Scanning Devices


Transcript of Scanning Devices

Group Name:

Magicians Crew.Group Members:

Sidra Javed.Muntaha Khan.Nomair Qureshi.Haider Yaqoob.

Scanning Devices?

Scanning Devices.??

A machine which is used to examine, identify, or record things.

Types Of Scanning Devices.

Finger Or Biometric Scanner. Voice Scanner. Face Scanner. Eye Retina Scanner. Hand Scanner.

Fingerprint Biometric.

- A biometric finger scanner identifies the person by their finger Print.

First used in China in 700 AD.First used in China in 700 AD.Proposed in Europe in 1858, Proposed in Europe in 1858, implemented in Germany in 1903.implemented in Germany in 1903.Unique – So far no two prints fromUnique – So far no two prints from different fingers have been founddifferent fingers have been found that are identical.that are identical.

Fingerprint Biometric Characteristics

Fingerprint is the representation of the epidermis of a finger

Set of (almost/often) parallel ridge lines Ridges produce local patterns

Fingerprint Sensing

Two stages1. Capture Fingerprint image

2. Process image and extract features

3. Store data for comparison or compare with stored templates

Voice Scanner.?

- A voice analysis scanner mathematically break down a person's voice to identify them. These scanners help to improve security.

Where can it be used?

- Dictation

- System control/navigation

- Commercial/Industrial applications

- Voice dialing

How might computers do it?

Acoustic waveform

Acoustic signal

Speech recognition

Digitization.Acoustic analysis of the speech signal.Linguistic interpretation.

Face Scanner.

Biometric face scanners identify a person by taking measurements of a person face.

These types of scanners can be very secure assuming they are smart enoughto distinguish between a picture of a person and a real person.

All identification or authentication technologies operate using the following four stages:

Capture: A physical or behavioural sample is captured by the system during Enrollment and also in identification or verification process.

Extraction: unique data is extracted from the sample and a template is created.

Comparison: the template is then compared with a new sample.

Match/non-match: the system decides if the features extracted from the new Samples are a match or a non match.


Facial-scan technology can acquire faces from almost any static camera or video system that generates images of sufficient quality and resolution.

Image Acquisition

Eye Retina Scanner.

A biometric retina or iris scanner identifies a person by scanning the iris or retina of their eyes.

Importance Of Iris Technology.

Highly Protected Internal Organ Of The Eye.

Externally Visible Patterns Imaged From A Distance.

Pattern Apparently Stable Throughout The Life.

Image Analysis And Encoding Time: 1 Seconds.