Scalar Pendant - A unique invention Feeling is believing...

Description: SCALAR ENERGY PENDANT promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being. Usage: Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the body’s biofield. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body. Pendant’s Health Benefits • Reduces inflammation • Promotes unclamping of cells • Enhances circulation • Enhances immune and endocrine systems • Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria • Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification • Enhances cellular permeability • Increases energy • Helps to protect DNA from damage • Helps to retard the ageing process • Helps to fight cancer cells • Strengthens the body’s biofield preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s health • Increases focus and concentration Scalar Pendant - A unique invention Feeling is believing. Recharge your life. *Energy *Strengh *Balance* Flexibility* Focus*

Transcript of Scalar Pendant - A unique invention Feeling is believing...

Description: SCALAR ENERGY PENDANT promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being. Usage: Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the body’s biofield. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body.

Pendant’s Health Benefits • Reduces inflammation • Promotes unclamping of cells • Enhances circulation • Enhances immune and endocrine systems • Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria • Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification • Enhances cellular permeability • Increases energy • Helps to protect DNA from damage • Helps to retard the ageing process • Helps to fight cancer cells • Strengthens the body’s biofield preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s health • Increases focus and concentration

Scalar Pendant - A unique invention

Feeling is believing. Recharge your life.

*Energy *Strengh *Balance* Flexibility* Focus*

The Scalar Pendant is uniquely produced using a Japanese Mineral Science Technology to provide us with sufficient scalar frequencies. The steel pendant contains high quality bonded volcanic minerals of Japan and Germany that efficiently emit the powerful scalar energy. Some forms of energy are more effective than others and have a whole range of profound beneficial effects on the human body. Scalar energy is the energy of the future and is another application of healing energy as nature intended. Though it is not fully understood, one cannot deny the tremendous effects it has on our biofield by promoting a positive flow of energy. This helps to maintain energy balance or repair our body that has been weakened by daily exposure to negative energy such as radiation from cell phone, television, computer, x-ray, microwave and electrical appliances. The Scalar Pendant is durable, easy to wear or carry and can even energize your drinking water. The scalar energy in the Scalar Pendant does not diminish. In fact it provides you consistent energy for a lifetime ... How does Scalar Energy work?

• It eliminates and nullifies the effects of man made frequencies ( 60 cps ) in the human body.

• The energy level of every single cell in the body is increased to the ideal 70 to 90 mili volt.

• Scalar energy increases the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by spectrographs. This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds is what holds your DNA together. In other words, wearing scalar energy pendant can protect your DNA from damage.

• Improve cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell.

• Increase overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions cells.

• Cleanse the blood improving chylomicron levels (protein / fat particles floating in the blood) and triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns.

• Improve immune function as proven in laboratory studies. • Improve mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG

frequencies. • Balance out the two hemispheres of the brain as measured by EEG

tests. • Works as an antidepressant since it inhibits the uptake of

noradrenaline by PC 12 nerve cells.

What does the Scalar Pendant do? Externally, upon contact with your body the Scalar Pendant instantly increases your Strength, Balance, Flexibility, Focus and Energy by many folds. What are the health benefits of using the Scalar Pendant? Internally the Scalar Pendant works to :

• strengthen the immune system • protect our DNA • guard against cancer, • increase blood circulation • boost energy • improves concentration • protects from harmful radiation • reduces inflammation, • gives a calming effect • prevents clustering of red blood cells.

How to energize water? The Scalar Pendant should be in contact with any of your water containers for 15 minutes to energize your drinking water. You can even energize vegetables, fruits, juices, wine and even bathing water to enjoy the refreshing scalar energy. Energized water carry vibrations that breaks water into smaller clusters making it more bio-available. The absorption of nutrients and detoxification becomes rapid and energized water can further enhance each physiological cell function. Unwanted toxins that cause disease and discomfort are cleared from our body. Daily wearing of Scalar Pendant and continuous drinking of scalar energized water produces optimum health results. Scalar Energy Pendant

• Improves blood Circulation • Improves stamina, endurance & strength • Alleviates soreness, aches & pains, and improves flexibility • Calms the mind & improves focus / concentration • Energises blook cells & reduces "stickiness"

Improves Circulation, Neutralises Harmful Energies

Strengthens Your Body's Bio-Energy field to protect from harmful electromagnetic waves

Restores balance & harmony to the body & Increases Your Energy Levels

Now, you can achieve better health and greater vitality, by neutralising negative energies, and re-charging your body's energy field with the right energy frequencies with Scalar Energy Pendant.

Made in Korea, using advanced nanotechnology know-how, with natural minerals structurally bonded together, Scalar Energy Pendant restores balance and harmony to the body.

Scalar Energy Pendant is tested to emit FIR, scalar energy and negative ion, and contain Germanium 99.999% . Certified by reputable bodies, including Korean Far Infrared Association (KFIA/KIFA), Ajou University, Korea and SGS.

Scalar Energy Pendant (SE Pendant)

About Scalar Energy Pendant

Improving Circulation & Balancing the Body's Bio-Energy Field

Our bodies are made of energy. To achieve and maintain vibrant health, we must protect our energy frequency and flow (or circulation) throughout the body

The principles of energy medicine originate from quantum physics. Everything in the universe is made of energy. Like all matter, the human body is not just made up of physical and chemical structures, it also has subtle energy fields known as bio-energy. We continuously radiate, absorb and conduct frequancy waves of energy. Bio-energy is crucial to life and is sometimes called "the biofield", "vital energy", "aura", "Qi" (Chinese), "Prana" (India), "Mana" (Polynesian), "Barraka" (Islamic), "Ki" (Japanese), etc. To attain and maintain vibrant health, we must protect the vital bio-energy flow throughout our body. It must be free-flowing, and in perfect vibration or frequency. Any disruption or imbalance to the bio-energy pathways or "vibrations" can lead to disharmony, ill health and diseases.

Unfortunately, many factors such as stress, pollution, increasing radiation from electromagnetic waves (mobile phone, radio, computer, television, microwave oven, wireless, etc), sedentary lifestyle, poor water quality and poor diet, can weaken body's bio-energy or disrupt its flow and circulation.

FIR : Improves Circulation & Energises Body Fluid

The total length of the blood vessels in the human body is 60,000km long! Imagine blood has to travel that distance every 1-2 minutes to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all the cells and to remove waste material from them. Numerous studies have shown that FIR dilates capillary vessels, thus facilitating blood circulation for better oxygen and nutrient delivery, and for more effective toxin removal.

Some toxic gases, including carbon dioxide, or heavy metals like mercury and chlorine are easily trapped in large water clusters in the body. FIR causes the water molecules to vibrate, resulting in the breakdown of their cluster size. Consequently, trapped toxic waste gases and other toxic materials are released, and ultimately flushed out of the body. Together with the improved circulation, reduced water cluster size in the body wil result in improve cellular function, better energy and vitality. For people who suffer from aches and pains, FIR offers the welcome relief of improved flexibility and mobility , and the disappearance of pain and stiffness.

Scalar Energy : Strengthens & Restores Balance to the Body's Bio-Energy

First discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century, and proven by Nikola Tesla, Scalar energy existence is also acknowledged by Nobel Prize winner, Albert Einstein, Researchers at the Max Planck Institute, Germany, found that scalar energy unclumps and activates living cells. Scalar energy also increases cellular energy for trillions of cells and overall body energy levels, and nullifies the harmful effects of man made frequencies. Together, this helps to balance and strengthen the body's bio-energy.

Germanium : Facilitates The Conductivity & Flow of Bio-Energy

Since 1858, in Lourdes, a small town in south-western France, many purportedly found that their pain, aches and illnesses miraculously disappeared after dipping into a spring, now known as the famous "Holy Spring of Lourdes". Scientist later attributed the spring's healing properties to its high content of Germanium.

One of the most fundamental properties of Germanium is its semi-conductivity, i.e. its ability to donate and receive electrons easily. Many of Germanium's healing properties may be due to this intrinsic electronic quality. Coupled with its ability to neutralise the effects of positive ions that can impede the smooth flow of energy, Germanium is able to "correct" and facilitate the flow of the body's bio-energy, hence, increasing energy levels, and relieving pain and stiffness.

Negative Ions : Invigorate & Refresh The Mind & Body

Ever wondered why the air feels more invigorating and you feel fresher when you are at the waterfall or in the mountains? This is due to the abundance of "feel good" negative ions in the air. Research has confirmed the beneficial effects of negative ions on living things - plants grow faster and healthier, animals are calmer and perform tasks better, and humans become less stressed and more alert.

Negative ions have been found to facilitate the delivery of oxygen to cells, which stimulate bodily functions and rejuvenation. They also increase the flow

of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. Studies have also shown that negative ions help to lift mood, alleviate depression and stimulate body's reticuloendothelial system: a group of defense cells in our bodies which marshal our resistance to disease.

Unfortunately, air-conditioning, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, fluorescent lighting, cellular phones, electrical and electronic equipment, TV and computer screens - all these adversely deplete negative ions from our surroundings and instead increase positive ions, which have been linked to muscle and joint aches, irritability, mood swings, headaches, insomnia, lethargy, lessened efficiency and general lack of health.

How To Use

Wear Scalar Energy Pendant over the neck, or place it directly on the affected body area (e.g. knee, back, shoulder, ankle, etc.) to relieve stiffness or soreness.

SE Pendnt turns the water in your body into healthy, energized, small-clustered water! SE Pendant does more than just break down the water molecules and energizing your drinking water. When you wear it, it keeps the water in your body grouped into small cell-penetrating clusters. These tiny clusters of water easily pass through cell membranes, carrying nutrients & oxygen into our cells, and waste & toxins out. This easy passage of water into and out of our cells is what keeps the cells clean, young and healthy.


Try the tests below and be amazed with how Scalar Energy Pendant can improve your flexibility, strength and balance.

Flexibility tests

• Stand straight with both legs slightly apart. Extend your right arm in front of you, 90° perpendicular to the body, while making a fist with your thumb pointing away from you. Slowly turn your upper body in a clockwise position as far back as you can reach. Note the farthest position you can reach. Repeat the test wearing Scalar Energy Pendant. With Scalar Energy Pendant, you'll be more flexible, and able to turn your body farther.

• Stand straight with both legs slightly aprt. Slowly bend over, reaching as far down as you can to touch your toes. Repeat the test wearing Scalar Energy Pendant. With Scalar Energy Pendant, you'll be more flexible, and are able to bend farther down.

Flexibility Test

Strength test

Stand straight with both legs slightly apart. Place both hands straight behind your back with fingers in an interlocking position. Get a friend to press down on your interlocked fingers as you resist with all your strength.

Repeat the test with Scalar Energy Pendant. Scalar Energy Pendant will enable you to resist better, and be stronger while wearing the pendant.

Balance Test

Balance yourself on one leg, and lift both arms to the side until they are 90° perpendicular to the body. Get a friend to try tipping your balance by pressing down on either arm, while you attempt to keep your balance.

Repeat the test wearing Scalar Energy Pendant. You will notice that you are better able to keep your balance with the pendant.

More tests to prove the existence of the subtle energy in Scalar Energy Pendant

Lemon tastes less sour!

Slice a lemon. Place one slice on a thin plate with Scalar Energy Pendant underneath. Place another slice on a plate without the pendant at least 3 feet away from the other plate. Set them aside for 20-30 minutes. Taste and compare the lemon "treated" with Scalar Energy Pendant and then taste the "untreated" one. The "treated" lemon tastes significantly less sour. This proves that even without being in actual contact with the lemon, the energy in the pendant is able to change the molecules in the lemon. Repeat with liquor, soy sauce, salt, and cigarettes! You'd be amazed that they taste or smell different.

Ice Melts Faster!

Place one ice cube on top of Scalar Energy Pendant and another on a plate. Note that the ice cube on top of Scalar Energy Pendant will melt faster than the one left on a plate. This shows that the energy in the pendant is able to activate the molecules in the ice causing the ice to melt faster even when the temperature of the pendant remains cold. We challenge you to repeat this test with other energy pendants!

Clinical Proofs

SE Pendant is tested to emit FIR, Scalar Energy and Negative Ion, and contain Germanium 99.999%. Certified by reputable bodies, including Korean Far Infrared Association (KFIA/KIFA), Ajou University, Korea and SGS.

WHO Report :WHO Report The World Health Organization (WHO) thinks You're at Risk "The World Health Organization (WHO) takes seriously the concerns raised by reports about possible health effects from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Cancer, changes in behaviour, memory loss, Parkinson and Alzheimer's diseases, and many other diseases have been suggested as resulting from exposure to EMF. Everyone in the world is now exposed to a complex mix of EMF frequencies in the range 0-300 GHz. EMF has become one of the most pervasive environmental influences and exposure levels as many frequencies are increasing significantly as the technological revolution continues unabated and new applications using different parts of the spectrum are found." - World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland The Scalar Energy Pendant Shields Us From EMF :The Scalar Energy Pendant Shields Us From EMF The Scalar Energy Pendant Shields Us from EMF! EMF emissions can be continuous such as mobile telephone transmission waves, radio and TV waves. All harmful EMF is shielded when we wear it every day, every hour, and every minute. Protection Everyday 24/7 :Protection Everyday 24/7 We can WEAR the Scalar Energy Pendant Everyday! 24/7 It is close to your body throughout the day, therefore Treating your body’s water continuously and shielding you from EMF ! Scalar Energy, the Discovery of All Time! Many More Scientific Reports :Scalar Energy, the Discovery of All Time! Many More Scientific Reports The greatest discovery of all time that will revolutionize medical science, treatment and health care Several scientific reports on scalar energy Most significantly is the positive effect on health. Humanity can expect more discoveries in the near future using scalar energy!

Scientific Reports :Scientific Reports The scalar energy pendant is based on strong scientific principles and evidence. The Barron Report, one of many, describes what scalar energy is and how amazing it is. There are many other scientific reports supporting the benefits of scalar energy for our health. Recently it is being used to treat HIV Positive patients! Treats Many Ailments and Illnesses :Treats Many Ailments and Illnesses The Pendant can treat many ailments and illnesses! Amazing testimonies from 130 countries Instant Effects! :Instant Effects! Benefits of wearing the Pendant include: Reduces the effects of EMF radiation Strengthens your resilience to the effects of stress Increases your energy and stamina Reduces the symptoms of fatigue Relieves the symptoms of jet lag Enhances your mental performance and alertness And Much More! :And Much More! Promotes blood circulation Improves metabolism in our bodies Shields electromagnetic (EMF) waves Increases oxygen supply to blood cells Energies and helps fights growth of cancer cells Imprints into our DNA and protects it from damage Works as anti-depressant as it takes away noradrenalin Do You or Your Friends Have Any of These “Common” Problems? :Do You or Your Friends Have Any of These “Common” Problems? Migraine headaches Low metabolic rates Regulates Hypertension or Blood Pressure Arthritic, joint aches and pains Aches and pains, like frozen shoulders Keeps cells healthy, thus delaying ageing process Retards growth of malignant or cancerous cells Hair loss Eyes, reduces cataracts Diabetic conditions Insomnia Improves concentration Improving recovery of stroke patients The Scalar Energy Pendant Can Help! :The Scalar Energy Pendant Can Help! The Scalar Energy Pendant can relieve these “common” problems effectively! Many have tried and it works for them! Scalar Energy is now used to treat even HIV positive patients! Prevention Better than Cure! :Prevention Better than Cure! Even if you are in excellent health and do not seem to need the pendant, PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE! Use the Pendant for Prevention!

Is it Safe? :Is it Safe? It is ABSOLUTELY SAFE! To quote from the Barron Report, “Are the charged products safe? Absolutely! There is nothing unnatural about scalar energy. It has been around since the creation of the universe. It’s all a question of embedding healing/energizing frequencies as opposed to harmful frequencies” Demonstrated in Sports!Improves Performance! :Demonstrated in Sports!Improves Performance! Gives increased strength Better control and balance Particularly with golf, (better Tee-distance, short game), bowling, racket games, etc Well Known Personalities Using Pendant! :Well Known Personalities Using Pendant! Many more testimonials! Many well known sports personalities around the world in golfing, martial arts and boxing bowling, tennis, badminton, body building, etc. using the Scalar Energy Pendant. Even the famous Anthony Robbins uses it! Anthony Robbins Uses the Pendant! :Anthony Robbins Uses the Pendant! "As a speaker, I'm often onstage for 12 hours or more a day. Three-and-a-half years ago, Dr. Herb Ross found that the electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by my wireless headset were creating a physical weakness in my body. When I began utilizing the energy pendant, I noticed an immediate recovery in my muscle strength and a counteracting of the negative effects from the headset's low frequency waves. I have certainly benefited from the energy pendant." Anthony Robbins, author of 'Awaken the Giant Within' and other books. Regarded as America's top personal coach and trainer for personal development We Must Resonate with Health :We Must Resonate with Health Your body is a complex and highly sophisticated organism. It needs constant fine-tuning in stress-filled environments. At your best you resonate with health--almost literally, every part of your being vibrates in harmony. Conversely when your resonances are disturbed or interrupted, your body begins to break down. You become vulnerable to a variety of ailments and diseases. Not only are you not functioning effectively, but also your defense mechanisms are in decline. Regulate Body’s Homeostasis :Regulate Body’s Homeostasis In biological terms, the Scalar Energy Pendant restores your body’s harmonies by helping to regulate the 'homeostasis' of your body. 'Homeostasis' is the condition of equilibrium, the 'dynamic range or balance' where your body's multiple systems operate together and resonate at their optimum.

Invest Wisely in Your Health! :Invest Wisely in Your Health! Small Investment for Your Personal Health, Great Returns! A one-time wise investment There is no need to charge the scalar product as its energy is already imbedded into it, and will last perpetually! Do Not Delay! :Do Not Delay! Try the Scalar Energy Products Today and Start to Enjoy Excellent Health Excellent Performance Excellent Well Being Excellent Tasting drinks Excellent income opportunity


Magnets is a natural way of stimulating your body to combat pain. • Arthritis & rheumatism • Relive Joint and muscle pain • Shoulder pain • Back ache, headache and neck ache • Respiratory Problems: coughs & asthma. • Constipation • Inflammation • Insomnia • Jet lag Stress. • Restore energy • Increase blood circulation and release of oxygen form free radicals • Prevent or reverse infections states and degenerative diseases • Promote metabolic processing of toxins • Carpal syndrome • Naturally increase the production of melatonin and the growth of hormone naturall

Improves immune power . enhances energy level. regulates blood pressure. enhances body ,brain & mental power . help all type of chronic & critical disease.improves top to bottom blood circulation fights against cancer. Magneto therapy is the application of magnets to the body to stimulate the nerves and create a better blood flow to various parts of the body. In turn, this helps the organs and glands to function better. Medicine itself is considered irrelevant as no medicine is orally fed or injected with magneto therapy. It is a clinical system in which the human ailments are treated with magnets of

various size and strengths and use both north and south poles together or individually. Magnetized water and juices are also used in conjunction with magnet application.


Iron makes up about 4% of the blood that flows through the body. Since iron is attracted to magnets, when magnetic objects are placed on a specific area of the body this attracts the blood flow to that area. This brings increased oxygen and nutrients to the area and the muscles, since they are also getting increased blow flow, tend to lengthen and become more relaxed.

In a typical treatment, small magnets are attached to the acupuncture points of the body by means of adhesive tape. As the magnets polarize they act in a pulsating manner much like that of manipulating acupuncture needles, with the exception that there is no insertion of needles into the body and no pain associated with this therapy.


Ancient medical practitioners believed that the use of magnets helped to relieve pain and discomfort in the body. They were also found to be helpful in reducing inflammation and swelling and improve the circulation of the blood to the heart. Some claimed that this therapy would prevent viruses and bacteria from entering the body and if they did, the use of the therapy would render them harmless. In restoring the health of damaged cells in the body, it was claimed that biomagnetic therapy would heal the cells by bringing the blood flow to the tissues giving them the nourishment they needed.


While scientists do not dispute the effectiveness of biomagnetic therapy, they say that it should not be used as the only form of medical treatment and that it is effective for only some medical conditions. The claims made about the healing properties of magnets for inflammation are correct, but the claims about the polarity of cells in the body are incorrect. Through the research conducted, it has been found that electricity and magnetism, while independent of each other, are connected and can bring about relief to pain in the body.

How do magnetic bracelets work? The magnetic theory revolves in the arteries around the wrist, which magnets improve the circulatory system and blood flow. The increased circulation gives the body more of nutrients it needs in the blood, improving health naturally.

What does a BIOMAGNETIC Titanium bracelet consist of ? Neodymium bio magnets, which are derived from the earth, hold their charge indefinitely, with no significant loss of power. The magnets are combined with Titanium metal, because it is stronger then steel, but is 45 per cent lighter. Due to its strength, lightness, extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand extreme temperatures, Titanium metal is used to make BIOMAGNETIC TITANIUM bracelets with 100% pure Germanium metal conductor FIR balls. Does the effectiveness of the bracelet vary according to size or design? Even though the sizes and shapes of the bracelet vary, the effectiveness remains the same as the neodymium magnets in each bracelet are around 2,500 gauss to 10,000 gauss. (Gauss is a unit of measurement of magnetic field and is named after mathematician, physics and magnetic researcher Kar F. Gauss) Can I wear my BIOMAGNETIC Titanium bracelet next to my watch? We suggest you do not for a couple of reasons. One reason is simply the extra wear and tear on the watch and or the bracelet from rubbing together. Another concern is the possible damage to the internal movements of a non-digital watch. Any side effects? Magnetic therapy is vary safe. The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that static magnetic fields pose no health risks at all. No complications have ever been reported with its proper use.

Who should not use magnetic bracelets? Magnetic bracelets should not be used if you are wearing a pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pump or any other electro-medical device. Do not wear a magnetic bracelet during pregnancy. What is Far-Infrared Rays? Far-infrared rays are part of the sunlight spectrum which is invisible to the naked eye. It also known as Biogenetic ray (between 6 to 14 microns). Biogenetics rays have been proven by scientists to promote the growth and health of living cells especially in plants, animals and human beings. What is the effect of Far-Infrared rays? FIR cause resonance with water molecules,. It ionizes and activates water molecules in our cells and blood thus improving our blood circulation and health condition. The human body contains more that 70% of water by weight.

What is the effect of Far-Infra-red rays on our human body? Activates water molecules in our body. Improve oxygen level in our body. Warming and eliminating fats, chemicals and toxins from our blood and thus smoothening the flow of blood. Elimination of waste from the body, reducing the acidic level in our body & improving the nervous system. Are the BIOMAGNETIC Titanium bracelets health products or fashion accessories? Actually, both! They are jewelry with health benefits. Although you may purchase them initially for the health benefits, we think you will be very happy with how they look as well. Some people even purchase them primarily for the appearance.


Electricity is constantly flowing throughout the human body. Muscles respond

sensitively to minute amounts of this electric current. Human cells are

composed of atomic nuclei as well as electronic nuclei. Electronic nuclei emit

positive and negative charges that delicate balance each other. In order words,

it is probably not an overstatement to say that our bodies are controlled by

electricity. However, if for some reasons the positive and negative charges in

our cells are upset and the delicate balance them are disrupted, the electric

currents in our bodies become uneven and unbalance. This results in such aches

and illnesses as stiff shoulders, lower back pain, headaches, dizziness, ringing

tone in the ears, diarrhea, constipation, and severe ocular pain.

According to Eastern Oriental medicine, every organ, whether it is the brain,

heart, liver or kidney, maintains its own electromagnetic field. When the

dedicate balance of these fields are upset the flow of “ki” or life energy, is

disrupted, leading to illness.

Today, we live our everyday lives surrounded by all kinds of household

electrical appliances. Whenever these appliances are operated using

electricity, they invariably produce electromagnetic waves. These waves

always disrupt our biological electrical currents and damage our physical

health. However, a life without electrical appliances and equipment is now no

longer feasible. Therefore, in order to live healthier lives, we must help

balance and repair the disruptions to our biological electrical currents. To put

it more simply, we need to bring in electricity from outside of our bodies-this

idea is the crux of all medical treatments using electricity or magnetism.

Electrons or cluster of electrons that produce electrical charges are called ions.

Many methods of medical treatment use the effects of ions, or ionization. For

example, ultrasound and irradiation using low frequency waves are often

employed in the treating of muscles pain, or in the rehabilitation of patients

with partial paralysis. These treatments take advantage of the fact that when

the body is exposed to electrical current of electrical waves, it becomes

heated. The increased warmth encourages a more vigorous flow of blood

throughout the body, simulating sympathetic nerves and causing the capillaries

and vessels to expand. This in turn improves metabolism, and encourages cells

to expel toxic wastes more easily. Furthermore, appropriate warmth helps to

relieve pain and bring about relaxation. Other beneficial effects include the

loosening of muscles, the alleviation of pain and spasms, and the increased

alkalinity of such bodily fluids as blood and lymph node fluids.

The disruption of biological electrical currents can also be corrected by using

metals. Metals by nature emit positive and negative (minus) charges, and it is

the degree to which these charges are emitted that determines their ionization

strength. Ionizing propensities differ from metal to metal, it has been generally

recognized that aluminum possesses the strongest such effect, followed by

zinc, iron, nickel, tin, lead, copper, mercury, white gold and gold. However,

until recently, it has been discovered that Titanium is believed to have an even

higher ionizing effect than any of these metals.

Titanium is thus extremely effective in correcting the disruptions in a person’s

biological electrical currents, thereby eliminating any unpleasant and painful

symptoms. The excellent results derives from wearing a titanium bracelets are

due to the fact that titanium emits electrical currents that are beneficial in

correcting and balancing a person’s disrupted biological electrical current


The estimated daily intake for germanium is 1 mg. Germanium has been

reported to improve the immune system, boost the body's oxygen supply, make

a person feel more energetic, and destroy damaging free radicals. Germanium

also protects against radiation.

Organic germanium is a biological-response modifier. This means it enables the

body to change its response to tumors, which has therapeutic benefits.

Germanium does not directly attack cancer cells, but stimulates the body's

immune system, making it effective in the treatment of cancer as well as other

degenerative diseases.

A number of human cancer trials have been conducted with organic

germanium. A summary of Phase I and Phase II human clinical trials reveals that

orally administered organic germanium induces interferon production, restores

previously impaired immune response, and has shown extremely low toxicity.

Accelerate blood circulation:

By virtue of far infrared reaction, to increase the temperature of deep skin,

expand microvascular, accelerate blood circulation, relive ferment, consolidate

blood and cell metabolism, which has a great help on resume young and

improve anemia.

Adjust blood pressure:

High blood pressure and arteriosclerosis are usually caused by contraction and

narrow of small arteries, such as nervous system, endocrine system and Kidney.

Far infrared help to expand microvascular accelerate blood circulation and

reduce high blood pressure, also improve hypotension symptoms.

Improve arthralgia:

Deep penetration of far infrared can reach deep muscle joints, warm inner

body, relax muscle, lead to exchange of oxygen and nutrients of microvascular

system, exclude the accumulation of fatigue substances and the lactic acid and

other aging wastes, and has excellent effects for eliminating turgescence as

well as easing pain.

Adjust autonomic nerve:

Autonomic nerve mainly regulates visceral functions. Human are usually in the

state of anxiety, autonomic nerve keep tense, which will lead to low immunity

ability, headache, swimming , insomnia fatigue and cold extremities.

Reduce fattiness:

Far infrared therapy can result in energy increasing, cell activation, and thus

promote adipose tissue metabolism, burning and decomposition, consumption

excess fat, thereby effectively lose weight.

Strengthen liver function:

The deep heat reaction from deep body that caused by far infrared can

activate cell, enhance tissue regeneration capacity and promote cell growth,

strengthen the liver function of detoxification, make the body environment to

maintain good physical condition, so it can be said as the best prevention

strategy to illness.

Promote metabolism:

After microcirculatory system get improvement, metabolic waste can be

rapidly excreted from body, the burden of liver and kidney will be reduced.

Such waste includes heavy metals that can cause cancer; lactate, free fatty

acids and subcutaneous fat that can cause fatigue and aging; and uranium ions

that can cause hypertension.

Balance body's PH degree:

Far infrared can purify blood and improve the quality of skin, to prevent

excessive uric acid that can cause bone pain and arthralgia.

1.Direct effects of Negative ion on human health

Activate cells: through cell membrane, it promote exchange of calcium and

natrium inside and outside membrane, and keep cell's activity.

Blood purification: through cell's activity, it promote cell metabolism, and

excreted hazardous waste and toxic substances from body.

Resume fatigue: eliminate illness factors, quickly recover physical strength.

Stabilize botanic nerve system: influence botanic nerve system to obtain

rirritable abilitity, adjust function of botanic nerve system.

Strengthen resistance capacity to disease: stabilize emotion, increase C-Ball

globins content, improve quantity and quality of leukin, and boost leukin's

phagocytic function to the bacteria.

Restrain tumour cell growing: influence the composition and distribution of

charged particles in blood, and increase cell's activity.

Absorb and shield electromagnetic radiation. Improve allergic physique: adjust

the balance of botanic nerve system, strengthen the resistance to allergen


2.The main performance of negative ion for human body

The influences for nervous system: enhance pallium function and brain activity,

excite nerve, improve work efficiency, and improve sleep quality. Negative ion

also can strength the intensity of oxidation process of brain tissue, and help

brain tissue to obtain much oxygen. Influences to cardiovascular system:

negative ion has obvious effects to vascular expansion, restrain cholesterol

content of serum, purify blood, avoid lipid depositing on vascular wall, improve

blood circulation, relieve artery vasospasm, and achieve to maintain steady

blood pressure.

Negative ion has big benefits for improving cardiac function and myocardial

nutrition, and is good for the rehabilitation of hypertension and vascular

diseases patients.

Influences to blood system: studies proved that negative ion has function to

slow blood and extend clotting time, increase the oxygen content in blood, and

thus is beneficial to oxygen transmission, absorption and utilization.

To improve NK activity to damage cancer cell; restrain the happening and

transfer of cancer cell.

To restrain colorless leukotriene that could cause allergy and angry state, could

be used in beauty and skin treatment. For example, skin burns can be quickly

cured by negative ion. Negative ion also has analgesic effect.

To prevent artery probation or peroxide lipid of liver, too much ions may cause

oxidation of axunge, quick oxidation of axunge will accelerate body aging.

Remove skin waste, increase activity of the skin, has significant effect for


• From above we can conclude that negative ion is closely related to human's all systems,

Man and Energy

"Energy medicine is the futre of medicine." Norman Shealy, MD. founding president of the American Holistic Association. The human body is a network of different forms of energy. It is this system of energy that sustains the physical body. Each living cell in the body emits electro-magnetic radiation. Each cell also has a positive and negative charge. Generally, the outside of a cell has a positive charge and the inside of a cell has a negative charge. But these charges may be momentarily reversed based on the action of "ion pumps" on the cell membranes that drive sodium ions out of the cell and pump potassium ions into the cell (an ion is an atom or group of atoms that carries an electrical charge.) It is this movement of electrically charged ions at the cellular level that forms the basic building blocks in the complex electro-magnetic workings of the body's energies. To visualize how this energy system works, imagine each cell in the body as a miniature battery. Then visualize the movement of energy from one battery to another yielding a charged energy field. Now, imagine millions of such a battery and visualize energy flowing from all these batteries and the energy that radiates from them. The energy flow in a human body is not too different from this flow!

The basic and fundamental form of energy the body obtains is derived from the food one consumes. In one's cells these food unergo a bio-chemical process and chemical energy is produced. The consumption of foods that lack nutrition diminishes the body's capacity to utilize this chemical energy optimally. Similarly, oxygen from unpolluted air is necessary to ensure that optimum metabolic energy is derived from the food and drink one consumes. To ascertain that optimum health is achieved the quality of foods and water one consumes must be monitored closely. Another form of energy the body utilizes is electrical energy. All actions in one's body involve the utilization of electrical energy. For example, the simple action of reaching for a vase involves setting off a message. This message is sent to the muscles of the hand via electrical impluses. The nerves in the human body are akin to an extensive electrical wiring system. Information from the brain is sent to different parts of the body via electrical impulses or codes. Likewise, information from the varying parts of the body is sent to the brain via these similar electrical impulses. Electrical energy from the heart is used to determine the functions of the heart. This is measured by using the electro cardiogram (ECG) machine. What is Energy Medicine?

Current allopathic belief of medicine and the management of a patient, view the patient as a complex biological entity. On the other hand, the new and fast emerging world view of energy medicine sees the patient as a complex biological system and network of energy. Energy medicine acknowledges energy as a subtle, living force: a force that determines the status of one's health and general well being. Here the physical body is seen as a network of vital energy both within and outside the physical frame work. In energy medicine disease stems from a weakness or a disturbance in these energy patterns: wherein the system of energy is out of

balance and not in harmony with the human body. According to energy medicine, healing takes place with the body activating its natural healing energies. The healing process also restores energy patterns that have become compromised by nurturing the weak links back to health. This means that in energy medicine, energy is both medicine (natural healing energies) and the patient (weak energy link). Each individual can lay claim to his or her own healing energies; which are the birthright of each person. Energy medicine helps people harness this subtle energy for optimum health. Energy medicine offers a complete system of self-care. However, it can be incorporated into other forms of medical care to complement them. As a stand alone, energy medicine can be used to address physical. mental or emotional disorders. Energy medicine helps the body promote and maintain optimum levels of wellness. How does energy medicine work? The energy fields that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissues and organs are the main emphasis of energy medicine. Energy medicine also looks at how to influence these existing fields of energy. History of Energy Medicine

Traditional practices of understanding disease and treatment involved a holistic approach in the management of the patient. Looking back at the great civilizations of the past whether in Greece, China, Persia or India, healers looked upon an ailing individual in totality. The individual was treated as a whole being -- a being made up of mind, body and spirit. Often this holistic approach included, amongst others, viewing illness from the perspective of the body's life force or energy. In fact, some of the great philosophers and healers of the past have acknowledged the role of energy in man's well being. The greek philosopher, Theophrastus Paracelsus (1490 - 1541) postulated that planets, magnets and plants are among the things that have an influence on man. This influence he referred to was via a radiation that permeated space. Hippocrates, "The father of Modern Medicine," was also a believer of curative energy patterns that emanated from the earth and atmosphere. He believed that one's surroundings had an impact on the status of one's health.

In anciet healing systems, the practice of stimulating key energy points in the human body was employed by traditional practitioners as a means to restore and maintain health. By stimulating these specific energy points the healers hoped to maintain the body's overall health and even to restore health. These traditional methods of practice were observed and passed down to generations in India and China. These practitioners believed that disturbed energies lead to corresponding disturbances in the physical body. Some of these ancient methods are practiced even in these modern times. There are many scientists and doctors who acknowledge that the universe functions electrically. Some of them include Robert Becker, Walter Russell, Hans Nieper, M.D., Edward Russell, Albert Einstein, William Tiller, Nikola Tesla, Edgar Cayce, Edward Bach, Gabriel Cousins, M.D., David Tansley, Marcel Vogel, Seymon and Valentina Kirlan, John Fetzer, Wilhelm Reich, Christopher Hills and Richard Gerber. Earth's energy fields and the Human Body

All human beings and living things have their own fields of energy surrounding them. However, living things are not the only creatures that have fields of energy surrounding them. There are various forms of natural electro-magnetic waves that occupy the atmosphere. These forms of energy come from the earth, moon and sun. It is an accepted fact that our planet has an iron core that radiates a field of waves around it. It is also an accepted fact that during a full moon, the gravitational pull of the moon causes the waters in seas and rivers to rise. In other words, man exists in a vast ocean of magnetic fields. All living things coexist in harmony amidst this backdrop of electro-magnetic waves.

How do these natural electro-magnetic fields affect us? For a start, the body contains magnetizable materials. Iron, which can be found in the haemoglobin of the blood, is magnetizable. The body's energy field level which can be measured using squids (super-conducting quantum interference devices) has be found to be 100,000 times weaker that the eath's fields. The impact of this vast geopathic field on the body is apparent when we leave the earth's surface for a long period -- our health is compromised. It is for this reason that astronauts who travel in space for long periods require artifical magnetic fields to preserve their health. Recognizing the importance of the body's own energy fields and the natural magnetic field surrounding us let us examine this energy field surrounding our body.

Mineral Science Quantum Energy Flask: The main functions of Nanometer energy cup: 1 Nano Energy Cup can quickly make the drinking water to alkaline, neutralizes human bodys acidic substance and keep the balance of body system. 2 health cup Water enriches in oxygen which can activate human cells and enhance our immunity. 3 Small molecular cluster water is produced t promote our bodys metabolism which is high in absorption, clean power, it cares your skin better. 4 alkaline flask can effectively enrich microelement (especially zinc ion). Zinc ion plays a vital role in bacteria restrain, bodys health maintain. 5negative ion energy flask: Negative potential water will be produced with an ORP below that -200 mu in about 3-5 minutes which can remove free radical and keep us from aging. Small in size, light in weight and convenient t carry on. With our functional cup. You can enjoy healthy energy water wherever and whenever you are. Function: Negative ion Tourmaline turn the water to alkaline water which makes our body healthy. Suitable for: Heavy smokers and drinkers People with high pressure Successful business people The one thing that almost no one knows about the way that mineral water benefits us is that it's really, really good for us. Packaged drinking water contains different kinds of gases, minerals and trace elements. The mineral content gives the water a taste along with a therapeutic value.

In cases when gas is removed from the natural mineral water with the help of effervescent, the water is labeled as natural sparkling water or sparkling mineral water. Mineral water can also be artificially created after adding carbonation and minerals. According to the researchers the mineral water benefits us because the mineral content of the water can be very easily absorbed by the body as compared with the mineral content of the food. Minerals are absolutely essential for the optimum growth and health of the body parts, especially when such minerals cannot be successfully produced by the body. Mineral water benefits the body by helping the body to fight against fungus and bacteria along with de-oxidizing the body. Some users even report reduced pain, swelling and aching of the muscles and the joints. Some of the researchers have also claimed that mineral water provides the body with the same kind of nutrition when compared with vitamin supplements. It not only prevents nutrition deficiencies but also helps in making the immune system more efficient, by breaking down wastes and cleansing the body of all toxins. The easiest way to make sure that you are getting all these mineral water benefits is to invest in one of the mineral revitalization water purification systems that are now available. Among the minerals provided by mineral water are magnesium, chloride and bicarbonates, sulfate and silica and iron aids. By using your own revitalization system you can save money and be sure that you and your family are not missing out on any of the mineral water benefits. Regular water purifiers remove all kinds of mineral content from the water. Thus, the water is left with nothing that can be utilized by the body, leaving your water supply lacking the mineral water benefits. Mineral revitalization water purification systems artificially add minerals back into the water. These systems give the water the same kinds of minerals that have been removed during the filtration process. Most of the revitalization water purification systems out there in the market promise to help the body in balancing electrolytes. These electrolytes help the body in secreting substances that have antibacterial and antifungal properties. The drawback is that mineral water revitalization purification systems are much costly the normal water purifiers because they contain certain stones to provide the water with minerals. You need to balance your needs against your budget. Here are five beneficial minerals that can be replaced in your drinking water by using a revitalization purification system. 1. Magnesium is one of the best stress reducer found naturally. Magnesium mainly concentrates in muscles and bones strengthening and improving the immune system. It helps in controlling blood pressure and relaxing the body. 2. Sulfate and silica are natural cleansers and help strengthen bones and teeth. 3. Sodium is very important for maintaining water balance of the body. It helps in covering the cells of the body with water.

4. Bicarbonates and chloride are known to help in digestion and maintaining regulating acids in intestines and stomach. 5. Iron aids help in delivery of oxygen through out the body and are very helpful for the people suffering from anemia. The easiest way to take care of your body is to make sure that you have plenty of water to drink. Mineral water benefits you in a multitude of ways, so give it some serious thought

MINERAL FUSION SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY PLEASE NOTE : ONLY FOR REFERENCE USE. MFST WAND What is M-Wand? The M-Wand is a natural energy generating device. The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids. The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life. Placed in a fridge, the M Wand’s energy frequency permeates the fridge; all liquids, meat and fruit will taste better and have extended shelf life. The renewed molecular chains are similar to those found in healthy natural spring water. Like fruit and vegetables, the body slowly also loses molecular chains as we age. They can be re-energised at a molecular level to provide energy, using the M-Wand. The hydratious nature of water is important to wellness. Molecular structured water carries improved oxygen flow to the blood, assists in detoxification of free radicals, improves liver detoxification, and improves nutrient take up by the body. The natural energy of the wand improves sleep patterns when placed under the bed and improves the positive chi energy of the body when worn or carried in a bag. What is M- Wand made of? Technically engineered natural minerals are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level, using several high heat fusion methods. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy, developing a long lasting natural resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains. How does M-Wand work? The ‘beta’ rhythm frequency spins at an anti clockwise direction, and like other ‘energy waves’, it can ‘influence’ inert objects. For instance, a magnetic field can influence metal objects and an x-ray can influence film strip. Likewise, beta rhythms at the correct frequency and spin velocity will liquid. What kind of minerals are in the M- Wand? How many of them? The body of the M-Wand houses 11 minerals locked into it by high heat fusion techniques and is technically engineered. Each mineral grain has its own individual shape and size that when combined with the other minerals,

through a catalytic conversion, generates the spinning resonance we call chi energy. How does the energy transfer to the water using the M-Wand? The M-Wand energy spins into the liquid, counter clockwise, or the liquid can be poured over the M-Wand where it ‘picks up’ the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world. At the moment, scientists can’t understand why liquids behave differently and positively in the energy field. Much research is now focused on this fact as 70% of our bodies are made from water and it’s important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water. Is there any expiry date? What would be the effect after the expiry date? We expect the M-Wand’s energy to last 30 years as recent tests on the original pre-production test units made five years ago show that they have increased in energy levels. Unlike a magnet, the resonance is not affected by the earth’s gravitational pull. When the M-Wand fails, it will not have the ability to change the taste of any fruit or liquid. What are the benefits of M-Wand? Molecular structures in liquids allow the taste buds to recognise only the taste we enjoy. For instance, any wine, alcohol, coffee, tea or fruit juice will enhance the flavour when a M-Wand treats the liquid. Any food we consume with Nanonized water will always taste better. Mixing Nanonized water with a beverage reduces the effects of acidity and tannins in the body. When food or medicine is combined with Nanonized water, the nutritional benefits are amplified by enhanced cellular absorption. The body can absorb liquefied oxygen very quickly, enhancing internal organ functions and adding to blood energy levels. This benefit is important for athletes and workers who need to maintain a high immune system under physical stress. When drinking Nanonized water, the blood’s oxygen levels increase. This can be measured using a Medec, Prognos or simple blood sampler. The wellness of Nanonized water drinkers will be that they have increased energy levels and raised immune systems. The body can take up other essential minerals from Nanonized water. The body’s molecular structure can rapidly absorb the nutrients found in the

Nanonized water’s molecular structure, as the body’s molecular structure via D.N.A. ‘links’ with the water mineral molecules. This effect feeds the body cells with essential minerals. As the water’s molecular structure does not break down, it can also absorb cellular waste, such as cholesterol and excess calcium, improve bowel movements and the dissolving of kidney stone, reduce cholesterol levels and a general detoxification of the body can verify this. Individual minerals such as calcium can be taken up by the body cells as required. Quicker and stronger nail and hair growth improved and an enhanced resistance to tooth decay can visually evidence this. When Nanonized water is used in conjunction with supplements, they are absorbed more quickly and efficiently by the body cells, an important aim for dietary. DEMO M-WAND M-Wand Demo 1 (with water) Items: M-Wand 2 empty glasses 1 jug of water Instructions: 1. Pour 2 glasses of water from the same source. If the person does not believe that they are from the same source, mix the water from both glasses. 2. Using the M-Wand, stir the water in one glass in an anti-clockwise direction for at least 10 times. Ask the volunteer: 1. First, taste the nanonized water 2. Then, taste the original water. 3. Which tastes better? (Expect: The nanonized water tastes better.) Explain: The molecular structure of the water reforms. It will give absorption at the cellular level and hydrates the cells. M-Wand Demo 2 (with lemon) Items: M-Wand

Lemon Knife 2 plates Instructions: 1. Cut the lemon into a few slices. Put the slices on separate plates. 2. Without touching the lemon, stir the M-Wand in an anti-clockwise direction above the lemon slices on one of the plates. Ask the volunteer: 1. First, taste the nanonized lemon. 2. Then, taste the original lemon. 3. Which tastes sourer? (Expect: The original lemon is very sour.) Explain: Frequency can still be transmitted without even touching any part of the lemon. The molecular structure of the lemon will still change. M-Wand Demo 3 (with alcohol) Items: M-Wand Red wine 2 empty glasses Instructions: 1. Pour the red wine into the two glasses. 2. Using the M- Wand, stir the wine in one glass in an anti-clockwise direction for at least 10 times. Ask the volunteer: 1. First, taste the nanonized wine. 2. Then, taste the original wine. 3. Which tastes better? (Expect: The nanonized wine tastes better and smoother.) Explain: The M-Wand improves the taste of most alcohol. The molecular structure of the wine changes and it reduces the side effects. You will not get any hangover after drinking the nanonized wine. M-Wand Demo 4 (with cigarette) Items:

M-Wand Cigarette Lighter Instructions: 1. Ask for a smoker to be the volunteer. 2. Light up the cigarette for the volunteer. 3. Without touching the cigarette, move the M-Wand back and forth over it for at least 10 times. Ask the volunteer: 1. Try the cigarette again. 2. What is the taste of the cigarette now? (Expect: It’s tasteless.) Explain: The M-Wand changes the molecular structure of the cigarette without even touching it. It reduces the intake of nicotine and other substances into the body. Note: Biolife is not encouraging anyone to smoke. This demo shows that M-Wand is a good tool to help a person quit smoking.