SCHIRMER'S LIBRARY m 1 B. WOLFF Vol. 1099 1 · Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics f Vol. 1099...

H^M*»»»^M*»»*W*«««*^^ l m m 1 1 1 H w LAJ i ^^Hi^'MJeM^M^M^M^M^^U^^Mi^^ SCHIRMER'S LIBRARY Vol. 1099 B. WOLFF Op. 118 TWELVE SHORT OCTAVE-STUDIES FOR PIANO Pr., 60c. »5S££«*» 1 m m M m M M M I W M M M m 1 H w N W w w I I El W W w OCSION COPTHiOMTCO 1000 av O SCMlRMCft

Transcript of SCHIRMER'S LIBRARY m 1 B. WOLFF Vol. 1099 1 · Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics f Vol. 1099...


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Vol. 1099

B. WOLFF Op. 118




PIANO Pr., 60c.


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Schirmer's Library of Musical


f Vol. 1099







Printed in the U. S. A.

-HT*M 12 Short Octave-Studies Moderato

Bernhard Wolff. Op. 118


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ARMAND, J. O. 900 40 Pieces for Beginners. Op. 10


1070 504

505/507 508

509/510 526

527/529 1031


138 136

758 691 135 866 795


530 497/499

BERENS, H. Newest School of Velocity. Op. 61.

40 Studies. 4 vols. The same. Complete 50 Pieces without Octaves. Op. 70.

(Beginners) The same, in 3 vols. 20 Children-Studies without Octaves. Op. 79

The same, in 2 vols. The School of Scales, Chords and

Embellishments. Op. 88. (28 Studies progressively arranged)

The same, in 3 vols. Training of the Left Hand. Op. 89

BERTINI, H. 24 Studies. Op. 29. (Vogrich-Buo-namici)

24 Studies. Op. 32. (Vogrich-Buonamici) 25 Easy Studies. Op. 100. (Vogrich-

Buonamici) 24 Melodious Pieces. Op. 101. 25 Primary Etudes. Op. 166. (Oesterle) 12 Little Pieces and Preludes (Vogrich) Scales and Chords 50 Selected Studies, from Op. 29, 32, 100

(Germer) 50 Selected Studies (Spanish and En­glish Text)

BIEHL, A. The Elements of Piano-playing. Op. 30 25 Easy and Progressive Studies. Op. 44. 3 vols.

BRAUER, F. 494 12 Studies for Development of Velocity.

Op. 15 495/496 The same, in 2 vols.

BURGMttLLER, F. 500 25 Easy and Progressive Studies.

Op. 100. (Oesterle) 977/978 The same, in 2 vols.

755 12 Brilliant and Melodious Studies. Op. 105. (Oesterle)

756/757 The same, in 2 vols. 752 18 Characteristic Studies. Op. 109.

(Oesterle) 753/754 The same, In 2 vols.

CHRISANDER, N. 1177 323 Technical Studies, as a preparatory

method for the Tauslg-Ehrlich Daily Studies


1112 166

167/169 376

CLEMENTI, M. Gradus ad Parnassum. 29 Selected Studies (Tausig)

The same (Spanish Edition) tGradus ad Parnassum. 100 Exercises

(Vogrich) The same, in 3 vols. Preludes and Exercises (School of Scales),

in all the major and minor keys (Vog­rich)

385/386 f l2 Celebrated Sonatas (Buonamicl). 2 vols.

811 6 Sonatinas, Op. 36 (Kohler) 40 t l2 Sonatinas, Op. 36, 37, 38 (Kohler)

CONCONE, G. 139 25 Melodic Studies. Op. 24. (Easy and

progressive) (Oesterle) 141 15 Studies in Style and Expression.

Op. 25. (Oesterle) 140 20 Studies on the Singing Touch.

Op. 30. (Oesterle) 226 24 Brilliant Preludes for Small Hands.

Op. 37. (Oesterle) 25 30 Selected Studies (Oesterle)

1030 15 Studies in Expression. Op. |44. (Von Doenhoff)


CRAMER, J. B. 142/145 84 Celebrated Studies. 4 vols.

827 50 Selected Studies (Biilow) 1178 The same (Spanish Edition)

828/831 The same (English text), in 4 vols.

CZERNY, C. 153 100 Progressive Studies without Octaves.

Op. 139. (Vogrich) 378 Exercises In Passage-playing. Op. 261

125 elementary studies (Buonamici) 161 fThe School of Velocity. Op. 299.

40 Studies (Vogrich) Complete 162/165 The same, in 4 vols.

150 School of Legato and Staccato. O p. 335. 50 exercises, sequel to Op. 299 (Buon­amici)

151/152 The same, in 2 vols. 149 40 Daily Exercises. Op. 337. (Buon­

amici) 383 School of the Virtuoso. Op. 365.

60 Studies in bravura and style (Buonamici)

749 110 Easy and Progressive Exercises. Op. 453. (Buonamici)

402 6 Octave Studies in Progressive Diffi­culty. Op. 553. (Schultze)

146 Practical Method for Beginners. Op. 599. (Buonamici)

148 Preliminary School of Finger Dexterity. Op. 636. (Buonamici)

60 24 Studies for the Left Hand. Op. 718. (Scharfenberg)

154 fThe Art of Finger Dexterity. Op. 740. 50 Studies in brilliant style (Vogrich) Complete

155/160 The same, in 6 vols. 1158 tPerfection in Style. Op. 755. (Herzog)

Complete 1159/62 The same, in 4 vols.

192 Practical Fingering Exercises. Op. 802. (Rolle)

193/195 The same, in 3 vols. 147 160 Eight-Measure Exercises. Op. 821.

(Buonamici) 54 The Little Pianist. Op. 823. 73 easy and

progressive exercises, beginning with the first rudiments

55/56 The same, in 2 vols. 916 Practical Method for Playing in Correct

Time. Op. 824. (See "Piano Four Hands")

272 30 New Studies in Technics (preparatory to Op. 299). Op. 849. (Buonamici)

445 First Instruction in Piano-Playing 100 recreations (Ruthardt)

994 Selected Studies, vol. I. 170 studies in the upper elementary and middle grades

995 The same. Vol. II. 92 studies in the middle grade

996 The same, Vol. III. 73 studies in the upper middle and upper grades

997 The same, Vol. IV. 58 studies in the upper and advanced upper grades

DOLL, C. L. 1295 The Pupil's Introduction to the Study

of the Piano

DORING, C. H. 25 Easy and Progressive Studies. Op. 8. 3 vols.

Exercises and Studies in Staccato Octave-playing. Op. 24.

652/653 The same, in 2 vols. (Vol. I, exercises; Vol. II, studies)

8 Octave Studies. Op. 25. 16 Easy and Melodious Studies (begin­ning of middle grade). Op. 86



1035 1098

DORN, A. 901/902 24 Studies in all major and minor keys.

Op. 100. 2 vols.

DREYSCHOCK, A. 531 The School of Scales. Complete

532/533 The same, in 2 vols.




DUVERNOY, J, B. The School of Mechanism. Op. 120. 15 studies, preparatory to Czerny'a "School of Velocity" (Klauser)

Ecole prlmaire. Op. 176. 25 studies

EGGELING, E. 854 Studies for Advanced Mechanical De­



798 799/800


802/803 804

805/806 1100

1101/02 422/423

908 534/535

536 537/538


808/809 834

539 309 874

323 963 601

324 339

206 325











GERMER, H. Rhythmical problems. Special Studies

for the mastery of differently divided rhythmical groups, occurring either simultaneously or in succession. Sys­tematically arranged, with explanatory text for piano instruction. Translated from the German by J. H. Cornell

GURLITT, C. 24 Easy, Melodious Studies. Op. 50 The same, in 2 vols. 24 Melodious Studies (medium diffi­

culty). Op. 51 <-The same, in 2 vols. 20 Studies in Rhythm and Expression.

Op. 52 The same, in 2 vols. 20 Velocity Studies. Op. 53 The same, in 2 vols. 6 Sonatinas. Op. 54. 2 vols. Rhythmical Studies. Op. 80 The First Steps of the Young Pianist.

Op. 82. 2 vols. Easiest Studies in Velocity. Op. 83 The same, in 2 vols. 24 Studies on Scales and Arpeggios.

Op. 85 The same, in 2 vols. 50 Daily Exercises in Canon Form.

Op. 90 24 Octave Studies. Op. 100 Album-leaves for the Young. Op. 101 Fleurs de Champs. Op. 104. 12 little

salon pieces in dance form Buds and Blossoms Op. 107 Feuilles volantes. Op. 112 Mimosen. 12 characteristic pieces.

Op. 113. (Klauser) The First Lessons. Op. 117 35 Easy Studies (without octaves).

Op. 130 24 Melodious Studies. Op. 131 Album for the Young. Op. 140. 20

melodious pieces School of Velocity for Beginners. Op. 141 Novelletten. Op. 148. 12 little salon

pieces. 2 vols.

HABERBIER, E. Etudes-poesies. Op. 53, Op. 59. 24

pieces (Ruthardt)

HANDROCK, J. Mechanical Studies

HANON, C. L. The Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises

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cicios (Spanish edition)

HASERT, R. Modern School of Velocity. 2 vols.

Op. 50.

HAYDN, J. 295/296 f20 Sonatas (Klee-Lebert). 2 vols.

A 582

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HELLER, STEPHEN 179/180 Art of Phrasing. Op. 16. 2 vols.

176 25 Melodious Studies. Op. 45. Com­plete

1117/19 T h e same, in 3 vols. 177 30 Progressive Studies. Op. 46. Com­

plete 1120/22 T h e same, in 3 vols.

178 25 Studies for R h y t h m and Expression. Op. 47. Complete

1123/24 T h e same, in 2 vols. 550/551 Promenades d ' u n Solitaire. Op. 78, 80.

2 vols. 130 24 Preludes. Op. 81 600 Flower-, Fru i t - , and Thorn-pieces .

Op. 82 748 32 Preludes. Op. 119. (Oesterle) 766 24 Studies for R h y t h m and Expression.

Op. 125. (Scharfenberg) 24 50 Selected Studies from Op. 45, 46, 47

HERZ, H. 170 Scales and Exercises

1083 Collection de escalas y ejercicios (Span­ish edition)

HUNEKER, JAMES 1257 Roman t i c Preludes and Studies

KESSLER, J. C. 1416 Fifteen Selected Studies. Op. 20. Re­

vised and Fingered by Carl Dels

KOHLER, L. 317 First Studies. Op. 50. (Klauser) 543 20 Studies in Cont inuous Scale and

Chord Passages. Op. 60 540 12 Studies in Easy Passage-playing.

Op. 85 541/542 T h e same, in 2 vols. 746/747 New School of Velocity. Op. 128. 2 vols.

319 Daily Repet i t ions. Op. 150 318 12 Easiest Studies. Op. 151 425 12 Easy Studies. Op. 157. (Klauser) 196 16 Elementary Studies. Op. 163 430 T h e Very Easiest Studies. Op. 190 436 Children's Album. Op. 210 490 40 Children 's Exercises and Melodies.

Op. 218 406 T h e First Lessons in Finger Dexterity.

Op. 232 321 Shor t School of Velocity, wi thou t Oc­

taves. Op. 242 768 T h e Children 's Friend. Op. 243

769/770 T h e same, in 2 vols.

tPract ical Method. Op. 249. New and enlarged edi t ion (Scharfenberg) Vol. I

fVol. II (Scharfenberg) tVol. I l l (Scharfenberg) tVol. IV (Oesterle)

1186 15 Short Studies o n Runs and Passages. Op. 256

935/936 Pract ical Method. Op. 300. 2 vols. 51 Sonat ina-Album

KRAUSE, A. 553 10 Trill Studies. Op. 2 554 The Firs t Studies in Notes for Beginners.

Op. 25

KUHNER, C. 441/442 Album of Inst ruct ive Pieces. 2 vols.

431 School of Etudes . Vol. I (Lower ele­men ta ry grade)

482 The same, Vol. I I (Higher e lementary grade)

483/484 T h e same, Vols. III-IV (Lower m e d i u m grade). 2 pa r t s

485/486 T h e same . Vols. V-VI (Higher m e d i u m grade). 2 pa r t s

KULLAK, T. 475 T h e School of Octave-playing. Op. 48,

Vol. I (Preliminary school) 476 T h e same. Vol. II (7 octave studies) 365 Scenes f rom Childhood. Op. 62, 81.

(Klauser) 566/567 T h e same, In 2 vols.


LE CARPENTIER, A. 1133 A p iano me thod for children

1174 1173 430






491/493 310/312

966 313/315

967 731/733

968 501/503

915 254



Op. 5 LE COUPPEY, F. Exercises in t h e form of s tudies. Studies in expression. Op. 6 The Alphabet. Op. 17. 25 very easy

studies (Scharfenberg) L'Agilite. Op. 20. 25 progressive studies

for mechan i sm and l ight touch La Difficulte. Op. 25. 15 studies for

independence of t h e fingers (Vogrich) Preface a l'Ecole de Velocite de Czerny.

Op. 26. 15 studies for mechan i sm T h e Virtuosity. 50 difficult exercises


LEMOINE, H. 50 Etudes enf ant ines . Op. 37. (Scharf­enberg)

LOESCHHORN, A. 30 Melodious Studies. Op. 52. 3 vols. Studies for Development of Technic and

Expression, Par t I. Op. 65. (Begin­ners) . 3 vols.

T h e same, complete in 1 vol. Studies for Development of Technic and

Expression, Par t I I . Op. 66. (Inter­mediate) . 3 vols.

T h e same, complete in 1 vol. Studies for Development of Technic,

Par t III . Op. 67. (For more advanced pupils). 3 vols.

T h e same, complete in 1 vol. 60 Melodious Practice Pieces for Begin­

ners. Op. 84. 3 vols. Childhood's Hours. Op. 96, 100 Pianoforte Technics. Daily Exercises Modern School of Velocity. Op. 136. 33 studies for a t ta in ing s t rength, inde­pendence and dexterity of fingers. Edited by A. R. Parsons. Books I and II

Thi r ty- three Universal P iano Studies for t he m e d i u m grade. Op. 169, 170, 171




404/405 182/183

LOW, J. Octave Studies. Op. 281

MACFARREN, W. T h e comprehensive scale and arpeggio

m a n u a l

MOSCHELES, I. 24 Characterist ic Studies. Op. 70.

(Pauer) T h e same, in 2 vols.

fSelected Compositions (Scharfenberg). 2 vols.

MOSZKOWSKI, M. 614/615 Album. 26 pieces. 2 vols.

fThe same, complete in 1 vol. 280 5 Spanish Dances. Op. 12. (Ulrich)

NEUPERT, E. 797 12 Studies

NOLLET, E. 1375 Fifteen Melodious Studies . Op. 43


1155 1156 1157 1277


OESTERLE'S Ins t ruct ive Course: Vol. I .

Grade I Vol. I I . Vol. I I I . Vol. IV.

pieces. E lementary and

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