Science 5º primaria Visigoths

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Transcript of Science 5º primaria Visigoths

  • 8/12/2019 Science 5 primaria Visigoths



    1. What did the Germanic invasions do?

    2. When did they invade the Iberian Peninsula?

    3. Who were the Visigoths?

    4. Where did they put the capital?

    5. Did they convert to Christianity?

    6. Who defeated the Visigoths and when?

    7. Whats the name of the newkingdom?

    8. Which is the new religion of Al Andalus?

    9. What did the Muslims introduce?

    10.And which products did merchants trade?

    11.What kind of people lives in Al Andalus?

    12.Who are the Mozarabs?

  • 8/12/2019 Science 5 primaria Visigoths


    13.When did the Christian Reconquest finish?

    14.Is medieval Spanish a feudal society?

    15.Name the three social groups:

    16.Who were the guilds?

    17.Who discovered America and when?

    18.What is the Renaissance?

    19.Who invented printing press?

    20.What influence did Martin Luther King have during the Reformation?

    21.What happens in political and social changes?