Scott Hatton Editor Proceedings of the 13th Reinventing ...

Proceedings of the 13th Reinventing Space Conference Scott Hatton Editor

Transcript of Scott Hatton Editor Proceedings of the 13th Reinventing ...

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Proceedings ofthe 13th Reinventing Space Conference

Scott Hatton Editor

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Proceedings of the 13th Reinventing Space Conference

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Scott Hatton Editor

Proceedings of the 13th Reinventing Space Conference

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Scott Hatton The British Interplanetary Society London, United Kingdom

ISBN 978-3-319-32816-4 ISBN 978-3-319-32817-1 (eBook) Library of Congress Control Number: 2017960954

This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Printed on acid-free paper


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Anthony Freeman, Charles Norton

Richard Welle, Siegfried Janson, Darren Rowen, Todd Rose

Amar Vora, Liam Sills, Andrew Cawthorne, Caroline Slim, Rachel Bird, George Tyc, Wade Larson

D. Andrews

Tom Markusic, Shey Sabripour, PJ King, Andy Bradford

Cyrille Tourneur, Matthew Stuttard, Markos Trichas, Jonathan Eastwood, John Bellardo

A.J.P. van Kleef, B.A. Oving, C.J. Verberne, B. Haemmerli, M. Kuhn, I. Müller, I. Petkov

Andrew Barton, Nathan Wong, Derek Webber

Hazel Jeffrey, Hessel Gorter, Alasdair Gow, Craig Clark, Alan Holmes, Craig Herrin, Linda Sasaki, John Morrison

Mike Lawton, Juan R Reveles, Zhong You, Ashley Dove-Jay, Amjad Khan, Vincent Fraux

Ciara McGrath, Emma Kerr, Malcolm Macdonald

Dennis Stone












Giovanni Binet, Gabriele Novelli, Celestino Gomez Cid, Marco Bolchi

Chris Pearson, Marissa Stender, Chris Loghry, Joe Maly



Exploring our Solar System with cubesats and nanosats ....................................... 1

Cubesat-scale high-speed laser downlinks ................................................................ 7

The worlds first commercial SAR and optical 16-satellite constellation ............... 19

Resource Prospector: A cost effective lunar resource pathfinder ......................... 29

to serve the rapidly growing small satellite market ................................................. 39

HeL1o : The first cubesat to L1? ............................................................................... 49

Innovative small launcher .......................................................................................... 59

The Google Lunar XPRIZE - past, present and future .......................................... 75

SEAHAWK: A nanosatellite mission for sustained ocean observation ................. 83

Cost disruptive reflector surface for large deployable antennas ........................... 95

An analytical, low-cost deployment strategy for satellite constellations ............... 107

A new era in space flight: The COTS model of commercial partnerships at NASA ................................................................................................ 117

IODISPLay: Capturing European needs and capabilities for in-orbit demonstration of space technologies ..................................................... 125

Optimal (not opportunity) orbits for rideshare payloads ....................................... 137

5 new generation of low cost, small launch vehicles designed Firefly –

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vi Contents

Derek Webber

Olexander Degtyarev, Mykola Lytvyn, Oleh Ventskovsky

Kieran Hayward, Jose Mariano Lopez Urdiales

Joseph W. Gangestad, James R. Wilson, Kristin L. Gates, John V. Langer

A. Bacon

Salvo Marcuccio, Stefan Gregucci, Pierpaolo Pergola

Andrea Testore

David J. Salt

Adam M Baker, Malcolm Claus

Andreas Jonsson, Magnus Engström

Peter H. Weuta, Neil Jaschinski

Ian R. McNab, Timothy R. Wolfe

John Knapman

Grégoire Bourban, Volker Gass, Johann Richard
















David Ashford

Gateway Earth - low cost access to interplanetary space ....................................... 149

New superlight class launch vehicles From Yuzhnoye ............................................ 171

Small satellite launch vehicle from a balloon platform ........................................... 177

Reinventing constellations: the effectiveness of rideshare approaches for constellation deployment ............................................................................................ 193

MicroLaunch: The electric rocket ............................................................................ 207

Design criteria of remote sensing constellations of small satellites with low power electric propulsion and distributed payloads ................ 229

Feasibility study of LTA launch system for micro and smaller ............................. 239

Could reusable air-launch break the space access paradigm? ............................... 249

First steps towards the Kingston space shot: low altitude test vehicle .................. 265

Enabling solutions for small satellite space access .................................................. 273

Development of low cost propulsion systems for launch and in space applications ............................................................................................ 281

Electromagnetic launch to space ............................................................................... 323

The prospect for orbital airliners .............................................................................. 331

Dynamically supported launch infrastructure ......................................................... 333

Fostering technology innovation in space through national activities: The Swiss example ...................................................................................................... 343

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Exploring our Solar System with cubesats and nanosats

Anthony Freeman Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, MS 301-335, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena CA 91109, USA;

Tel: (818) 354 1887 e-mail: [email protected]

Charles Norton

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, MS 301-165, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena CA 91109, USA;

Tel: (818) 393-3920 e-mail: [email protected]


The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is NASA’s lead center for robotic exploration of our solar system. We are known for our large, flagship missions, such as Voyager, which gave humanity its first close look at Jupiter and Saturn; and the Mars Rovers, which have excited millions worldwide with their daring landing exploits. Less familiar to those outside NASA may be our role in developing the Kepler mission, which has discovered more than 2000 planets around other stars; or the recently launched Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, one of many JPL Earth Science missions.

A recent JPL initiative has emphasized low cost missions that use rapidly evolving technology developed for cubesats and nanosats to explore our solar system. Costs are significantly lower (by one or two orders of magnitude) than for conventional JPL missions, and development time is also significantly shorter. At present 21 such cubesat flight projects are under way at the laboratory with various partners: some in flight, some in development, some in advanced formulation. Four are planned as deep space missions. To succeed in exploring deep space cubesat/nanosat missions have to address several challenges: the more severe radiation environment, communications and navigation at a distance, propulsion, and packaging of instruments that can return valuable science into a compact volume/mass envelope. Instrument technologies, including cameras, magnetometers, spectrometers, radiometers, and even radars are undergoing miniaturization to fit on these smaller platforms. Other key technologies are being matured for smallsats and nanosats in deep space, including micro-electric propulsion, compact radio (and optical) communications, and onboard data reduction. This paper will describe missions that utilize these developments including the first two deep space cubesats (INSPIRE), planned for launch in 2017; the first pair of cubesats to be sent to another planet (MARCO), manifested with the InSight Mars lander launch in March of 2016; a helicopter “drone” on Mars to extend the reach of future rovers; plans for a Lunar Flashlight mission to shine a light on the permanently shadowed craters of the Moon’s poles; a Near Earth Asteroid cubesat mission; and a cubesat constellation to demonstrate time series measurements of storm systems on Earth.

From these beginnings, the potential for cubesats and nanosats to add to our knowledge of the solar system could easily grow exponentially. Imagine if every deep space mission carried one or more cubesats that could operate independently (even for a brief period) on arrival at their target body. At only incremental additional cost, such spacecraft could go closer, probe deeper, and provide science measurements that we would not risk with the host spacecraft. This paper will describe examples including a nanosat to probe the composition of Venus’ atmosphere, impactors and close flybys of Europa, lunar probes, and soft landers for the moons of Mars. Low cost access to deep space also offers the potential for independent cubesat/nanosat missions – allowing us to characterize the population of near Earth asteroids for example, deploy a constellation around Venus, or take closer looks at the asteroid belt.

KEYWORDS: NASA Deep Space Missions, cubesats, nanosats

S. Hatton (ed.), Proceedings of the 13th ,

1 Reinventing Space Conference

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

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Freeman and Norton Reinventing Space Conference 2015


In early 2013, a small group at JPL formed what became known as the ‘cubesat kitchen cabinet’, with the aim of creating an environment in which cubesats and nanosats for science could prosper at the laboratory. Science in this case of JPL means observations for Earth Science to study our planet’s environment and climate, Astrophysics observations to explore the origins of the Universe and how stars form, Heliophysics measurements to study the interaction of the Earth and the Sun, and Planetary Science to study our neighbors in the solar system. At the time the group was formed, we had just two active cubesat projects in development – IPEX1 and CHARM1 (later re-named RACE), and had successfully flown just one cubesat, MCubed/COVE-21 (a re-flight of a prior mission from 2011 that experienced an on-orbit anomaly shortly after deployment). IPEX and MCubed/COVE-2 were technology demonstration missions, while RACE, lost during the Antares Orb-3 launch explosion, would have been the first radiometer science mission to measure liquid water path and precipitable water vapor. The potential for cubesat/nanosat missions to enable science return was evident from a number of internal studies we conducted, and NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) program had funded a groundbreaking study of deep space cubesats led by Rob Staehle of JPL2. Usually NIAC studies have a time horizon decades out but it was clear that the pace of change in the world of cubesats was picking up speed, bringing what was thought to be a distant future in much closer. Surveying the cubesat community of the time, it seemed obvious that cubesats and nanosats in Low Earth Orbit were primed for exponential growth and that the potential was there for deep space cubesats/nanosats to take off in similar fashion.

The cubesat kitchen cabinet is largely an adhoc group, led out of JPL’s Innovation Foundry. Membership comprises managers at the lab who are of course enthusiastic about cubesats and nanosats, but also knowledgeable about missions in a NASA context, and in a position to make decisions (or strongly influence them) about the laboratory’s investments, promote good ideas, fund studies, and steer people with good ideas towards the right funding opportunity or partnership for that opportunity. As a measure of our success, at the time of writing, JPL has twenty-one ‘live’ cubesat projects, at different stages of development with our partners, but all funded. Four of these projects are deep space cubesat missions.


Figure 1 illustrates exploration of our solar system using cubesats/nanosats. The inner solar system is considered accessible to both free-flying and mother-daughter configuration cubesats/nanosats, while the outer solar system is currently compatible with just the mother-daughter configuration. Deep Space missions are challenging, whatever their size, and there are lots of problems to solve for deep space cubesats/nanosats, including: propulsion; communications at large distances; surviving the radiation environment; power management; attitude determination

Figure 1: Exploring our solar system with cubesats


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and control, thermal balancing; energy storage; proximity operations; autonomy; mission assurance and reliability; multi-mission ground operations; planetary protection; hazard avoidance; and flight software standards. With INSPIRE and MarCO, the first true deep space cubesats, JPL is tackling these problems, as pathfinders for the space science community, whose interest in such missions is building rapidly3. The INSPIRE (Interplanetary NanoSpacecraft Pathfinder In Relevant Environment) spacecraft are already assembled, integrated and flight-qualified, awaiting only a ride on an Earth escape trajectory. INSPIRE (Figure 2) will flight prove key technologies for deep space cubesats, and demonstrate operations, communications and navigation of such missions. Each of the two spacecraft host a compact magnetometer, to characterize the Sun’s magnetic field. The MarCO (Mars Cube One) pair of spacecraft are scheduled to launch on the same vehicle as NASA/JPL’s InSight mission, but will make their way independently to Mars. These first interplanetary cubesats will execute a flyby of the red planet, during which time they will relay engineering telemetry from InSight as it lands, out of direct line of sight from Earth.

Figure 2: The InSight Spacecraft will flight prove critical technologies for deep space cubesats

Other Deep Space cubesat projects that are currently active at JPL include Lunar Flashlight1, a mission that will utilize lasers to illuminate the permanently darkened craters of the Moon’s poles, to probe the composition of the regolith there; and NEAScout1, which will deploy a solar sail to achieve a trajectory that puts it on a path to rendezvous with a Near-Earth Asteroid.

JPL recently proposed seven cubesat/nanosat missions as technology demonstrations to augment larger missions proposed to NASA’s Discovery program4. Each cubesat or nanosat was carried in a mother-daughter configuration to its destination in the solar system, which ranged from Venus to main belt asteroids, a Jovian comet, and Phobos5. Each provided a unique capability that augmented the science of the companion (mother) Discovery mission. Some were flybys of the target body to offer a closer look than could be risked with the main spacecraft, others provided insitu measurements.

In particular, the “Cupid’s Arrow” nanosat, proposed as an optional additional payload on the VERITAS Venus orbiter, enables high payoff science at a fractional additional cost. Released by the mother spacecraft after Venus


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orbit insertion, the nanosat uses a new, ultra-compact Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (QITMS) with unrivaled sensitivity to determine atmospheric noble gas abundances and isotope ratios.

As proposed, the VERITAS mother ship carries Cupid’s Arrow to Venus’ orbit (Figure 3a) and it is deployed during aerobraking. The nanosat requires a relatively small nudge of 1.25 m/s of ΔV in the along-track direction to send it on its path, dipping below Venus’ homopause, at less than 120 km altitude. The compact mass spectrometer then pops open a cap and ingests a sample for analysis. The nanosat exits the atmosphere and relays its measurement data via a UHF communication link to VERITAS from a range of ~1000 km. Cupid’s Arrow leverages mature, flight-qualified Avionics and other subsystems developed for MarCO and INSPIRE. The total mass for Cupid’s Arrow is less than 25 kg.

Figure 3: a) The trajectory for Cupid’s Arrow is designed to sample the noble gases in Venus’ atmosphere at a 120 km altitude [left]; b) Cupid’s Arrow flight system configuration [right].


Not all instruments we need for deep space exploration can be miniaturized to fit within the constraints of a cubesat or nanosat volume. Magnetometers fit the bill, as seen on INSPIRE, radios can be miniaturized to enable radio science investigations, as seen on both INSPIRE and MarCO, and insitu instruments can, with some effort an ingenuity, be made small and low-power enough, as seen in the proposed Cupid’s Arrow. What other instruments can be tailored for cubesats/nanosats? It turns out to be quite a long list: optical/IR cameras; UV/Optical spectrometers; IR radiometers and spectrometers, from the Near-IR to Far-IR; microwave radiometers; Sub-mm-wave spectrometers; Gamma ray and X-ray spectrometers; short wavelength radars; GPS radio occultation; and optical communication lasers. At JPL we have initiated technology development to miniaturize each of these instrument types, an effort which we are now seeing pay off as instrument concepts mature to the point where we can incorporate them in cubesat/nanosat missions.


JPL has invested in some critical spacecraft technologies (Figure 4)needed for deep space cubesats/nanosats, including: a low mass radio transponder; reflectarrays for X-band and Ka-band telecom; a compact, deployable

Figure 4: Examples of JPL spacecraft technology development for cubesats/nanosats, and the corresponding mission they will be demonstrated on. From left to right – the deep space transponder (INSPIRE and MarCO), micro-electric

spray propulsion (TBD), compact, deployable 0.5 m diameter reflector (RainCube), and onboard data reduction board (M-Cubed/COVE-2)


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Ka-band 0.5 m diameter reflector antenna; Micro-Electric Propulsion (MEP) that can provide up to 1 km/s of Delta-V; the design of a Deep Space P-POD to deploy cubesats on mother-daughter configuration missions; and onboard data reduction and data handling to significantly reduce science data volumes.


To support the current and projected surge in deep space cubesats/nanosats, JPL has also invested in improvements to our infrastructure as illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5: From left to right: Communication and Navigation protocols using the Deep Space Network; Team Xc for fast formulation of cubesat/nanosat mission/spacecraft concepts such as MarCO and Cupid’s Arrow; the Cubesat

Development Lab for cubesat development, integration and test.


The “cubesat kitchen cabinet” at JPL made a projection three years ago of exponential growth in deep space cubesat/nanosat missions. So far, as seen in Figure 6, based on the current projection of planned missions from NASA, ESA, and commercial entities, our prediction appears to be on track. Of course, these plans are fluid – as

Figure 6: Projection of Exponential Growth in Deep Space Cubesats and currently planned Deep Space Cubesat Missions out through 2022.

anyone involved in the space business for an extended period knows: launch manifests can change overnight. So, having seen the pace of developments in deep space cubesats/nanosats accelerate over the last few years, what is the secret to ensuring this projection of exponential growth becomes reality? We would argue that, to adapt a famous


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saying from NASA’s past by former Administrator Dan Goldin, they need to be executed Faster, Smarter and Cheaper than conventional space missions. What we mean by that is summarized in Table 1 in a list of do’s and don'ts for cubesat and nanosat missions of the future that explore our solar system.

Table 1: What Faster, Smarter, Cheaper does and does not mean in the context of cubesat/nanosat missions.


We have described a bright future in which low-cost planetary exploration is enabled by compact, but capable, deep space cubesat and nanosat missions. We still have a long way to go to realize that future but the pace of change in this area is accelerating, and a lot of innovation is happening across the community. The two factors that will have the most influence on this future from outside the cubesat/nanosat community are whether launch costs can be kept low (and in particular whether dedicated, low cost launch vehicles make it to market), and ride-along opportunities can be created on all planetary missions flown by NASA, ESA, and other space agencies, including the UK.


The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of many of our colleagues at JPL who make up our cubesat community, but especially John Baker, Roger Lee, Jason Hyon, Peter Kahn, Harald Schone, Les Deutsch, Pamela Walker, Pat Beauchamp, and Andy Gray who are fellow members of the ’cubesat kitchen cabinet’; and some of the practitioners who are making deep space cubesats a reality such as Andy Klesh, Julie Castillo-Rogez, Courtney Duncan, Lauren Halatek, Pez Zarifian, Kar-Ming Cheung, Andreas Frick and Rob Staehle. The work described here was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.



2. Staehle, R., et al, 2012. “Interplanetary CubeSats: Opening the Solar System to a Broad Community at Lower Cost,” Phase I NIAC Study Report

3. Small Satellites: A Revolution in Space Science, KISS Institute for Space Studies Report, July 2014.

4. Discovery 2014 Announcement of Opportunity , NASA Solicitation: NNH14ZDA014O, Nov 2014.

5. Sherwood, B., et al, 2015. “Planetary cubesats come of age”, Proceedings of the 66th International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, Oct 2015.


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13th Reinventing Space Conference 9-12 November 2015

Oxford, UK

CubeSat-Scale High-Speed Laser Downlinks Richard Welle Siegfried Janson Darren Rowen Todd Rose The Aerospace Corporation PO Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA, 90009

Reinventing Space Conference BIS-RS-2015-70

7S. Hatton (ed.), Proceedings of the 13th , Reinventing Space Conference© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

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Welle Reinventing Space Conference 2015


CubeSat-Scale High-Speed Laser Downlinks

Richard Welle, Siegfried Janson, Darren Rowen, Todd Rose The Aerospace Corporation

PO Box 92957, Los Angeles, CA, 90009 [email protected]

ABSTRACT The recent surge in the development of new commercial services hosted by satellites in low Earth orbit will lead to rapid increases in the demand for data downlinking, presenting a challenge for conventional radio-frequency communication systems. Optical communication systems offer a significant but so far unrealized potential for ultra-high-volume downlinking. A number of demonstration laser communication missions have flown in space, but no optical systems are in routine operational use. Existing optical communication systems are typically too large for use in next-generation small commercial satellite systems.

The Optical Communication and Sensor Demonstration (OCSD) is a three-spacecraft program that will provide a technology demonstration of the first laser communication system designed for use in CubeSats. Simplicity and low mass is achieved by dispensing with the gimbal system and using the spacecraft ACS to point the laser beam. The engineering model of the OCSD, launched in October 2015, was intended for risk-reduction for the two flight units to follow in spring 2016. A software anomaly cut short the testing of the ACS, but the spacecraft will still be used to test many other new flight systems. The anomaly will not delay the launch of the two flight units, which are expected to achieve downlink rates of up to 622 Mb/s. The OCSD mission demonstrates the approach to satellite development using the CubeSat paradigm, making use of frequent and inexpensive access to space to shorten development cycles, accept higher risks, and test by flying.

KEYWORDS: [CubeSats, Laser Communication, Flight Test]

INTRODUCTION The development of a competitive market in space launch systems, the continuing miniaturization of electronics and sensors, and the development of new satellite standards such as the CubeSat standard that encourage rapid development cycles, have combined to create a surge in the development of new commercial services hosted by satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO). Some of these satellites have already reached orbit, but many more are yet to come. The volume of data that will be generated in LEO, with the consequent downlinking requirements, will tax the capacity of conventional radio-frequency (RF) communication systems. An alternative that has been investigated and demonstrated to varying degrees is the use of optical systems for downlinking. Although a number of systems have been demonstrated, none have been developed for the small satellites typical of next-generation space systems, and are far too large for CubeSats. At the time of this writing, no operational satellites are known to depend on optical communication links for primary download of data. Impediments to broad use of optical systems for data download include system complexity, pointing requirements, concerns with atmospheric propagation, and the lack of extensive flight heritage.

A number of demonstration laser communication missions have flown in space. The TESAT Laser Communications Terminal (LCT) has flown on the Terra-SAR-X and NFIRE satellites. This terminal has demonstrated optical communication at rates up to 5.6 Gb/s at ranges out to 8000 km. However, the terminal as flown has a mass of 35 kg and a volume of 150 l, and requires 120 W of power to operate. The next generation of this terminal is expected to see the mass increase to 53 kg, the volume to 250 l, and the power requirement to 160 W. This will allow the range to extend to greater than 45,000 km, enabling optical communication to geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) distances.1

The Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration (LLCD) experiment flew with the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft in late 2013. This system successfully demonstrated bidirectional optical


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communication between a spacecraft in lunar orbit and a terminal on the Earth's surface at data rates up to 622 Mb/s.2 The spacecraft terminal on this mission included a coarse pointing gimbal, a fine steering mechanism, and a telescope.3 The modem alone, independent of the output optics, has a volume of 15 l, and a mass of about 11 kg.4

A third demonstration mission, specifically designed for LEO-to-ground transmission is the Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS). This mission consists of a space terminal mounted on the International Space Station (ISS) that transmits to the JPL Optical Communications Telescope Laboratory (OCTL). The space terminal in this case has a mass above 150 kg and a volume above 600 l.5 (This large size was in part because some of the components were not vacuum rated, so had to be enclosed within a pressurized volume.)

A common feature of each of these demonstrations is that they make use of a space terminal that provides a low-to-moderate-power laser beam with a very narrow divergence angle, and a beam steering capability built into the terminal. These features drive the size, mass, and power of the terminal to values that are unsupportable on a broad range of next-generation space systems that use very small satellites. In particular, each of the terminals is far larger than a typical CubeSat, and so cannot be considered for application on these types of satellites.

The performance of a laser communication system is ultimately constrained by the ability to collect photons from the laser at the receiving station. The number of collected photons can be increased by increasing the irradiance (power per unit area) at the receiver, or by increasing the size of the collector, which will allow collection of more light from a lower-irradiance beam. However, increasing the collector size quickly leads to significant cost increases, so the preference is to increase the irradiance at the receiver. This can be accomplished by increasing the power of the laser, or decreasing the divergence (cone angle) of the laser beam. Increasing the power of the laser presents technical challenges, in laser design, laser fabrication, power-system design, and dealing with waste heat. Decreasing the laser beam divergence is, in principle, relatively easy, but transfers the technology challenge to the pointing system required to get the laser beam on the receiver. It is important to note, in addition, that increasing the power of the laser provides a linear increase in the irradiance, while decreasing the beam divergence reduces the spot area as the square of the divergence angle. Thus, doubling the laser power will result in a doubling of the irradiance at the target, while reducing the beam divergence by a factor of two will result in a factor of four increase in the irradiance. Provided, of course, that the beam still hits the target, which depends on the precision of the beam pointing system. Since increases in laser power provide only a linear benefit in irradiance, and lead to corollary issues with power supplies and thermal management, while pointing improvements lead to quadratic improvements in irradiance, it is easy to understand why developers of high-end laser communication systems concentrate efforts on beam pointing systems.

THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATION AND SENSOR DEMONSTRATION The Aerospace Corporation, as part of its continuing series of technology-demonstration CubeSats (called AeroCubes), initiated a new project three years ago to investigate the utility of laser communication systems for application in CubeSats. The project is called the Optical Communication and Sensor Demonstration (OCSD).6 There are two aspects of CubeSats that will affect the development of a compatible laser communication system. The first, and most obvious, is the severe limitations on size, mass, and power. As noted above, in a typical CubeSat, the mass and volume of the entire CubeSat is well less than the mass or volume of any of the laser terminals used in prior flight demonstrations. The second aspect of CubeSats may be, at first, less obvious but it is no less significant. Most CubeSats are developed and built using processes that fall within what is known as the CubeSat paradigm. In contrast to typical space systems, the relatively low cost of most CubeSats, combined with easy access to space, allows for significantly greater risk and significantly shorter development times. The low cost of launch allows developers to fly prototype models for risk reduction, followed quickly by the next generation of the spacecraft. The consequence of this for the development of a laser communication system is that it can be an iterative process, with frequent flight testing; potentially with multiple generations of development flying each year. This is the process used throughout the Aerospace CubeSat program, and is evidenced in the development of the OCSD.

The mass and volume of a CubeSat are constrained by a standardized launch-vehicle interface. Although there are some variations, most CubeSats conform to a version of the CubeSat design specification first developed by California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California, and maintained by the CubeSat Project.7 A standard, one-unit (1U) CubeSat is nominally a cube with dimensions of 10 cm on each side. Larger CubeSats are defined by stacking cubes (or units) such that a 3U CubeSat is 10 by 10 by 34 cm (a little extra volume is available when only one satellite is deployed from a launch tube). CubeSats as large as 18 units have been proposed, but none


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larger than six units has yet flown. Within the size constraints, particularly of the smaller CubeSats (3U or less), a laser terminal with all the capabilities of those flown on larger satellites would present a serious engineering challenge. However, there is still significant opportunity for less-capable (but still very capable) laser communication systems in CubeSats.

The most challenging aspects of the space-based laser terminals that have flown to date are the beam-shaping optics and the beam-pointing mechanisms. However, the requirements for complex beam shaping and pointing subsystems are driven by the application. In the three cases described above, the goals included one or more of; ultra-high data rates, very long ranges, and/or the ability to mount on a space vehicle that is not capable of pointing the beam unassisted. CubeSats, in contrast, are typically dedicated satellites with one, or at most a few, flight objectives. They will typically have data requirements that may tax CubeSat-scale RF systems, but are very modest compared to high-end optical communication capabilities. In addition, the spacecraft itself can be designed to accommodate the requirements of the laser communication system, including beam pointing. These factors allowed the OCSD to compromise in the requirements for beam pointing, which allows significant reduction in system complexity relative to the optical communication demonstrations that have taken place to date.

The AeroCube Optical Communication and Sensor Demonstration (OCSD) mission has as its primary goal to explore and demonstrate the potential utility of optical communication for downlinking of data from CubeSats or CubeSat-scale spacecraft in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). These spacecraft have been developed with the support of NASA’s Small Spacecraft Technology Program (SSTP) under the Space Technology Mission Directorate. The OCSD mission consists of three spacecraft. In keeping with the CubeSat interface control requirements, the laser system and its concept of operation (CONOPS) were designed to fit within the volume, mass, and power limitations of a 1.5U CubeSat (10x10x17 cm, 2.4 kg). In keeping with the CubeSat paradigm, the three satellites were developed in two models, with OCSD-A being the engineering model, and OCSD-B & -C being refined versions that will be the flight models. The engineering model, shown in figure 1, was launched in October 2015, and the flight models are expected to be launched in early 2016.

Figure 1. Photograph of OCSD-A


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The design trade that allowed for a laser terminal small enough to fit in a 1.5U CubeSat was the decision to eliminate the gimbal system, hard mount the laser to the spacecraft body, and to depend on the spacecraft attitude control system (ACS) to point the laser transmitter at the receiver. The consequence of this was that we had to accept the pointing capability of the ACS as the controlling parameter in setting the beam divergence of the laser. This divergence, along with the range and the laser power, define the laser irradiance at the receiver and, consequently, the maximum data rate of the system.

When the design effort started there were several uncertainties, including the expected performance of the ACS and the maximum laser output power that we could expect to generate within the mass and volume constraints of the CubeSat. Most of the development effort in this program has been focused on improving the performance of the ACS, and on developing a laser transmitter compatible with a CubeSat.

ACS The attitude control system uses several sensors to determine the spacecraft attitude, and sets of reaction wheels and magnetic torque rods to control the attitude. The sensors include several to provide coarse (approximately 1 degree) attitude knowledge, two additional independent sensor systems for fine attitude knowledge, and two different microelectromechanical (MEMS) gyroscopes to measure spacecraft rotation rates. The coarse sensors include magnetometers, infrared Earth-nadir and Earth-horizon sensors, and sun sensors. Of these, the sun sensors, Earth-nadir sensors, and magnetometers have flown on several previous AeroCube spacecraft, and their performance is well-understood.8 The Earth-horizon sensors have flown previously on AeroCube-6, however this is a spin-stabilized spacecraft so, while the sensors have been confirmed to operate in space, they have not been demonstrated in the same operational mode (3-axis stabilized) that will be required on OCSD. Based on experience with previous flights, this suite of coarse attitude sensors is expected to provide attitude knowledge to within one degree without difficulty.8

The fine attitude sensors include star cameras and an uplink laser beacon detector, both of which were developed specifically for this mission. The star cameras, which have been described in detail elsewhere,8 are part of a larger camera system developed for this mission (see figure 2). Several prior AeroCubes flew with simple VGA cameras that were integrated using hardware and processes developed several years ago and first flew on AeroCube 2.9 These cameras produced relatively-low-resolution photographs that were compatible with the limited downlink capability (data rates less than 500 kb/s) of earlier AeroCubes. The camera system in OCSD includes a single camera control board that operates five cameras. One of these is a high-definition video/still camera with the primary purpose of collecting enough data to fill the downlink capacity of the laser system. A second camera provides a wide angle view from the nadir face of the spacecraft and is intended primarily for obtaining contextual images during laser downlinking; essentially a photographic verification of the laser pointing direction. The third camera is used in imaging a partner spacecraft during proximity operations (the second mission objective of the OCSD). The last two cameras are star cameras, optimized for imaging of the starfield to provide fine attitude knowledge during laser downlink

The star camera system includes the two cameras and two microprocessors for analyzing the images to obtain pointing information. The first of these processors works on the raw image by executing various filtering steps to extract the pixel (or sub-pixel) locations of stars in the image. These locations are then transferred to a second processor that compares the locations to a star catalog to determine a pointing direction. Because the coarse orientation of the satellite is known, the star locations can be compared to a small subset of the whole-sky star

Figure 2. Photograph of the OCSD camera assembly. The two star cameras are on the left.


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catalog. The system has been tested on the ground and demonstrated to be able to provide pointing knowledge to approximately 0.02 degrees, with updates at a rate of at least once per second.

The second fine attitude sensor is an uplink beacon detector. This sensor consists of a quad photodiode and appropriate optics to focus the light from a laser beacon onto the quad diode. The laser beacon will be mounted on the optical ground station to provide a signal that the spacecraft can use for alignment. The alignment knowledge provided by the quad photodiode is expected to be close to the 0.02 degrees provided by the star camera system.

The OCSD is intended as an experiment/demonstration mission, with the goal of determining what is possible and what works well in a CubeSat form factor. The two fine attitude sensors are designed to operate independently of one another so that either is capable of providing the attitude knowledge necessary to point the laser at the ground station. On the spacecraft side, the quad photodiode is simpler than the star cameras, in design complexity, in operations, and in total mass and volume. However, the star camera system has the advantage of operating without the need to provide an uplink beacon from the ground station. In the end, the performance of the two systems will be characterized and compared to inform designs of future systems that use laser downlinking of data from LEO.

To augment the attitude sensors, the spacecraft are equipped with a pair of MEMS rate gyros to measure spacecraft rotation rates. The attitude sensors, particularly the star cameras, provide intermittent data on spacecraft attitude. During laser downlinking, the laser beam (and therefore the spacecraft attitude) must track a fixed location on the ground. From LEO, this tracking may require slew rates up to about 1 degree per second (depending on orbit altitude). To maintain tracking between star camera fixes, the ACS will use data from the rate gyros. The two gyros are of different types and operate independently; one is a high precision rate gyro while the other is of lower precision. The high-precision rate gyro is substantially larger and requires more power than the low-precision gyro. However, it is unclear whether the low-precision rate gyro can provide sufficient precision to keep the laser on target between fixes from the star cameras. Again, testing of the two systems will provide performance data and inform future designs.

Attitude control is provided mainly by a set of reaction wheels, as shown in figure 3. The design of these wheels is the same as has flown on seven previous satellites in the AeroCube series, and their performance on orbit is well characterized. In particular, using an earlier satellite with these reaction wheels and a precision rate gyro, experiments have shown that the wheels and their controllers are capable of holding an inertial pointing vector to within 0.02 degrees. Other than the rate gyro, however, this satellite did not have precision attitude sensors, so the demonstration did not include pointing at a pre-defined location. In addition, the attitude-control experiment was conducted only with stationary inertial pointing; the performance of the reaction wheels in response to a requirement for a variable-rate slew (which is required for optical downlinking) is yet to be determined.

The second type of attitude-control actuators is a set of three electromagnetic torque rods that apply torques to the spacecraft by interacting with the Earth's magnetic field. These are not used for precision attitude control; rather they are used for shedding angular momentum that accumulates because of magnetic torques on the vehicle, or asymmetric atmospheric drag torques. In general, the precision attitude-control actuation falls to the reaction wheels, and the torque rods are used only to dissipate momentum buildup in the wheels.

Laser transmitter The original plan, when OCSD was proposed, was to use a simple diode laser, with a relatively wide beam divergence, and data rates limited to about 5 Mb/s. While very modest compared to other laser communication systems, this would still represent an order-of-magnitude increase in data rates relative even to the most sophisticated CubeSat-scale RF communication systems flying at that time. During the preliminary design phase, we realized we had an opportunity to go for a stretch goal of 50 to 200 Mb/s by improving the attitude control of the spacecraft, and developing a CubeSat-scale and flight-qualified version of a fiber-amplified diode laser that had

Figure 3. CubeSat-scale reaction wheels. The total height of the assembly is about 3 cm.


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been developed for other applications. In doing the trade study, we considered the expected pointing capability of the satellite, the expected laser output power, and the collector area of the available ground receiver.

In order to maximize the potential data rate, the decision was made to develop a fiber-amplified laser with two-stages of amplification, which would allow the laser to reach 10 W of optical output power. This power level, combined with an anticipated 0.15 degrees of pointing precision, and the 30-cm-diameter ground receiver, would be sufficient to demonstrate a 100 Mb/s downlink rate. Details of the design of this laser are presented in reference 10. The challenges with this laser were fitting it into the available volume (about 250 ml), providing the power required to operate it (about 60 W), and dealing with the waste heat (about 50 W). To achieve the volume constraint, the various components (seed laser, two pump lasers, and filters) were mounted in various locations on a single plate, and about 20 meters of gain fiber were spooled into various loops embedded in grooves on the plate. The plate also acted as the heat sink for the laser. A photograph of the flight laser is shown in figure 4.

As we were completing the laser build and integrating the engineering model of the satellite, it became apparent that the need to have each of the optical components pre-assembled with correct optical fiber lengths to match the component placement on the plate, as well as the locations of the fiber grooves, presented a serious challenge both in building the laser and integrating it into the available volume in the spacecraft. At the same time, testing of the various ACS components, and modeling of the ACS as a whole, indicated that it would not be unreasonable to expect ACS performance significantly better than 0.15 degrees. Since the irradiance on the target (and therefore the available data rate) scales with the square of the pointing precision, but only linearly with laser power, we chose to modify the design of the flight units by simplifying the laser to include only a single amplification stage. The second-generation flight laser is shown in figure 5.

The elimination of the second amplification stage was expected to reduce the laser output power by about a factor of five. To compensate for this and achieve the same data rate would require an improvement in the pointing by a factor of 2.2. Ground testing of the ACS sensors, specifically the star cameras, as noted above, indicated that attitude knowledge should be possible to a precision of 0.02 degrees. Flight testing of the reaction wheels, using an on-board MEMS rate gyro for comparison, indicated that the reaction wheels should be able to provide control authority to the same 0.02 degree precision. As such, we anticipated using a smaller beam divergence on the flight units to enable higher data rates than were expected with the engineering model, even with the reduction in laser output power. The intention was to use the engineering

Figure 4. Photograph of the OCSD-A communications laser.

Figure 5. Photograph of the OCSD-B laser.


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model to get on-orbit flight experience with the ACS, and to use the results to inform a decision about the final beam divergence for the flight units.

FLIGHT EXPERIENCE The OCSD mission consists of three spacecraft. The first, OCSD-A, was launched on October 8, 2015, into a low Earth orbit. OCSD-A is the engineering model, and the primary purpose of this spacecraft was buy down risk for the two flight models, which are scheduled to follow it into orbit in the second quarter of 2016. Risk is reduced when lessons are learned, and lessons can be learned in the development process, in the build process, and in on-orbit operations. With OCSD, a number of lessons were learned in the development process; to the extent possible, these were incorporated into the design of both the engineering model and the flight units. Additional lessons were learned in the final integration of the engineering model. While too late for changes in the engineering model, these integration lessons can be incorporated into design modifications in the flight units. A key example of this was the realization of the difficulty of building a two-stage laser in a package small enough for integration into the spacecraft. The design change - moving to a single-stage laser - could not be implemented in time for the engineering model flight, but will be incorporated in the two flight units.

CubeSats fly almost exclusively as secondary payloads on launch vehicles that are otherwise carrying a primary mission to space. The launch provider and primary customer agree on a launch schedule, and any secondary payloads have to conform to that schedule or they do not ride. In the case of OCSD-A, the spacecraft hardware was ready in time to meet the delivery deadline, but the software was not yet in its final form. Since the entire AeroCube program is focused on technology-development, the software that operates the spacecraft (as well as the ground systems) is actually evolving continuously as lessons are learned. As such, we have developed processes for developing and transmitting software upgrades to the spacecraft after launch. These processes involve developing and testing new software in ground simulator units to demonstrate new or improved functionality. Once the software is deemed ready for transmission to the spacecraft on orbit, it is first transmitted to a ground test unit identical to the orbiting spacecraft for verification and validation. If it passes this test, the software is uploaded to the spacecraft, then retransmitted from the spacecraft to the ground so that the integrity of the upload can be confirmed. Once the integrity is confirmed, then the software is committed to memory on the spacecraft. These processes have been demonstrated with hundreds of uploads to ten different CubeSats prior to the launch of OCSD-A, and were thought to be robust. As such, we chose to take the opportunity to fly the engineering model of OCSD, even knowing that extensive software uploads would be required after launch.

To ensure communications reliability, new software is uploaded to the spacecraft in discrete blocks. The extent of the modifications and upgrades to the ACS software for OCSD-A required uploading of many blocks of code and this required more communications time than was available in a single pass over a ground station, so it was spread over two passes. In the interval between the two passes, the satellite underwent a reboot, and the ACS processor rebooted on software that was partially old code and partially new code. Unfortunately, this was a configuration that had not been tested on the ground, and incompatibilities between the two partial versions of the code resulted in the processor booting into a non-functional state. The architecture of the spacecraft requires that each individual processor be able to install its own software upgrades. Since the ACS processor was now booting into a non-functional state, it was no longer able to install additional code, nor is it possible for it to be reset to the original code. As such, the ACS in this spacecraft is permanently lost.

While a costly lesson, the anomaly is not a problem inherent in the design of the spacecraft, and it will not affect the delivery and launch of the next two spacecraft in the series. In addition, the software architecture will be modified before the next delivery to include a non-changeable boot-loader section of code in each processor. This code will ensure that the processors will always boot into a "safe" mode before executing any modifiable code, and will ensure that the processors will always be capable of installing code modifications if code errors are discovered on orbit.

Beyond the modification to the code upload procedure, the primary impact of this anomaly on the flight units is that it will not be possible to test the performance of the ACS before their launch. As such, it will be necessary to set the beam divergence of the two lasers based on estimates of ACS performance. Although a final decision has yet to be made, it is likely that the two satellites will be operated with different beam divergences, one with a wide divergence and low data rate to ensure that minimum goals are met, and the other with a narrower divergence and higher data rate, which, if the ACS performs as expected, will allow successful attainment of a stretch goal.


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APPLICATIONS OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATION The OCSD-A ACS software anomaly notwithstanding, the potential value of optical communication in CubeSats and other very small satellites is still very high. The principal advantage of optical systems is that they are fundamentally capable of substantially higher data rates than comparable RF systems. A survey conducted in 2014 on the state of the art in CubeSat communications systems11 showed that, of 144 CubeSats flying at that time, 121 had communication systems with data rates below 10 kb/s, 16 had data rates between 10 kb/s and 1 Mb/s, and only seven had data rates above 1 Mb/s. Since then, Planet Labs has launched several sets of CubeSats with X-band transmitters having data rates up to 120 Mb/s.12 Although the 120 Mb/s data rate represents a major advance in RF communication for CubeSats, it is not clear how quickly or how much higher this rate can go, so there is certainly potential for optical systems in CubeSat applications requiring substantial downlink capacity. Although laser systems could, in principle, encounter bandwidth limitations similar to those encountered by RF systems, the reality is that such limits will not be encountered until data throughput of optical systems reaches many orders of magnitude higher than RF systems. Two factors drive this. First, a laser operating in the 1550 nm band has an effective carrier-wave frequency of 2x1014 Hz, or 200 THz. The data capacity of a carrier wave at this frequency is exceptionally large. By multiplexing a set of optical bands into one transmitter/receiver combination, data rates well into the Tb/s range are theoretically possible. The second factor is that the laser beams are both very narrow and directional. As such, the communications bands can be shared among many satellites simply by pointing the beams at different receivers, and multiple receivers that are located at the same site can operate simultaneously by looking at different satellites.

Optical communication systems have other advantages beyond data rates. In general, they can be expected to have lower mass and power requirements than RF systems with comparable data rates. The optical systems also present an interesting security advantage. In principle, any wireless communication signal can be intercepted by a receiver that is in the beam pattern of the transmitter. Even very narrow RF beam patterns tend to be fairly broad, covering a large ground area, and a clandestine RF ground station a few km away from the intended receiver will be able to collect the signal. In contrast, an optical system can have a beam pattern with a spot size on the ground measuring as small as a few meters. With such a system, it is relatively easy to control all locations on the ground where an interception might take place, simply by placing the receiver within a secure environment larger than the spot size. Of course, CubeSat-scale optical systems as described here will not have such small spot sizes. However, a beam with a divergence of 0.05 degrees downloading data from 1000 km will have a spot size on the ground of slightly under 1 km, so providing enough land to locate a secure downlink receiver is not particularly challenging.

Finally, there is the regulatory environment. Operation of an RF communication system requires regulatory licensing, and the available bandwidth is limited; such licenses are getting harder to obtain. In contrast, as of this writing, no license is required for operation of a laser communications system in space. Operators of space-based laser systems (or terrestrial lasers directed into space) that are funded, developed, or operated by various U.S. government agencies including DoD, NSF, and NASA, work with the Laser Clearinghouse, an office within the DoD that is charged with ensuring that such lasers do not pose a risk to any space assets. However, there is, as yet, no formal requirement for non-government laser systems to be operated in coordination with the Laser Clearinghouse. In the long run, it may become necessary to establish automated processes for ensuring that laser communication systems do not interfere with each other, or with other space assets.

Although laser communications systems have many potential advantages relative to RF systems, there are also two key implementation issues. The first, as discussed above, is that the satellite must be able to direct the beam onto the receiver with a high degree of precision. In CubeSats, this will impose requirements on the spacecraft ACS that will translate into mass and cost. However, for many missions, including Earth imaging missions, the spacecraft may already have pointing requirements that are more than adequate for the laser communication system. In this case, the pointing requirements of the laser communication system will not add to the mass and cost of the spacecraft.

The second key implementation issue is that laser communication is possible only with a clear line of sight between the source and detector; clouds will completely obstruct the communication channel. As such, a laser communication system must be operated on an as-available basis. Whether this is a problem or not depends on the mission. Some missions, a weather observatory for example, will produce data that have a very short shelf life. If the data is not downloaded and made available to forecasters within a few hours it will be of little value. On the other hand, a mission observing phenomena associated with climate change, for example, will have little need to provide


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immediate download of data. Climate modelers work with large data sets spanning many years; if the latest data is a few days old rather than a few hours old, it will matter little.

For those mission requiring prompt downloads, there are two options to reducing data latency with optical downlinking systems. The first is to establish an extensive network of optical ground stations, most or all located in regions with historically low average cloud cover. In this case, a satellite will collect data and store it until an opportunity comes to download to a clear station. The number and locations of stations, as well as the orbit of the spacecraft, will determine the statistical likelihood of getting data down within some specified interval. By increasing the number of ground stations, this likelihood can be made large, but never unity.

An alternate method is to establish a network of relay satellites in orbit that can provide optical crosslinking. By this method, if a satellite with data for download is not in range of a ground station with clear skies, the data can be transmitted optically to another satellite, or even through a series of satellites, until it reaches a satellite that is within view of a clear ground station. Again, this method does not provide a certainty of a clear channel to the ground, but the statistical likelihood of a clear channel can be increased to nearly unity by providing enough ground stations and enough relay satellites. If a relay node can be designed to fit within the form factor of a CubeSat, then the low cost and frequent access to space provided by the CubeSat design specification will make it possible to build such a network of relay nodes at a very modest cost compared to a similar system using larger satellites.

SUMMARY The AeroCube OCSD program has been developed to demonstrate laser communication in a CubeSat. The program consists of three spacecraft, an engineering model and two flight models. The new technologies developed for this program include an upgraded attitude-control system, and a CubeSat-compatible communications laser. The OCSD-A, an engineering unit, has already flown, but encountered a serious anomaly during software updates in the ACS. Although this has disabled the ACS, limiting the value of the engineering model as a risk-reduction pathfinder, there is still value, both in the lessons learned in preparing the engineering model for flight, and in flight testing of the subsystems not disabled by the ACS anomaly, including the newly-developed star cameras and software-defined radio.

Laser communication has potential as a valuable tool for enabling missions in CubeSats and CubeSat-scale spacecraft that require downlink rates that are significantly larger than those available with conventional RF communication systems. The small scale and rapid development cycle of CubeSats offers the potential for rapid growth in this field, leading to a LEO network of optical relay satellites that can provide downlinking of data with high bandwidth and near-zero latency.

REFERENCES 1. Björn Gütlich, Rolf Meyer, Sabine Philipp-May, Michael Lutzer, Ines Richter, Anke Pagels-Kerp, and Markus Bibus, “German Roadmap on Optical Communication in Space,” Proc. Int. Conf. on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS) 2014, S3-4, Kobe, Japan, May 7-9, 2014.

2. Don M. Boroson, “Overview of the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration,” Proc. Int. Conf. on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS) 2014, S3-4, Kobe, Japan, May 7-9, 2014.

3. Jamie W. Burnside, Stephen D. Conrad, Allen D. Pillsbury, and Catherine E. DeVoe, “Design of an Inertially-Stabilized Telescope for the LLCD,” Proc. SPIE 7923, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XXII, March 2011.

4. Steven Constantine, Laura E. Elgin, Mark L. Stevens, Joseph A. Greco, Kenneth Aquino, Daniel D. Alves, and Bryan S. Robinson, “Design of a High-Speed Space Modem for the Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration,” Proc. of the SPIE, 7923, Free-Space Laser Communications Technologies XXIII, February, 2011.

5. Bogdan Oaida, “OPALS: Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science,” 1st Annual ISS Research and Development Conference, Denver Colorado, June, 2012. URL:


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6. Siegfried W. Janson and Richard P. Welle, “The NASA Optical Communication and Sensor Demonstration Program: An Update,” SSC14-VI-1, 28th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan Utah, August 11-14, 2014.

7. California Polytechnic State University at San Luis-Obispo, “CubeSat Design Specification, Ver. 13,” 2015, URL:

8. Rowen, Darren W., Utter, Alexander C., Dolphus, Richard M., and Eddson, Alcid M., “A Miniature, Low-Power, Star Tracker for Precision Pointing Nanosatellites,” paper AAS-15-045, 38th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, Jan. 30 to Feb. 4, 2015.

9. David A. Hinkley, “Picosatellites at The Aerospace Corporation,” Chapter 20 in Small Satellites: Past, Present, and Future, AIAA and The Aerospace Press, 2009.

10. T.S. Rose, S.W. Janson, S. LaLumondiere, N. Werner, D.A. Hinkley, D.W. Rowen, R.A. Fields, and R.P. Welle, “LEO to Ground Optical Communications from a Small Satellite Platform,” Proc. of the SPIE 9354, Free-Space Laser Communication and Atmospheric Propagation XXVII, San Francisco, CA, Feb 7, 2015.

11. Bryan Klofas, “CubeSat Radios: From Kilobits to Megabits,” Ground Systems Architectures Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 2014. URL:



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The World’s First Commercial SAR and Optical 16-Satellite Constellation

Amar Vora, Liam Sills, Andrew Cawthorne, Caroline Slim, Rachel Bird Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

Tycho House, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, Surrey; 01483 803803 [email protected]

George Tyc, Wade Larson

UrtheCast #33 – 1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, Canada; +1 604 669-1788

[email protected]

ABSTRACT UrtheCast plans to build, launch and operate the world’s first fully-integrated, multispectral Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) commercial constellation of Earth observation satellites. These will be deployed over multiple launches in 2019 and 2020. Known as the Constellation, it will comprise of 8 Optical and 8 SAR satellites flying in two orbital planes, with each plane consisting of four satellite pairs. Each pair of satellites will consist of a dual-mode, high resolution Optical satellite (video and pushbroom) and a dual-band high resolution SAR satellite (X-band and L-band) flying in tandem.

The Constellation will provide an unmatched space-imaging capability, including high collection capacity, Optical and SAR data fusion, weather-independent high resolution imaging using the SAR, target revisit, and imaging latency. By flying the satellites in tightly-paired SAR and Optical tandem formations, the Constellation is expected to offer a number of innovative capabilities, including on-board real-time processing, cross-cueing between the satellites, and real-time cloud imaging on the leading SAR satellites that enables cloud avoidance in the trailing Optical satellites. By employing two orbital planes, the Constellation will allow for maximum revisit rates in the mid-latitudes, while providing global coverage extending to the poles.

This paper will describe how the envisaged constellation will create new opportunities for both businesses and government with an altogether new and responsive way to addressing applications.

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) is the strategic implementation partner for the satellite design and build and will use its considerable experience in designing spacecraft constellations to tackle this new challenge. This paper will provide some insight into the mission engineering approach that goes into a constellation of this complexity and performance. It will also provide an overview of the benefits of this strategic partnership between UrtheCast and SSTL.

KEYWORDS: UrtheCast; SSTL; Constellation; SAR; Optical; Earth Observation; Tandem; Cross-Cueing; Cloud-Free;

INTRODUCTION UrtheCast, although a relatively new name in the industry, has already emerged as a key player in the downstream space industry. The company’s novel vision to democratise Earth observation has, in part, been achieved by establishing several sovereign space capabilities in a relatively short period. This includes the Generation 1 cameras that were docked onto the ISS in 2013 that has been producing ultra high definition videos (via the Iris instrument) and medium resolution imagery (via the Theia instrument). Without the usual power, mass and thermal constraints of a standalone spacecraft, the use of the ISS dramatically changes the economics of Earth observation from space. In addition to this, the newly acquired Deimos Imaging by the company comes with the added benefit of the use of the fully operational medium resolution Deimos-1 and high resolution Deimos-2 satellites. The final piece of the company’s grand vision is the recently announced Constellation mission; a 16-satellite state-of-the-art constellation of SAR and Optical satellites, built and tested in partnership with SSTL, UK. The combination of SAR and Optical satellites forms a constellation whose performance and functionality is unparalleled in the Earth observation domain.

Copyright © 2015 by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. & UrtheCasPublished by the British Interplanetary Society with permission.

19S. Hatton (ed.), Proceedings of the 13th , Reinventing Space Conference© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

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SSTL has been building satellites for Earth observation since 1985. The Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) satellites proved that it is possible to acquire humanitarian, political and technological value from Earth imaging using cost effective small satellites and, since then, SSTL has continued to push the boundaries of low cost satellite capability by pioneering and advancing the small satellite design approach. The UrtheCast Constellation mission is proof of this, with challenging requirements designed to provide novel applications amidst the ‘New Space’ era in the ever-growing Earth observation industry. As such, SSTL’s experience and approach perfectly places them to be the strategic implementation partner of the UrtheCast Constellation.


Constellation Design A few of the many unique features of the Constellation is the satellites it is comprised of and the orbits they will be flying in. For typical LEO altitudes (600-800 km), the laws of physics dictate that the image resolution achievable through a relatively small aperture is in the mid-to-low resolution region. However, very high resolution data can be collected from a relatively small aperture at very low altitudes – a region typically unused by commercial operators.

The Constellation is formed of 8 Optical satellites and 8 SAR satellites at an altitude of 450 km split across two orbital planes: a sun synchronous plane and a medium inclination plane. The satellites are equally distributed in each plane, with the SAR satellite leading the Optical satellite by a few minutes to enable effective cross-cueing operations, as shown in Figure 1.

The combination of both planes enables an optimum revisit in the mid-latitude regions to be achieved, while providing global coverage that extends to the poles.

The revisit, combined with the tandem formation of the satellites enables a fusion of different datasets with very low latency, creating and enhancing various applications.

This Isn’t Just Another Constellation! The ‘New Space’ phase has been at an all-time high. The past few years has seen a significant rise in announcements of “game changing” constellations in the Earth observation, science and telecommunications domain. So is this mission truly unique or is it just another cool idea? The UrtheCast Constellation is the world’s first combined SAR and Optical commercial constellation. The goal of the mission is to collect data that can be processed into very high resolution, 0.5 m-class still and video Optical imagery, and high resolution L-Band and X-Band SAR products. The SAR sensor incorporates a patented technology that gives it the ability to image simultaneously in quad-polarisation L-band and single-polarisation X-band from the same sensor. This is a feat never achieved before.

These products will serve a variety of end users and markets such as traditional Earth observation commercial and civil applications, data analytics and ‘big data’ applications, and the nascent social media and consumer applications. The individual performance of each satellite, as described in the coming sections, speaks for itself,

SAR satellite

Optical satellite

Figure 1. Constellation Design.


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however, the other aspect that differentiates this constellation from the rest is its innovative concept of operations. This will also be detailed in the coming sections.

Dual-Mode Optical Camera The Optical satellites within the constellation include of a pair of sensor suites – the dual-mode camera and the meteorological camera. The dual-mode camera can be operated either in pushbroom or video mode.

The pushbroom sensor uses a 64-stage Time Delayed Integration (TDI) architecture, digitised to 14 bits. This sensor yields a nominal 12.29 km swath (at nadir for 450 km altitude) and is comprised of a panchromatic channel giving 0.5 m-class imagery and six multispectral channels giving 2 m-class imagery: blue, green, yellow, red, red-edge and near-infrared (NIR). The video sensor uses a 20 MPixel CMOS detector that yields a nominal 2.5 km by 1.9 km footprint (at nadir for 450 km altitude) at up to 30 FPS, digitised to 12 bits. This detector uses a Bayer filter that provides three spectral channels (red, blue and green) giving 0.5 m-class imagery.

Augmenting the dual-mode Optical camera is a meteorological camera (MetCam), providing additional spectral channels, albeit at a lower resolution, designed to measure the impact of the atmosphere on the imagery and enable its correction during ground image processing. The data from the MetCam is not included in the distributed product though.

Dual-Band Synthetic Aperture RADAR The SAR satellites within the constellation include a range of sensor suites – the dual-band SAR, AIS receivers and the cloud camera. The dual-band, L- and X-band, SAR can be operated in one of three modes: SpotLight, StripMap and ScanSAR.

The SpotLight mode is able to acquire 1 m-class (X-band) and 5 m-class (L-band) imagery with a nominal size of 5 km by 5 km.

The StripMap mode is able to acquire 2 m-class (X-band) and 10 m-class (L-band) imagery with a nominal swath width of 10 km.

The ScanSAR mode is able to acquire 10 m-class (X-band) and 30 m-class (L-band) imagery with a nominal swath width of 25 km when both bands are operated together. When operating L-band alone, the ScanSAR mode is able to acquire 30 m-class imagery with a swath width of up to 100 km.

The L-band SAR supports the full complement of polarisation options, including single, dual, quad, linear-compact and circular compact pole. The X-band SAR supports VV polarisation only.

The SAR data can also be used to generate interferometric products.

Complementing the SAR payload are the AIS receivers which, when combined with SAR data on-board, provide useful information on potential targets of interest in the maritime regions, for the trailing Optical satellite to then investigate further.

Adding to the SAR payload and AIS receivers is a cloud camera (CloudCam), providing continuous cloud coverage to assist the trailing Optical satellite with its image acquisition campaign. The rationale for this is described in the following section.

Novel Concept of Operations Traditionally, the power hungry nature of SAR sensors combined with their day and night imaging ability have driven SAR satellites to fly in dawn-dusk orbits to maximise power generation and the payload duty cycle. This, however, hasn’t been the case for Optical satellites due to the less than optimal ground illumination conditions in such orbits. For the Constellation, the tandem formation of both types of spacecraft drives the local solar time of the sun synchronous plane to that more suited for an Optical satellite. However, it is this combination of SAR and Optical satellites that forms a constellation whose performance and functionality is unparalleled in the Earth observation domain. This is a result of each SAR-Optical satellite pair in the constellation being able to uniquely interact with each other in real-time to optimise and enhance the data acquired by the Constellation.


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Studies have shown that approximately 67% of the Earth’s surface is typically covered by clouds, with only 30% of land usually cloud-free1. With Optical satellites frequently being susceptible to acquiring cloudy images, it is important to manage on-board resources effectively, to maximise the amount of useful imagery acquired and increase revenue potential. As clouds can’t be moved and it is both difficult and expensive to provide the satellites with real-time cloud coverage from the ground, why not just avoid them autonomously? As detailed in the previous section, each of the leading SAR satellites will have the ability to take real-time cloud imagery via the CloudCam. A continuous stream of cloud maps will be sent over to the trailing Optical satellites, which will then process the data on-board to determine which cloud-free areas of interest it can image to optimise its image acquisition campaign.

The cross-cueing capability of the Constellation provides another completely unique level of service, where the SAR satellite can operate in a wide-area surveillance mode (using ScanSAR) and be used in combination with the on-board AIS sensors and cloud camera to determine if a target of interest (TOI) appears that can be imaged by the trailing Optical satellite. If so, the SAR satellite can immediately send the position of the TOI to the Optical satellite which can then re-task itself to manoeuvre to take a very high resolution image of the target within minutes of the detection.

These are just a few of the unique concept of operations that illustrates the rationale of this tandem formation and the potential of the mission.

What You Get From the Constellation A combination of the state-of-the-art sensors on-board each satellite in the Constellation and the innovative concept of operations generates unique and useful datasets of which a wide range of information can be extracted from.

Figure 2. SAR and Optical Information Product Types. The Constellation will generate an industry standard set of Rapid Positioning Capability (RPC) Model and Ortho Model (OM) products and videos. These products will include the imagery (all Optical sensor spectral channels and all SAR sensor polarisations) and the associated metadata for both sensors.


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One of the main advantages of the Constellation is the ability to fuse SAR and Optical data. The SAR and Optical data are highly complementary in terms of the information that can be extracted from each source.

The polarisation and dielectric measurement provided by SAR data can support determination of material classification, wetness, structure, texture and roughness information about the scene that the Optical data often cannot. For example, agriculture and forestry applications based on Optical data need to include a correction for soil moisture. And the SAR data can also assist in differentiating plant and tree types based on their polarisation information. The SAR interferometric products can also be used to measure minute variations in the Earth’s surface.

The spectral measurement provided by Optical data can support determination of signature classification information about the scene that SAR data often cannot. For example, the spectral signatures of different types of man-made objects, vegetation and geologic features are all well characterised in Optical data, and less so in SAR data.

The addition of a time-series of images acquired by the video sensor over the arc of acquisition geometries yields an even deeper understanding of the scene due to the 3D surface model and motion vector information that it provides.

Consequently, the fusion of Optical imagery, SAR imagery and interferometric information, 3D surface model and motion vector products yields a suite of products where there is significantly more information that can be extracted from any individual data source alone.

With co-incident Optical and SAR imagery, 3D surface model and motion vector information, the accuracy and range of possible applications becomes even more interesting because it eliminates a variety of unaccountable sources of error, typical of most fusion products resulting from the misregistration due to weather conditions, solar illuminations, temporal scene changes, viewing geometries, etc.

For example, in forestry biomass estimation, the X-band SAR sensor is used to locate the tops of the trees and the L-band SAR sensor is used to locate the bottom of the tree, thus yielding an accurate stand height. The pushbroom sensor is used to perform spectral classification to determine tree species and stand density. The video sensor is used to construct a 3D surface model of the scene and correct for any errors in the intermediate results. The data is then fused, in conjunction with the appropriate forestry models, in order to estimate the biomass.

The processing of high resolution SAR data will benefit greatly from being fused with accurate 3D surface models and motion vector information, thus yielding accurately focused imagery. SAR data has been traditionally processed assuming a smooth Earth or a coarse DEM, and therefore tends to be somewhat out of focus and suffer from layover and shadow artefacts. Since SAR data relies on the Doppler phase history, objects that are moving are therefore mis-located.

The cyclic nature of the solar illumination variations from the medium inclined orbit will allow construction of shadow-free 3D image models of cities by fusing both Optical and SAR data acquired over several orbits, giving both colour and structural information for all surfaces.

The following images illustrate a simple example of multi-sensor data fusion, combining X-band SAR, L-band SAR and multispectral Optical imagery, resulting in a very content-rich information product.


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Figure 3. Samples of X-Band SAR Image (Top Left), L-Band SAR Image (Top Right), Multispectral Optical Image (Bottom Left), Fused Image (Bottom Right).

At the End of the Day, it’s About the Applications! The standard and fusion products discussed earlier will feed into applications and services such as data analytics, site monitoring and wide-area reconnaissance.

The unique combination of the multispectral Optical data and the X-band and full quad-pole L-band SAR data provides for many unique applications. As described in the previous section, the L-band SAR data has the unique ability to penetrate through the forest canopy to measure biomass, for example, and detect objects under trees, while the X-band SAR reflect from the top of the canopy to support the biomass estimates and provides higher resolution. When combined with the multispectral Optical data, this provides for information rich fusion products.

As another example, in the rapidly growing area of ‘big data’ analytics, the dual-band SAR data on its own can provide very high value due to its ability to provide imagery independent of clouds and also at night. When


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combined with optical data (when it is available on cloud free days), this can provide powerful information that feeds the ‘big data’ analytics engines to create many different types of information products.

Figure 4. Applications and Benefits of the Constellation. The Constellation will also serve as a platform for advancing the research and development of a host of new applications and services. The combination of on-board processing capability, flexible and highly-configurable Optical and SAR sensor acquisition modes, and rapid data delivery will be used to support experiments involving novel acquisition geometries and imagery exploitation, and reducing latency in the delivery of actionable information to end users.

Just a small subset of the potential application areas that are currently being explored are:

Maritime Surveillance: The SAR and Optical sensors could be used in a cross-cueing scenario. The leading SAR sensor would scan the ocean, the on-board processor would perform real-time ship detection and the leading Optical sensor would be commanded to acquire very high resolution images of selected ships for positive identification and detection of any pollution discharges. Only the OTH-Gold (Over-The-Horizon) messages, together with their corresponding image chips from both the SAR and Optical sensor, would then need to be downlinked with no additional ground processing required.

Oil Spill Tracking: The X-band SAR provides superior oil-to-sea contrast. The fully polarimetric L-band SAR combined with Optical data provides oil classification in terms of its makeup (plant or mineral) and thickness.

Camouflage Detection: The penetration capabilities of the SAR sensor would be exploited to detect vehicles or other manmade structures hidden beneath natural or artificial foliage. When the Optical sensor fails to detect the same vehicles or structures, this indicates a likely camouflage situation.

Decoy Detection: The material classification capabilities of the SAR sensor would be exploited to differentiate real vehicles from wood, paper or plastic decoys that can easily fool an Optical sensor.

Disturbed Earth Detection: The penetration capabilities of the SAR sensor would be exploited to detect changes to the soil. When the Optical sensor fails to detect the same disturbances, this indicates a likely recent change.

Port Monitoring: The SAR and Optical sensors would be used to count shipping containers and determine stockpile volumes.