School Tips

School Tips How to maximize the use of school website, note taking and communicate effectively with your teachers


School Tips. How to maximize the use of school website, note taking and communicate effectively with your teachers. Overview. U sing the school website to find homework. Taking notes. Communicating effectively with your teachers. School Website (looking for teachers and homework updates). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of School Tips

School Tips

How to maximize the use of school website, note taking and communicate

effectively with your teachers


• Using the school website to find homework.• Taking notes.• Communicating effectively with your teachers.

School Website(looking for teachers and homework updates)

Find your Teacher

Looking for your Class Period

Looking for your Homework

Click on “See all Homework” Click on the assignment needed

Download any needed worksheets, class notes or videos provided by your

teacher.If a teacher does not update their assignment

website make sure to use the email link to email your teacher requesting the assignments or notes that

were missed do to an absence, field trip or sporting activity.

Note taking

• Taking notes can be a hard task, specially when you are not interested in the subject, topic, have different issues to think about etc. These tips will help you to maximize your note taking ability:– Taking notes:

• Share notes using phone apps (“Jotnot”) with friends. Compare your notes and copy any important information you might have missed.

• If you start taking notes and then space out, leave a space so you know that you need to fill in that blank.

Taking Notes in Class

• Start a new page for each new class each day– Date it. Leave space between topics or ideas so you

can scan the page more easily later• Take down Key words and concepts, not

sentences– Develop your own system:

• Use w = with……. U = you….. WW2= World war II , etc

– Review notes after class or school to make sure they’re accurate and complete• This is the perfect time to complete or finish your notes

Taking Notes in class…(Cont)

• One of the most important parts of taking notes is making sure that you have all the necessary tools to do so.– Paper– Pen/pencil– Ruler

• From experience: when we don’t have the necessary tools we find ourselves having to scramble to find these and we lose focus on the lesson

Taking notes (Cont)…

• A good way to make sure that you, your body and your brain are paying attention in class is to use the SLANT method. (this will also allow your teachers to see that you are paying attention in class)

• S= Sit up straight• L= Listen• A= Ask and answer questions• N= Nod your head• T= Track the speaker

Communicating with your Teachers

• One of the best ways to communicate is to – First: Talk to your teacher and ask “what is the

best time to talk?”….. This is important because many teachers are getting ready between classes and may not have the time to help you.

– Second: Make sure that if a teacher tells you to meet them at break, lunch or after school that you do everything possible to be there……there is nothing worst than a student that makes us lose our lunch time and they never show up.

Communicating with a teacher…Continue

• Third: If a teacher gives you a break and allows you to make up homework assignments by a specific date, make sure you honor that time frame…..many students will ask for an extension on homework and when this is granted the student does not turn the assignment in…….

Communication facts

• Text messaging has increased from 14 billion text a month in 2008to 188 billion in 2010.

• Habitual texters may not only cheat their existing relationships, they can also limit their ability to form future ones since they don’t get to practice the art of interpreting nonverbal visual cues.

• Young people are often nervous about face-to-face conversations, which makes them awkward when they do occur.

Communicating with your teacher……(Cont)

• It is sometimes scary to face your teacher and ask for help… if this is you here are a few tips.– Write your teacher an email: This will allow you to not

only be able to review what you are asking for, but it will allow you to make sure you are asking the right questions.

– Write what you want to say to your teacher and take that paper with you…. Have a flash card with questions you would want to ask but may forget can also be beneficial (remember some students do not feel comfortable talking to adults in general…specially a teacher)

Communicating with your teacher……(Cont)