Scan shope introduction gen


Transcript of Scan shope introduction gen

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Our Mission

Our purpose is to help families and businesses to digitize their photographic memories and documents, which help them preserve those moments.

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What is digitization ?

Digitization is the process of converting photographs/documents into binary data, which computers and devices use.

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Why digitization ? Digitizing makes it easier to :

Preserve Access Share

Now-a-days digitization is not a matter of choice but it’s a …..


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Why digitize Photograph ? 1. Photos fade when exposed to light2. Colour shift — the fading that happens in the

dark3. Scratching: the invisible enemy4. Disaster happens — sometimes photos aren't

that safe at home5. Household Relocation / spilling of food /Finger

Prints /Photo Sticking

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Remember these

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Photography practices • Special occasion• It was a family affair• It was planned • People used to dress up for occasions• Every click was counted

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Household Photograph before digital

G.Parents/Parents Photograph Marriage Birthday / School Celebrations Holiday Photograph

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Average House hold will have anywhere between

200-2000 photographs

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Why Scan ShoppeScanning at home is costly and time

consuming.Best quality equipment and highly

skilled technicians.Affordable cost & Customized Solutions

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How we work ?Step – 1 Visit us @

Step-2 Photo Collection by Fed ex

Step- 3 Digitization by Scan Shoppe

Step- 4 Photo Delivery by Fed ex

Step- 5 Share ,Distribute and Preserve

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Photo Don't last only digitization can

SAVE them

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