SCL 9 hw 1

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  • 7/24/2019 SCL 9 hw 1


    Linette T. Guillermo SCL9


    1. Blessing means a gift bestowed by God. Family should be onsidered as a blessing

    beause it is a ore reason of who and what we are. The family is the !lae of affetion."s we grow u! with our family# we de$elo! oursel$es by breathing in the warmth of the


    %. Treating the family as a blessing !reser$es marriage by strengthening the relationshi!

    between man and wife. &t hel!s nourish the relationshi! by ta'ing good are of it and

    gi$ing im!ortane to it. (arriage is a gift from God that should be lo$ed# ared for and


    3. Faith in God and !ersonal efforts !lay a ruial role in married beause it direts a

    marriage to where it)s going to be and what will it beome. &n married ou!les# linging

    to their shared faith in God will hel! them get through bouts of illness and other family

    hardshi!s along the way. They don)t ha$e to be Christian to ha$e a beautiful marriage#

    but ha$ing a shared faith hel!s. *ersonal efforts will hel! them understand and lo$e eah

    other unonditionally e$en in the sim!lest ways.

    4. The matrimonial union of man and woman is indissoluble. (ar' 1+,9 states that -what

    God has oined together# let no man !ut asunder./ 0i$ore does not only insult the

    sarament of marriage but also God. *eo!le get married 'nowing that they will to ommit

    to their !artner until the end of time. hy would one get married with di$ore as ano!tion if things go wrong2

    . The artile was atually eye o!ening. &t made me realie that marriage and ha$ing a

    family aren)t that sim!le. &t)s not ust two !eo!le who lo$e eah other but there are also

    other fators that should be onsidered in order to ma'e it wor'. Being married and

    ha$ing a family is a life5long ommitment and you should not enter in one if you are not

    1+16 ready for it.