Scale-up of Deployment of Anaerobic Digester

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  • 8/15/2019 Scale-up of Deployment of Anaerobic Digester



    Scale-up of Deployment of Anaerobic Digester Technology at Public

    and Commercial Institutions: Challenges and Opportunities in India


    Submi tted By

    Nikita Elizabeth Joseph

    In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

    Degree of M aster of A rts in

    Sustainable Development Practice

    May 2015

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    This is to certify that the work that forms the basis of this project “ Scale-up ofdeployment of anaerobic digester technology at public and commercial

    institutions: Challenges and Opportunities in India” is an original work carried out

    by me and has not been submitted anywhere else for the award of any degree. I

    certify that all sources of information and data are fully acknowledged in the project


    ……………………….. ……………………….......

    Nikita Elizabeth Joseph Place and Date

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    This is to certify that Ms Nikita Joseph has carried out her major project in partial

    fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Sustainable

    Development Practice on the topic “ Scale-up of deployment of anaerobic digestertechnology at public and commercial institutions: Challenges and Opportunities in

    India “during January 2015 to May 2015. The project was carried out at the office of

    Green Brick Eco Solutions Pvt Ltd. The report embodies the original work of the

    candidate to the best of our knowledge.

    May 29th 2015

    ………………………………. …………………………………...

    External Supervisor Internal Supervisor

    Sandeep Garg Martand Shardul Founder, Green Brick Eco Solutions Pvt Ltd Research Associate, TERI

    ……………………………………….. Dr Shaleen Singhal

    Head of the Department

    Department of Policy Studies

    TERI University

    New Delhi

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    Table of ContentsLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ......................................................... 7

    LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................... 9

    LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... 9

    CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................... 11Introduction ............................................................................................................. 11

    Background and Rationale of the project ............................................................... 14

    Limitations of the study .......................................................................................... 16

    CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................... 17

    Statement of the problem ........................................................................................ 17

    Methodology ........................................................................................................... 17

    CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................... 18

    Anaerobic Digestion Technology ........................................................................... 18

    Biochemical Process ........................................................................................... 18

    Feedstock ............................................................................................................. 20

    Biogas utilization .................................................................................................... 20

    Storage ................................................................................................................ 20

    Bottling ................................................................................................................ 21

    Distribution ......................................................................................................... 21

    Utilization ............................................................................................................ 21Biogas as an energy source ..................................................................................... 22

    Benefits of Anaerobic Digestion ............................................................................. 24

    Limitations of AD ................................................................................................... 26

    AD technology around the world ............................................................................ 28

    CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................... 33

    Status of AD technology in India ........................................................................... 33

    Implementation strategies for biomethanation in India .......................................... 35 Accelerated Programme on Energy Recovery from Urban Wastes .................... 36

    Financial assistance ............................................................................................ 37

    Policy making and planning ................................................................................... 39

    Electricity act ...................................................................................................... 39

    The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 ............ 39

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    TERI The Energy and Resources Institute

    TPD Tonnes Per Day

    TPY Tonnes Per Year

    UK United Kingdom

    UN United NationsUNDP United Nations Development Programme

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    Figure 1: Functional interdependencies at development phase of TIS ....................... 56


    Table 1: Stages in Anaerobic digestion process ......................................................... 19

    Table 2: Composition and energy value of biogas (Khoiyangbam et al, 2011). ........ 22

    Table 3:Equivalency of biogas to other fuels (Khoiyangbam et al, 2011). ................ 23

    Table 4: Cost comparison to other sources of power (Ravindranath and Balachandra,

    2009) ........................................................................................................................... 24

    Table 5: Cost comparison to kerosene stove (Ravindranath and Balachandra, 2009)

    .................................................................................................................................... 24

    Table 6: Installed capacity of waste to energy and biogas based power systems ...... 34

    Table 7: Statewide Installed capacity of power from waste to energy ....................... 34

    Table 8: Financial Assistance for grid power generation from biogas ....................... 37

    Table 9: Financial Assistance for energy recovery from urban wastes ...................... 38

    Table 10: Financial Assistance for Biogas Fertilizer Plants (BGFP) for Generation,

    Purification/Enrichment, Bottling and Piped Distribution of Biogas ......................... 38Table 11: Population growth and impact on overall waste generation ...................... 41

    Table 12: The potential of energy generation from MSW ......................................... 41

    Table 13: Gas Production and quality ........................................................................ 44

    Table 14: Costs of plant operation .............................................................................. 45

    Table 15: Development phases of a TIS system ........................................................ 50

    Table 16: Interviewee Sample .................................................................................... 51

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    Renewable Energy technologies have been identified as an important means of

    meeting energy demands in times of depleting fossil fuel reserves and environmental problems caused by use of conventional energy sources. Among others, biogas

    energy from Anaerobic Digestion or biomethanation of organic waste generated in

    urban areas is a promising technology that has great potential of serving as a clean

    energy source and as a decentralized waste management solution. Urban entities

    that generate significant quantities of organic waste such as large kitchens, housing

    societies, public and private office complexes and other institutions, market areas etc

    are ideal candidates for AD systems through set up of medium and large scale

    anaerobic digesters.

    In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze biogas as a source of energy: its

    potential applications, case studies of existing projects, its advantages and

    drawbacks. The status of biomethanation technology for organic wastes in India, its

    scope and drivers for expansion have been explored. The existing regulatory

    framework and policy support and incentives offered by the government have also

    been reviewed. There are many bottlenecks in the way of their ample diffusion of new

    and emerging technologies such as AD. Besides understanding these barriers, this

    study has adopted a framework for analyzing the hindrances to expansion in

    deployment of this technology, namely the Technology Innovations Systems (TIS)

    framework. This is carried out by conducting interviews with a sample of key

    informants who are experts in the field and based on the analysis of its outcomes,

    several policy recommendations have been drawn for bettering the prospects of scale

    up of this technology.

    KEYWORDS: Anaerobic Digestion, Anaerobic Digesters, Biomethanation, MSW,

    Organic waste

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    India, with its population of over 1.2 billion is growing annually at the rate of

    1.2%.Among other issues; energy insecurity is one issue that needs to be addressed

    as India will face increasing energy shortages due to depleting fossil fuel reserves

    and lack of affordable energy sources.

    Globally, India is the fourth largest consumer of energy, preceded only by countries

    such as United States, China and Russia. Rapid population growth and economic

    development in the past decade have meant an inevitable increase in energy demand

    and consumption, which is only likely to grow further . It is projected to reach 1,464

    Mtoe in 2035, increasing by a CAGR of 3.1% from 2009 to 2035, which is more

    than double the world’s energy demand at a CAGR of 1.3% for the same period

    (IEA 2012). This demand growth would come from all sectors such as industry,

    transport, construction and agriculture and is expected to be met largely by coal and

    other hydrocarbons.

    An excessive reliance on such non renewable energy sources come with its inherent

    risks such as their depletion, import dependence and climatic changes due to carbon

    emissions. An approximate energy deficit of 11,436 MW which is equivalent to

    12.6% of peak demand in 2006 is being experienced as energy demand from various

    sectors is increasing substantially (Rao et al 2010).This energy generation gap can be

    met from RETs .The need for affordable, clean and renewable energy to enhance

    sustainable development has been reiterated recently by the world energy counciland the UN commission on sustainable development.

    Renewable energy, excluding large hydro projects already account for 9% of the

    total installed energy capacity, equivalent to 12,610MWof energy while along with

    large hydro, the capacity is more than 34%, i.e., 48,643 MW. The country has an

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    estimated renewable energy potential of around 85,000MW from commercially

    exploitable sources, i.e. wind, 45,000 MW; small hydro, 15,000MW and biomass/bio

    energy, 25,000 MW (Kumar et al 2010)

    Among all the renewable sources of energy, bio energy does not figure in most

    energy analyses as it is regarded chiefly as “non -commercial” energy (TERI). Butyet, biomass reportedly satisfies around 90 and 40% of rural and urban household’s

    energy needs. It has been traditional fuel source for direct combustion but this

    process produces pollutants such as dust, nitrogen and sulphur oxides.

    Biomass usage as a source of energy is of interest because it is renewable,

    sustainable and a relatively environment friendly source of energy. Basically, energy

    is obtained from biomass by capturing of the solar energy and carbon from the

    ambient CO2 in growing biomass, which is then converted to bio energy or is used

    directly as a source of heat and power. Biomass energy generation is regarded as one

    of the most cost effective as compared to other sources such as wind, hydro and solar

    energy as it involves the least per unit production cost and capital investment.(Rao et


    The bio energy potential from MSW, crop residue and agricultural waste, wastewater

    sludge, animal manure, industrial waste which includes distilleries, dairy plants, pulpand paper, poultry, slaughter houses, sugar industries is estimated to be around

    40,734 Mm3/year (Rao et al, 2010). Biomass can be converted into a variety of

    energy forms such as heat, steam, electricity, hydrogen, methane, ethanol and

    methanol. The efficiency rate of the various options differs in terms of energy net

    yield, water pollution, conversion efficiency; capital investment.

    Among the different biomass to energy conversion techniques, anaerobic digestion(AD) of municipal organic waste is an increasingly popular method for treatment of

    municipal organic waste to produce biogas for energy needs.Anaerobic biogas

    digestersare airtight reactorsin which organic wasteis decomposed and transformed

    into biogas. The remaining sludgecontains many nutrients and can be used in

    agriculture. It is also regarded as a sustainable solution for treating municipal solid

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    waste especially in developing nations where management of urban waste is a huge


    The organic/food component of MSW is normally dumped along with all other kinds

    of waste into landfills. This disposal method involves various drawbacks such asmethane emission into the atmosphere, land scarcity for landfill sites in urban areas,

    high costs of waste transportation and burial and groundwater contamination.

    The biogas produced from the AD process is considered as a renewable energy

    source because under controlled conditions the biogas produced (consisting mainly

    of methane and carbon dioxide) can be used for energy production, contributing to

    replace fossil fuels. It can be burnt directly to produce heat for heating and other


    The gas can also be used in CHP plants where heat can be supplied to public

    buildings, horticultural glasshouses, and small-scale industry.

    Another increasingly popular method is to upgrade biogas to produce pure methane

    that can be injected into gas grids for low-pressure provision of gas supply to the

    community or can be used as a vehicle fuel. Although this is undertaken at a large

    scale level, if this can be extended to the community or small scale enterprise level itwould greatly enhance its renewable energy potential.

    Biomass is gradually being considered as a competitive energy resource in policy

    circles as well. Market based incentives like tax benefits and institutional support

    like capacity building has encouraged development of newer technologies such

    large-scale adoption of gasification and combustion technologies for electricity

    generation using a variety of biomass. The bio energy sector in India is currently primarily driven by Government of India’s initiatives. Key governm ent ministries

    such as the MNRE and the MoEF have had a significant role in promoting bio


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    Anaerobic digestion has the potential to deliver uses in so many different ways and

    its application at a community and private enterprise level is still an area to be

    explored, hence this paper will attempt to gauge its potential as a renewable energy

    technology among commercial and institutional entities in urban areas of India.

    Since large private and public commercial institutions in the country are sources oflarge amounts of organic waste they are the most suited for adoption of AD


    Background and Rationale of the project

    Compared to most renewable energy technologies, biogas energy has higher climate

    change mitigation potential as its generation from organic wastes replaces methanethat would otherwise be dissipated from them into the atmosphere. Yet, biogas is

    also a renewable energy source that has high untapped potential, especially in a

    country like India and this is not addressed by current climate change policy.

    (Schmidt and Dabur , 2012)

    India’s national program on household biogas plants has been in inception since

    1982 and since then four million family size biogas digesters have been installed.

    (Tripathi, 2010). However, the potential other uses of biogas through the use of

    large-size plants (>100 m3 digester size) is something that has India has been late in

    exploring. Family size biogas plants allow for its use only as a fuel source for

    heating or cooking at the household level whereas medium and large size plants (100

    m3 capacity) can be a potential replacement for natural gas applications by using it in

    gas engines for electricity generation and also as a vehicle fuel. Although the

    government had undertaken several WTE projects, it has met with limited success or

    near failure. This is in contrast to several other countries such especially of Europethat have met with high success in diffusion of large scale biogas energy projects.

    (Poeschl et al, 2010).

    Renewable energy from biomass is one of the most efficient and effective options

    among the various other alternative sources of energy currently available as it

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    requires less capital investment and involves less per unit production costs as

    compared to other sources such as solar, wind and hydro power. (Rao et al, 2010)

    Yvonne Vogeli, Chris Zurbrugg (2008) state that AD of organic solid waste is a

    promising technology in developing countries with tropical climate and that biogas plants in urban areas have a great potential. Nguyen et al (2014) studied how

    Anaerobic digestion (AD) was introduced in Vietnam at a small scale and termed it a

    promising method to treat MSW in cities by analyzing the energy potential of food

    waste from urban areas

    Zurbrugg (2008) conducted an evaluation study of various biogas plants operating in

    market areas of South India to unveil the potential and challenges of dissemination of

    this potential energy source and treatment option for organic fraction of MSW. Heeb

    (2009) emphasized on the importance of providing dependable data on the real scale

    application of this technology in terms of technical, economic and operational


    Mueller (2007) points to how information on the status quo of low tech anaerobic

    digesters is lacking due to the fact that biomethantion of organic solid waste is an

    issue that has come up only in the recent past. Gebreegziabher et al (2014) havestudied the potential applications of biogas plants among the urban populations of

    South Africa and have identified critical conditions for its success. Pfeiffer and

    Mulder (2013) have analyzed the factors that accelerate the diffusion of NHRE

    technologies and found incentivizing economic and regulatory instruments, a

    favorable policy environment are contributing factors to this.

    The large scale adoption and diffusion of RETs are hindered by several barriers thatneed to be overcome. In order to analyze these, several frameworks have been

    devised and one of these is the ‘ Technological Innovation Systems’ (TIS) framework

    by Hekkert et al, that extends insights into how their diffusion can be augmented via

    policy measures. Using this framework, I propose to conduct a study on the barriers

    to expansion of biogas energy, specifically in relation to the application of

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    biomethanation technology through deployment of anaerobic digesters in the urban

    institutions such as housing societies, large kitchens, hotels, hostels, office

    complexes and market areas. Through this I intend to determine the prospects and

    challenges of deploying medium and large scale anaerobic digesters and scope for its


    Limitations of the study

    Deployment of anaerobic digesters in urban areas for treatment of organic waste and

    as a viable energy source is a very new concept and that is still picking up and

    awareness levels regarding this are low. Government records for the total installedcapacity of energy through biomethanation, both grid and off-grid is also very


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    Statement of the problem

    The study deals with scope and challenges of deployment of anaerobic digesters inurban areas. The specific sub objectives are:

    Examine the policy environment for promotion of biogas energy in India. Identify barriers to adoption of medium and large scale anaerobic digesters in

    urban areas. To suggest strategies for overcoming the identified barriers.


    Literature survey on major anaerobic digestion technologies in India andtheir successes and failures.

    Peruse policy documents on government incentives and schemes for bio

    energy- specifically in the context of biomethanation for organic wastes in

    urban areas. Sector Reports and research papers on biomethanation, its applicability and

    case studies of biomethanation projects set up in India and abroad. In-depth interviews with pre identified stakeholders that are responsible for

    spread of the technology, i.e. Entrepreneurs, Government officials, Technical

    experts, Industry Associations, and Potential Investors. Hence at the end of

    the interview process, the most significant barriers; to the scale up of this

    technology will be arrived at.

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    Anaerobic Digestion Technology

    Bi ochemical Pr ocess

    A biogas plant is a set-up device that converts fermentable organic matter into a

    combustible gas and matured organic manure. It works on the process of anaerobic

    decomposition/digestion whereby in the absence of air, the organic waste/ feed stock

    is subjected to microbial decomposition yielding methane, carbon dioxide and water.

    Although this process was known to occur naturally in the environment, it has been

    developed further by science in the past hundred years as a sustainable source of

    energy and of plant nutrients. Thus, modern day anaerobic digestion in a anaerobic

    digester/biogas plant may be defined as the engineered methanogenic anaerobic

    decomposition of organic matter (Khoiyangbam et al, 2011). Thus, it is the

    consequence of successive metabolic interactions between various groups of

    microorganisms which can be categorized into three stages:

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    Table 1: Stages in Anaerobic digestion process

    Stage Process Description Conversions/Principal products

    Hydrolysis/liquefaction First group of fermentive bacteria secretes enzymes,

    which converts the organic

    matter into a simpler form

    such as cellulose into sugars

    and amino acids.

    Lipids→ Fatty AcidsPolysaccharides→ Monosaccharides

    Protein→ Amino Acid

    Acidogenesis Product of first stage utilized

    by acetogenic bacteria intoorganic acids, higher volatile

    fatty acids and hydrogen.

    Acetic acid (CH3COOH),

    Propionic acid (CH3CH2COOH),Butyric acid (CH3CH2CH2COOH

    Ethanol (C2H5OH).

    Methanogenesis The third group of

    methanogenic bacteria finally

    converts H2, CO2, and

    acetate, to methane (CH4).

    CH3COOH→ CH4 + CO2

    (acetic acid) (methane

    (carbon dioxide)

    2C2H5OH + CO2 →



    CO2 + 4H2→ CH4 + 2H2O

    (hydrogen) (water)

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    F eedstock

    A biogas system works with many types of feedstock that is of organic material

    including sewage, manure, forestry waste, agricultural waste. This study will beconcentrating on the organic fraction of waste from residential, commercial and

    industrial sources in urban areas as a feedstock for AD. Examples of this include:

    food wastes from homes, businesses, market areas and food processing companies

    that are dumped in landfills and horticultural waste such as grass, leaves and grass

    clippings which are generally composted or sent to landfills

    Biogas utilization

    Storage The variance of the production and consumption hours and also the point of

    production and consumption make for the need of different gas storage mechanisms

    for the use of biogas. The different options are: High pressure tanks (200-300 bar): These require high technological input

    and investment and common uses are as a tractor fuel. Medium pressure gas tanks (10-20 bar): Special safety measures need to be

    taken in this range and their benefits include its relatively small magnitude. Low Pressure holders wet or dry type (up to 50 mbar): Most gas used for

    storage in biogas systems are of the low pressure type such as those of

    community based biogas plants. The main types are: water sealed

    membranous, gas cushions.

    Since gas holders are relatively expensive, simpler methods used for storage such as

    the gas balloon-a self sealing plastic bag- and a gas tight plastic bell. Gas stored in

    bags need to be maintained at a constant pressure and safety measures to guard

    against flaming.

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    BottlingThe limiting factors in bottling biogas include its high cost that is similar to LPG.

    (Khoiyangbam et al, 2011). Also biogas has a high critical pressure and temperature

    i.e. maximum pressure/temperature at which a compound can exist as a liquid (46

    atmospheres and -82.5 degree C respectively). This factor can significantly increasethe cost of a pipeline.

    DistributionThe layout of the distribution system will depend on the distance between the

    digester and different points of consumption. In community biogas plants, the

    delivery pressure decreases with distance. When it exceeds 2 km, it often needs

    booster pumps to support a stable flame. Pipes are generally made of GI, Polyvinyl

    Chloride (PVC) or high density polyethylene (HDP) plastic.

    UtilizationBiogas can be used as a fuel in the kitchen, for lighting or for operating internal

    combustion engines. If available in sufficient quantities, it can also be used as a fuel

    source by small scale industries.


    It can serve as a clean and efficient fuel source for cooking through biogas burners.

    Gas consumption for cooking and lighting is 0.34-0.41 m3/capita/day and 0.15

    m3/h/100 candle power respectively. Thus a family of six members uses

    approximately 2.9 m3/day of biogas. (Khoiyangbam et al, 2011).


    It is also a clean source of home lighting. Biogas lamps are similar to burners with

    the addition of a mantle. Low gas pressure means a lower light intensity but high

    pressure can cause lower life of the mantle. Electric lighting can also be provided

    through biogas generated power and it consumes less gas but biogas lamps and isalso brighter and more reliable. But gas lamps are much cheaper in terms of cost per

    delivered candle power. Roughly 0.13 m3/h is needed to light a gas lamp and a little

    lesser for electric lighting.

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    Working of Engine

    Both stationary and mobile engines can be run by that can supply motive power and

    pump water, drive machinery or generate electricity. It can be used as a fuel for bothspark ignition engines (petrol) and compressed ignition engines (diesel).It can also

    run on all types of stationary diesel engines as a dual-fuel system with 80% biogas

    usage. While petrol engines can be run on 100% biogas. Advantages of using biogas

    in fuel engines include clean combustion (as it is a clean fuel) and lesser engine oil

    contamination. 245 liters of gas is required per horsepower per hour for an average

    engine. For a 5 HP engine, 18 m3 of the gas is required per day. Larger engines have

    greater conversion efficiencies. (Khoiyangbam et al, 2011).


    Biogas offers a first-rate starting for vehicles in comparison to petrol which needs

    vaporization first. Less air pollution is also created. But one of the biggest problems

    is the limited amount of biogas that can be carried in cylinders of biogas driven

    vehicles. Biogas for vehicular use also needs to be freed from carbon dioxide and

    compressed into high pressure engines.

    Biogas as an energy source

    Biogas produced through anaerobic digestion has the following composition:

    Table 2: Composition and energy value of biogas (Khoiyangbam et al, 2011).

    Property Methane Carbon




    H2 Biogas

    % by


    54-80% 20-45% 1/10 0.0-10 100




    9.0 - - 2.9 5.4

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    Table 4: Cost comparison to other sources of power (Ravindranath and Balachandra,2009)

    Table 5 : Cost comparison to kerosene stove (Ravindranath and Balachandra, 2009)

    Benefits of Anaerobic Digestion The prime benefits of anaerobic digestion of MSW are to divert waste away from

    landfills and mitigation of climate change while energy production is an added,

    secondary benefit that enhances the attractiveness of this technology. These are as

    elaborated below:

    MSW M anagement

    The total MSW generated in urban India currently is estimated to be 68.8 million

    tons per year (TPY), which is a 50% increase in MSW generated since 2001. This is

    projected to increase to 160.5 million TPY by 2041 at the current rate of economic

    expansion. Of this MSW generated, 51% is composed of organics, 17.5% recyclables

    (paper, plastic, metal, glass) and 31% of inert material. Its calorific value is 7.3

    MJ/kg (1745 kcal/kg) (Annepu, 2012). Most of the waste collected is disposed on

    open lands or unsanitary landfills. Many municipalities have not yet identified

    Total Life Cycle Cost (Rs/


    Unit cost of energy (Rs/


    Biogas + diesel 183170 (4482) 5.15 (0.126)

    Diesel 523140 (12800) 14.44 (0.353)

    Grid electricity (coal


    174310 (4265) 3.25 (0.80)

    Total Life Cycle Cost (Rs/

    GJ of heat output)

    Unit cost of energy (Rs/GJ

    of heat output)

    Biogas plant stoves 2469.7 (60.43) 272.07(6.66)

    Kerosene stove 1743.1(42.65) 459.82 (11.25)

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    landfill sites in accordance with MSW rules 2000 or have exhausted the space in

    existing landfills and do not have more space to acquire additional land. Such a strain

    on land and lack of space distorts MSW collection efficiency. Unsanitary land

    filling pollutes surface and ground water and causes greenhouse gas emissions. Pests

    and other vectors feeding on this waste are a cause for disease. Inhalation of bioaerosols and of smoke and fumes produced by open burning of waste are also a cause

    of public health problems. By diverting the organic wastes to separate facilities,

    considerable and scarce land area is saved while also reducing the problem of odor

    and air, water and soil pollution.

    Climate Change M iti gation

    Lack of oxygen or near anoxic conditions in landfills produce methane through

    anaerobic digestion of the organic waste. Due to these anaerobic reactions, landfills

    emit methane while they are in use and even several years after their closure.

    Methane has 21 times more global warming potential from CO2 and causes global

    warming if released into the atmosphere. Solid waste management is the third largest

    emitter of anthropogenic methane in the world (3% of global GHG emissions).In

    India it is the second largest and the largest among those activities that do not have

    any economic value addition (6% of 2.4 Giga tons of CO2 equivalents generated by

    India) (Annepu, 2012). An insignificant portion of methane emissions from landfills

    is presently captured and the rest is discharged into the atmosphere; thus the potentialof capturing this from these sites for control of GHG and averting climate change is

    huge. In other words, by implementing AD technology at the full scale waste-to-

    energy capacity, emissions from landfill waste can be mitigated in a major way.

    Decentral ized Vs Central ized waste Treatment

    The centralized arrangements of managing waste include using landfill sites,developing future sites, waste-to-energy plants and centralized large waste-to-

    compost facilities. All these options have some significant drawbacks: They do not differentiate between the waste compositions arising out of

    various localities within a city.

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    They often capital and land intensive. It is projected that the land

    requirements for disposing MSW will rise to 1400 sq km by 2047 (Annepu,

    2012). Diverting such an amount of space in land scarce urban areas will

    represent high opportunity costs.

    Centralized arrangements do not leave scope for community involvement

    (through segregation, recycling etc) and its resulting innovations. Informal

    waste pickers and recyclers may be denied access to recyclables in the waste

    stream in centralized systems (such as incineration) and hence it represents a

    threat to their livelihoods. (G Asher and Gandhi, 2008)

    These arrangements may be viewed as just shifting the problem from wastesource to the disposal sites. It also means high transportation costs for

    moving wastes to the disposal sites.

    Decentralized community-based waste management arrangements such as anaerobic

    digestion technology do not have these drawbacks as they treat waste close to the

    place of origin and they also encourage civic responsibility, community involvement

    and innovations.

    Limitations of AD

    En vironmental Sensitivi ties

    The anaerobic digestion process can be said to be inefficient as the bacteria in

    anaerobic digestion are not as good as their aerobic counterparts in extracting energy.

    The anaerobic bacteria are able to access only 5-10% of the energy contained in the

    methane for use to grow as opposed to 50% for the corresponding aerobic process

    (Stuart,n.d). Due to this, they are slower to grow and more vulnerable to changingconditions. It is thus very essential to maintain a suitable environment in the digester.

    Some of the parameters that need to be carefully controlled for optimum

    performance of the process are: PH: The ph of the digester should be kept neutral.

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    effectively handle a plant. This expertise may be found to be lacking in developing

    countries and training or employing qualified people may form a large part of the

    initial capital costs.

    H ydrogen Sul phide Production

    Sulphur present in organic wastes causes the production of hydrogen sulphide in the

    digestion process which can then become a part of the biogas. Hydrogen sulphide is

    a highly corrosive substance that can adversely affect the plant components such as

    the walls of the digester.

    H eavy M etals

    The feedstock may very often contain certain heavy metals or POPs. Thus it has to

    be ensured that the waste fed into the digester has undergone proper segregation as

    these heavy metals cannot be broken down in the digestion process.

    Economic Viabili ty

    Anaerobic digestion as a commercial level technology is still in a phase of

    development and may not yet be viable purely as a source of renewable energy.Other benefits derived from the process such as proceeds from sale of organic

    fertilizer, savings on chemical fertilizer, optimum inorganic nutrient recycle etc must

    be made use of for financial viability of setting up and running the plant.

    AD technology around the world 3.6.1 Eu rope

    Europe has been a world leader in adoption of Anaerobic Digestion of municipalsolid waste since the introduction of the technology in the 1990s. Almost 200

    biomethanation plants for MSW were in operation up to 2010, spread over 17

    countries with a total waste treatment capacity of 6 million TPY. Germany is the

    world leader in this sphere with more than 1.7 million TPY of installed capacity

    followed by Spain (1.5 million TPY) and France (80,000 TPY). Spain, Belgium,

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    Holland, Switzerland, and Germany are among the larger European countries having

    the highest per capita anaerobic digestion capacities. About 10% of organic waste in

    Spain is treated in Anaerobic Digesters. In 2009, the biogas production of EU

    countries (25) was equivalent to 16.692 billion m3 biogas, of them 35.96% from

    landfill, 12% from municipal and industrial sludge anaerobic digestion and 52%from scattered farm, municipal solid waste and centralized co-fermentation biogas


    During 2006-2009 EU biogas production has increased by 70.37%mainly

    benefited from the increased agricultural biogas projects and municipal solid waste

    biogas projects. The drivers underlying this growth include: Firstly a series of

    landmark directives such as The Landfill Directive 1999 that set targets for

    progressively reducing the waste going to landfills. The Renewable Energy Directive2001 also sets targets for EU member states for the amount of electricity to be

    generated from renewable. Secondly this technique became popular in comparison to

    others such as incineration, pyrolisis, gasification due to poor public acceptance,

    high development costs. Also, source separation and segregation of the organic

    fraction of solid waste is a practice actively practiced and encouraged in these



    Biogas recovery is mainly through landfill wastes here. The UK Green Certification

    System (Renewable Obligation Certification System) requiring increased renewable

    energy power generation from all power suppliers greatly pushed forward investment

    in biogas power. The biomass power generation was 6,143 GW/h as of 2009

    accounting for 24.7% of renewable power generation, second only to wind power.

    The government also provides support for R&D, demonstration projects for grid

    power generation from biogas. Strict landfill taxes and standards have also beenimposed, increasing the cost of waste disposal.


    Germany has the largest installed capacity with over 4,000 biogas plants 1.5 GW of

    biogas based electricity. The average electrical capacity of each plant is 400-800 kW.

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    Most of the plants are of large scale capacity for treatment of farm waste, MSW, or

    organic industrial waste. Biogas thus is a important source of generating electricity

    or for space heating. The driving forces are mainly preferential policies and

    incentives. The promulgation of “Grid Integration of Power” in 1990, and the

    “Renewable Energy Act” in 2000 and support programmes for biogas powergeneration created a conducive environment for all types of biogas projects from

    small farm based digesters to large scale industrial projects while also increasing

    income potential from grid based power generation.


    Biomethanation has been receiving support here ever since the ‘Great Leap Forward’

    movement in the1950’s.Tthe energy crisis of the 70’s also gave a renewed push with

    a phenomenal increase from less than a million to 7 million plants in a decade. China

    today has the maximum number of individual biogas plants and world’s largest

    biogas programme. Main feedstock is animal waste followed by crop residues and

    vegetable wastes. While gas from the smaller sized plants are used for lighting and

    cooking, the larger ones are used for electricity, powering agricultural machinery and

    pumping irrigation water. In urban areas it is run by distilleries, waste disposal and

    night soil treatment units.

    More than 25 million Chinese households have biogas plants installed. 2492medium and large scale digesters were installed in poultry and livestock farms. The

    substantial subsidy offered by the government explains the widespread use of this

    technology. Their renewable energy support programme has five basic components-

    market development and protection, technical support, price support and cost

    sharing, financial support and resource utilization. This programme encompasses

    support to biogas energy also. Various measures have been taken to promote

    manufacturing of biogas plants on an industrial level. Several private companies arecoming up with innovative designs to bring down costs, simplify construction and

    minimize technical defects.

    Mianzhu city treats 98% of municipal sewage through digesters with a total capacity

    of 10,000 m 3 . This treated water even reaches national discharge standards. One of

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    the largest alcohol factories, Hongzhi Alcohol Corporation has commercialized a

    service to treat industrial wastewater and sewage through AD and it is demanded for

    by industry and households alike. It has also set up a large biogas plant capable of

    producing 7 million kilowatts of electricity an hour.


    Here too, the landfill reduction policies of the government and Sydney city planners

    lead to the construction of a 170,000 MT/y (187,000 tons/y) AD facility in 2003 with

    2.2 MW of electrical generating capacity. A 35,000 MT/y (38,500 tons/y) wet

    digestion facility built also began digesting commercial waste and wastewater

    treatment sludge in Sydney in 2003. Waste- to- Gas Plants are also being set up in

    many parts of Western Australia such as Perth and Pilbara.

    Various organizations and mechanisms exist in order to provide grants for biogas

    plant construction, such as Low Carbon Australia, Clean Energy Finance

    Corporation and the Australian government’s Clean Technology Investment

    Program. The Carbon Pricing Mechanism of the government aimed at the largest

    polluters also targeted landfills that have net GHG emissions.


    They have also shown a keen interest in biomethanation following the energy crisis

    of the 70’s. Domestic sector is the primary consumer of energy in Nepal and

    according to estimates there are 27.7 million tones of cattle waste generated per year

    that can be used to meet the fuel needs of over 4,00,000 households. It is also viewed

    here as a solution to the increasing deforestation problem and as a source offertilizer. Feedstock for the plants is mainly cattle dung and under the aegis of the

    Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Co-operatives and the private sector,

    thousands of biogas plants have been installed in all districts, and this is the outcome

    of planned support programmes and incentives. Operational scale of these plants are

    also good, with 85-90% of them functional.

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    Status of AD technology in India

    The process of anaerobic digestion has been practiced for decades in developingcountries. The first anaerobic digestion plant in Asia for generating methane from

    organic waste was installed at Matinga Leper Asylum in Mumbai in1897. Like most

    developing countries, India’s biogas support programmes were focused on family

    sized digesters for rural families with cattle where animal manure and human faeces

    could be used as feedstock in order to provide people with biogas for cooking,

    reduce firewood consumption and deforestation and indoor air pollution and improve

    soil fertility. The process of penetration of family sized digesters began with theimplementation of the National Project on Biogas Development in 1981 now

    renamed as the National Biogas and Manure Management Programme.

    After more than 25 years of putting into practice and technical improvements, biogas

    technology is still being explored as a reliable renewable energy source and a

    replacement to fossil fuels.Today, India has approximately 4 million installed AD

    systems, most of them of family size.

    While centralized high-technology plants for anaerobic digestion of organic waste is

    well established in developed nations, appropriate low-technology options are still

    lacking in developing nations (Vogelli et al 2014) .Thus, anaerobic digestion as a

    waste treatment alternative for urban settings, primarily processing kitchen or market

    waste, still plays a minor role and thus there is little available data on the spread of

    this technology, technical, operational and financial feasibility.

    Biomethanation of organic municipal wastes as a centralized treatment option beganto be implemented in many cities in India from the 1990s along with other waste to

    energy technologies. The current installed capacity of biogas based power systems in

    India are as shown:

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    Table 6: Installed capacity of waste to energy and biogas based power systems





    Waste to Power 20.00 8.50 115.08



    Waste to Energy 10.00 21.78 154.47

    Biogas Based EnergySystem

    0.00 0.30 0.47

    Table 7 : Statewide Installed capacity of power from waste to energy

    States/UTs Waste to Energy (As on

    31.03.2010) in MW

    Waste to Energy (As on

    31.03.2011) in MW

    Andhra Pradesh 4.95 6.55Gujarat 8.4 10.79

    Karnataka 3 3



    0.1 0.11

    Maharashtra 5.11 6.81

    Orrisa 0.02 0.02

    Punjab 1.58 1.81

    Tamil Nadu 4.73 6.14

    Uttar Pradesh 17.31 24.91

    Uttarakhand 1.52 3.07

    Total 46.72 70.54

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    Implementation strategies for biomethanation in India

    I nstituti onal arr angement

    Clean energy development is a priority area of the Indian Government. The Ministry

    of Renewable Energy is the primary agency involved in developing alternativeenergy based technologies. The Ministry’s programs are implemented through the

    respective state renewable energy agencies and state nodal departments.

    An advisory committee on R&D assesses proposals from industry, researchers and

    entrepreneurs. It also provides funding to various research institutions with the aim

    of reducing costs and improving efficiency and reliability of the systems.

    Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) is the financial wing of

    the MNRE which provides subsidized financing for projects in the sector so as to

    promote its accelerated use and market development through commercialization. It

    also attracts funds from various multilateral agencies..

    Programme formulation and implementation

    Dissemination of medium and large size biogas plants are being taken up through

    various schemes such as:

    Programme on Energy Recovery from Urban and Industrial Wastes

    An MNRE Programme set up in 1995 with the following objectives:

    To promote set up of projects for recovery of energy from wastes in the

    Urban and Industrial sectors. Creation of conducive environment for development and dissemination of

    energy recovery from waste through appropriate fiscal and financial regimes. Development and demonstration of new technologies for energy recovery

    from wastes through R&D projects and set up of pilot plants.

    This scheme is implemented through state nodal agencies and is applicable to private

    and public entrepreneurs and organizations and non-governmental organizations for

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    setting up of waste to energy projects on the basis of BOO,BOOT, BOT and BOLT



    Projects for energy recovery from Municipal Solid Wastes with an

    aggregate capacity of 17.6 MW at Hyderabad, Vijayawada and

    Lucknow. 1 MW project based on cattle manure at Haebowal, Ludhiana; 0.5 MW project for generation of power from biogas at sewage

    treatment plant at Surat. 150 kW plant for vegetable market and slaughterhouse wastes at

    Vijayawada. 65 projects for biomethanation of industrial wastes with a total

    capacity of 86 MW

    Accelerated Programme on Energy Recovery fr om Ur ban Wastes

    An MNRE project set up in 2005 (still in force) with the following objectives: Acceleration of promotion of projects set up in the waste to energy sphere

    Creation of conducive environment for development and dissemination ofenergy recovery from waste through appropriate fiscal and financial regimes.

    Harnessing the available potential of MSW- to- energy by the Year 2017.

    Project Development Assistance of Rs 10 lakh per project can be provided for this

    activity involving the following:

    Analysis of MSW and assessment of quantity

    Identification of project site Preparation of MSW collection and transportation plan Finalization of tie-up with the ULBs for land lease and supply of waste Finalisation of power purchase agreement Development of a bankable project with Feasibility Report and the DPR Preparation of the bid document for inviting bids for viability gap funding;

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    Firming up of means of project finance Assistance in entire process of bidding Obtaining all statutory clearances for the projects Providing assistance and supervision during execution and commissioning

    Demonstration of Integrated Technology Package on Biogas Fertilizer Plants

    (BGFP) for Generation, Purification/Enrichment, Bottling and Piped

    Distribution of Biogas.

    It is a ministry initiative that aims to demonstrate an Integrated Technology-

    package for entrepreneurs who set up biogas-fertilizer plants (BGFP) ofmedium size. The biogas generated may be purified/enriched, bottled or

    distributed through pipes. Such plants may be used to meet requirements for

    stationary and motive power, cooling, refrigeration and electricity needs in

    addition to cooking and heating requirements.Central financial assistance will

    be provided for projects in an entrepreneurial made established under a

    BOOT basis.

    F in ancial assistanceBi ogas based distr ibuted /Gri d power generation programme: Centr al f in ancial


    Table 8: Financial Assistance for grid power generation from biogas

    Power Generating Capacity CFA limited to the ceiling or

    40% of the cost of the system

    3-20KW 40,000 per kW

    >20 kW to 100 kW 35,000 per kW

    >100 W to 250 kW 30,000 per kW

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    1,100-5000 40%

    5,100-10,000 35%

    10,100-20,000 and above 30%

    Policy makin g and planni ng

    El ectri city actBiomass based power systems come under the purview of the Electricity Act.

    National Electricity Policy (2005) and the Integrated Energy Policy (2005) provided

    the required enabling environment for the promotion of electrification to the entire

    country.Some of the provisions contained in this act for promotion of renewable energy

    projects including biogas based projects are given below: Open access to grid Preferential tariffs by State Electricity Regulatory Commissions Targets for Renewable Energy power Captive generation decontrolled

    The National Electricity Policy and the Integrated Energy Policy support

    decentralized distributed generation facilities (either conventional or non-

    conventional methods of electricity generation, whichever is more suitable and

    economical) together with a local distribution network, wherever grid-based

    electrification is not feasible.

    The M un icipal Soli d Wastes (M anagement and H andli ng) Rul es, 2000

    The Ministry has issued the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling)

    Rules, 2000, which provides for collection, storage, segregation, transportation,

    processing and disposal of solid wastes. The Rules state that all urban local bodies

    are responsible for the municipal solid waste in its respective municipality whereas,

    the Department of Urban Development in the State has overall responsibility for

    enforcement of these rules in metropolitan cities.

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    It mandates that land filling should be restricted to non-biodegradable and inert

    waste which is neither suitable for recycling nor for biological processing. Land

    filling shall be carried out for residues of waste processing facilities as well as pre-

    processing rejects from waste processing facilities. Landfilling of mixed waste shall

    be avoided unless the same is found unsuitable for waste processing. These Rulesfurther stipulate that all biodegradable waste such as waste from slaughter houses,

    meat, fish and vegetables, shall not be land filled but be treated appropriately and

    used. These Rules however do not specify the end use of the treated bio waste nor

    the technology to be used.

    The MSW rules (2000) define municipal solid waste as commercial and residential

    waste generated in municipal or notified areas in either solid or semi-solid form

    excluding industrial hazardous waste; e-waste and including treated bio-medical



    62 million tonnes of waste are estimated to be generated annually by the current

    number of 377 million people residing in urban areas. Of this, the municipal

    authorities dump more than 80% at dump yards in unhygienic conditions leading to

    health and environmental problems. CPCB estimates suggest that only 68% of the

    waste generated in the country is collected of which 28% is treated. This means that

    a mere 19% of waste generated in the country is treated. Besides other methods of

    generating energy from this waste, there is an untapped potential of generating 1.3

    million cubic meter of biogas per day which translates into 72 MW of electricity.

    “The existing policies, p rogrammes and management structure do not adequately

    address the imminent challenge of managing this waste which is projected to be 165million tonnes by 2031 and 436 million tonnes by 2050 (Planning commission

    2014)”. MSW management is a challenge from the organizational, technological and

    economic point of view. Urban waste management must address the concerns of

    public health and environmental safety before anything else. Also proposed solutions

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    to MSW management have to meet the criteria of financial viability and community

    and institutional acceptance.

    A major fraction of urban MSW in India is organic matter (51%). Recyclables are

    17.5 % of the MSW and the rest 31% is inert waste. The average calorific value ofurban MSW is 7.3 MJ/kg (1,751 Kcal/kg) and the average moisture content is 47%

    (Annepu, 2012) .The large fraction of organic matter in the waste makes it suitable

    for aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Significant recyclables percentage after informal

    recycling suggests that efficiency of existing systems should be increased. Recycling

    and composting efficiency are greatly reduced due to the general absence of source

    separation. Absence of source separation also strikes centralized aerobic or anaerobic

    digestion processes off the list.

    Table 11: Population growth and impact on overall waste generation

    Year Population


    Per Capita waste generation


    Total waste


    Thousand tons/year

    2001 197,3 439 3163

    2011 260,1 498 473

    2021 342,8 569 7115

    2031 451,8 649 10701

    2036 518,6 693 13124

    2041 595,4 741 16096

    Other than anaerobic digestion, there are various techniques for converting the

    organic component of waste into energy, such as WTE combustion and RDF.

    Table 12: The potential of energy generation from MSW

    Period MSW Generated




    Potential (MW)

    2002 97.174 1.638

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    2007 130.927 2.266

    2012 189.986 3.276

    2017 265.834 4.566

    Key drivers for Waste to Energy Projects

    Globally, there is a rising interest in waste to energy projects (of which bio

    methanation is one of the preferred technologies) due to advancement in technology

    and growing environmental regulations.

    Though waste to energy applications is relatively nascent in India, it has enormous

    potential as an energy source, business opportunity and a sustainable wastemanagement option. The enabling policy environment as well as the benefits of the

    project forms some of the drivers of waste to energy

    I ncreasin g Quanti ty of Waste materi al

    The rise in quantity of waste generated ,projected to increase to 160.5 million TPY

    by 2041, fuelled by rise in economic growth, gross domestic product, and consumer

    spending has necessitated the need for better management of waste, in the form of

    alternative methods of waste treatment such as biomethanation.

    Declin in g space for landfi ll s

    Land space is increasingly scarce in metropolitan areas and finding space for

    landfill sites will become a problem. Also, due to political and community demands

    or expiry of the lifetime of current landfills, existing landfill sites are under pressure

    to be closed down

    En ergy Avail abili ty: Demand and Supply Gap

    Projects is one option that can help decrease this gap and reduce dependence on

    fossil fuel based energy sources or grid based supply.The price volatility being

    observed in the prices of natural gas or fossil fuel has forced countries to focus on

    renewable energy options.

    Policy Envir onment

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    In order to control urban pollution the government has introduces regulations and

    norms for industrial pollution control as well as for management of municipal solid

    waste and these are to be implemented by the central and state pollution control

    boards. Also, India’s participation in international conventions such as the UNFCC

    has brought attention towards the rise in carbon emissions at present and projectedfor India.

    F in ancial Support

    Due to the capital intensive nature of Waste to Energy projects, they can be

    designed, set up and/or operated by a private entrepreneurs/firms,

    industry/institution, municipal corporation, urban local body or by a waste

    management service provider either on commission basis or on BOOT basis.

    The range of incentives include subsidies on interest rates and capital costs for

    demonstration projects, 100% accelerated depreciation and sales and excise taxes

    exemption .Many government as well as private agencies provide financial

    assistance for these: Ministries like MNRE and MoEF, financial institutions like

    IREDA, NABARD, state financial corporations and commercial banks. International

    agencies such as the World Bank, UNDP, IFC, and ADB also sponsor waste-to-

    energy projects.

    Parti cipation of pri vate companies

    Currently, private sector firms are the only players in the waste to energy market.Given the right subsidies, incentives and support by government, municipalities and

    civil society; they have the potential to fuel the market growth in this sphere.

    Other Economic Benefi ts

    Industrial Waste to Energy conversion have the opportunity to be developed in the

    CDM space that would yield incentives such as higher return on investment and

    lower payback period.

    Case studiesIn this section an attempt has been made to study and analyze some of the live

    examples of solid waste management through anaerobic digestion using small to

    medium size biogas plants

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    Soli d Waste Management of M arket Waste Usin g An aerobic Digestion in

    Thir uvananth apuram, Kerala (H eeb, 2009)

    To comply with the Municipal Solid Waste (Handling and Management) Rules 2000

    many urban local bodies decided to treat their organic waste in bio gas plants and use

    the biogas produced for various socially useful purposes.The Sreekaryam Grama Municipality in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala is

    one such local body which decided to treat the organic waste generated in the

    municipality in a bio gas plant. The Sreekaryam biogas plant has been constructed to

    primarily treat the bio waste generated by the local fish market which is one of the

    biggest fish markets of Thiruvananthapuram. Therefore, the feedstock basically

    consists of fish waste, although occasionally some small quantities of vegetable and

    fruit waste are also added.

    Gas Production

    While the digester feeding capacity of the Sreekaryam bio gas plant is 250 kg/day,

    the actual average load is 85.5 kg/day.

    Table 13: Gas Production and quality

    Parameter Average Value

    Daily gas production(cu.m/d) 4.97

    Average CH4 content (%) 66.8

    Average CO2 content (%) 27.4

    Utilization of Biogas

    The biogas that is produced in the Sreekaryam fish market plant is first scrubbed to

    get rid of the Hydrogen Sulphide by dissolving it water and oxidizing it. After

    scrubbing the gas it is used in a custom-made 5kW bio gas generator to produceelectricity to light up the fish market and the surrounding areas. However, since the

    average daily gas production is higher than the requirement for electricity

    production, the excess gas is sometimes flared.

    Quality of Effluents

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    The effluent of the Sreekaryam fish market biogas plant is a dark and homogenous

    liquid. The total nitrogen, ammonium, total phosphorous and ortho-phosphate values

    of the effluent are high. Furthermore, the ammonia smell could negatively affect

    general acceptance of the biogas plant.

    One of the drawbacks of the Sreekaryam fish market biogas plant is that the effluentof its digester is not used as fertilizer. It is pumped into the storage tank and is used

    to flush the feedstock into the digester. The excess slurry is discharged from the

    effluent tank into the municipal drain.

    Socio-economic Aspects

    The cost of construction, operation and maintenance of a biogas plant of this size for

    disposal of bio waste by a municipality is tabulated below:-

    Table 14: Costs of plant operation

    Investment Cost in Rs.

    Material 600 000

    Labor 900 000

    Total 1500000

    Operational & Maintenance Costs

    Annual Operational Expenses 112 500

    Annual Maintenance Contract 75000-112500

    It may be seen from the figures above that the initial investment required for such a

    plant is quite substantial. More importantly, the annual costs for operation and

    maintenance add up to 15% of the investment costs.


    While this type of biogas plant may be ideal for processing of bio waste of a market

    like the Sreekaryam fish market, there are some technical challenges like the high proportion of nitrogen in fish waste which need to be addressed. Some of the counter

    measures that can be adopted are:- Adding fresh water to the feedstock/slurry. Adding more high carbon waste such as vegetable and fruit waste

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    The feedstock that is being used in these prison biogas pants is human faeces and

    limited quantities of kitchen waste. It has been estimated that the average daily

    output of human waste per adult person in Nepal is approximately 0.4 kg and 1.5 L

    of urine (Karki et al., 2005). The average use of water for cleaning, flushing and

    washing of toilets is about 2 to 4L per person per day. It was estimated that the totalfeedstock, excluding kitchen waste, produced in a prison with about 100 prisoners is

    approximately 520L and the active slurry volume, in the digester with a capacity of

    10 cubic meters, is about 7500L.

    Quality and Quanti ty of Gas

    While the gas production in digester varied according to the quality and quantity of

    the feedstock, it was observed that the average gas production in a digester using

    only human waste as feedstock was approximately 30L per person per day. When the

    quality of the feedstock was improved by adding kitchen waste, the gas production

    increased substantially to approximately 60L per person per day. The methane (CH4)

    content of the gas varied from 57% to 78% and the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) content

    varied from 17% to 34%.

    Uti li zation of Gas

    The biogas that was produced in the prison plants was utilized for regulated

    community cooking and unregulated individual cooking. The use of biogas for

    cooking effected substantial savings on the purchase of conventional fuel for


    EffluentsAnalysis of the effluents revealed that it had acceptable concentration of E. Coli and

    little or no presence of helminth eggs. Therefore the effluents are fit for restricted

    irrigation as per WHO guidelines. However the effluents are not bing used as

    fertilizer due to local circumstances and psychological barriers.

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    Socio-economic Aspects

    As the economic benefit of using biogas is directly related to the volume and

    quality of biogas produced, it was determined that in prisons where kitchen waste

    was added to the feedstock, the saving effected on the expenditure on conventional

    cooking fuels was 41%. In other jails, where only human waste was used asfeedstock, the saving effected was between 17% and 22%. Thus, depending on the

    quality of feedstock, the number of prisoners and the number of biogas plants in a

    prison, the plants can pay back the cost of installation in 2 to 5 years time.

    With regard to the social aspects, it was seen that a overwhelming majority of the

    prisoners supported the installation of biogas plants in prisons as it improved the

    living conditions by reducing the smoke in the kitchen and by improving the

    hygienic conditions. However, there was some skepticism regarding use of human

    waste to make cooking fuel. It was feared that the taste of food cooked with biogas

    may be poor and that some diseases may be transmitted through food cooked using

    biogas. These apprehensions, however, were short lived and soon there was wide-

    ranging acceptance of “biogas food” among inmates of Nepalese prisons.


    The experiment of installing biogas plants in Nepalese prisons to utilize human and

    kitchen waste to produce cooking fuel has been undoubtedly a success story that can be replicated in institutional facilities in other developing countries.

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    Based on the above criteria, biomethanation technology for organic solid wastes

    based on medium and large scale anaerobic digesters can be said to be at a take-off

    phase of development.

    Interview procedure


    Expert interviewees were selected for a balanced sample of various actors in the TIS

    system and these insights were used for an overview of the status of medium and

    large scale biomethanation of MSW in India.

    Table 16: Interviewee Sample

    Interviewee Type Details Number of interviews

    Entrepreneur Manager of a large waste

    to energy company.


    Government Official Official at IREDA 1

    Academician Professors at Research

    Institutions who areexperts in the field of bio -



    Independent Consultant Honorary Chairman of an

    Industrial association for



    Potential Investor DGM, Catering at IRCTC 1

    Data coll ection

    A semi structured data questionnaire format was chosen, which contained various

    key pointers to be enquired from all categories of actors/interviewees.The

    questionnaire was designed such that questions relevant to each function category in

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    the TIS literature would be answered. All interviews were conducted personally ,

    through face-to-face communication, phone or via e-mail.

    Data anal ysis

    The interview notes were transcribed and key takeaways from each are detailed in

    the next section in accordance with the TIS function categories, according to their



    F 1 En trepreneur ial Activities: Entrepreneurial activities are relevant because their

    activities aim to prove the usefulness of any innovation or technology, its

    commercial and technical viability, i.e through new models, demonstration projects

    or through business ventures.

    Key Takeaways: All the interviewees admitted that entrepreneurial activity in the bio

    methanation sector is still very limited. For industrial wastes such as those generated

    in sugar and distillery industries and for wastewater, deployment of anaerobic

    digesters anaerobic digesters is an established practice. But bio methanation for

    SWM is still a new and emerging concept (Independent Consultant). There is also a

    need for more industry academia co-ordination in this regard (Academician).Overall, “The potential of medium and large scale biogas plants particular in urban

    and industrial areas is by far underdeveloped despite the fact that biogas holds

    particular importance for the rapid economical growth of India”, as summed up by

    the entrepreneur.

    F2 Knowledge Development: These relate to activities aimed at learning and

    development. It not only includes R&D in the basic science (learning-by-searching) but also activities in a practical context among the markets, networks and users


    Key takeaways: Many institutions engaged in the field of research in the area of

    biomethanation such as the IITs, IISC Bangalore, BARC Bombay, IARI etc. They

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    take up lab scale/pilot work and have also come up with various digester models for

    various substrates such as wastewater, cattle dung, agro waste etc. But in the field of

    waste-to-energy (WTE) in the field of MSW, there is a lack of technical expertise.

    Also, even though there are enough technologies present , there is still a need felt for

    indigenously developed engineering equipment such as large sized engines forconverting biogas to electricity (Independent Consultant). Foreign technologies and

    equipment are also imported for medium and large scale digesters but their flipside is

    that they are expensive and need to be adapted a lot to suit Indian conditions (All


    F 3 Networks and knowledge dif fu sion : The core of the organization structure in a

    TIS system lies in networks, where actors of different backgrounds interact.

    Knowledge diffusion can occur with industry-academia collaboration, meetings like

    workshops and conferences, promotional activities by industrial associations etc.

    There are no associations existing exclusively for the promotion of bio methanation

    of MSW in India. There are only two professional associations existing in the

    country, namely the Indian Biogas Association (IBA) and the Biogas Forum of India

    (BFI) to promote and support the activities of operators, manufacturers, planners of

    biogas plants and of scientists and researchers. They undertake conferences and

    workshops, publish newsletters, promote collaborations with international know howand also perform policy advocacy roles. The MNRE also publishes two bimonthly

    magazines on renewable energy and in which biogas projects are also featured. For

    submitting project proposals and applying for financial assistance, there exists

    IREDA and the respective State Renewable Energy Development Agencies. Also, as

    the number of ESCOs in this field is limited, there is not an adequate transmission of

    information regarding the need and benefits of bio methanation projects, not just in

    terms of environmental benefits but also in terms of financial viability and profitability.

    F 4 Guidance of th e search: This includes the vision, expectations and requirements

    of various actors in the TIS. These should be aligned across all the players or actors

    in a technological field as resources are limited. For e.g. there should be a clear

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    (Independent consultant). Although waste disposal rules and norms (MSW rules,

    CPCB norms) in urban areas are in place their implementation and monitoring

    remain lacking. Standards and certifications such as the IS standard do exist for

    biogas plants.

    F 6. Resource mobil ization: Adequate financial, material and human capital need to

    be deployed in order to set the technology up and running and to make it viable.

    There is a need for investment and subsidies, research facilities, physical

    infrastructure etc and their lack or absence can form a barrier to expansion.

    Financial support from government sector may be adequate but from private banks it

    is a major problem (Independent Consultant).For developing human capital, BTDCs

    have been set up by the government in various universities for training, monitoring

    and evaluation of biogas projects. However, there is lack of any certificate courses in

    the bio energy sector (Academician). As far as procurement of organic waste as

    feedstock for the plants are concerned, procurement of fully segregated waste is the

    biggest barrier to bio methanation projects (Entrepreneur).

    F 7. Legiti mization An emerging technology often meets resistance as most often;

    society will be initially opposed to change. There should be support for thetechnology from the general public, civil society and others. Advocacy groups that

    can positively influence policy making and garner public support for the technology

    also form an important role.

    There are no formal industrial associations in the WTE sector and also the failure

    rate of many biomethanation plants in the MSW sector is frequent. Hence the need

    for more coordination among the various players is required so that they may gainfrom the exchange of ideas and experience. There are many NGOs operating in

    SWM and their efforts and grassroots level knowledge need to be tapped so as to

    involve more stakeholders in biomethanation projects (Entrepreneurs).

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    Discussion For the TIS system studied, i.e. the biomethanation of medium and large scale

    anaerobic digesters for solid waste in urban areas, it is evident that none of the corefunctions related to the TIS system are in proper execution.

    At the take-off phase of any TIS, there are various interdependencies between the

    system function as specified by the literature.

    Figure 1: Functional interdependencies at development phase of TIS

    Entrepreneurial activities can function properly if backed by proper Guidance of the

    search and Resource mobilization. Limited entrepreneurial activity in this field can

    be explained by low performance of the Guidance of the Search function as there is

    no overarching vision or policy regarding medium and large scale biogas plants in

    India. The Resource Mobilization function in terms of technology, manpower,

    financial support performs marginally better but has a large scope for improvement

    on a scale to accelerate entrepreneurial activity.

    Sufficient entrepreneurial activity influences the legitimization of technology and

    vice-versa. As entrepreneurial activity in the field is limited there is lack of

    awareness regarding benefits of this technology and hence there is low demand for it.

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    Positive advocacy for this technology can be built up by collaboration with other

    players working in the field of decentralized waste management.

    Proper acceptance and legitimization of the technology in turn influences market

    formation and resource mobilization. Unless decentralized waste managementthrough anaerobic digestion can be established as a creditable technology not just as

    an environment friendly option but as a stable and cost effective source of energy

    through biogas, sufficient demand will not be created for this in urban areas.

    Legitimization explains the higher demand for other renewable sources of

    technology such as Solar PV (Government official).

    Market formation also influences the guidance of the search. On the supply side the

    numbers of ESCOs in the biomethanation sector are few and limited and are not

    represented by any formal association. On the demand side too there is not adequate

    demand for the technology from Urban Institutions as well as municipalities. Hence

    the low rate of market formation explains low representation of the technology in

    government policy and lack of clear vision on its growth projections.

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    An alternative and promising form of renewable energy can be seen in biogas.

    Biogas occurs naturally and is formed by a microbiological decomposition

    process of organic matter. In controlled conditions such the generation process of

    biogas can be efficiently established and replicated in order to recover energy

    from biological conversion of organic matter. In addressing various energy

    demands biogas plants offer several advantages as compared to other forms of

    renewable energy production. Depending on the methane concentration biogas is

    an energy carrier with multiple options for energy use. The simplest application

    is direct combustion for example for cooking or lighting, whereas advanced

    technologies can promote biogas for the production of combined heat andelectricity generation. Of more relevance in advanced technologies is the up-

    gradation of biogas to an energy rich and high quality fuel. By the removal of

    carbon dioxide and other trace gases the up-graded biogas becomes a marketable

    commodity product which offers a green alternative to fossil fuels. The up-

    graded biogas is in the position to be injected into the natural gas grid or to be

    used as an auto-motor fuel. Currently, 45.45 lakh biogas plants are installed in

    India. The majority of these biogas plants is small scale and serves predominantly captive energy requirements in rural households. The potential of

    medium and large scale biogas plants particular in urban and industrial areas is

    by far underdeveloped.

    The relevance of biogas lies in addressing several challenges in pollution control,

    waste disposal and energy generation. With reference to pollution control biogas

    is generated from renewable sources has a carbon neutral footprint. In addition,

    biogas is a comparable clean energy carrier and emits considerable lower levels

    of potentially harmful emissions. Particular the emission of nitrogen mono- and

    dioxide (NOx), carbon mono- and dioxide (COx), and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are

    lower than any other cured oil derivative. Today, the environmental aspect

    becomes increasingly important facing severe macro environmental problems

    and climate change.

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    A number of organic substrates can be considered as a potential feed stock

    for the anaerobic digestion process, containing primarily carbohydrates,

    proteins, fats, cellulose and hemicellulose as main components. These

    substrates are for example poultry and cow manures, crop residues, foodleftovers, maize silage, grass, etc. The relevant parameters in the selection of

    the feed stock are the availability, collection method, biological and technical

    acceptability, gas yield, and nutritional value. Modern biogas plants taking

    the type of feed stock into consideration and are erected to achieve an

    efficient technical and biological process condition for the digestion process.

    Taking the feed stock into consideration three types of biogas plants can be

    distinguished, namely municipal, industrial and agricultural biogas plants.

    Biogas plants on municipal organic waste are of particular relevance in times

    of fast urbanization. The increasing pace of urbanization and rise in per capita

    incomes mean an inevitable rise in quantity of wastes generated in cities. On

    average the organic fraction of municipal solid waste accounts for 30 to 40%,

    which is considerable part of the waste disposal problem. In addition, organic

    waste causing severe environmental problems through methane emission in

    landfill applications and is a prime source of disease and contamination of air

    and water. With an increasing part of the population living in urbanagglomeration biogas plants are an alternative to deal with the organic

    fraction of the municipal waste. In this view the biogas plants are to be seen

    as a zero-discharge solution for severe problems in waste management as

    biogas plants have a comparable advantage to landfill, composting or other

    ways of treatment.

    A considerabl