Schwartz Value Survey

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Moral values

Transcript of Schwartz Value Survey

  • 5/24/2018 Schwartz Value Survey


    VALUESURVEYInthis questionnaireyou are to askyourself: What valuesareimportantto ME asguiding principlesinMYlife andwhat valuesareless importanttome? Thereare twolistsofvalueson the followingpages. These values comefromdifferent cultures. In theparenthesesfollowingeach valueis anexplanation that may help you to understand its meaning.Yourtaskis toratehowimportant each valueis for you as aguiding principleinyourlife. Use therating scale below:0meansthevalueis not at allimportant,it is notrelevantas aguidingprincipleforyou.3-meansthevalueisimportant.6meansthe value is very important.The higher the number(0,1,2,3,4, 5, 6), the more important the value is as a guiding principle inYOURlife.-1is for rating any values opposed to the principles that guide you.7 is for raring a value of supreme importance as a guiding principle in yourlife; ordinarily

    there re nomorethantwosuch valuesInthe space before each value, write the number(-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)that indicates the importance of thatvaluefor you, personally. Try to distinguish as much as possible between the values by using all thenumbers. Youwill,ofcourse, needto usenumbers more than once.

    AS A GUIDING PRINCIPLE IN MY LIFE, this value is:opposed oftomy not very supremevalues important important important importance- 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Beforeyou begin, read the values in List I, choose the one that is most important to you and rate itsimportance. Next,choosethevalue thatismostopposedtoyour valuesandrateit -1. Ifthereis nosuchvalue, choose the value least important to you and rate it 0 or 1, according to its importance. Then ratetherestof thevaluesinListI.

    VALUESLIST I1 EQUALITY (equal opportunity forall)2__INNERHARMONY(atpeace with myself)3 SOCIAL POWER (control over others, dominance)4 PLEASURE (gratificationofdesires)

    5 FREEDOM (freedomofactionandthought)6 ASPIRITUAL LIFE (emphasisonspiritualnotmaterial matters)7 SENSE OF BELONGING (feeling that others care about me)8 SOCIAL ORDER (stabilityofsociety)9 ANEXCITING LIFE (stimulating experiences)10 MEANINGINLIFE(apurposeinlife)

  • 5/24/2018 Schwartz Value Survey


    AS AGUIDING PRINCIPLEIN MYLIFE,thisvalue is:opposed oftomy not very supremevalues important important important importance- 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    11 POLITENESS (courtesy, good manners)12 WEALTH (material possessions, money)13 NATIONAL SECURITY (protectionof mynationfrom enemies)14 SELF RESPECT (beliefinone'sownworth)15 RECIPROCATIONOFFAVORS (avoidanceofindebtedness)16 CREATIVITY (uniqueness, imagination)17 AWORLDATPEACE freeof war andconflict)18 RESPECTFORTRADITION (preservationof time-honoredcustoms)19 MATURE LOVE (deep emotional spiritual intimacy)20 SELF-DISCIPLINE (self-restraint,resistancetotemptation)21 PRIVACY (theright tohaveaprivate sphere)22 FAMILY SECURITY (safetyforloved ones)23 SOCIAL RECOGNITION(respect,approvalbyothers)

    24 UNITY WITH NATURE fittinginto nature)25 AVARIED LIFE (filled with challenge, noveltyandchange)26 WISDOM (a mature understanding of life)27 AUTHORITY(the righttoleadorcommand)28 TRUE FRIENDSHIP(close,supportivefriends)29 A WORLD OFBEAUTY(beauty of nature and the arts)30 SOCIAL JUSTICE (correcting injustice, carefor theweak)

    VALUES LIST IINowratehow importanteachof thefollowing valuesis for you as aguiding principleinYOURlife.Thesevaluesare phrased as ways of acting that may be more orlessimportant for you. Once again, trytodistinguishasmuchaspossiblebetweenthevaluesbyusingall thenumbers.Beforeyoubegin, readthevaluesinListn,choosethe onethatismost importantto you andrateitsimportance. Next, choosethevalue thatismost opposedtoyour values, orifthereis nosuchvalue-choosethevalue least importanttoyou,andrateit -1, 0, or 1,accordingto itsimportance. Thenrate therestof the values.

  • 5/24/2018 Schwartz Value Survey


    ASA GUIDINGPRINCIPLEIN MYLIFE,thisvalue is:opposed oftomy not very supremevalues important important important importance- 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    31 INDEPENDENT(self-reliant, self-sufficient)32 MODERATE (avoiding extremesoffeeling&action)33 LOYAL faithfulto myfriends,group)34 AMBITIOUS (hard-working, aspiring)35 BROADMTNDED(tolerant ofdifferentideas and beliefs)36 HUMBLE (modest, self-effacing)37 DARING (seeking adventure,risk)38 PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT (preserving nature)39 INFLUENTIAL (having an impact onpeopleand events)40__HONORINGOFPARENTSANDELDERS (showingrespect)41 CHOOSING OWN GOALS (selecting own purposes)42 HEALTHY (not being sick physically or mentally)43 CAPABLE (competent, effective, efficient)44 ACCEPTING MY PORTION IN LIFE (submitting to life's circumstances)45 HONEST (genuine, sincere)46 PRESERVING MY PUBLIC IMAGE (protecting my face )47 OBEDIENT (dutiful, meetingobligations)48 INTELLIGENT(logical,thinking)49 HELPFUL (working for the welfare ofothers)50 ENJOYING LIFE (enjoying food,sex,leisure,etc.)51 DEVOUT (holding to religious faith & belief)52 RESPONSIBLE (dependable,reliable)53 CURIOUS (interested hi everything, exploring)54 FORGIVING (willingtopardon others)55 SUCCESSFUL (achieving goals)56 CLEAN (neat, tidy)57 SELF-INDULGENT (doingpleasant things)

  • 5/24/2018 Schwartz Value Survey


    BACKGROUNDITEMSYourSex(circle): 1.Male 2.FemaleYour age: YearsWhileyouwere growingup(birthto age15),whowerethepeoplewholivedinyour homefor atleasttwoyears? Writethenumberofpeopleineach category. Write zeroifnooneincategory.

    Parents Other RelativesSisters&Brothers Personswho are notrelatives

    Howmany yearsofeducationhaseach person completed (since 1stgrade)? (estimateif notcertain)YourselfYour FatherYour Mother

    YourMarital status(circle): 1.Single 2.Marriedor 3.Widowed 4.DivorcedcohabitingWhatisyour current occupationoryour occupation when last employed?

    1.Teacher gradesk-2 9.Other blue collar2.Teacher grades3 8 10.Farm ownerorfarmworker3.Teacher grades 9-12 11.Secondary school student4.School principal 12.University student:social sciences&education5.Other professional 13.University student: humanities, arts,& law6.Managerorbusiness owner 14.University student: natural sciences &medicine7.Clerical orsales worker 15.Hom emaker8.Skilled worker 16.Otherno tcodableinto 1-15

    With regardtoreligion, with which religious groupdo youidentify? (circle)[List majorreligious groups, Other and None ]l Xxxxxxxxxx 4 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2 Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 5 Other3 Xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6 one

    Howreligiousareyou,if atall? (circle)Not at Veryall religious0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Ofwhichof thefollowing groupsare you amember? (circle)[Listmain ethnic groupsinyoursocietyand Other ]1 Xxxxxxxx 4 Xxxxxxxxxx2 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx 5 Xxxxxxxxxxxx3 Xxxxxxxx 6 Other

    Whichof thefollowingpoliticalpartiescomesclosesttorepresenting yourviews?(circle)[List main political partiesand Other ]1 Xxxxxxxx 4 Xxxxxxxxxx2 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx 5 Xxxxxxxxxxxx3 Xxxxxxxx 6 Other

    Inwhat kindof aplacedid yougrowup?(circle):1.large city (500,000+) 2.small city 3.rural area 4. farm

  • 5/24/2018 Schwartz Value Survey


    Shalom H . SchwartzKeying of SVS Ten Value Scales

    ndividual LevelConformityTraditionBenevolenceUniversalismSelf-DirectionStimulationHedonismAchievementPowerSecurity

    ultural levelEmbeddedness

    HierarchyMasteryAffective AutonomyIntellectual AutonomyEgalitarianismHarmony

    SVS items11,20,40,47









    ScaleUseCorrection Becauseindividualsandcultural groups use the value scaledifferently, it isnecessaryto correct forscaleuse in allanalyses.ndividual Level (1)compute each individual s total score on all values

    (2) use the total score as acovariate in analyses ofvariance,or a variable

    topartial on in correlations3) forregression, firstcenter scoresof allitemsfor an individual aroundthatindividual s mean ratingof allitems

  • 5/24/2018 Schwartz Value Survey


    Shalom H .Schwartzultur Level Compute meansamplescoreon allvalues.Subtract sample meanfrom4.00.Add theresultto thescore foreach valuedimension e.g., Mean=4.5;Dimensions=4.0;Adj. = 3.5)Fo rexample:Say youwantto calculateascoref or masteryinChile.1. You calculate the mean for allrespondents f romChileon all 57itemsin thesurvey.Say it is4.375.2.Comparingtheoverall mean in Chileto theinternational meanof 4.00,1findthatChileans tendto use theupper partof thescale. They haveameanthatis.375higher thantheaverage(4.375-4.00).3.Therefore, Iwill subtract .375fromwhateverscore I get for aculturaldimension inChile.4. If theobserved score onmasteryinChile, before adjustingforscale use, is5.375 (themeanof allmastery items across al lrespondentsin thesample), thenthe adjusted scoref ormasterywillbe5.00(5,375-375).Thatis the score to use for themastery dimension incross-nationalcomparisons.5. Let s say theChilean averageforharmonywas2.875. Thenthescoreonthis dimensionwould becorrected to2.500 (2.875-.37S)forcross-national comparisons.F ILURETOCORRECTFORSC LEUSEYIELDS INCORRECTRESULTS