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  • 1. Stranger Written by Evelyne Raad and Omar El HazekScene 1 Ext. Nightclub. Night JAMES walks into club.

2. Scene 2 Ext. Nightclub. Morning JAMES stumbles out of the club, onto the empty streets of Kensington. The streets are relatively empty, with some fellow party-goers and he starts making his way towards the park. On his way, he comes across other people who shout at him for bumping into them in his drunken state and all he can do is shout back and say sorry, yet he repeats his actions seconds later to the next person coming his way on the street. Man Hey man watch where youre going prick! Ahh sorry man sorry!JamesHe then mutters under his voice James Im not actually sorry at all. Him walking across through this street is a pan shot, from the other side of the street. He falls straight into another person walking the other way on the street. Man What the fuck are you doing fool? James yeah go suck on a hard oneScene 3 Ext. Park. Morning After wandering around in the streets, JAMES ends up in front of a park and starts walking in, looking at his phone. He approaches a pond and he sees his reflection. For some of this scene, it is a shot from in front of him, walking 3. towards the camera, and also a shot from behind him walking through the park, also the odd pan shot. When he approaches the pond, he bends down to look at himself and he gets out his phone to take a picture and drops it straight into the pond, and he screams some vulgar stuff. Throughout this scene, the only sound you hear is the wind and the trees blowing, and his footsteps.Scene 4 Ext. Pond Area. Night The start of this scene is still him being distressed from dropping his phone in the pond, and he gets back up and turns around, and it all seems like life is going bad, and he gets an eyeline shot of the kebab store and it seems all glowy and shit and life gets better. He starts walking, quicker than usual, towards the kebab shop and he doesn't even look to his left or right when he crosses the street, he just strolls on and and he has to quickly dodge an oncoming car as it grinds to a halt right by him. He walks up to it and suddenly assumes that it is a taxi, and gets in the back and they take off.Scene 5 Ext. Road. MorningStranger Hey sorry about nearly running you over here take some water. James No worries mate, cheers. (water tastes strange, James makes a weird face when drinking)Stranger More importantly have you had a good night? 4. James It was alright but going out is never that fun anymore and I just dropped my fucking phone in the pond but luckily I nearly got hit by you and you turn out to be a cab Stranger Thats unfortunate, which club did you go to? James yeah, I went to The Box, was pretty messed up actually, one of the reasons I left pretty fast Stranger why? what sort of stuff did they do? James one of the performers made a guy in the audience drink his own piss! I just want to wake up tomorrow morning and hope this is all a dream Stranger where do you live?James I don't live in this area, wish I knew where i was actually going, the address was on my phone but i remember it being near Ladbroke grove. Stranger oh ok, your first time in London? 5. James No I live here actually, Im going to stay at a friends house though, a new friend Stranger oh girlfriend? James I wouldnt say girlfriend ha ha (pause) shes a lovely girl though only met her a few weeks ago Stranger oh I understand, how did you meet? James It was quite a funny story actually, I was helping out my mate who was working for the company who designs dentists chairs, because I work in design for furniture, and this was about 2 months ago, she worked in the room next to me, and on my first day I noticed her skirt was tucked into her underwear and everyone could see her arse, and I went up to her and told her I could see her bum. She turned around and looked at me and said are you trying to chat me up, where I work? and I said no really, I can see your bum and she looked down and went bright red and then we got talking. Stranger ha ha oh thats funny man, are you a student at university? James yeah Im at London Met, its not good at all. Ext. Pond Area. Night 6. The driver suddenly stops the car in an unknown area and locks the car. close up of car locking, and match of action of The stranger locking the car and then doors locking. James Why did u stop here? Stranger ha ha dont worry, everything is going to be okay. James umm... okay? Stranger Have you ever been to the zoo? James I uh I think I went when I was younger but why are you asking? Stranger I have always wanted to do something wild and crazy ha ha. James well...well... how does that involve me?Stranger we could streak at the Olympics in London this year, Usain? James 7. I totally want to do that (scared of the stranger)Stranger We could get my pick up truck, open the sun roof and set fireworks out of our car at people and houses. James okay whatever you want.They drive up to a posh affluent area here the driver stops in a square. This changes to a shot from behind the taxi where you can see the taxi on the by the side walk and the house on the right. You see one person get out and everybody expects it to be James being dropped off and he gets out. And he walks out of the shot towards the house. But then the second person exits and you realize that hes actually been kidnapped and they both enter the house.Scene 6 Taxi Scene still. Morning (A couple of hours laternext morning) He then wakes a couple of hours later, with a Point of View shot of him sitting up, with a headache and not remembering what happened, and he sees a very organised, pristine room from an establishing shot with strange objects in, over the mantelpieces and frames on the wall and obscure things in the corner. There is a list next to his bed and you see the list from a point of view shot, looking from the side. He starts reading the list with different ideas and plans for two people to do, as he is half way down and the ideas are getting more inappropriate and illegal, his eyes widen and then his name is called by a man from another room. The man walks into the room and all you see is a tray with a breakfast on it. You dont see the mans face which will add affect to the whole idea that James doesnt know where he is or whos house it is. Stranger 8. Im actually not a driver and I don't need to do it, in fact I do for fun and to meet new people and make friends. I am very sorry for drugging you the other day and I hope this wont affect our friendship. Maybe when you leave today we could still keep in touch.