School Prospectus 2009 - · School Prospectus 2009 Principal: Alan Sutton King Street...

School Prospectus 2009 Principal: Alan Sutton King Street P.O. Box 68 Rangiora Rangiora Phone: (03) 313 7434 Fax: (03) 313 7213 E-mail: [email protected]

Transcript of School Prospectus 2009 - · School Prospectus 2009 Principal: Alan Sutton King Street...

Page 1: School Prospectus 2009 - · School Prospectus 2009 Principal: Alan Sutton King Street P.O. Box 68 Rangiora Rangiora Phone: (03) 313 7434 Fax: (03) 313 7213

School Prospectus 2009

Principal: Alan Sutton King Street P.O. Box 68

Rangiora Rangiora

Phone: (03) 313 7434 Fax: (03) 313 7213

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: School Prospectus 2009 - · School Prospectus 2009 Principal: Alan Sutton King Street P.O. Box 68 Rangiora Rangiora Phone: (03) 313 7434 Fax: (03) 313 7213

Kia Ora and welcome to Rangiora Borough School Thanks for your interest in our school. The purpose of this prospectus is to give you a snapshot of the structure and programmes that we have available. Rangiora Borough School has been at the heart of education in Rangiora for more than 130 years. There have been a lot of changes in society and to education over this time. We are currently in the grips of constant technological change. We strive to educate our students and give them the skills and attitudes required to be part of these many changes.

We pride ourselves in the individual achievements that our students make whether academic, sporting, or social. We aim to extend our students through a variety of activities that are available through our various extension programmes. Even though we are a big school we promote small school values. The promotion of our safe physical and emotional learning environment alongside the positive partnerships that we foster here has led to a steady increase in our roll. Here at school we promote our ‘Making the Right Choices’ programme which encourages the children to be independent and responsible with their everyday decisions. Please feel free to contact any of the Senior Management team if you have any questions or queries. Warm regards The Senior Management Team Alan Sutton Heather Day Jo Pasley

In this prospectus you will find information regarding: Page 1-2 General administration activities Page 3 The staff at our school Page 4 Board of Trustees Special programmes offered at our school Page 5 Extra Features that are part of our school Page 6 Some happenings from around the school

Page 3: School Prospectus 2009 - · School Prospectus 2009 Principal: Alan Sutton King Street P.O. Box 68 Rangiora Rangiora Phone: (03) 313 7434 Fax: (03) 313 7213

General Administration at Rangiora Borough School

School Hours School commences daily at 8.55am and closes at 3.00pm. Interval is from 10.00am until 10.20am. We also have a Fitness, Fruit, and Water break from 11.20am – 11.45am. Lunch is from 12.30pm until 1.30pm Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless permission has been given by a staff member. For appointments please contact the school office during school hours.

School Uniform We have a compulsory uniform here at school. These uniforms are available from the Postie Plus in Rangiora. Sunhats are actively encouraged in Terms 1 and 4. Second-hand uniforms are available through the school office. Lost Property Please ensure that all articles of clothing are named to help us avoid an ever increasing lost property collection. We have lost property boxes available for inspection in the Junior Work bay and in the Hall. Any articles which remain unclaimed are given to charity. Sport/Physical Education Clothing We encourage the children to be active in P.E. and sport programmes and also during their interval and lunchtimes. Please send along a change of clothes that is suitable for sport as they do get dirty and damaged at times, especially in the winter terms.

Absences We operate a phone in system for all absences. If your child is absent for any reason please phone the office before 8.45am on the day of the absence. It is a legal requirement that the absence must also be explained in writing so please send a note with your child on their return to school. Withdrawal from School If your child is to be withdrawn from school for any alternative programmes please make a written application to the Principal.

Bicycles Stands are available for children who ride their bicycles to school. Please encourage you child to lock their bicycle when they leave it unattended.

Telephones Please feel free to contact the school at any time. If you need to speak to the classroom teacher please leave a message with the secretary and the teacher will contact you when they are free to do so. Please do not phone the teachers at home. Urgent problems can be referred to the Principal.

After School Programme The school offers a before and after school supervision programme for the pupils of the school. Information about the programme and the costs are available from the school office

Page 4: School Prospectus 2009 - · School Prospectus 2009 Principal: Alan Sutton King Street P.O. Box 68 Rangiora Rangiora Phone: (03) 313 7434 Fax: (03) 313 7213

Lucky Books The children will have the opportunity twice per term to purchase books etc through the Ashton Scholastic Book Club. These books are generally cheaper than retail prices and the school benefits by getting reward points that can be used to make further purchases. Ordering and payment is made through the school office. Please make any cheques payable to Ashton Scholastic.

Health Any concerns/issues with your child’s health should be noted on the enrolment form. This information is kept at school and is only available to the appropriate parties. Please inform the office staff if any medication is to be administered or kept at school. Medication is not to be left with your child or their teacher. This medication can only be administered following the signing of the necessary form available at the school office. A Public Health Nurse is in regular contact with the school. Please contact the school office if you have any concerns regarding your child’s health at school.

Valuables Please discourage your child from bringing anything valuable from home. The school accepts no responsibility for damage to, or loss of such items.

School Equipment We are proud of our school and ask that we all respect it. If there is any deliberate vandalism the person/s involved will be asked to contribute towards the cost of any repairs or replacements.

Reporting to Parents We encourage a strong home/school partnership as it is essential to the development of your child. If you would like to discuss your child’s progress please contact the teacher and arrange a time to meet. If you have any concerns then please contact the class teacher or one of the Senior Management team. Formal reporting takes place four times through the year:

• February Meet the Teacher • April Parent/Teacher/Child Goal setting interview • July Goal setting review interview • November Written Report/Goal setting summary

School Policies/Procedures If you are interested in the school’s policies or procedures these are available at the school office for viewing. These policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated.

Page 5: School Prospectus 2009 - · School Prospectus 2009 Principal: Alan Sutton King Street P.O. Box 68 Rangiora Rangiora Phone: (03) 313 7434 Fax: (03) 313 7213

The Staff Here at Rangiora Borough School we have an environment that allows each person to achieve to their potential. Our staff is committed to on-going excellence and we acknowledge each child as a unique individual.

Our current teaching staff are: Senior Management Team Alan Sutton Principal Jo Pasley Deputy Principal Heather Day Deputy Principal Senior Syndicate Lynette Sutherland Learning Leader Ken Grieve Megan Pepper Tim Ferguson Katherine Hanna

Upper Middle Syndicate Sandy Hix Learning Leader Ros Tavita Mark McLay Mike Bell Nicola Ritchie

Lower Middle Syndicate Sandi Harnett Learning Leader Mark Kyte Megan Meecham Wendy Allen Lara Henwood

Junior Syndicate Jo Pasley Rhonda Faulks Learning Leader Shireen Myers Barbara Wiek Allison Bjork Leanne Adamson Barbara Clarkson Suzette Meiring

Technology Centre Belinda Turner Craig Bowers Pam Hogarth/Julie Fleming Jenny Foote

Extension/Release staff Aletia Corrie Sarah Galbraith

Staffing has been relatively stable over recent years, and all of our teaching staff are fully qualified and are encouraged to participate in professional development. A number have undertaken further tertiary qualifications. The ratio of male to female teachers is 1:2 and there is a good balance of age and experience. The school employs a full-time Office Manager, Receptionist/Office Administrator, a Library Manager, several Teacher-Aides (Special Needs), a Property Manager and a team of Cleaners. Many outside agencies and personnel have regular contact with the school including Health Nurses, Resource Teachers of Literacy, Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour, Group Special

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Education, Teacher Support Service, CYPS, Speech-Language Therapist, Sensory Resource Centre, Police and Emergency Services. Board of Trustees The B.O.T. of Rangiora Borough School consists of five elected parent representatives, an elected staff representative, and the Principal. This group is committed to the effective governance of our school. The B.O.T. meets on the third Monday of each month. If you wish to raise an issue with the Board please contact either the Principal or the Chairperson.

The current Board of Trustees is:

Peter Devlin Chairperson/Finance Warren Newbury Property Nikki Sollitt Self Review Peter Rigter Administration/Health Christine Ellis Personnel Mark McLay Staff Representative Alan Sutton Principal

Parent-Teacher Association Rangiora Borough School has a very active and supportive P.T.A. They endeavour to raise funds for projects/equipment that will enhance the learning environment at the school. The P.T.A. committee meet once per month and frequently publish newsletters to update their progress. If you are able to help with any fundraising please contact the school office.

Technology Centre Our Year 7 and Year 8 children are involved in a comprehensive technology programme which is facilitated by the technology unit that is part of our school site.

RTLB Rangiora Borough School is also the host school to the North Canterbury Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour. This allows us to facilitate and maintain effective programmes for our children who have special academic and social needs. Any referrals to the RTLB are done in consultation with the parents of the child concerned.

Special Programmes on Offer

Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.) All pupils have access to hands on experience with a range of I.C.T. equipment. Using classroom computers and laptops they are able to build skills that will assist word processing, research skills and other presentational media. Many of our classrooms have Interactive Whiteboards/data projectors to allow students and teachers to interact with computer programmes, web sites and digital media. The use of digital cameras, O.H.T’s, photocopier, video, and other audio/visual equipment are promoted through our class programmes.

Special Needs Education Our school is considerate and sensitive to the individual needs of each child whether they are physical, emotional, social, or academic. The school has an on-site Special Needs Co-ordinator who assists staff to develop programmes to assist e development of any children who may have extra special needs.

Reading Recovery Each child is assessed at or near their 6th birthday to find if they have real difficulties with their reading. They may be moved into the programme to work with a fully qualified tutor for around 15 weeks.

Extension Programmes

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Our school offers programmes which promote critical thinking and higher order problem solving which are taken by fully qualified teachers. Children are identified for these extension groups through class testing and/or nomination by classroom teachers

Technology Year 7/8 A comprehensive technology programme is offered to all Year 7/8 students in materials, graphics, woodwork, and food.

Extra Features

Student Council Each fortnight two representatives from each of the Year 5 to Year 8 classes meet as a Student Council. The Council share ideas and plan activities that will benefit their peers and the school. Meetings follow a correct meeting procedure and are guided by a member of the Senior Management team.

Choirs/Music Groups Children are encouraged to share and extend their musical skills by participating in the school choirs. The school takes a very active part in the Christchurch Primary Schools Choir Festival and the Ashley Choir Festival on alternate years. We also enjoy sharing our skills with groups in the wider community. Our school has a band/instrumental group that performs to local groups.

Technology Facilities and Equipment Rangiora Borough School offers a wide variety of technology equipment to its students. A new computer suite is a feature. Children are encouraged to further their knowledge in I.C.T. through practical use of this equipment.

Academic Extension The students at Rangiora Borough School are given opportunities to further extend themselves by being involved in external competitions such as the New South Wales English, Maths, and Science competitions as well as Cantamaths, Young Canta Speaks, Social Studies Expo, and various art competitions. Music extension is also available at school with a fully qualified instructor. The North Canterbury Academy of Music is available to all students and is supported through the school by M.O.E. funding. Contact the school for details.

Maori Culture Club/Kapahaka Group The students are encouraged to further explore aspects of Maori culture through involvement in the Maori Culture Club. The club is run as part of the in-school programme for the Year 3 to Year 8 students.

Sporting Activities Each syndicate runs a Sports programme which incorporates the games and skills taught in the P.E. curriculum. There are several school teams which participate in inter-school exchanges or sports days. There are school teams entered in the local touch rugby and basketball competitions. Contact the school office for further details.

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Outdoor Education Rangiora Borough School has a strong E.O.T.C. programme with a variety of experiences offered. The Middle and Senior Syndicates participate in annual overnight camps and the children learn other life skills through the programme.

Library/Study facilities Our library allows our students to have a wide range of books to read and use as research tools. The environment inside the library has been enhanced to include study areas and quiet reading space.

Some School Happenings!!

Buddy classes are a feature of our school. Buddy classes are keenly anticipated by both younger students and their older buddies.

Our 10 x 20 programme in action

The whole school takes part in our annual Cross Country event

Visiting speakers are often used to enhance our Inquiry Units. A story teller, who becomes a character from the first settlers to Canterbury, shared what life was like coming to settle in a new country.