Schedules Joys and Concerns - Clover

HEALTH CONCERNS: Eddie Holcomb, Dorothy Jarrett, Keith Rickenbrode, Ryan McGill, Eli Littau, Ernest King, Rusty Blackwell, Steve Venable, Lola Carrier, Donna Cavrich, Bill Tirey, Ann Warwick, Wayne Bagley, Thomas Payne & Pat Holcomb IN CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY: Ferne Hefner as she grieves the death of her sister-in-law Hope Wilson, Donna Woodard & family as they grieve the death of Donna’s mother Audrey Williams, Lou Bulman as she grieves the death of her brother Jack Lamberson, FUMC Canyon grieves the death of two long time members Janney Bee Hines and Jimmie Lee Matheson & Byron Neal as he grieves the sudden death of his uncle OTHER CONCERNS: : prayers for healing for Darla Nickell’s foot and for God’s Will to be done with the vision of W.O.W. (women of worship) starting Dec. 6 BLESSINGS/JOYS: Lainye Meador won 1 st place at the District 4-H Food Show & congratulations on the birth of Khloe Elizabeth Holloway Thursday, November 29 th to Kory & Amanda Holloway (she also is the granddaughter of Gary & Kay Holloway) BIRTHDAYS: , Morgan Niemiec 11/21, Lexington Hartman 11/24, Terrie Hartman 11/26 ONGOING PRAYER CONCERNS: Mary Williamson, Brynn McPherson, Dylan Brown, Shelly Gross, Milt Hudson, Dick Elliott, Elmer Oberst, Glenda Abernethy, Sue Thomas, Lou Ann Barnhart, Betty Hill, Mike Baker, Roy & Dorothy Cook, Glen Miller, Carolyn Mason, Beth Sanchez, Dorothy Haley, Judy Gilliam, Tata McCartney, Kimberly Conrad, Helen Glispie, Peggy LaPier, Harold Lenfestey, Keith & Dorinda McCormack, Gracey Cornelius, Bruce Fields, Anna Overhulser, Dorothy Jarrett, C.W. Stubblefield, Terry & Helen Gamblin, Betty Ketchersid, Merrell Winstead, Joe Carruth, Martin Mordecai, Waylon Malone, Estelle Pandolfi, Gib Satterwhite, Harry Buster, Pam Allen, Audree Rose Gomez, Darcie Milsow, Sheryl Bellah White, T.K. Baker, Erin Green, Angela Kirkland, Christie Wilhite, Dusty Koehler & Shirley King ADDITIONAL INTERCESSORY PRAYER: President Obama and our country’s leaders, Costa Rica Team, Backyard Missions, War-torn Countries, the economy, those in the military and the need for a local drug and alcohol addiction recovery treatment center. Please email [email protected] or call 806-655-2851 with all prayer requests, joys, concerns or updates. If you have requested someone to be added to the Ongoing Prayer Concerns, please update us on that person occasionally; especially if that person needs to be removed from the list. 1818 4th Ave Canyon, TX 79015 Return Service Requested PAID Non-Profit Org. US Postage Canyon, TX Permit No. 130 December 2012 from The Official Newsletter of First United Methodist Church, Canyon, Texas phone: 806 655-2851 • web: • prayer request email: [email protected] Acoloytes for the 9 am Service Dec. 9 Brayden Gerlich Markos Tijerina Dec. 16 Morgan Niemiec Kaelyn Blaskowski Dec. 23 Jace Venhaus Bryson Edwards Dec. 30 Deanne Rice Josiah Asbill Worship Leaders for the 9am Service Dec. 9 Joe Lombard Dec. 16 Betty Brown Johnson Dec. 23 Bob Lee Dec. 30 Lezlie Cooper Hosts Dec. 9 9:00 Doug Cowan, Jan Cowan Johnny Back, John Barnhart 11:15 Brenda Goodwin, Rachel Smith Bryan Smith, Laura Smith Dec. 16 9:00 Kurt Landis, Pam Landis Dave Thurman, Carla Thurman 11:15 Shawna King, Pam Pandolfi Mattie Hall, Danna Hinders Dec. 23 9:00 Peggy Davis, Vanda Paris Jon Behrens, Rhonda Behrens 11:15 Jim Silverthorn, Sue Silverthorn Clois Rowland, Dorothy Rowland Dec. 30 9:00 Jo Jackson, Pat Holcomb Mike Pitzer, Brady Pitzer 11:15 Dusty Demere, Don Johnston Tim Crown, Debbie Crown Prayer Room Dec. 9 9:00Carla Thurman 11:15Kelly Nusser Dec. 16 9:00Lori Stockstill 11:15Brenda Havens Dec. 23 9:0011:15Marian Hefley Dec. 24 4:00Vivian Thurman 6:00Roberta King Dec. 30 9:00Jan Cowan 11:15Lezlie Cooper (If you are unable to fulfill your obligation in any of these areas, please find a replacement and call the church office and let them know the change. Thank you.) Attendance Record: November 18 9:00 am Traditional Worship.……………………………………………….314 10:10 am Sunday School……..……………………………………………...264 11:15 am Contemporary Worship….……………………………………..135 TOTAL IN WORSHIP……………………….……………………………………..449 Attendance Record: November 25 9:00 am Traditional Worship………………………………………………..207 10:10 am Sunday School…………………………...…..…………………..196 11:15 am Contemporary Worship…………………………………………..82 TOTAL IN WORSHIP……………………………………………………………...289 Attendance Record: December 2 9:00 am Traditional Worship………………………………………………..304 10:10 am Sunday School…………………………...…..…………………..286 11:15 am Contemporary Worship…………………………………………111 TOTAL IN WORSHIP……………………………………………………………...415 Schedules Joys and Concerns CHURCH STAFF SENIOR PASTOR………………………………….……..…………Rev. Rick Enns PASTORAL CARE MINISTER………………………....Rev. Donna Johnston INTERIM DIRECTOR OF DISCIPLESHIP………..…………….Roman Asbill DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINIST…………………….……………...Tyler Looney DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES……………………..Kim Hopson CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR………………………………..………....Bill Rogers CHURCH SECRETARY………………………………………..…….Shirley Leach FINANCE MANAGER………………………………………….…….Christi Ybarra MUSIC DIRECTOR………………………………………………..Melanie Brooks ORGANIST……………….………………………………….…..……...David Conley PIANO ACCOMPANIST………………………………….………...….....Clay Allen CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP LEADER………………………….Jason Lester KITCHEN COORDINATOR………………………………..……Charlotte Wilson IHH CHILD DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR……………..…Brenda Shepherd Grow Groups A New Approach to Spiritual Formation Over the life of FUMC we have seen thousands of people walk through our doors. We’ve seen many receive Christ, get baptized, get involved in Sunday school classes and other groups. This is incredible stuff that has been blessed by God! However, we have also seen many come to FUMC and leave not too much later because they were not able to get connected. They came to a large church and found too many obstacles to building relationships. Sometimes this was because of a lack of effort, but often because of the complexity of the church, and the lack of a simple path to getting connected. So we have been asking, “How do we get people in the front door without losing them out the backdoor soon after?” It’s a good question, and one that we are striving to address. No matter what we do to expand the “front door,” it’s going to be hard to keep reaching people when the predominant word on the street is, “I used to go there.” Being a large church means that there are always going to be many activities going on. But even so, it should be simple for those who attend to figure out how to meet new people and get involved. If we could simplify and bring alignment to our ministries - if we could all work together in our planning and scheduling - we could make spiritual formation at FUMC Canyon simpler. We would then see involvement increase and more people growing in their faith. Currently we have around 62% of our average Sunday attendance involved in Sunday school and small groups. That’s a great percentage, but we’re not content with that! Part of our vision is recognizing our past. Early Methodism required that every member be involved in a “Class” and for those who wanted to go even deeper they could join a “Band.” We are taking this heritage and updating it for the 21st Century. We want to see 100% of our average Sunday attendance involved in a group. Yes, you read that right, 100%! We believe groups make a difference in the spiritual walk of believers, that no believer should miss out on this opportunity. Imagine all of our Sunday morning members involved in a group from week-to-week; discussing the Bible and developing new friendships; sharing in mission and fellowship together; being changed because they have found a place to be real about their faith. Our hope is to create deep personal relationships and spiritual transformation that fills their entire life. John Wesley would call that “going on to Christian perfection.” This is our vision! Over the next year, with tweaking of our current system and bringing alignment, we believe we could see involvement reach 70% and then 100% in the near future. If this vision is going to be achieved, it takes a lot of people to get behind it. We need you to be behind us in this. We need you to own this vision, to spread the word about this vision, and we need some of you to be leaders in accomplishing this vision. Over the next two months you will hear more about our vision of “Grow Groups.” Please continue to be in prayer for our church as we take this next step in “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” In Christ, Rick Enns Sr. Pastor [email protected] A Note From the Pastor Name Tag Information If you have requested a new name tag, they are currently hung in the closet by the Sanctuary’s west door. They are located behind the door of the closet. Please pick yours up today. Thank you, Jerry Woods Christmas Eve Worship Service 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.

Transcript of Schedules Joys and Concerns - Clover

Page 1: Schedules Joys and Concerns - Clover Year. We will resume our Wednesday evening activities on January 23. See you on Sunday!

HEALTH CONCERNS: Eddie Holcomb, Dorothy Jarrett, Keith

Rickenbrode, Ryan McGill, Eli Littau, Ernest King,

Rusty Blackwell, Steve Venable, Lola Carrier, Donna Cavrich, Bill Tirey,

Ann Warwick, Wayne Bagley, Thomas Payne & Pat Holcomb

IN CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY: Ferne Hefner as she grieves the death of

her sister-in-law Hope Wilson, Donna Woodard & family as they grieve

the death of Donna’s mother Audrey Williams, Lou Bulman as she

grieves the death of her brother Jack Lamberson, FUMC Canyon

grieves the death of two long time members Janney Bee Hines and

Jimmie Lee Matheson & Byron Neal as he grieves the sudden death of

his uncle

OTHER CONCERNS: : prayers for healing for Darla Nickell’s foot and for

God’s Will to be done with the vision of W.O.W. (women of worship)

starting Dec. 6

BLESSINGS/JOYS: Lainye Meador won 1st place at the District 4-H

Food Show & congratulations on the birth of Khloe Elizabeth Holloway

Thursday, November 29th to Kory & Amanda Holloway (she also is the

granddaughter of Gary & Kay Holloway)

BIRTHDAYS: , Morgan Niemiec – 11/21, Lexington Hartman – 11/24,

Terrie Hartman – 11/26

ONGOING PRAYER CONCERNS: Mary Williamson, Brynn McPherson,

Dylan Brown, Shelly Gross, Milt Hudson, Dick Elliott, Elmer Oberst,

Glenda Abernethy, Sue Thomas, Lou Ann Barnhart, Betty Hill, Mike

Baker, Roy & Dorothy Cook, Glen Miller, Carolyn Mason, Beth Sanchez,

Dorothy Haley, Judy Gilliam, Tata McCartney, Kimberly Conrad, Helen

Glispie, Peggy LaPier, Harold Lenfestey, Keith & Dorinda McCormack,

Gracey Cornelius, Bruce Fields, Anna Overhulser, Dorothy Jarrett, C.W.

Stubblefield, Terry & Helen Gamblin, Betty Ketchersid, Merrell

Winstead, Joe Carruth, Martin Mordecai, Waylon Malone, Estelle

Pandolfi, Gib Satterwhite, Harry Buster, Pam Allen, Audree Rose

Gomez, Darcie Milsow, Sheryl Bellah White, T.K. Baker, Erin Green,

Angela Kirkland, Christie Wilhite, Dusty Koehler & Shirley King


country’s leaders, Costa Rica Team, Backyard Missions, War-torn

Countries, the economy, those in the military and the need for a local

drug and alcohol addiction recovery treatment center.

Please email [email protected] or call 806-655-2851 with all

prayer requests, joys, concerns or updates. If you have requested

someone to be added to the Ongoing Prayer Concerns, please update

us on that person occasionally; especially if that person needs to be

removed from the list.

1818 4th Ave

Canyon, TX 79015

Return Service Requested


Non-Profit Org.

US Postage

Canyon, TX

Permit No. 130

December 2012

from The Official Newsletter of First United Methodist Church, Canyon, Texas

phone: 806 655-2851 • web: • prayer request email: [email protected]

Acoloytes for the 9 am Service

Dec. 9 Brayden Gerlich Markos Tijerina

Dec. 16 Morgan Niemiec Kaelyn Blaskowski

Dec. 23 Jace Venhaus Bryson Edwards

Dec. 30 Deanne Rice Josiah Asbill

Worship Leaders for the 9am Service

Dec. 9 Joe Lombard

Dec. 16 Betty Brown Johnson

Dec. 23 Bob Lee

Dec. 30 Lezlie Cooper


Dec. 9 9:00 Doug Cowan, Jan Cowan

Johnny Back, John Barnhart

11:15 Brenda Goodwin, Rachel Smith

Bryan Smith, Laura Smith

Dec. 16 9:00 Kurt Landis, Pam Landis

Dave Thurman, Carla Thurman

11:15 Shawna King, Pam Pandolfi

Mattie Hall, Danna Hinders

Dec. 23 9:00 Peggy Davis, Vanda Paris

Jon Behrens, Rhonda Behrens

11:15 Jim Silverthorn, Sue Silverthorn

Clois Rowland, Dorothy Rowland

Dec. 30 9:00 Jo Jackson, Pat Holcomb

Mike Pitzer, Brady Pitzer

11:15 Dusty Demere, Don Johnston

Tim Crown, Debbie Crown

Prayer Room

Dec. 9 9:00—Carla Thurman 11:15—Kelly Nusser

Dec. 16 9:00—Lori Stockstill 11:15—Brenda Havens

Dec. 23 9:00— 11:15—Marian Hefley

Dec. 24 4:00—Vivian Thurman 6:00—Roberta King

Dec. 30 9:00—Jan Cowan 11:15—Lezlie Cooper

(If you are unable to fulfill your obligation in any of these areas,

please find a replacement and call the church office and let them

know the change. Thank you.)

Attendance Record: November 18 9:00 am Traditional Worship.……………………………………………….314

10:10 am Sunday School……..……………………………………………...264

11:15 am Contemporary Worship….……………………………………..135

TOTAL IN WORSHIP……………………….……………………………………..449

Attendance Record: November 25

9:00 am Traditional Worship………………………………………………..207

10:10 am Sunday School…………………………...…..…………………..196

11:15 am Contemporary Worship…………………………………………..82

TOTAL IN WORSHIP……………………………………………………………...289 Attendance Record: December 2

9:00 am Traditional Worship………………………………………………..304

10:10 am Sunday School…………………………...…..…………………..286

11:15 am Contemporary Worship…………………………………………111

TOTAL IN WORSHIP……………………………………………………………...415

Schedules Joys and Concerns


SENIOR PASTOR………………………………….……..…………Rev. Rick Enns

PASTORAL CARE MINISTER………………………....Rev. Donna Johnston


DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINIST…………………….……………...Tyler Looney


CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR………………………………..………....Bill Rogers

CHURCH SECRETARY………………………………………..…….Shirley Leach

FINANCE MANAGER………………………………………….…….Christi Ybarra

MUSIC DIRECTOR………………………………………………..Melanie Brooks

ORGANIST……………….………………………………….…..……...David Conley

PIANO ACCOMPANIST………………………………….………...….....Clay Allen


KITCHEN COORDINATOR………………………………..……Charlotte Wilson


Grow Groups – A New Approach to Spiritual


Over the life of FUMC we have seen thousands of

people walk through our doors. We’ve seen many

receive Christ, get baptized, get involved in Sunday

school classes and other groups. This is incredible

stuff that has been blessed by God!

However, we have also seen many come to FUMC and leave not too

much later because they were not able to get connected. They came to

a large church and found too many obstacles to building relationships.

Sometimes this was because of a lack of effort, but often because of

the complexity of the church, and the lack of a simple path to getting


So we have been asking, “How do we get people in the front door

without losing them out the backdoor soon after?” It’s a good question,

and one that we are striving to address. No matter what we do to

expand the “front door,” it’s going to be hard to keep reaching people

when the predominant word on the street is, “I used to go there.”

Being a large church means that there are always going to be many

activities going on. But even so, it should be simple for those who

attend to figure out how to meet new people and get involved. If we

could simplify and bring alignment to our ministries - if we could all

work together in our planning and scheduling - we could make spiritual

formation at FUMC Canyon simpler. We would then see involvement

increase and more people growing in their faith.

Currently we have around 62% of our average Sunday attendance

involved in Sunday school and small groups. That’s a great percentage,

but we’re not content with that!

Part of our vision is recognizing our past. Early Methodism required

that every member be involved in a “Class” and for those who wanted

to go even deeper they could join a “Band.” We are taking this heritage

and updating it for the 21st Century. We want to see 100% of our

average Sunday attendance involved in a group. Yes, you read that

right, 100%! We believe groups make a difference in the spiritual walk

of believers, that no believer should miss out on this opportunity.

Imagine all of our Sunday morning members involved in a group from

week-to-week; discussing the Bible and developing new friendships;

sharing in mission and fellowship together; being changed because

they have found a place to be real about their faith. Our hope is to

create deep personal relationships and spiritual transformation that

fills their entire life. John Wesley would call that “going on to Christian

perfection.” This is our vision!

Over the next year, with tweaking of our current system and bringing

alignment, we believe we could see involvement reach 70% and then

100% in the near future. If this vision is going to be achieved, it takes a

lot of people to get behind it. We need you to be behind us in this. We

need you to own this vision, to spread the word about this vision, and

we need some of you to be leaders in accomplishing this vision.

Over the next two months you will hear more about our vision of “Grow

Groups.” Please continue to be in prayer for our church as we take this

next step in “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of

the world.”

In Christ,

Rick Enns

Sr. Pastor [email protected]

A Note From the Pastor

Name Tag Information

If you have requested a new name tag, they are currently hung in

the closet by the Sanctuary’s west door. They are located behind

the door of the closet. Please pick yours up today.

Thank you,

Jerry Woods

Christmas Eve

Worship Service

4:00 and 6:00 p.m.

Page 2: Schedules Joys and Concerns - Clover Year. We will resume our Wednesday evening activities on January 23. See you on Sunday!


Christmas Child

FUMC Canyon was

proud to be a part of

Operation Christmas

Child again this

year—189 boxes

were delivered to Amarillo. Thank you again

for all of your donations.

Pictured: Max

Calhoun, from Mrs.

Kinsey's class, is

getting an angel for

the class.

Wow! What a

great Fall we

have had. It is

now time to stop

and reflect on

our faith and the

meaning of this

blessed time of

year. If you

haven’t done so yet, pick up an advent book for

your family and enjoy the activities as you learn

about this Christmas season and grow in faith.

Kiddos, I am so proud of all of you. You

have worked so hard and done a marvelous job

with all your projects. I love each of you dearly

and wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy

New Year. We will resume our Wednesday

evening activities on January 23. See you on


Thank you to all who donated time,

prayers, items, and money to provide

Thanksgiving Baskets this year. We connected

with 55 families this year. This is a great

mission and I wish you all could experience the

prayers, thanks, and joy that come with

participating, I invite you all to join me and Club

56 next year.

Thank you also to those who helped

bring goodies for the reception following the

Children’s Christmas Program Sunday evening.

It is always fun to fellowship with each other.

Parent’s Night Out

Friday, December 14

6:00 – 9:00 pm

$5 per child (we will order pizza

and provide drinks and snacks)

Sign up in the church office or

contact me at

[email protected]

Upcoming Events

Youth News Children’s News

Dec. 5—UMW Executive Board Meeting—6:00

p.m.—Room 222

Dec. 6—Women of Worship—6:00 p.m.—


Dec. 9—LTQ Discussion Group—6:00 p.m.—

Room 221

Dec. 10—SPRC Meeting—6:30 p.m.—Library

Dec. 14—Parents Night Out—6:00 p.m.

Dec. 18—UMW Juanelva Rose—6:30 p.m.—

8200 Rice Road

Dec. 18—Angel Tree Gifts Due Back

Dec. 23—Angel Tree Present Pick Up

Reception—4:00—Fellowship Hall

Dec. 24-26—Church Office Closed

Dec. 31—Church Office closes at NOON

Jan. 1-2—Church Office closed

Website Remember to keep our new website in mind. It’s just one more way to stay up to date and connected to the life and the happenings at FUMC. It answers questions that visitors might have, allows you to listen to previous sermons, and if you need information on any of our ministries, it is easy to find. Just log on to:

Don't forget our youth


Sunday Mornings-

10:10 am

Sunday Nights- 5 pm

Wednesday Nights-

6:30 pm

Just a reminder....youth will be meeting

December 5th, 12th and 19th. Our Christmas

Party will be on the 19th from 6-8pm.

Have a Merry Christmas!!! 6:30pm

Bible Reading Plan Find our complete Bible Reading Plan online



Newsletter Schedule

If you would like to put anything in the

newsletter please submit the information the

Thursday prior to the newsletter by noon to

[email protected]

January 9th

January 30th

Thank You Notes Dearest FUMC family & staff,

Thank you for surrounding us with your

visits and cards, comforting us with food

and fellowship and sustaining us with

your precious prayers and loving actions

throughout Larry’s journey Home. This

church family is Larry’s favorite “dessert”

in life.


Teresa, Katherine, Sarah and families


Women of Worship

When: December 6, 2012

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Where: Sanctuary - FUMC Canyon

Address: 1818 4th Ave Canyon, TX

What’s up? A gathering of area women,

young to mature, to fellowship, worship the

Lord, food (snacks) and fun!

Come One, Come All!

Bring at least 2 friends and

make new friends!

(We will meet every first Thursday of the

month, so put it on your calendar!!)

Every woman desires to fellowship with

other women for the sole purpose of

worshipping the Lord. The “Soul” purpose

of W.O.W. is to glorify the Lord!

UMW Poinsettia Orders

UMW will be selling poinsettias through

December 10th at NOON. All orders will need

to turned in by noon on Monday, December

10th. Each plant costs $15. Checks will need

to be made out to United Methodist Women.

You can find the order forms in the bulletin or

pick one up from any UMW member.

FUMC Canyon Welcomes New Members

Philip and

Rita Niles

come to


Canyon by

transfer of


from First

UMC of

Borger. Pictured with Philip and Rita are E’lyse

and Krissy Niles. Philip is employed by CISD as

a bus driver and Rita is a self employed Health &

Wellness Coach.

James ‘Nate’

Giffin joins

FUMC Canyon

as an associate

member while

he is here


WTAMU. He is a

choir scholarship alternate for our Chancel


‘In His Hands’ News

‘In His




by having

their annual

program and

brunch. The


performed as either Pilgrims, Indians, or Turkeys .

There were over 500 families that took part in

Tues. and Wed. performances.

The ‘In His Hands’ Preschool classes will be

participating in the Angel Tree Ministry this year.

Each class has chosen an angel off the tree.

Pictured: Mrs. Hartman's class learning about the

Angel Tree Ministry and how they will be helping

their angel this Christmas.

Presents due back—


December 19th

The presents need to be wrapped and placed in a bag with the

angel’s number on the bag and returned to the church no later than

Thursday, December 18th.

We would like to thank you, in advance, for helping those that may

not be as fortunate.

Important Tax Deduction Information

In order for you to claim a deduction for contributions you make to the

church in 2012, we must receive your contribution by the end of the

year. Contributions that you make in 2013 cannot be deducted on

2012’s tax return even if the check is dated this year.

There is one exception—a check that is written, mailed, and

postmarked 2012 can be deducted this year even if it is not received

by the church until 2013. Our church will be following these rules in

issuing receipts.

If it is important for you to have your gift deposited by the church in

2012, please have your check to the church office no later than 10

a.m. on Monday, December 31.

Holiday Office Hours

December 24th—26th CLOSED

December 27th—9am—4pm

December 28th—9-12pm

December 31st—9-12 pm

January 1-2nd CLOSED

The church staff wishes each of you a very

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Parsonage Open House

Sunday, December 9, 3:00—5:00 pm. 1203

Hillcrest Drive

“The Winter Rose” - Choir Cantata

December 9, 9:00 am service.

Come join us next Sunday as the choir

leads us in worship.

Advent Sermon

Series—Bedlam In


It’s amazing how so many

of us feel like we are

running crazy during this

time of year—there is truly bedlam in our lives! How can we break thru

the bedlam of the world to truly find Bethlehem? Join us this Advent as

we wade thru the “Bedlam in Bethlehem.”