsense! You are a Godfather, and yet you are

    afraid? Why should we be scared, when no one can lay the guilt upon us?—

    But who would have thought the old man would have had so much blood in


    [The Doctor looks shocked but the Gentlewoman looks at Lady Macbeth with sympathy]

    Will my hands never be clean?  – No more of that, my lord, no more of that.You’ll ruin everything by acting startled like this. [Caressing her hand] I still

    have the smell of blood on my hand. Oh, all my Chanel and Ralph Lauren’s

    perfumes will not sweeten this little hand… [Wails] 

    DOCTOR [In realisation of the truth] Oh God, all the weight she is carrying.

    LADY MAC Wash your hands. Put on your nightgown. Don’t look so frightened. I tell you

    again, Banquo is buried. He cannot come out of his grave. [she walks around

    again, mindlessly]  To bed, to bed! What’s done cannot be undone. To bed, to

    bed, to bed!

    [Lady Macbeth exits]

    DOCTOR She has bewildered my mind and amazed my eyes. I have an opinion, but I

    don’t dare to say it out loud. People with guilty and deranged minds will

    confess their secrets to their pillows as they sleep. This woman needs a priest

    more than a doctor. God forgive us all!

    [They go]

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    Scene 2

    [A room in Macbeth’s manor. Macbeth stands in the middle of the room moving here and

    about. Then the doctor is standing beside him]

    MACBETH Don’t bring me any more reports. I don’t care if all the Mafioso desert me.

    Until the Forest of Central Park comes to the Capitoline, I cannot be tainted

    with fear. What’s the boy Malcolm? Wasn’t he not born from a woman? 

    [A servant enters]

    SERVANT Padrino, there are mobs outside!

    MACBETH [Says dejectedly to the servant] Give me my jacket! This battle will either

    secure my reign forever or topple me from my throne. My life has no honor,

    love, obedience, and loyal friend, only fake hopes exist. [He instructs an

    attendant loudly] Send out more people and guard the grounds! [To the

    doctor] how is my wife, doctor?

    DOCTOR She is troubled, delusional even, seeing fancies that keep her from her rest.

    MACBETH Can’t you erase the written tr oubles of the brain, and with an antidote,

    cleanse the dirt smeared on the heart? [Macbeth wears the jacket that the

    servant gives to him]

    DOCTOR This illness my Don, cannot be cured by anyone other than the patient herself.

    MACBETH [Looks at the Doctor with hate and spite] You…  are…  a garbage! Now get


    [Everone leaves. Macbeth looks down and buries his face beneath his palms. Suddenly a

    scream is heard. An attendant comes running to him]

     ATTENDANT My… my Padrino. Her Lady… Her Lady is… dead. 

    MACBETH [Emotionless] Go. Leave me.

    [The attendant leaves]

    She would have died later anyway. That news was bound to come someday.

    [Stuts along the stage]

    To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

    To the last syllable of recorded time;

     And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

    The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

    Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

     And then is heard no more. It is a tale

    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

    Signifying nothing.

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    [A servant enters]

    SERVANT Padrino, I have terrible news.

    MACBETH Proceed.

    SERVANT As I was standing watch in the south wing, I looked towards Central Park, and

    I swear I saw the forest moving. Three miles from here you can see a moving


    MACBETH Blasted! Why should I play the Roman fool and die by my own gun? As long

    as I see enemies of mine alive, I would rather see my gun wound them than


    [They go]

    Scene 3

    [Malcolm, Macduff, and Young Siward (YS) entering the battlefield near Macbeth’s manor] 

    MALCOLM Now near enough. [To Macduff] Splendid idea, Macduff, to conceal the size of

    our army using the trees! [To Young Siward] You worthy cousin, lead our first

    battle. Worthy Macduff and I shall take upon’s what else remain to do so.

    YS Fare you well. Do we but find the tyrant’s power tonight, let us be beaten if we

    cannot fight.

    MACDUFF [Passionately and loudly] Make all our trumpets speak; give them all breath,

    those clamorous harbingers of blood and death!


    [All of them run into the battle field!]

    Scene 4

    [Another part of the battlefield. Enter Macbeth]

    MACBETH I cannot fly. What kind of man is he who wasn’t born of woman. I have no one

    to fear.

    [Young Siward enters]

    YS Macbeth I presumed?

    [Macbeth turns around]

    The devil himself could not pronounce a title more hateful to mine ear.

    MACBETH No, nor more fearful.

    YS I’ll prove you’re a mere mortal! 

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    [They fight. Young Siward is killed]

    MACBETH You were born of woman!

    [Macduff enters]

    MACDUFF Turn, hell-hound, turn!

    MACBETH Of all men I have avoided you. Get back. My soul is too stained with the blood

    of yours already.

    MACDUFF I have no words for my actions will say them better!

    [Macduff and Macbeth fight]

    MACBETH You’re wasting your time tr ying to wound me. You might as well try to punch

    the air with your fist. Go fight someone who can be harmed. I lead a charmed

    life, which can’t be ended by anyone born from a woman. 

    MACDUFF Despair your charm. The evil spirit you serve can tell you that I was not born.

    They ripped me out of my mother’s womb before she could bear me naturally.  

    MACBETH Curse you for telling me this! My hopes were raised yet now, nothing remains.

    MACDUFF Then surrender, you coward!

    MACBETH I’m not going to surrender and have to kiss the ground in front of Malcolm, or

    be taunted by the common people. Come on, let’s go at it while both of us are

    breathing Macduff. Damn the first man who cries, 'Stop! Enough!’ 

    [The fight continues and Macbeth finally dies]

    Scene 5

    [Malcolm, Ross, and many other Mafioso and French Milieu gather at a compound]

    MALCOLM I wish all of our friends could have survived this battle.

    ROSS Some of them must die, but from these I see, a day as great as this is cheaply


    MALCOLM We shall honour those who die in the name of the truth and justice.

    [Macduff enters]

     Ah Macduff! What news do you bring?

    MACDUFF [Kneels and points to his arms] Look, here I have the blood of the cursed

    Macbeth, now dead.

    MALCOLM Oh such great news!

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    MACDUFF We are free from his tyranny. I see that you have the family’s Mafioso around

    you, and they’re thinking the same thing as me. I want them to join me in this

    loud cheer, Hail, the Godfather! Hail, the Godfather!

     ALL Hail, the Godfather! Hail, the Godfather!
