Schulke's Trade Palace mmmmmm - Library of Congress · Alex. Heintz and wife are enjoying a visit...

. \ V K ' * J -'-/ s ;w > \ - " "" . - ' > ' v 1 - / 1 ;' \\ 1 " v THE COURIER-DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29,1910 > ^ ^ , - * -v' * - JPAOE FIVK THEATRICAL EVENTS Dec. 28—Shakespeare's Twelfth Night Jan. 27—Merry Musicians. Feb 22—Lecture by Dr. Gillette March 2—Signor Bomanila. Italian harpist, Mar 17— Lecture by Dr. Taylor. March 19-The English Opera Singers. Well, it was ideal Christmas weather. Opening chapter of our new; serial story, "Lcrd Loveland's Discovery of America" appear this week. Don't miss reading it. The Langdon university students and others who have been home from school for the holidays will leave the end of this week to resume their labors. The engine room and offices of the Langdon Light Co., have undergone con- siderable change and interior improve- ment during the past couple of weeks. H. T. Parker, a former high ' school teacher here is making a holiday visit this week, arriving Christmas day from Washburn, N. D. He is dividing the time of his stay between friends here and at Dresden, Monday night's dance at the U. C. T. hotel heralds the incoming of the year 1911 with a society event to be remem- bered all through the year. Hall's orchestra of Grand Forks furnishes the music and everything will be the best. J. W. Pomroy who is actively identi- fied with the management of the Mc- Millan Machine Co's business moves his family here from Grand Forks the first of the > ear and will occupy the Robert Work house in the Dorval ad- dition. J. F. Quigley who is here representing a Chicago map publishing house which is engaged in printing an atlas of Cava- lier county was a Christmas visitor with Langdon friends and took a part in the musical services held at St. Alphonsus church. Mr. Quigley is a former resi- dent of Pembina county and is well known to many of the older residents here in Langdon. The advent of Christmas eve was ushered in Saturday morning with aa extreme low temperature of 19° below zero at sunrise,the thermometer still be- ing down to 12° below at 8:45: a m. This is the record breaker of the three cold spells experienced during the month of December. The previous low tempera- ture records during the . month were on the 2nd and 18° on the 11th. v One of the features of the January meeting of the board of county com- missioners will be the making of an appointment tQ fill the vacancy in the Third district occasioned by the resigna- tion of Com'r A. A. Seeley, who com- mencing with the New Year becomes county treasurer. IT the DEMOCRAT is correctly informed there is something less than a dozen active candidates for the job and considerable wire pullling being -done. Herman Dohmann, accompanied by Mrs. Dohman returned Thursday from Rochester, Minn., where he consulted the doctors at the Mayo hospital relative to his progress toward recovery following his recent severe illness. Dr. Mayo and his specialists did not deem it necessary that Mr. Dohmann should undergo an operation and he returns home to Lang- . don with chances of a return to hisform- , er health and strength in the no distant future. This ip'indeed good news to the many neighbors and old friends of the Dohmann family. Coal that gives the most heat, at the Cavalier County Lumber Co. Mound Cit) Paints may cost a trifie more, but ! Plummer & McNiVen Senator Henry McLean, and Cashier Alex. Reid were Hannah holiday visitors in the city Saturday Mrs. D. A. Fisher spent the Christ- mas season with her relatives in the vi- cinity of Wales and Hannah. German calendars for 1911 on sale at the DEMOCRAT office, Several different kinds at twenty-five cents each. Chas. Hunter took Friday's train to the home of relatives of his family in Minnesota for a visit at Christmas. Unlimited money to loan on tirst mortgages, liberal amounts and lowest rates. Joseph Power, Langdon, N. D. L. A. Weed returned Friday to Han- nah having spent most of the week here hustling insurance for the New York Life Co. Alice Schwartz, ene of the little daughters of F. J. Schwartz and wife, made a visit over the Xmas with several of her little friends at Wales. P, A. McLaren returned Monday to Drummond, Ont., having spent most of the time here sincfe last fall in looking after his farm interests near Stilwell. Miss Ella T. Gogin is here from Willis- ton spending the Christmas holiday sea son at the J. B Boyd home, arriving with the Langdon bound crowd on Sat- urday's noon train. Jas. McMillan, nephew of Hon. D. H. McMillan is a Christmas week arrival coming home from Battleferd, Sask., for the holidays after spending upwards of a year on his homestead. Postmaster J. W, Pratten, Dr, A. F. Elliott and S. O. Tollefson were Milton visitors here on Friday to extend con- dolences to their former townsman, Mr. Frank Briggs, in his bereavement. Miss Annie Robertson came home on Friday's train to spend lier holiday va- cation with the the home folks. Miss Robertson has spent the past year as a trained nurse in one of the large hos pitals in St. Paul. OOOOOOOOQOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOO DOCTOR MUGAN Coal, not slate, at the Cavalier County Lumber Co., yard. Allert & Winter have plenty of money to loan on tirst and second mortgages. Trade with our advertisers and you will save the price of subscription many times oyer. Frank Hankey was a visitor last Fri- day from his farm west of Wales looking after business matters. Mrs. Bostrum, wife of the Langdon drayman is making a holiday visit at her former home in Minnesota. The directors and stock holders of the First National Bank hold their annual meeting on Tuesday of next week-. Miss Alice Maloney one of the corps of teachers of the public schools is spending the vacation up at Hannah. Jas. Mirehouse and wife returned home Friday for Christmas from a visit of a week with friends west of Hannah. Albert Linn manager of the lumber yard of the St. Anthony & Dakota Co.,at Osnabrock was a business visitor here Friday. Liveryman Mulligan and wife left Fri- day afternoon for a visit extend- ing over the holidays with friends down in the yalley. Miss Annie McLean joined with the folks at her family home in Hannah in the enjoyment of the holiday festivities at Christmastide. Mat Hines, who has spent most of the year's busy season at Milton is again back in Langdon to enjoy his winter of leisure with friends. N Miss Tena Regner, one of the teacherg the city schools since the opening of the fall term is spending the holidays at her home in Cooperstown, N. D. Alex. Heintz and wife are enjoying a visit at the home of John Lee, father of Mrs. Heintz during the holidays. They came up on Saturday's passenger HAY TO SELL 200 tons near Wales, half 1909 crop. Price $10 per ton in stack. Notes due Nov. 1, 1911, accepted in payment. Early buyers have choice of stacks. Hay pressed at stack, at $2.00 per ton C. P. CETCHELL, Wales, N. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ...Office—Over Boyd.s Store- Besides General Medicine Special atten- tion is given to diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted. LANGDON, N. DAK. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dr. D. J. McKenty is here from Gretna, Man., making a Christmas visit with his sisters, Mrs G. M. Price and Mrs. J. J, Mugan, also with his father, Mr. McKenty, Sr., who is spending the winter here with his daughters. Percy Doake, is here among the num- ber of holiday visitors this week with old Langdon friends. He is a farmer band boy and played on the ball team two season. He has a position in Saa katoon and also is holding down a home stead out there. Miss Tillie Voll, for some time a popu lar clerk in the dry goods department at Schulke's store has resigned her posi- tion and has left this week for a short during the balance of the holi days with her parents, now living in the vicinity of Sull Lake, Sask. Later Miss Voll intends going to the Pacific coast and will probably spend some time in the state of Washington. 1 HEW YEAR'S GREETING With the close of 1910, / which has proven one of the most successful in our business career in Lang= don we would express our .appreciation of your past patronage and wish one and all r A Happy and Prosperous '• v - Year. MMM'M a Jno. E. Arnold is making a visit dur ing the holidays with his friends of Harvey Center and in the vicinity of Hannah. Since leaving the county some years ago he has been located at Oxbow. Man. John E Deary, of Grand Forks, who has a run as railway mail clerk on this branch of the Great Northern enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schwartz during a stop over here last Thursday. Misses Mabel Gilbertson, Daisy Haines Helma Skundberg and Ella Evanson were among the teachers of the Langdon public schools to leave Friday to enjoy the two weeks vacation period among relatives and friends. John Mahon is expecting to leave shortly after the beginning of the New Year for a visit at the old family home in Ontario, where their eldest daughter, Miss LaBelle has been visiting with her grandmother during the holidays. The Rathbone Sisters enlivened the festivities of the holiday season with a social dance held in the K. of P. Hall on Tuesday evening. The event was large- ly attended by the crowd of Langdon young people home from school for the holiday vacation. The next meeting of the Langdon chapter of the American Woman's League will be held on Monday, January 9th at which time new officers for the ensuing year will be electcd. Due notice of where the meeting is to be held will be given next week. Jas. Brosnahan made a yisit over Christmas day among a number of his Langdon friends. He will enjoy the remainder of his holiday vacation with his parents at Grafton before returning to Saskatoon, where he holds a position with the International Harvester people. Coal that is all coal at Cavalier County Lumber Company Allert & Winter have plenty of money to loan on first and second mortgages. Mrs. Jno. S. Gogin and children were guests from Osnabrock at the J. B. Boyd home on Christmas day. Two choice residence lots in Langdon, where good water can be had. For sale cheap, Inquire at this office. Miss C. E. McMillan shared the hospi- tality of friends and relatives at Wales and Hannah over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Lars A. Wall were Christmas day visitors from Milton at the home of Mrs. Jno. L. Robertson, Rev. Wilkes, of Mt. Carmel, was a passenger Tuesday to Grand Forks, ex- pecting to remain there until the end of the week. Geo. W. Price left Friday for St. James, Minn., where the family are spending the holiday season at the home of his folks. W. B. Gordon is on the sick list and had ^forego many of the Christmastide festivities owing to a bad attack of rheumatism. Attorney Fred W. McLean and wife arrived from Fargo on Christmas eve and are guests during the holiday sea- son at the Orton home. R. B. Lang, George Diebel and F. A. McDonald were among'the number here Saturday from Milton to attend the funeral of Mrs. Frank Briggs. Ernest Fletcher is here from the law school of the state university at Grand Forfts to spend part of the holidays visit- ing at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. A. Mclntyre. Earl McGruer reached homeon Satur- day from Madison, Wis., where he has been attending the University of Wis- consin since his graduation from the city high school. Thos. Pelkington a former Langdon grain buyer came up from Blanchard, where he has had charge of an elevator since last fall, and enjoyed a Christmas visit with old friends. The Methodist church Sunday school held their Santa Claus entertainment and Christmas tree distribution on Saturday evening. The main body of the church being well filled. Dr. Wm. J. Kennedy and wife were Christmas day visitors here from Osna- brock, the doctor assisting the choir of St. Alphonsus church in the musical portion of the Xmas services. OATS FOR SALE Green Russian seed oats, 50 cts. per bushel. None better for seed or feed Also some good barley. > C. E. BYERLY, Dresden, N. D. A HAPPY NEW YEAR! TO our friends and custom- ers who have aided in making the year 1910 the best and biggest 12 months of business we ever experi- enced we tender our heartiest thanks and wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Schulke's Trade Palace LANGDON, N. DAK. i mmmmmm Have made arrangements for money on First Mortgage Loans at as low a rate as can be had in Cavalier County. J. G. DICKSON H. D. Allert and wife took Friday's I passenger north to Hannah, from which point they crossed the line toSnowflake, Man., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Williams, a relative of Mrs. Allert, who succumbed to an operation recently undergone in the hospital at Hannah for | cancer. Everett Salter, who has been visiting | here with his brother, Horace, for the past ten days is leaving this week for the* home of hiB parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Salter now living in the Canadian Northwest.' The Salters were residents of Langdon when their son Everett, en- | listed in the United States army and I left for the Philippines. T.F. Lueker, a teacher of classes in I the eighth grade and high school depart- ments of the city Bcheols left Monday and will visit in Chicago and with a brother in St. Louis before returning to I hiB home Arkansas. He has experienc- ed poor health much ef the time since coming to North Dakota last fall and decided to tender his resignation during the holidays. It is stated that Mr. D. J. Ridlington will take up his uohool work jtiavlai the bfU^oe of the year. »- Sam Cross, who has been connected with the educational work of schools in eastern Cavalier county for many long years exchanged holiday greetings with many Langdon friends on Christmas eve. Henry Albrecht acted as relief agent at the Langdon Farmers elevator last week for Agent Frank Briggs during the final illness of Mrs. Briggs who passed from this life on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock. Druggist W. A. Ferguson is leaving this week,for Bismarck, where he will remain during the session of the legisla- ture, which convenes next week. The business of his Langdon drug store will be looked after during his absence by A. M. McKay. § Langdon's new four-piece orchestra, composed of L. Schoenbechler, cornet; Fred Koehmstedt clarinet; Joe Hal beisen, violin and Miss Lorraine Koehm- stedt, pianist; made their initial appear- ance at quite an enjoyable social hop held Friday evening at the opera house. A. T. Snider is here from Morns, Sask., dividing the time during his stay between friends here and at Hannah. "Art" states that his brother-in-law, Mr. McBain has a fine farm and harvest- ed a big acreage last fall giving a good yield, especially when the poor season is considered. Mr. Sandison, Sr., who has been very ill at the home of his son Peter A. Sandi- son, of this city since last fall is rapidly weakening in strength. His younger son, Walter Sandison, has been over here for some little time to aid in giving the constant attention which their father requires. Mrs Williey returned Friday to her home at Grand Forks having visited here with her daughter, Mrs. R. H, Gillmac for some little time. B. E. Groom joined with his family in enjoying a Merry Christmas after re- turning Saturday from a month's trip east for the Cavalier Co., Immigration association. Mr. and Mrs. Timian, who number among the December victims cf Dan Cupid, were in town Friday, from their home near Dresden doing some holiday shopping. Fleming May, accompanied by Mrs. May and daughter came down from Wales yesterday and are spending a day with old Langdon friends before return- ing west to their home in Washington. H. Dunford, wife and daughter re- turned Tuesday from Hannah, where as has been the custom for a number of years past they have spent Christmas with the family of Senator Henry Mc- Lean. FARM LOANS on First See me Unlimited money to loan mortgages. Lowest rates. first if you want money. T. E. BURKE AGENCY. Green Bros., barber shop was broken into sometime after Friday at midnight and the cash register broken into by the thieves, who no doubt were disappointed by only securing about $2.00 in small change. Of the barber shop tools only one razor was found missing when the shop opened up for business Saturday morning. Entrance was accomplished by forcing the spring lock of the front door. Rev. M. Dougherty took Tuesday's passenger to St. Paul, where he is enjoy- ing a part of the holiday week visiting with his sisters. Sup't Meyer, Miss Carev and Miss Austin are three of the teachers of the city schools who remain in Langdon through the holiday vacation. Miss Helen Fauske, stenographer in the law office of Attorney W. A. Mc- lntyre spent Christmas at the home of her family in Portland, N. D. Jno. B. Mooney was among the de- parting townspeople of Langdon to leave last week and is enjoying the holiday season with St. Paul friends. Merchant W. L. Knowles, who is having a big cash trade during the holiday season sale at his store in Wales has a new change of adv't again this week. The Northern Trust Co, writes all kinds of fidelity, county and municipal bonds The oldest and most reliable institution of its kind in North Dakota. Call on T. E. Burke Agency, if you want a bond. John Irvine and two daughters are here for a Christmas holiday visit from Saskatchewan, where they have resided since leaving Langdon about four years ago. They are guests at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. John Mahon during their stay here. Wednesday evening, January 5th is the date of the joint installation of the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors, to be held at the Oddfellows Hall The installation is one to which the Wood- men and their wives are invited, also the Royal Neighbors and their husbands —or in the absence of the last named hereditament and appurtenance—the other fellew. DRS. KERR & SMITH DENTISTS Donovan Block A letter received during the holiday week from Marcelinvilla, Sask., by Judge H. E. Dorval brought news of the seri- ous illness of his old friend Antonie Mar- celine, one of the first pioneers of the Olga settlement and a member of the board of commissioneers at the time this county was first organized. It is nearly twenty years ago since Mr Marceline moved away to the Canadian Northwest, where he has accumulated a fortune and attained prominence among thoBe on the western frontier. Many of Cavalier county's old timers hope to get word that in spite of his having already passed life's allotted span of three score yean and ten he nay bf spared to farther years of usefulness and the oentinued leving regard of his many eld friends. ...WE WOULD BE GLAD... when you wish to buy any kind of a stove or range to have you carefully Compare the Favorite Stoves with any other make in the world. We feel your de- cision will be favorable to the . Favorite Therefore we court careful comparison; we know they are not to be equalled. i$f ,3©! All stove accessories ^ suchas ?K8 Pipes, Elbows, Damper^ StoveBoards, Fire Shovels, Stove Polish, 'Etc„kept D.C. •••••a - Si M £& >43^* Wji , . I .

Transcript of Schulke's Trade Palace mmmmmm - Library of Congress · Alex. Heintz and wife are enjoying a visit...

Page 1: Schulke's Trade Palace mmmmmm - Library of Congress · Alex. Heintz and wife are enjoying a visit at the home of John Lee, father of Mrs. Heintz during the holidays. They came up

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Dec. 28—Shakespeare's Twelfth Night Jan. 27—Merry Musicians. Feb 22—Lecture by Dr. Gillette March 2—Signor Bomanila. Italian harpist, Mar 17— Lecture by Dr. Taylor. March 19-The English Opera Singers.

Well, it was ideal Christmas weather.

Opening chapter of our new; serial story, "Lcrd Loveland's Discovery of America" appear this week. Don't miss reading it.

The Langdon university students and others who have been home from school for the holidays will leave the end of this week to resume their labors.

The engine room and offices of the Langdon Light Co., have undergone con­siderable change and interior improve­ment during the past couple of weeks.

H. T. Parker, a former high ' school teacher here is making a holiday visit this week, arriving Christmas day from Washburn, N. D. He is dividing the time of his stay between friends here and at Dresden,

Monday night's dance at the U. C. T. hotel heralds the incoming of the year 1911 with a society event to be remem­bered all through the year. Hall's orchestra of Grand Forks furnishes the music and everything will be the best.

J. W. Pomroy who is actively identi­fied with the management of the Mc­Millan Machine Co's business moves his family here from Grand Forks the first of the > ear and will occupy the Robert Work house in the Dorval ad­dition.

J. F. Quigley who is here representing a Chicago map publishing house which is engaged in printing an atlas of Cava­lier county was a Christmas visitor with Langdon friends and took a part in the musical services held at St. Alphonsus church. Mr. Quigley is a former resi­dent of Pembina county and is well known to many of the older residents here in Langdon.

The advent of Christmas eve was ushered in Saturday morning with aa extreme low temperature of 19° below zero at sunrise,the thermometer still be­ing down to 12° below at 8:45: a m. This is the record breaker of the three cold spells experienced during the month of December. The previous low tempera­

ture records during the . month were 6° on the 2nd and 18° on the 11th. v

One of the features of the January meeting of the board of county com­missioners will be the making of an appointment tQ fill the vacancy in the Third district occasioned by the resigna­tion of Com'r A. A. Seeley, who com­mencing with the New Year becomes county treasurer. IT the DEMOCRAT is correctly informed there is something less than a dozen active candidates for the job and considerable wire pullling being -done.

Herman Dohmann, accompanied by Mrs. Dohman returned Thursday from Rochester, Minn., where he consulted the doctors at the Mayo hospital relative to his progress toward recovery following his recent severe illness. Dr. Mayo and his specialists did not deem it necessary that Mr. Dohmann should undergo an operation and he returns home to Lang-

. don with chances of a return to hisform-, er health and strength in the no distant

future. This ip'indeed good news to the many neighbors and old friends of the Dohmann family.

Coal that gives the most heat, at the Cavalier County Lumber Co.

Mound Cit) Paints may cost a trifie more, but ! Plummer & McNiVen

Senator Henry McLean, and Cashier Alex. Reid were Hannah holiday visitors in the city Saturday

Mrs. D. A. Fisher spent the Christ­mas season with her relatives in the vi­cinity of Wales and Hannah.

German calendars for 1911 on sale at the DEMOCRAT office, Several different kinds at twenty-five cents each.

Chas. Hunter took Friday's train to the home of relatives of his family in Minnesota for a visit at Christmas.

Unlimited money to loan on tirst mortgages, liberal amounts and lowest rates. Joseph Power, Langdon, N. D.

L. A. Weed returned Friday to Han­nah having spent most of the week here hustling insurance for the New York Life Co.

Alice Schwartz, ene of the little daughters of F. J. Schwartz and wife, made a visit over the Xmas with several of her little friends at Wales.

P, A. McLaren returned Monday to Drummond, Ont., having spent most of the time here sincfe last fall in looking after his farm interests near Stilwell.

Miss Ella T. Gogin is here from Willis-ton spending the Christmas holiday sea son at the J. B Boyd home, arriving with the Langdon bound crowd on Sat­urday's noon train.

Jas. McMillan, nephew of Hon. D. H. McMillan is a Christmas week arrival coming home from Battleferd, Sask., for the holidays after spending upwards of a year on his homestead.

Postmaster J. W, Pratten, Dr, A. F. Elliott and S. O. Tollefson were Milton visitors here on Friday to extend con­dolences to their former townsman, Mr. Frank Briggs, in his bereavement.

Miss Annie Robertson came home on Friday's train to spend lier holiday va­cation with the the home folks. Miss Robertson has spent the past year as a trained nurse in one of the large hos pitals in St. Paul. OOOOOOOOQOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOO


Coal, not slate, at the Cavalier County Lumber Co., yard.

Allert & Winter have plenty of money to loan on tirst and second mortgages.

Trade with our advertisers and you will save the price of subscription many times oyer.

Frank Hankey was a visitor last Fri­day from his farm west of Wales looking after business matters.

Mrs. Bostrum, wife of the Langdon drayman is making a holiday visit at her former home in Minnesota.

The directors and stock holders of the First National Bank hold their annual meeting on Tuesday of next week-.

Miss Alice Maloney one of the corps of teachers of the public schools is spending the vacation up at Hannah.

Jas. Mirehouse and wife returned home Friday for Christmas from a visit of a week with friends west of Hannah.

Albert Linn manager of the lumber yard of the St. Anthony & Dakota Co.,at Osnabrock was a business visitor here Friday.

Liveryman Mulligan and wife left Fri­day afternoon for a visit extend­ing over the holidays with friends down in the yalley.

Miss Annie McLean joined with the folks at her family home in Hannah in the enjoyment of the holiday festivities at Christmastide.

Mat Hines, who has spent most of the year's busy season at Milton is again back in Langdon to enjoy his winter of leisure with friends. N

Miss Tena Regner, one of the teacherg the city schools since the opening of the fall term is spending the holidays at her home in Cooperstown, N. D.

Alex. Heintz and wife are enjoying a visit at the home of John Lee, father of Mrs. Heintz during the holidays. They came up on Saturday's passenger

HAY TO SELL 200 tons near Wales, half 1909 crop. Price $10 per ton in stack. Notes due Nov. 1, 1911, accepted in payment. Early buyers have choice of stacks. Hay pressed at stack, at $2.00 per ton

C. P. CETCHELL, Wales, N. D.

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ...Office—Over Boyd.s Store-

Besides General Medicine Special atten­tion is given to diseases of the Ear, Eye,

Nose and Throat. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted.


oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dr. D. J. McKenty is here from

Gretna, Man., making a Christmas visit with his sisters, Mrs G. M. Price and Mrs. J. J, Mugan, also with his father, Mr. McKenty, Sr., who is spending the winter here with his daughters.

Percy Doake, is here among the num­ber of holiday visitors this week with old Langdon friends. He is a farmer band boy and played on the ball team two season. He has a position in Saa katoon and also is holding down a home stead out there.

Miss Tillie Voll, for some time a popu lar clerk in the dry goods department at Schulke's store has resigned her posi­tion and has left this week for a short during the balance of the holi days with her parents, now living in the vicinity of Sull Lake, Sask. Later Miss Voll intends going to the Pacific coast and will probably spend some time in the state of Washington.


With the close of 1910, / which has proven one of the most successful in our business career in Lang= don we would express our .appreciation of your past • patronage and wish one and all r

A Happy and Prosperous '•v- Year. MMM'M a

Jno. E. Arnold is making a visit dur ing the holidays with his friends of Harvey Center and in the vicinity of Hannah. Since leaving the county some years ago he has been located at Oxbow. Man.

John E Deary, of Grand Forks, who has a run as railway mail clerk on this branch of the Great Northern enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schwartz during a stop over here last Thursday.

Misses Mabel Gilbertson, Daisy Haines Helma Skundberg and Ella Evanson were among the teachers of the Langdon public schools to leave Friday to enjoy the two weeks vacation period among relatives and friends.

John Mahon is expecting to leave shortly after the beginning of the New Year for a visit at the old family home in Ontario, where their eldest daughter, Miss LaBelle has been visiting with her grandmother during the holidays.

The Rathbone Sisters enlivened the festivities of the holiday season with a social dance held in the K. of P. Hall on Tuesday evening. The event was large­ly attended by the crowd of Langdon young people home from school for the holiday vacation.

The next meeting of the Langdon chapter of the American Woman's League will be held on Monday, January 9th at which time new officers for the ensuing year will be electcd. Due notice of where the meeting is to be held will be given next week.

Jas. Brosnahan made a yisit over Christmas day among a number of his Langdon friends. He will enjoy the remainder of his holiday vacation with his parents at Grafton before returning to Saskatoon, where he holds a position with the International Harvester people.

Coal that is all coal at Cavalier County Lumber Company

Allert & Winter have plenty of money to loan on first and second mortgages.

Mrs. Jno. S. Gogin and children were guests from Osnabrock at the J. B. Boyd home on Christmas day.

Two choice residence lots in Langdon, where good water can be had. For sale cheap, Inquire at this office.

Miss C. E. McMillan shared the hospi­tality of friends and relatives at Wales and Hannah over Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Lars A. Wall were Christmas day visitors from Milton at the home of Mrs. Jno. L. Robertson,

Rev. Wilkes, of Mt. Carmel, was a passenger Tuesday to Grand Forks, ex­pecting to remain there until the end of the week.

Geo. W. Price left Friday for St. James, Minn., where the family are spending the holiday season at the home of his folks.

W. B. Gordon is on the sick list and had ^forego many of the Christmastide festivities owing to a bad attack of rheumatism.

Attorney Fred W. McLean and wife arrived from Fargo on Christmas eve and are guests during the holiday sea­son at the Orton home.

R. B. Lang, George Diebel and F. A. McDonald were among'the number here Saturday from Milton to attend the funeral of Mrs. Frank Briggs.

Ernest Fletcher is here from the law school of the state university at Grand Forfts to spend part of the holidays visit­ing at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. A. Mclntyre.

Earl McGruer reached homeon Satur­day from Madison, Wis., where he has been attending the University of Wis­consin since his graduation from the city high school.

Thos. Pelkington a former Langdon grain buyer came up from Blanchard, where he has had charge of an elevator since last fall, and enjoyed a Christmas visit with old friends.

The Methodist church Sunday school held their Santa Claus entertainment and Christmas tree distribution on Saturday evening. The main body of the church being well filled.

Dr. Wm. J. Kennedy and wife were Christmas day visitors here from Osna­brock, the doctor assisting the choir of St. Alphonsus church in the musical portion of the Xmas services.

OATS FOR SALE Green Russian seed oats, 50 cts. per bushel. None better for seed or feed Also some good barley. >

C. E. BYERLY, Dresden, N. D.


TO our friends and custom-ers who have aided in

making the year 1910 the best and biggest 12 months of business we ever experi­enced we tender our heartiest thanks and wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Schulke's Trade Palace LANGDON, N. DAK.


Have made arrangements for money on First Mortgage Loans at as low a rate as can be had in Cavalier County.


H. D. Allert and wife took Friday's I passenger north to Hannah, from which point they crossed the line toSnowflake, Man., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Williams, a relative of Mrs. Allert, who succumbed to an operation recently undergone in the hospital at Hannah for

| cancer. Everett Salter, who has been visiting

| here with his brother, Horace, for the past ten days is leaving this week for the* home of hiB parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Salter now living in the Canadian Northwest.' The Salters were residents of Langdon when their son Everett, en-

| listed in the United States army and I left for the Philippines.

T.F. Lueker, a teacher of classes in I the eighth grade and high school depart­ments of the city Bcheols left Monday and will visit in Chicago and with a brother in St. Louis before returning to

I hiB home Arkansas. He has experienc­ed poor health much ef the time since coming to North Dakota last fall and decided to tender his resignation during the holidays. It is stated that Mr. D. J. Ridlington will take up his uohool work

jtiavlai the bfU^oe of the year. »-

Sam Cross, who has been connected with the educational work of schools in eastern Cavalier county for many long years exchanged holiday greetings with many Langdon friends on Christmas eve.

Henry Albrecht acted as relief agent at the Langdon Farmers elevator last week for Agent Frank Briggs during the final illness of Mrs. Briggs who passed from this life on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock.

Druggist W. A. Ferguson is leaving this week,for Bismarck, where he will remain during the session of the legisla­ture, which convenes next week. The business of his Langdon drug store will be looked after during his absence by A. M. McKay. §

Langdon's new four-piece orchestra, composed of L. Schoenbechler, cornet; Fred Koehmstedt clarinet; Joe Hal beisen, violin and Miss Lorraine Koehm­stedt, pianist; made their initial appear­ance at quite an enjoyable social hop held Friday evening at the opera house.

A. T. Snider is here from Morns, Sask., dividing the time during his stay between friends here and at Hannah. "Art" states that his brother-in-law, Mr. McBain has a fine farm and harvest­ed a big acreage last fall giving a good yield, especially when the poor season is considered.

Mr. Sandison, Sr., who has been very ill at the home of his son Peter A. Sandi­son, of this city since last fall is rapidly weakening in strength. His younger son, Walter Sandison, has been over here for some little time to aid in giving the constant attention which their father requires.

Mrs Williey returned Friday to her home at Grand Forks having visited here with her daughter, Mrs. R. H, Gillmac for some little time.

B. E. Groom joined with his family in enjoying a Merry Christmas after re­turning Saturday from a month's trip east for the Cavalier Co., Immigration association.

Mr. and Mrs. Timian, who number among the December victims cf Dan Cupid, were in town Friday, from their home near Dresden doing some holiday shopping.

Fleming May, accompanied by Mrs. May and daughter came down from Wales yesterday and are spending a day with old Langdon friends before return­ing west to their home in Washington.

H. Dunford, wife and daughter re­turned Tuesday from Hannah, where as has been the custom for a number of years past they have spent Christmas with the family of Senator Henry Mc­Lean.

FARM LOANS on First See me

Unlimited money to loan mortgages. Lowest rates. first if you want money.


Green Bros., barber shop was broken into sometime after Friday at midnight and the cash register broken into by the thieves, who no doubt were disappointed by only securing about $2.00 in small change. Of the barber shop tools only one razor was found missing when the shop opened up for business Saturday morning. Entrance was accomplished by forcing the spring lock of the front door.

Rev. M. Dougherty took Tuesday's passenger to St. Paul, where he is enjoy­ing a part of the holiday week visiting with his sisters.

Sup't Meyer, Miss Carev and Miss Austin are three of the teachers of the city schools who remain in Langdon through the holiday vacation.

Miss Helen Fauske, stenographer in the law office of Attorney W. A. Mc­lntyre spent Christmas at the home of her family in Portland, N. D.

Jno. B. Mooney was among the de­parting townspeople of Langdon to leave last week and is enjoying the holiday season with St. Paul friends.

Merchant W. L. Knowles, who is having a big cash trade during the holiday season sale at his store in Wales has a new change of adv't again this week.

The Northern Trust Co, writes all kinds of fidelity, county and municipal bonds The oldest and most reliable institution of its kind in North Dakota. Call on T. E. Burke Agency, if you want a bond.

John Irvine and two daughters are here for a Christmas holiday visit from Saskatchewan, where they have resided since leaving Langdon about four years ago. They are guests at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. John Mahon during their stay here.

Wednesday evening, January 5th is the date of the joint installation of the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors, to be held at the Oddfellows Hall The installation is one to which the Wood­men and their wives are invited, also the Royal Neighbors and their husbands —or in the absence of the last named hereditament and appurtenance—the other fellew.


A letter received during the holiday week from Marcelinvilla, Sask., by Judge H. E. Dorval brought news of the seri­ous illness of his old friend Antonie Mar-celine, one of the first pioneers of the Olga settlement and a member of the board of commissioneers at the time this county was first organized. It is nearly twenty years ago since Mr Marceline moved away to the Canadian Northwest, where he has accumulated a fortune and attained prominence among thoBe on the western frontier. Many of Cavalier county's old timers hope to get word that in spite of his having already passed life's allotted span of three score yean and ten he nay bf spared to farther years of usefulness and the oentinued leving regard of his many eld friends.

...WE WOULD BE GLAD... when you wish to buy any kind of a stove or range to have you carefully

Compare the Favorite Stoves

with any other make in the world. We feel your de­cision will be favorable to the .

Favorite Therefore we court careful comparison; we know they are not to be equalled. i$f

,3©! All stove accessories ^ suchas ?K8

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D.C. •••••a




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