Scholarship Program

Scholarship Program “True scholarship consists in knowing not what things exist, but what they mean; it is not memory but judgment.” ----------------------------------- James Russell Lowell Contents Scholarship Program.................................................. 1 Overview ___________________________________________________........2 Higher Education and India........................................2 SIF Scholarship Program for higher education abroad...............3 Modus Operandi of Scholarship Program...............................4 Challenges..........................................................5 Modus Operandi of Proposed Solutions................................6 Benefits to Stakeholders of Scholarship Program.....................8 Benefits to Students..............................................8

Transcript of Scholarship Program

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Scholarship Program

“True scholarship consists in knowing not what things exist, but what they mean; it is not memory but judgment.”

-----------------------------------James Russell Lowell


Scholarship Program................................................................................................................1Overview ___________________________________________________.....................................2

Higher Education and India.............................................................................................2SIF Scholarship Program for higher education abroad.............................................3

Modus Operandi of Scholarship Program........................................................................4Challenges...............................................................................................................................5Modus Operandi of Proposed Solutions............................................................................6Benefits to Stakeholders of Scholarship Program..........................................................8

Benefits to Students..........................................................................................................8Benefits to Foreign University......................................................................................10Benefits to Donors............................................................................................................11

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For more than a half of a century, the Sakal India Foundation has invested in education. A shift is proposed in the model by ensuring sustainability and exchange leadership program model. This model of return involvement and actions will positively involve those who qualify the criterias. The sharing of best practice and global learning will make way for a cultural and socio- economical balance and bridge the gaps between distant lands.

Overview ___________________________________________________

Higher Education and India

With a population of almost 1.2 billion people, India is the second most populous country in the world. Thirty percent of the population lives in urban centers, such as Mumbai, Kolkata and New Delhi, the capital, which has a population equal to the entire country of Australia. An incredibly diverse country, India has 15 national languages and myriad religions and ethnic groups. By 2025, the number of 15-24 year olds is expected to rise to 100 million—twice the number of young adults in North America and 25 percent more than in all of Europe.

In addition to a large and growing population, India also has the third largest higher education system in the world, behind China and the U.S., in terms of number of students enrolled. The highly centralized system consists of over 400 institutions established and recognized by the Indian government, including 20 central universities, 215 state universities, 100 deemed universities and 13 institutions of national importance, which include the world-renowned.

There are over 21,000 colleges of varying degrees of quality for accessing higher education for India’s youth which is limited due to social, economic and political factors.

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Nearly  40 percent of higher education students come from lower socioeconomic strata. Over the last several years many universities and colleges, particularly private institutions and IITs and IIMs, have added fees and increased the cost of tuition, making higher education, including vocational and technical degrees, prohibitively expensive for the nation’s poor. As a result, entrance examinations for top universities tend to favor the nation’s rich, who are often from large urban centers.

While IITs, IIMs and a select number of public universities have established an international reputation for excellence, they collectively enroll only a small fraction of the higher education population. Most importantly, currently the control of international study abroad market in India, is in the private players hands and the Foreign Educational Institutions Bill in facing challenges to be passed in parliament.

With over 21,000 colleges, creating national standards has been an arduous task, rife with political and social implications. This has resulted in a large degree of incongruence in the quality of education provided to the relatively small educated elite and the rest of the population.

As India’s population’s mindset continues to grow, improving quality and access to mainstream higher education institutions and scholarships will make a more equitable society, and will also be vital to the overall quality and absorption of workforce within the country to insure inclusive growth.

Currently, as the world becomes increasingly interconnected, SIF will be taking these challenging steps through this Scholarship program to expand knowledge and attitudes in order to train its people to successfully participate in the emerging global community. By applying the best practices learnt across the globe to uphold and applying the Nation and its people’s strength.

SIF Scholarship Program for higher education abroad  

Under SIF Scholarship programs the criteria for selection of the student is done based on the quality of the application and interview by committee. An amount of Rs 30 Lakhs are provided as scholarships annually to 50 students shortlisted from the  invited entries that respond to the newspaper advertisement and other modes of publicity done both internally and externally throughout the organization.

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Currently, students have the option to select a university or college around the world adhering to the openness to global culture. SIF is an educational organization dedicated to providing enriched learning experiences that promote intercultural awareness, tolerance and communication. By providing immersive learning experiences in new environments combined with regular reflection and coaching opportunities, SIF helps participants build solid foundations for the future—whether in their academic careers, entry into the workforce or simply as responsible and tolerant members of the larger community.

Thus the program offers to focus on increasing intercultural competence and sharing of best practices. Using experiential and structured learning methods, participants have the chance to broaden their perspectives and learn from each other, developing their communication skills in the process. The result effect is solid preparation to live, work and lead in a diverse global society which will build India as a nation and a people force that is the best in all respect.

Modus Operandi of Scholarship Programs Find the Funding

To cover the expenses for managing the program and disbursing the scholarship funds. The funds can be raised through Corporate CSR, Institutional Donors and Individual Donors.

Establish a BudgetCreating a scholarship takes a bit more than handing out money to deserving students. There is a need to cover the costs of managing and promoting program (paper applications, online, website maintenance, etc.), and ultimately, awarding the scholarship prize(s).

Determine the CriteriaScholarships can be awarded based on merit (grades), need (income), athletic ability, skills, creative content, and more. The criteria should be objective and nondiscriminatory, allowing for the recipient(s) to be selected from a group broad enough to be considered a charitable

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class. There is a need to check with legal guidelines to ensure that the program adheres to all legal requirements governing scholarship programs.

Create the ApplicationDepending on preference, work is done with an online or paper application (or both). Electronic application can expedite the process and save the expense of printing paper and paying for postage. Even long applications may discourage students from applying, so they are need to be kept short and to the point.

Set the DeadlineA minimum of 60 days or more to is required to promote program and another six to eight weeks to select your recipient(s), so planning ahead is very important. Making sure the intended applicants have plenty of time to review, prepare, and apply for the award.

Select the Winner(s)It’s a good idea to create a grading rubric (1-10, A-F, or other scale), as this will ensure consistency among the reviewers and provide evidence that enlisted specific criteria when selecting winner. Scholarship committees often use online collaboration tools, in-person meetings, or Excel files to help grade applications and discuss possible contenders/winners. Once the winner is chosen, he/she is notified by certified mail, email, and/or phone.

Award the ScholarshipTo ensure the funds are used for educational expenses, scholarship funds are directed to the school and not the student. Even it is made sure to indicate how the funds may be used, as this may have a direct effect on the student’s financial aid received from his/her institution. To minimize the possibility of a student having his/her aid reduced, it is considered to authorize the use of award for any educational expenses and not restricting it to tuition only.

Scholarship Application Management System (SAMS)The system like SAMS offered by and other such process driven applications can help manage scholarship.

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Lack of maintenance of the sustainability model: The existing scholarships do not ensure any returns and upkeep of the corpus value that are given as a donation with not returned back clause. Thus, they lack the sustainability model which is a major concern area. The scholarships are proposed to be given to individuals with due consideration on the return of investment.

Brain drain: After acquiring the learning and expertise most of the students settle abroad. They don’t return back to the country or get involved or committed in serving their roots. They need to give back or contribute to its growth.

Scholarship amount is meager considering the global education fees: The individual scholarship amount is not sufficient to cover complete courses and admissions fees which are globally higher.  Its a setback that partial support can only be offered even for the deserving and bright individuals.  So ultimately, they have to arrange the remaining amount by themselves which fails to create complete reliability and commitment to the core.

Number of scholarship count fixed: Fixed number of individuals are given a specific amount which does not consider unequal distribution among deserving scholars. In contrary if scholarship amount and student count is kept flexible a better distribution can happen as per the applicant's requirements and global fee standards. So in case if there is a student who is suitable for a specific course, they can avail a flexible amount which can be adjusted by reducing the number of scholarships granted. Thus, covering the entire cost instead of partial coverage of the scholarship amount.

The Build India concept not highlighted: As of now, the students are invited to make a choice of the course or university from any countries.  So focus or crucial ‘ Build India concept’ is neglected which is a pain point that is to be addressed within the functioning process. So by a more systematic and focused approach the

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scholarship provider will offer to filter and identify the institutions and countries so that the key strength areas are supported by the grant.

Best Practices exchange program not happening: When encouraging the study abroad scholarship programs, it is important to keep in mind the reciprocal nature of cultural exchange of best practices happens. Thus, students should be committed to give back to the communities they are have roots in when their education is completed. So it has to be ensured that they come back and serve the country for a fixed period of time.

Modus Operandi of Proposed SolutionsThe lasting legacy of the Sakal India Foundation will be carried by thousands of extraordinary individuals who will be fulfilling and keeping the promise taken on being awarded the scholarships of giving back to the Nation. The cultural and social exposure of these  professionals will help development a skilled workforce for the Nation in a building.

1. No interest loan: The scholarship amount can be given as a loan without charging any interest from the receivers which they can return back unlike that the banks that asks for additional interest. The loan crunch can thus be addressed and more scholarships given ensuring the sustainability model and reverse flow of funds.

2. Tie ups with university for discounts: The universities and courses can be identified and tie ups done with them where the scholarship students can be sent so that a relation is established and group discounts availed which international universities are open to offer. Such tie ups can be focused and selection done after an analysis of the requirement of areas or topic of study mindful of the need- growth based analysis.

3. Reverse brain drain: The program can propose to ensure a reverse brain drain through the inclusion of the criteria of returning back to the country and serving it. Thus a check can be put on the filtration of the best brains to foreign countries. Even the acquired and skill force be used for upholding the cause of the nation acting as trained workforce for trainers others.

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4. Creative programming: Expanding study abroad programming into more career-specific areas, such as business and management or IT, will have the potential to attract future professionals back to the country who may not otherwise be attracted to work in India for nation building.  As we host numerous international and domestic NGOs, development groups and service agencies, India can become the ideal location for focusing on issues of public health, human rights, peace and social justice and employ the workforce that have been part and parcel of their culture and can handle the barriers that hinder growth.

5. Pave way for Independent research and internships: In addition to pursuing unique and creative courses of study, incorporating opportunities for practical experiences, such as field visits, independent research and internships are an important component of study abroad programs, which are hosted by a large number of non-profit, development and service organizations that can also be included under the scholarship preview so that these institutions can come and practice the work and share the learning using the resources that they have trained under the scholarship program.

6. Leverage all existing connections with India: It will be rewarding to take time to research and ferret out all existing linkages the foreign institution has with India which can be channelized. Faculty and research scholars from India, international students and alumni from India and alumni of previous study abroad programs from India can all assist in building interest in campus and virtually.  These can be approached and linked with the help of the scholarship holders. In addition, community members of Indian descent and state and local government contacts from visiting trade delegations from India may also be of assistance who can be brought under one umbrella to leverage the India Nation building responsibility on through these  scholarship holders at least on a social network zone.

7. Building the Nation: In order to engrain the ‘Build India’ concept it is important to have the commitment of the students to serve the country for a fixed tenure so that the return of Investment is ensured and the exchange of best practices happens. Even relations with selective countries made harmonious with the programs that they can offer for the students on the specific areas and expertise that are needed within the country.

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Benefits to Stakeholders of Scholarship Program

Benefits to Students Intercultural Sensitivity: People who take part in SIF exchange programs

will show increased intercultural development and more global awareness. This is ascertained by using the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS), a scale that identifies varying worldviews through which people perceive cultural difference. SIF Participants will held in improvement in the development of the country, as a group moving nearly 2 points on the scale away from ethnocentric tendencies towards an ethnorelative outlook that evaluates new people based on their values and perspectives.

Personal Development and Growth: SIF Participants will experience dramatically lowered feelings of anxiety in new environments as a result of their time abroad. Not only do they feel more comfortable around people from other cultures, they are much less likely to view the world in terms of "them" and "us." The exchange experiences would create a desire to live in a diverse neighborhood, as compared to only their country peers.

Cost: Scholarships for students are a chance for students to study in a cost-effective manner. Some scholarships give chance to go to college for free but with the concept of return on investment the students become reliable and liable.  

Addressing the divide: The cost of education has risen manifold over the past few years, kicking it out of the reach of families with low income. A degree has become a necessity to get a good job and scholarships for students are ensuring that everyone has a chance to do so.

No repayment of interest: Unlike student loans, the scholarships interest do not have to be repaid. Scholarships for students are a great initiative to ensure that the student does not have to work while studying, though some of them do. The students who earn and learn at the same time do so to supplement their income, not to pay off a loan. But the repayment clause helps them to learn about managing time both personally and professionally.

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Experience a new culture and share their best practices: The best way of finding out about another culture is by immersing in it, that can be done immensely by international experience of studying abroad. Students who pursue a master's degree at a foreign institution gain a unique cultural and get experience in acquiring new skills and best practice of the country that offers them expert training on specific areas of their interest like Agriculture, Economics, Social Sciences or Technology.

Build a world with an emotional, social and cultural bonding: It’s likely that the university they choose for international studies will have a large community of students both from the local area and all around the globe. The advantage of this opportunity, is that having established lasting friendships with people based in many different countries happen – great for future trips, and also a good basis for building global network. It can provide an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and build invaluable relationships with peers from around the world both personally and professionally.

Best practice sharing connect high: Being part of an internationally diverse academic community can also enhance the quality of learning, provide a wider spectrum of opinions and best practice sharing.

Become truly global and independent: The experience of university is, for most new students, a steep learning curve in gaining independence. But studying abroad takes a whole step further, challenging students to really develop as global individuals.

Outlook towards the broader picture and diversity: Studying abroad provides an opportunity to expand one's field of view and helps one to understand and analyze problems and phenomena from a longer-term, worldwide perspective.Long-term experience in other cultures has a tendency to help one think objectively about oneself and one's home country, tolerate differences, and recognize and appreciate diversity.

Get ready for an international workplace: This international experience prepares students for future careers. Students are more open to new knowledge and expertise when abroad, and that knowledge is often more easily applicable and adaptable to situations requiring international interaction; thus one can expect to be more competitive in today's era of globalization.

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Develop language skills: Studying abroad is a chance to develop language skills, either through studying in a second language or by practicing the language spoken locally. A growing number of courses around the world are taught in English, particularly at graduate level, and of course proficiency in English has many applications across all kinds of careers. But indeed any additional language skills are an asset.

Study in a global hub on a focused field: Leading global hub in specific field are established at many countries. This could mean that they offer the opportunities to learn from renowned experts and guest speakers, and impressive work experience. Countries are especially well-known as leaders in a particular field of research and development, or a particular strand of education. “Germany is synonymous with advances in engineering technology, the US with top business and management programs such as Harvard, MIT and Stanford (to name but a few), Australia screams art and design and sport, and Canada has its world-renowned ‘co-op programs’. So when specializations is the aim them focused approach is a must.

Travel more widely: Finally, studying abroad is a chance to travel more widely around the world region. Country-hopping during holidays and weekends is also possible, depending on student base of study.

Benefits to Foreign University

Lead to Global alliances and Cross Cultural Exchange: By hosting international students, they can share language and culture with someone from another part of the world who can introduce them to their culture and language. There are wide chances for cultural exchange between the host family and the students from which both can gain mutual benefits by understanding the significance of upholding human values. Hosting a foreign exchange student is a unique experience thus, the path is made for global alliances.

Lifelong Relationships: There are instances where these types of host-guest relationships turn into lifelong friendship making this cross-cultural exchange a wonderful and exceptional experience.

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Avail Tax Benefits: The income you receive from hosting international students is tax free upto certain limit and fixed in some countries. The amount which is free from tax varies in different countries.

Opening gates to study abroad centers/chapters: Hosting international students gives them an opportunities to open up doors for  their students to study abroad.

Practice Hospitality And Generosity: Chance to exhibit hospitality skills to foreigners thereby building up the image of the country to the outsiders. It also helps students to learn to share when there’s an extra person in the house.

Helps To Change the Perspective Of  The World: By hosting international students they will be able to evaluate views on the world and may even change misconceptions. This may also help them to get an idea about how others perceive cultures and how economies of the world function.

Re-Examining their own Life: Hosting international students gives them an opportunity to evaluate lifestyle and habits from another angle which may help to bring positive changes to their life.


Benefits to Donors Contribute to Nation Building: Setting up a fund with SIF is easy way to

create a simple way to fulfill multiple charitable interests for nation building as its working to upload its values and strengths.

Permanence: When an endowed fund with SIF scholarship is set, it’s done for life. Because the principal of the original gift is retained in fund while earnings are used for grant making year after year, as assured gift(s) will continue to benefit agencies and residents of the community.

Open to one and all:SIF Scholarship Funds can be set up by individuals, businesses, corporations and community or nonprofit groups. A private

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family foundation can always be transferred to a fund set up under the Community Foundation, easing the cost and burden of yearly administration.

Security: Since SIF’s  establishment in 1959,  it has retained and honed skill in managing and safeguarding donor contributions. The Foundation practices prudent stewardship and carefully manages each fund to ensure the highest growth possible as well as ensuring that each fund’s use will be in keeping with the donor’s original intent as long as it is realistically sensible and possible.

Public Accountability: All grants given by the Foundation are used to benefit the public interest and are publicly disclosed as required by law. In addition, the Foundation publishes an annual report to stay connected with donors, grantees, and the community at large, creating a transparency that enables all those we serve to better understand our accomplishments and mission.Finally, an independent audit of our financials is performed annually and all financial information is publicly disclosed.

Philanthropic Recognition: SIF Scholarship helps donors establish a personal legacy by creating permanent, endowed funds in their names since many donors appreciate the opportunity to assist the community while being recognized for their philanthropy.

Tax Benefits: As a community foundation, we differ from a private foundation because we offer maximum tax advantages under federal law to our donors. These advantages are of a greater nature than can be found through a private foundation. Donations to the Community Foundation are deductible as allowed by the Tax Code.

Support in skilled workforce lead creation: The SIF scholarship fund support and makes sure that the funds are granted to students that can represent the country globally as skilled workforce and uphold the roots by their return commitments to the great cause of the Indian society growth and value enlargement.