Sci 02 ncert_gr6_need to take different varieties of foods

1 Components of Food Need to Take Different Varieties of Food Learning Objectives: To make them understand the need to eat different varieties of food Learning Outcome: Pupil lists out the sources for various food items based on the nutrients. Pupil names the vitamins and minerals present in food items on seeing them


CBSE Science, Grade - 6, Chapter-2, Lesson Plan-2 - Need for different foods

Transcript of Sci 02 ncert_gr6_need to take different varieties of foods

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Learning Objectives:• To make them understand the need to

eat different varieties of food

Learning Outcome:• Pupil lists out the sources for various

food items based on the nutrients.• Pupil names the vitamins and minerals

present in food items on seeing them

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Can you name the nutrients present in food?

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, …..




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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

…. Vitamins, Minerals, Water and Roughage.




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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

How these nutrients play an important role in our body?

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

They help us to grow, give energy to carry our work, keep active throughout etc.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Rice Wheat

Sources of carbohydrates- plant source

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food




Sources of carbohydrates- plant source

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Sweet potato



Sources of carbohydrates- plant source

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Banana Corn

Sources of carbohydrates- plant source

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Potato Baby corn

Sources of carbohydrates- plant source

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

They give energy. So carbohydrates are called as energy giving foods.


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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

There are two major sources of fats – plant source and animal source.

Source of Fat

Plant Source Animal Source

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Plant sources of Fat

Ground nuts Cashew nuts

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Plant sources of Fat

Almond Pista

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Plant sources of Fats

Coconut oil Soya bean oil

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Plant sources of Fats

Sunflower OilSunflower Oil

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Animal sources of Fat

MilkMilk CreamCream

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

ButterButter GheeGhee

Animal sources of Fat

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Fats are also called energy giving food.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

There are two major sources of proteins – plant source and animal source.

Source of Protein

Plant Source Animal Source

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Plant sources of Protein

PeasPeas SoyaSoya

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

BeansBeans Thoor dalThoor dalPlant sources of Protein

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Moong dalMoong dal Chenna dalChenna dal

Plant sources of Protein

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Urud dalUrud dal PulsesPulses

Plant sources of Protein

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Animal Sources of Protein

EggsEggs MilkMilk

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

PaneerPaneer MeatMeat


Animal Sources of Protein

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

How the intake of above items does help our body?

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Helps in growth and repair of cells. Since they help in growth they are called BODY BUILDING FOODS.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Vitamin - A

FishFish CarrotsCarrots

MilkMilkEgg YolkEgg Yolk

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Ripened MangoesRipened MangoesYellow PumpkinsYellow Pumpkins


Vitamin - A

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Vitamin - A

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Vitamin - B


Leafy VegetablesLeafy Vegetables

Unpolished RiceUnpolished Rice

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Germinating SeedsGerminating Seeds


EggsEggs MeatMeat

Vitamin - B

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Vitamin - C



AppleApple GrapesGrapes

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Vitamin - C

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

VitD- milk, butter, eggs, cod-liver oil, cabbage, sunlight


Cod-liver OilCod-liver OilEggsEggs

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Vitamin - D



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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Vitamin - E


Geminating WheatGeminating Wheat

Green VegetablesGreen Vegetables

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

VitK- spinach, cabbage, cauliflower and other green vegetables.



Green VegetablesGreen Vegetables


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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

These vitamins are required in small amounts to carry out various metabolic activities of our body.





Waste Products

To synthesize protein and other chemicals


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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

They protect our body against diseases, and helps in keeping our eyes, bones, teeth and gums healthy.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Green VegetablesGreen Vegetables

Unpolished RiceUnpolished Rice


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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food




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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Sea foodsSea foods



Iodised saltIodised salt

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Black gram

Coconut water

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food




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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Milk Egg yolkWheat

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Green Leafy Vegetables


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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Milk and Dairy ProductsGreen Vegetables



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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Minerals are essential for proper growth of our body and to maintain good health.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Water helps in absorbing the nutrients in our body and also to carry metabolic function properly.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Roughage does not provide any nutrient to the body but helps in retaining water and adds bulk to our food. Prevents from constipation.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

1 g 1 g


1Gram of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fat are taken. Which is the cheapest source of energy ?

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

1Gram of carbohydrates yields 17kJ of energy where as 1gram of fats on oxidation yields 37kJ of energy. So carbohydrates are known as cheapest source of energy where as fats are known as richest source of energy.

1 g

1 g

17 kJ of Energy

37 kJ of Energy



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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Our skin synthesizes vitamin D with the help of sunlight as our skin has a compound known as 7-D hydro cholesterol. Bacteria found in human intestine synthesize vitamin K that helps in clotting of blood. Vitamin A, D, E, K is called as Fat soluble vitamins as they are soluble in the presence of fats. Vitamin B and C are called as water soluble vitamins are they are soluble in water. Excess of vitamin A results in peeling of skin.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Suggested Activity

Students are given different food items and are asked to group them under vitamins and minerals.Food items- carrot, egg, cod liver oil, butter, milk, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, amla, gooseberry, grapes, orange, mango, pineapple, meat, yeast, spinach leaves, coriander leaves, black gram, dates, lentil, peas, fruit, beet root, turnip, dairy products, wheat, beans, liver, salt.


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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Inquisitive Questions

1. Why carbohydrates are called as cheapest source of energy?2. Why fats are called as richest source of energy?3. What is the most important nutrient among carbohydrates?4. Why sports person and patients are given glucose drips?5. When you feel your energy level is too low which fruit juice if you drink will pep up your energy? Why?6. Why is it recommended to eat some fruits and vegetables with their peel? 7. Steaming vegetables is better than boiling vegetables Why?8. Our diet should include an adequate quantity of vegetables. Why?9. What acts as roughage for our body?10. Repeated washing of rice and pulses are not advisable. Why?

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

1. Get fresh vegetables like spinach, cabbage and weigh them. Next dry them under the sun and weigh them. Note the difference of weight and find out what is the reason for such difference.2. Determine the water content of fruits like tomato, musambi, lemon by weighing it before and after squeezing the juice from it.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Even if one nutrient is not taken in our diet, it results in deficiency diseases. But if we develop at least one good quality, our efficiency increases.


One NutrientDeficiency

ManAny One

Good Quality+





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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food

Too much of cooking and washing removes the essential nutrients from food, similarly too much of talking reduces our thinking ability and memory.

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Boil the milk, and cover it with a lid. After sometime, open the lid. What is behind the lid? What could be the reason?

Click here for clue

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Components of Food

Need to Take Different Varieties of Food


Boil the milk, and cover it with a lid. After sometime, open the lid. What is behind the lid? What could be the reason?

Clue Tiny water droplets