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    Applied Catalysis A: General 402 (2011) 3140

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    Applied Catalysis A: General

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    Application ofdifferent pore diameter SBA-15 supports for heavy gas oil

    hydrotreatment using FeW catalyst

    Philip E. Boahene a, Kapil K. Sonia, Ajay K. Dalaia,, John Adjaye b

    a Catalysis and Chemical ReactionEngineering Laboratories, Department ofChemical Engineering, University ofSaskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, S7N5A9, Canadab Syncrude Edmonton Research Centre, Edmonton,AB, T6N1H4, Canada

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 5January 2011Received in revised form 6 May 2011

    Accepted 8 May 2011

    Available online 13 May 2011



    Pore diameter

    FeW catalyst

    Heavy gas oil




    a b s t r a c t

    This work focuses on utilizing mesoporous SBA-15 materials of different pore diameters as poten-

    tial hydrotreating catalyst supports for heavy gas oil (HGO). Hexane was used as swelling agent for

    the preparation of variable pore diameter SBA-15 materials. Four kinds of SBA-15 supported FeW

    catalysts with different pore diameters in the range of 520 nm were prepared and designated as

    Cats-A to D. The aqueous co-impregnation technique was employed for preparation of the catalysts.

    The supports were characterized by several techniques including X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)

    and N2 adsorptiondesorption isotherms. The SBA-15 supported FeW catalysts were characterized by

    ICP-MS, BET surface area analysis, powder XRD, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning

    electron microscopy (SEM) and CO chemisorption. Results from XRD profiles, TEM images, and N2adsorptiondesorption isotherms confirmed the presence of highly ordered two-dimensional hexag-

    onal structure with cylindrical arrays of pores. The structural integrity of the samples was preserved

    even after loading of2 wt.% Fe and 15wt.% W. Hydrotreating experiments were conducted using bitu-

    men derived heavy gas oil under industrial conditions oftemperature, pressure, LHSV, and gas to oil ratio

    of 375400 C, 8.8 MPa, 1 h1, and 600 mL/mL, respectively. The SBA-15 supported catalyst with pore

    diameter of10 nm (Cat-B) was the best among the supports studied for FeW catalysts, probably due to

    sufficient mass transfer ofreactant liquids and gases through the catalysts pores while still maintaining

    a high surface area necessary for metal dispersion. 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    The hydrotreatment of petroleum feedstocks mainly aims to

    produce clean gasoline and diesel with low sulfur, nitrogen and

    aromatic contents. More stringent environmental regulations have

    required improved efficiency of these processes [1]. Industrially,

    the most commonly usedhydrotreatingcatalystis the-Al2O3 sup-

    ported molybdenum sulfide, MoS2, (1020 wt.%),which is typically

    promoted with cobalt or nickel (35 wt.%). However, the tradi-

    tional -Al2O3 support has a fairly broad pore size distribution

    with a considerable portion ofthe total surface area in small pores,

    specifically, pores less than 5 nm in size [2]. The pore diameter

    of the catalyst support plays a crucial role in its overall catalytic

    performance by enhancing diffusion ofreactant molecules to cat-

    alytic active sites predominantly located inside the pores [1]. As

    in the case of-Al2O3 support, active metals in such pores may

    not be readily accessible to bulkier molecules (such as the alkyl-

    substituted dibenzothiophenic compounds) and may also suffer

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 306 966 4771; fax: +1 306 966 4777.E-mail address: [email protected](A.K. Dalai).

    severe sintering in the pores as a result of exposure of these

    dispersed nanocrystalline materials to high hydrotreating temper-


    The issue ofrapid initial catalyst deactivation is of prime con-

    cern with commercial -Al2O3 supports due to pore plugging of

    smaller pores (

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    32 P.E. Boahene et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 402 (2011) 3140

    have been investigated. These include clays [5], carbon [6],

    oxides [7,8], mixed oxides [9,10], zeolites [11] and mesoporous

    materials like MCM-41 [12], HMS [13], SBA-15 [14], and KIT-6


    Ordered mesoporous solids such as HMS, MCM-41 and MCM-

    48 [17] have great potential as hydrotreating catalyst supports.

    They have several advantages over conventional catalyst supports,

    e.g., high surface (area around 1000m2/g) that can provide bet-

    ter distribution ofactive metal components and more adsorption

    sites, and a large tunable mesopore size (ranging from 5 to 30 nm).

    Their large mesoporous channels can overcome the steric hin-

    drance and facilitate the diffusion process; thus allowing the large

    aromatic molecules to crack into small ones through the acidic cen-

    ter. Corma et al. synthesized NiMo/MCM-41 catalysts for HDT and

    the results showed that these catalysts were active in comparison

    to other supports (like USY or precipitated silicaalumina) [18].

    These materials have already been tested for mild hydrocracking

    [18], aromatic hydrogenation [19], and hydrodesulfurization (HDS)

    ofdibenzothiophene and petroleumresides [20,21]. It has beenalso

    reported that Mo on MCM-41 is a good demetallation catalyst [22].

    However, hydrodesulfurization activities obtained with NiMo cat-

    alysts supported on purely siliceous MCM-41 were less than their

    alumina-supported counterparts [20].

    SBA-15 type ofordered mesoporous material, obtained by using

    a triblock copolymer as structure-directing agent under strongly

    acidic conditions, has attracted considerable attention in the fields

    of heterogeneous catalysis and nanoscale materials [23]. SBA-15

    possesses a high surface area (6001000 m2/g) and is formed by

    a hexagonal array ofuniform tubular channels with tunable pore

    diameters in the range of530 nm, obviously larger than those of

    MCM-41 and HMS. The high surface area and controlled pore size

    ofMCM-41 and SBA-15 make them promising supports for appli-

    cation in oil refining. Pore wall thicknesses ofaround 36nm and

    2D hexagonal packing ofSBA-15 provide higher thermal stability

    than displayedby MCM-41, which consists ofhexagonal packing of

    one-dimensional (1D) channels with p6mm symmetry [24]. Com-

    paredto MCM-41 type ofmesoporous materials, SBA-15 has proven

    efficient for the HDS ofdibenzothiophene (DBT) [25], probably dueto their desirable textural properties which enhance the relatively

    easier access ofreactant molecules into its pores; thus increasing

    the rate ofhydrotreating reactions.

    Many works have dealt with the preparation of supported

    and unsupported molybdenum-based catalysts [26,27]. However,

    the NiW sulfide bulk systems are less studied [28,29]. W-based

    catalysts are known to have a more hydrogenating character

    than their Mo counterparts. Thus, it is interesting to analyze the

    performance of W-based catalysts, in particular W/SBA-15 cat-

    alysts, during the HDS and hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of real

    feedstocks with high contents of refractory sulfur and nitrogen

    compounds. These molecules can be efficiently removed mainly

    via the hydrogenationdesulfurization route.

    An enormous amount of knowledge has been accumulated onthe crucial role of cobalt and nickel promoters in the course of

    90 years. However, very little studies have been done using Fe

    as a promoter in hydrotreating reactions. In lieu of the deduc-

    tions made from the study ofMo/MCM-41 catalyst system, which

    was promoted by Fe and Ni, for HDS of DBT and hydrogenation

    (HYD) of2-methylnaphthalene reactions, Linares et al. [30] noted

    that the incorporation ofFe possibly induced Bronsted acidity that

    enhancedthe performance ofsucha catalyst.That notwithstanding,

    in the comparison oftypical promoters employed in the prepara-

    tion ofHDT catalysts, one can accede to the fact that the cost ofFe

    per kilogram is less expensive as compared to Ni and Co counter-

    parts [1]. Hence, one has to consider the economical benefits to be

    derived when Fe is used as a promoter in the hydrotreating catalyst

    system formulation.

    The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of applying

    different pore diameter SBA-15 supported FeW catalysts for the

    hydrotreatment ofheavy gas oil derived from Athabasca bitumen.

    To the best of our knowledge, this type ofstudy has not yet been

    reported in the literature for real feedstocks. In this investigation,

    four mesoporous silicaSBA-15 supported catalystswith porediam-

    eters in the 520 nm range were prepared and have been used

    for hydrotreating ofheavy gas oil (HGO) under industrial process


    2. Experimental

    2.1. Preparation ofsupports and catalysts

    The siliceous SBA-15 materials were synthesized using hex-

    anes as a micelle expander under acidic conditions, according

    to the procedure described elsewhere [31,32]. The triblock

    copolymer Pluronic P123 (Mav = 5 800, EO20PO70EO20, Aldrich)

    was used as the structure-directing agent (SDA) and tetraethyl

    orthosilicate (TEOS) as the silica source. The nominal molar

    ratio of the chemicals used in the synthesis mixture was


    SBA-15 materials with different pore diameters were synthesized

    by varying the molar ratio ofC6H14 and NH4F.In a typical synthesis

    procedure, 9.8 g P123 and 0.109 g NH4F were dissolved in 335 mL

    of1.3 M aqueous HCl solution at room temperature. This solution

    was transferred to a constant temperature bath (CTB) maintained

    at 15 C. After 1 h ofmechanical stirring, a mixture of20.8 g TEOSand 34.6 g C6H14 was added. The reaction was allowed to proceed

    under mechanical agitation for 24 h in the CTB, after which the

    gel formed was isolated and subjected to hydrothermal treatment

    in a teflon-lined autoclave for 3 days. The solid product was

    filtered, washed with deionized water, and dried for 24 h at room

    temperature. To remove the organic template; the sample was

    calcined at 550 C for 5 h using a heating rate of2 C/min.

    2.2. Synthesis ofFeW/SBA-15 catalysts

    FeW catalysts supported on SBA-15 with different pore diam-

    eters were prepared by an aqueous impregnation technique.

    The calcined SBA-15 support was impregnated successively

    using aqueous solutions of ammonium metatungstate (AMT),

    (NH4)6H2W12O40 (Fluka) andiron nitrate, Fe (NO3)39H2O(Aldrich)as aWandFe source, respectively. Aftereach impregnation, the cat-

    alysts were dried at 100 C for 24 h. In a typical synthesis, 0.514 gAMT was dissolved in 15 mL de-ionized water until a homogenous

    solution was formed. 2.55g siliceous SBA-15 was added to this solu-

    tion, to get 15 wt.% W/SBA-15. This mixture was dried in an oven

    at 100 C. 2 wt.% Fe was also loaded by using same approach. Theprepared catalysts are designated as Cat-A, Cat-B, Cat-C and Cat-D

    with pore diameters 5 nm, 10nm, 15nm and 20nm, respectively.

    2.3. Characterization

    The calcined SBA-15 samples were characterized by small angle

    X-rayscattering (SAXS)to ascertaintheir crystal structures. Diffrac-

    tion patterns wererecorded witha Bruker Smart 6000 CCD detector

    on a 3-circle D8 goniometer using a Rigaku RU 200 Cu rotating

    anode generator fitted with parallel focusing cross-coupled mir-

    rors anda0.5 mm pinhole collimator. Datawas obtainedusing a still

    data collection (Bruker Software: SMART) with an exposure time of

    300 s in the 010.0 range. Broad angle XRD patterns ofall the SBA-15 supported catalysts were recorded on a Rigaku diffractometer

    using Cu K radiation.

    Nitrogen physisorption isotherms were measured on a

    Micromeritics ASAP 2000 analyzer at liquid nitrogen temperature

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    P.E. Boahene et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 402 (2011) 3140 33

    of77 K. Prior to the analysis, the catalyst was out-gassed in vacuum

    at 200 C until the static pressure remained less than 6.6104 Pa.The BrunauerEmmettTeller (BET) method was used to calculate

    the surface area in the range ofrelative pressures between 0.05

    and 0.30. The value of0.1620 nm2 was taken for the cross-section

    ofthe physicallyadsorbedN2 molecule.The pore diameterand pore

    size distributions were calculated from the adsorption and desorp-

    tion branches ofthe isotherms using the BarrettJoynerHalenda

    (BJH) method. The mesopore volume was determined from the

    N2 adsorbed at a P/P0 =0.4. The total pore volume was calculated

    from the amount ofnitrogen adsorbed at P/P0 = 0.95, assuming that

    adsorption on the external surface was negligible compared with

    adsorption in pores. In all cases, correlation coefficients above0.999

    were obtained.

    The morphological features ofthe support and catalysts were

    studied from Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) obtained

    with a Tecnai F20 at 200 kV. The powder samples were grounded

    smoothly in an agate mortar and dispersed in heptane in an ultra-

    sonic bath for several minutes. A few drops were then deposited

    on 200 mesh copper grids covered with a holey carbon film. The

    electron micrographs were recorded in electron negative films and

    in a digital PC system attached to the electron microscope. Scan-

    ning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs were observed on a

    Hitachi-S4700 microscope.

    Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy

    (DRIFTS) of CO adsorption experiments were performed using

    a PerkinElmer Spectrum GX instrument equipped with DTGS

    detector and a KBr beam splitter was used for this analysis. Approx-

    imately 10 mg of powdered catalyst sample was loaded in to a

    sample cup inside a Spectrotech diffuse reflectance in situ cell

    equipped with ZnSe windows and a thermocouple mount that

    allowed direct measurement of the sample surface temperature.

    Spectra for each experiment were averaged over 64 scans in the

    region 40001000 cm1 with a nominal 4 cm1 resolution. Priorto the CO adsorption, the catalyst was in situ sulfided in the Spec-

    trotech diffuse reflectancecell using 10% (v/v) H2S/H2 (50 cm3/min)

    at 400 C for 2 h. At this temperature, the flow was switched to

    He at a flow rate of50 cm3/min and the temperature decreased to30 C.The backgroundspectrumwas then recorded.The adsorptionprocess was carried out at 30 C by introducing CO (30 cm3/min)into the system for 30 min. After adsorption, the system was sub-

    sequently purged with He at a flow rate of50 cm3/min for 30 min.

    Spectra were then recorded under He flow. The background spec-

    trum was subtracted from the post adsorption spectra.

    The carbon monoxideuptake on sulfided catalystswas also mea-

    sured using the Micromeritics ASAP 2000 instrument. Prior to the

    CO chemisorption measurement, 0.2g of sample was in situ sul-

    fided using 10 mol.% H2S in H2 at 400Cfor 4 h,and thenthe sample

    was evacuatedat 120 C until the static pressure remained less than6.6104 Pa. The chemisorption was performed by passing pulsesofCO over the sample to measure the total gas uptake at 35 C.

    Inductive coupled plasma (ICP-MS) analysis was utilized toquantify the metal composition in the catalysts. An energy-

    dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) was also used for compositional

    analysis using a system attached to the electron microscope which

    was operated at 25 kV. The chemical composition determination

    was based on the average analytical data ofindividual particles.

    2.4. Catalytic activity

    The heavy gas oil (HGO) feedstock used for this study was

    derived from Athabasca bitumen and supplied by Syncrude Canada

    Ltd. The feed properties are given in Table 1. Hydrotreating exper-

    iments were conducted in a downward flow micro-trickle bed

    reactor system (10mm ID; 285 mm length) using 5 mL ofcatalyst

    under typical industrial process conditions. This reactor system is


    Characteristics ofheavy gas oil derived from Athabasca bitumen.

    Characteristic Heavy gas oil

    Nitrogen (wppm) 3615

    Sulfur (wppm) 42,302

    Density (g/mL) 0.99

    Aromatic content (wt.%) 31.4

    Asphaltene content (wt.%) 1.55

    Boiling point distribution

    IBP (C) 210.8FBP (C) 597.3

    Boiling range(C)

    IBP205 (Gasoline) (wt.%) 0

    205260 (Kerosene) (wt.%) 1

    260315 (Light gas oil) (wt.%) 5

    315425 (Heavy gas oil) (wt.%) 39

    425600 (Vacuum gas oil) (wt.%) 55

    a high pressure and temperature reaction set-up whose operation

    mimics industrial hydrotreaters. The set-up consists ofliquid and

    gas feeding sections, a high pressure reactor, a heater with temper-

    ature controller, a scrubber for removing the ammonium sulfide

    from the reaction products, and a high pressure gasliquid sep-

    arator. Details of catalyst loading into the reactor are described

    elsewhere [33,34]. Typically, the catalyst bed was packed using5 mL ofcatalyst (1.5 g) and silicon carbide (SiC) particles as dilu-ents. Dilution ofthe catalyst bed with SiC particles was necessary

    to enhance the heat and mass transfer of the system. SiC particle

    size selection was based on earlier published work by Bej et al. [34]

    Catalyst sulfidation was carried out for a period of48 h at tem-

    peratures of193 C for 24 h and 343 C for another 24 h. 2.9 vol.%butanethiol was used as a sulfiding agent in straight run gas oil

    (VOLTESSO 35). An initial catalyst pre-wetting protocol was neces-

    sary prior to catalyticactivity study. This procedure was carried out

    by pumping 100 mL ofthe sulfiding solution at a high flow rate of2.5 mL/min intothe reactor. The high oil flow rate was subsequently

    adjusted to 5 mL/h and maintained to obtain a liquid hourly space

    velocity (LHSV) of1 h1. Furthermore, the hydrogen gas flow was

    operated at a rate that corresponds to a gas/oil ratio of600 mL/mL.Following sulfidation, the catalyst was precoked at a tempera-

    ture and pressure of375 C and 8.8 MPa, respectively, for 5 dayswith the real feed (HGO) at a flow rate of5 mL/h. After precoking,

    HDN and HDS activity studies were conducted for 3 days each at

    temperatures of 375 C, 388 C, and 400 C. The pressure, gas/oilratio and LHSV were maintained constant at 8.8 MPa, 600 mL/mL

    and1 h1, respectively. Hydrotreated products were collected after24 h and stripped with nitrogen gas to remove dissolved ammo-

    nia and hydrogen sulfide gases. A transient period of 24 h was

    allowed throughout the experiments when there was a change

    in process conditions. Liquid products taken within these tran-

    sient periods were not analyzed. Samples were analyzed for total

    nitrogen and sulfur contents using an Antek 9000 NS analyzer.

    Total nitrogen content ofthe liquid product was measured by thecombustion/chemiluminence technique following ASTM D4629

    method and the sulfur content was measured using the combus-

    tion/fluorescence technique following ASTM 5463 method. The

    instrumental error in N andS analysis was 3%.

    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Support and catalyst characterizations

    3.1.1. Elemental analysis

    The elemental compositions ofcalcined FeW/SBA-15 catalysts

    with different pore diameters were determined by ICP-MS and

    EDX analysis. The results ofICP-MS with targeted compositions are

    presented in Table 2. The elemental compositions obtained from

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    34 P.E. Boahene et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 402 (2011) 3140


    Elemental composition, CO uptake, and HDS/HDN steady-state activities ofSBA-15 supported FeW catalysts with different pore diameter at various reaction temperatures

    (Catalyst = 5 cm3, P=8.8 MPa,LHSV=1 h1 and H2 /oil ratio =600 (v/v)).

    Sample ID Composition CO uptake (mol/g) Sulfur/nitrogen removal at each reaction temperature (wt.%)

    Fe (wt.%) W (wt.%) 375 C 388 C 400 C

    S N S N S N

    Cat-A 2* (1.95) 15* (14.58) 17 44 9 54 14 64 26

    Cat-B 2* (1.91) 15* (14.07) 25 45 17 53 17 66 33

    Cat-C 2* (1.91) 15* (14.20) 15 31 11 38 12 62 17Cat-D 2* (1.95) 15* (14.44) 10 30 5 38 7 43 3

    * Targeted

    ICP-MS and EDX correlate well with each other, as well as with

    targeted values.

    3.1.2. Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis

    The XRD measurements were carried out to study the meso-

    porous structure of the supports and catalysts. The crystalline

    phases ofthe calcined catalysts can also be obtained by this tech-

    nique. The low angle XRD pattern ofFeW catalysts supported on

    SBA-15 ofdifferent pore diametersare shownin Fig.1 in the interval

    between the 2 values of0.510. The small-angle XRD pattern of

    the calcined SBA-15 supportedFeW catalyst materials exhibit threewell-resolved peaks, characteristic ofSBA-15 materials [24]. These

    XRD peaks are indexable as (d1 0 0), (d1 1 0) and (d2 0 0) reflections

    associated with the p6mm symmetry of the hexagonal ordered

    pore structure. Hexagonal order remains more or less intact after

    pore diameter increase. The peaks corresponding to d1 1 0 and d2 0 0planes exhibit minor changes; revealing a slight structural change

    ofSBA- 15 with pore swelling.

    The unit-cell parameter (a0) was estimated from the position of

    the (d1 0 0) diffraction line by using the equation a0 =d1 0 0 2/


    and given in Table 3. Pore wall thickness () was assessed by sub-tracting Dads from the unit-cell parameter (a0), which corresponds

    to the distance between centers ofadjacent mesopores.The notable

    decrease in pore wall thickness suggests the continuous increase in

    pore diameter (Table 3). Moreover, it can be observed that diffrac-tionpeaks shifted to lower 2 values, indicatingincrease in unit-cellsize (a0); corresponding to increase in pore diameter of SBA-15

    materials [35].

    3.1.3. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction

    The wide angle X-ray diffraction patterns ofsiliceous SBA-15

    and FeW/SBA-15 catalysts with similar metal loading but different

    pore diameters recorded in the 2 interval of1080 are shown in









    Fig. 1. Low-angle X-ray patterns ofSBA-15 supported FeW catalysts.

    Fig. 2. It can be seen from this figure that the presence ofcrystalline

    phases were not detected in Cats-A to C; suggesting that either

    metals werehomogeneouslydispersedon the support or their com-

    positions were below the detection limit ofthe X-ray signals. The

    absence ofXRDsignals in wide angleregion indicates that the parti-

    cle size ofmetals is below the coherence length ofX-ray scattering

    i.e., smaller than 4 nm; suggesting that metals were well dis-persed on the support due to the absence ofany crystalline phase.

    However, the single broad hump exhibited by all samples and cen-

    tered at 2 values of1540 is characteristic ofsiliceous materials

    [36]. The high surface area ofsilica support favors dispersion oftheactive phases. However, in the case ofCat-D some crystalline peaks

    can be observed due to the poorly crystalline species ofW and Fe

    in the oxidic phase appearing at 2 values of23.5 and 34.2, respec-tively. The species observed at 2 value of23.5 can be assigned to

    monoclinic WO3 crystalline phase (JCPDS card 35-609); while the

    small and weak broad peak observed at 2 value of34.2 has beenattributed to-Fe, which manifests as small iron oxide crystallites

    with a spinelstructure [37]. The poor dispersionofthe oxide phases

    in Cat-D mayexplain the notable loss ofhydrotreating activity. This

    is due to the fact that amongst the four catalysts prepared, Cat-D

    has the largest pore diameter; however, its least surface area may

    have contributed to the formation ofaggregates as detected by the


    3.1.4. N2 adsorptiondesorption isothermsmeasurement

    The textural properties ofmesoporous materials can be exam-

    ined byN2 adsorptiondesorption isotherms at 77 K. The nitrogen

    adsorptiondesorption isotherm ofall SBA-15 supported catalysts

    with different pore diameters are shown in Fig. 3. The textural and

    structural characteristics (surface area SBET, total pore volume VP,

    pore diameter DP, unit-cell parameter a0 and pore wall thickness)








    Fig. 2. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction patterns SBA-15 supported FeW catalysts.

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    P.E. Boahene et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 402 (2011) 3140 35


    Physical properties ofSBA-15 supported FeW catalysts with different pore diameter determined from N2 sorption and XRD analysis.

    Sample ID SBET (m2/g)Sup SBET (m

    2/g)Cat NSBET VP (cm3/g) PDads (nm) d1 0 0 (nm) a0 (nm) (nm)

    Cat-A 895 651 0.88 0.64 5.7 9.9 11.4 5.7

    Cat-B 636 498 0.94 0.89 10.1 12.4 14.4 4.3

    Cat-C 491 396 0.97 1.00 15.7 16.9 19.5 3.8

    Cat-D 473 388 0.99 1.09 18.5 17.9 20.7 2.2

    SBET, specific surface area calculated by the BET method; NSBET, (Normalized surface area) were calculated by using the equation, NSBET = (SBET ofthe catalysts)/(1x) SBETofthe support; VP , pore volume determined by nitrogen adsorption at a relative pressure of0.98; PDads, mesopore diameter corresponding to the maximum ofthe pore size

    distribution obtainedfrom the adsorption isotherm by the BJH method;a0, unit-cell parameterdetermined from the positionofthe (1 0 0) diffraction line as a0 =d1 0 0 2/3;, pore wall thickness calculated as d1 0 0 =a0 Dads.

    of the SBA-15 supports and corresponding catalysts are given in

    Table 3.

    All the FeW/SBA-15 catalysts exhibited the type IV isotherm

    with H1 hysteresis loop, which is characteristic of a well-formed

    SBA-15 material. The shape ofthe loop is unchanged after the Fe

    and W metals loading indicating that support and catalysts exhibit

    uniform textural porosity, which is also in agreement with XRD

    results. The height ofthe hysteresis loop is decreased after metals

    loading into SBA-15 due to a decreased pore volume indicating the

    introduction ofmetal species within the mesopores ofthe support.

    The surface area and pore volume ofthe SBA-15 decreased signif-

    icantly after metal loading. Lizama and Klimova [38] investigatedthe incorporation ofactive metals (Mo or W) on the SBA-15 support

    from either conventional precursors or heteropolyacid sources and

    observed that W-containing samples have lower values ofsurface

    area and pore volume than the corresponding Mo-containing ones

    because the loading ofW metal is higher than that ofMo for main-

    taining active metal-promoter ratios. The pore wall thickness (d)

    decreases with increasing unit cell parameter (ao) which is mea-

    sured by small-angle XRD. A decrease in the pore wall thickness

    as observed was due to increase in the pore diameter ofthe sup-

    ports. In the case ofCat-D, the pore wall thickness is considerably

    less compared to all other catalysts, making it susceptible to easy

    pore collapse under the severe hydrotreating reaction conditions.

    The results from N2 adsorptiondesorption analysis correlates well

    with that obtained from XRD analysis. The pore size distribu-tions ofFeW/SBA-15 catalysts are given in Fig. 4. The sharpness

    of the desorption branches is indicative ofthe narrow mesopore

    size distribution. However, as can be seen from Fig. 4, the pore

    size distribution for Cat-D is not distinctively narrow. This could

    be explained by the fact that majority of the pores are concen-

    trated around 18 nm as evident in Cat-D. Nonetheless, it is a sound

    argument to note that pores ofsmaller channels may be present,

    which contributed to the rather broad pore size distribution

    for Cat-D.







    Relative pressure, P/P0







    Fig. 3. Nitrogen adsorption isotherms ofSBA-15 supported FeW catalysts.

    To confirm the presence ofnanoparticles ofFe and W oxides in

    the pores ofthe SBA-15 substrate, the normalized SBET values were

    calculated using an equation proposed by Vradman et al. [39]:

    NSBET =(SBET ofthe catalysts)

    (1 x) SBET ofthe support

    where NSBET is normalized SBET and x is the weight fraction of

    the phases. The values ofnormalized NSBET are given in Table 3.

    Values ofNSBET close to unity give an indication of less pore

    blockage. As seen in Table 3, the introduction of the Fe and W

    particle caused in a reduction in pore volume, which resulted

    in the reduction of normalized surface area. The normalizedsurface area of Cat-A was found to be 0.88, which is

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    36 P.E. Boahene et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 402 (2011) 3140

    Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrograph ofSBA-15 supported FeW catalysts.

    physisorption results. The WO3 nanoparticles are in the size range

    of 35 nm. The average particle sizes determined by TEM images

    are in good agreement with the corresponding crystalline sizes

    calculated by the DebyeScherrer equation.

    The SEM images of the pure SBA-15 support and supported

    FeW catalysts showed that all samples contained fibre-like parti-

    cles ofseveral tens ofmicrometers in length (Fig. 6A and B). Similar

    morphologyofmesoporous SBA-15 materials has been reported by

    other researchers [36].

    3.1.6. DRIFT spectroscopy for CO adsorption

    The nature ofactive species present on the catalysts in the sul-

    fided form was studied by DRIFT spectroscopy of adsorbed CO

    on these catalysts. DRIFT spectroscopy of CO adsorption on the

    Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrograph of(a) SBA-15 support; and (b) FeW/SBA-15 catalyst.

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    P.E. Boahene et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 402 (2011) 3140 37

    Fig. 7. DRIFT spectroscopy for CO adsorption ofSBA-15 supported FeW catalysts.

    sulfided FeW catalysts with different pore diameters was per-

    formed at 30 C to characterize the surface active sites. Fig. 7 showsDRIFT spectra ofabove the catalysts around CO stretching region.

    CO adsorption on sulfided catalysts yields strong bands at 2102

    and 2068 cm1. Although there is no literature on CO adsorptionstudies on FeW/SBA-15 catalysts, the literature available on NiMo-

    supported catalysts shows two bands at 2098 cm1 correspondingto CO adsorption on unpromoted Mo sulfide sites, whereas the

    band at 2062 cm1 is due to the Ni promoted Mo sulfide sites(NiMoS phase) [40,41]. The adsorption profile for FeW/SBA-15

    shows similar results, indicating similar adsorption behaviors of

    CO molecules on FeW catalysts supported on SBA-15. In the caseof Cat-C and Cat-D, the intense peak observed at 2102 cm1 cor-responds to unpromoted tungsten sulfides, which is indicative of

    a higher number ofWS2 phase. However, Cat-A and Cat-B exhibit

    a more intense peak at 2068 cm1, which suggests more adsorp-tion ofCO molecules at FeWS sites of FeW/SBA-15 catalysts. The

    presence ofhigh FeWS centers in catalysts (Cat-A and Cat-B) show

    a higher number of active centers ofsulfided Fe and W species

    on the high surface area silica support. In the case of Cat-A and

    Cat-B, there is a disappearance of the band ofcorresponding to

    WS2. A similar observation was made in the case of Cat-C and

    Cat-D in which the FeWS band is not available due to the over-

    lapping with dominated phase. It can be deduced from the DRIFT

    studies that catalysts with pore diameter in the range of510 nm

    is responsible for higher number of co-ordinatively unsaturatedsites.

    Carbon monoxide adsorption is also used to quantify exposed

    surface metal atoms on sulfided catalysts. The CO uptake (mol/g

    of Cat) measured from CO chemisorption is equivalent to the

    number of active metal atoms that are accessible to the reac-

    tant molecules. The amount ofadsorbed CO increased from Cat-A

    to B; yielding a maxima in the case of Cat-B, then gradually

    decreased to Cat-D. This could be explained by the fact that

    as the pore diameter increased from Cat-B to D, exposed met-

    als increasingly became inaccessible to CO molecules due to the

    probable pore collapse as a result of increasing the pore diam-

    eter. These results clearly indicate that Cat-B has the highest

    number of active sites due to its highly dispersed metal phases

    (Table 3).





    Time on Stream (day)



    Cat-A Cat-B Cat-D Cat-CA








    Time on stream (day)



    Cat-A Cat-B Cat-C Cat-DB

    Fig. 8. (A) Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) and (B) hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) activ-

    ities of SBA-15 supported FeW catalysts during pre-coking with HGO at 375 C

    (catalyst= 5 cm3, P=8.8 MPa, LHSV= 1 h1 and H2/oil ratio =600 (v/v)).

    3.2. Catalytic activity ofdifferent pore diameters FeW/SBA-15catalysts

    To determine the optimum pore diameter for FeW/SBA-15

    catalysts, four types of FeW/SBA-15 catalysts with varied pore

    diameters (5, 10, 15, and 20nm) were prepared and designated

    as Cat-A, Cat-B, Cat-C and Cat-D, respectively. By varying the

    molar ratio ofhexane (micelle expander) and P123 (template), the

    catalysts with inner diameters ranging from 5 to 20 nm were syn-

    thesized. The intended Fe and W loadings for these catalysts was

    consistent with most commercial NiMo/-Al2O3 catalysts at 2.5

    and 13.0 wt.%, respectively.

    3.2.1. Effect ofprecoking on sulfur andnitrogen conversion

    Precoking of catalysts is necessary to stabilize its initial highactivity. Fig. 8A and B show the effect of precoking on sulfur and

    nitrogen conversion ofFeW/SBA-15 catalysts with different pore

    diameters. At the start-of-run (SOR) ofthe hydrotreating reactions,

    the sulfided catalysts had very high initial activity which dropped

    suddenly withtime-on-stream (TOS).The decreasein HDS andHDN

    activities was observed in the following order: Cat-A=Cat-B > Cat-C > Cat-D. It can also be observed that the stability ofCats-A and B

    were better than that of Cats-C and D. Cat-C and Cat-D had high

    initial HDS and HDN activities at the start-of-run, but could not be

    maintained and subsequently dropped sharply as the reaction pro-

    gressed (within 48 h period). This observation could be attributed

    to their larger pore sizes as compared to that of Cats-A and B.

    This range ofpore size is large enough for unhindered diffusion

    of a larger portion of low-molecular-size asphaltenes and other

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    38 P.E. Boahene et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 402 (2011) 3140

    Fig. 9. (A) Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) and (B) hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) activ-

    ities of SBA-15 supported FeW catalysts with HGO at different temperatures

    (catalyst= 5 cm3, P=8.8 MPa,LHSV=1 h1 and H2/oil ratio =600 (v/v)).

    heteroatom-containing species that can undergo various reactions

    on the catalyst surface at the catalytically active centers within the

    pores. Some products formedin the reaction, such as carbonaceous

    species, can block the active centers. Consequently, deterioration

    in hydrotreating activities in the larger pore supports is observed

    within the initial 48 h period. A similar study conducted by Callejas

    et al. [42] on the long-term (7400h) hydroprocessing ofpetroleum

    residue usingcommercial NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst concluded that cokedeposition occurs rapidly on the catalyst surface during the early

    hoursofthe run (100 h),reachingas high as 12.4 wt.% ofthe catalyst.

    3.2.2. Effects ofpore size on sulfur andnitrogen conversion

    Theability offeedstock molecules to diffuse to the active centers

    within the pores is a key factor for determining the effectiveness of

    the catalyst [43]. Increasing the pore diameter ofthe catalyst facili-

    tates diffusion ofbulkier molecules from the bulk fluid to the active

    sites. However, this phenomenon solely does not necessarily trans-

    late into higher hydrotreating activity. In the case ofFeW/SBA-15,

    the results in Table 2 and Fig. 9 show that HDS and HDN activi-

    ties generally pass through a maximum with respect to increasing

    the pore diameter in the range of5.718.5 nm. The HDS activity

    remained almost the same for Cats-A and B ofpore diameters 5.7

    and 10.1 nm, respectively. This highest HDS activity recorded for

    these catalysts declined as the pore diameter was further increased

    from 10.1 to 15.7 nm and, subsequently, to 18.5 nm. However, HDN

    activity increased slightly with pore diameter(5.7 and 10.1nm) and

    declined as the pore diameter further increased to 18.5 nm. This

    observed trend could be explained by the fact that, past a certain

    optimal pore diameter, increasing the pore diameter resulted in a

    decrease in surface area.It is worth mentioningthat the surface area

    of a catalyst offers the platform for the dispersion ofactive metal

    components.However, the effective surface area required for metal

    dispersion suffered at the expense ofincreasing pore diameter. The

    decrease in surface area was responsible for the decrease in HDS

    and HDN conversions as the pore diameter increased. Thus, it can

    be concluded that by loading the same amount of metals (2 wt.%

    Fe and 15wt.% W) on SBA-15 supports ofdifferent pore diameters

    resulted in an inhomogeneous dispersion ofthe metals on highest

    pore diameter catalysts (i.e., having the lowest surface area). This

    result was also confirmed by broad-angle XRD spectra showing the

    crystalline peaks ofmetal species in Cat-D.

    Furthermore, this observation could also be explained by the

    asphaltene content present in the feedstock, which was found to be

    1.55 wt.% (Table 1). The amount ofasphaltene present in the HGO

    is quite significant as compared to the amount of catalyst loaded

    in the micro reactor (1.5 g); since it only requires a little amount

    ofasphaltenes to significantly deactivate the catalyst. Due to their

    larger molecular weights [44], asphaltenes will preferentially dif-

    fuse andreact in larger pores than they would in smaller pores. This

    resulted in the production ofsmaller hydrocarbons which are the

    main precursors for carbonaceous species deposition on the cata-

    lyst active sites. This conversion ofasphaltene molecules to coke

    is a plausible explanation for the decreased HDS and HDN activ-

    ities in the larger pore diameter catalysts. A similar explanation

    was provided by Song et al., who studied the effect of pore struc-

    ture ofNi-Mo/Al2O3 catalysts in hydrocracking ofcoal and oil sand

    derived asphaltenes[45]. They concluded that as the pore diameter

    increases, heavier fractions (mostly the asphaltenes) are strongly

    adsorbed on the catalyst surface, inhibiting the adsorption ofless

    heavier molecules.This conclusion was also supportedby Diez et al.[46], who showed that a hydrotreating catalyst with large pores

    (>14 nm) was more susceptible for asphaltene decomposition.

    On the basis of the catalyst pore sizes (520 nm) andhydrotreating results, it can be suggested that an optimum pore

    diameter ofapproximately 10 nm was effective for both HDS and

    HDN of the HGO. For the HDS activity, a study conducted by

    Inoguchi [47] on the control ofpore size ofsupports concluded that

    optimalporediametershiftedfrom 10 nm for HDS ofpetroleumdis-

    tillates to 15 nm for HDS ofthe residue. Furthermore, Angevine and

    Fischer reported that for residue HDS, a small-pore (with 310 nm

    pores) catalyst was selective for non-asphaltene sulfur; while a

    large-pore (with 1030 nm pores) catalyst was selective for asphal-

    tene sulfur [48]. Thus, it may be noted that the present results

    in Fig. 9 for the HDS and HDN of heavy gas oil fractions are con-sistent with that reported in the investigation by Takeuchi, using

    -Al2O3-supported NiMo catalyst [49].

    3.2.3. Effects oftemperature on sulfur and nitrogen conversion

    An easy and cost-efficient way ofincreasing hydrotreating con-

    versions is by manipulating process temperature. However, an

    excessively high operating temperature may lead to activity loss

    and shortening ofcatalyst life [50]. Thus, the effect oftemperature

    on sulfur and nitrogen conversion was studied. It is well known

    that during hydrotreating reactions, rapid catalyst deactivation (or

    ageing) occurs due to sintering and coke formation on the cat-

    alyst surface [51]. In order to maintain a stable catalyst activity

    and desired product quality, operating temperature is gradually

    raised to compensate for catalyst deactivation. Thus, the effect of

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