School-Based Professional Development for Teachers: Designing Learning Activities Based on...

School - Based Professional Development 3 Designing Learning Activities 12 th February 2015 Thursday 07:45 am Irushadhiyya School Mohamed Nasir & Junaina Ismail

Transcript of School-Based Professional Development for Teachers: Designing Learning Activities Based on...


Professional Development 3

Designing Learning Activities

12th February 2015


07:45 am

Irushadhiyya School

Mohamed Nasir & Junaina Ismail

• In school?

• In college/university?

What instructional methods have you been exposed to??

Group Work 1

Unscramble the letters and find the word.


Define method of Instruction

Discuss factors to consider when selecting a method of instruction

Distinguish between methods of instruction and instructional aids

Identify & discuss a variety of teaching methods based on the learning objectives

What is a “Method”?

a procedure or process for attaining an object: as a (1) : a systematic procedure, technique, or

mode of inquiry employed by or proper to a particular discipline or art

(2) : a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction

b (1) : a way, technique, or process of or for doing something

(2) : a body of skills or techniques

Group work 2

Finding more about Teaching Approaches

Each group is given a teaching model. In your group please discuss and find more about the model. Present your findings to the whole group.

Duration: 30 minutes

What is a “Teaching Method”?

Objective oriented activities and flow of information between teachers and students

Methods, Strategy, Aid, Approach

Teaching Method tend to be synonymous with technique according to Webster

Teaching Strategy – “careful plan” that serves an important function in achieving a specific outcome.

Instructional aids includes:

Chalk/white board, Flip chart, PowerPoint

Overheads, VCR, Real Objects, etc.

Teaching Approach is a “holistic process”

Includes the teaching steps, problem-solving strategies, and teaching methods.

Other Methods


Directed (supervised) study


Socratic Dialogue


Concept Map/Sketch


Cooperative Learning

Panel of Experts

Various Teaching Methods


Resource People

Case Study

Group Discussion

Brainstorming & Buzz Groups

Field-trip (tour)

What Factors do we consider when selecting an instructional method?

The intended specific outcome or purpose

Size of class

Learners’ preference for learning

The content sometimes dictates the method

Required preparation

Instructional/Teaching Methods vs. Instructional Aids?

Assist the teacher in the teaching/learning process

White board





Computer based simulation




Teaching is like fishing…

You use different lures for different fish

You use different methods for different learners.

Teaching is like beautiful music…Where, instructional methods are the


When played alone they make sound…

When played together in tune, rhythm, and feeling, they become amazing music!

Group Work /Individual Work

Please write an objective for a lesson for your students. Write Teaching Activities for the objective (s). Have peer assessment in the groups. Present one lesson from each group.

Duration : 30 minutes