Sci-Tech 09 Finals

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  • 8/14/2019 Sci-Tech 09 Finals



    Under The Peepal Tree 2009

    Sci-Tech Quiz


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    Due to too much of X in the body,tissues swell. So excess X outside thecells draws sodium from within the cellsout into the serum in an attempt to re-establish the necessary concentration,and sodium concentration drops - a

    condition known as hyponatremia. Bothelectrolytes and X move across the cellmembrane in an effort to balanceconcentration.

    Theoretically, cells could swell to thepoint of bursting and this puts pressure

    on the brain and nerves, which can

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    Water (H2O)

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    X initially obtained an M.D. at StanleyMedical College in Madras, India, and

    subsequently obtained a Ph.D. from TrinityCollege at the University of Cambridge.

    He gave the 2003 BBC Reith Lectures,

    Decade of the Brain lecture for the SilverJubilee meeting of the Society forNeuroscience, and was conferred the title of

    Padma Bhushan by the President of India in2007.Newsweek magazine named him a memberof "The Century Club", one of the "hundred

    most prominent people to watch" in the

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    X died on 24 October 1601 in Prague, elevendays after suddenly becoming very ill during abanquet.

    For hundreds of years, the general belief wasthat he had strained his bladder. It had been

    said that to leave the banquet before itconcluded would be the height of bad manners,and so he remained, and that his bladder,stretched to its limit, developed an infection

    which later killed him. This theory wassupported by Kepler's first-hand account.

    Recent investigations have suggested that X

    did not die from urinary problems but instead

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    Tycho Brahe

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    A powerful number is a positiveinteger that for every prime number

    p dividing it, p2

    also divides it.Eg: 4 is divided by 2, and 22

    A perfect power is a positive integerthat can be expressed as a power ofsome other positive integer. Eg:

    Square numbers, cube numbers andso on..

    Powerful numbers which are not a

    perfect powers (and hence imperfect)

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    Achilles Number

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    This is a coding contest at Pwn2own held byCanSecWest ,Charlie Miller (the first guy)pocketed a $5,000 cash prize and a fully-patchedMacBook by splitting it wide, and gaining fullcontrol of the device after a user clicked on hismaliciouslink. So much for a safe MacBook.Another white-hatter by the name Nils(pictured) toppled Internet Explorer 8 running

    on a Windows 7 laptop -- again, the five grandand compromised VAIO P laptop are now his tokeep as compensation for turning over themalicious code.

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    The first of the three laws, previouslytermed X's Law, was proposed by X in theessay Hazards of Prophecy: The Failure ofImagination.

    The second law is offered as a simpleobservation in the same essay; its status asX's Second Law was conferred on it byothers.

    In Profiles of the Future (1973), Xacknowledged the Second Law proposedthe Third in order to round out the number,adding "As three laws were good enough for

    Newton, I have modestly decided to stop

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    Arthur C Clarke

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    This company was supposed tocome out with an OS called the

    ______Cobalt and mass marketthe same, which was to be basedon Linux for its touch-screen

    devices, but at the end of 2008, itwas pretty obvious that the OSwould not see the light of

    Consumer day when the companyunveiled their new product the

    ______which ran a completely

    new firmware or OS called the

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    2 It was set up3 The funnels stem was cut

    There are have been 8 recorded occurrences so far.

    December 1938February 1947

    April 1954May 1962August 1970April 1979

    July 1988

    28 November 2000

    Strangely enough, none of these occurrences haveactually been observed, apart from through recordingdevices such as cameras. Put funda.

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    Pitch Drop experiment

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    The main problem for students to accept thisfact is that they are often "mentally committed

    to the notion that a number can berepresented in one and only one way by adecimal." Seeing two different decimalsrepresenting the same number appears to be a

    paradox. This problem proved such a populartopic in the first seven years of BlizzardEntertainment's forums that thecompany issued a "press release" on AprilFools' Day 2004 that went:We are very excited to close the book on thissubject once and for all. .....and that the

    following proof finally and conclusively

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    The fact that 0.9999999 = 1

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    The picture actually depicts a hostage situation, the gunmanseen in the picture, held off the authorities for the whole of 10hours.What is unique and totally embarrassing about this situation?

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    gunman was holding off the police with a Sega Gun

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    wmembers of the Academy of Sciencesfounded at Paris in 1666. He is credited

    for the "discovery" of eye's blind spot.He wrote many original papers upon agreat variety of physical subjects.

    His fame rests on the establishment of afundamental law that bears his name

    along with another name more famous.This was first published in an essay onthe nature of air in 1676.

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    Boyles Law

    X is a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons

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    Xis a semi solid mixture of hydrocarbons(with C numbers mainly higher than 25),originally promoted as an ointment for its

    healing properties. Xs folkloric medicinalvalue as a "cure-all" has since been limitedby better scientific understanding of its


    The raw material was discovered in 1859 in

    Titusville, Pennsylvania where it was stuckto some of the first oil rigs in the U.S. Theworkers disliked X because it caused therigs to seize up, but they used it on cuts

    and burns because it hastened healing. X ?

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    Vaseline / petroleum jelly

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    Nacreous clouds are clouds in the polar stratospheric

    regions that support chemical reactions that produce

    active chlorine, and they remove gaseous nitric acid,perturbing nitrogen and chlorine cycles. These clouds

    are said to be the main cause for what?

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    The hole in the antarctic ozone layer

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    13 slides-3,3,3,3,1


    Last slide - +5 No negs

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    Dry rounds

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    Dry rounds

    is the slowing of life processes by

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    _________ g p yexternal means without termination.Breathing, heartbeat, and other involuntaryfunctions may still occur, but they can only bedetected by artificial means. Extreme cold isused to slow down the basic functions, and

    has lead to the development of cryonics.While cryonics preserves the organism indead conditions, ________ keeps them alive.Outside of science fiction, the

    technique has almost never been

    applied to humans for more thana few hours.The case of Laina Beasley (in pic)is an exception; she was kept in

    as a two-celled embryo

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    Suspended Animation

    "If now any separation of the systeml b li i

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    R (real number line), into twoclasses A1,A2 is given whichpossesses only this characteristicproperty that every number a1 in A1is lesser than every number a2 in

    A2, then we shall call such aseparation a 'schnitt' anddesignate it as the set (A1, A2)".

    This schnitteffectively split the realnumber line into two parts - one setlesser than 2and one greater.

    Words which revolutionised the way

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    Dedekind, Dedekinds Cut

    X comprises any idea or behavior that can pass

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    from one person to another by learning orimitation through thoughts, ideas, gestures,

    fashions, habits, and so on.

    X propagate themselves and can move throughthe cultural sociosphere in a manner similar to the

    contagious behavior of a virus. X evolve bynatural selection, through variation, mutation,competition, and inheritance.

    Thus one can expect that some X will propagateless successfully and become extinct, while otherswill survive, spread, and (for better or for worse)mutate. It is argued that X which are most

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    Tambalacoque (Calvaria Major) is also

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    called_______. It is valued for its timber,

    and is analogous to Peach. In 1973, itwas thought that this species was dyingout. There were supposedly only 13specimens left, all estimated to be about

    300 years old.

    The tree germinates by hard endocarpsurrounding the seed, but the endocarpnaturally splits along a fracture lineduring germination. What was the reasonproposed for this dying out? Or give

    However the tree continues to

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    Dodo tree

    Put fundae

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    Put fundae

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    The "standard interpretation" of the TuringTest, in which player C, the interrogator, is

    tasked with trying to determine which

    player - A or B - is a computer and whichis a human. The interrogator is limited to

    using the responses to written questions in

    order to make the determination.

    Proposition 1. The 2300 prophetic days did notcommence before the rise of the little horn of the He

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    Goat.2. Those day did not commence after the destruction

    of Jerusalem & ye Temple by the Romans A.D. 70.3. The time times & half a time did not commencebefore the year 800 in wch the Popes supremacycommenced

    4. They did not commence after the reigne of Gregorythe 7th. 10845. The 1290 days did not commence before the year842.6. They did not commence after the reigne of PopeGreg. 7th. 10847. The difference between the 1290 & 1335 days are aparts of the seven weeks.

    Therefore the 2300 years do not end before ye year

    2132 nor after 2370. The time times & half time dont

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    s occult study proof that the world cannot end bef

    Put Funda:

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    For the QED interaction lagrangian,, describing the interaction of a fermionic field

    with a bosonic gauge fieldA, the rules canbe formulated in coordinate space as follows: Each integration coordinatexj is represented by

    a point (sometimes called a vertex); A bosonic propagator is represented by a curvy

    line connecting two points; A fermionic propagator is represented by a solidline connecting two points;

    A bosonic fieldA(xi) is represented by a curvyline attached to the pointxi;

    A fermionic field (xi) is represented by a solidline attached to the pointxi with an arrowtoward the point;

    A fermionic field (xi) is represented by asolid line attached to the pointxi with an arrow

    from the point;

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    Rules for drawing Feynman Diagrams

    On June 8, 1959, the U.S. submarine Barbero

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    Jconducted this test as a combination experimentand publicity stunt in the hopes of findingalternative uses for military technology. Theyused a warhead-less Regulus cruise missile forthe experiment. The Regulus left Norfolk(Virginia), and was opened at Mayport to

    facilitate further routing.It was claimed that this wouldmake missiles very popularfor this extremely commonand practical application

    before man reached themoon. (Thankfully!) Thisturned out to be the 1st andlast such attempt to do WHAT

    using Regulus missles?

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    Missile Mail

    The basic game play style became a popular partf th l d i th 1980 ith

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    of the puzzle game genre during the 1980s, withsuch titles as _____-Out and Yomp. Then cameRelentless Logic (or RLogic), which was availablefor MS-DOS as early as 1985.

    In RLogic, the player is a private in the US MarineCorps, delivering an important message to theU.S. Command Center. RLogic was a gamewithout any high scores, which required the

    player to navigate through a field from the topleft corner (starting point) to the bottom rightcorner (the Command Center). What came of allthis?

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    s s e response o some ng. ar ssa ayer, , earcProducts & User Experience explains as:

    "We periodically receive updates to that list and received one

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    We periodically receive updates to that list and received onesuch update to release on the site this morning. Unfortunately

    (and heres the human error), the URL of / was mistakenlychecked in as a value to the file and / expands to all URLs.Fortunately, our on-call site reliability team found the problemquickly and reverted the file. Since we push these updates in astaggered and rolling fashion, the errors began appearing

    between 6:27 a.m. and 6:40 a.m. and began disappearingbetween 7:10 and 7:25 a.m., so the duration of the problem forany particular user was approximately 40 minutes.

    Thanks to our team for their quick work in finding this. And

    again, our apologies to any of you who were inconveniencedthis morning, and to site owners whose pages were incorrectlylabeled. We will carefully investigate this incident and put morerobust file checks in place to prevent it from happening again.


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    Google declares internet as malware

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    used for precious metals, black powder, andgemstones. The name supposedly derives from ______in France, site of one of the major medieval fairs. One

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    , jcubic inch of distilled water, at 17 C, and at a

    barometric pressure of 30 inches of Hg, wasdetermined to weigh 252.458 ____ grains.

    One ____ lb (pound) = 12 ____ ouncesOne ____ oz = 20 pennyweight (dwt) = 480 grains =33.3 gramsOne pennyweight = 24 grains

    The ____ system was the basis for the pre-

    decimalisation British system of coinage, in which thepenny was literally one pennyweight of silver. Onepound sterling was equal to 20 shillings, with eachshilling equal to 12 pennies. Thus, one pound sterling

    equals 240 pennyweights or one pound of sterling

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    Troy systems of measurements

    Before John McCain unveiled Sarah Palin as his

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    running mate, the following list of people were in

    with a shot. X and Y are two former powerhouseSilicon Valley CEOs.

    Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

    Former Arkansas Governor Mik HuckabeeConnecticut Senator Joseph LiebermanAlaska Governor Sarah PalinX

    YMinnesota Governor Tim PawlentyFormer Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney

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    Meg Whitman & Carly Fiorina

    The sages of Milesian school in Ionia in

    ancient Greece aimed to discover the

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    ancient Greece aimed to discover the

    essential nature, or real constitution of, things

    they called X. This lent a strong mysticalflavour to the Milesian school. They were

    called hylozoists, or those who think matter

    is alive, by the later Greeks, because theysaw no distinction between the animate and

    the inanimate, spirit and matter. In fact, they

    did not even have a word for matter, sincethey saw all forms of existence as

    manifestations of X, endowed with life and

    spirituality. Give X, or the term it gives rise to.

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    Physis The origin of the wordPhysics.

    The Three Virtues of a Programmer:

    1. Laziness - The quality that makes you go to great

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    1. Laziness The quality that makes you go to greateffort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you

    write labor-saving programs that other people will finduseful, and document what you wrote so you don't have toanswer so many questions about it. Hence, the first greatvirtue of a programmer. Also hence, this book. See alsoimpatience and hubris.

    2. Impatience - The anger you feel when the computer isbeing lazy. This makes you write programs that don't justreact to your needs, but actually anticipate them. Or atleast pretend to. Hence, the second great virtue of a

    programmer. See also laziness and hubris.

    3. Hubris - Excessive pride, the sort of thing Zeus zapsyou for. Also the quality that makes you write (andmaintain) programs that other people won't want to say

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    Larry Wall and Perl

    Symbolics refers to two companies: now-defunctcomputer manufacturer Symbolics Inc and a

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    computer manufacturer Symbolics, Inc., and aprivately held company that acquired the assets

    of the former company and continues to sell andmaintain the Open Genera Lisp system and theMacsyma computer algebra system.

    Symbolics designed and manufactured a line ofLisp machines, single-user computers optimizedto run the Lisp programming language.

    The Lisp Machine was the first commerciallyavailable "workstation" (although that word hadnot yet been coined).

    A picture of a process running in a Symbolics

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    The first ever .com domain

    Nicolaus was a contemporary of Euler. In

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    p y1720 he posed the problem of reciprocal

    orthogonal trajectories, which was intended asa challenge for the English Newtonians.

    Daniel is most famous for formulating a lawthat is based upon the principle of the

    conservation of energy as applied to steadystate fluid motion.

    In 1690, Jacob became the first person todevelop the technique for solving separabledifferential equations.

    Johann was one of Eulers teachers when hewas at Basel University, and is now

    acknowledged to be the actual proponent of a

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    Bernoulli family

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    12 questions; 4 sets of 3 pics each

    1-3: +20

    4-6: +15

    7-9: +10

    10 12: +5

    -5 FLAT.

    A professor of physics is going ice skating for the first time. Hehas gotten himself into the middle of an ice rink and cannot figure

    out how to make the skates work. Every motion he makes simply

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    slips on the ice and leaves him in the same place he started. He

    decides that he can get off the ice by throwing his gloves in theopposite direction.

    (a) Suppose he has a mass M and his gloves have a mass m. If

    he throws them as hard as he can away from him, and they leave

    his hand with a velocity v. Explain whether or not he will move. If

    he does move, calculate his velocity, V.

    (b) Discuss his motion from the point of view of the forces acting

    on him.

    (c) If the ice rink is 10 m in diameter and the skater starts in the

    center, estimate how long it will take him to reach the edge,

    assuming there is no friction at all

    The orbiting Hubble telescope was

    recently repaired by a crew of

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    y p y

    astronauts from the Space Shuttle

    Endeavor. The Hubble is in a

    circular orbit 600 km above the

    surface of the earth. For half of the

    Hubble's orbital period it is in

    sunlight and for half it is in the

    darkness of the earth's shadow. As

    a results of the change in fit of thevarious parts of the Hubble due to

    heating and cooling of the

    telescope, the astronauts could

    only work on certain repairs while

    the Hubble was in darkness.

    Estimate how much time theastronauts had to work on these

    repairs before having to stop "for a


    In the 1989 Loma

    Prieta earthquake in


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    approximately 2 million

    books fell off the

    shelves at the Stanford

    University library. If you

    were the library

    administrator andwanted to hire enough

    part-time student labor

    to put the books back

    on the shelves in orderin 2 weeks, how many

    students would you

    have to hire?

    The density of water is just

    The bosom of the atmosphere

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    about 1000 kg/m 3 . The

    density of air is just about1000 times less. From

    your knowledge of the air

    pressure at ground level,

    estimate the height of the

    atmosphere. As asimplifying assumption,

    take the atmosphere to be

    of uniform density up to

    some height after whichthe density rapidly falls to


    The Drake equation states that:

    N = R* x fp x ne x f x fi x fc x L

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    N R x fp x ne x f x fix fcx L

    where:N= No of civilizations in our galaxy with which

    communication might be possible;

    R* = average rate of star formation in our galaxy

    fp = fraction of those stars that have planets

    ne = average number of planets that can

    potentially support life per star that has planetsf = fraction of the above that actually go on to

    develop life at some point

    fi= fraction of the above that actually go on to

    develop intelligent life

    fc= fraction of civilizations that develop a

    technology that releases detectable signs oftheir existence into space

    L = length of time such civilizations release

    detectable signals into space.

    No. of

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    What is its weight / height?

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    How Many Cells?

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    How many jelly beans in a jar?

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    Piano Tuner

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    Fermi Problems