Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Scala @ BeJUG Luc Duponcheel ImagineJ September 2, 2009


Scala introduction given at BeJUG

Transcript of Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Page 1: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Scala @ BeJUG

Luc DuponcheelImagineJ

September 2, 2009

Page 2: Scala by Luc Duponcheel


Chapter 0


Page 3: Scala by Luc Duponcheel


I Scala is a (taste)fully typed language

Page 4: Scala by Luc Duponcheel


I Scala supports generic types

Page 5: Scala by Luc Duponcheel


I Scala is an expression oriented language

Page 6: Scala by Luc Duponcheel


I Scala is an pure object oriented language

Page 7: Scala by Luc Duponcheel


I Scala is a functional language

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Scalable language

I Scala is a scalable languageI Scala does not grow on a language basisI Scala grows on a library basis

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Chapter 1


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Expression evaluation: Double

scala> 1.2.*(2.3)

res0: Double = 2.76

scala> 1.2 * 2.3

res1: Double = 2.76

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Expression evaluation: String

scala> "Hello world".substring(2,9)

res2: java.lang.String = llo wor

scala> "Hello world" substring (2,9)

res3: java.lang.String = llo wor

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Function result

def plus(x: Int) = (y: Int) => y + x

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Function result

scala> :l plus.scala

Loading plus.scala...

plus: (x: Int)(Int) => Int

scala> plus(1)

res0: (Int) => Int = <function1>

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Apply plus(1)

scala> plus(1).apply(1)

res1: Int = 2

scala> plus(1)(1)

res2: Int = 2

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Function parameter

def applyToZero[X](f: Int => X) = f(0)

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Function parameter

scala> :l applyToZero.scala

Loading applyToZero.scala...

applyToZero: [X]((Int) => X)X

scala> applyToZero (x => x + 1)

res0: Int = 1

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Function parameter and result

def twice[X](f: X => X)

= (x: X) => f(f(x))

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Function parameter and result

scala> :l twice.scala

Loading twice.scala...

twice: [X]((X) => X)(X) => X

scala> twice((x: Int) => x + 1)(0)

res0: Int = 2

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Many parameter lists

def twice[X](f: X => X)(x: X) = f(f(x))

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Function parameter and result

scala> :l twiceMany.scala

Loading twiceMany.scala...

twice: [X](f: (X) => X)(x: X)X

scala> twice((x: Int) => x + 1)(0)

res0: Int = 2

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Placeholder syntax

scala> :l applyToZero.scala

Loading applyToZero.scala...

applyToZero: [X]((Int) => X)X

scala> applyToZero (_ + 1)

res0: Int = 1

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Chapter 2


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Compositional reuse

I Compositional reuse is reuse of

I code fragmentsthe building blocks, starting from atomic ones

I code templatesthe containers into which the building blockscan be plugged

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Natural numbers and digits

type Nat = Int

type Dig = Int

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Structural recursion

def structRec[A]

(a: A, op: (Dig, A) => A) : Nat => A = {

(n: Nat) =>

if(n == 0) {


} else {

op(n % 10, structRec(a, op)(n / 10))



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Using structural recursion

def sumOfDigits =

structRec[Int](0, _ + _)

def hasDigit(d: Dig) =

structRec[Boolean](false, _ == d || _)

def exists(p: Dig => Boolean) =

structRec[Boolean](false, p(_) || _)

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Using structural recursion

scala> sumOfDigits(1234)

res0: Int = 10

scala> hasDigit(2)(1234)

res1: Boolean = true

scala> exists(_ == 2)(1234)

res2: Boolean = true

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---- | / \ |

| dig = 3 + 3 = rec |


| 2 + 1 |

| / \ |

| 1 + 0 |

| / \ |

| 0 0 |

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List of digits


/ \

3 :

/ \

2 :

/ \

1 :



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Sum of list of digits


/ \

3 +

/ \

2 +

/ \

1 +

/ \

0 0

Page 31: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Tail recursion

def tailRec[A]

(a: A, op: (Dig, A) => A) : Nat => A = {

(n: Nat) =>

if(n == 0) {


} else {

tailRec(op(n % 10, a), op)(n / 10)



Page 32: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Using tail recursion

def sumOfDigits =

tailRec[Int](0, _ + _)

def hasDigit(d: Dig) =

tailRec[Boolean](false, _ == d || _)

def exists(p: Dig => Boolean) =

tailRec[Boolean](false, p(_) || _)

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Using tail recursion

scala> sumOfDigits(1234)

res0: Int = 10

scala> hasDigit(2)(1234)

res1: Boolean = true

scala> exists(_ == 2)(1234)

res2: Boolean = true

Page 34: Scala by Luc Duponcheel


6 = rec

| / \ |

| 0 6 |

| / \ |

| 1 + 5 |

| ------------

| 2| + 3 = acc |

--------| / \ |

| dig = 3 + 0 |

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Chapter 3


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Conditional construct

def _if

(cond: Boolean)

(block: () => Unit)

= cond match {

case true => block()

case false => ()


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Conditional expression

scala> :l if.scala

Loading if.scala...

_if: (Boolean)(() => Unit)Unit

scala> _if(Math.random<0.5)(() =>

| println("ok")

| )


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Loop construct

def _while

(cond: () => Boolean)

(block: () => Unit): Unit

= if(cond()) {




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Loop expression

scala> :l while.scala

Loading while.scala...

_while: (() => Boolean)(() => Unit)Unit

scala> _while(() => Math.random<0.5)(() =>

| println ("ok")

| )


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Conditional construct

def _if

(cond: Boolean)

(block: => Unit)

= cond match {

case true => block

case false => ()


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Loop construct

def _while

(cond: => Boolean)

(block: => Unit): Unit

= if(cond) {




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Conditional expression

scala> :l if_cbn.scala

Loading if_cbn.scala...

_if: (Boolean)(=> Unit)Unit

scala> _if(Math.random<0.5) {

| println ("ok")

| }


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Loop expression

scala> :l while_cbn.scala

Loading while_cbn.scala...

_while: (=> Boolean)(=> Unit)Unit

scala> _while(Math.random<0.5) {

| println ("ok")

| }


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Chapter 4


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Instance constants

class C {

val re = 0.0

val im = 0.0


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Instance constants: usage

scala> :l complex01.scala

Loading complex01.scala...

defined class C

scala> new C

res0: C = C@151fe8a

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class C {

// ...

override def toString

= re + " + " + im + "*" + "i"


Page 48: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

toString: usage

scala> :l complex02.scala

Loading complex02.scala...

defined class C

scala> new C

res0: C = 0.0 + 0.0*i

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Class parameters

class C(r: Double, i: Double) {

val re = r

val im = i

// ...


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Class parameters: usage

scala> :l complex03.scala

Loading complex03.scala...

defined class C

scala> new C(-1, -1)

res0: C = -1.0 + -1.0*i

Page 51: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

toString again

override def toString = {

val sgnim = if(im<0.0){" - "}else{" + "}

val absim = if(im<0.0){ -im }else{ im }

if(im == 0.0) { re + "" } else {

if(re == 0.0) { im + "*i" } else {

re + sgnim + absim + "*i" } }


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toString again: usage

scala> :l complex04.scala

Loading complex04.scala...

defined class C

scala> new C(-1, -1)

res0: C = -1.0 - 1.0*i

scala> new C(-1, +1)

res1: C = -1.0 + 1.0*i

Page 53: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Additive operators

class C(r: Double, i: Double) {

// ...

def +(c: C) =

new C(re +, im +

def -(c: C) =

new C(re -, im -

// ...


Page 54: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Additive operators: usage

scala> :l complex05.scala

Loading complex05.scala...

defined class C

scala> new C(+1,+1) + new C(-3,+2)

res1: C = -2.0 + 3.0*i

scala> new C(+1,+1) - new C(-3,+2)

res2: C = 4.0 - 1.0*i

Page 55: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Multiplicative operators

// ...

def *(c: C) = new C(re* - im*,

im* + re*

def /(c: C) = {

val d =* +*

new C((re* + im* / d,

(im* - re* / d) }

// ...

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Multiplicative operators: usage

scala> :l complex06.scala

Loading complex06.scala...

defined class C

scala> new C(+1,+1) * new C(-3,+2)

res0: C = -5.0 - 1.0*i

scala> new C(-5,-1) / new C(-3,+2)

res1: C = 1.0 + 1.0*i

Page 57: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Negation operator

class C(r: Double, i: Double) {

// ...

def unary_- = new C(-re, -im)

// ...


Page 58: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Negation operator: usage

scala> :l complex07.scala

Loading complex07.scala...

defined class C

scala> - new C(-5,-1)

res0: C = 5.0 + 1.0*i

scala> - new C(5,1)

res1: C = -5.0 - 1.0*i

Page 59: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

The complex number i

class C(r: Double, i: Double) {

// ...


object C {

val i = new C(0.0, 1.0)


Page 60: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

The complex number i: usage

scala> :l complex08.scala

Loading complex08.scala...


scala> import C.i

import C.i

scala> i * i

res0: C = -1.0

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Converting Double

class C(r: Double, i: Double) {

// ...


object C {


implicit def toC(d: Double)

= new C(d, 0.0)


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Converting Double: usage

scala> :l complex09.scala

Loading complex09.scala...


scala> (1.0 + 1.0*i) / i

res0: C = 1.0 - 1.0*i

scala> 1.0 + 1.0*i / i

res1: C = 2.0

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Chapter 5


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class Space[X] extends Actor {

// ...


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abstract class Worker[X](space: Space[X])

extends Actor {

// ...


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object Types {

type Work[X] = PartialFunction[X,Unit]


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Put and Reg

case class Put[X](x: X)

case class Reg[X](

work: Work[X]

worker: Worker[X])

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case class App[X](work: Work[X], x: X)

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Space information

private var ps: List[Put[X]] = Nil

private var rs: List[Reg[X]] = Nil

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Space functionality: part one

I A worker can put objects x into the space

using space ! Put(x)

I A worker can register work with the space

using space ! Reg(work, worker)

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Space functionality: part two

I A space can notify a worker when an objectx, to which the work he registered with thespace can be applied, has been put into thespace using worker ! App(work, x)

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reacting to a Put: part one

case p@Put(x: X) => {

val frs =

rs filter(r =>

if(frs == Nil) {

ps ::= p.asInstanceOf[Put[X]]


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reacting to a Put: part two

else {

val fr = frs.last

rs = rs filter (r => !(r eq fr))

fr.worker ! App(, x)


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reacting to a Reg: part one

case r@Reg(work, worker) => {

val fps =

ps filter (p => work.isDefinedAt(p.x))

if(fps == Nil) {

rs ::= r.asInstanceOf[Reg[X]]


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reacting to a Reg: part two

else {

val fp = fps.last

ps = ps filter (p => !(p eq fp))

worker ! App(work, fp.x)


Page 76: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Worker: part one

abstract class Worker[X](space: Space[X])

extends Actor {

protected var isAcceptingMoreWork = true

protected def registerForWork()

def put(x: X) {

space ! Put(x) }

def reg(work: Work[X]) {

space ! Reg(work, this) }

Page 77: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Worker: part two

private def applyZeroOrMoreTimes() {

loop { react {

case App(work, x) => {


if(isAcceptingMoreWork) {


} } } }


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Worker: part three

private def applyOneOrMoreTimes() {




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Worker: part four

def act() {



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sealed abstract class PingPong

case object Ping extends PingPong

case object Pong extends PingPong

case object Over extends PingPong

case object Done extends PingPong

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abstract class Player(

name: String

table: Space[PingPong]


extends Worker[PingPong](table) {

override def toString = name


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Pinger: part one

protected def registerForWork() =

reg {

case Pong => {

if (Math.random < 0.95) {

println(this + " ping")


} else {



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Pinger: part two

case Done => {

println(this + " stop")

isAcceptingMoreWork = false





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Ponger: part one

protected def registerForWork() =

reg {

case Ping => {

if (Math.random < 0.95) {

println(this + " pong")


} else {



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Ponger: part two

case Done => {

println(this + " stop")

isAcceptingMoreWork = false





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Umpire: part one

class Umpire(

name: String,

players: List[Player],

table: Space[PingPong])

extends Worker[PingPong](table) {

override def toString = name

Page 87: Scala by Luc Duponcheel

Umpire: part two

protected def registerForWork() =

reg {

case Over => {

println(this + " done")

for { _ <- players } put(Done)

println(this + " stop")

isAcceptingMoreWork = false



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class Table extends Space[PingPong]

val theTable = new Table

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val thePlayers =

Pinger("pinger_1", true) ::

Pinger("pinger_2", false) ::

Ponger("ponger_1") ::

Ponger("ponger_2") ::


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val theUmpire =

new Umpire

("_umpire_", thePlayers, theTable)

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val startPinger = thePlayers.head
