Schwarzkopf Foundation AnnuAl RepoRt 2019€¦ · the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young europe was...

ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Schwarzkopf Foundation

Transcript of Schwarzkopf Foundation AnnuAl RepoRt 2019€¦ · the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young europe was...

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AnnuAl RepoRt 2019

Schwarzkopf Foundation

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André Schmitz-Schwarzkopf, Chairman of the BoardAnne Rolvering, Executive Director of the Schwarzkopf Foundation


discussing europe

Discussion events in Berlin


schwarzkopF Foundation

Our foundation and our new programme line


shaping europe

European Youth Parliament


discovering europe

Seminars and travel grants


celebrating europe

Awards and celebrations


organisation & transparency


Page 4: Schwarzkopf Foundation AnnuAl RepoRt 2019€¦ · the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young europe was founded in 1971 to learn from the lessons of national Socialism. Aware of the horrors

Dear Friends of europe,

the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young europe was founded in 1971 to learn from the lessons of national Socialism. Aware of the horrors of war and the consequences of racist ideologies, our founder – pauline Schwarzkopf – developed the Foundation’s main goal: to promote a better understanding between young people of different nationali-ties, cultures and religions in europe. As such, we see it as our task to strengthen the european union’s founding idea – unity in diversity.

the idea of a pluralistic europe is being attacked once more. Instead of unity in diversity, nationalist forces in particular are increasingly demanding for a europe that excludes migrants, Muslims and other minorities. But the conceptualisation of a homogeneous europe is both unhistorical and dangerous. even before the european union was founded, migration and religious diversity were integral to the continent. In some areas, for example, Muslims have been part of the population for centuries and have had decisive influences on architec-ture, economy and science, and thus, on european history. promoting a better understanding of europe’s diversity is what we at the Schwarz-kopf Foundation are committed to do.

the aim of a plural, open society must be to give everyone the same chance, visibility, recognition and acceptance. there is still much to be done in this respect. As is so often the case, hope lies with the next generation. Young people consider plurality to be a given. they should be encouraged to work together so that the future of europe can be peaceful and pluralistic. these are the aims of the “Young Islam Con-ference” project, which we welcomed in october as a new programme line. Young people from different religious and cultural backgrounds can come together to discuss and answer questions on multi-faceted coexistence as well as share their pro-pluralistic attitudes with the outside world. With this project and with our work, we look forward to standing up together for a europe in which religious as well as every other form of diversity is widely accepted.

In this sense – Vive l’europe!


andré schmitz-schwarzkopfChairman of the BoardSchwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe

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Dear readers,

What does coexistence in a plural, open, democratic european society look like? this question was at the heart of many dialogues, discussion events, conferences, roundtables, simulations, training sessions, scholarships and seminars that the Schwarzkopf Foundation conducted in 2019 with about 50,000 young europeans.

We discussed this question in the context of a very exciting and event-ful year for European policy and engagement. For our work, the first half of the year was marked by the 2019 european elections with many discussion events, participation dialogues and courses on understand-ing europe with the aim of getting more young people to vote. Voter turnout was encouragingly high, and the results of the eurobarome-ter survey show that this increase was mainly driven by the younger generation in the eu. Young europeans under 25 years of age (+14 percentage points) and 25-39-year-olds (+12 points) participated more frequently than ever before. Although most young europeans do not see themselves sufficiently represented by the European Parliament and consider the european elections to be ‘second-class’ elections, they still feel very much attached to europe. Approval of the european union, especially among young europeans, is pleasingly high, and they are the group with the strongest feeling of european citizenship. this positive attitude is encouraging.

Despite this increased voter turnout and the increasing politicisation of young people, we have observed that young people often do not feel addressed by party politics. the Shell Youth Study, published in 2019, no longer speaks only of young people’s party disenchantment, but also of party rejection. unfortunately, only those who are already politically interested participate in most political movements. this loss of confidence in party democracy and the “silent third” will impact our Foundation in the years to come in terms of our formats and what educational programmes we offer. Together with you, we would like to strengthen opportunities for young people to be engaged in political processes and to further develop their interests in and understanding of how to be involved in both political and public spheres.

I would like to thank all our partners for their wonderful cooperation, without which our work would not be possible, as well as all of the young people who are committed to taking part in classroom discus-sions, events and projects in order to support a democratic, peaceful and sustainable europe. Yours truly,

anne rolveringExecutive Director of the Schwarzkopf Foundation

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Schwarzkopf Foundation

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Our foundationAnnual Report 2019

get to know us

The non-partisan Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe was founded by pauline schwarzkopf in 1971 in Hamburg. The foundation’s mission is to empower young people from all backgrounds to be active European citizens who contribute to a pluralistic, democratic society through their engagement and opinions, leading to mutual understand-ing, solidarity and peaceful collaboration across Europe.

our aim is for young people between the ages of 16 and 28 to develop dialogues with leading figures from the worlds of politics, the economy and culture. We provide young people with information about decision-making processes in Europe and make these processes visible and tangible, and therefore beneficial to their education. We discuss European political and social topics that are important and relevant to young people and, in so doing, aim to offer them the chance to engage in European thinking and understanding.

our areas of focus:

Education on democratic citizenship

Taking a European angle

Reflecting on the diversity of Europe

our main goal is to support young people’s development into politically aware and responsible individuals with the objective of strengthening the European idea, European understanding and combating right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism.

To meet this goal, we organise discussion events, semi-nars, dialogue platforms and debates. We visit embassies, exhibitions and reach out to pupils and students through our eu-crash courses, asylum courses and Media courses.

As part of these activities, young people can experience politics and directly participate in exchanges with ambassadors, ministers, journalists, EU parliamentarians, EU commissioners, prime ministers, scientists, contempo-rary witnesses and artists.

In addition, we award travel grants and annual awards, including the “Young European of the Year,” the “Schwarzkopf Europe Award,” and the “Margot Friedländer Award.”

Finally, since 2004, the european youth parliament has been a project of the Schwarzkopf Foundation and supports Europe-wide dialogue between young people. In 2019, we welcomed our new programme line, young islam conference, which brings young people with different religious and cultural backgrounds together to contribute to a peaceful, pluralistic society.

Get to know us and become part of our network of young Europeans working to create a strong and vivid civil society!

For more information:

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Schwarzkopf Foundation











travel grants

EYP training events






activities in

2019 in numbers

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Annual Report 2019

50 4,000 4 1,500

70 280 1

2,000,000 40 3 10



European Election Dialogues with MEPs

and the State Secretary for the European Union

hours of dialogue in schools



new programme


budget national member organisations

for the EYP

awards to civically-engaged


years of Understanding Europe

in the classroom




over over

2019 in numbers

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Schwarzkopf Foundation


federal conferences

8regional conferences

in 4 states in Germany

16What we’ve done so far

articles from our network on the JIK blog


movies on the topics of dicrimination

and diversity


dialogue meetings between journalists and JIK participants




young participants in all federal states


Schwarzkopf Foundation

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Annual Report 2019


Introducing our new programme line

young islam conference

what we do:

• We organise annual conferences on regional and federal levels in Germany

• At events (such as JIK Talks), our young members discuss topics in settings that support public discourse

• Conference alumni from the last 8 years are a part of a German-wide network that initiates peer-projects and outreach activities

• With media activities, we strengthen young people’s perspectives on Islam and Muslims in Germany by taking part in public discussions

who we are:

The Young Islam Conference (Junge Islam Konferenz, JIK) is a dialogue platform for young people that focuses on Islam and Muslim life in Germany and Europe. We are open to all 17 to 25-year-olds in Germany regardless of origin and religiosity, including Muslims and non-Muslims. At our conferences and peer-driven events, we discuss topics such as diversity and promote understanding between people of different religious and cultural backgrounds. Our goal is to empower youth to participate in social and political debates and shape a more inclusive and peaceful society.

Young Islam Conference was founded in 2011 in Berlin as a project of humboldt university of berlin and Mercator Foundation. Since October 2019 it is a project of the schwarzkopf Foundation young europe.

Young Islam Conference

For more information: . . .


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Schwarzkopf Foundation


the seminar and travel programme enables young people from diverse back-grounds to experience participatory learning environments across borders, within the classroom, while traveling, and within their own communities. In 2019, awarded travel grants supported young people with fewer oppor-tunities to travel and whose views are often underrepresented. The travel grantees were not only able to travel through europe, but exchanged knowl-edge with others, shared their own stories on europe, and impacted our own understanding. 2019 has been an exciting year as our transnational peer network – under-standing europe – turned 10! our peer trainers engaged in over 1,512 hours of dialogue this year in classrooms all over europe. In May, we hosted four European Election Dialogues in Barcelona, Essen and Hamburg for first time election voters to discuss their political ideas. this year, we formed new partnerships with the German National Theater Weimar (bringing eu courses to the stage), the Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung and Haus Rissen (setting up a training for first time election officers). Togeth-er with SPIEGEL, the workshops series Good news! was launched in novem-ber, and in 2020, a new fellowship programme will provide internships for developing new, diversity-oriented media formats.

Did you meet some of our 57 travel grantees, 282 peer trainers, coordinators or first time election officers this year?

The seminar and travel programme

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Annual Report 2019

trainers, coordinators and first time election officers active in 15 European countries

282hours of dialogue in the classroom


travel grants for young Europeans travelling to 23 countries, telling their stories on Europe


years of bringing Understanding Europe to the classroom


European Election dialogues with MEPs and the Secretary of State for the European Union


Graphic novel on Greece, Europe and feminism

1Blue Bear award for the Youth Polling Clerks project



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Schwarzkopf Foundation

happy birthday, understanding europe!

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Annual Report 2019

Since 2009, our peer project understanding europe has been active in general and vocational schools. Initially started to establish a pupil-centred and interactive space for open dialogue on europe, the project now fosters central compe-tencies for participation-oriented learning and teaching.

understanding europe turned 10 years old this year and since then it has become clear: exchanges in the classroom, mutual learning and listening to different views has an impact! Pupils not only learn from one another, but the network itself is based on peer coaching and trainings. As such, young people are part of the design and implementation of projects and have the space to share their political interests. In addition, trainers learn how to better “read” and understand diverse learners from different countries.


thanks to our growing network of over 280 peer trainers and coordinators, and to our cooperation with european Youth parliament (eYp) national committees, the peer teaching and learning approach has been brought to classrooms in 15 european countries, strengthening pluralistic and democratic cultures in educational settings.

the commitment to making an impact and inspiring civic engagement in classroom settings has only been possible through the support of our partners and funders, the Mercator Foundation and the TUI Foundation on the trans-national level as well as the federal program “Demokratie leben!” (living Democracy!) of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, which supports our inclusive approach and our connecting to schools in regions that are harder to reach.

Discovering Europe: The seminar and travel programme

Developing my own ideas within the project framework made me grow and learn up to a point where I have now started my own organisation for the support and devel-opment of youth projects in the field of music. This means that I brought all my experience with Understanding Eu-rope and the European Youth Parliament and implement-ed it in my own world - the world of music - which urgently needs new, innovative and fresh ideas.”

Aritz Labrador Odriozola Alumnus of Understanding Europe SpainEYP network member since 2014

When I started in 2015, I found the discussions to be more enlightening and the people to be more open-minded. The mood in the classes is – from my experience – much rougher, much more biased – just the way you can find them in the political landscape right now. There is also space for more monologues.”

Mevlüt Özev Alumnus of Understanding Europe Germany


network in the last 10 years! Here’s to many more years to come and to the young people who will build new formats, embrace differences in a pluralistic Europe and strive to make an impact.

From 2020 on, we are ready to explore new means to grow as a transnational peer network and to further support youth-run, independent regional understanding europe chapters and associations with help from local partners. We would like to thank everyone who helped shape and develop this

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Schwarzkopf Foundation

It was a great pleasure for me not only to participate in the official events, but also to discuss with young people what democracy and Europe mean to us today, because Europe is also a lesson from

the failure of the Weimar Republic and the National Socialism, and to encourage young people to engage in democracy, and not only to feel represented, but also to do something for it.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel at our event “Dialograum Demokratie” in Weimar

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Annual Report 2019

Sitting in the classroom with heads of states to discuss Weimar in 1919 / europe in 2019

looking back on 2019

Before the official ceremony, “100 Years of the Weimar Constitution” on the 6th of February, President Frank Walter Steinmeier and German Chancellor Angela Merkel had a discussion with understanding europe trainers and pupils on lessons from the failure of the Weimar Republic for europe today and about everyone’s possible contributions to strengthening democracy.

What does democracy look like in Europe 100 years after the Weimar Constitution? on the occasion of the 100th anniver-sary, our project understanding europe transformed into “Dialograum Demokratie” (Dialogue Room for Democracy) at the German National Theater in Weimar for a week. In addition to sharing knowledge, the week on democracy was about developing ideas for how young people can actively participate in political processes.

Discovering Europe: The seminar and travel programme

President Frank Walter Steinmeier sitting with Understanding Europe trainers and pupils

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Schwarzkopf Foundation

Politics without friends isn’t fun and doesn’t work – Europe is a team sport.”

Michael Roth, State Minister for Europe in Germany’s Foreign Office

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Annual Report 2019

Youth polling Clerks and european election Dialogues

raising the voter turnout of young europeans


In the beginning of this election year, we piloted the civic engagement project Youth Polling Clerks for the first time in Berlin, together with the Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung and Haus Rissen. this project was made possible by our partners, the Mercator Foundation, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and their federal programme “Democracy Living!” as well as the Youth Democracy Fund.

together with our peer trainers, we provided supervision and training for over 50 young Europeans to become first-time polling clerks for the european elections. the training consisted of a day of getting to know the political system of the eu better, including how to get involved and ‘have a say’ in europe. on the second training day, the trainees learned the practical skills needed to volunteer at polling stations for the elections in May 2019. In May, the project was awarded a Blue Bear by the Senate in Berlin.


In April and May 2019, we organised four european election Dialogues in three cities — Barcelona, essen and Hamburg — in partnership with the Mercator Foundation and the TUI Foundation. the dialogues were attended by over 350 young vocational pupils and students discussing their questions and demands for this year’s european election and beyond.

In addition to young people expressing their views and devel-oping their ideas on how to get involved, some groups also produced media footage – including movies and interviews – to circulate.

Discovering Europe: The seminar and travel programme

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Schwarzkopf Foundation

This year, the Schwarzkopf Foundation gave 57 young Europeans the opportunity to explore and experience Europe. For this seminar and travel programme, the Foundation continued its cooperation with the bundesvereinigung der deutschen arbeitgeberverbände (bda), deutsche bahn (db) and Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung. All project partners selected one or more topics as guidelines for the research to be done by the travel grantees. As such, these partners helped enable young people to explore Europe and exchange ideas with others, gaining new perspectives.

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Annual Report 2019

travel grantsExploring Europe and shifting perspectives

Roughly 400 applications were received from young europe-ans from all parts of the continent. After selecting the travel grantees, we worked closely with them to prepare their jour-neys, narrow down their research topics, and hand in their final reports upon returning home.

This year’s travel grantees represented a wide array of backgrounds, perspectives and home countries. the Schwarz- kopf Foundation and all project partners chose to focus primarily on young people who have not yet been able to travel much abroad. With these travel grants, we especially

encourage young people with migration histories and experi-ences of discrimination to travel and share their perspectives on a more inclusive and diverse europe.

outreach to new travel grantees was supported by civil soci-ety organisations and migrant organisations all over europe.

Among the 57 awardees, 38 were from Germany and 19 were from other european countries such as Russia, turkey, France, Finland, Spain, portugal and Great Britain.




Discovering Europe: The seminar and travel programme

travel Reports

By finding individual and creative ways to reflect on their journeys, all of the travel grantees made their experiences accessible to everyone. With videos, written reports, social media communication and graphic novels, young people’s perspectives are being shared across europe.

A Facebook page, Instagram account and Youtube channel were made available for travel grantees to share photos, comments and highlights while travelling, creating an online gallery of beautiful insights and experiences by young people in europe.


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Illustration from the graphic novel by Alica Läuger, created in the course of the EU travel grants

Schwarzkopf Foundation

“I am humbled by and grateful for this experience in Greece. Sharing stories and experiences are an important part of feminist movement and I am glad that I got the opportunity to give

a platform to some of them. To the women remaining invisible: Your stories matter just as much. I hope someday you get a platform to speak your truth.

Alica Läuger, 26 travelled from Germany to Greece

topic: woMen’s rights

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topic: work Mobility aMong young people topic: engageMent and citizenship

the young travellers did research on the way and discovered european perspectives on many topics,

including the following...

travel topics

topic: perspectives on Migrationtopic: european identity

I would say that European identity is the feeling of being a European. But furthermore, it is the fact that we are so different. It is the diversity that unites us. I have seen that firsthand during my travels. We want to have diversity, but also have different perspectives on shared challenges.”

Jamil Osso, 25 travelled from Germany to Portugal, Spain and France

During my travels, I observed that immigrants and refu-gees are kindly welcomed by locals to Europe in most of its parts. Since these newcomers also bring some issues to be solved, there are some Europeans who are not so open to immigration. However, most of society is quite tolerant and look for ways to live together in harmony.”

Ibrahim Enes Bulut, 21 travelled from Turkey to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy

I think my trip was a great opportunity to experience dif-ferent views on our society in the countries that I visited. Even though some of the concerns in these countries are the same, I found it interesting that each person has his or her own responses. Citizenship for each person does not have the same meaning, especially regarding the European Union. Looking at engagement, my feeling is that it is now more than ever a preoccupation of the youth. I can’t really be sure of that, but my impression is that older people tend to be more active in local organisations, whereas young people are more likely to take action in global structures or in creating their own associations.”

Basile Lewandowski, 20 travelled from France to Poland, Hungary, Sweden and Turkey

During 1,240 km. of cycling, I visited six countries and made countless memories. I found beautiful nature where I did not expect it, I tried unfamiliar flavours and experienced great helpfulness, trust and care. The behaviour of the people I met is the reason why I felt a sense of European solidary. This journey gave me motivation to discover more of Europe and to actively promote the benefits of a connected and open continent that we can achieve through the EU. There is so much to learn and to discover from one another. There is still room for improvement, but I feel that we are on a good path as long as people stay curious and want to learn more.”

Mattea Lamperter, 27 travelled from Austria to Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina

Annual Report 2019 Discovering Europe: The seminar and travel programme

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Schwarzkopf Foundation

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Moving europe forward

supporting #Freeinterrail

In 2015, Berlin-based activists Vincent-Immanuel Herr and Martin Speer (HERR & SPEER) first proposed the idea of pro-viding EU youth with free Interrail train tickets to discover and explore European diversity for themselves. Ever since, this proposal has gathered momentum, gaining support from the European Parliament and eventually being the inspiration for a new pilot project scheme by the European Commission. Entitled DiscoverEU, the pilot project has thus far enabled roughly 70,000 EU youths to travel their continent and connect with cultures other than their own. The Schwarzkopf Foundation has supported the idea from the early stages on, working with HERR & SPEER as well as other civil society and political stakeholders to promote the idea and bolster support. The Schwarzkopf Foundation recognises the need for further advocacy work on behalf of the initial idea – providing free travel passes to all EU youth,

not just a sample, the Foundation has taken on the Free- Interrail campaign as a project. Funded by the Mercator Foundation, the Schwarzkopf Foundation provides herr & speer and the FreeInterrail campaign with the needed logistical and networking support in order to convince the European Commission as well as the European public to enlarge and broaden the existing pilot project.

With the support of the Foundation, HERR & SPEER have spent this year as advocates for their idea. More specifically, they have:

• completed a research trip in 14 European countries gathering feedback and perspectives on the FreeInterrail idea and how it may be improved;

• visited and advised the European Commission on the further development of the pilot project and pushed for greater accessibility and inclusion;

• published and presented the campaign at conferences and in a number of publications and media formats, including / Süddeutsche Zeitung, the DLD Conference, Phoenix Runde, Europa Nova, a ZDF Plan B documentary, an ARD documentary, the University of Bath, the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, and others;

• written a policy paper on ways to improve the existing pilot project; and

• engaged with relevant politicians and decision-makers in Brussels, Berlin, and other parts of Europe.

In 2020, the project will continue its current approach as well as see more countries and their perspectives be included and taken into account.

Discovering Europe: #FreeInterrail

#FreeInterrail is a terrific idea that connects people in Europe and enables them to explore and learn about our continent.”

Manfred WeberMember of European Parliament

I feel European. It feels like a sense of community. DiscoveringEU was amazing.”

Hanna Hails DiscoverEU participantInterview with the Los Angeles Times

Annual Report 2019

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Schwarzkopf Foundation

discussing europeDiscussion events in Berlin

The fight against the climate crisis has caused an increase in young people becoming politically active and voicing their opinions. For young people to be european citizens who contribute to a pluralistic, democratic society, know-ledge of relevant topics is needed to discuss ideas and ask questions that matter to them the most.

As part of our Berlin-based discussion events, we aim to develop dialogues between young people and leading figures from the worlds of politics, the economy, civil society and culture. these experts can share their experiences with young people to ensure that the future can learn from the past. In direct exchange with ambassadors, high-level european and federal politicians, journalists, scientists, artists, as well as historical time-witnesses, we offer the chance for participants to experience politics up-close by taking part in such processes.

the format always focuses on exchange and young audience members’ questions rather than having long lectures without time for exchange. this year’s topics included the new european parliament elections, the impact of climate change and the rise of new activist movements, the role of media in the democratic process, current events such as Brexit and long-term visions for europe’s future – always following topics that will shape young people’s futures. We also discussed the role of minorities in european society, how to tackle the rise of populism and nationalism and how young people can get more engaged in politics.

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Annual Report 2019

Young people are the future of Europe and design the world for tomorrow. The Schwarzkopf Foundation promotes dialogue between politicians and young people about political and economic questions for Europe, which, in schools, is unfortunately rarely discussed.”

Peter AltmaierFederal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy

The first time I went to a Schwarzkopf Foundation event was with my politics class. Now, I am a student at Humboldt University and always like to go to events when there are interesting topics and speakers. I like to talk directly with polticians who I otherwise only know from the news, and to have the opportunity to ask questions that interest me.”

Jacob, 21Participant of our discussion event

discussion events, talks, film screenings and embassy visits


young people reached


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Schwarzkopf Foundation

Think Europe differently – Finland. Embassy visit with H.E. Anne Sipiläinen, the Ambassador of Finnland in Germany

Responsibility in journalism with Julian Reichelt, Editor-in-Chief of BILD and BILD Digital

“Desintegriert Euch!” with Max Czollek, poet, essayist, curator and political scientist

The European economy and the role of Germany with Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy

Europe’s future - opportunities and risks of digitalisation with Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister for Education and Research

EP Election Party with partners at the Hertie School of Government

Climate change and its consequences: Who saves the world? with Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber

The EU after the election: Where is Europe heading? with Dr. Linn Selle, President of the European Movement Germany e.V.

Presentation of the Schwarzkopf Europe Award to the New Europeans by Martin Schulz, former EP President

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Annual Report 2019

A selection of Berlin’s 2019 event programme

a year of events

“Human dignity is inviolable”- justice and society against right-wing violence. Conference by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection with Minister Christina Lambrecht, Prosecutor General of the Federal Court of Justice, Dr. Peter Frank, and many more

Social justice - a task for this generation. A memorial event in honour of Egon Bahr with Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

The Rule of Law as a mission: How to deal with doubts in the judiciary with Bettina Limperg, President of the Federal Court of Justice

Made strangers in my own country - a discussion on racism and exclusion with Esther Bejarano, musician and Holocaust survivor, and Sawsan Chebli, State Secretary for Citizenship and International Affairs

Discussing Europe: Discussion events in Berlin

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Schwarzkopf Foundation

EP Elections 2019: Which Europe does the Left Party/GUE/NGL stand for? with Jörg Schindler, Federal Chairman of the Left Party

Discussion on the German-French impact on Europe and the EP elections

European Elections 2019: Focus on migrant communities?! Panel discussion with Dr. Sergey Lagodinsky (candidate for the EP elections, the Alliance 90/The Greens), Fotis Matentzoglou (candidate for the EP elections, the Left Party), Dr. Kamila Schöll-Mazurek (Polish Social Council, Federal Conference of Migrant Organisations) and Rojda Tosun (Co-Founder of the Young Voice TGD e.v.)

EP Elections 2019: Which Europe does the Green Party stand for? with Michael Kellner, Federal Chairman of the Alliance 90/The Greens

EP Elections 2019: Which Europe does the CDU/ EVP stand for? with Paul Ziemiak, Secretary General of the CDU

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Annual Report 2019 Discussing Europe: Discussion events in Berlin

Discussing the european elections

a new leadership for europe

european politics is becoming more and more of a relevant topic with the rise of global problems and globalisation. this year’s european parliament (ep) election had the highest voter turnout in 20 years. During our discussion events, we looked at different aspects of the election and its potential results. “What does your party stand for in the european election?” was the question that young participants dis-cussed with the general secretaries of German parties, which led to intense discussions on different visions of the EU in the coming years. the roles of the european parliament and the european Commission within the framework of the eu triggered the most critical questions, including: should the ep get more legislative power? Why do the heads of national government seem to be more important than the parliament when it comes to crucial decisions? How legitimate are the choices of eu Commissioners?

In addition, in a large panel discussion with EP candidates and minority organisations, we tackled the important topic of the role of minorities in europe and the extent to which minorities feel that they are represented in different party campaigns.

On the final night of the election, more than 700 young people came together for the EP Election Party organised by the Hertie School of Government, the jacques Delors Institute, the European Federalists and the Schwarzkopf Foundation, where the results were discussed in different formats with politicians, journalists, scientists and members from civil society organisations and the young audience.

EP Elections 2019: Which Europe does the SPD/S&D stand for? with Lars Klingbeil, Secretary General of the SPD

EP Elections 2019: Which Europe does the Free Democrats stand for? with Nicola Beer, Member of the Bundestag, Secretary General of the FDP and designated candidate for the European Parliament elections

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Participation of Muslims in German society with Seyran Ates, lawyer, author, initiator and co-founder of the Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque

“Hate is not an opinion - what anger does to our country” read-ing with Renate Künast, mem-ber of the German Parliament

Albert Schweitzer’s messages in times of racism with Prof. Dr. Margot Käßmann, Theologian

Rescue at sea on the most dangerous refugee route in the world with Dr. Volker Westerbarkey, President of the German Branch of Médecins Sans Frontières

“Foreign and reoriented: jewish and muslim interdependencies” reading with Ozan Zakariya Keskinkiliç, Gil Shoshat and Shlomit Tulgan, the editors and authors

From the NSU to the Lübcke Murder. A critical look at justice and police in times of right-wing terror with Dr. Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler, jurist, columnist, author and victim lawyer in the NSU trial

Money. Power. Independence. How do we shape equal rights between women and men? with Prof. Dr. Jutta Allemendinger, President of the Social Science Research Center Berlin and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Detmers, spokeswoman, partner and member of the management board for the Mestemacher Group, as well as initiator of numerous equality policy projects and awards

The Islam Debate belongs to Germany. Right-wing populism and anti-Muslim racism in the (post-)colonial context with Ozan Zakariya Keskinkiliç, political scientist

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Annual Report 2019

Media and its impact on


In times of fake news, alternative facts, social bots and the (mis)use of big data for political campaigns, the question on how the digital media influences a society’s perception of political processes and contents is a crucial one. In cooperation with the Hertie Foundation we organized discussion events with scientists, hackers and journalists to understand the impacts of this new use of media and how it affects the ways everyone perceives politics and makes their democratic decisions.

How can we raise awareness regarding daily and structural experiences with racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination? How can we become better allies and learn from perspectives that have been marginalised in european societies – made invisible for centuries? In our discussion events, we strengthen young people’s perspectives on these issues through intersectional approaches, enabling them to discuss important topics, bridge their positions, and understand how activists, scientists, and government officials assess the current state of tolerance as well as acceptance for diversity and pluralism in europe. With our young audiences, we try to understand the motives and mechanisms behind populism, the longings of certain groups for authoritarianism and extremism, and the rise of anti-Semitic incidents in recent years. Speaking to a former neo-nazi and one of the victim lawyers in the nSu trial, we discuss why people are drawn to right-wing extremism, what racist structures can be found within our institutions and how we can prevent violence and discrimination. In these ways, we are making current problems accessible to young pupils, thus enabling them to make changes for the future.

understanding and tackling prejudices and inequalities

an inclusive europe

Discussing Europe: Discussion events in Berlin

System update: Is democ-racy prepared for digital-isation? with Prof. Dr. Gary Schaal, Professor of Political Theory and History of Ideas

Facts against fake news: the fight for democracy with Patrick Gensing, journalist, author and head of FactFind-er with the Tagesschau

From promise to threat? The internet and its impact on democracy with Linus Neumann, hacker, network activist and one of the speakers for the Chaos Computer Club

“My Country! Why I was a Neo-Nazi” reading and discussion with Christian E. Weißgerber, cultural scientist and deserter from the neo-Nazi scene

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“When the Gestapo rang at the front door – the Michalski Family and their silent heroes” film screening and talk with Franz and Petra Michalski, witnesses and Marie Rolshoven, filmmaker

Made strangers in my own country - a discussion on racism and exclusion with Esther Bejarano, musician and Holocaust survivor, and Sawsan Chebli, State Secretary for Citizenship and International Affairs

Talk with Halina Birenbaum, author, translator and holocaust survivor

Resistance. Magnitute and failure of the opposition against Hitler with Professor Wolfgang Benz, historian and former director of the Center for Anti-Semitism Research

The Thirty Years War and its significance for today’s Europe with Herfried Münkler, Professor of Political Science at Humboldt University and author, in conversation with Volker Kauder, Member of the German Bundestag and long-time chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag

Dietrich Bonhoeffer – on the way to freedom with Wolfgang Huber, a Protestant theologian

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Annual Report 2019

Remembering the Holocaust in Germany and europe

listening to & learning from the last survivors

For our discussion events, we not only debate current events in europe but also deal with the past in order to understand who we are today. In many countries, right-wing and right extremist parties won big in the european elections. Debates about who is a part of society and who is not shape the cur-rent political discourse. the denial of historical facts by some right-wing parties reinforces the importance of the remem-brance of the Holocaust. We bring young people together with the last surviving witnesses as well as historians to make history more accessible.

over the last year, we have had the honor of listening to Han-ni lévy, tamar Dreifuss, Halina Birenbaum, esther Bejarano and Margot Friedländer share their stories with us on how

they survived the Holocaust and how they tried to move on and to continue their lives after. Their stories shall not be forgotten. Hanni lévy passed away in october 2019, may she rest in peace.

to give our participants the opportunity to learn more about new historical research, our thematic focus this year was on resistance against national Socialism. our young audiences discussed questions like: What motives did different groups or individuals have in the resistance? What knowledge did they have about the crimes committed against humanity by national Socialists? And what resistance strategies can be adopted today to stand up for a solidary society?

Discussing Europe: Discussion events in Berlin

Siegfried Lichtenstaedter: Prophet of annihilation: About „Volksgeist“ and antisemitism with Götz Aly, political scientist, historian, journalist

Let’s get out of here: the life and survival story of a jewish woman from Berlin. Lecture & talk with Hanni Levy, author and Holocaust survivor

Sag niemals, das ist dein letzter Weg. Talk with Tamar Dreifuss, author and survivor of the holocaust

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shaping europeThe European Youth Parliament

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Annual Report 2019

In 2019, the european Youth parliament network further developed as a unique ecosystem for non-formal learning, for citizenship education and for the advancement of mutual understanding. Involving over 3,500 active volunteers, the eYp com-munity has once again implemented an impressive and diverse set of activities across europe. eYpers organised around 500 events in almost 40 coun-tries, reaching close to 30,000 young participants.

All activities of the eYp are based on the princi-ples of peer-to-peer education, and the eYp is a programme that is genuinely organised by young

people, for young people. As such, a wide range of trainings and capacity-building opportunities have been implemented – supporting the eYp network in its work and fostering a spirit of co-ownership and participation.

In addition to the hundreds of events and training opportunities that took place this year across eu-rope, the eYp also implemented various projects with exciting partners, maintained its work with alumni, developed additional measures to sup-port participants, and implemented activities to strengthen diversity and inclusion.

shaping europe

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POWER SHIFTS SESSIONIN REYkjAvIkAn event that took place in the context of our Power Shifts project, focusing on energy-related topics

POWER SHIFTS SESSIONIN TIRANAAn event for future trainers with the aim to increase the quality of events and strengthen EYP as a training-based organisation

INNOvATION LAB IN BERLINA platform for brainstorming and devel-oping innovative formats for the EYP

BOARD OF NATIONAL COMMITTEES MEETING IN BERLINAssembly of the EYP’s member organisations

Network-wide flagship events with 300 participants from 35 countries

Hundreds of EYP events took place across the continent in 2019.

Several examples are featured here – illustrating the diversity and scope of our activities.




PRESIDENTS MEETING IN PORTOA knowledge-sharing event for the Presidents of the EYP’s National Committees

CULTURAL FORUM IN AUSTRIAFirst vent in the network that put a special emphasis on the cultural diversity of rural areas, which took place in 12 villages

TRAINING FOR TRAINERS EvENT (T4ET) In ROCHEFORT, BELGIuMA “train-the-trainers” event, increasing the number of skilled trainers in the EYP

SUMMER ACADEMY IN LUxEMBOURGAn international training and capacity-building event for board members of the EYP’s national member organisations

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Annual Report 2019

Connecting youth around europe

intercultural dialogue


While the EYP organises more than 500 events a year, some flag-ship events received special attention. this year’s International Sessions took place in Yerevan, Valencia and Hamburg. At these events, participants focused on pan-european issues such as reflecting on European history and remembrance culture, the EU’s financial framework for research and innovation, further develop-ing sustainability and inclusivity for the job market and economic growth and tackling global issues concerning human rights, energy and security. our 2019 International Sessions received gen-erous support from the European Savings Banks Group (ESBG) and the German Giro- and Sparkassenverband (DSGV), as well as Mercator Foundation, Gemeinnützige Hertie Stiftung, inno-gy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft, Bertelsmann Stiftung, and BMW Foundation.


the eYp’s continued cooperation with the un Refugee Agency helped bring 11 young refugees and stateless persons to our Inter-national Sessions. our cooperation with the UN Population Fund enabled us to send a delegation to the ICpD25 summit in nairobi to represent the eYp and strengthen young people’s perspectives in international debates.

Shaping Europe: The European Youth Parliament

It’s amazing to know that if we want, we can make the world a better place to live. Now I am so motivated, I want to start doing things as I have understood I can make a difference. Here, at EYP, I learnt how to fight inner weaknesses and fear. I understood that I should never stop learning and sharing.”

Ani, 22 Abkhaz living in Georgia participated in the International Session in Yerevan

of International Session participants stated that they became more active in their local communities after their return, which was reported three months after each event


of International Session participants consider themselves to be “active citizens”

90%more than

of International Session participants have an increased appreciation for the cultural diversity of Europe since attending the Session

95%more than

of International Session participants stated that participation in the EYP strengthened their ability to work in a diverse international team


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EYP participant Samuel Hönle presenting EYPers’ opinions on financial education during World Investor Week in Brussels, October 2019

EYP’s delegation at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD25) in Nairobi, advocating for better youth participation opportunities

Ideas on Europe’s energy future, created by participants of the EYP “Power Lab”

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Annual Report 2019


this year, a cooperation with the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) allowed participants in the International Session in Valencia to discuss what the eu should do to increase financial literacy among young people. Suggestions were then presented to representatives of the euro-pean Commission and other stakeholders in the framework of the Interna- tional organization of Securities Commissions (IoSCo) conference in Brussels.

discussing topics that matter

Creating spaces for genuine discussion and exchange

proposals developed on the future of energy


discussion events about energy policy across Europe


young people involved in energy discussions


the european Youth parliament provides an open and welcoming environ-ment for young people to develop and express their opinions on political and societal topics. During eYp events, we foster dialogues between young people and leading figures from the worlds of politics, economy, civil society and culture. eYp event participants debate and jointly suggest solutions to a wide range of current challenges often related to international politics, human rights and topics such as climate change, health and energy.


After its kick-off in 2018, the Power Shifts project has been used as a platform for young people from across europe to explore and discuss European energy policy. In 2019, more than 1,000 young people were involved in discussions about europe’s energy future. Current issues in energy policy and technology were addressed during 10 regional and national events in Albania, Azerbaijan, portugal, norway, ukraine, France, Austria, Iceland, Ireland and estonia, as well as during the eYp’s International Sessions in Yerevan, Valencia and Hamburg. Power Shifts gathered young people’s opinions on European energy policy and empowered participants to have a say on vital issues.


How can opinions on complex topics such as energy be communicated in compelling, clear ways? During the EYP’s first Power Lab in Berlin in June 2019, participants looked for answers to this question. the event gathered partici-pants from various Power Shifts events to turn energy-focused resolution texts into multimedia material, making eYpers’ proposals on the topic more accessi-ble and empowering young people.

3 videos

interactive quiz

2 infographics


During the 1st Power Lab in Berlin June 2019, participants expressed their views on the energy debate with:

Shaping Europe: The European Youth Parliament

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Driven by young people: the network structure of the European Youth Parliament

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Annual Report 2019

a programme driven by young people, for young people!

“Being President of EYP NL has been a once in a lifetime experience because of the many lessons I have learned about NGO management and myself. Presiding EYP NL has led to me meeting and working with many wonderful and talented people.”

Luc, the netherlandsPresident of a National Committee

the european Youth parliament provides young people with an ecosystem where they can take part in transformative, holistic learning experiences. the bulk of its activities are driven by young people – and the organisation itself is also jointly shaped by young people on international and national levels. For eYp alumni, the ‘eYp spirit’ never stops: when they go on to pursue a wide range of activities and careers, they keep acting as change-makers – taking initiative and positively shaping the world around them.

“I believe that the EYP alumna capacity is unbelievably rich, so we should take more time to look for the synergies that are already there, and who knows what other fantas-tic projects will come out of such partnerships.”

Valeriya, ukraineAlumna

“Participating in EYP governance as a BNC board member has helped me to see the passion of young people around Europe for civic education and international networking. This clearly shows me the importance of my work and a need to encourage young peo-ple to take part in volunteer work.”

Iida, FinlandMember of the BNC board

“Being a part of a council gives you the unique opportunity to contribute to international EYP governance by working on an area that you’re partic-ularly interested in alongside others who are also passionate about it. It al-lows you to support the GB in steering the development of the network and adding your bit to shaping a better EYP for tomorrow.”

Marta, PolandChair of a council

Shaping Europe: The European Youth Parliament

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What skills are fostered with the European Youth Parliament

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Annual Report 2019

For the many volunteers engaged in the organisation, the eu-ropean Youth Parliament offers diverse opportunities for skills development, in particular through training and by taking up different roles within the EYP. Training is a key component of almost every eYp event, and we strive to implement a wide range of training events every year. through these events, we build capacities, ensure successful knowledge transfer and uphold a culture of learning and growing.

In order to support the personal development of the eYp’s volunteers and their ability to take up various roles and responsibilities within the organisation, the eYp organises training courses focused on a diverse set of skills such as facilitation, leadership, communication, fundraising, project management, inclusion, and intercultural dia-logue. In doing so, the eYp encourages and enables young people to be active citizens – not only by taking an active role in our network, but also by using acquired skills to positively shape the world around them.

Head Organisers Summits

Head organisers Summits are organised to foster project management skills and share best practices between present, past and future International Session organisers. As Interna-tional Sessions are the flagship events of the EYP and labora-tories for innovation in the network, it is crucial for the young volunteers who run them to be provided with opportunities for in-depth interactions, engage with topics that are funda-mental to civic youth education as well as gain skills.

Training for EYP Trainers

trainings for eYp trainers (t4et) increase the quality of events and strengthen the eYp as a training-based organi-sation. Future trainers go through a week-long training that enables them to develop their skills and practice training design and delivery. After this training, EYPers are fully

skills development

empowering young citizens of the world

equipped to offer training modules in their own communities. the 2019 Spring t4et took place in Rochefort, Belgium.

Summer Academy

the eYp Summer Academies are international training events that gather representatives from all 40 eYp member countries to support their work in their national Committees by provid-ing them with training modules. the event is run every year and is supported by the Mercator Foundation. In 2019, the Summer Academy was hosted by eYp luxembourg.

Did you know that...

• The EYP hosts over 100 training events annually

• ... involving over 2,000 participants

• ... featuring diverse topics from fundraising to group dynamics

Shaping Europe: The European Youth Parliament

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celebratingeuropeAwards and celebrations

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Annual Report 2019

every year, we celebrate europe. through our priz-es and festivities, we honor those who work on ideas for peaceful, pluralistic and open coexistence across borders. With our annual awards, we highlight the work of individuals and institutions that tirelessly reach for brighter futures for our continent. this year’s Schwarzkopf europe Award honored a civil rights initiative, new europeans, that defends equal rights for european citizens. the Young european of the Year Award went to Yasmine ouirhrane, a wom-an who is particularly committed to an inclusive europe and in fostering understanding between

people. these inspiring examples showcase how individuals can indeed make a difference in Euro-pean politics and societal developments. With the Margot Friedländer Award, we make young people’s perspectives on remembrance work and their fights against anti-Semitism, racism, and/or discrimination visible. As such, we connect young awardees with activists, curators, and scientists engaged in these issues. Finally, at our yearly european Summer party and Christmas concert, we bring young europeans to-gether in festive atmospheres to celebrate europe.

The European Summer Party at the Schwarzkopf Foundation’s office in Berlin

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In 2019, the european Summer party gathered around 500 national and international guests in the courtyard at the Schwarzkopf Founda-tion’s office in Berlin. The celebration includ-ed a performance by the Young european of the Year 2019, Yasemine ouirhrane.

the annual Christmas concert, held on December 10, 2019, included Christmas music and brought traditions from all corners of europe into one festive evening.

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Annual Report 2019 Celebrating Europe: Awards and celebrations

New Europeans and their fight for a European green card

the schwarzkopf europe award 2019

the Schwarzkopf europe Award is awarded to institutions or public figures who have distinguished themselves in an outstanding way by their committed and dedicated service to either european understanding or to the growing together of europe.

the award ceremony took place at the representation of the European Commission in Germany and the laudation was given by former president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz. After the award ceremony, young Europeans discussed the ep elections with our guests and the rise of populists and nationalists who fuel a europe-wide nationalist identity. What are the prospects for European mobility after the election? How can a europe of diversity be defended? these questions were discussed by our panel, including Mar-tin Schulz, Roger Casale from new europeans and lukas Da-vid Meyer and Evgenia Lopata, representing the Young Jury.

the Schwarzkopf europe Award 2019 went to the civil rights initiative New Europeans, selected by the Young Jury — previous award winners of the Young european of the Year. With the Young european of the Year prize, tomorrow’s deci-sion-makers select personalities or institutions of today who are shaping europe with their dedication to a more liberal, diverse and sustainable world.

new europeans was set up in london in 2013 in anticipation of a possible referendum on eu membership in the uK. the initiative informs and empowers individuals and their com-

munities about their rights as eu citizens. they started the campaign #euGreenCards to call attention to the rights and status of eu citizens in Great Britain and of British citizens in the eu.

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As the daughter of an Italian mother and a father who immigrated to Italy, I’ve struggled all my life to be integrated and accepted. This award symbolises a milestone

and a big step towards the integration of all young European citizens.”

Yasmine Ouirhrane

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Annual Report 2019

young european of the year 2019

Yasmine ouirhrane gives a voice to young people with plural identities in europe

every year since 1997, the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young european of the Year Award has been honouring a young person who is particularly committed to european integration and to promoting understanding between people.

this year’s winner, Yasmine Ouirhrane, is recognised as Young european 2019 for her commitment to equality for women and equal participation opportunities for migrants in europe. At the age of 23, she supports young people in underprivileged neighborhoods in France, helped organise the european Youth Forum’s Yo!Fest 2018 in Strasbourg and is already an award-winning fellow of the Women Deliver Young leader programme by Women Deliver.

the award ceremony took place in April 2019 at the European Youth Forum’s Council of Members (COMEM) in Brussels, where representatives from youth organisations across europe came together to celebrate the Young european of the Year.

The prize money of €5,000 allows winners to either finance an internship in a european or international institution, or carry out their own project. A jury consisting of the Schwarzkopf Foundation’s chairman, a representative of the european Commission Representation in Germany, a representative of the european Youth Forum and two former prize-winners determine who receives the prize. Since 2017, the european Youth Forum has been an award partner.

Yasmine showed us her dream of a European society in which all human beings are equal and treated with dignity. Her courageous engagement against right-wing actors is a great inspiration to all of us.”

Haris Kušmić and Lukas MeyerJury members explaining the jury’s decision

Celebrating Europe: Awards and celebrations

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Annual Report 2019

Young & inclusive perspectives on remembrance culture

Margot Friedländer award

This year, for the fifth time, young people from all over Germany answered the call to pass on the stories of Margot Friedländer and other Shoah survivors by handing in project ideas to the Schwarzkopf Foundation. Schools of all kinds sent in applications.

A group of young people from all over Germany formed the Young Jury this year. These jury members had the difficult task of reading all the applications and selecting a dozen project ideas, which they then recommended to the Margot Friedländer Jury.

the first prize went to the project “Wege der Erinnerung in der Gemeinde nohfelden” from the community school nohfelden-Türkismühle, Saarland. the Stolperstein-AG has created an extracurricular place of learning (außerschulischer Lernort) about traces of Jewish life in the villages of Sötern, Gonnesweiler and Bosen by developing and setting up infor-mation boards and excursion day plans.

the second prize went to the Martin Buber School in Gies-sen, Hessen, for its project, “Getting Stones Rolling.” As part of this project, the entire school is actively involved in designing a monument in Giessen as a joint testimony to the fact that everyone has dealt with the Holocaust and the memory of the victims in their own individual ways.

the Heinrich Böll School in Hattersheim, Hessen, was awarded third prize for its exhibition project, “‘expulsions into exile’ — Background to the First expulsion list of the national Socialists of August 1933.” the group has created an exhibi-tion and is planning to share it at other locations and plans to publish a booklet.

Sponsors of the Margot Friedländer Award are the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and its federal programme “living Democracy!”, EY (former ernst & Young) and the Berliner Sparkasse. It is a wonderful tradition that the award ceremony takes place at

the Max liebermann Haus. During this joyful event this year, we honoured the projects of these young people from Hessen and Saarland. to implement their project ideas, the groups received award money of up to €5,000, according to their needs. This was the first time that the Martin Buber School for mentally and physically handicapped children has won an award.

the groups stayed in Berlin for three days and learned about the memory culture of the city. We visited the memorial of Otto Weidt, who protected blind and deaf Jews from persecution and murder during the Nazi period. At the Jewish Museum, we learned more about the plurality of Jewish life and Jewish traditions today. With the help of the Young Jury, the winners developed their presentation techniques and are now ready to work on their projects, passing on their own historical knowledge.

Without the award, we would not be able to realise our project. We can now remember our Jewish neighbours so that they are not forgotten. The experience we had with Margot Friedländer [as part of receiving this award] moved us deeply. We want to continue to pass on her message.”

Community school nohfelden-Türkismühle, SaarlandWinners of the Margot Friedländer Award 2019

The greatest thing for us was that Mrs. Friedländer was there. We were touched by what she said.”

Martin Buber School in Giessen, HessenWinners of the second prize

Celebrating Europe: Awards and celebrations

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Annual Report 2019 Our organisation

Non-profit status: The Schwarzkopf Foundation is an independent foundation by civil law. The tax office of the city of Berlin recognises the Schwarzkopf Foundation as a non-profit association. The corresponding certificate can be found here:

Our charter:

Executive Director: Anne Rolvering

Name, legal domicile: The non-partisan Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe was founded in 1971 in Hamburg, where the legal domicile is still located. The office and its tax and legal basis have been in Berlin since 2000.

about:The Schwarzkopf Foundation, as a non-profit foundation, is financed under civil law through public funds, donations from other organisations/foundations and donations from private individuals/companies. Financial and payroll accounting is carried out by the tax consultants Sozietät Wilming und Kilian. The annual financial statements are audited by Deloitte Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.


1,1% revenue from foundation assets

83% projectfunding

15,9% donations and participants fees

46% materialcosts

54% personnelcosts

25% for transfers/cooperations with project partners and travel grants

Finances €1.8 million


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Schwarzkopf Foundation

the board

georg FahrenschonGerman politician

prof. dieter kosslick Festival Director of the Berlin International Film Festival a.D.

theo koll Director of the ZDF editorial office in Berlin

sophie hall Federal Foreign Office Brussels

hans-christian schwarzkopf Entrepreneur

dr. ekkehard nümann Notary

ll.d. andré schmitz-schwarzkopf Chairman of the Board

tobias bütow German Secretary General of the Franco-German Youth Office

dr. Michael MaßbaumDeloitte

dr. eric schweitzer President of of the Association of German Chambers

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Annual Report 2019 Our organisation

the circle of Friends

The Circle of Friends of the Schwarzkopf Foundation offers support to the Foundation’s work, ensuring its vital functions and bringing different sectors of society closer to the Foundation — including academia, the arts, politics, and the private sector. Those who join the Circle of Friends support the Foundation financially, and thereby give substantial assistance to the Foundation’s core business. The Chairperson of the Circle of Friends is Sophie Rois.

Are you interested in joining the Circle of Friends and supporting the Schwarzkopf Foundation? We warmly invite you to get in touch via:

to find out more and to become a member.

[email protected]

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Schwarzkopf Foundation

The following people are also part of the team: Milena paul, shirin Jache, lasse schwanck, Jürgen hübner and lukas rosenkranz

esther spickerProject Manager — Awards and Events, Margot Friedländer Award

valeriya boykoProject ManagerEuropean Youth Parliament

hatice tahtaliProject AssistantYoung Islam Conference

Jessica bajinskiProject ManagerYoung Islam Conference

rita portugalESC Volunteer

tarek MündeleinProject ManagerYoung Islam Conference

pia sombetzkiProject AssistantSeminars & Travel Grants

laura MeijerProject AssistantSeminars & Travel Grants

anya suprunenkoProject ManagerEuropean Youth Parliament

lena strehmannProject ManagerUnderstanding Europe

anne rolveringExecutive Director

Anıl AltıntaşProject MangerTravel Grants

kerstin eckartLead Administration,Finances and IT

the team

Schwarzkopf Foundation

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Annual Report 2019 Our organisation

The following people are also part of the team: Milena paul, shirin Jache, lasse schwanck, Jürgen hübner and lukas rosenkranz

tobias FrietzscheProgramme LeadEvents

Milena JovanovićCommunication Manager

katharina schwarzHuman Resources and Accounting Officer

viviane efertProject LeadUnderstanding Europe

thimo nieseltProject ManagerUnderstanding Europe

Ilija JerkovićESC Volunteer

Arda Burak AltuntaşESC Volunteer European Youth Parliament

simon oesterleProject AssistantSeminars & Travel Grants

amaya debalProject ManagerEuropean Youth Parliament

Frieda MetzkowProject AssistantSeminars & Travel Grants

Mandy buschinaHead of Communication,Fundraising and Strategy

lena prötzel Programme LeadSeminars & Travel Grants

lukas FendelProgramme LeadEuropean Youth Parliament

simon häuserPersonal Assistant to the Chairman of the Board

helena neppProject ManagerEuropean Youth Parliament

bernard drögeCoordinator ITand Process Management

Annual Report 2019 Our organisation

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partners and sponsors

Private sector

Non governmenal organisations

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Celebrating Europe: Awards and celebrationsAnnual Report 2019 Partners and Sponsors

Published bySchwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges EuropaSophienstraße 28/2910178 Berlin, Germany

Responsible (according to Press Law)Anne Rolvering

Creative DirectionMilena Jovanovic

Editorial WorkMilena Jovanovic, Mandy Buschina, Lena Prötzel, Anıl Altın-taş, Tobias Frietzsche, Esther Spicker, Vincent Herr, Martin Speer, Lukas Fendel, Helena Nepp, Valeriya Boyko and Anya Suprunenko

Pictures / Illustrations:Cover picture: International Session of the EYP in Vilnius 2018; Astrid Piethan (pp 8-9); Stefanie Loos (pp. 10-17); Marcel Kusch (p. 13, right picture); Alica Läuger (Illustration p. 20); p. 22: Vincent-Immanuel Herr and Martin Speer; p. 27 (picture of #unantastbar conference): BMJV/Photothek; Thomas Lobenwein (p. 28); Oiko Media (p. 30); Benjamin Jehne (Picture of Wolfgang Huber p. 32); Janne Vanhemmens (p. 38); yeven_popov / Freepik (p. 40); Valeriia Cerednichenko / Artem Oneshak (p. 41); Adrian Jankowski (pp. 44, 46, 47, 50, 52, 55); pp.56-57: Stefanie Loos and Jacobia Dahm; pp. 25-33: Adrian Jankowski / Andreas Domma / Benjamin Jehne; Gvantsa Dolbaia (p. 43); pp. 48-49: Yasemine Ouirhrane

LayoutKasper Grubba


Academia, media and cultural institutions

Public institutions

the european Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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