Scaling and Availability of to ... - RedLine13 · 1.3 Load Balancing - Nginx & NAT...

Scaling and Availability of to Support Large Registration Bursts Stephen Sigwart [email protected] Tuesday 29 th January, 2013 Abstract A common problem many websites face is having a large burst of trac. This paper discusses how Run- SignUp solved this problem in detail so that other development teams can learn from our experiences to leverage cloud deployment to solve their own scaling problems. For many of the larger road races, there is a limit on the total number of runners who can register. This leads to a massive influx of online registrations as soon as registration for the race has opened. For races that accept 30,000 to 50,000 participants, this requires a highly optimized and highly scalable in- frastructure with hundreds of servers and a code base that takes advantage of multiple tiers of specialized load balancers, caching, queues, and other technolo- gies to handle the trac. Furthermore, the registra- tion website needs to interact with external services, such as payment processors, to complete each regis- tration. It would be economically infeasible to build a static infrastructure capable of handling this traf- fic since servers would be idle on non-peak hours. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) [1], provide a cost- eective solution by allowing customers to rent servers and use other cloud services on-demand. This allows an online registration service to rent extra servers to handle the burst in registrations, while run- ning on a more modest infrastructure when the load is low. While online registration systems should be able to scale to handle the current trac, they also need to be highly available. To that end, IaaS providers can also provide physical separation of servers and ser- vices, allowing for an infrastructure that can with- stand failures of multiple servers. Our registration system,, uses AWS to provide both scalability and availability to online race registration. This paper describes the process of converting a single-server website into a scalable and highly- available multi-server architecture. It is written for a developer tasked with the job of converting an ex- isting system to handle large trac bursts and heavy write loads on common objects. It first introduces some applications and services that were used in our infrastructure and addresses the steps to move to a cloud architecture, including details on making it highly-available. Next, it discusses the use of caching and a few other techniques to gain performance and make the website more scalable. After this, the pa- per describes how we handle server management and a load testing framework to benchmark our system. Finally, we present the final performance that we achieved after making these updates. 1

Transcript of Scaling and Availability of to ... - RedLine13 · 1.3 Load Balancing - Nginx & NAT...

Page 1: Scaling and Availability of to ... - RedLine13 · 1.3 Load Balancing - Nginx & NAT Once the user has an IP address, their browser sends the request to the returned IP

Scaling and Availability of to Support Large

Registration Bursts

Stephen Sigwart

[email protected]

Tuesday 29

thJanuary, 2013


A common problem many websites face is having alarge burst of tra�c. This paper discusses how Run-SignUp solved this problem in detail so that otherdevelopment teams can learn from our experiences toleverage cloud deployment to solve their own scalingproblems.For many of the larger road races, there is a limit on

the total number of runners who can register. Thisleads to a massive influx of online registrations assoon as registration for the race has opened. Forraces that accept 30,000 to 50,000 participants, thisrequires a highly optimized and highly scalable in-frastructure with hundreds of servers and a code basethat takes advantage of multiple tiers of specializedload balancers, caching, queues, and other technolo-gies to handle the tra�c. Furthermore, the registra-tion website needs to interact with external services,such as payment processors, to complete each regis-tration.It would be economically infeasible to build a

static infrastructure capable of handling this traf-fic since servers would be idle on non-peak hours.Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) providers, such asAmazon Web Services (AWS) [1], provide a cost-e↵ective solution by allowing customers to rentservers and use other cloud services on-demand. Thisallows an online registration service to rent extra

servers to handle the burst in registrations, while run-ning on a more modest infrastructure when the loadis low.

While online registration systems should be able toscale to handle the current tra�c, they also need tobe highly available. To that end, IaaS providers canalso provide physical separation of servers and ser-vices, allowing for an infrastructure that can with-stand failures of multiple servers. Our registrationsystem,, uses AWS to provide bothscalability and availability to online race registration.

This paper describes the process of convertinga single-server website into a scalable and highly-available multi-server architecture. It is written fora developer tasked with the job of converting an ex-isting system to handle large tra�c bursts and heavywrite loads on common objects. It first introducessome applications and services that were used in ourinfrastructure and addresses the steps to move toa cloud architecture, including details on making ithighly-available. Next, it discusses the use of cachingand a few other techniques to gain performance andmake the website more scalable. After this, the pa-per describes how we handle server management anda load testing framework to benchmark our system.Finally, we present the final performance that weachieved after making these updates.


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1 Migrating to a Multi-ServerInfrastructure using EC2

RunSignUp was founded in 2009 with the goal of pro-viding a simple and easy experience for both race di-rectors and runners. The first few years were spentbuilding the business and incrementally adding fea-tures needed by large races. However, the websitewas not initially designed to be highly scalable, sothe next steps were to build a robust infrastructurethat not only could handle large numbers of trans-actions per second, but also was resilient to serverfailures.The first task in our project was migrating the sys-

tem from our existing single server architecture to acloud architecture taking advantage of the servicesprovided by AWS [1], primarily the Elastic ComputeCloud (EC2) [2]. We made use of Amazon VirtualPrivate Cloud (VPC) [3] to provide an isolated en-vironment with our own private IP address alloca-tion and subnets. Our infrastructure can be seen inFigure 1. The components of the infrastructure willbe discussed in a mostly top-down fashion. First,though, a quick background on caching is required.

1.1 Caching Basics

One of the fundamental goals of our scalabilityproject was to reduce the load on our database server.This is because the database server is restrained toa single server and therefore becomes a bottleneck.By caching data, fewer accesses to the database areneeded.This caching is achieved through memcached [4]

and APC [5] caches. Both of these caches arememory-based, key-value systems that allow you tostore and retrieve values by a key. This makes readsand writes very fast compared to the database, butare volatile, meaning that the data they store shouldbe able to be rebuilt from the database if needed.Memcached and APC cache di↵er primarily in size

and accessibility. The memcached application runson a separate server, where all web servers share thecache and can manipulate the data. APC cache is aper web server cache implemented as a shared mem-

ory segment that is much quicker since it is on thesame server, but lacks the ability to share data withother web servers. This means that APC is faster,but much smaller than memcached. It also makesAPC non-applicable for keys that need to be sharedacross web servers. Ideally, we would like to accessdata first in APC, then in memcached, and lastly inthe database as shown in Figure 2.

APC Cache APC CacheAPC Cache APC Cache

Memcached Memcached


Size Speed

Figure 2: Caching Hierarchy

1.2 Domain Name Lookup - Route 53

When a user first accesses RunSignUp via our domain name, the user’s browser contactsAmazon Route 53 [6] to determine where to send therequest. Route 53 is the DNS service that handlesthe domain name. Route 53 is setup with weighted type-A records for,meaning that one of several IP addresses is returnedin a round-robin fashion. Currently, there are six IPaddresses associated with the type-Arecord.

1.3 Load Balancing - Nginx & NAT

Once the user has an IP address, their browser sendsthe request to the returned IP address, which will beone of multiple load balancers. Each load balancerruns Nginx [7], a web server that acts as a reverseproxy. Nginx simply proxies the request to the back-end web servers which actually execute the request.Since the load balancers are the only servers in thisinfrastructure with a public IP address, the serversalso acts as a NAT server [8] for all other servers.This helps to make the internal servers more securewhile still allowing the internet access they require.


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Amazon Route


Availability Zone East-1B

Web Servers

Amazon Simple

Email Service (SES)

Amazon Simple

Queue Service (SQS)


Amazon CloudFront


Amazon Relational

Database Service


Availability Zone East-1A

Web Servers


Session Memcached Session Memcached Data MemcachedData Memcached

Load BalancersLoad Balancers

Figure 1: Final Infrastructure


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1.4 Web Servers - Apache & PHP

The Nginx load balancers essentially forward requeststo our Apache [9] backend web servers. These serversrun PHP to process the requests and handle all of thelogic associated with requests. While processing, theweb server needs to communicate with many otherservers and external services to satisfy the request.

1.5 Session Memcached

Since there are multiple web servers, the typical file-based session storage does not work. Instead, thesession data needs to be stored in a shared location.This is achieved by using a custom session handlerthat stores the session data in memcached servers.

1.6 Data Memcached

To support data caching, we run multiple memcachedservers reserved for application data. Frequently useddata from the database is stored on these servers.This allows for quicker access to data and reducesthe load on the database server. Data and sessionsare stored on separate servers to eliminate risks asso-ciated with this setup. Firstly, it prevents data fromaccidentally overwriting sessions. Secondly, it allowsthe data caches to be flushed if needed without losingsessions.

1.7 Sending E-mail in Amazon WebServices - SES & SQS

The move to AWS required a change to the way e-mails were delivered. Instead of using SMTP, weswitched to Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) [10].However, SES places limits on both the total numberof e-mails in a 24 hour period and the maximum num-ber of e-mails per second. As such, all e-mails wereadded to a Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue [11].SQS is a service to queue messages that will be pro-cessed by separate processes. The primary web serverruns a PHP process that monitors this queue andsends e-mails without overstepping the e-mail limits.

1.8 MySQL Database - RDS

The MySQL database server is run using Amazon’sRelational Database Service (RDS) [12]. This pro-vides the benefits of the MySQL database with lessoverhead of configuration and maintenance, whichis handled by Amazon. Furthermore, it simplifiesthe creation and maintenance of Read-Replicas, aMySQL feature that is very useful for scaling readoperations.

1.9 Serving Static Resources - S3 &CloudFront

Most of the static resources on RunSignUp are storedin Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) [13] and de-livered to the user via Amazon CloudFront [14]. Bothof these can be seen at the top right of Figure 1. S3 isa service for storing files in the Amazon cloud, pro-viding redundant storage and essentially unlimitedspace. CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network(CDN) service that delivers additional resources tousers via a globally distributed network of servers.The static resources served via CloudFront include

CSS stylesheets, images, and JavaScript used on thewebsite along with resources uploaded by race direc-tors, such as race logos, sponsor logos, and registra-tion PDFs. By using CloudFront to serve these files,we drastically reduce the number of page requests toour servers. For some pages, this reduced the numberof HTTP requests to our web servers from 25 requeststo a single request, a 96% improvement.To accomplish this, all static resources were placed

in a specific directory. The code was updated to calla function whenever a static resource was required.For local development, this simply returned the loca-tion of the file, so local development is not hampered.However, for our production system, it mapped file-names to CloudFront URLs.

1.9.1 Generating the Static Resource Map

The map is generated during the deployment process,which checks for any updated resources and pushesthem to S3. The filename that we use for S3 includesa few extra characters based on the modified time of


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the file. This is for cache busting purposes, allow-ing the files to be locally cached by browsers whileensuring that stale versions of files will not be usedwhen a file is updated. It then generates and storesthe map for later use. For files that could not call thefunction to get the map, such as CSS stylesheets andJavaScript files, the deployment script scans the filesand updates them to point directly to the CloudFrontURLs.

1.10 Deployment

In order to quickly deploy new code to all of the webservers, there is a deployment script on our develop-ment server. In the deployment script, we utilized aGitHub [15] repository to store the code that shouldbe loaded onto each web server. Once the initialprocessing is completed, such as updating static re-sources, the script starts a process on each of the webservers to do the deployment. Each web server up-dates its local copy of the same repository and runsthe deployment script found in the repository. Thissetup allows for a quick deployment without puttinga heavy load on our development server. Further-more, the script ensures that existing resources (e.g.images, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript) that will beupdated are not deleted until after the new resourcesare in S3, ensuring that the deployment is transpar-ent to users.

1.11 Typical Server Setup

Table 1 shows the typical infrastructure running ona daily basis. The server sizes listed are defined byEC2, with an m1.small server roughly 1/4th the sizeand cost of an m1.large server. During periods of highsystem load, the size and number of load balancersand web servers can be increased. While the num-ber of memcached servers is not as easy to changefrequently, the size of the servers can be easily andquickly changed.

1.12 Server Management

In order to keep our costs low, it is not practicalto have the system set up to handle the high load

Server Type Server Size ServersLoad Balancers (Nginx) m1.large 2Web Servers (Apache) m1.large 2Session Memcached m1.small 8Data Memcached m1.small 8

Table 1: Infrastructure on a Typical Day

all the time. All of the servers would be severelyunderutilized. Therefore, we take advantage of thecloud to use smaller and fewer instances the majorityof the time. When we know that a large race will beopening registration, we update the infrastructure tohandle the load. To do this, we built several scriptsand user interfaces to do the majority of the work.

1.12.1 Load Balancers

Typically we run two m1.large load balancers thatdouble as NAT servers for other servers on our privatenetwork. The domain name currentlyresolves to one of 6 IP addresses. Hence, each loadbalancer is assigned 3 of these IP addresses.There is a UI that lists the running load balancers

and allows us to start more load balancers or stoprunning load balancers. When a load balancer isadded, the scripts will wait until the server is readyand then assigns it an IP address and set up routetables to route NAT packets though it. When a loadbalancer is stopped, the script first assigns its IP ad-dress and route table to another load balancer. Fur-thermore, the UI allows us to change the instancetype of a running server to use a smaller or largerserver. Since the server must be shutdown to do this,it will follow the steps to stop it, change the instancetype, then follow the steps to start it again.

1.12.2 Web Servers

During normal workload, there are two m1.large webservers running in separate availability zones. Theload balancers evenly distribute incoming web traf-fic to these servers. They have no public IP address,which makes them less susceptible to attack. How-ever, it also means that they need to use the loadbalancers as a NAT server to reach external services,


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such as other Amazon services and our payment gate-way.Prior to a large race opening, the number of web

servers needs to be increased to handle the increasedload. We have a UI that lists our running and stoppedweb servers, allowing us to easily select specific in-stances or groups of instances to start or stop. Ifwe need more instances than are currently createdin EC2, there is a field specifying how many new in-stances need to be created and the script will handlethe cloning and set up of new web servers. Whenweb servers are added or removed, we need to notifythe load balancers so they can adjust their list of webservers. This is accomplished using Amazon’s SimpleNotification Service (SNS) [16], which reliably sendsnotifications of added and removed IP addresses toeach of the load balancers. These scripts allow us toquickly and easily go from two web servers to hun-dreds of web servers in a matter of minutes.Furthermore, there are times when we may

want to adjust the instance type of the webservers to be a more powerful server. There isa command line script that helps us to quicklyconvert the instance type of all stopped webserver instances. This came in handy when doingour load testing by allowing us to experimentwith various instance types. This script is avail-able at

1.12.3 Memcached Servers

Our infrastructure uses two sets of memcachedservers, one to store user sessions and the other tostore arbitrary data. As seen in Table 1, the infras-tructure uses 8 m1.small servers of each type insteadof 2 m1.large servers of each type. There are twobig advantages to this setup. First, the network traf-fic to each server should be around a factor of fourless than with the initial setup. Secondly, it allowsfor more scaling possibilities since each server can beupgraded to larger instance types.The problem was to figure out how to auto-

matically switch these instance types withoutlosing data and without disrupting users. For

the data servers, data loss is acceptable since theinformation can be rebuilt from the database.However, for the session servers, data loss is un-acceptable. For this, we wrote a command linescript that does the conversion. This script can befound at

The conversion process first locates all the mem-cached instances of a given type that need to be up-dated, which currently is 8 instances. For every run-ning memcached server, there is another stopped in-stance that can be used as its replacement. The pro-cess for changing the instance type of a memcachedserver is as follows:

1. For each stopped memcached instances of thistype.

(a) If needed, change the instance type.

(b) Start the server.

2. For each running memcached server of this type.

(a) Reassign the private IP addresses to one ofthe newly started servers.

(b) Shut down the server.

For the session storage servers, we add in a cou-ple of extra steps. First, the memcached-tool util-ity is used to dump the contents of memcached justas the private IP address is switched. This dumpfile is copied to the new server and used to rebuildmemcached with the session data from moments be-forehand. Even though there is a very small chancethat a few pieces of this data could be outdated, ourcustom session handler will recognize this and usethe up-to-date data from another server since sessiondata is duplicated. Therefore, on the next requestfor a given session, the server will be updated to thecurrent session information. This process helps tomaintain session information so that user disruptionis minimized.


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2 Availability

To provide high-availability, our infrastructure is setup to run in multiple availability zones (AZs) in EC2.Each AZ is a data center in EC2 that is expected tobe isolated from failures in another AZ. As Figure 1illustrates, our system always runs servers in at leasttwo availability zones.

2.1 Load Balancers

At all times, there is a load balancer running inat least two availability zones. This means that ifone load balancer fails, the other load balancer willtake over for it and process the requests. This isdone using custom scripts written for the Nagios[17] infrastructure monitoring software. When thesoftware detects that a load balancer is down, itmoves the IP address of the failed server to therunning server. Furthermore, it updates the packetrouting for any subnets that use the load balanceras a NAT server. All future requests will be routedto the running load balancer until the failed serveris restored. This script can be found at

2.2 Web Servers

The Apache web servers are also evenly distributedacross AZs to ensure that server failures are not vis-ible to users. The load balancers constantly moni-tor each web server and will stop proxying tra�c toa server if it detects an error. This means that afailed server will simple result in tra�c being routedto the web servers that are still running. Once theweb server is running again, it will be automaticallydetected by the load balancers and added back to theserver pool.

2.3 Memcached Servers

The memcached servers are distributed across AZs toensure that failure of one server does not eliminate allcaching in the system. PHP will detect failed serversand remove them from the pool in the event of failure,

allowing caching to continue working. The Nagiossoftware is set up to send E-mail notifications in theevent of memcached failures. When we receive thisnotification, we can fix the failed server or simplystart up a new server and associate the IP addresswith this new instance.

2.4 Session Storage

We wrote a custom session handler in PHP thatuses memcached to store session information by akey based on the user’s session ID. The session han-dler stores the information, with a timestamp ontwo memcached servers, both in di↵erent availabil-ity zones. If one server fails, the user’s session is notlost since it is still available on at least one server. Ifthe failed server becomes available again, but has out-of-date session information, the timestamp is used todecide on the proper session to use. This ensures thatsession data is not lost in the event of server failureor maintenance.

2.5 Database

The database uses Amazon’s Relational DatabaseService with the Multi-AZ option. This ensures thatwe have access to our data in the event of a failure inone availability zone. The service is set up to quicklyfail over to a di↵erent availability zone in case theprimary server fails. This feature is available as asimple option in RDS, with all the complexity han-dled by Amazon, meaning more time can be spent onthe application instead of database configuration.

2.6 Amazon’s High-Availability Ser-vices

Parts of our availability are based on the high-availability provided by AWS. The combination of S3and CloudFront allows the static resources on Run-SignUp to be delivered to users from various serversbased on the user’s geographic location. Other crit-ical services, such as SQS [11], are designed to behighly-available, allowing us to focus more on Run-SignUp than managing a custom queueing service.


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3 Performance Via Caching

The primary goal in making RunSignUp scalable wasto reduce the load on the database server. Whilewe are limited to a single database server, we canhave a large number of caching servers. We used twolevels of caching, memcached and APC cache. Inaddition to application specific caching, PHP usingAPC opcode caching, which caches PHP files to makerequests faster.

3.1 Caching Framework

To implement the data access hierarchy of Figure 2,we developed classes to provide uniform access to thecaches. The getValue function is the cornerstone ofthese classes. This function first attempts to get avalue from APC cache. In the event of a cache miss,a request to memcached is made. If the key is found,the function will decide whether the key should bestored in APC cache, using a technique we refer toas frequency-based cache promotion. To do this, ituses memcached to increment a counter (once perpage load) with a few minute expiration time. If thiscounter reaches a threshold parameter, the value willbe stored in APC for the next request. This allowsthe code to use the faster APC cache for races thatare receiving more tra�c.Furthermore, the getValue function has options

that will limit database calls during bursts, prevent-ing an issue know as “data stampede”. Suppose a keyis not present in any of the caches, but several pro-cesses attempt to get the key simultaneously. Theywill all fail and go to the database get the value andthen store it in memcached. However, only one pro-cess really needed to query the database. The otherprocesses could have waited for the first process tostore the value in memcached. The getValue func-tion can do this by attempting to set a lock in mem-cached if the key was not found. The process thatgets the lock will go to the database while the otherprocesses will do a quick sleep before trying the cacheagain.This caching is a big win for performance, but it

would be unacceptable for the race data to be out ofdate. To solve this, we added functions to store values

with a timestamp. Other functions to get the valuefrom the cache check the value against a timestampto see if the value is valid. This allows us to quicklyupdate a timestamp for a race which will essentiallyinvalidate cache items for a race. For example, if arace name is edited, we simply update the timestampin memcached. If we find a cache entry with a times-tamp less than the updated time, it is discarded andthe new data is retrieved from the database.Furthermore, the memcached class implements a

getOnce function, which will retrieve a value fromthe cache only once, with all future requests returningthe same value. The class implements a cap on thetotal amount of memory used for this purpose. Thisfunction is particularly useful for timestamps, whichwill be needed many times in a single page request.For instance, there can be around 50 cache items fora race, each of which might need to check the times-tamp. Instead of fetching the timestamp from mem-cached 50 times, it is fetched once and reused on latercalls.

3.2 Caching Race Information

The core race information in RunSignUp is createdand modified through a five step wizard. This infor-mation includes basic race information such as nameand location; event information such as start times,registration periods, pricing, and participant caps;and any text content the race director wishes to in-clude. All of this information is needed on the racepage, the entry point of most registrations for therace. As shown in Figure 3, this page can containa large amount of data that must be retrieved fromthe database. This particular page required over 50database queries to build, which would not scale wellto heavy tra�c loads.In order to reduce the database calls, we built a

profiling system that allowed us to see exactly whichdatabase queries were needed for each page. Further-more, it detailed the amount of time spent in variousportions of the code. Using this data, we system-atically cache race information and optimized SQLqueries. The goal was to completely eliminate theneed to connect to the database for most users, thusreducing the load on our database server.


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Figure 3: Sample Race Page

Much of this information was static race informa-tion that is modified by the race director and rarelychanges. This information was simple to cache byjust storing the data and using the race timestampas a cache invalidator. However, other pieces of datawere dynamic, such as the number of spots remain-ing for races with participant caps. Before caching,this information was retrieved by using a SELECTCOUNT(*) query and subtracting the result from theparticipant cap. To eliminate this database call, westored a counter in memcached for each race event.Anywhere that added or removed a registrant froman event updated this value using the increment anddecrement memcached operations.

While an accurate number of participants is crit-ical in determining if a user can register for a race,it is not so critical in other areas. For example, thisinformation is simply displayed on the race page andit is not critical that it be 100% accurate at all times.Therefore, we used APC to cache the count (for view-ing only) for 5 seconds. This helped to reduce theload on the memcached servers, freeing them up foraccess to more critical data.

Once we removed all database calls from the racepage, our tests revealed that we were still making un-necessary connections to the database even thoughno queries were executed. This was because ourdatabase wrapper class was derived from the mysqliPHP class. The constructor for mysqli establisheda connection to the database immediately regard-less of whether the connection was required. To rec-tify this, we updated our wrapper such that it is nolonger derived from mysqli, but instead used PHP’scall method overloading function [18] as shown in

Listing 1 in Appendix B. If a method is undefined,PHP will call the call of the Database class, whichchecks if the method is part of the mysqli class. Ifso, a database connection is established when needed.Otherwise, the code checks for the function in othermodules that we have loaded into the wrapper, mak-ing it easier to separate our code.


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3.3 Caching Registration Related In-formation

While the race page contains mostly static informa-tion which is relatively easy to cache, the registra-tion process is more write oriented and deals withconstantly changing data, making caching more di�-cult. Although much of this information was cachedfrom the race page, there was additional informationneeded for the registration process, such as teams,fundraisers, donations, and store items. Some of thisinformation, such as donation details and store items,was fairly static and easily cached. However, the listsof teams and fundraisers are frequently updated asusers register for races as a team or create a newfundraiser. These lists were cached in a similar wayto all the other data, except that a very short (30seconds to 1 minute) expiration was set on the cacheitems. By doing this and using the locking schemepreviously mentioned, we were able to handle largetra�c bursts without putting a large strain on thedatabase. Furthermore, limits on store items wasachieved through cached counters, much like the reg-istration counts previously discussed.

3.4 Checking E-mail Address on NewAccounts

While this eliminated or reduced the number ofdatabase calls for most of the information needed asthe user steps through the registration process, thereis other user-specific data that is needed from thedatabase. First, an unregistered user needs to cre-ate a new account when registering for a race. Thismeans that we need to ensure that the e-mail addressprovided is not already used on an existing account.That means we need to make a database call, andworse, we needed to use MySQL’s FOR UPDATE [19]clause to ensure that no other user has registered thesame e-mail address between the time we checked thedatabase and inserted the new record. This type ofSQL statement results in row locks that could hurtperformance.Our solution was to use a read-replica of the

database to check each individual address and usethe cache to store whether or not the e-mail address

was used. Future requests could use the cache, en-suring that the read-replica is only accessed once foreach e-mail address. The cache is updated to reflectwhen the e-mail address is actually used to create anaccount.

Using read-replicas has the disadvantage of havinglag between when the master database is updatedand when the replica is updated. In this situation,the lag does not cause issues because we update mem-cached as we update the database. If an e-mail ad-dress is not in the database, it will not be in themaster database. When a user registers with thate-mail address, it is recorded in the master databaseand memcached. Suppose another user attempts tocreate an account with the same e-mail address priorto the update reaching the read-replica. In this case,memcached will indicate that the e-mail address isused and the lag has not caused any issues.

3.5 Checking For Existing Registra-tions

The second user related detail that we needed toaddress was the possibility that an existing user al-ready registered for the race. Therefore, we neededto do another FOR UPDATE database call on each reg-istration to check this, again resulting in unwanteddatabase locks. We followed a similar read-replicaand cache approach for this, storing and updatingflags indicating whether or not a specific user regis-tered for an event. Again, this limits the number ofaccesses to the database and is safe despite the lagpresent in read-replicas.

4 Additional PerformanceGains

While caching contributed to a large chunk of theperformance gains, other areas needed some atten-tion to achieve our scalability goals. These includedqueuing registration requests, optimizing SQL state-ments, tuning the web servers, and tuning Linux TCPparameters.


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4.1 Database Queuing

With a target of 50,000 registration in 10 minutes,that places a huge load on the database to actu-ally save the registration. That averages out to 83database connections a second, but it is more likelythat the initial minutes would be spend filling outforms, meaning that over 1,000 connections a secondis by no means unrealistic. Therefore, the registra-tion process was updated to queue registrations in-stead of having each process save its own registration.After a user’s payment is accepted by the paymentprocessor, their registration information is stored inan SQS queue. This limits the number of databaseconnections that will be established.

Multiple background processes consume messagesfrom the queue to save the registrations to thedatabase and report registration IDs back to the user.This also has the advantage of reducing the over-head of database connections and allows for preparedstatements to be shared across multiple registrations.The number of background processes is customizable,with each server automatically spawning up to 10processes to handle registrations. Each process readsup to 10 messages from the queue at a time, whichfurther limits the number of processes spawned. Allthis helps to reduce database contention and allowsthe system to scale to large number of registrations.

4.2 Optimizing SQL Statements

By analyzing all of the SQL statements used on crit-ical pages, we were able to identify statements thatcould be optimized. Rewriting statements to do moree�cient JOINs and adding indices to tables produceda few benefits. It helped to reduce the reduce aver-age page load times, particularly under high load.This also reduced the load on the database, whichalso helped other statements run faster under heavyload since there was less contention. Furthermore,some database statements were updated to use theread-replica database if the statements could do sowithout issues related to replica lag.

4.3 Tuning Nginx & Apache

By default, the Nginx version we were running used anew, very strong SSL cipher that was very slow. TheNginx configuration was updated to use a di↵erentcipher that was much quicker, but still PCI compli-ant [20]. On both the Nginx and Apache servers, theconfiguration files were tuned to change the maxi-mum number of requests served, update the socketbacklog, and enable compression, along with otherupdates. Some of the key portions of the configura-tion files for the Nginx load balancers and Apacheweb servers can be seen in Appendix A.1 and Ap-pendix A.2 respectively.

4.4 Linux TCP Tuning

With increasing demand on the site during testing,we ran across web server connection issues and NATconnectivity issues. We experimented with manydi↵erent settings, primarily focusing on the socketbacklog size, the number of Nginx worker processes,and Linux TCP parameters. This tuning continuedthroughout the entire load testing process. The finalsettings that we found to be adequate for high loadare listed in Figure A.3 of Appendix A.

5 Building a Test Framework

In order to load test our infrastructure, we developeda test framework with the following benefits:

It provided a consistent, automated, and repeat-able way to run load tests against our system.

It rented large numbers of test servers to allowfor massive numbers of simulated registrations.

It kept track of previous tests to monitorprogress and compare results.

Used in conjunction with New Relic [21],an infrastructure monitoring server, we wereable to profile slow transactions and pin-point some bottlenecks that deserved moreattention. Portions of this code are avail-able at


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5.1 Simulating Registrations

The first part of this entailed being able to program-matically simulate a registration. We looked intomultiple online cloud-based testing frameworks, butdecided they did not suit our needs and were too ex-pensive. We needed something more functional thanBees with Machine Guns [22] and more cloud nativethan JMeter [23]. Since we needed a test frameworkwith session support and it was fairly simple to fulfillour needs with a few custom PHP classes, we de-cided to develop our own framework. We used PHPand curl to create a class that simulated a session onRunSignUp, including accepting cookies, simulatinguser delays, outputting debugging information, andloading resources needed on the web pages. Addi-tionally, it implemented a simple browser cache usingthe If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match HTTPheaders. Furthermore, it was capable of establishingKeep-Alive connections for loading page resources.However, it did not use persistent connections for thepage loads since real-world connections would typi-cally expire between page loads. Lastly, it includeda function that was used to automatically fill in fieldnames such as name, address, credit card informa-tion, etc. Another PHP class parsed the returnedHTML and produced a PHP DOMDocument [24]. Italso provided other functions to easily check for pageerrors; get form fields; and get the URLs of images,stylesheets, and JavaScript that should be loaded.

Using these base classes, we derived a class thathandled the logic involved in race registrations. Theclass simulated a user registration by loading theURL of the race page. From here, the code searchedthe page for the link to sign up for the race. Oncethe link was found, the URL was used to start theregistration. The code then entered a loop that pro-cesses the current page to determine which action totake next. This was done by simply checking for cer-tain form elements that were unique to the di↵erentpages. We implemented the code this way since theregistration process is not identical for all races. Forexample, some races may enable teams, donations, orstores while others may not.

When a registration was simulated, some informa-tion was sent to another process that collects stats

that were used to display real-time data as a load testwas running. Furthermore, the framework stored theraw HTML and curl connection information for eachpage load. This information was analyzed after thetest to summarize the test and stored in S3 for latermanual evaluation.

5.2 User Interface

We designed a simple user interface, as shown in Fig-ure 4, which allows quick setup of load tests. It givesthe option of registering for a particular event in therace or having each simulated user randomly selectan event. The form includes the number of regis-trations that should be simulated and delays thatshould be simulated. These are specified in termsof minimum and maximum times that are used torandomly produce a delay. Using these parameters,we can simulate the initial burst of people hitting thewebsite when registration opens, but allow for longerdelays between form submissions to accurately sim-ulate people entering their information. There is asetting to specify whether or not external resources,such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript, shouldbe loaded. The test only downloads resources fromthe domain since we want to load testour setup, not other proven external services such asCloudFront and Google’s Hosted Libraries [25].Furthermore, we have settings for the number of

web servers and test servers to use. The number ofweb servers is just for future reference as new serverswill not be automatically started. However, the num-ber of test servers determines how many test serversthe load test will use.After submitting and confirming the test, the web-

site redirects to a page that shows the progress ofthe test. When completed, the results of the test aredisplayed along with graphs of the data, as shown inFigure 5. Initially, only the gauges and bottom textbox are visible and update in real-time as the testruns to display progress messages. A progress baris also shown and automatically updated during thetest. The page also has a comments section where wecan document things such as the exact infrastructuresetup, CPU usage information we gathered duringthe test, changes that we ran the test to check, error


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Figure 4: Setting up a registration load test.

analysis, or any other information we want to storefor later reference.

5.3 Background Load Test Process

When a load test is set up and submitted, a back-ground process is spawned on the web server thatthe request came in on. This background processruns throughout the duration of the test to set upand control the test servers and report data back tothe UI. Since this can be quite resource intensive asthe number of test servers increases, the script firstremoves this web server from the server pool so norequests are sent to it.Next the script tries to start up enough test servers

to run the test. The test servers that we use are EC2spot instances [26], which are EC2 instances that aretypically available at a lower price, but may be pre-empted at any time if another EC2 customer bids ahigher amount. This allows us to get powerful testservers for much cheaper. Furthermore, once an in-stance is started, we pay by the hour, so an instanceis left running after the test in case it is needed again.The next test that is done can use the same instancesto save money as well as setup time. There are cronjobs that take care of shutting down the servers when

they approach the the start of a new hour. The cronjobs simply uses the database to find servers thatshould be shutdown, then uses SSH calls to shut downeach server.

Once the test servers are available, a setup script isrun to install the required packages (e.g. php), raisekernel limits on the number of processes and openfiles, and update other settings. The background pro-cess then creates an archive of all the files that willbe needed on the test server for running the tests and

Figure 5: Setting up a registration load test.


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analyzing the data. This archive is uploaded to S3and a command is sent to each test server to down-load the file and unpack the files.When all of the setup of the servers is completed,

an initial registration is tested. There are two rea-sons for doing this. First, it ensures that if there isan issue that would prevent registration, such as reg-istration being closed, we don’t waste time runningall the simulated users. Secondly, it allows the scriptto figure out how many pages it took to complete theregistration. This data is then used during the testto provide a fairly accurate progress bar.After the initial test has successfully completed,

several cron jobs are set up on each test server. Eachcron job starts up to 25 PHP processes that will eachsimulate a registration. By using multiple cron jobs,more processes can be started in a shorter period oftime. Cron jobs also allow all of the NTP syncedtest servers to start the test simultaneously. An ad-ditional cron job is set up to collect statistics fromthe PHP processes.The background process running the load test now

just continuously requests data from the stats collec-tors on each test server. This information is used toupdate the gauges and progress bar in the UI. Whenthe test is completed, which can be determined bylooking at the stats, this is reported to the UI whileit requests each test server to analyze its data andarchive the raw HTML and logs to S3. The analyzeddata that was returned is then merged together andstored in the database. This data is then sent to theUI to build the graphs.One piece of data that we generate is an estimated

hourly registration rate. This is a conservative es-timate that takes the total number of registrationsand divides by the time from the first request to thelast registration completion. Assuming a continuousstream of new users, the system could likely handlea much higher load than is reported.

5.4 Open Source Framework

We intent to come back to the test framework wedeveloped and create a open source, general pur-pose load testing tool. The major pieces of codethat went in to the load testing framework can be

found at

6 Load Testing Results

We did two types of load tests on the system. Theprimary focus was on scaling for surges in registra-tions. The secondary focus was on scaling our resultscapabilities.

6.1 Race Registrations

Listed in Table 2 are a few of the hundreds of loadtests that were performed on our infrastructure. Thefirst test is an easy test with only a few of the per-formance updates to give a reference point for otherresults. The other tests attempted to simulate a re-alistic user experience, with simulated delays of 15-60 seconds for filling out the forms. However, theyboth required that all 30,000 or 50,000 registrationsstarted within the first 30 seconds of the test. Duringthis tra�c burst, there was a peak of 4,904 requestsper second for the 50,000 registrations test. With45 web servers, this equates to about 109 requests(all HTTPS) for each server. With an average re-sponse time of around 1.5 seconds, this means thateach server would likely have an even larger numberof concurrent requests.This explains why 45 web servers were needed. Af-

ter the initial burst, the load on each server was lowerand the average number of requests per second perserver became quite low. For example, the 50,000registration test goes through 10 pages in 7 minutesand 2 seconds to complete each registration. This is500,000 page loads, averaging out to only about 26page loads per second per server. However, the needto handle the initial page burst necessitates the extracapacity.One also needs to take into account the redirect

that happens on 6 of the 10 page requests. The redi-rect happens when the user submits a form POSTrequest. The initial POST request processes the in-formation, then redirects to prevent the user fromsubmitting the same form twice. The redirected pagemust then be requested from the user, resulting in


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Figure 6: Registration per second during 50,000 usertest.

2 actual HTTP requests for each of these 6 pages.Therefore, for are 16 HTTP requests per registration.For the test with 50,000 registrations, this means800,000 HTTP requests and an average of 42 HTTPrequests per second per server. While this is still lowcompared to the initial burst, it is something thatneeds to be considered when scaling the system.During our testing, the system spiked at over 1,500

registration completing per second as seen in Fig-ure 6. This figure shows the number of registrationsper second that reached the confirmation screen. Thejaggedness of this graph is due to the waiting screenthe user is on prior to reaching the confirmationscreen. This screen always waits at least 10 secondsbefore checking if the registration is completed. Thewaiting follows an exponential backo↵ pattern, withthe initial wait of 10 seconds, followed by a wait of 20seconds if the registration did not complete, followedby a 40 second wait, and any further wait times willbe 1 minute. This helps to limit page requests if thedatabase queue gets too backed up.Table 3 shows a couple of tests on the typical daily

infrastructure described in Table 1. The delays areset to simulate semi-realistic user interaction. As isevident, the more modest infrastructure with smallerservers struggles a little with the demand, with highCPU load on the web servers. However, all otherservers in the infrastructure, including the load bal-ancers, stayed below 10% CPU usage. This is a goodsign, since a couple extra web servers can be addedvery quickly to handle the spike. This has poten-tial to be completed automated since the process issimple and not likely to run into issues that require

human intervention.

6.2 Viewing Race Results

With large races, the influx of runners wanting toview their race results online can easily take down orseverely limit the functionality of the system. Oursystem displays searchable results that are displayedin pages, with 10 results per page by default. We alsohave an auto-complete search box using AJAX. Byutilizing one or two database read replicas and settingup short-lived items in the cache, we handled peaksof over 3,000 result page requests per second. This in-cludes both searches and normal results viewing andis in addition to the simulated auto-completes, whichtop out near 5,000 auto-completes a second.Figure 7 shows the graph of the number of pages

per second experienced during a load test. The topline shows the total across all pages. Our tests showedsustained periods hovering around 2,000 result pagerequests per second, which equates to 120,000 re-quests per minute and over 7 million requests anhour We also saw over 7,500 SSL requests per sec-ond at some points during our testing. With 45 webservers running, this equates to about 167 requestsper server.

7 Conclusions

Switching from a single server website to a cloud-based, multi-server architecture with extensivecaching greatly improved the scalability of Run-SignUp. We scaled from struggling to handle 1,000registration bursts to handling 50,000 registrationsin under 10 minutes. Similar steps and methods canbe used to scale other websites as well. The key tosuch a process is systematically finding and eliminat-ing bottlenecks. Much of the time, the bottleneck isa single database server. By implementing a cachinghierarchy using APC and memcached, the databaseload can be greatly reduced. For write heavy op-erations, queuing the tasks can provide huge ben-efits by reducing database contention. The use ofIaaS and PaaS systems provided by Amazon WebServices or similar services allows for scalability in a


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No. Registrations 1,000 30,000 50,000

No. Load Balancers 2 (m1.large) 4 (m3.2xlarge) 6 (m3.2xlarge)No. Web Servers 10 (m1.large) 25 (m3.2xlarge) 45 (m3.2xlarge)Success Rate 94% 100% 100%Test Duration 15:21 5:43 7:02Avg. Response Time ⇠32 sec ⇠1 sec ⇠1.5 secPeak Req. Per Sec N/A N/A 4,904Est. HourlyRegistrations

3,659 318,599 440,510

Table 2: Load Testing Results For Full Registration

No. Registrations 250 1,000

Page Submission Delay 5 - 10 sec 5 - 40 secInitial Page Delay 0 - 30 sec 0 - 120 secSuccess Rate 100% 100%Test Duration 2:47 8:10Avg. Response Time ⇠2.2 sec ⇠7.9 secMax. CPU Usage on WebServers

81.9% & 74.1% 86.2% & 86.4%

Max. Response Time 14.6 sec 45.9 secPeak Req. Per Sec 46 61Est. HourlyRegistrations

6,522 7,347

Table 3: Load Testing Results For Full Registration On Typical Daily Infrastructure


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Figure 7: Graph of Number of Page Requests per Second During Results Load Test

cost e↵ective way, which can be passed on to the cus-tomer. Furthermore, it allows for a highly-availablesystem that is resilient to many network disruptionsand server failures. Lastly, having a test frameworkand infrastructure monitoring software is extremelybeneficial to this process, helping bottlenecks to bespotted quicker and changes to be tested without toomany other variables.

8 Thank You

We would like to thank Rich Friedman for his timeand advice in helping to develop our infrastructureand caching framework.


[1] “Amazon Web Services.”

[2] “Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (AmazonEC2).”

[3] “Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (AmazonVPC).”

[4] “memcached - a distributed memory objectcaching system.”

[5] “PHP: APC - Manual.”

[6] “Amazon Route 53.”

[7] “NGINX.”

[8] P. Srisuresh and K. Egevang, “TraditionalIP Network Address Translator (TraditionalNAT).” RFC 3022 (Informational), Jan. 2001.

[9] “Apache HTTP Server Project.”

[10] “Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES).”

[11] “Amazon Simple Queue Service (AmazonSQS).”


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[12] “Amazon Relational Database Service (AmazonRDS).”

[13] “Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).”

[14] “Amazon CloudFront.”

[15] “Github.”

[16] “Amazon Simple Notification Service (AmazonSNS).”

[17] “Nagios.”

[18] “Php: Overloading - manual.”

[19] “MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and SE-LECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE LockingReads.”

[20] “O�cial PCI Security Standards Council Site.”

[21] “New Relic : Web Application PerformanceManagement (APM) & Monitoring.”

[22] “Bees with Machine Guns.”

[23] “Apache JMetere.”

[24] “The DOMDocument class.”

[25] “Google Hosted Libraries.”

[26] “Amazon EC2 Spot Instances.”


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A Configuration Files

A.1 Key Configuration for Nginx Load Balancers.

worker_processes 64;worker_rlimit_nofile 65536;

events {worker_connections 16192;multi_accept on;


http {# Buffer access logaccess_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main buffer=64K;

# Sendfile onsendfile on;

# 15 second keep aliveskeepalive_timeout 15;

# Enable gzip compressiongzip on;


server {listen 443 backlog=16384;

# Set PCI complient ciphersssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;ssl_ciphers RC4:HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!kEDH;ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

location / {# Enable HSTSadd_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;

# Set proxied headersproxy_set_header Host $host;proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

# Proxy requestproxy_pass https://runsignup;



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A.2 Key Apache Configuration for Web Servers

StartServers 75MinSpareServers 50MaxSpareServers 100ServerLimit 256MaxRequestWorkers 256MaxConnectionsPerChild 4000ListenBacklog 8192

A.3 Linux TCP Parameters for Nginx Load Balancers

net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 65536net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 2048 64000net.core.somaxconn = 65536net.ipv4.ip_conntrack_max = 262144net.nf_conntrack_max = 262144net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max = 1048576net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 4000net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 1048576


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B Code

1 <?php2

3 pub l i c func t i on c a l l ( method , params )4 {5 // Check i f t h i s i s a mysq l i method

6 s t a t i c mysqliMethods = nu l l ;7 i f ( mysqliMethods == nu l l )8 mysqliMethods = ge t c l a s s methods ( ’ mysql i ’ ) ;9 i f ( in array ( method , mysqliMethods ) )

10 {11 // Set up MySQLi

12 i f ( ! th i s�>mysql i )13 th i s�>setupMySQLi ( ) ;14

15 // Ca l l f unc t i on

16 r e turn call user func array (array ( th i s�>mysqli , method ) , params ) ;17 }18

19 // Try to f i nd the method in the modules

20 foreach ( th i s�>modules as & mod)21 {22 // Check i f the method e x i s t s

23 i f (method exists ( mod , method ) )24 // return ca l l u s e r me thod ar ray ( method , mod , params ) ;

25 r e turn call user func array (array ( mod , method ) , params ) ;26 }27

28 // Raise error

29 t ra ce = debug backtrace ( ) ;30 trigger error (31 ’ Undefined method ’ . method ,32 E USER NOTICE) ;33 r e turn nu l l ;34 }35

36 ?>

Listing 1: Deferred database connections and external module loading in RunSignUp database wrapper.