Scoville Print and Play Version 3 EdPMarriott 090913

© 2013 Ed Marriott 1 A Pepper Breeding Game by Ed Marriott (Twitter: @EdPMarriott) Print & Play Version 3.0 Rules Updated 9-9-13 to Version 0.8 ©2013 Ed Marriott Ages 10+ 2-6 Players 40-120 Minutes THE STORY OF SCOVILLE: Wilbur Scoville was born on January 22 nd , 1865. The world would never be the same. In 1912 Scoville developed the Scoville Organoleptic Test (SOT), which was used to measure the “hotness” of peppers. Scoville’s test is still used to measure the capsaicin in a pepper, expressed as Scoville Heat Units. Ever since, people have tried to breed hotter peppers. The town of Scoville was founded in his honor as a home for those who believe that the hottest peppers are the best peppers. They’ve hired you to meet their need for heat! Your role as an employee of Scoville is to cross-breed peppers to create the hottest new breeds. You’ll have to manage the auctioning, planting, and harvesting of peppers, and then you’ll be able to help the town by fulfilling their orders and creating new pepper breeds. Help make the town of Scoville a booming success! Let’s get planting! INSPIRATION: I created this game with the idea of starting with basic resources (primary colors), using them to create better resources (secondary colors), and then using those to get even better resources. In Scoville players work toward better and better resources, so they can fulfill the hottest recipes!



Transcript of Scoville Print and Play Version 3 EdPMarriott 090913

  • 2013 Ed Marriott 1

    A Pepper Breeding Game by Ed Marriott (Twitter: @EdPMarriott)

    Print & Play Version 3.0

    Rules Updated 9-9-13 to Version 0.8 2013 Ed Marriott

    Ages 10+ 2-6 Players 40-120 Minutes

    THE STORY OF SCOVILLE: Wilbur Scoville was born on January 22nd, 1865. The world would never be the same. In 1912 Scoville

    developed the Scoville Organoleptic Test (SOT), which was used to measure the hotness of

    peppers. Scovilles test is still used to measure the capsaicin in a pepper, expressed as Scoville Heat

    Units. Ever since, people have tried to breed hotter peppers.

    The town of Scoville was founded in his honor as a home for those who believe that the hottest

    peppers are the best peppers. Theyve hired you to meet their need for heat! Your role as an

    employee of Scoville is to cross-breed peppers to create the hottest new breeds. Youll have to

    manage the auctioning, planting, and harvesting of peppers, and then youll be able to help the town

    by fulfilling their orders and creating new pepper breeds. Help make the town of Scoville a booming

    success! Lets get planting!

    INSPIRATION: I created this game with the idea of starting with basic resources (primary colors), using them to

    create better resources (secondary colors), and then using those to get even better resources. In

    Scoville players work toward better and better resources, so they can fulfill the hottest recipes!

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    2. 100+ cubes in 10 colors

    3. 6 player shields

    4. 6 player pawns

    5. Coins

    6. 30 Recipe Tiles

    7. 12 Bonus Point Tiles

    8. Stage 1 and Stage 2 Auction Cards (Note: Tiles are

    used for the PnP with an auction track)

    9. 18 Bonus Ability Tiles (6 each of three types)

    10. 48 Order Tiles (24 Stage 1, 24 Stage 2)

    11. Turn Order Track

    12. Cross-Breeding Charts

    13. Guide sheets

    SETUP: Here is a typical setup for four players:

    These following setup steps are labeled in Green in the setup image above:

    A. Give each player a red, yellow, and blue cube, a player shield, one of each bonus ability tile (3 total tiles), and $10

    B. Take a red, yellow, and blue cube into your hand. Randomly choose two of them and place them on the Start Cube

    locations on the fields. Return the other cube to the supply.

    C. / D. Choose the following number of recipes (C) and orders (D) based on the number of players:

    Players: 2 3 4 5 6

    Recipes: 8 12 16 20 24

    Orders: 7 9 11 13 15

    E. Place the cubes into sorted piles on the table.

    F. Randomly draw a number of Stage 1 Auction Tiles equal to the number of players. Place them on the Current

    Auction spots on the auction track. Also fill the Future Auction spot. These will be available at the next auction.

    G. Determine the initial player order by randomly placing a cube of each players color on the Turn Order Track.

    H. Place the bonus point tiles next to the board, sorting them by color and placing them in order with the highest

    values on top. NOTE: for 2 or 3 player games, remove the highest scoring bonus point tile of each category.

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    Each game of Scoville consists of a variable number of rounds, each consisting of these four phases:

    1) Auction (Set Turn Order) 2) Plant 3) Harvest 4) Fulfill

    Auction: There is no auction on the first round of the game. Player order was randomly chosen during the

    setup phase and that order will be used during the first round.

    In all other rounds players will be bidding for turn order. Before the auction, slide the cubes on the

    turn order track off of the turn order circles while preserving the turn order from the previous round.

    During the auction phase each player will select any amount of money (including zero) and hold it in

    their hand. All players will reveal their bids simultaneously. The player who bids the most will choose

    their spot in the turn order. (i.e., they could choose to go last during that round this would allow

    them to harvest first). The next highest bidder chooses their spot in the turn order. In the event that

    several players who did not bid zero tie, the player who went first the previous round will choose their

    spot first. In the event that all players bid zero, the turn order is left unchanged.

    Then, in TURN ORDER, the players will choose which pepper auction tile they wish to receive from

    the current auction tiles. The player takes the cube(s) shown on the tile and discards the tile. After the

    auction is complete, slide the future auction tiles to the current auction spots and draw new auction

    tiles from the deck for the future auction locations for the current stage of the game. In the rare event

    that all of the auction cards are used up, the discarded cards should be shuffled and the deck should

    be placed face down so that it can be drawn from.

    Plant: During the planting phase all players in TURN ORDER MUST plant one

    pepper. Peppers must be planted orthogonally to existing peppers. A

    player MAY plant one extra pepper if they use their bonus ability tile. (see

    Bonus Ability Tiles these are different from the bonus point tiles)

    BONUS POINT TILES: Bonus point tiles are awarded to players for being the first, second, or third

    player to plant certain peppers. If a player plants a pepper with the corresponding bonus tile still

    available then they will receive that bonus point tile. Players should take the highest valued bonus

    point tile for the pepper color that was planted. Players may only earn one bonus point tile per

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    round even if they use the Plant one extra pepper ability tile. Players may earn more than one of the

    same color of bonus tiles are earned in different rounds.

    Harvest: In REVERSE PLAYER ORDER during the harvest players will move their player pawn up to 3 spaces.

    In the first round players will place their pawns on the START location in the fields. They will then

    move their pawn at least one spot and at most up to three spots. Players cannot double back through

    any intersection that they traveled through on the current turn. Players cannot move through other

    players pawns. Players cannot occupy any spot where another player is already located. The +1

    Move bonus ability may not be used on the first turn such that the player would end with their pawn

    on the START location. Players can move their pawn between any fields whether or not those fields

    have pepper cubes planted on them, including around the outside edge of the fields. If a players

    pawn moves between two fields with planted peppers then they will receive a pepper(s) according to

    the cross-breeding chart (labeled 12 in the setup image on the setup page). When starting

    subsequent harvest phases players pawns will start from where then ended in the previous round.

    An example of the red player performing their harvest action:

    To use the cross-breeding chart, choose one of the two peppers that are next to your location in the

    fields. Locate that pepper on the left column of the cross-breeding chart. Then follow that peppers

    row across the chart until it reaches the column for the other pepper next to your location. Here is the

    example for move #1 in the example above.

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    Fulfill: In TURN ORDER players can do one of each of the following options:

    A. Fulfill one ORDER by paying its cost in pepper cubes. Place the order tile behind your shield.

    Take the rewards shown. Note: the pepper symbol on ORDERS represents points.

    B. Fulfill one RECIPE by paying its cost in pepper cubes. Place the recipe tile behind your shield.

    C. Sell any one type (color) of pepper cubes from your supply players receive $1 per cube for

    every TWO of that color currently planted in the fields, rounded down. For example, if there

    are 4 blue cubes planted in the fields, each blue cube that a player sells would earn them $2.

    END OF STAGE 1: The game consists of two halves. The first half uses the Stage 1 Auction Tiles and Stage 1 Orders. The

    second stage of the game is triggered when the number of ORDERS becomes fewer than the

    number of players. If that is triggered, the first half is over at the end of the current round. Remove

    any remaining ORDER tiles. Then randomly draw and place the appropriate number of Stage 2 ORDER

    tiles. Also remove the remaining Stage 1 Future Auction tiles but leave the current auction tiles as

    they are. In the second half of the game the Stage 2 Auction Tiles will be used. Refill the Future

    auction spots with Stage 2 auction tiles.

    ENDGAME: The end of the game is triggered by any of the following conditions:

    A. There are fewer Stage 2 ORDER tiles remaining than there are players. One more round will be

    played as a final round.

    B. There are fewer RECIPE tiles remaining than there are players. One more round will be played

    as a final round.

    If both A and B are met in the same round, the game ends at the end of that round. In that case there

    would not be another round. After the final round is completed players will add their points together.

    These will come from five different categories:

    1. Completed ORDERS

    2. Completed RECIPES

    3. Bonus Point Tiles Earned

    4. Unused Bonus Ability Tiles

    5. Coins: 3 coins = 1 point

    The player with the most points wins. In the case of a tie, the player with the most coins wins.

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    These tiles give special one-time abilities during a game of Scoville. Each player starts the game with

    one of each type of bonus ability tiles. These should remain behind the player shields so that other

    players do not know who has bonus abilities remaining in the game. If a player uses a bonus ability

    they must discard the bonus ability tile. At the end of the game any unused bonus ability tiles are

    worth 4 points each.

    +1 Move (Harvest): This ability allows a player

    to move one extra spot during the harvest

    phase of their choice.

    Plant One Extra Pepper: This ability allows a

    player to plant a second pepper for free in any

    planting season of their choice.

    Double Back Once (Harvest): This ability

    allows a player to move through one

    intersection that they already moved through

    once during the harvest phase of their choice.

    Thanks for taking a look at my game! I hope you enjoy it.

    Any questions regarding these rules can be asked of me via email: [email protected]

  • 2013 Ed Marriott 7

    A PRINT & PLAY Pepper Breeding Game by Ed Marriott (Twitter: @EdPMarriott)

    PnP Version 3.0 09-09-13 2013 Ed Marriott

    COMPONENTS: 1. Planting Field 2. 1 inch Tiles in 10 colors 3. 6 player shields 4. 6 player pawns (Not Included in PnP) 5. Coins in denominations of $1, $5, and $10 6. 30 Recipe Tiles 7. 12 Bonus Point Tiles 8. 30 Stage 1 Pepper Auction Tiles (Used instead of


    9. 35 Stage 2 Pepper Auction Tiles (Used instead of cards)

    10. Auction Track (Used instead of cards) 11. 36 Stage 1 Order Tiles 12. 36 Stage 2 Order Tiles 13. Turn Order Track 14. Cross-Breeding Charts 15. 18 Bonus Ability Tiles 16. Guide sheets

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    AUCTION TILES: (Stage 1 have a 1 and Stage 2 have a 2)

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    AUCTION TRACK: (Use this to display the

    current and future auctions with the auction


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    By the way Youre Awesome! Thanks for checking out Scoville!!!

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