SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatt’s Plea for Probing Amit Shah’s Role in...

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  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots







    Sanjiv Rajendra Bhatt Petiti!ner


    Uni!n !$ India % Or"# Re"&!ndent"

    '(ith (#P# )Cr*#+ N!#,-./,-001

    J ! " M E N T

    ARN MI#$RA% J.

    0# The &etiti!n" have 2een $i*ed 23 the &etiti!ner 4nder Arti5*e 6,

    !$ the C!n"tit4ti!n# In (#P# )Cr*#+ N!#067/,-008 a &ra3er ha" 2een

    9ade t! dire5t tran"$er !$ the inve"ti:ati!n ari"in: !4t !$ I;CR#


  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    0/,-00 re:i"tered !n the

    2a"i" !$ the FIR *!d:ed 23 the then Additi!na* Adv!5ate Genera* !$

    State !$ G4jarat at Va"tra&4r P#S#8 Ah9eda2ad8 G4jarat8 4nder "e5ti!n

    !$ the In$!r9ati!n Te5hn!*!:3 A5t8 )$!r "h!rt ?@the IT A5t@+ t! an3

    inde&endent a:en53 *ie the CBI !4t"ide the 5!ntr!* !$ the State

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    G!vern9ent# Si9i*ar*3 Cr*#Mi"5# Petiti!n N!#07>7/,-07 $!r

    a$!re"aid dire5ti!n" and $!r i9&*ead9ent a" re"&!ndent" ; Cr*#Mi"5#

    Petiti!n N!#07>/,-07 ha" 2een $i*ed#

    6# In (rit Petiti!n )Cr*#+ N!#067/,-008 the &etiti!ner ha" averred

    that inve"ti:ati!n !$ I;CR N!#0.

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Se54rit38 C!a"ta* Se54rit38 "e54rit3 !$ vita* in"ta**ati!n"8 5!4nter

    inte**i:en5e and VVIP "e54rit3 in5*4din: that !$ the Chie$ Mini"ter#

    He ha" a**e:ed that he a" &re"ent in the 9eetin: 5!nvened 23 the

    then Chie$ Mini"ter !n the ni:ht !$ ,#,#,--,# The in"tant FIR a" a

    5!4nter;2*a"t at the a$!re"aid a5ti!n taen 23 the &etiti!ner# The

    &etiti!ner ha" "429itted that M"# Jaia Na"i9 Ahe"an Ja$ri had $i*ed a

    5!9&*aint !n >##,-- hi5h a" !rdered t! 2e *!!ed int! 23 SIT a"

    &er !rder" !$ thi" C!4rt# The &etiti!ner i" a 5*!"e $riend !$ the then

    AAG# The3 have 2een re:4*ar*3 va5ati!nin: t!:ether $!r the *a"t "!

    9an3 3ear"# In ,--

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Mr# A#=# Ma*h!tra8 Me92er8 SIT8 a2!4t the e&i"!de and a*"! *eain:

    !$ in$!r9ati!n 23 the SIT t! the then AAG# Hi" "tate9ent a"

    re5!rded !n "evera* !55a"i!n" in ,--< and ,-0- 23 the SIT# The

    &etiti!ner ha" $4rther averred that he had va5ati!ned a:ain in

    Ma3;J4ne8 ,-0- ith the then AAG a*!n: ith $a9i*3# He a" a:ain

    re4ired t! a55e"" the e;9ai* a55!4nt !n "evera* !55a"i!n"# D4rin: the

    &eri!d $r!9 Fe2r4ar3 t! J4ne8 ,-0-8 he 5a9e a5r!"" e;9ai* e5han:e"

    hi5h 5*ear*3 indi5ated an 4nh!*3 and i**e:a* 5!9&*i5it3 2eteen the

    then AAG and the $4n5ti!narie" !$ State !$ G4jarat# The &etiti!ner ha"

    $4rther averred that !n ,-#

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    &etiti!ner re4e"ted $!r ade4ate "e54rit3 5!ver vide *etter dated

    0.#,#,-00 )P;+#

    # On 07#6#,-00 thi" C!4rt dire5ted the Chair9an8 SIT t! 5arr3 !4t

    inve"ti:ati!n and "429it a re&!rt !n the !2"ervati!n" 9ade 23 the

    amicus curiaea&&!inted 23 thi" C!4rt# P4r"4ant theret! the &etiti!ner

    a" "499!ned 23 the SIT 4nder "e5ti!n 0- !$ the C!de !$ Cri9ina*

    Pr!5ed4re in 5!nne5ti!n ith the inve"ti:ati!n !$ Me:hani Na:ar

    P!*i5e Stati!n8 I;CR# N!#/,--,# He a" i""4ed "499!n" )P;0-+ $!r

    ,0#6#,-00 4nder "e5ti!n 0- Cr#PC# The SIT "tarted re5!rdin: !$

    "tate9ent" !$ the &etiti!ner !n ,0#6#,-00 hi5h a" 5!n5*4ded !n

    ,7#6#,-00# On ,7#6#,-00 hi*e re5!rdin: "tate9ent !$ the &etiti!ner8

    the SIT e&re""ed it" ina2i*it3 t! en5!9&a"" the detai*" indi5ative !$

    *ar:er 5!n"&ira53 !$ !$$i5ia* !r5he"trati!n 2ehind G4jarat ri!t" !$

    ,--,# The SIT "e*$;re"tri5ted the "5!&e !$ FIR 4nder inve"ti:ati!n#

    The &etiti!ner had taen Mr# =#D# Panth a*!n: ith hi9 t! the !$$i5e

    !$ the SIT t! 5!rr!2!rate the $a5t !$ hi" havin: attended the $ate$4*

    9eetin: at the re"iden5e !$ the then Chie$ Mini"ter !n the *ate ni:ht !$

    ,#,#,--,# SIT a" aver"e t! re5!rd the "tate9ent !$ Mr# Panth

    in5*4din: Mr# Tara Chand adav h! 5!4*d have 5!rr!2!rated the $a5t

    !$ &etiti!ner" &re"en5e in the 9eetin:# Later !n8 the SIT ea9ined

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Mr# =#D# Panth# (hi*e re5!rdin: "tate9ent8 he a" "42je5ted t!

    inti9idati!n and 5!er5i!n 23 the SIT# The $a5t a" in$!r9ed t! hi9 !n

    #.#,-00 23 Mr# =#D# Panth# The &etiti!ner r!te a *etter t! the

    Chair9an8 SIT a2!4t the inti9idati!n 9eted !4t t! Mr# Panth8 and

    e&re""ed an a&&rehen"i!n a" t! the r!*e and intenti!n !$ 5ertain

    9e92er" !$ the SIT# On 0.#.#,-008 the &etiti!ner "ent an a$$idavit t!

    thi" C!4rt in SLP )Cri9ina*+ N!#0->>/,--> &!intin: !4t 5ertain

    a"&e5t" and inade4a5ie" in the 9anner and a&&r!a5h !$ the SIT and

    inti9idati!n !$ Mr# Panth# In the a$$idavit he ha" a*"! 9enti!ned the

    detai*" !$ the 9eetin: 5!nvened 23 the then Chie$ Mini"ter !n

    ,#,#,--,# On ,#.#,-008 the &etiti!ner a" "499!ned 23 J4"ti5e

    Nanavati and Mehta C!99i""i!n !$ In4ir3 )$!r "h!rt KJ4"ti5e

    Nanavati C!99i""i!n+ dire5tin: hi9 t! a&&ear !n 0#7#,-00# Thi"

    C!4rt vide !rder dated 7#7#,-00 )P;0>+ in SLP )Cr*#+ N!#0->>/,-->

    dire5ted the amicus curiaet! ea9ine the re5!rd !$ the SIT# He a"

    &er9itted t! intera5t ith the itne""e" ea9ined 23 the SIT# On

    ,#7#,-008 the &etiti!ner a" a"ed 23 amicus curiae t! re9ain at

    Gandhina:ar )Ah9eda2ad+ !n 0>/0

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    "4::e"ted t! Mr# T#C# adav and Mr# =#D# Panth that the3 9a3

    &re&are a$$idavit" t! 2e :iven t! amicus curiae !n 0>##,-00# The

    &etiti!ner "429itted that the3 a:reed and re4e"ted the &etiti!ner t!

    arran:e $!r tr4"t!rth3 adv!5ate h! 5!4*d he*& the9 in &re&arin:

    and a$$ir9in: the &r!&!"ed a$$idavit" in "tri5t 5!n$iden5e# B!th the

    itne""e" :!t their a$$idavit" &re&ared and a$$ir9ed !n 0##,-00 and

    :ave the9 t! the &etiti!ner# On 0>##,-00 the &etiti!ner 9et the

    amicus curiae# Mr# T#C# adav a*"! 9et amicus curiae# H!ever8 Mr#

    =#D# Panth did n!t t4rn 4 The &etiti!ner then handed !ver a 5!&3 !$

    the a$$idavit a$$ir9ed 23 Mr# =#D#Panth t! the amicus curiae# The

    &etiti!ner 5a9e t! n! !n ,,##,-00 that "eni!r &!*i5e !$$i5ia*"

    &re""4ried Mr# =#D# Panth and 9ade hi9 t! a$$ir9 the a$$idavit

    2e$!re the Ee54tive Ma:i"trate at Gandhina:ar ne:atin: the ear*ier

    a$$idavit "!rn 23 hi9 2e$!re the N!tar3 P42*i5 !n 0##,-00# A

    ritten 5!9&*aint a" &re&ared at the 2ehe"t !$ Mr# =#D# Panth !n the

    2a"i" !$ hi5h at ,66- hr"# !n ,,##,-00 an FIR )P;06+ a" re:i"tered

    at Ghat*!dia P!*i5e Stati!n a" I;CR# N!#0.

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    t! "499!n the &etiti!ner 4nder "e5ti!n 600 a" a itne"" in Ma3;J4ne8


    The FIR ha" 2een re:i"tered a:ain"t the &etiti!ner# He ha" n!

    h!&e !$ $air inve"ti:ati!n in CR# N!#0.

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Thi" C!4rt ha" 5!n"idered a** the a**e:ati!n" 9ade 23 &etiti!ner

    a:ain"t the9 in SLP )Cr*#+ N!#0->>/,--> 9!nit!red 23 a S&e5ia*

    Ben5h !$ thi" C!4rt#

    /,--># The 5!9&*aint !$ M"# Jaia Ja$ri dated >##,-- ha"

    a*read3 2een ea9ined 23 the SIT# The &etiti!ner 5ann!t 5h!!"e

    inve"ti:atin: a:en53# The &etiti!ner a&&ear" t! have 2een 2r!4:ht at

    the "5ene at the $a: end !$ the tria* 23 the &!*iti5a* &artie"8 a5tivi"t"

    and !ther ve"ted intere"t :r!4&"# An a5tivi"t ha" $i*ed an a&&*i5ati!n

    $!r 2ein: i9&*eaded a" re"&!ndent# (hi*e &etiti!ner a" in

    5!nnivan5e and 5!n"tant 5!n"4*tati!n ith the adver"ar3 &!*iti5a*

    &art3 and ve"ted intere"t :r!4&"8 he ha" n! e&*anati!n t! ee& 4iet

    $!r nine 3ear" a" t! the 9eetin: dated ,#,#,--,# Other $a5t" have a*"!

    2een denied# In e;9ai* )P;.+ $i*ed 23 the &etiti!ner8 atta5h9ent"

    indi5ate that it a" ith re"&e5t t! Sohrabuddin en5!4nter8 the

    &etiti!ner ha" 9ade $a*"e "4::e"ti!n" and a**e:ati!n" a" t! the

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    5!ntent" !$ e;9ai*" and a2"!*4te*3 $a*"e a**e:ati!n" a:ain"t SIT# The

    Sohrabuddinen5!4nter 5a"e a" inve"ti:ated 23 G4jarat State CID#

    0-# It i" $4rther "tated in the re&*3 that the &etiti!ner i" :4i*t3 !$

    ha5in: the e;9ai* a55!4nt !$ the then AAG $!r hi5h !$$en5e 4nder

    "e5ti!n !$ the IT A5t ha" 2een re:i"tered# Petiti!ner a" *eain:

    in$!r9ati!n and intera5tin: ith 9edia and !ther ve"ted intere"t

    :r!4&"# He even atte9&ted t! 4"e 9edia 5ard t! in$*4en5e j4di5ia*

    &r!5eedin:"# The a$$idavit "ent 23 the &etiti!ner in SLP )Cr*#+

    N!#0->>/,--> a" n!t taen !n re5!rd# Thi" $a5t ha" 2een "4&&re""ed

    23 the &etiti!ner# He i" a5tin: at the 2ehe"t !$ riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 in

    the State !$ G4jarat# The State ha" 9ade "eri!4" a**e:ati!n" a:ain"t

    the &etiti!ner and rea* 9!tive" t! $i*e the &etiti!n in thi" C!4rt# It ha"

    &*a5ed !n re5!rd e;9ai*" "ent/re5eived 23 the &etiti!ner hi5h

    indi5ate that the &etiti!ner ha" intera5ted ith the De&4t3 *eader !$

    A""e92*3 2e*!n:in: t! riva* &!*iti5a* &art3# He ha" tried t! in$*4en5e

    amicus curiaeand the 6;9e92er Ben5h !$ thi" C!4rt 23 4"in: 9edia

    5ard and 4"in: &re""4re :r!4&"# He a" re5eivin: &a5a:e" and

    9ateria*" $r!9 the *eader !$ riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 in G4jarat# He ha"

    re$erred t! riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 a" hi" !n &art3# (hi*e 2ein:

    5r!"";ea9ined 23 the !&&!"iti!n &artie" 2e$!re J4"ti5e Nanavati

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    C!99i""i!n8 &etiti!ner ha" "end e;9ai* that the &er$!r9an5e !$ the

    adv!5ate !$ the riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 a" &atheti5 and 9enti!ned that ?I

    a9 4nder e&*!ited@#

    00# Petiti!ner a" a*"! ne:!tiatin: ith "evera* ve"ted intere"t

    :r!4&"8 NGO"# and a" tr3in: t! in$*4en5e the amicus curiae

    a&&!inted 23 thi" C!4rt# E;9ai*" revea* that "!9e!ne e*"e a"

    in"tr49enta* in "endin: the 4n"!*i5ited a$$idavit !$ &etiti!ner t! thi"

    C!4rt !n 0.#.#,-00# He a" in 5!n"tant t!45h ith an a5tivi"t and her

    *a3er# E;9ai* di"5*!"e" 4nh!*3 ne4" !$ the &etiti!ner ith

    &!*iti5ian"8 NGO"#8 a5tivi"t" et5# It i" "429itted that !n 2eha*$ !$ the

    riva* &!*iti5a* &art38 a &ra3er a" 9ade t! 5a** the &etiti!ner a"

    itne""# The &etiti!ner did n!t !2je5t t! the 5r!"";ea9inati!n 23 Jan

    San:har"h Man5h8 and t! the 9ain riva* &!*iti5a* &art38 in G4jarat8 24t

    !2je5ted t! the 5r!"";ea9inati!n 23 the State !$ G4jarat#

    0,# It i" $4rther 5!ntended 23 the State that Mr# =#D# Panth

    a&&eared 2e$!re the Ee54tive Ma:i"trate8 Gandhina:ar !n 0##,-00

    and "!re an a$$idavit a" t! the &etiti!ner i**e:a**3 !2tainin: a$$idavit

    hi5h a" $i*ed 2e$!re the amicus curiae 23 the &etiti!ner# The

    a**e:ati!n re:ardin: de"tr45ti!n !$ re5!rd" ha" a*"! 2een denied# The

    re5!rd !$ 5ate:!r3 KD i" 9aintained !n*3 $!r 6 3ear" that i" *!: 2!!

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    !$ the vehi5*e and the "a9e i" n!t avai*a2*e ith the State G!vern9ent

    a" the 5!&ie" are 9aintained 23 the 5!n5erned !$$i5er"

    5!nte9&!rane!4"*3 h! "429it the "a9e# The &etiti!ner $ai*ed t!

    a&&ear de"&ite "evera* "499!n" in CR# N!#0.#,#,--,# He had vi"ited

    n!tar3/adv!5ate at B!92a3 )Mahara"htra+ $!r the &4r&!"e !$ :ettin:

    the tran"*ated d!549ent" n!taried/5erti$ied# Petiti!ner ha" $a*"e*3

    a""erted that he a55!9&anied hi9 t! the 9eetin: at the re"iden5e !$

    the then Chie$ Mini"ter !n ,#,#,--,#

    0.# He had re5eived a 5a** $r!9 the &etiti!ner at 077 h!4r" and he

    a" a"ed t! 9eet the &etiti!ner at ,,-- h!4r" at hi" re"iden5e#

    Petiti!ner had taen hi9 t! Pre"ident !$ the G4jarat State riva*

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    &!*iti5a* &art38 here$r!9 he a" taen t! the !$$i5e !$ the

    5!;a554"ed8 Chair9an !$ the Le:a* Ce** !$ the "aid &art3 and a"

    &er9itted t! *eave ear*3 in the 9!rnin: h!4r" a$ter &re&arati!n !$

    a$$idavit dated 0##,-00# A** the 9!ve9ent" are"42"tantiated 23 the

    9!2i*e 5a** re5!rd" and 9!2i*e t!er *!5ati!n"# Re"&!ndent N!#. ha"

    :iven the "tate9ent 2e$!re the SIT 5!n"tit4ted 23 thi" C!4rt# The

    &etiti!ner i" 9ain: $riv!*!4" 5!ntenti!n"#

    07# A 5!4nter a$$idavit ha" a*"! 2een $i*ed !n 2eha*$ !$ re"&!ndent

    N!#7 SIT 5!ntendin: that the eviden5e :iven 23 Mr# Bhatt i"

    a2"!*4te*3 4nre*ia2*e# Hi" ante5edent" have 2een 9enti!ned in detai*#

    The &etiti!ner re9ained &!"ted in vari!4" 5a&a5itie" in the State !$

    G4jarat# There ere 6 de&art9enta* in4irie" &endin: a:ain"t hi9# He

    a" :iven 6 &r!9!ti!n" !$ J4ni!r Ad9ini"trative Grade8 Se*e5ti!n

    Grade and DIG Grade vide !rder" dated #>#,--78 6#

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Ja9j!dh&4r in hi5h !ne &er"!n a" i**ed# He inv!ed the

    &r!vi"i!n" !$ TADA and arre"ted 0.- inn!5ent &er"!n"# An in4ir3

    a" :!t 5!nd45ted 23 the State G!vern9ent and the &etiti!ner a"

    $!4nd :4i*t3 !$ 9i"4"e !$ TADA and 4nne5e""ar3 i9&!"iti!n !$

    54r$e $!r - h!4r"# A" "an5ti!n a" n!t :iven 23 the State

    G!vern9ent t! &r!"e54te the &etiti!ner the 5*!"4re re&!rt a"

    "429itted hi5h a" reje5ted and 5!:nian5e taen 4nder "e5ti!n"

    6-,8 6,68 7-)0+ and 00. IPC# The "aid 5a"e a" &endin: $!r $ra9in:

    5har:e" a:ain"t the &etiti!ner# The vi5ti9 a" aarded a

    5!9&en"ati!n !$ R"#0#7 *ah h! died d4e t! P!*i5e atr!5itie"#

    0# It i" $4rther 5!ntended that &etiti!ner a" inv!*ved in in$a9!4"

    5a"e !$ evi5ti!n !$ tenant a$ter $a2ri5atin: 5a"e 4nder NDPS A5t hi*e

    he a" &!"ted at Bana"antha# A 5!9&*aint a" $i*ed 23 Mr# S#S#

    Raj&4r!hit8 Adv!5ate &ra5ti"in: at Pa*i8 State !$ Raja"than8 re:i"tered

    a" FIR N!#.-6/0, IPC and "e5ti!n" 7>)0+

    and 7>),+ !$ the NDPS A5t# On 5!9&*eti!n !$ the inve"ti:ati!n8 a

    5har:e"heet had 2een $i*ed a:ain"t &etiti!ner in the C!4rt !$ S&e5ia*

    J4d:e 4nder the NDPS A5t at J!dh&4r# The a**e:ati!n" !$ the

    5!9&*ainant adv!5ate are that he had 2een !554&3in: &r!&ert3 a" a

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    tenant in Pa*i8 Raja"than8 hi5h a" !ned 23 the "i"ter !$ Mr# R#R#

    Jain8 the then Additi!na* J4d:e !$ the Hi:h C!4rt !$ G4jarat# At the

    in"tan5e !$ "aid J4d:e8 Mr# Sanjiv Bhatt and hi" "42!rdinate !$$i5er"

    &*anted nar5!ti5 dr4:" in a h!te*;r!!9 at Pa*an&4r8 G4jarat8 hi5h

    a" 5*ande"tine*3 "h!n a" !554&ied 23 "aid adv!5ate Mr# S#S#

    Raj&4r!hit# In !rder t! :et the &r!&ert3 va5ated8 Mr# Raj&4r!hit a"

    a2d45ted 23 the !$$i5er" !$ the G4jarat P!*i5e $r!9 Pa*i in Raja"than#

    The arre"t a" "h!n !n ,#7#0

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    0# SIT ha" $4rther "429itted in the 5!4nter a$$idavit that the 5*ai9

    !$ Mr# Sanjiv Bhatt that he a" &re"ent in 9eetin: 5!nvened 23 the

    then Chie$ Mini"ter !n the ni:ht !$ ,#,#,--,8 5!4*d n!t 2e

    "42"tantiated d4rin: SIT inve"ti:ati!n# In thi" re:ard SIT ha" a*read3

    "429itted it" re&!rt in the C!4rt !$ Ith Metr!&!*itan Ma:i"trate8

    Ah9eda2ad Cit3 !n >#,#,-0, in 5!9&*ian5e !$ the !rder" &a""ed 23

    thi" C!4rt !n 0,#

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    CID )Cri9e+ hi5h a" ear*ier 2ein: "4&ervi"ed 23 S9t# Geetha J!hri

    a" IG8 CID )Cri9e+8 G4jarat State#

    The &etiti!ner a" ea9ined 23 SIT ear*ier !n ,7#00#,--< and

    ,#00#,--< n!t in the 3ear ,-0-# Therea$ter8 he a" 5a**ed $!r $4rther

    inve"ti:ati!n in Gulberg Society5a"e !n*3 !n ,0#6#,-00# There i" an

    a**e:ati!n !$ ha5in: !$ &a""!rd !$ e;9ai* a55!4nt !$ the then AAG#


  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    the &etiti!ner that !$ havin: $!**!ed hi9 in hi" "ta$$ 5ar t! the Chie$

    Mini"ter" re"iden5e !n the ni:ht !$ ,#,#,--,#

    ,-# The SIT $4rther 5!ntend" that the !$$i5e !rder hi5h ha" 2een

    "h!n a" re$errin: t! reard 23 the &etiti!ner indi5ate" a $a 9e""a:e

    a"in: M/"# Ma5r!8 Chennai8 t! "end their detai*ed 4!tati!n a*!n:

    ith "&e5i$i5ati!n" and re*evant &arti54*ar" in re"&e5t !$ Pi"t!* G*!5

    a" the Inte**i:en5e B4rea4 !$ G4jarat a" in need t! &4r5ha"e the "aid

    e4i&9ent"# In $a5t8 the reard a" :iven $!r &er$!r9in: !r re*ated

    t! the 9!ve9ent !$ VIP"# d4rin: 5!994na* vi!*en5e a$ter G!dhra

    in5ident hi5h t!! &*a5e !n ,#,#,--,# The $a 9e""a:e ha" 2een

    &*a5ed !n re5!rd# Th4"8 &etiti!ner ha" $i*ed $a*"e and $!r:ed

    d!549ent" in thi" C!4rt#

    ,0# It i" $4rther 5!ntended 23 SIT in it" re&*3 that the &etiti!ner had

    :iven ide &42*i5it3 t! the a$$idavit dated 0.#.#,-00 thr!4:h

    e*e5tr!ni5 and &rint 9edia# H!ever8 a$ter en4irie" SIT ha" 5!9e t!

    the 5!n5*4"i!n that Mr# Bhatt a" n!t &re"ent in the 9eetin: 5!nvened

    23 the then Chie$ Mini"ter !n ,#,#,--,#

    ,,# It i" $4rther 5!ntended 23 SIT that !n 0##,-008 Mr# =#D# Panth

    "ent an a&&*i5ati!n t! the Chair9an8 SIT en5*!"in: a 5!&3 !$ a$$idavit

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    a$$ir9ed 2e$!re an Ee54tive Ma:i"trate8 Gandhina:ar "tatin: that hi"

    "tate9ent 2e$!re the SIT !n 7#.#,-00 a" ith!4t an3 &re""4re !r

    9!tivati!n# He ha" $4rther "tated that in the ear*3 h!4r" !n 0##,-00

    the a$$idavit a" :!t "i:ned $r!9 hi9 23 &etiti!ner ; Mr# Sanjiv Bhatt

    $ra4d4*ent*3 a$ter threatenin: hi98 $!r hi5h a 5!9&*aint a" *!d:ed

    ith the *!5a* &!*i5e# Pra3er ha" 2een 9ade that a5ti!n 2e taen

    a:ain"t the &etiti!ner $!r 5!99ittin: 5!nte9&t !$ 5!4rt and a*"!

    9i"*eadin: the 5!4rt 23 &*a5in: in5!rre5t $a5t" and e;9ai* &ertainin:

    t! Sohrabuddinen5!4nter 5a"e 23 State P!*i5e CID )Cri9e+#

    Petiti!ner ha" $i*ed additi!na* a$$idavit# Petiti!ner ha" "429itted

    that hi" e;9ai* a55!4nt ha" 2een i**e:a**3 ha5ed ith a vie t!

    de"tr!3 5ertain 5r45ia* eviden5e and the State G!vern9ent i" 9i"4"in:

    the State 9a5hiner3#

    ,6# In re&*3 t! the a$!re"aid a$$idavit8 State !$ G4jarat ha" denied

    the $a5t" and ha" :iven the detai*" !$ the a**e:ati!n" in CR#


  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    "ervi5e &r!vider" indi5ate the &re"en5e !$ the &etiti!ner a" e** a" the

    5!9&*ainant# The &re"en5e !$ &etiti!ner/5!9&*ainant at the re"iden5e

    !$ Pre"ident !$ riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 in G4jarat8 a" a""erted 23 the

    5!9&*ainant and hi" &re"en5e at the !$$i5e !$ the Adv!5ate8 h! a"

    Chair9an !$ the Le:a* Ce** !$ the riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 in G4jarat8 i"

    a*"! e"ta2*i"hed 23 the 9!2i*e t!er *!5ati!n"# FSL re&!rt" a*"!

    5!rr!2!rate that the a$$idavit a" &re&ared !n the "a9e *a&t!& a"

    "tated in the FIR#

    ,.# A rej!inder a$$idavit ha" 2een $i*ed 23 the &etiti!ner in (#P#

    )Cr*#+ N!#067/,-00# It i" 5!ntended 23 the &etiti!ner that there i" a

    de*i2erate atte9&t t! $a*"i$3 the "tand !$ the &etiti!ner re:ardin: hi"

    &re"en5e in ,#,#,--, 9eetin: ith the then Chie$ Mini"ter# The

    &4r&!"e !$ annein: e;9ai*" a" t! 2rin: the9 t! the n!ti5e !$ thi"

    C!4rt# Petiti!ner had n! intenti!n t! "4&&re"" an3 in$!r9ati!n# There

    a" ne4" !$ the then AAG ith the Adv!5ate !$ the a554"ed#

    Petiti!ner ha" $i*ed e5han:e !$ e;9ai*" 2eteen hi9 and *eader !$

    riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 in G4jarat A""e92*3 !n ,>#.#,-00 &!intin: !4t the

    "h!rt5!9in:" !$ SIT 4nder it" Chair9an# F4** tet !$ e;9ai*"

    e5han:ed 2eteen the &etiti!ner and !ther" ha" 2een $i*ed# (hat i" !$

    "i:ni$i5an5e i" that in rej!inder a$$idavit8 the &etiti!ner ha" n!t

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    5!ntr!verted e;9ai* 5!ntent" 9enti!ned 23 State !$ G4jarat in it"

    5!4nter a$$idavit# Petiti!ner ha" $i*ed additi!na* a$$idavit in5*4din:

    5ertain d!549ent"# He ha" "429itted that < re&!rt" "429itted 23 SIT

    ere "ent 23 the Under Se5retar3 )H!9e+ t! the then AAG and t! Mr#

    G#C# M4r94# Mr# G4r494rth3 Sa9inathan had ritten t! the then

    AAG that he ha" re5eived the re&!rt" and the atta5h9ent"# Mr#

    G4r494rth3 Sa9inathan $!rarded the n!te $!r hearin: !n

    07#6#,-0- t! the 5!4n"e* a&&earin: !n 2eha*$ !$ Prana2 Badeha#

    Petiti!ner ha" "429itted that SIT re&!rt" ere :iven t! the State

    5!4n"e* and amicus curiae# The3 ere 4*ti9ate*3 $!rarded t! Mr#

    G4r494rth3 h! in t4rn had advi"ed 5!4n"e* $!r the a554"ed Prana2

    Badeha in thi" C!4rt# The then AAG had e5han:ed e;9ai* ith

    re"&e5t t! Mr# Bi&in A92a*a* Pate* t! hi" Adv!5ate in thi" C!4rt#

    Certain d!549ent" ere a*"! $!rarded t! the !ther 5!4n"e*# Certain

    e;9ai*" 23 Mr# Sa9inathan t! !ther $4n5ti!narie" and 23 AAG t!

    !ther State $4n5ti!narie" have 2een $i*ed a*!n: ith additi!na*

    a$$idavit !n ,

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    r4*in: &art3 !$ the State# In Sohrabuddin" 5a"e inve"ti:ati!n a"

    tran"$erred t! the CBI# Th4"8 the then AAG a" he*&in: the a554"ed

    a" e** a" a5tin: !n 2eha*$ !$ the State# State !$ G4jarat a" !2tainin:

    the advi5e !$ Mr# G4r494rth3# Petiti!ner ha" a*"! "429itted that in

    Ishrat Jahanen5!4nter 5a"e8 SIT inve"ti:ati!n a" !rdered# In that

    5!nne5ti!n a*"! the then AAG had e5han:e 06 e;9ai*"# It i" a*"!

    "429itted that Additi!na* Se5retar3 )H!9e+" a$$idavit a" dra$ted 23

    an !4t"ider Mr# G4r494rth3 Sa9inathan in 5!n"4*tati!n ith the

    adv!5ate" !$ the a554"ed &er"!n"# Petiti!ner ha" $i*ed vari!4" e;9ai*"

    a" Anne4re" P;66 t! P;7.#

    ,7# Petiti!ner ha" "429itted in Cr*#Mi"5# Petiti!n N!#07>0/,-07

    and Cr*#Mi"5# Petiti!n N!#07>7/,-07 that Mr# =#D# Panth a"

    &re""4ried t! "ear an a$$idavit 2e$!re the Ee54tive Ma:i"trate !n

    ,,##,-00 hi5h a" 2a5 dated t! 0##,-00 "tatin: that the ear*ier

    a$$idavit :iven 23 the &etiti!ner a" !2tained 4nder d4re"" at the

    2ehe"t !$ the &etiti!ner# The a&&*i5ant a" "a5ed $r!9 "ervi5e 23 the

    Mini"tr3 !$ H!9e A$$air" !n the re5!99endati!n" !$ the G!vern9ent

    !$ G4jarat !n 06#>#,-07# Petiti!ner ha" a*"! "429itted that he and the

    then AAG enj!3ed $a9i*3 re*ati!n" that i" h! he had an !&&!rt4nit3

    t! a55e"" the e;9ai* a55!4nt# The e;9ai*" "ent 23 the a&&*i5ant t! the

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    trave* a:ent" re:ardin: vi"a a&&*i5ati!n8 5r4i"e8 5!n$ir9ati!n !$ ti5et"

    t! Sea (!r*d8 Santia:!8 air;ti5et"8 5ar;renta*8 !ther trave*

    arran:e9ent"8 5han:e in trave* &*an" et5# )A;6 t! A;0.+ have 2een


    ,# (#P# )Cr*#+ N!#,-./,-00 re*ate" t! an FIR *!d:ed 23 the then

    AAG !$ State !$ G4jarat at Va"tra&4r P!*i5e Stati!n re:i"tered a"

    II;CR N!#60.>/,-00 4nder "e5ti!n !$ the IT A5t re:ardin: ha5in:

    !$ hi" e;9ai* a55!4nt and ta9&erin: !$ the "a9e 23 the &etiti!ner#

    Pra3er ha" 2een 9ade in the rit a&&*i5ati!n t! tran"$er inve"ti:ati!n

    ari"in: !4t !$ the a$!re"aid 5ri9e t! an3 inde&endent a:en53 *ie CBI

    !4t"ide the 5!ntr!* !$ the State G!vern9ent and in Cr*#M#P#

    N!#07>7/,-07# In the 5han:ed "5enari! &ra3er ha" 2een 9ade t!

    a&&!int SIT8 5!nte9&t &r!5eedin:" 2e initiated and additi!na*

    d!549ent" 9a3 a*"! 2e en4ired int!# Pra3er ha" a*"! 2een 9ade t!

    dire5t "ervi5e &r!vider" t! &re"erve the e;9ai*" and/!r e*e5tr!ni5

    tra5e" there!$#

    State G!vern9ent ha" $i*ed an a$$idavit in re&*3 and ha"

    ad!&ted the 5!4nter a$$idavit dated >#00#,-00 $i*ed in (#P# )Cr*#+


  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    ,# M"# Indira Jai"in:8 *earned "eni!r 5!4n"e* a&&earin: $!r the

    &etiti!ner in (#P# )Cr*#+ N!#067/,-00 "429itted that 5!n"iderin: the

    $a5t4a* 9atri !$ the 5a"e8 inve"ti:ati!n 9ade in I;CR# N!#0.

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    the e;9ai*" t! 5!ntend that there had 2een *eaa:e !$ SIT re&!rt"8 SIT

    it"e*$ ha" *eaed the re&!rt"# She ha" a*"! taen 4" thr!4:h vari!4"

    e5han:e !$ e;9ai*" 2eteen the then AAG8 Mr# G4r494rth3

    Sa9inathan et5# t! 5!ntend that "eri!4" 5!nte9&t !$ thi" C!4rt ha"

    2een 5!99itted 23 the 9a5hiner3 !$ the State !$ G4jarat hi5h ha"

    a5ted in 5!nnivan5e ith the a554"ed &er"!n"# The then AAG ha"

    e"&!4"ed the 5a4"e !$ the a554"ed &er"!n"# B!th the FIR"# have 2een

    *!d:ed a:ain"t the &etiti!ner t! &re""4rie hi9 and re5ent*3 he ha"

    2een di"9i""ed $r!9 "ervi5e a*"!# Learned "eni!r 5!4n"e* ha" a*"!

    "429itted that the a9i54" 54riae a&&!inted 23 thi" C!4rt ha" !2"erved

    in hi" re&!rt that 5ertain a"&e5t" &!inted !4t 23 the &etiti!ner de"erve

    t! 2e *!!ed int!# It a" a*"! "429itted that Mr# =#D# Panth8

    5!9&*ainant8 ha" 2een 9ade t! t4rn h!"ti*e a:ain"t the &etiti!ner# It

    a" "429itted that th!4:h the 5!9&*ainant a" !n *eave !n

    ,#,#,--,8 he j!ined d4t3 d4e t! the G!dhra in5ident# He re&!rted $!r

    d4t3 in the *ate a$tern!!n !$ ,#,#,--,# Learned 5!4n"e* ha" re*ied

    4&!n the a$$idavit !$ Mr# =#D# Panth8 5!9&*ainant8 "429itted t! the

    a9i54" 54riae# The 5a"e !$ the &etiti!ner i" ain t! that !$ Zahira

    Sheikh# She a" a*"! 9ade t! t4rn h!"ti*e and a" $!r5ed t! de&!"e

    $a*"e*3# Petiti!ner ha" 2een hara""ed ith 9a*i5i!4" &r!"e54ti!n a" he

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots


  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    C!4rt a" e** a" the State !$ G4jarat in 5ri9ina* 5a"e" and the

    d!549ent" t! 2e $i*ed !n 2eha*$ !$ the State ere 2ein: "hared ith

    individ4a*" h! had n! 5!nne5ti!n ith the !n:!in: *e:a*

    &r!5eedin:"# Even the d!549ent" t! 2e $i*ed !n 2eha*$ !$ the a554"ed

    ere 2ein: &re&ared 23 the *a !$$i5er" !$ the State ith a""i"tan5e

    $r!9 "eni!r !$$i5ia*" !$ the State# Th4"8 a &ri9a $a5ie 5a"e !$ 5ri9ina*

    5!nte9&t ha" 2een 9ade !4t a:ain"t the re"&!ndent "!4:ht t! 2e

    i9&*eaded 23 the &etiti!ner# She ha" re*ied 4&!n "e5ti!n ,)5+)iii+ !$ the

    C!nte9&t !$ C!4rt" A5t t! 5!ntend that a5t hi5h inter$ere" !r tend"

    t! inter$ere ith8 !r !2"tr45t" !r tend" t! !2"tr45t8 the ad9ini"trati!n

    !$ j4"ti5e a9!4nt" t! 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t $!r hi5h a5ti!n 2e initiated#

    ,># It a" $4rther "429itted 23 *earned "eni!r 5!4n"e* that 5!4nter

    a$$idavit !$ re"&!ndent N!#, di"5*!"e" "4$$i5ient rea"!n t! 5!n"tit4te

    SIT# It a" $4rther "429itted that $ree and $air inve"ti:ati!n i" an

    inte:ra* &art and a $air tria* 4nder Arti5*e ,0 !$ the C!n"tit4ti!n !$

    India and the &etiti!ner *a5" $aith in the a2i*it3 !$ the State

    G!vern9ent t! 5!nd45t $ree and $air inve"ti:ati!n 5!n"iderin: the

    a**e:ati!n" 9ade a:ain"t the then AAG !$ the State8 !ther G!vern9ent

    !$$i5ia*" a" e** a" the &etiti!ner" r!*e in di"5*!"in: a *ar:er

    5!n"&ira53 i9&*i5atin: the then Chie$ Mini"ter in G4jarat ri!t" !$

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    ,--,# She ha" a*"! e9&ha"ied !n the need $!r an in4ir3 23 an

    inde&endent a:en53# She ha" "429itted that in the 5han:ed

    5ir549"tan5e"8 in4ir3 23 CBI i" n! :4arantee !$ a $air and i9&artia*

    inve"ti:ati!n# C!n"iderin: the &re"ent &!*iti5a* "et 4& in the 5!4ntr3

    even the then AAG ha" 2e5!9e 9!re in$*4entia*# Thi" C!4rt ha"

    9!nit!red the inve"ti:ati!n in "evera* 5a"e" and there i" a need $!r

    5!4rt;9!nit!red inve"ti:ati!n# C!4rt 5an !rder an inve"ti:ati!n even

    a$ter 5har:e"heet i" $i*ed# She ha" re$erred t! the e;9ai*" !$ ,--< and

    ,-0- e5han:ed 2eteen the then AAG and !ther in5492ent"# She

    ha" a*"! "429itted that a" State !$ G4jarat in it" ret4rn ha" 4r:ed that

    it i" a "3"te9ati5 and *ar:er 5!n"&ira53 thr!4:h &etiti!ner inv!*vin:

    t!& *eader" !$ riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 in G4jarat and ve"ted intere"t

    :r!4&"8 a" "45h State 9a5hiner3 5ann!t 9ae $air inve"ti:ati!n8 hen5e

    $r!9 aver9ent" in re&*3 $i*ed 23 State a 5a"e i" 9ade !4t t! 5!n"tit4te

    inde&endent SIT# On a 4er3 23 thi" C!4rt8 "he ha" "429itted that the

    &etiti!ner !4:ht t! have di"5*!"ed the e;9ai*" !n the vari!4" !55a"i!n"

    hen he 9ade the "tate9ent 2e$!re SIT8 $i*ed a$$idavit in thi" C!4rt

    and a" ea9ined 23 the C!99i""i!n# H!ever8 di"5*!"4re !n


  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots




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    !r "!9eh! ant t! ee& i""4e a*ive# SIT re&!rt" in < 5a"e" ere

    9ade avai*a2*e t! the State !$ G4jarat !n ,#6#,--

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    t! 2e in5!rre5t# It a" $4rther "429itted 23 the 5!4n"e* that the

    &etiti!ner i" tr3in: t! re;a:itate the i""4e ith the he*& !$ riva*

    &!*iti5a* &art3 a$ter the 5!4rt;9!nit!red inve"ti:ati!n had 5!9e t! $a:

    end and even the a**e:ati!n" 9ade 23 the &etiti!ner had 2een *!!ed

    int! e$$e5tive*3# He ha" a*"! 5!ntended that the &etiti!ner ha" n!t

    5!9e t! C!4rt ith 5*ean hand"8 a" "45h he i" n!t entit*ed t! an3

    ind4*:en5e# The e;9ai* e5han:e d!e" n!t indi5ate an3 5ri9ina*

    5!n"&ira53 t! "42vert the 5!4r"e !$ j4"ti5e !r 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t !$ thi"

    C!4rt in an3 9anner# Petiti!ner i" :4i*t3 !$ ha5in: and ta9&erin:

    ith the e;9ai* a55!4nt !$ the then AAG# Petiti!ner ha" n! ri:ht t!

    5h!!"e inve"ti:atin: a:en53# The a&&rehen"i!n" rai"ed 23 the

    &etiti!ner are 2a"e*e""# Main*38 there ha" t! 2e a "5ienti$i5

    inve"ti:ati!n ith re"&e5t t! the ha5in: and ta9&erin: !$ e;9ai*

    a55!4nt hi5h 5an 2e e$$e5tive*3 and $air*3 9ade 23 State a:en5ie"#

    Char:e"heet in CR# N!#0.

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    60# Learned S!*i5it!r Genera* ha" a*"! taen 4" thr!4:h vari!4"

    e;9ai*" and ha" 5!ntended that in vie !$ the e;9ai*" e5han:ed8 the

    &etiti!ner i" hi9"e*$ :4i*t3 !$ 5!99ittin: 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t !$ thi"

    C!4rt# He ha" endeav!4red t! in$*4en5e the S&e5ia* Ben5h !$ thi"

    C!4rt 23 eertin: &re""4re 23 9edia and !ther &re""4re :r!4&"# The

    a$$idavit !$ &etiti!ner a" &re&ared in 5!n"4*tati!n and de*i2erati!n

    ith "evera* &er"!n"8 :r!4&" and NGO"# In 5a"e &etiti!ner a" &re"ent

    in 9eetin: dated ,#,#,--, he !4*d n!t have e&t 4iet $!r < 3ear"#

    He did n!t "tate the "aid $a5t in ,--< 2e$!re SIT#

    6,# Mr# C#S# Vaid3anathan8 *earned "eni!r 5!4n"e* a&&earin: !n

    2eha*$ !$ SIT "429itted that SIT had 2een 5!n"tit4ted 23 thi" C!4rt

    and it" !r ha" 2een a&&re5iated# Thi" C!4rt ha" 9!nit!red it"

    inve"ti:ati!n# Petiti!ner had 9ade 4narranted a**e:ati!n" a:ain"t

    SIT $!r n! :!!d 5a4"e# Petiti!ner ha" n!t "tated a2!4t the $a5t49 !$

    9eetin: dated ,#,#,--, ith the then Chie$ Mini"ter in hi" $ir"t

    "tate9ent re5!rded 23 SIT in the 3ear ,--

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Me92er !$ the SIT had "ent re&!rt !$ Sohrabuddinen5!4nter 5a"e

    hi5h a" n!t entr4"ted t! SIT 24t a" *!!ed a$ter 23 M"# Geetha

    J!hri8 Me92er8 SIT8 in a di$$erent 5a&a5it3 !$ State !$$i5er# He ha" a*"!

    &!inted !4t the ante5edent" !$ the &etiti!ner8 5!n"iderin: the !vera**

    5!nd45t and tra5 re5!rd hi5h i" d42i!4"8 n! 5a"e $!r inter$eren5e i"

    9ade !4t#

    66# Mr# Via" Sin:h8 *earned "eni!r 5!4n"e* a&&earin: !n 2eha*$ !$

    Mr# =#D# Panth ha" "429itted that 5har:e"heet ha" 2een $i*ed in the

    5a"e )CR# N!#0.

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    h!"e 5!nd45t indi5ate" that he ha" n!t 5!9e t! thi" C!4rt ith 5*ean

    hand"# Hi" 5!nd45t and ante5edent" are tainted# He had n!t !n*3

    ha5ed e;9ai* a55!4nt 24t a*"! ta9&ered ith the e;9ai*" $!r hi5h

    re&!rt ha" 2een *!d:ed# The a**e:ati!n !$ 5ri9ina* 5!n"&ira53 hi5h

    ha" 2een *eve**ed i" h!**3 4narranted and the 5!nd45t !$ the then

    AAG 5ann!t 2e "aid t! 2e !$ 5!99ittin: 5!nte9&t !$ thi" C!4rt !r

    "42vertin: the 5!4r"e !$ j4"ti5e in an3 9anner hat"!ever# It a" 4&

    t! the State t! tae the advi5e !$ an3 !ther individ4a*# A** the 9ain

    $4n5ti!narie" ere &4t 4nder "5anner# In &e54*iar $a5t" !$ the 5a"e

    there a" thin *ine *e$t d4e t! the a554"ati!n a:ain"t the State and it"

    $4n5ti!narie" h! ere "42je5ted t! $a*"e a554"ati!n"# The 5!nd45t !$

    the then AAG 5!4*d n!t 2e "aid t! 2e i9&r!&er# The e;9ai*"

    e5han:ed 23 the then AAG8 Mr# G4r494rth3 et5# 5ann!t 2e "aid t!

    2e !$$endin: and "42vertin: the 5!4r"e !$ j4"ti5e herea" the

    &etiti!ner hi9"e*$ ha" tried t! in$*4en5e inde&endent de5i"i!n 9ain:

    23 thi" C!4rt a" re$*e5ted 23 hi" e;9ai*"# Th4"8 n! 5a4"e $!r an3

    ind4*:en5e i" 9ade !4t and the &etiti!n" de"erve t! 2e di"9i""ed#

    67# The 2a5dr!& $a5t" indi5ate that in the ae !$ G!dhra in5ident

    hi5h t!! &*a5e !n ,#,#,--,8 Nati!na* H49an Ri:ht" C!99i""i!n

    $i*ed (#P# )Cr*#+ 0-

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    $i*ed a 5!9&*aint ith the Dire5t!r Genera* !$ P!*i5e8 G4jarat a:ain"t

    6 &er"!n" $!r 5!99i""i!n !$ !$$en5e 4nder "e5ti!n 6-, read ith

    "e5ti!n 0,-;B IPC in re*ati!n t! G4jarat ri!t" re4e"tin: the 5!9&*aint

    t! 2e re:i"tered a" an FIR hi5h a" re$4"ed# Said Jaia Ja$ri $i*ed

    5ri9ina* 5!9&*aint ; S&e5ia* Cr*# A&&*i5ati!n N!#.,0/,-- ; "eein: a

    dire5ti!n t! re:i"ter the 5a"e a" an FIR vide !rder dated ,#00#,--#

    SLP )Cr*#+ N!#0->>/,--> a" &re$erred 23 "aid Jaia Ja$ri# On

    6#6#,--> thi" C!4rt i""4ed n!ti5e# On ,#6#,--> in National Human

    Rights ommission 5a"e ; (#P# )Cr*#+ N!#0-

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    23 "!9e re"&!n"i2*e &er"!n" in &!er in 5!nnivan5e ith &!er$4*

    &er"!n" in the State ad9ini"trati!n in5*4din: the &!*i5e# On ,#,#,-0-

    SIT had "429itted in thi" C!4rt that $4rther inve"ti:ati!n ith re"&e5t

    t! M"# Jaia" 5!9&*aint a" !ver# On ,-#0#,-00 amicus curiae

    a&&!inted 23 thi" C!4rt "429itted a n!te !n SIT &re*i9inar3 en4ir3

    re&!rt inJakia Jafri" 5a"e# On 07#,#,-00 thi" C!4rt dire5ted SIT t!

    "429it it" re&!rt !n the !2"ervati!n" 9ade in the amicus curiaen!te

    and 5arr3 !4t $4rther inve"ti:ati!n i$ re4ired# On 07#6#,-00 SIT

    i""4ed "499!n" t! the &etiti!ner $!r re5!rdin: !$ hi" "tate9ent in

    5!nne5ti!n ith the FIR I CR N!#/,--, re:i"tered at Me:hanina:ar

    P!*i5e Stati!n# SIT had re5!rded the "tate9ent !$ the &etiti!ner in

    Mar5h8 ,-00# On ,7#6#,-008 &etiti!ner had taen Mr# =#D# Panth

    a*!n: ith hi9 a" itne"" t! 5!rr!2!rate the $a5t that &etiti!ner had

    attended the $ate$4* 9eetin: at the re"iden5e !$ the then Chie$

    Mini"ter !n the ni:ht !$ ,#,#,--,# H!ever8 SIT re5!rded the

    "tate9ent !$ Mr# =#D# Panth !n 7#.#,-00# Mr# Panth did n!t "4&&!rt

    the &re"en5e !$ the &etiti!ner in the 9eetin: dated ,#,#,--,# On

    0.#.#,-00 &etiti!ner suo motohad "ent an a$$idavit t! thi" C!4rt in

    SLP )Cr*#+ N!#0->>/,--> &!intin: !4t SIT" 5!nd45t re:ardin:

    te"ti9!n3 !$ Mr# =#D# Panth and it" re*45tan5e t! re5!rd in$!r9ati!n

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    a" t! the *ar:er 5!n"&ira53 2ehind ,--, ri!t"# On 7#7#,-00 thi" C!4rt

    &er9itted the amicust! intera5t ith itne""e"# P4r"4ant theret!8 !n

    0##,-00 &etiti!ner :!t &re&ared the a$$idavit" !$ Mr# =#D# Panth and

    Mr# Tara5hand adav# Petiti!ner had arran:ed adv!5ate $!r the "aid

    &4r&!"e and !n 0>##,-00 &etiti!ner and Mr# adav 9et amicus

    curiae# H!ever8 Mr# =#D# Panth did n!t t4rn 4& $!r 9eetin: amicus

    curiaea" "45h hi" a$$idavit dated 0##,-00 a" handed !ver t! hi9

    23 the &etiti!ner# Mr# Panth *!d:ed a re&!rt a:ain"t the &etiti!ner a" t!

    !2tainin: the a$!re"aid a$$idavit in i**e:a* 9anner hi5h had 2een

    re:i"tered !n ,,##,-00 in I;CR# N!#0.

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    a*"! 9enti!ned in the rej!inder a$$idavit that he ha" $i*ed 5!9&*aint

    ith the DIG )P!*i5e+8 E5!n!9i5 O$$en5e" (in:8 De*hi P!*i5e

    re:ardin: 4na4th!ried ha5in: !$ hi" e;9ai* a55!4nt# It i" n!t

    4nder"tanda2*e a "eni!r !$$i5er !$ P!*i5e *ie &etiti!ner ha" $i*ed

    5!9&*aint t! E5!n!9i5 O$$en5e" (in: hi5h i" n!t at a** 5!n5erned

    ith !$$en5e" *ie ha5in: !$ e;9ai*"# T! av!id e92arra""9ent at

    *ar:e8 e dee9 it a&&r!&riate t! 4!te !n*3 "!9e re*evant &!rti!n" !$

    the e;9ai*" !$ &etiti!ner hi5h have 2een heavi*3 re*ied 4&!n#

    Certain e;9ai*" ere e5han:ed !n ,th and ,>th A&ri*8 ,-00

    2eteen the &etiti!ner and &!*iti5a* *eader !$ riva* &art3# Petiti!ner

    re4ired hi9 t! "end 5!&3 !$ the n!te and even tried t! "4::e"t the

    &!int" i$ ne5e""ar3# P!*iti5a* *eader 4*ti9ate*3 "ent the &a5a:e"#

    Petiti!ner a5n!*ed:ed t! have re5eived the ite9# On ,>#.#,-00 "aid

    &!*iti5a* *eader in$!r9" the &etiti!ner a2!4t date !$ hearin: in SLP

    )Cr*#+ N!#0->>/,--> Jakia Jafri" 5a"e that the 5a"e i" n!t !n

    t!9!rr!" 2!ard and i** 5!9e 4& net ee and he i** 2e "endin:

    a "9a** n!te# On ,>#.#,-00 &etiti!ner had $4rther e5han:ed e;9ai*

    ith the "aid &!*iti5a* *eader and ha" 9enti!ned a2!4t a n!te !n

    ?&!int" $!r ar:49ent" in S4&re9e C!4rt 5a"e8 a**e:ati!n" t! 2e 9ade

    a:ain"t the 9e92er" !$ SIT@#

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    6# et an!ther "et !$ e;9ai*" e5han:ed ith an!ther &!*iti5a*

    *eader !$ riva* &art3 in hi5h there i" re$eren5e !$ a&&r!a5hin: the

    hi:h e5he*!n" in the &art3# On ,>#7#,-00 &etiti!ner had "ent an!ther

    e;9ai* t! the "aid *eader a"in: hi9 ?An3 &r!:re"" !n the $r!nt !$

    A9i54" C4riae Ti9e i" r4nnin: !4t# (e need t! a5t 4i5*3#@

    There i" an!ther e;9ai* dated ,>#.#,-00 &etiti!ner had "ent8

    re$*e5tin: hi" 9eetin: ith !ther &!*iti5a* *eader" !$ riva* &art3#

    6># Petiti!ner had a*"! "ent !n 0#7#,-00 e;9ai* t! "aid in5492ent

    indi5atin: the &er$!r9an5e !$ the adv!5ate a&&earin: $!r riva*

    &!*iti5a* &art3 a" a2"!*4te*3 &atheti5 and he ha" a*"! 9enti!ned ?I

    a& '()er e*plo+te)@# Petiti!ner ha" a*"! e5han:ed e;9ai* ith

    Chair9an !$ Le:a* Ce** !$ riva* &!*iti5a* &art3# In !ne !$ the e;9ai*"

    &etiti!ner ha" 9enti!ned in$*4en5in: the a9i54" 54riae !$ thi" C!4rt


    ,a&+-' /o'l) be -all+( &e o( /+ o( +( )'e

    -o're. o' -a( tr to &ob+l+4e

    'pportpre're6ro'p +( !el/+ to +(7l'e(-e /+& +( a

    8er 'btle &a((er9.


  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    an a5tivi"t !$ NGO and her "eni!r adv!5ate and 9eetin: a" arran:ed

    ith "aid *a3er at E**i"2rid:e G39hana8 Ah9eda2ad# Petiti!ner ha"

    a*"! e5han:ed the a$$idavit dated 0.#.#,-00 ith a j!4rna*i"t# He ha"

    a*"! 5!n"4*ted a2!4t the 5!ntent" !$ the a$$idavit ith a j!4rna*i"t h!

    ha" "4::e"ted additi!n !$ a &ara:ra&h hi5h a&&ear" t! have 2een

    in5!r&!rated in hi" 5!rre5ted a$$idavit# Be that a" it 9a3# At *ea"t it i"

    a&&arent that 2e$!re "endin: the a$$idavit dated 0.#.#,-00 t! thi"

    C!4rt it a" e5han:ed t! invite "4::e"ti!n"#

    Petiti!ner had a*"! "4::e"ted the a$$idavit !$ 3et an!ther

    5!rre"&!ndent in !rder t! "4&&!rt hi" "tate9ent that he had attended

    the 9eetin: dated ,#,#,--,# Petiti!ner ha" "ent e;9ai* t! the "aid

    5!rre"&!ndent t! the e$$e5t that

    ,Ma be o' -a( &e(t+o( t/at I /a) &et /+& :#a(;+8

    t/ /e( /e a abo't to o to t/e

    ,)+p'te) &eet+(9.

    The &etiti!ner had "end an e;9ai* t! !ne !$ the TV 5hanne*" !n

    0t/. +()l -o(7+r& t/ro'/ o'r

    o'r-e +( #'pre&e Co'rt.9

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    In !ne !$ the e;9ai*" the &etiti!ner even a"" C!rre"&!ndent

    hether he !4*d 2e 5!9$!rta2*e ith )Na9e" !$ 9edia


    U*ti9ate*38 hen the re*45tan5e !$ "aid 5!rre"&!ndent "ti**

    &er"i"t"8 the &etiti!ner rite" t! hi9 a" 4nder

    ?M 7eel+( + /at e -o'l) let t/e pre (+77 +t o't

    a() -o(ta-t o'. It +ll (ot &aBe a oo) tor 7or

    t/e&% b't% &aBe t/e pr+(t &e)+a to taBe (ot+-e o7 o'ra77+)a8+t a() 7+(all 7or-e t/e /a() o7 a&+-' a()

    #'pre&e Co'rt to taBe (ot+-e a() 'be'e(t

    a77+r&at+8e a-t+o(.9

    .-# Petiti!ner had a*"! "ent !ther e;9ai*" t! $e TV 5hanne*"#

    Petiti!ner ha" a*"! "ent 3et an!ther e;9ai* t! the "aid 5!rre"&!ndent

    "4::e"tin: hi9 t! &*a3 the 9edia 5ard# He ha" "tated

    ,I t/+(B e /o'l) pla t/e &e)+a -ar) a() &aBe +t

    )+77+-'lt 7or t/e ot/er +)e. I7 o' 7ear t/at a&+-'

    a() #'pre&e Co'rt +ll (ot taBe +t er+o'l t/e(

    &e)+a tr+-B -a( be tr+e). ***.9

    Petiti!ner a" in t!45h ith an a5tivi"t !$ the NGO and a"

    de*i2eratin: 4&!n hat a" t! 2e "tated 2e$!re J4"ti5e Nanavati

    C!99i""i!n# The e5han:e indi5ate" :h!"t 4e"ti!n" in *ead and 5r!""

    ere &re&ared and "ent t! the &etiti!ner# Said a5tivi"t ha" "4::e"ted

    that her *a3er "h!4*d "&end , da3" ith the &etiti!ner t! de*i2erated

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    :h!"t 4e"ti!n" in *ead and 5r!"" e&e5tin: the !r"t "! that &etiti!ner

    i" &re&ared t! re&*3#

    An a5tivi"t rite" ?hat I 2e*ieved a" ne5e""ar3 !r i"

    ne5e""ar3 i" havin: a La3er *ie ## )na9e !$ adv!5ate+ "&end a

    $e da3" ith 3!4 then e &re&ared GHOST 4e"ti!n" in LEAD

    and CROSS e&e5tin: the !r"t and 3!4 are &re&ared t! re&*3##@

    .0# Petiti!ner had e5han:ed 3et an!ther e;9ai* ith an!ther

    a5tivi"t !$ Narmada %achao $ndolan in hi5h he ha" 9enti!ned t!

    5reate a "it4ati!n "! a" t! 9ae it di$$i54*t $!r a 6;J4d:e Ben5h !$ thi"

    C!4rt t! di"re:ard the "h!rt5!9in:" !$ SIT and eertin: &re""4re 23

    the :r!4&" and !&ini!n 9aer" in De*hi# Re*evant &!rti!n i" 4!ted

    2e*! ;

    , W/at e (ee) to )o at t/+ tae + to -reate a

    +t'at+o( /ere +t o'l) be )+77+-'lt 7or t/ree ;')e

    be(-/ /ear+( DaB+aJa77r+@ #LP 10 o7 200 to

    )+rear) t/e /ort-o&+( o7 #IT '()er tear)/+p

    o7 Mr. Ra/a8a(. T/e Pre're ro'p a() op+(+o(

    &aBer +( !el/+ -a( be o7 reat /elp +( 7orar)+(

    t/e -a'e. I a& /ope7'l t/at t/+( +ll tart t'r(+(aro'() 7ro& (e*t /ear+( +7 proper pre're +

    &a+(ta+(e) at Nat+o(al le8el9.

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    In !ne !$ the e;9ai*" ritten t! an!ther Pre"ident !$ NGO

    &etiti!ner ha" re$erred t! riva* &!*iti5a* &art3# He ha" ritten

    , I +ll taBe +t 'p +t/ o&eo(e +( t/e part a() ett+('+tabl +(tr'-te).9

    The &etiti!ner ha" "ent the e;9ai*" !$ the then AAG ith t!

    ne" 5hanne*" 24t the3 de5ided n!t t! 4"e the9 and &etiti!ner had

    a*"! "4::e"ted the9 the3 5!4*d a*"! a55e"" the e;9ai* !$ the then


    .,# In e;9ai* e5han:e ith an!ther !$$i5er indi5ated that the

    &etiti!ner a" tr3in: t! a"5ertain *!5ati!n !$ !ne Haren Pand3a !n ,th

    ni:ht $r!9 the "aid !$$i5er# Said !$$i5er re&*ied

    , t/ere + abol'tel (o 'et+o( o7 /+& be+( +( "a()/+(aar9#

    It a&&ear" that the &etiti!ner ha" "tated that Haren Pand3a a"

    a*"! there in CM" re"iden5e !n ,#,#,--,# Petiti!ner a" a*"! tr3in:

    t! a"5ertain the &re5i"e ti9e !$ the 9eetin: in hi" e;9ai* e5han:e

    ith the "aid !$$i5er# The &etiti!ner had "ent an!ther e;9ai* t! the "aid

    !$$i5er# The "a9e i" t! the $!**!in: e$$e5t

    ,T/e )epo+t+o( e(t ell. T/e -ro -o'l) /a8e bee(

    a l+ttle better. I 7elt a l+ttle '()er6e*plo+te)G Let /ope

    t/e e*plo+t &e 7'll )'r+( 'be'e(t /ear+(.9

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Petiti!ner ha" a*"! e5han:ed e;9ai*" ith !ther" t! re5reate hi"

    9!ve9ent !n ,#,#,--,#

    .6# The a$!re"aid e5han:e !$ e;9ai*" hi5h are "e*$;e&*anat!r3

    indi5ate that the &etiti!ner a" in a5tive t!45h ith *eader" !$ riva*

    &!*iti5a* &art38 NGO"#8 their *a3er" tried t! &*a3 9edia 5ard8 a"

    2ein: t4t!red 23 NGO"# The 9anner in hi5h he a5ted i" a&&arent

    $r!9 the a$!re"aid e;9ai*" and need n!t 2e re&eated# Petiti!ner had

    &r!2a2*3 $!r:!tten that he a" "eni!r IPS O$$i5er# In 5a"e he a"

    $air*3 "tatin: a $a5t a$ter < 3ear" he !4:ht n!t t! have entered int! the

    a$!re"aid eer5i"e and e&t aa3 $r!9 a** &!*iti5" and a5tivi"9 !$

    5reatin: &re""4re8 even 4&!n 6;J4d:e Ben5h !$ thi" C!4rt8 amicusand

    9an3 !ther"# Th4" the entire 5!nd45t !$ &etiti!ner indi5ate" that he

    a" n!t a5tin: bona fideand a" 5aterin: t! the intere"t e*"ehere#

    Even i$ e i:n!re hi" ante5edent" vivid*3 9enti!ned in re&*3 !$ SIT

    $!r ti9e 2ein:8 hi" a$!re"aid 5!nd45t d!e" n!t in"&ire 5!n$iden5e#

    ..# Petiti!ner ha" initia**3 in rit &etiti!n" &ra3ed $!r inve"ti:ati!n

    23 CBI !r 23 !ther inde&endent a:en53# In an a&&*i5ati!n $!r

    dire5ti!n" $i*ed in ,-078 the &etiti!ner ha" "tated that he ha" n! $aith in

    the CBI a*"! and the 5a"e" "h!4*d 2e inve"ti:ated 23 SIT hi5h 9a3

    2e 5!n"tit4ted 23 thi" C!4rt# It a" "tren4!4"*3 4r:ed 23 *earned

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    "eni!r 5!4n"e* a&&earin: $!r the &etiti!ner that 5!n"iderin: the

    ra9i$i5ati!n" !$ the 5a"e and a*"! the $a5t that the &etiti!ner a"

    &re"ent in the 9eetin: dated ,#,#,--, i" a*"! t! 2e *!!ed int!# A"

    "45h it i" the d4t3 !$ thi" C!4rt t! dire5t inve"ti:ati!n 23 SIT#

    .7# (e are n!t i9&re""ed 23 a$!re"aid "429i""i!n"# It 5ann!t 2e

    "aid that the &etiti!ner ha" 5!9e t! thi" C!4rt ith 5*ean hand"#

    Fir"t*3 the &etiti!ner e&t 4iet $!r a &eri!d !$ < 3ear" a" t! the

    $a5t49 !$ 9eetin: dated ,#,#,--,# Then he a" e5han:in: e;9ai*"

    $!r a"5ertainin: the ti9e and &re"en5e !$ the &er"!n" at Ah9eda2ad#

    In 5a"e he a" &re"ent in the 9eetin: it a" n!t re4ired !$ hi9 t!

    a"5ertain th!"e $a5t"# Petiti!ner did n!t "tate $a5t !$ 9eetin: dated

    ,#,#,--, in "tate9ent re5!rded 23 SIT in ,--

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    n492er !$ ti9e"# Petiti!ner a$ter ee&in: 4iet $!r < 3ear" had taen

    Mr# =#D# Panth ith hi9"e*$ t! the SIT !n ,7#6#,-00 and in"i"ted that

    Mr# Panth "h!4*d 2e ea9ined in hi" &re"en5e# It a" n!t e&e5ted !$

    a "eni!r !$$i5er *ie &etiti!ner t! a5t in the a$!re"aid 9anner# E$$!rt !$

    &etiti!ner t! ea9ine Mr# =#D# Panth !n ,7#6#,-00 in hi" &re"en5e 23

    SIT a" indi5ative !$ &re""4re ta5ti5 e9&*!3ed 23 hi9# The SIT

    4*ti9ate*3 ea9ined Mr# Panth !n 7#.#,-00 and Mr# Panth ha" n!t

    "4&&!rted the "tand !$ the &etiti!ner that he attended the 9eetin:

    dated ,#,#,--,# Later !n &etiti!ner a" &er hi" !n 5a"e8 :!t dra$ted

    and !2tained the a$$idavit !$ Mr# Panth and Mr# Tara Chand adav

    and he had &r!vided *e:a* a""i"tan5e t! the9 and had handed !ver the

    a$$idavit !$ Mr# Panth t! the amicus curiaea&&!inted 23 thi" C!4rt

    herea" Mr# Panth did n!t t4rn 4& t! hand!ver hi" !n a$$idavit# It i"

    a*"! a&&arent that the &etiti!ner had a5ted in de*i2erati!n and

    5!n"4*tati!n ith the *eader" !$ riva* &!*iti5a* &art38 NGO"# and had

    "ent the e;9ai*" t! the e$$e5t that he a" n!t $4**3 e&*!ited 23 a

    5!4n"e* !$ the riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 hi*e hi" "tate9ent a" 2ein:

    re5!rded 2e$!re J4"ti5e Nanavati C!99i""i!n# He had e5han:ed

    e;9ai*" ith riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 *eader" and a" 2ein: t4t!red 23 the

    *a3er !$ NGO and it" a5tivi"t# Gh!"t 4e"ti!n" and an"er" ere

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    a*"! &re&ared a" t! hat the &etiti!ner a" re4ired t! "&ea 2e$!re

    J4"ti5e Nanavati C!99i""i!n# Petiti!ner ha" 4"ed the 9edia 5ard8 ha"

    even "ent the e;9ai*" t! in$*4en5e the j4di5ia* &r!5eedin:" !$ a

    6;J4d:e Ben5h !$ thi" C!4rt and ha" tried t! in$*4en5e the amicus

    curiae. The e;9ai*" a*"! indi5ate that he tried &re""4re :r!4&" and

    tried t! inv!e 9edia &re""4re# He "ent e;9ai* a55!4nt detai*" !$ the

    then AAG t! the 9edia 5hanne*" 24t the3 did n!t !2*i:e the &etiti!ner

    a" it !4*d n!t have 2een a&&r!&riate in their !&ini!n t! d! "!#

    Petiti!ner in"&ite !$ 2ein: a "eni!r IPS !$$i5er a" intera5tin: ith

    the t!& riva* &!*iti5a* *eader" !$ G4jarat# He a*"! "4::e"ted t! a

    5!rre"&!ndent that he a" re4ired t! "tate that he a" &re"ent hen

    he a" *eavin: $!r the 9eetin: dated ,#,#,--,# The e;9ai*" !$

    intera5ti!n" ith j!4rna*i"t"8 &re""8 9edia8 NGO"#8 5!nd45t re$*e5ted

    in e;9ai*" e5han:ed d4rin: the 5!4r"e !$ in4ir3 2e$!re J4"ti5e

    Nanavati C!99i""i!n8 9ade it 5*ear that he ha" n!t 5!9e t! the

    C!4rt ith 5*ean hand"# N! re*ie$ 5an 2e :ranted i$ a &er"!n

    a&&r!a5he" thi" C!4rt ith 4n5*ean hand" a" *aid d!n 23 thi" C!4rt

    in&alip Singh v. State of '.(. " #rs# ),-0-+ , SCC 00.#

    .# A" &er aver9ent" 9ade 23 the &etiti!ner8 he a55e""ed the

    e;9ai*" !$ the then AAG in the 3ear" ,--< and ,-0-# In 5a"e the"e

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    e;9ai*" ere in hi" &!""e""i!n8 it a" the 2!4nden d4t3 !$ the

    &etiti!ner t! di"5*!"e the9 at the re*evant ti9e in a&&r!&riate

    &r!5eedin:" at an a&&r!&riate "ta:e 24t he did n!t d! "!# Even hen

    he ha" 9ade "tate9ent 2e$!re the SIT !n ,7#00#,--< and ,#00#,--

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    !n a$!re"aid !55a"i!n"8 $air*3 and ri:ht*3 5!n5eded that it a" the

    d4t3 !$ the &etiti!ner t! "tate !n the a$!re"aid !55a"i!n" a" t! the

    e;9ai*" 24t their e&*anati!n that &etiti!ner a" 4*ti9ate*3 &4"hed t!

    the a** 23 re:i"terin: a 5ri9ina* 5a"e at the 2ehe"t !$ Mr# Panth8

    then he di"5*!"ed the e;9ai*"8 i" a*"! n!t a55e&ta2*e a" the &etiti!ner"

    "tate9ent 2e$!re J4"ti5e Nanavati C!99i""i!n 5!ntin4ed even a$ter

    the date !$ re:i"trati!n !$ !$$en5e# The a$!re"aid e&*anati!n d!e" n!t

    a&&ear t! 2e "!4nd !ne# The &etiti!ner ha" $i*ed the e;9ai*" $ir"t ti9e

    in thi" C!4rt a*!n: ith a$$idavit dated ,

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    "5!&e !$ in4ir3 in the 5a"e I;CR# N!#0.##,-- !$ )s. Jakia Jafri# A&art $r!9 that

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    &etiti!ner ha" hi9"e*$ a&&eared 2e$!re the SIT a" &er the dire5ti!n"

    i""4ed 23 thi" C!4rt $!r $4rther inve"ti:ati!n# On 0,#7#,-0- SIT had

    ea9ined n492er !$ itne""e" and *!!ed int! *ar:e n492er !$

    d!549ent" and "429itted the re&!rt and re5!99ended $4rther

    inve"ti:ati!n 4nder "e5ti!n 06)>+ Cr#P#C# a:ain"t 5ertain &!*i5e

    !$$i5ia*" and a Mini"ter in the State Ca2inet h! a" 4*ti9ate*3 tried

    a*"!# The SIT 5!nd45ted $4rther inve"ti:ati!n and "429itted it" re&!rt

    dated 0#00#,-0- 2e$!re thi" C!4rt# On ,-#0#,-00 *earned a9i54"

    54riae a&&!inted 23 thi" C!4rt "429itted a &re*i9inar3 re&!rt# Thi"

    C!4rt !n 07#6#,-00 dire5ted Chair9an8 SIT t! *!! int! the

    !2"ervati!n" 9ade 23 the *earned a9i54" 54riae and t! 5arr3 !4t

    $4rther inve"ti:ati!n i$ ne5e""ar3 in the *i:ht !$ the "4::e"ti!n" 9ade

    23 amicus curiae# Therea$ter !n ,0#6#,-008 ,,#6#,-00 and ,7#6#,-00

    the &etiti!ner a" ea9ined 23 the SIT and Mr# =#D# Panth !n

    #.#,-00# The &etiti!ner had "ent an 4n"!*i5ited a$$idavit !n

    0.#.#,-00 t! thi" C!4rt hi5h a" n!t taen !n re5!rd# Petiti!ner a"

    a*"! "499!ned 23 J4"ti5e Nanavati C!99i""i!n !n ,#.#,-00# The

    SIT 5!nd45ted $4rther inve"ti:ati!n 4nder "e5ti!n 06)>+ in the

    Gulberg Society 5a"e and "429itted it" re&!rt !n ,.#.#,-00# Thi"

    C!4rt ea9ined the re&!rt dated ,.#.#,-00 "429itted 23 SIT and

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    dire5ted !n 7#7#,-00 that a 5!&3 !$ the "a9e 2e "4&&*ied t! the

    *earned amicus curiaeh! "ha** ea9ine the re&!rt" !$ the SIT and

    9ae an inde&endent a""e""9ent !$ the itne""e" "tate9ent"

    re5!rded 23 the SIT and "429it hi" 5!99ent" there!n and a*"!

    !2"erved that it !4*d 2e !&en t! the *earned a9i54" 54riae t!

    intera5t ith an3 !$ the itne""e" h! have 2een ea9ined 23 SIT

    in5*4din: the P!*i5e !$$i5er"# Therea$ter8 &etiti!ner had a&&eared

    2e$!re the amicus curiae !n 0>##,-00 and handed !ver di"&4ted

    a$$idavit dated 0##,-00 !$ Mr# =#D# Panth h! $ai*ed t! t4rn 4&

    2e$!re the amicus curiae# On ,7##,-00 a9i54" 54riae "429itted hi"

    $ina* re&!rt 2e$!re thi" C!4rt# SIT had &re&ared a $ina* re&!rt in the

    a$!re"aid 9atter and thi" 5!4rt !n 0,#

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    ,#,#,--, in 9eetin: he*d at the re"iden5e !$ the then Chie$ Mini"ter

    i" n!t 5!rre5t# The SIT ha" 9ade the inve"ti:ati!n int! the a$!re"aid

    a"&e5t and SIT in it" 5!4nter a$$idavit ha" a*"! 5*ear*3 "tated that it

    a" $!4nd a$ter inve"ti:ati!n that the &etiti!ner a" n!t &re"ent in the

    9eetin: dated ,#,#,--,# Th4" ith re"&e5t t! the inve"ti:ati!n int!

    a$!re"aid a"&e5t8 the 9atter "tand" 5!n5*4ded a" t! the &etiti!ner"

    &re"en5e in the 9eetin: dated ,#,#,--,# That inve"ti:ati!n had 2een

    9ade 23 the SIT a&&!inted 23 thi" C!4rt and there i" a2"!*4te*3 n!

    2a"i" n! t! !rder 5!n"tit4ti!n !$ a $re"h SIT t! *!! int! the

    a$!re"aid a"&e5t# Thi" C!4rt inJakia Jafri" 5a"e )"4&ra+ ha" !2"erved

    a" $!**!"

    ,H.(e are !$ the !&ini!n that 2earin: in 9ind the

    "5he9e !$ Cha&ter II !$ the C!de8 !n5e theinve"ti:ati!n ha" 2een 5!nd45ted and 5!9&*eted 23 SIT8

    in ter9" !$ the !rder" &a""ed 23 thi" C!4rt $r!9 ti9e t!

    ti9e8 there i" n! 5!4r"e avai*a2*e in *a8 "ave and e5e&t

    t! $!rard the $ina* re&!rt 4nder Se5ti!n 06),+ !$ the

    C!de t! the 5!4rt e9&!ered t! tae 5!:nian5e !$ the

    !$$en5e a**e:ed# A" !2"erved 23 a three;J4d:e Ben5h !$

    thi" C!4rt in ).. )ehta *+a! orridor Scam,v# 'nion

    of India ),--+ 0 SCC 00-8 in 5a"e" 9!nit!red 23 thi"

    C!4rt8 it i" 5!n5erned ith en"4rin: &r!&er and h!ne"t&er$!r9an5e !$ it" d4t3 23 the inve"ti:atin: a:en53 and

    n!t ith the 9erit" !$ the a554"ati!n" in inve"ti:ati!n8

    hi5h are t! 2e deter9ined at the tria* !n the $i*in: !$ the

    5har:e;"heet in the 5!9&etent 5!4rt8 a55!rdin: t! the

    !rdinar3 &r!5ed4re &re"5ri2ed 23 *a#

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    10. A55!rdin:*38 e dire5t the Chair9an8 SIT t!

    $!rard a $ina* re&!rt8 a*!n: ith the entire 9ateria*

    5!**e5ted 23 SIT8 t! the 5!4rt hi5h had taen 5!:nian5e

    !$ Cri9e Re&!rt N!# !$ ,--,8 a" re4ired 4nder

    Se5ti!n 06),+ !$ the C!de# Be$!re "429i""i!n !$ it"

    re&!rt8 it i** 2e !&en t! SIT t! !2tain $r!9 the a9i54"

    54riae 5!&ie" !$ hi" re&!rt" "429itted t! thi" C!4rt# The

    "aid 5!4rt i** dea* ith the 9atter in a55!rdan5e ith

    *a re*atin: t! the tria* !$ the a554"ed8 na9ed in the

    re&!rt/5har:e;"heet8 in5*4din: 9atter" $a**in: ithin the

    a92it and "5!&e !$ Se5ti!n 06)>+ !$ the C!de#

    11.H!ever8 at thi" j4n5t4re8 e dee9 it ne5e""ar3 t!

    e9&ha"i"e that i$ $!r an3 "tated rea"!n SIT !&ine" in it"

    re&!rt8 t! 2e "429itted in ter9" !$ thi" !rder8 that there i"n! "4$$i5ient eviden5e !r rea"!na2*e :r!4nd" $!r

    &r!5eedin: a:ain"t an3 &er"!n na9ed in the 5!9&*aint

    dated >;;,--8 2e$!re tain: a $ina* de5i"i!n !n "45h

    ?5*!"4re@ re&!rt8 the 5!4rt "ha** i""4e n!ti5e t! the

    5!9&*ainant and 9ae avai*a2*e t! her 5!&ie" !$ the

    "tate9ent" !$ the itne""e"8 !ther re*ated d!549ent" and

    the inve"ti:ati!n re&!rt "tri5t*3 in a55!rdan5e ith *a a"

    en4n5iated 23 thi" C!4rt in%hag-ant Singhv# ommr. of

    (olice )07+ , SCC 76# F!r the "ae !$ read3re$eren5e8 e 9a3 n!te that in the "aid de5i"i!n8 it ha"

    2een he*d that in a 5a"e here the Ma:i"trate t! h!9 a

    re&!rt i" $!rarded 4nder Se5ti!n 06),+)i+ !$ the C!de8

    de5ide" n!t t! tae 5!:nian5e !$ the !$$en5e and t! dr!&

    the &r!5eedin:" !r tae" a vie that there i" n! "4$$i5ient

    :r!4nd $!r &r!5eedin: a:ain"t "!9e !$ the &er"!n"

    9enti!ned in the FIR8 the Ma:i"trate 94"t :ive n!ti5e t!

    the in$!r9ant and &r!vide hi9 an !&&!rt4nit3 t! 2e heard

    at the ti9e !$ 5!n"iderati!n !$ the re&!rt#

    12.Havin: "! dire5ted8 the net 4e"ti!n i" hether

    thi" C!4rt "h!4*d 5!ntin4e t! 9!nit!r the 5a"e an3

    $4rther# The *e:a* &!"iti!n !n the &!int i" 9ade 5*ear 23

    thi" C!4rt in 'nion of Indiav# Sushil umar )odi)0 SCC 08 herein8 re*3in: !n the de5i"i!n in /ineet

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Narainv# 'nion of India)0+ !$the C!de !$ Cri9ina* Pr!5ed4re# (e 9ae thi"

    !2"ervati!n !n*3 t! reiterate thi" 5*ear &!"iti!n

    in *a "! that n! d!42t" in an3 4arter 9a3


    70# The &etiti!ner ha" a*"! 9ade a**e:ati!n" a:ain"t the SIT t! the

    e$$e5t that !n 0.#

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    Additi!na* DG !$ P!*i5e8 and the then C!nvener !$ SIT $r!9 the

    e;9ai* !$ SIT $!r G!dhra 5a"e" t! the then AAG# B!th the"e e;9ai*"

    ere re*ated t! the inve"ti:ati!n d!ne in the 3ear ,--7 in the

    Sohrabuddinen5!4nter 5a"e 23 the State P!*i5e )Cri9e+ !$ hi5h M"#

    Geetha Q!hri IG )Cri9e+ a" in5har:e# She r!n:*3 4"ed the e;9ai*

    ID !$ G!dhra 5a"e" at her 5!"t t! tran"9it the"e in$!r9ati!n &ertainin:

    t! CID )Cri9e+ t! the then AAG# That in$!r9ati!n a2"!*4te*3 had

    n!thin: t! d! ith the 9atter" &endin: inve"ti:ati!n/in4ir3/tria* ith

    the S4&re9e C!4rt;a&&!inted SIT $!r G!dhra 5a"e"# Petiti!ner had

    9ade de*i2erate atte9&t t! 9i"*ead thi" C!4rt and ha" en5*!"ed !n*3

    the 5!verin: tet !$ the e;9ai*" and intenti!na**3 av!ided the

    en5*!"4re" 2e5a4"e the "a9e !4*d have e&!"ed $a*"it3 !$ hi" "tand#

    The t! e;9ai*" dated 0.#,#,--< "ent 23 M"# Geetha Q!hri t! the then

    AAG have 2een $i*ed a*!n: ith the en5*!"4re" 23 SIT# A re&!rt in

    thi" re:ard had a*read3 2een "429itted 23 SIT t! thi" C!4rt !n

    ,6#,#,-00# Th4" the &etiti!ner i" :4i*t3 !$ suppressio veri and

    suggestio falsi# He ha" "4&&re""ed the en5*!"4re" hi5h he !4:ht t!

    have $i*ed and !4:ht n!t t! have 9ade $a*"e a**e:ati!n" in the rit

    &etiti!n that SIT a" e5han:in: "en"itive and 5!n$identia*

    in$!r9ati!n ith the then AAG# It i" 4n$!rt4nate that !n the !ne hand

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    &etiti!ner ha" &ra3ed $!r a&&!int9ent !$ SIT and !n the !ther ha" n!t

    "&ared SIT a&&!inted 23 thi" C!4rt and ha" 9ade $a*"e a**e:ati!n"

    a:ain"t it# The 5!nd45t !$ the &etiti!ner 5ann!t 2e "aid t! 2e de"ira2*e#

    7,# C!9in: t! the 4e"ti!n hether the inve"ti:ati!n int! the

    a**e:ati!n" 9ade in I;CR# N!#0.

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    re"iden5e !$ the &etiti!ner at the ti9e "tated in the FIR and 9!2i*e

    t!er *!5ati!n !$ riva* &!*iti5a* *49inarie" and adv!5ate h! ha&&en"

    t! 2e the Chair9an !$ Le:a* Ce** !$ riva* &!*iti5a* &art3# La&t!& !$ the

    "aid adv!5ate a" "eied and *a2!rat!r3 had 5!n$ir9ed that a$$idavit

    a" &re&ared !n the "a9e8 e 9ae n! 5!99ent !n the inve"ti:ati!n

    and the 5har:e"heet hi5h ha" 2een $i*ed a" !n 4*ti9ate tria*8 the $a5t"

    have t! 2e :!ne int! and de5ided# On5e the 5har:e"heet ha" 2een $i*ed

    t! the n!*ed:e !$ the &etiti!ner 2e$!re . 3ear"8 it ha" n!t 2een

    4e"ti!ned and n! atte9&t ha" 2een 9ade 23 the &etiti!ner t! indi5ate

    h! the inve"ti:ati!n i" 4n$air and in5!9&*ete !r in an3 !$ the !ther

    a"&e5t" inve"ti:ati!n i" re4ired# Credi2i*it3 !$ the inve"ti:ati!n i" n!t

    the "42je5t 9atter at thi" "ta:e# It ha" t! 2e :!ne int! d4rin: the 5!4r"e

    !$ tria*# The &etiti!ner ha" 4nne5e""ari*3 tried t! iden the "5!&e !$ the

    5a"e and n! 5a"e i" 9ade !4t "! a" t! dire5t inve"ti:ati!n in CR#


  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    di"5*!"e" "4$$i5ient rea"!n t! 5!n"tit4te SIT in hi5h in the re&*3 $i*ed

    23 re"&!ndent N!#, it ha" 2een 9enti!ned that ?there i" n! r!!9 $!r

    d!42t that it i" a "3"te9ati5 and *ar:er 5!n"&ira53 thr!4:h the

    &etiti!ner !$ riva* &!*iti5a* &art3 in G4jarat and ve"ted intere"t :r!4&"

    "4rvivin: !n anti;G4jarat 5a9&ai:n a** !$ h!9 had "tarted e$$!rt" t!

    ee& the G!dhra ri!t i""4e *ive 2a"ed !n 5!n5!5ted $a5t" and the

    &etiti!ner8 thr!4:h a** !$ the98 i" tr3in: t! 24i*d 4& a "t!r3 at a "ta:e

    hen a$ter a*9!"t 0- *!n: 3ear" thi" C!4rt ha" virt4a**3 5!n5*4ded the

    j4di5ia* &r!5eedin:" a$ter 4ndertain: tre9end!4" j4di5ia* eer5i"e@#

    In !4r !&ini!n8 23 the a$!re"aid aver9ent in the re&*3 n! 5a"e i" 9ade

    !4t $!r inve"ti:ati!n 23 the SIT int! I;CR# N!#0./,-00

    re*atin: t! ha5in: !$ e;9ai* a55!4nt and ta9&erin: ith it# The"e are

    n!t "45h 5a"e" !$ ide a9&*it4de "! a" t! arrant SIT t! 2e

    5!n"tit4ted !r even the CBI t! 2e entr4"ted ith the inve"ti:ati!n# It i"

    n!t $!r the &etiti!ner t! 5h!!"e the inve"ti:atin: 9a5hiner3 a" he*d 23

    thi" C!4rt in Sakiri /asu v. State of '.(. " #rs# ),-->+ , SCC .-/,-00 and ta9&erin: ith

    e;9ai*"8 inve"ti:ati!n i" t! 2e 2a"ed !n the "5ienti$i5 eviden5e# It

    5ann!t 2e "aid that 9ere*3 2e5a4"e re&!rt ha" 2een *!d:ed 23 the then

    AAG !$ the State8 inve"ti:ati!n i" n!t :!in: t! 2e $air !r i9&artia*#

    M!re "!8 hen it i" t! 2e 2a"ed !n the "5ienti$i5 eviden5e and in 5a"e

    inve"ti:ati!n i" n!t $air !r n!t 9ade int! a** the a"&e5t" it !4*d 2e

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    !&en t! the &etiti!ner t! 4e"ti!n it at an a&&r!&riate ti9e 2e$!re an

    a&&r!&riate $!r49 in a55!rdan5e ith *a#

    7># T! 5!n"tit4te SIT8 *earned "eni!r 5!4n"e* ha" a*"! re*ied 4&!n

    /ineet Narain " #rs. /. 'nion of India " #rs.')0

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    that the CBI and !ther :!vern9ent a:en5ie" have $ai*ed t!

    $4**3 inve"ti:ate int! the 9atter and tae it t! the *!:i5a*

    end &!int !$ the tria* and t! &r!"e54te a** &er"!n" h!

    have 5!99itted an3 5ri9e that thi" i" 2ein: d!ne ith a

    vie t! &r!te5t the &er"!n" inv!*ved8 h! are ver3

    in$*4entia* and &!er$4* in the &re"ent "et 4& that the

    9atter di"5*!"e" a de$inite ne4" 2eteen 5ri9e and

    5!rr4&ti!n in &42*i5 *i$e at hi:h &*a5e" in the 5!4ntr3

    hi5h &!"e" a "eri!4" threat t! the inte:rit38 "e54rit3 and

    e5!n!93 !$ the nati!n that &r!2it3 in &42*i5 *i$e8 t!

    &revent er!"i!n !$ the r4*e !$ *a and the &re"ervati!n !$

    de9!5ra53 in the 5!4ntr38 re4ire" that the :!vern9ent

    a:en5ie" 2e 5!9&e**ed t! d4*3 &er$!r9 their *e:a*

    !2*i:ati!n" and t! &r!5eed in a55!rdan5e ith *a a:ain"t

    ea5h and ever3 &er"!n inv!*ved8 irre"&e5tive !$ the hei:htat hi5h he i" &*a5ed in the &!er "et 4

    6# The $a5t" and 5ir549"tan5e" !$ the &re"ent 5a"e d!

    indi5ate that it i" !$ 4t9!"t &42*i5 i9&!rtan5e that thi"

    9atter i" ea9ined th!r!4:h*3 23 thi" C!4rt t! en"4re that

    a** :!vern9ent a:en5ie"8 entr4"ted ith the d4t3 t!

    di"5har:e their $4n5ti!n" and !2*i:ati!n" in a55!rdan5e

    ith *a8 d! "!8 2earin: in 9ind 5!n"tant*3 the 5!n5e&t !$

    e4a*it3 en"hrined in the C!n"tit4ti!n and the 2a"i5 tenet

    !$ r4*e !$ *a Be 3!4 ever "! hi:h8 the *a i" a2!ve

    3!4# Inve"ti:ati!n int! ever3 a554"ati!n 9ade a:ain"t

    ea5h and ever3 &er"!n !n a rea"!na2*e 2a"i"8 irre"&e5tive

    !$ the &!"iti!n and "tat4" !$ that &er"!n8 94"t 2e

    5!nd45ted and 5!9&*eted e&editi!4"*3# Thi" i"

    i9&erative t! retain &42*i5 5!n$iden5e in the i9&artia*

    !rin: !$ the :!vern9ent a:en5ie"#

    .# In thi" &r!5eedin: e are n!t 5!n5erned ith the 9erit"

    !$ the a554"ati!n" !r the individ4a*" a**e:ed t! 2einv!*ved8 24t !n*3 ith the &er$!r9an5e !$ the *e:a* d4t3

    23 the :!vern9ent a:en5ie" t! $air*38 &r!&er*3 and $4**3

    inve"ti:ate int! ever3 "45h a554"ati!n a:ain"t ever3

    &er"!n8 and t! tae the *!:i5a* $ina* a5ti!n in a55!rdan5e

    ith *a#@

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    ,# C!9in: t! 4e"ti!n hether 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t &r!5eedin:" t!

    2e initiated8 a" &ra3ed8 *earned "eni!r 5!4n"e* a&&earin: $!r &etiti!ner

    ha" heavi*3 re*ied 4&!n e;9ai* e5han:e" $i*ed 23 &etiti!ner a**e:ed*3

    $r!9 e;9ai* a55!4nt !$ the then AAG ith re"&e5t t! hi5h !$$en5e

    CR# N!#60.>/,-00 4nder "e5ti!n !$ the IT A5t ha" 2een re:i"tered#

    The a**e:ati!n a:ain"t &etiti!ner i" !$ ha5in: !$ a55!4nt and

    ta9&erin: ith e;9ai*" ith re"&e5t t! hi5h an FIR ha" 2een $i*ed8

    ith!4t 9eanin: t! de5idin: the 5!rre5tne"" !$ the e;9ai*" the3 are

    2ein: *!!ed int! !n*3 $!r the &4r&!"e hether 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t !$

    the C!4rt ha" 2een 5!99itted#

    6# It a" "429itted 23 *earned "eni!r 5!4n"e* $!r &etiti!ner that

    there a" 5ri9ina* ne4" 2eteen the then AAG ith *a3er" !$ the

    a554"ed8 Mini"ter" and n!n;State a5t!r" t! 4nder9ine the

    ad9ini"trati!n !$ j4"ti5e# It a" "429itted that 5ertain re&*ie" et5#

    hi5h ere t! 2e $i*ed in 5!4rt ere "h!n t! Mr# G#Sa9inathan

    h! a" 5!9&*ete*3 !4t"ider t! the *iti:ati!n# In !4r !&ini!n 9ere*3

    tain: "!9e2!d3" !&ini!n h! i" !4t"ider t! *iti:ati!n 2e$!re $i*in:

    the re&*3 in the 5!4rt !4*d n!t 4nder9ine the ad9ini"trati!n !$

    j4"ti5e in an3 a3 and i" n!t indi5ative !$ 5ri9ina* 5!n"&ira53# There

    are n!*ed:ea2*e in5492ent" h! 5an a*a3" 2e 5!n"4*ted and their

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    !&ini!n !2tained# There i" n!thin: i9&r!&er in it# I$ "!9e

    re&*3/&etiti!n a" t! 2e $i*ed in G4jarat 5!4rt and the "a9e a" "h!n

    t! the "aid :ent*e9an $!r hi" !&ini!n it !4*d n!t "42vert the 5!4r"e

    !$ j4"ti5e in an3 9anner# (hen 5ertain &*eadin: i" t! 2e $i*ed in 5!4rt

    there i" n! *e:a* 2ar !n 5!n"4*tati!n ith the a&&r!&riate &er"!n" !$

    5!n$iden5e !r havin: re4i"ite n!*ed:e# It a" "429itted 23 the

    &etiti!ner that 5ertain a$$idavit a" "ent t! the "aid &er"!n in hi5h he

    ha" "4::e"ted 5ertain &ara:ra&h" t! 2e in5!r&!rated 24t the *earned

    S!*i5it!r Genera* ha" "h!n a5t4a* a$$idavit $i*ed in the 5a"e in hi5h

    a*terati!n" "4::e"ted 23 the "aid &er"!n ere n!t a5t4a**3 in"erted#

    .# It a" a*"! "429itted that < SIT re&!rt" ere "ent t! Mr#

    G#Sa9inathan in ,-0-# The"e re&!rt" ere "429itted 23 SIT !n

    00#,#,--< in thi" C!4rt and 5!&ie" there!$ ere !rdered t! 2e handed

    !ver t! the State !$ G4jarat !n ,#6#,--

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    5!nd45tin: $4rther inve"ti:ati!n# The"e re&!rt" did n!t 5!ntain

    9ateria*/$indin: $!r !r a:ain"t an3 a554"ed &er"!n hen5e n! advanta:e

    5!4*d 2e derived there$r!9 23 an3 a554"ed &er"!n# The3 did n!t

    5!ntain "45h 9ateria* di"5*!"4re !$ hi5h 9a3 "42vert the 5!4r"e !$

    j4"ti5e# N! 5a"e i" 9ade !4t !$ 5ri9ina* 5!n"&ira53 and 5ri9ina*

    5!nte9&t !r !theri"e# It 5ann!t 2e 54**ed !4t h! the 5!4r"e !$

    j4"ti5e ha" 2een "42verted 23 the a$!re"aid di"5*!"4re !$ SIT re&!rt"#

    Th4" 5har:e !$ 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t 5ann!t 2e "aid t! 2e taen h!9e

    "455e""$4**3# Petiti!ner ha" n!t 2een a2*e t! "42"tantiate that the

    a$!re"aid a5ti!n" inter$ered !r !2"tr45ted in the ad9ini"trati!n !$

    j4"ti5e in an3 9anner# Petiti!ner a" n!t a2*e t! e"ta2*i"h h! the

    re&!rt" 5!4*d 2e !$ an3 he*& t! an32!d3 "! a" t! "42vert the 5!4r"e !$

    j4"ti5e !r a5ti!n !theri"e a9!4nt" t! inter$eren5e ith ad9ini"trati!n

    !$ j4"ti5e# The &etiti!ner ha" hi9"e*$ !2tained the"e SIT re&!rt"8 a" &er

    the then AAG a**e:ed*3 in i**e:a* 9anner herea" a" &er &etiti!ner 23

    "harin: the e;9ai*" !$ the then AAG# I$ the3 ere 9eant t! 2e

    5!n$identia* &etiti!ner ha" a*"! 4"ed the9 and even "ent e;9ai*

    &arti54*ar" !$ the then AAG t! 9edia 5hanne*"# There$!re the

    "429i""i!n advan5ed d!e" n!t *ie in hi" 9!4th# Overa** e5han:e ha"

    t! 2e 5!n"idered in the *i:ht !$ "ee&in: a554"ati!n" a:ain"t the State

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    and it" *ar:e n492er !$ $4n5ti!narie"# The 5!nd45t !$ the then AAG in

    the 5ir549"tan5e" he a" &*a5ed8 ha" 2een 4nne5e""ari*3 adver"e*3

    5!99ented 4&!n8 the a554"ati!n !$ 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t i" n!t at a**

    9ade !4t#

    7# Mere*3 "endin: "!9e re&re"entati!n hi5h a" t! 2e "429itted

    t! the Pre"ident and Pri9e Mini"ter !$ India8 and !ther d!549ent" t!

    an adv!5ate h! a" a &!*iti5ian a*"! !4*d n!t tanta9!4nt t!

    5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t 4n*e"" and 4nti* it i" "h!n that the in$!r9ati!n

    a" intended t! he*& the a554"ed in an3 9anner hat"!ever8 it 5ann!t

    2e "aid that "harin: !$ in$!r9ati!n tanta9!4nt t! 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t#

    # Learned 5!4n"e* $!r the &etiti!ner ha" &*a5ed re*ian5e 4&!n a

    de5i"i!n !$ thi" C!4rt inRachapudi Subba Rao v. $dvocate General3

    $ndhra (radesh')00+ , SCC 71 in hi5h a" t! 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t8

    it ha" 2een *aid d!n th4"

    ?0.# It i" n!te!rth38 that in the 5ate:!riati!n !$

    5!nte9&t in the three "42;5*a4"e" )i+ t! )iii+8 !n*3

    5ate:!r3 )ii+ re$er" t! Kj4di5ia* &r!5eedin:# S5anda*iin:

    !$ 5!4rt in it" ad9ini"trative 5a&a5it3 i** a*"! 2e

    5!vered 23 "42;5*a4"e" )i+ and )iii+# The &hra"e

    ?ad9ini"trati!n !$ j4"ti5e@ in "42;5*a4"e )iii+ i" $ar ider

    in "5!&e than ?5!4r"e !$ an3 j4di5ia* &r!5eedin:@# The

    *a"t !rd" ?in an3 !ther 9anner@ !$ "42;5*a4"e )iii+

    $4rther etend it" a92it and :ive it a re"id4ar3 5hara5ter#

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    A*th!4:h "42;5*a4"e" )i+ t! )iii+ de"5ri2e three di"tin5t

    "&e5ie" !$ ?5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t@8 the3 are n!t a*a3"

    94t4a**3 e5*4"ive#@

    # Thi" C!4rt ha" 5!n"idered hat 5!n"tit4te" 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t in

    &r. &.. Sa4ena v. Hon5ble the hief Justice of India')0

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    ?S5anda*i"in: the C!4rt@ it i" "tated that "54rri*!4" a24"e

    !$ a j4d:e !r 5!4rt8 !r atta5" !n the &er"!na* 5hara5ter !$

    a j4d:e8 are &4ni"ha2*e 5!nte9&t"# The &4ni"h9ent i"

    in$*i5ted8 n!t $!r the &4r&!"e !$ &r!te5tin: either the 5!4rt

    a" a h!*e !r the individ4a* j4d:e" !$ the 5!4rt $r!9 a

    re&etiti!n !$ the atta58 24t !$ &r!te5tin: the &42*i58 and

    e"&e5ia**3 th!"e h! either v!*4ntari*3 !r 23 5!9&4*"i!n

    are "42je5t t! the j4ri"di5ti!n !$ the 5!4rt8 $r!9 the

    9i"5hie$ the3 i** in54r i$ the a4th!rit3 !$ the tri24na* i"

    4nder9ined !r i9&aired# In 5!n"e4en5e8 the 5!4rt ha"

    re:arded ith &arti54*ar "eri!4"ne"" a**e:ati!n" !$

    &artia*it3 !r 2ia" !n the &art !$ a j4d:e !r a 5!4rt# On the

    !ther hand8 5riti5i"9 !$ a j4d:e" 5!nd45t !r !$ the

    5!nd45t !$ a 5!4rt8 even i$ "tr!n:*3 !rded8 i" n!t a

    5!nte9&t &r!vided that the 5riti5i"9 i" $air8 te9&erateand 9ade in :!!d $aith8 and i" n!t dire5ted t! the

    &er"!na* 5hara5ter !$ a j4d:e !r t! the i9&artia*it3 !$ a

    j4d:e !r 5!4rt#@

    0. S5anda*i"in: the 5!4rt8 there$!re8 !4*d 9ean

    h!"ti*e 5riti5i"9 !$ j4d:e" a" j4d:e" !r j4di5iar3# An3

    &er"!na* atta5 4&!n a j4d:e in 5!nne5ti!n ith the!$$i5e he h!*d" i" dea*t ith 4nder *a !$ *i2e* !r "*ander#

    et de$a9at!r3 &42*i5ati!n 5!n5ernin: the j4d:e a" a

    j4d:e 2rin:" the 5!4rt !r j4d:e" int! 5!nte9&t8 a "eri!4"

    i9&edi9ent t! j4"ti5e and an inr!ad !n the 9aje"t3 !$

    j4"ti5e# An3 5ari5at4re !$ a j4d:e 5a*54*ated t! *!er the

    di:nit3 !$ the 5!4rt !4*d de"tr!38 4nder9ine !r tend t!

    4nder9ine &42*i5 5!n$iden5e in the ad9ini"trati!n !$

    j4"ti5e !r the 9aje"t3 !$ j4"ti5e# It !4*d8 there$!re8 2e

    "5anda*i"in: the j4d:e a" a j4d:e8 in !ther !rd"8

    i9&4tin: &artia*it38 5!rr4&ti!n8 2ia"8 i9&r!&er 9!tive" t!a j4d:e i" "5anda*i"ati!n !$ the 5!4rt and !4*d 2e

    5!nte9&t !$ the 5!4rt# Even i9&4tati!n !$ *a5 !$

    i9&artia*it3 !r $airne"" t! a j4d:e in the di"5har:e !$ hi"

    !$$i5ia* d4tie" a9!4nt" t! 5!nte9&t# The :rava9en !$ the

    !$$en5e i" that !$ *!erin: hi" di:nit3 !r a4th!rit3 !r an

    a$$r!nt t! the 9aje"t3 !$ j4"ti5e# (hen the 5!nte9n!r

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    5ha**en:e" the a4th!rit3 !$ the 5!4rt8 he inter$ere" ith

    the &er$!r9an5e !$ d4tie" !$ j4d:e" !$$i5e !r j4di5ia*

    &r!5e"" !r ad9ini"trati!n !$ j4"ti5e !r :enerati!n !r

    &r!d45ti!n !$ tenden53 2rin:in: the j4d:e !r j4di5iar3

    int! 5!nte9&t# Section 7*c, of the $ct3 therefore3 defines

    criminal contempt in -ider articulation that any

    publication3 -hether by -ords3 spoken or -ritten3 or by

    signs3 or by visible representations3 or other-ise of any

    matter or the doing of any other act -hatsoever -hich

    scandalises or tends to scandalise3 or lo-ers or tends to

    lo-er the authority of any court8 or pre!udices3 or

    interferes or tends to interfere -ith3 the due course of any

    !udicial proceeding8 or interferes or tends to interfere

    -ith3 or obstructs or tends to obstruct3 the administration

    of !ustice in any other manner3 is a criminal contempt.There$!re8 a tenden53 t! "5anda*i"e the 5!4rt !r tenden53

    t! *!er the a4th!rit3 !$ the 5!4rt !r tenden53 t! inter$ere

    ith !r tenden53 t! !2"tr45t the ad9ini"trati!n !$ j4"ti5e

    in an3 9anner !r tenden53 t! 5ha**en:e the a4th!rit3 !r

    9aje"t3 !$ j4"ti5e8 !4*d 2e a 5ri9ina* 5!nte9&t# The

    !$$endin: a5t a&art8 an3 tenden53 i$ it 9a3 *ead t! !r

    tend" t! *!er the a4th!rit3 !$ the 5!4rt i" a 5ri9ina*

    5!nte9&t# An3 5!nd45t !$ the 5!nte9n!r hi5h ha" the

    tenden53 !r &r!d45e" a tenden53 t! 2rin: the j4d:e !r

    5!4rt int! 5!nte9&t !r tend" t! *!er the a4th!rit3 !$ the

    5!4rt !4*d a*"! 2e 5!nte9&t !$ the 5!4rt#@

    )e9&ha"i" "4&&*ied+

    ># Thi" C!4rt in Ri9-an:'l:Hasan " $nr. v. State of '.(. 'AIR

    071 ha" *aid d!n that j4di5ia* 5!nte9&t i" n!t t! 2e inv!ed

    4n*e"" there i" rea* &rej4di5e hi5h 5an 2e re:arded a" a "42"tantia*

    inter$eren5e ith d4e 5!4r"e !$ j4"ti5e and the C!4rt i** n!t eer5i"e

    it" j4ri"di5ti!n 4&!n a 9ere 4e"ti!n !$ &r!&riet3# Thi" C!4rt ha" *aid

    d!n th4"

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    ?10. the j4ri"di5ti!n in 5!nte9&t i" n!t t! 2e

    inv!ed 4n*e"" there i" rea* &rej4di5e hi5h 5an 2e

    re:arded a" a "42"tantia* inter$eren5e ith the d4e 5!4r"e

    !$ j4"ti5e and that the &4r&!"e !$ the C!4rt" a5ti!n i" a

    &ra5ti5a* &4r&!"e and it i" rea"!na2*3 5*ear !n the

    a4th!ritie" that the C!4rt i** n!t eer5i"e it" j4ri"di5ti!n

    4&!n a 9ere 4e"ti!n !$ &r!&riet3#@

  • 7/25/2019 SC Dismisses Ex- Gujarat IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatts Plea for Probing Amit Shahs Role in Post-Godhra Riots



    *i9itati!n# One 3ear *i9itati!n i" &r!vided 4nder "e5ti!n ,- !$ the

    C!nte9&t !$ C!4rt" A5t# B!th a&&*i5ati!n" are h!&e*e""*3 2arred 23

    *i9itati!n "! a" t! initiate 5!nte9&t#

    0# Re"4*tant*38 the rit &etiti!n" and Cr*# Mi"5# Petiti!n

    N!"#07>0/,-078 07>./,-078 07>7/,-078 07>/,-07 and !ther

    &etiti!n" are di"9i""ed# Sin5e there a" interi9 "ta38 a" 5har:e;"heet

    ha" 2een $i*ed in I;CR# N!#0.

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