Science Closing the Gap - Science Closing the...Closing...

Closing the Gap in Science Achievement: Using NAEP Science Assessment Scores to Analyze State Trends June 2007

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Page 1: Science Closing the Gap - Science Closing the...Closing the Gap in Science Achievement --- Using NAEP Science Assessment Scores to Analyze

Closing the Gap in Science Achievement:

Using NAEP Science Assessment Scores to Analyze State Trends

June 2007

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COUNCIL OF CHIEF STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials who head departments of elementary and secondary education in the states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and five U.S. extra-state jurisdictions. CCSSO provides leadership, advocacy, and technical assistance on major educational issues. The Council seeks member consensus on major educational issues and expresses their views to civic and professional organizations, federal agencies, Congress, and the public. State Education Indicators The Council is a strong advocate for improving the quality and comparability of assessments and data systems to produce accurate indicators of the progress of our elementary and secondary schools. The CCSSO education indicators project is providing leadership in developing a system of state-by-state indicators of the condition of K-12 education. Indicators activities include collecting and reporting statistical indicators by state, tracking state policy changes, assisting with accountability systems, and conducting analyses of trends in education. The CCSSO reports on state education policies inform education leaders and educators about the current status and trends in policies across the 50 states that define and shape elementary and secondary education in public schools. The report is part of a continuing biennial series produced by the Council’s education indicators project. We report 50-state information on policies regarding teacher and leader preparation and certification, graduation requirements, state content standards, student assessment programs, school time, and student attendance. The work of CCSSO is possible because of the excellent cooperation and coordination by staff in each state department of education as well as by funding from the U.S. Department of Education.

Council of Chief State School Officers Elizabeth Burmaster (Wisconsin), President

Rick Melmer (South Dakota), President-Elect

Gene Wilhoit, Executive Director

Rolf K. Blank, Director of Education Indicators

Copyright © 2007 Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.

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Closing the Gap in Science Achievement

Using NAEP Science Assessment Scores to Analyze State Trends

Rolf Blank Doreen Langesen Adam Peterman

Education Indicators Project

June 2007

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Closing the Gap in Science Achievement --- Using NAEP Science Assessment Scores to Analyze State Trends

Since the 1990s, CCSSO has analyzed and reported state-level National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) trends using the student scores by state from one year’s assessment and comparing the scores from a prior point (or points) in time (scores available from the U.S. Department of Education online through the NAEP Report Card, In 2006, CCSSO produced its first special analysis of NAEP state-level results that focused on change in scores over time for students from low-income families and minority students. The initial analysis focused on change in mathematics and reading scores. The typical analysis of student achievement trends using NAEP scores focuses on the overall percent of students at a grade level that scored at the proficient level, and states can be compared to other similar or nearby states or to the national percentage. CCSSO recently completed this kind of state-level analysis for NAEP mathematics and science scores for grades 4 and 8 from 1996 to 2005—and state trends graphs show the extent of change for each state. The results showed that students in about half the states made significant advances in the percent of students performing at the proficient level from 1996 to 2005 in mathematics (> 4 points gain), and about one-fourth of states made significant gains in students scoring at proficient level in science. The results of CCSSO’s analyses of overall state-by-state trends for NAEP in three subjects, and the analysis of trends in closing the gap, are available on the CCSSO website ( ). Now, this paper provides an analysis of “closing the gap” in NAEP science achievement for low-income and minority students The goal of the present analysis of change in NAEP results by student population group is to determine if overall state trends of change in student achievement across the states, or for a single state, are matched by the same extent of improvement for students who traditionally have had lower levels of student achievement. With increasing emphasis on disaggregation of student outcomes data under NCLB, educators are increasingly focused on tracking educational progress by specific student group in order to determine the effectiveness of our schools in improving the performance of all students. For the present analysis, we aimed to use the NAEP data to determine the extent of improvement in scores for low-income students in each state, and then compare change for this group of students with the change for the average student in the same state. In the paper we highlight trends at the two grade levels tested (4 and 8) on the NAEP Science Assessment with state-representative samples of students. For the two most recent NAEP testing periods -- 2000 and 2005 – science assessment trends were available from a total of 36 states that had participated in NAEP science. For grades 4 and 8 we determined the extent of change in scores on NAEP science using the percentage of students scoring at the Basic level or higher (thus, including students at Proficient and Advanced levels).

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Improvement in NAEP Science Results, Grade 4, 2000 to 2005 Table 1 shows the trends for NAEP Science at Grade 4 Basic level from 2000 to 2005 for Low-Income students as compared to change for All students. (The list of states is rank-ordered by change for low-income students.) Among the 36 states with five-year trends data in Science, 10 states had increases in the proportion of low-income students scoring at Basic or above that were greater than the state’s level of improvement for all students. Thus, we can say that in 4th grade Science, one-fifth of the states “closed the gap” over the five year period by producing increased Science achievement for Low-Income students as compared to all students. Nationally, there was a eight point average gain over five years in the percent of low-income students scoring at/above Basic level, and a five point gain for All students (now at 66 percent for the Nation). The state-level change percentages reveal that five states had more than 10 point increases in the percentage of low-income students that performed at the Basic level or higher in Science from 2000 to 2005 (Virginia, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Texas). In the same period, only one state had increases of more than 10 points for all grade 4 students (South Carolina). We can also note in 2005 five states had more than 80 percent of all students scoring at Basic level or higher—Virginia, Montana, Maine, New Hampshire, and North Dakota. The analysis of Science NAEP scores show that as of 2005 one-third of grade 4 students were performing below NAEP Basic level, and while ten states made significant gains above or at the national average, the majority of states did not see any change or slight decline in grade 4 science scores from 2000 to 2005. In Table 2 we highlight another way to analyze NAEP trends by state which is to determine the extent of improvement in scores for minority students as compared to all students. The states in Table 2 are rank ordered by percentage gain at/above Basic level for the largest minority student population in the state. To the extent that student low-income status is correlated with race/ethnic minority status, the trends reported in Table 1 and 2 will be very similar. However, the trend data show that 10 states had gains for the largest minority group students that were larger than the state average for all students in Science at grade 4 (national average of five points improvement). For each state, we selected for trends analysis the minority group with the largest enrollment for that state (see Table 9 with these enrollment data). Table 3 provides the state results shown in Tables 1 and 2 with states listed alphabetically. For further state-level NAEP data on Science scores at Basic and Proficient levels for grade 4, see Table 7. Table 9 provides demographics for each minority group by state.

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Improvement in NAEP Science, Grade 8, 2000 to 2005 Table 4 shows the trends for NAEP Science results at Grade 8 Basic level from 2000 to 2005 for low-income students as compared to all students. (States are rank-ordered by score gains for low-income students.) Nationally, there was a gain of 5 points in the percent of low-income students scoring at the Basic level (52 to 57 percent) and a gain of zero points for all students during the period. The state-level trends reveal that 14 states had increases in the percentage of low-income students scoring at NAEP Science Basic or higher that were higher than the rate for all students in their state. Five states had more than 10 point increases in the percentage of low-income students performing at the Basic level or higher (Massachusetts, Kentucky, Vermont, Virginia, California, and South Carolina). For all grade 8 students, 10 states had over 70 percent scoring at Basic level or higher on NAEP science in 2005. The results in Table 5 show the NAEP grade 8 Science trends for students in the largest minority group in each state, compared to trends for all grade 8 students. These trends show that 8 states had gains for the largest minority group that were larger than the average for all students (0 points gain). For each state, we selected for trends analysis the minority group with the largest enrollment for that state Table 6 provides the state results shown in Tables 4 and 5 with states listed alphabetically. For further state-level NAEP data on grade 8 Science at Basic and Proficient levels, see Table 8. Table 9 provides demographics for each minority group by state.

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Summary The Science NAEP score gains for low-income and minority students are slightly less than the gains that were found for NAEP Mathematics during the period 1998 to 2005 (CCSSO, 2006). The average state closed the gap by one percentage point per year in percent of low-income students at or above Science at the grade 8 Basic level, while the average state gained 1.6 points in grade 4 low-income students improving at Basic level or higher. We also note that several states with high overall scores in percent of students meeting the Basic level in Science at grade 4 and 8 did not have significant gains in the scores of low-income students in Science (e.g. Maine, Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Vermont, and Minnesota). Nationally, only 57 percent of all grade 8 students score at the Basic level or higher in 2005 NAEP Science, and there was no overall improvement from 2000 to 2005. At grade 4 NAEP Science, 66 percent of students scored at the Basic level or higher, and the percent increased by three points over the five-year period. NAEP is now conducted every four years in Science with a representative sample of grade 4 and 8 students in all states. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 mandated that NAEP assessments be conducted in Reading and Mathematics in all states. The participation in Science NAEP remained voluntary for the 2005 assessment, although the number of participating states increased from 36 in 2000 to 42 in 2005.

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Low Income Change All Grade 4 % All Grade 4Change '00 to '05 '00 to '05 at or above Basic

State % at or above Basic % at or above Basic 2005Virginia +15 +8 80Georgia +13 +6 63Kentucky +13 +7 76South Carolina +10 +10 64Texas +10 +4 66National Public +8 +5 66California +8 +5 50Tennessee +8 +6 67Louisiana +6 +3 57Hawaii +6 +6 57Utah +5 +1 74Wyoming +4 +1 78Missouri +4 +1 77New Mexico +4 +1 55Arkansas +3 +2 64Maryland +3 +3 64Ohio +3 +2 75West Virginia +3 +3 70North Carolina +3 +2 65Oregon +2 +2 68Mississippi +2 -1 45Massachusetts +2 -2 79Montana +1 0 80Idaho +1 +1 75Alabama +1 0 58Maine +1 -1 81Rhode Island 0 -2 63North Dakota 0 +1 82Vermont 0 -1 78Michigan -1 -1 69Arizona -1 -2 53Indiana -2 -4 70Illinois -4 -4 64Nevada -4 -3 55Oklahoma -4 -3 67Connecticut -5 -3 72Minnesota -6 -2 76Alaska — — —Colorado — — 74Delaware — — 71District of Columbia — — —DoDEA — — —Florida — — 68Iowa — — —Kansas — — —Nebraska — — —New Hampshire — — 83New Jersey — — 72New York — — —Pennsylvania — — —South Dakota — — 79Washington — — 71Wisconsin — — 77

Source: NAEP 2000 and 2005 Science Assessments (see for standard errors of estimates); USED, NCES.Council of Chief State School Officers, State Education Indicators, Washington, DC 2007.

Table 1: Closing the Gap in Science, Grade 4 Students, 2000 and 2005 NAEP, by Low Income Students

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Largest Minority Change All Grade 4 % All Grade 4Change '00 to '05 '00 to '05 at or above Basic

State % at or above Basic % at or above Basic 2005Tennessee +14 +6 67Massachusetts +13 -2 79Kentucky +12 +7 76South Carolina +12 +10 64National Public +11 +5 66California +10 +5 50Georgia +10 +6 63Utah +10 +1 74Rhode Island +9 -2 63West Virginia +9 +3 70Minnesota +7 -2 76Hawaii +6 +6 57Louisiana +6 +3 57New Mexico +6 +1 55North Dakota +6 +1 82Oregon +6 +2 68Connecticut +5 -3 72Idaho +5 +1 75Maryland +5 +3 64Missouri +5 +1 77Michigan +4 -1 69Virginia +4 +8 80Nevada +3 -3 55Texas +3 +4 66Arizona +2 -2 53Montana +2 0 80North Carolina +2 +2 65Arkansas +1 +2 64Ohio +1 +2 75Oklahoma +1 -3 67Wyoming +1 +1 78Mississippi -1 -1 45Alabama -2 0 58Illinois -5 -4 64Indiana -5 -4 70Alaska — — —Colorado — — 74Delaware — — 71District of Columbia — — —DoDEA — — —Florida — — 68Iowa — — —Kansas — — —Maine — -1 81Nebraska — — —New Hampshire — — 83New Jersey — — 72New York — — —Pennslyvania — — —South Dakota — — 79Vermont — -1 78Washington — — 71Wisconsin — — 77Source: NAEP 2000 and 2005 Science Assessments (see for standard errors of estimates); USED, NCES.Council of Chief State School Officers, State Education Indicators, Washington, DC 2007.

Table 2: Closing the Gap in Science, Grade 4 Students, 2000 and 2005 NAEP, by Minority Students

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% All Grade 4 Change All Grade 4 Low Income Largest Minority at or above Basic '00 to '05 Change '00 to '05 Change '00 to '05

State 2005 % at or above Basic % at or above Basic % at or above BasicAlabama 58 0 +1 -2Alaska — — — —Arizona 53 -2 -1 +2Arkansas 64 +2 +3 +1California 50 +5 +8 +10Colorado 74 — — —Connecticut 72 -3 -5 +5Delaware 71 — — —District of Columbia — — — —DoDEA — — — —Florida 68 — — —Georgia 63 +6 +13 +10Hawaii 57 +6 +6 +6Idaho 75 +1 +1 +5Illinois 64 -4 -4 -5Indiana 70 -4 -2 -5Iowa — — — —Kansas — — — —Kentucky 76 +7 +13 +12Louisiana 57 +3 +6 +6Maine 81 -1 +1 —Maryland 64 +3 +3 +5Massachusetts 79 -2 +2 +13Michigan 69 -1 -1 +4Minnesota 76 -2 -6 +7Mississippi 45 -1 +2 -1Missouri 77 +1 +4 +5Montana 80 0 +1 +2Nebraska — — — —Nevada 55 -3 -4 +3New Hampshire 83 — — —New Jersey 72 — — —New Mexico 55 +1 +4 +6New York — — — —North Carolina 65 +2 +3 2North Dakota 82 +1 0 +6Ohio 75 +2 +3 +1Oklahoma 67 -3 -4 +1Oregon 68 +1 +2 +6Pennsylvania — — — —Rhode Island 63 -2 0 +9South Carolina 64 +10 +10 +12South Dakota 79 — — —Tennessee 67 +6 +8 +14Texas 66 +4 +10 +3Utah 74 +1 +5 +10Vermont 78 -1 0 —Virginia 80 +8 +15 +4Washington 71 — — —West Virginia 70 +3 +3 +9Wisconsin 77 — — —Wyoming 78 +1 +4 +1National Public 66 +5 +8 +11Source: NAEP 2000 and 2005 Science Assessments (see for standard errors of estimates); USED, NCES.Council of Chief State School Officers, State Education Indicators, Washington, DC 2007.

Table 3: Closing the Gap in Science of Grade 4 Students, 2000 and 2005 NAEP, by Low Income and Minority

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Low Income Change All Grade 8 % All Grade 8Change '00 to '05 '00 to '05 at or above Basic

State % at or above Basic % at or above Basic 2005Massachusetts +11 +2 72Kentucky +10 +4 63Vermont +10 +5 76Virginia +10 +5 66California +10 +7 44South Carolina +8 +6 54Louisiana +5 +3 47Michigan +5 -2 66North Dakota +5 +5 77Arkansas +5 +3 56National Public +5 0 57Hawaii +4 +4 44Tennessee +4 0 55Georgia +4 +1 53North Carolina +4 -1 53Wyoming +4 +4 74Texas +3 +1 53Maine +3 0 72West Virginia +3 0 57Connecticut +3 -1 63Illinois +2 -1 58Utah +1 -2 65Missouri +1 0 66New Mexico +1 -2 46Oregon +1 -2 66Mississippi 0 -1 40Oklahoma 0 -3 57Idaho 0 0 71Maryland 0 -3 54Alabama -1 -4 48Nevada -1 -5 48Rhode Island -1 -1 58Minnesota -2 -1 71Indiana -3 -4 62Montana -4 -3 76Arizona -4 -6 49Ohio -9 -5 67Alaska — — —Colorado — — 66Delaware — — 63District of Columbia — — —DoDEA — — —Florida — — 51Iowa — — —Kansas — — —Nebraska — — —New Hampshire — — 76New Jersey — — 65New York — — —Pennsylvania — — —South Dakota — — 76Washington — — 66Wisconsin — — 70

Source: NAEP 2000 and 2005 Science Assessments (see for standard errors of estimates); USED, NCES.Council of Chief State School Officers, State Education Indicators, Washington, DC 2007.

Table 4: Closing the Gap in Science of Grade 8 Students, 2000 and 2005 NAEP, by Low Income Students

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Largest Minority Change All Grade 8 % All Grade 8Change '00 to '05 '00 to '05 at or above Basic

State % at or above Basic % at or above Basic 2005Massachusetts +11 +2 72California +8 +7 44South Carolina +7 +6 54Michigan +7 -2 66Hawaii +6 +4 44Kentucky +5 +4 63Louisiana +5 +3 47Tennessee +5 0 55Oregon +5 -2 66Virginia +4 +5 66Wyoming +4 +4 74Connecticut +4 -1 63Missouri +4 0 66Mississippi +3 -1 40Georgia +2 +1 53National Public +2 0 57North Carolina +2 -1 53Arkansas +1 +3 56Texas +1 +1 53Rhode Island +1 -1 58Utah 0 -2 65Illinois -1 -1 58New Mexico -1 -2 46Maryland -1 -3 54Nevada -1 -4 48Alabama -2 -5 48Indiana -2 -4 62Arizona -2 -6 49North Dakota -3 +5 77Oklahoma -3 -3 57Idaho -3 0 71Ohio -3 -5 67Montana -7 -3 76Vermont — +5 76Maine — 0 72West Virginia — 0 57Minnesota — -1 71Alaska — — —Colorado — — 66Delaware — — 63District of Columbia — — —DODEA — — —Florida — — 51Iowa — — —Kansas — — —Nebraska — — —New Hampshire — — 76New Jersey — — 65New York — — —Pennsylvania — — —South Dakota — — 76Washington — — 66Wisconsin — — 70

Source: NAEP 2000 and 2005 Science Assessments (see for standard errors of estimates); USED, NCES.Council of Chief State School Officers, State Education Indicators, Washington, DC 2007.

Table 5: Closing the Gap in Science of Grade 8 Students, 2000 and 2005 NAEP, by Largest Minority Group

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% All Grade 8 Change All Grade 8 Low Income Largest Minorityat or above Basic '00 to '05 Change '00 to '05 Change '00 to '05

State 2005 % at or above Basic % at or above Basic % at or above BasicAlabama 48 -5 -1 -2Alaska — — — —Arizona 49 -6 -4 -2Arkansas 56 +3 +5 +1California 44 +7 +10 +8Colorado 66 — — —Connecticut 63 -1 +3 +4Delaware 63 — — —District of Columbia — — — —DoDEA — — — —Florida 51 — — —Georgia 53 +1 +4 +2Hawaii 44 +4 +4 +6Idaho 71 0 0 -3Illinois 58 -1 +2 -1Indiana 62 -4 -3 -2Iowa — — — —Kansas — — — —Kentucky 63 +4 +10 +5Louisiana 47 +3 +5 +5Maine 72 0 +3 —Maryland 54 -3 0 -1Massachusetts 72 +2 +11 +11Michigan 66 -2 +5 +7Minnesota 71 -1 -2 —Mississippi 40 -1 0 +3Missouri 66 0 +1 +4Montana 76 -3 -4 -7Nebraska — — — —Nevada 48 -4 -1 -1New Hampshire 76 — — —New Jersey 65 — — —New Mexico 46 -2 +1 -1New York — — — —North Carolina 53 -1 +4 +2North Dakota 77 +5 +5 -3Ohio 67 -5 -9 -3Oklahoma 57 -3 0 -3Oregon 66 -2 +1 +5Pennsylvania — — — —Rhode Island 58 -1 -1 +1South Carolina 54 +6 +8 +7South Dakota 76 — — —Tennessee 55 0 +4 +5Texas 53 +1 +3 +1Utah 65 -2 +1 0Vermont 76 +5 +10 —Virginia 66 +5 +10 +4Washington 66 — — —West Virginia 57 0 +3 —Wisconsin 70 — — —Wyoming 74 +4 +4 +4National Public 57 0 +5 +2

Source: NAEP 2000 and 2005 Science Assessments (see for standard errors of estimates); USED, NCES.Council of Chief State School Officers, State Education Indicators, Washington, DC 2007.

Table 6: Closing the Gap in Science of Grade 8 Students, 2000 and 2005 NAEP, by Low Income and Minority

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Table 7: Proficient and Basic Levels for Science Grade 4, 2000 and 2005 NAEP

2005 2005 2000 2000 2005/lunch 2000/lunch% at or above % at or above % at or above % at or above % at or above % at or above

State Proficient Basic Proficient Basic Basic BasicAlabama 21 58 22 58 41 40Arizona 18 53 22 55 36 37Arkansas 24 64 23 62 50 47California 17 50 13 45 33 25Colorado 32 74 — — 52 —Connecticut 33 72 35 75 42 48Delaware 27 71 — — 54 —Florida 26 68 — — 54 —Georgia 25 63 23 57 47 34Hawaii 19 57 16 51 42 37Idaho 29 75 29 74 61 60Illinois 27 64 31 68 42 46Indiana 27 70 32 74 54 55Iowa — — 36 79 — 67Kentucky 36 76 28 69 68 55Louisiana 20 57 18 54 47 40Maine 36 81 37 82 71 70Maryland 27 64 24 61 38 35Massachusetts 38 79 42 81 54 52Michigan 30 69 32 70 45 46Minnesota 33 76 34 78 56 61Mississippi 12 45 13 46 33 31Missouri 36 77 34 76 65 60Montana 37 80 36 80 68 67Nebraska — — 26 68 — 46Nevada 17 55 19 58 38 43New Hampshire 37 83 — — 68 —New Jersey 32 72 — — 46 —New Mexico 18 55 17 54 45 41New York — — 24 66 — 45North Carolina 25 65 23 63 45 43North Dakota 36 82 36 81 71 71Ohio 35 75 31 73 53 50Oklahoma 25 67 26 70 56 60Oregon 26 68 27 66 51 49Rhode Island 23 63 25 65 38 38South Carolina 25 64 20 54 48 38South Dakota 35 79 — — 67 —Tennessee 26 67 24 61 51 44Texas 25 66 23 62 53 42Utah 33 74 31 73 59 55Vermont 38 78 38 79 65 66Virginia 40 80 32 72 63 48Washington 28 71 — — 55 —West Virginia 24 70 24 68 61 58Wisconsin 35 77 — — 58 —Wyoming 32 78 31 77 68 63National Public 27 66 26 61 47 39

Source: NAEP 2000 and 2005 Science Assessments (see for standard errors of estimates); USED, NCES.Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, DC, 2007.

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Table 8: Proficient and Basic Levels for Science Grade 8, 2000 and 2005 NAEP

Proficient Basic Proficient Basic Low Income Low Income% at or above % at or above % at or above % at or above % at or above % at or above

State 2005 All 2005 All 2000 All 2000 All 2005 Basic 2000 BasicAlabama 19 48 23 53 30 31Arizona 20 49 23 55 28 32Arkansas 23 56 22 53 40 35California 18 44 14 38 27 18Colorado 35 66 — — 42 —Connecticut 33 63 35 64 31 29Delaware 29 63 — — 43 —Florida 21 51 — — 36 —Georgia 25 53 23 52 33 29Hawaii 15 44 14 40 30 25Idaho 36 71 37 71 58 58Illinois 27 58 29 59 33 31Indiana 29 62 33 66 42 45Kentucky 31 63 28 60 52 42Louisiana 19 47 18 44 32 27Maine 34 72 35 72 61 58Maryland 26 54 27 57 28 28Massachusetts 41 72 39 70 50 39Michigan 35 66 35 68 47 41Minnesota 39 71 41 72 47 49Mississippi 14 40 15 41 25 25Missouri 33 66 33 66 48 47Montana 42 76 44 79 62 66Nebraska — — 38 71 — 51Nevada 19 48 22 52 30 31New Hampshire 41 76 — — 60 —New Jersey 33 65 — — 38 —New Mexico 18 46 20 48 34 33New York — — 28 58 — 40North Carolina 22 53 25 54 34 30North Dakota 43 77 38 72 62 57Ohio 35 67 39 72 41 50Oklahoma 25 57 25 60 46 46Oregon 32 66 34 68 50 50Rhode Island 26 58 27 58 34 35South Carolina 23 54 20 48 37 29South Dakota 41 76 — — 61 —Tennessee 25 55 24 55 38 34Texas 23 53 23 52 36 33Utah 33 65 34 67 50 49Vermont 41 76 39 71 62 51Virginia 35 66 29 61 42 32Washington 33 66 — — 48 —West Virginia 23 57 24 57 43 40Wisconsin 39 70 — — 44 —Wyoming 37 74 34 69 60 56National Public 27 57 29 57 37 32

Source: NAEP 2000 and 2005 Science Assessments (see for standard errors of estimates); USED, NCES.Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, DC, 2007.

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Table 9: Percentage of K-12 Public School Students by Race/ethnic Group School Year 2003-04

State Name White Black HispanicAsian/Pacific

Islander American IndianAlabama 60% 36% 2% 1% 1%Alaska 59% 5% 4% 7% 26%American Samoa 0% 0% 0% 100% 0%Arizona 49% 5% 37% 2% 7%Arkansas 70% 23% 5% 1% 1%California 33% 8% 47% 11% 1%Colorado 65% 6% 25% 3% 1%Connecticut 68% 14% 15% 3% 0.3%Delaware 57% 32% 8% 3% 0.3%District of Columbia — — — — —DoDEA 53% 21% 16% 9% 1%Florida 51% 24% 22% 2% 0.3%Georgia 52% 38% 7% 3% 0.2%Guam 1% 0.3% 0.2% 98% 0.1%Hawaii 20% 2% 4% 72% 1%Idaho 84% 1% 12% 1% 2%Illinois 57% 21% 18% 4% 0.2%Indiana 82% 12% 5% 1% 0.2%Iowa 88% 5% 5% 2% 1%Kansas 76% 9% 11% 2% 1%Kentucky 87% 10% 2% 1% 0.2%Louisiana 48% 48% 2% 1% 1%Maine 96% 2% 1% 1% 1%Maryland 50% 38% 6% 5% 0.4%Massachusetts 75% 9% 12% 5% 0.3%Michigan 73% 20% 4% 2% 1%Minnesota 80% 8% 5% 5% 2%Mississippi 47% 51% 1% 1% 0.2%Missouri 78% 18% 3% 1% 0.4%Montana 85% 1% 2% 1% 11%Nebraska 80% 7% 10% 2% 2%Nevada 51% 11% 30% 7% 2%New Hampshire 94% 1% 2% 2% 0.3%New Jersey 58% 18% 17% 7% 0.2%New Mexico 33% 2% 52% 1% 11%New York 54% 20% 19% 7% 0.5%North Carolina 58% 32% 7% 2% 1%North Dakota 88% 1% 1% 1% 9%Northern Marianas 0.4% 0.03% 0% 100% 0%Ohio 79% 17% 2% 1% 0.1%Oklahoma 61% 11% 8% 2% 18%Oregon 77% 3% 14% 4% 2%Pennsylvania 76% 16% 6% 2% 0.1%Puerto Rico 0% 0% 100% 0% 0%Rhode Island 71% 9% 16% 3% 1%South Carolina 54% 41% 3% 1% 0.3%South Dakota 85% 2% 2% 1% 11%Tennessee 71% 25% 3% 1% 0.2%Texas 39% 14% 44% 3% 0.3%Utah 83% 1% 11% 3% 2%Vermont 96% 1% 1% 2% 1%Virgin Islands 1% 84% 14% 0.2% 0.2%Virginia 61% 27% 7% 5% 0.5%Washington 71% 6% 12% 8% 3%West Virginia 94% 5% 1% 1% 0.1%Wisconsin 79% 11% 6% 3% 1%Wyoming 86% 1% 8% 1% 3%Total 58% 17% 19% 4% 1%Note: — = data not availableSource: Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education