Scot And Susis Blue Package

Activity schedules let me know what I’m meant to be doing within a lesson. They let me know the order in which happens or remind me what I need to complete a particular activity. My teachers make sure I get lots of opportunities to develop my independence skills. It’s really, really important that you help me learn how to do things by myself. Teachers use a variety of prompting strategies to help me develop my independence skills – things like tying my shoelaces, getting dressed and washing my hands. I use transition schedules to help me remember what I’m doing. They stop me from getting surprised when things change. I can also use them to remind me where to go in my classroom (or around my school) without anyone having to hold my hand. My teacher monitors my learning state – if I’m getting too excited, too sleepy or too distracted to learn they help me access a sensory diet to help me self regulate. I might find it difficult to understand spoken language. It’s really important you use keys words or short sentences when you tell me to do something. I might also get stressed if you speak too quickly, loudly or Adults use core MAKATON signs when the give me instructions. This helps me understand what they’re asking me to do. My teachers keep my environment organized and structured. This helps me stay calm, feel safe, puts me in a great mood for learning and I know what to do in each part of the classroom. I use PECS to tell you what I want and what I’m thinking. Even when I can talk, PECS will help me learn more words and help me make my sentences longer My teachers use a variety of smells, textures, tastes and great things to look at. This helps me develop my learning and play skills. This is called a sensory curriculum. Talk to my teachers if you want me to learn something useful at school that would be useful to help me out at home. Parent teacher partnerships are important if I am to use all my skills in different places. Ask to join the Expert parent Program. All About Me Books are a great way for you to get to know me. They also help me learn about my life and myself and give me something to talk about. Exercise is a great way of developing self-esteem, confidence, social skills and letting me practice my fine and gross motor skills. Blue Communication and Learning Package: to support students who don’t talk or those who use intentional vocalisations Intensive Interaction helps me learn how to make friends, trust and enjoy being with people and lets me practice non verbal communication skills like eye contact, taking turns and joining in games. I find it hard to know what to do by myself so my teachers will show me how to use toys and teach me how to use work stations so I can do things by myself.

Transcript of Scot And Susis Blue Package

Page 1: Scot And Susis Blue Package

Activity schedules let me know what I’m meant to be doing within a lesson. They let me

know the order in which happens or remind me what I need to complete a particular


Activity schedules let me know what I’m meant to be doing within a lesson. They let me

know the order in which happens or remind me what I need to complete a particular


My teachers make sure I get lots of opportunities

to develop my independence skills. It’s really, really important that you help me learn

how to do things by myself.

My teachers make sure I get lots of opportunities

to develop my independence skills. It’s really, really important that you help me learn

how to do things by myself.

Teachers use a variety of prompting strategies to help me develop my

independence skills – things like tying my shoelaces, getting dressed and

washing my hands.

Teachers use a variety of prompting strategies to help me develop my

independence skills – things like tying my shoelaces, getting dressed and

washing my hands.

I use transition schedules to help me remember what I’m doing. They stop me

from getting surprised when things change. I can also use them to remind me where to go in my classroom (or around my school) without anyone

having to hold my hand.

I use transition schedules to help me remember what I’m doing. They stop me

from getting surprised when things change. I can also use them to remind me where to go in my classroom (or around my school) without anyone

having to hold my hand.

My teacher monitors my learning state – if I’m getting too excited, too sleepy or too distracted to learn they help me access a sensory diet to help

me self regulate.

My teacher monitors my learning state – if I’m getting too excited, too sleepy or too distracted to learn they help me access a sensory diet to help

me self regulate.

I might find it difficult to understand spoken language. It’s really important you use

keys words or short sentences when you tell me to do

something. I might also get stressed if you speak too

quickly, loudly or tell me off.

I might find it difficult to understand spoken language. It’s really important you use

keys words or short sentences when you tell me to do

something. I might also get stressed if you speak too

quickly, loudly or tell me off.

Adults use core MAKATON signs when the give me instructions. This helps me understand what they’re

asking me to do.

Adults use core MAKATON signs when the give me instructions. This helps me understand what they’re

asking me to do.

My teachers keep my environment organized and structured. This helps me stay calm, feel safe, puts me in a great mood for learning and I know

what to do in each part of the classroom.

My teachers keep my environment organized and structured. This helps me stay calm, feel safe, puts me in a great mood for learning and I know

what to do in each part of the classroom.

I use PECS to tell you what I want and what I’m thinking. Even when I can talk, PECS will help me learn more

words and help me make my sentences longer

I use PECS to tell you what I want and what I’m thinking. Even when I can talk, PECS will help me learn more

words and help me make my sentences longer

My teachers use a variety of smells, textures, tastes and great things to look at. This helps me develop my

learning and play skills. This is called a sensory curriculum.

My teachers use a variety of smells, textures, tastes and great things to look at. This helps me develop my

learning and play skills. This is called a sensory curriculum.

Talk to my teachers if you want me to learn something useful at school that

would be useful to help me out at home. Parent teacher partnerships are

important if I am to use all my skills in different places. Ask to join the Expert

parent Program.

Talk to my teachers if you want me to learn something useful at school that

would be useful to help me out at home. Parent teacher partnerships are

important if I am to use all my skills in different places. Ask to join the Expert

parent Program.

All About Me Books are a great way for you to get to know me. They

also help me learn about my life and myself and give me something to

talk about.

All About Me Books are a great way for you to get to know me. They

also help me learn about my life and myself and give me something to

talk about.

Exercise is a great way of developing self-esteem, confidence, social skills and letting me practice my fine and

gross motor skills.

Exercise is a great way of developing self-esteem, confidence, social skills and letting me practice my fine and

gross motor skills.

Blue Communication and Learning Package: to support students who don’t talk or those who use intentional vocalisations

Blue Communication and Learning Package: to support students who don’t talk or those who use intentional vocalisations

Intensive Interaction helps me learn how to make friends, trust and enjoy

being with people and lets me practice non verbal communication skills like

eye contact, taking turns and joining in games.

Intensive Interaction helps me learn how to make friends, trust and enjoy

being with people and lets me practice non verbal communication skills like

eye contact, taking turns and joining in games.

I find it hard to know what to do by myself so my teachers will show me how to use toys and

teach me how to use work stations so I can do things by


I find it hard to know what to do by myself so my teachers will show me how to use toys and

teach me how to use work stations so I can do things by
