Scot And Susis Orange One

I am learning how to be in charge of my own language difficulties. Learning how to use active listening to monitor my understanding of language is important if I am to become an independent learner. My teachers use a combination Letters and Sounds, Jolly Phonics, pre writing and handwriting programs to teach me how to read and write. I am learning how to manage my own state of alertness. Teachers use The Alert Program and other strategies to help me achieve this. This is important for me to self regulate myself throughout the day so I can learn and interact. I have a dedicated social skills curriculum to learn about making friends with people. Teachers might also choose a specific skill to teach me when I’m finding interaction difficult. Activity schedules let me know what I’m meant to be doing within a lesson. They let me know the order in which happens or remind me what I need to complete a particular activity. Checklists can help me organize myself. My teachers make sure I get lots of opportunities to develop my independence skills. It’s really, really important that you help me learn how Daily schedules, weekly timetables and calendars help me learn the days of the week and the months of the year and what I’m doing at those times. I can also learn how to use them to get involved in organizing my time and talking about things I’ve done, or am going to do. I might find it difficult to understand spoken language - especially if you give me lots of instructions in one go! Try to explain new words and support complex instructions with MAKATON signs might be used in my classroom to help me learn and remember difficult words. My teachers keep my environment organized and structured. This helps me stay calm, feel safe, puts me in a great mood for learning and I know what to do in each part of the classroom. My teachers use an adapted curriculum to differentiate the National Curriculum for me. Lessons are interactive, related to my experiences, interests and sensory learning preferences. Talk to my teachers if you want me to learn something useful at school that would be useful to help me out at home. Parent teacher partnerships are important if I am to use all my skills in different places. Ask to join the Expert All About Me Books remind me of the things I’ve done. I can use it to tell my family what I’ve done at school and my teachers what Daily exercise and learning how to get involved in playground games are great ways of developing self-esteem, confidence, social skills and helps me to develop more sophisticated fine and gross motor skills. Orange Communication and Learning Package: to support students who are able to put sentences together to tell stories. I get time during the day I have opportunities to play. Learning how to play will help my language skills to develop and give me practice playing with other Using sequencing cards helps me put my thoughts in order when I’m telling a story. They also remind me of the order that I need to tell things in. This is called creating narrative.

Transcript of Scot And Susis Orange One

Page 1: Scot And Susis Orange One

I am learning how to be in charge of my own language difficulties. Learning how to use active listening to monitor

my understanding of language is important if I am to become an

independent learner.

I am learning how to be in charge of my own language difficulties. Learning how to use active listening to monitor

my understanding of language is important if I am to become an

independent learner.

My teachers use a combination Letters and Sounds, Jolly Phonics, pre writing

and handwriting programs to teach me how to read and write.

My teachers use a combination Letters and Sounds, Jolly Phonics, pre writing

and handwriting programs to teach me how to read and write.

I am learning how to manage my own state of alertness. Teachers use The

Alert Program and other strategies to help me achieve this. This is important

for me to self regulate myself throughout the day so I can learn and


I am learning how to manage my own state of alertness. Teachers use The

Alert Program and other strategies to help me achieve this. This is important

for me to self regulate myself throughout the day so I can learn and


I have a dedicated social skills curriculum to learn about making

friends with people. Teachers might also choose a specific skill to teach me when I’m finding interaction difficult.

I have a dedicated social skills curriculum to learn about making

friends with people. Teachers might also choose a specific skill to teach me when I’m finding interaction difficult.

Activity schedules let me know what I’m meant to be doing within a lesson. They let me

know the order in which happens or remind me what I need to complete a particular

activity. Checklists can help me organize myself.

Activity schedules let me know what I’m meant to be doing within a lesson. They let me

know the order in which happens or remind me what I need to complete a particular

activity. Checklists can help me organize myself.

My teachers make sure I get lots of opportunities to develop my independence

skills. It’s really, really important that you help

me learn how to do things by myself.

My teachers make sure I get lots of opportunities to develop my independence

skills. It’s really, really important that you help

me learn how to do things by myself.

Daily schedules, weekly timetables and calendars help me learn the days of the week and the months of the year and

what I’m doing at those times. I can also learn how to use them to get involved in

organizing my time and talking about things I’ve done, or am going to do.

Daily schedules, weekly timetables and calendars help me learn the days of the week and the months of the year and

what I’m doing at those times. I can also learn how to use them to get involved in

organizing my time and talking about things I’ve done, or am going to do.

I might find it difficult to understand spoken language - especially if you give me lots of instructions in one go! Try to explain new words and

support complex instructions with written words or pictures.

I might find it difficult to understand spoken language - especially if you give me lots of instructions in one go! Try to explain new words and

support complex instructions with written words or pictures.

MAKATON signs might be used in my classroom to help me learn and

remember difficult words.

MAKATON signs might be used in my classroom to help me learn and

remember difficult words.

My teachers keep my environment organized and structured. This helps me stay calm, feel safe, puts me in a great mood for learning and I know

what to do in each part of the classroom.

My teachers keep my environment organized and structured. This helps me stay calm, feel safe, puts me in a great mood for learning and I know

what to do in each part of the classroom.

My teachers use an adapted curriculum to differentiate the National

Curriculum for me. Lessons are interactive, related to my experiences,

interests and sensory learning preferences.

My teachers use an adapted curriculum to differentiate the National

Curriculum for me. Lessons are interactive, related to my experiences,

interests and sensory learning preferences.

Talk to my teachers if you want me to learn something useful at school that

would be useful to help me out at home. Parent teacher partnerships are

important if I am to use all my skills in different places. Ask to join the Expert

parent Program.

Talk to my teachers if you want me to learn something useful at school that

would be useful to help me out at home. Parent teacher partnerships are

important if I am to use all my skills in different places. Ask to join the Expert

parent Program.

All About Me Books remind me of the things I’ve done. I can use it to tell my family what I’ve done at school and my

teachers what I’ve done in my spare time!

All About Me Books remind me of the things I’ve done. I can use it to tell my family what I’ve done at school and my

teachers what I’ve done in my spare time!

Daily exercise and learning how to get involved in playground games are

great ways of developing self-esteem, confidence, social skills and helps me

to develop more sophisticated fine and gross motor skills.

Daily exercise and learning how to get involved in playground games are

great ways of developing self-esteem, confidence, social skills and helps me

to develop more sophisticated fine and gross motor skills.

Orange Communication and Learning Package: to support students who are able to put sentences together to tell stories.

Orange Communication and Learning Package: to support students who are able to put sentences together to tell stories.

I get time during the day I have opportunities to play. Learning how to play will help my language skills to

develop and give me practice playing with other


I get time during the day I have opportunities to play. Learning how to play will help my language skills to

develop and give me practice playing with other


Using sequencing cards helps me put my thoughts in order when I’m

telling a story. They also remind me of the order that I need to tell things in. This is called creating narrative.

Using sequencing cards helps me put my thoughts in order when I’m

telling a story. They also remind me of the order that I need to tell things in. This is called creating narrative.