Say so Is Best- I ST JOSEPHS -...

T r V r 4 >< = f J OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY JANUARY 11 1O PAGE SEVEN J q r f 7T4- Ithose Say = so Is Best- With i I nearly all medicines put up for sale I through druggists one has to take the mak ¬ f ers sayso alone and exclusively as to their I curative value Of course such testimony- is i not that of a disinterested party and ac ¬ I cordingly is not to be given the same credit j J as if written from disinterested motives Dr Piercea medicines however form- a single and therefore striking exception- to the above rule Their claim to the confidence of invalida does not rest solely upon their owners and makera eayio or praise Their ingredients are matters of public knowledge being printed on each separate bottlewrap ¬ per Thus invalid sufferers are taken into Dr Pierces full confidence Scores of leading medical men have written S enough to fill volumes in praise of the curative value of the several ingredienta entering into these wellknown med- icines ¬ In fav of Dr Pierces medicines is the Iran mfiding open honest state- ment of ir full composition giving I every in ient in plain English with- out ¬ i fear of successful critici wand with confidence that the good seri e of the l afflicted will lead them to appreciate this honorable manner of confiding to s them what they are taking into their stomachs when making uee of these medicines WHAT THEY CURE People often ask- medicines What do Dr Pierces two leadin Golden Medical Discovery and Favorite Prescription cure Briefly the answer is that tt Golden Medical Discovery is a most potent al- terative ¬ or bloodpurifier and tonic or invigorator and acts especially favor- ably ¬ ina curative way upon all the i mucous lining surfaces as of the nasal passages throat bronchial tubes stom- ach ¬ bowels and bladder curing a large percentage of catarrhal cases whether- the disease affects the nasal passages the throat bronchia stomach as catarrhal dyspepsia bowels ins mucous diarrhea bladder uterus or other pelvic organs Even in the chronic- or ulcerative staves of these affections it is generally successful in affecting euros In fact the olden lcdic I- I I Discovery is without doubt the rnorfc successful constitutional remedy for all J forms of catarrhal diseases OWn to modem medical science In Chronic Nasal Catarrh Dr Sages Catarrh Rem- edy ¬ fluid should he used for washing and cleansing out the nasal passages while taking the U Discovery for ita blood cleansing find 6peci e healing I effects upon the mucous lining mem- branes ¬ i This combined local and gen- eral ¬ treatment will cure a very htrge j percentage of the worst crises of chronic nasal catarrh no matter of how many years gtanding they may be I As to the H Favorite Pr criptionit I r I j is advised for the cure of one class of- t I diseases only those weaknesses de- rangements ¬ and irregularities peculiar I to women It is a powerful gently acting invigorating tonic and nervine I NOTICE Or- TINAL DISCHARGE Notice hereby given that chc Socond day June 1908 me oL the late of H Frederick deceased make my final settlement with on Joseph Bell judge of lis office Ocala I la and wil for my discharge 8 estate- R Frederick dm Estate of H Frederick deceased I ov 19th 1907 A line card albums Jelved Ocala News Co- t r t 1 weak wrrnout overworked worn j I enno matter what has caused the j breakdown Favorite Prescription i I will be found most effective building I up the strength the womanly i functions subduing pain and bringing 1 I about a healthy strong vigorous con I dition of the whole system I Dr Pierce believes that our American j forests abound in moet valuable medi- cinal roots for the cure of of our obstinate and most fatal diseases if we I would properly investigate theme and in confirmation of this firm conviction I he point with pride to the almost mar- velous ¬ cures effected by his Golden Medical Discovery which has proven itself to be the most efficient stomach J tonic liver invigorator heart tonic and I regulator and blood cleanser known to I medical science Not lefifl marvelous I the unparalleled cures it is constantly I I making of womans many peculiar affec ¬ tions weakness and distressing derange- ments is Dr Pierces Favorite tion as is amply attested by thousands of unsolicited testimonials by grateful patients who have been i cured by it of leucorrhea painful periods irregularities prolapsus and I displacements ulceration of and kindred affections often after many other advertised medicines had failed I Both these worldfamed medicines- are I wholly made up from the glycerio I extracts native medicinal roots j found in our American forests The i processes employed in their manu facture were original with Dr Pierce and they are carried on by skilled chem- ists ¬ I and pharmacists with the aid of apparatus and appliances specially J I designed and built for this I Both medicines are eutirr lv free from alcohol and all other harmful habit I forming drugs What 13 said of their I power to cure the several diseases for which they are advised may be easily learned by sending your name and address to Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N YT for a little booklet which he has I compiled containing copious extracts from nmwroue standard medical books which are consulted authorities by physicians of the several schools of i practice for their guidance prescrib- ing is FKKK TO ALL A postal card request will bring Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure con tipati l1 Constipation is the cause of many diseases Cure the cause and you cure the disease One It Pellet is a gentle laxative and two a mild ca thrtic Druggists soil them and nothing is t just good They are the original Little Liver Pills first put up by Dr Pierce over 40 years ago Much imitated but never equaled i They are tiny sugarcoated granules easy to take as candy 1 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years has borne the signature of and has been made under his per ¬ q sonal supervision since its Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments that trifle with andendanger the health of Infants and Children Experience Experiment What is CASTORIA I Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare Boric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Itd age is guarantee It destroys Worms I ajrf allays F verishness It cure Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation- and Flatulency It assimilate the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleej 4 The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend e4- I 8A Of GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS w r II I t P M You Have Always Bought In Use For Ov v r 30 Years TNB ccfTTAun oommuvr TT IXUKRAY VTMCCTV NEW YORK CITY ADMINISTRATORS is in of A D i undersigned administrator i A III I probate at in Marion county apply administrator of said T of A large of post just at the t For in regulating ¬ most n in ¬ ¬ contributed uterus of I purpose as in it as infancy against ADMINISTRATORS NGTJCZ TO CreditorsIn re Estate of John Kins I er Deceased Notice is hereby given to all creditors legatees distributees and all other persons having claims or demands against the estate of John Kinsler de- ceased ¬ to present the same to the un- dersigned ¬ administrator within one your from this date Gco Giles As Administrator Estate of John Kinsler Dated Ocala Fla Dec 21st 1907 COTTAGE FOR SALE- A splendidly located cottage In best part of town and in good condition cheap for cash Apply at this office irt t i o I STELLA DREADED SOL1TUDE I Killed Herself Because Her Friend j Wouldnt Stay and Her Husband j i Had to Go Pitt burg Jan 11uBlue because hr girl friend would not stay for sup fir la + t e vening and because her hus j band hart to go to works leaving her t alone SUlli Hartzoll aged 15 com milled suicide The HartZMiljs WIT married last Au- gust and went to housekeeping m aI little fourroomed house Yesterday j afternoon May Messner went to visit I thorn and all afternoon the young i husband and wife and the girl friend i romped together I When Miss Messner refused to stay I for supper Mrs Hurtzoll pouted ana I when it came time for her husband i who is a brakeman to go to work she packed his lunch basket kissed him I goodby and then went to the bed- room I got his revolver and shot her t self lying instantly I i WOMEN AS WITNESSEd 1 i Jim Ham Lewis Says their Testimony is Always Unreliable I i Chicago Hi Jan 11 Remember gentlemen of the jury an oath means nothing to a woman and as Horace i has so truthfully expressed it When I 1 a woman starts out to perjure herself all hell cannot keep her record With these words and a few more like them Col James Hamilton Lewis took the breath away from 200 stu ¬ dents of the Northwestern University I Law school last night j HA wurnan always comes to testify I MS a witness for one of two reasons he said Either she comes through a sense of affection or duty to those j vhom she loves or she comes to sat ify what she regards as a perfectly I I githnate feeling of resentment j Ift is the first of these she will t 1l1If through tire and water to testi I fy nd svo will see things as her friend views them Sincerely and eirnestly she will testify that thing1- vere I as she thinks they ought to be anal uu may crossexamine until you r j have exhausted the vocabulary and you i I ill got nothing from her but her ideas- I J If what they ought to be A woman 1 I i has no idea of the sanrity of an oath ud a wnmnn will repeat when on j I Path anything which she will say when j not onoath- I If she comes as your witness im l peilrd by a feeling of resentment be I artful not to let her tell why she jeume Oet your main point out of her I vs expediously as possible and let her j go Do not branch off into collateral I matter or she will take the first op- t j portunity to vindicate herself for ap- pearing I by telling the grudge she has- I j against the defendant On the other hand if you are cross I examining her be careful not to let her I I tate the grievance that has brought- her in as a witness against your client unless you are sure of what it is for no matter what a woman does if it be- an I act impelled by natural legitimate j affection the world will ever forgive I tier MIND YOUR BUSINESS- If you dont nobody will It is your business to keep out of all the trou- ble ¬ t you can and you can and will keep lout of liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr Kings New Life Pills They keep biliousnes malaria and jaundice- out l of your system Twentyfive cents- at I Tydings Cos drugstore SCHMITZ AND RUEF MAY- BE j ADMITTED TO BAIL But They Will Have to Obtain Lots of It and Stay in Jail Yet Sixty Days San Francisco Jan l1The district court of appeals handed down a de- cision ¬ yesterday setting aside the judgment in the case of former Mayor Eugene E Schmitz convicted of ex- tortion ¬ in the French restaurant cases Abe Ruef also benefits by the ruling- of the upper court for according to its decision he pleaded guilty to an act that was no offense against the laws of the state j According to the appellate judges- the r compelling of French restaurants to pay fees toAbe Ruef was not a t crime even though Ruef divided thl fees with the mayor The court reversed the judgmentt against Schmitz on the ground that no acts constituting a crime has been proved against him Abe Ruef who pleaded guilty to extorting money from the French restaurants is there ¬ fore equally guiltless- The decision wipes out the French restaurant cases and pending charges- of extorting against Schmitz and Ruef must be dismissed Both are now entitled to release on bail If they obUMti the necessary bondsmen I they can remain at liberty until such time as a jury finds them guilty on one of the indictments charging thorn with receiving1 bribes from corpora- tions ¬ wing to the number of cases against them the bail figured at 10 000 a case would reach an enormous figure Schmitz and Ruef cannot take ad- vantage ¬ of the decision for sixty days consequently they will be in the coun ¬ ty jail for two months at least THE PRICE OF PEACE The terrible itching and smarting incident to certain skin diseases is al ¬ most instantly allayed by applying I Chamberlains Salve Price 25 cents I For sale by all druggists d 4 i ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY I LORETTO Near MaiUrii FLORIDA L Boarding School for Boys CoBtacfeiiy the Sisters of St Joseph Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intellectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimming- Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms 1 Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR- ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LORETTO FLA CHAMBERS WOULDNT CHANGE- His II Shirt So His Wife Got a Divorce- He Has Promised to Reform Worcester Mass Jan HFred j Chambers whose wife left him two years ago because he would not change- his I undershirts but would wear one out without having it washed has won her back and will try to have the di- vorce ¬ annulled He has bought one dozen undershirts After the divorce Chambers says he advertised for a wife but the only applicant was a colored woman weigh- ting ¬ 200 pounds Then he become lone- some and sought his former wife He is said to have entered into an agreement with her that he wildI change his shirt twice a week have filed the agreement in court t PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD- If you suffer from bleeding itching lied or protruding piles send me your address and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment and will also send some of this homo treatment free I for trial with references from your uca locality if requested Immediate relief and permanent cure assured Send no money but tell others of this ofur Write today to Mrs M Sum niers Box P South Bend Ind 22 I PRISON WAS PERIPATETIC A Railroad Train Carried Off Both The Criminal and the Calaboose auntie City N J Jan llJus tice of the Peace Carver a terror to autoiifts at Elwood this count > ar- rested a man who was speeding his taJ at a mieaminute gait A com- panion ¬ I of the prisoner was allowed to bring the car on to the city and lack- ing ¬ a calaboose the culprit was plac- ed ¬ in a freight car on a nearby siding i while the justice went to supper I When the magistrate returned to hisS dismay he discovered that the jail I had disappeared Later he found that r it had been picked up by a passing freight train and taken to Camden Of course the prisoner went along but he wired back his thanks for his easy escape after he had been releas- ed ¬ from the car in Camden THE MEANEST MAN IN TOWN fs the one WHo a Kays wears a frown j is cross and disagreeable and is short and sharp in his answers Nine cases out of ten its not the poor fellows fault its his liver and digestion that make him feel so miserable he cant help being disagreeable Are you in I danger of getting into the condition I Then start at once taking Ballards Herbine for your liver the safe sure J and reliable vegetable regulator Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore M I A MAGNIFICENT CUP I Offered by Automobile Club as Prize to the Winner at Ormond New York Jan llThe Automobile- Club of America has offered a mag ¬ nificent sitter cup for the races which will take place at Ormond Beach dur ¬ ing the week beginning March 2nd1 The cup will go to the winner in the 288mile class which is open to all cars but will probably develop into- a contest between race machines Several foreign cars are expected to compete tn the race The cup it is said will be the handsomest ever of ¬ I fered for an automobile race HOW IS YOUR DIGESTION Mrs Mary Dowling of No 228 Eighth avenue San Francisco recommends a remedy for stomach trouble Shp says I Gratitude for the wonderful offset of I Electric Bitters in a case of acute in- digestion ¬ I prompts this testimonial I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on the market today I This great tonic and alterative medi- cine ¬ invigorates the system purifies the blood and is especially helpful in j all forms of female weakness Fifty i cents at Tydings Cos drugstore i I I Judi I I rion CountyIn Chancery I The PassumtJHic Savings Hank a Cor poration Under tin Law of the State- of I Vermont < imthtinant vs Mrs E- JJ Droekington frndantCarder for Constructive Service I It is ordered tit the le > nf ant hero- in named tovit Mrs E R JJroeking I ton be and she is her hy required to I appear to tip bill of complaint in this cause on or before Monday the 3rd day of February 1908- It is futher ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week for eight consecutive weeks in the Ocala Star a newspaper published in said county and state This 4th day of December 1907- S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla By H B Foy Jr D C Hocker Duval- Complainants I Solicitor f J Pure Food Meat Market Hiflo Russell Proprietoi Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in FRESH AND SMOKED FLORIDA AND WESTERN MEATS A Complete Stock of Meats of AU kills J 01 Hand at All Tines r I STALLSJ3 CITY MARKET J < TELEPHONE 132 JOHN M GRAHAM W D GRAHAM GRAHAM BROS Marion County Abstract Co Fire Insurance on City Property Farms and Farmlands for Sale INVESTME- NTSTHOMAsVILLE I usiness CollegeT- homas Georgia- This school secures the best positions for its graduates Open all the year F f f ENTER NOWA- NSON T W BALL President J BH BMMaMMMBB MBBIBMBMMBB M Xm V PURE WHITE SAP HO For Cement Sidewalk Construc- tion and Building Purposes see I BftSfYMOURe i JAMES R MOORHEXD B J PO TTER DAVID S WOODROW President General Manager gjjprotary- K I Woodmar Sand and Stone Comp fc < BUS OF CEMENT SIDEWALKS 7 Deale rs In l like Weir Sand- M ufacturer3 of Concrft Blocks Paving Material Fence Posts etc Es mates and Plans Furmshcd znJ Contract Taken IMP DYED SERVICE 1I VIA i TlANllC coasTPETE- RSBURGNo LINt JACKSONYILLEOGALAST 37 No 40 No 33 No 39 930 Jacksonville AI 630 p m 730 a m p m 935 a m Lye 1255 m 135 a m Leave p 242 a m 245 n m Ar OCALA Petersburg Lvo t = 20 a m 700 p m S30 a rn 855 p m Ar St Pullman Buffet parlor Cars on Trains No 39 and 40 Pullman Bullet Sleeping Cars on Trains No 37 and 38 For Information cast ion At lanUc Coast Line Agents or Rates KIRKLAND D P A FLA J G J W CARh TAMPA T P Ary N C W J CRAIG P T M- NOTICEThe T C WHIT J G P A I WILMINGTON I shown are not guaranteed arrival and departures 1

Transcript of Say so Is Best- I ST JOSEPHS -...

T rV r




Ithose Say=so Is Best-




nearly all medicines put up for sale I

through druggists one has to take the mak¬ f

ers sayso alone and exclusively as to their I

curative value Of course such testimony-is


not that of a disinterested party and ac¬I

cordingly is not to be given the same credit j

J as if written from disinterested motivesDr Piercea medicines however form-

a single and therefore striking exception-to the above rule Their claim to theconfidence of invalida does not restsolely upon their owners and makeraeayio or praise Their ingredients arematters of public knowledge beingprinted on each separate bottlewrap ¬

per Thus invalid sufferers are takeninto Dr Pierces full confidence Scoresof leading medical men have written

S enough to fill volumes in praise of thecurative value of the several ingredientaentering into these wellknown med-icines


In fav of Dr Pierces medicines isthe Iran mfiding open honest state-ment of ir full composition givingI every in ient in plain English with-out


i fear of successful critici wand withconfidence that the good seri e of the

l afflicted will lead them to appreciatethis honorable manner of confiding to

s them what they are taking into theirstomachs when making uee of thesemedicines

WHAT THEY CURE People oftenask-medicines

What do Dr Pierces two leadinGolden Medical Discovery

and Favorite Prescription cureBriefly the answer is that tt Golden

Medical Discovery is a most potent al-


or bloodpurifier and tonic orinvigorator and acts especially favor-ably


ina curative way upon all thei mucous lining surfaces as of the nasal

passages throat bronchial tubes stom-ach


bowels and bladder curing a largepercentage of catarrhal cases whether-the disease affects the nasal passagesthe throat bronchia stomach

as catarrhal dyspepsia bowels insmucous diarrhea bladder uterus orother pelvic organs Even in the chronic-or ulcerative staves of these affectionsit is generally successful in affectingeuros In fact the olden lcdic I-



Discovery is without doubt the rnorfcsuccessful constitutional remedy for all

J forms of catarrhal diseases OWn tomodem medical science In ChronicNasal Catarrh Dr Sages Catarrh Rem-edy


fluid should he used for washingand cleansing out the nasal passageswhile taking the U Discovery for itablood cleansing find 6peci e healing

I effects upon the mucous lining mem-branes


i This combined local and gen-eral


treatment will cure a very htrge j

percentage of the worst crises of chronicnasal catarrh no matter of how manyyears gtanding they may be I

As to the H Favorite Pr criptionit I


j is advised for the cure of one class of-


diseases only those weaknesses de-rangements


and irregularities peculiar I

to women It is a powerful gentlyacting invigorating tonic and nervine I


Notice hereby given that chc

Socond day June 1908me oL thelate of H Frederick deceased

make my final settlement withon Joseph Bell judge of

lis office Ocala I

la and wil for my discharge8 estate-

R Frederickdm Estate of H Frederick


ov 19th 1907

A line card albumsJelved Ocala News Co-




weak wrrnout overworked worn j

I enno matter what has caused the j

breakdown Favorite Prescription iI will be found most effective buildingI up the strength the womanly


functions subduing pain and bringing 1

I about a healthy strong vigorous con I

dition of the whole system I

Dr Pierce believes that our American j

forests abound in moet valuable medi-cinal roots for the cure of of ourobstinate and most fatal diseases if we I

would properly investigate theme andin confirmation of this firm conviction I

he point with pride to the almost mar-velous


cures effected by his GoldenMedical Discovery which has provenitself to be the most efficient stomach J

tonic liver invigorator heart tonic and I

regulator and blood cleanser known to I

medical science Not lefifl marvelousI

the unparalleled cures it is constantly I


making of womans many peculiar affec ¬

tions weakness and distressing derange-ments is Dr Pierces Favoritetion as is amply attested by thousandsof unsolicited testimonialsby grateful patients who have been i

cured by it of leucorrhea painfulperiods irregularities prolapsus and Idisplacements ulceration ofand kindred affections often after manyother advertised medicines had failed


Both these worldfamed medicines-are


wholly made up from the glycerio I

extracts native medicinal roots j

found in our American forests The i

processes employed in their manufacture were original with Dr Pierceand they are carried on by skilled chem-ists


and pharmacists with the aid ofapparatus and appliances specially J

I designed and built for this I

Both medicines are eutirr lv free fromalcohol and all other harmful habit


forming drugs What 13 said of their I

power to cure the several diseases forwhich they are advised may be easilylearned by sending your name andaddress to Dr R V Pierce BuffaloN YT for a little booklet which he has

I compiled containing copious extractsfrom nmwroue standard medical bookswhich are consulted authorities byphysicians of the several schools of i

practice for their guidance prescrib-ing is FKKK TO ALL A postal cardrequest will bring

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets curecon tipati l1 Constipation is the causeof many diseases Cure the cause andyou cure the disease One It Pellet isa gentle laxative and two a mild cathrtic Druggists soil them andnothing is t just good They are theoriginal Little Liver Pills first put up by

Dr Pierce over 40 years agoMuch imitated but never equaled i

They are tiny sugarcoated granuleseasy to take as candy

1 1The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been

in use for over 30 years has borne the signature ofand has been made under his per¬q sonal supervision since itsAllow no one to deceive you in this

All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are butExperiments that trifle with andendanger the health ofInfants and Children Experience Experiment

What is CASTORIAI Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare

Boric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Itd age is guarantee It destroys Worms

Iajrf allays F verishness It cure Diarrhoea and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation-and Flatulency It assimilate the Food regulates theStomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleej

4 The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friende4-





tPM You Have Always BoughtIn Use For Ovv r 30 Years



is inof A D i

undersigned administrator i


probate atin Marion county

applyadministrator of said

Tof A

large of post justat the





















ADMINISTRATORS NGTJCZ TOCreditorsIn re Estate of John KinsI er Deceased

Notice is hereby given to all creditorslegatees distributees and all otherpersons having claims or demandsagainst the estate of John Kinsler de-


to present the same to the un-


administrator within oneyour from this date Gco Giles

As Administrator Estate of JohnKinsler

Dated Ocala Fla Dec 21st 1907


A splendidly located cottage In bestpart of town and in good conditioncheap for cash Apply at this office

irt t i o I



Killed Herself Because Her Friend j

Wouldnt Stay and Her Husband ji

Had to Go

Pitt burg Jan 11uBlue becausehr girl friend would not stay for supfir la + t e vening and because her hus j

band hart to go to works leaving her t

alone SUlli Hartzoll aged 15 commilled suicide

The HartZMiljs WIT married last Au-

gust and went to housekeeping m aIlittle fourroomed house Yesterday j

afternoon May Messner went to visit I

thorn and all afternoon the young i

husband and wife and the girl friend i

romped together I

When Miss Messner refused to stay I

for supper Mrs Hurtzoll pouted ana I

when it came time for her husband i

who is a brakeman to go to work shepacked his lunch basket kissed him I

goodby and then went to the bed-room


got his revolver and shot her t

self lying instantlyI




Jim Ham Lewis Says their Testimonyis Always Unreliable I


Chicago Hi Jan 11 Remembergentlemen of the jury an oath meansnothing to a woman and as Horace i

has so truthfully expressed it When I


a woman starts out to perjure herselfall hell cannot keep her record

With these words and a few morelike them Col James Hamilton Lewistook the breath away from 200 stu ¬

dents of the Northwestern University I

Law school last night j

HA wurnan always comes to testify I

MS a witness for one of two reasonshe said Either she comes through asense of affection or duty to those j

vhom she loves or she comes to satify what she regards as a perfectly

I I githnate feeling of resentment j

Ift is the first of these she will t

1l1If through tire and water to testi I

fy nd svo will see things as herfriend views them Sincerely andeirnestly she will testify that thing1-vere


as she thinks they ought to beanal uu may crossexamine until you r

j have exhausted the vocabulary and you i

I ill got nothing from her but her ideas-I


If what they ought to be A woman 1

I i

has no idea of the sanrity of an oathud a wnmnn will repeat when on j

I Path anything which she will say when j

not onoath-I If she comes as your witness iml peilrd by a feeling of resentment beI artful not to let her tell why shejeume Oet your main point out of herI vs expediously as possible and let herj go Do not branch off into collateralI matter or she will take the first op-



portunity to vindicate herself for ap-pearing


by telling the grudge she has-



against the defendantOn the other hand if you are cross

I examining her be careful not to let her I

Itate the grievance that has brought-her in as a witness against your clientunless you are sure of what it is forno matter what a woman does if it be-


act impelled by natural legitimate j

affection the world will ever forgive I



If you dont nobody will It is yourbusiness to keep out of all the trou-ble


t you can and you can and will keeplout of liver and bowel trouble if youtake Dr Kings New Life Pills Theykeep biliousnes malaria and jaundice-out


of your system Twentyfive cents-at


Tydings Cos drugstore





But They Will Have to Obtain Lots ofIt and Stay in Jail Yet Sixty


San Francisco Jan l1The districtcourt of appeals handed down a de-


yesterday setting aside thejudgment in the case of former MayorEugene E Schmitz convicted of ex-


in the French restaurant casesAbe Ruef also benefits by the ruling-of the upper court for according toits decision he pleaded guilty to anact that was no offense against thelaws of the state j

According to the appellate judges-the


compelling of French restaurantsto pay fees toAbe Ruef was not atcrime even though Ruef divided thlfees with the mayor

The court reversed the judgmenttagainst Schmitz on the ground thatno acts constituting a crime has beenproved against him Abe Ruef whopleaded guilty to extorting moneyfrom the French restaurants is there ¬

fore equally guiltless-The decision wipes out the French

restaurant cases and pending charges-of extorting against Schmitz andRuef must be dismissed Both arenow entitled to release on bail Ifthey obUMti the necessary bondsmen

I they can remain at liberty until suchtime as a jury finds them guilty onone of the indictments charging thornwith receiving1 bribes from corpora-tions


wing to the number of casesagainst them the bail figured at 10

000 a case would reach an enormousfigure

Schmitz and Ruef cannot take ad-


of the decision for sixty daysconsequently they will be in the coun ¬

ty jail for two months at least


The terrible itching and smartingincident to certain skin diseases is al ¬

most instantly allayed by applyingI Chamberlains Salve Price 25 centsI For sale by all druggists




Boarding School for Boys CoBtacfeiiy the Sisters of St Joseph

Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along PhysicalIntellectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimming-Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall andRecreation Rooms 1

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR-





Shirt So His Wife Got a Divorce-He Has Promised to Reform

Worcester Mass Jan HFred j

Chambers whose wife left him twoyears ago because he would not change-his


undershirts but would wear oneout without having it washed has wonher back and will try to have the di-


annulled He has bought onedozen undershirts

After the divorce Chambers sayshe advertised for a wife but the onlyapplicant was a colored woman weigh-ting


200 pounds Then he become lone-

some and sought his former wifeHe is said to have entered into an

agreement with her that he wildIchange his shirt twice a weekhave filed the agreement in court



If you suffer from bleeding itchinglied or protruding piles send meyour address and I will tell you howto cure yourself at home by the newabsorption treatment and will alsosend some of this homo treatment free I

for trial with references from youruca locality if requested Immediaterelief and permanent cure assuredSend no money but tell others of thisofur Write today to Mrs M Sumniers Box P South Bend Ind 22



A Railroad Train Carried Off BothThe Criminal and the Calaboose

auntie City N J Jan llJustice of the Peace Carver a terror toautoiifts at Elwood this count> ar-

rested a man who was speeding histaJ at a mieaminute gait A com-panion


of the prisoner was allowed tobring the car on to the city and lack-ing


a calaboose the culprit was plac-


in a freight car on a nearby siding i

while the justice went to supperI

When the magistrate returned to hisS

dismay he discovered that the jail I

had disappeared Later he found thatrit had been picked up by a passingfreight train and taken to CamdenOf course the prisoner went alongbut he wired back his thanks for hiseasy escape after he had been releas-ed


from the car in Camden

THE MEANEST MAN IN TOWNfs the one WHo a Kays wears a frown j

is cross and disagreeable and is shortand sharp in his answers Nine casesout of ten its not the poor fellowsfault its his liver and digestion thatmake him feel so miserable he canthelp being disagreeable Are you in I

danger of getting into the condition I

Then start at once taking BallardsHerbine for your liver the safe sure J

and reliable vegetable regulator Soldby the AntiMonopoly Drugstore



Offered by Automobile Club as Prizeto the Winner at Ormond

New York Jan llThe Automobile-Club of America has offered a mag¬

nificent sitter cup for the races whichwill take place at Ormond Beach dur ¬

ing the week beginning March 2nd1The cup will go to the winner in the288mile class which is open to allcars but will probably develop into-a contest between race machinesSeveral foreign cars are expected tocompete tn the race The cup it issaid will be the handsomest ever of¬


fered for an automobile race

HOW IS YOUR DIGESTIONMrs Mary Dowling of No 228 Eighth

avenue San Francisco recommends aremedy for stomach trouble Shp says


Gratitude for the wonderful offset ofI

Electric Bitters in a case of acute in-


I prompts this testimonial Iam fully convinced that for stomachand liver troubles Electric Bitters isthe best remedy on the market today

I This great tonic and alterative medi-cine


invigorates the system purifiesthe blood and is especially helpful in j

all forms of female weakness Fifty i

cents at Tydings Cos drugstore i


IJudi I

I rion CountyIn ChanceryI The PassumtJHic Savings Hank a Cor

poration Under tin Law of the State-ofI Vermont < imthtinant vs Mrs E-

JJ Droekington frndantCarder forConstructive Service

I It is ordered tit the le >nf ant hero-

in named tovit Mrs E R JJroekingI

ton be and she is her hy required toI appear to tip bill of complaint in thiscause on or beforeMonday the 3rd day of February 1908-

It is futher ordered that a copy ofthis order be published once a weekfor eight consecutive weeks in theOcala Star a newspaper published insaid county and state

This 4th day of December 1907-

S T SistrunkClerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla

By H B Foy Jr D C

Hocker Duval-ComplainantsI Solicitor



Pure Food Meat MarketHiflo Russell Proprietoi

Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in



A Complete Stock of Meats of AU killsJ

01 Hand at All Tinesr





GRAHAM BROSMarion County Abstract Co

Fire Insurance on City PropertyFarms and Farmlands for Sale



usiness CollegeT-

homas Georgia-

This school secures the best positions forits graduates Open all the year







For Cement Sidewalk Construc-tion and Building Purposes see




President General Manager gjjprotary-K


Woodmar Sand and Stone Compfc



7 Deale rs Inl

like Weir Sand-M ufacturer3 of Concrft Blocks Paving Material Fence Posts etc Es

mates and Plans Furmshcd znJ Contract Taken



TlANllC coasTPETE-




37 No 40 No 33No 39930 Jacksonville AI 630 p m 730 a mp m 935 a m Lye

1255 m 135 a mLeave p242 a m 245 n m Ar OCALAPetersburg Lvo t = 20 a m 700 p mS30 a rn 855 p m Ar St

Pullman Buffet parlor Cars on Trains No 39 and 40

Pullman Bullet Sleeping Cars on Trains No 37 and 38

For Information cast ion At lanUc Coast Line Agents orRates KIRKLAND D P AFLA J GJ W CARh TAMPAT P Ary N C W J CRAIG P T M-


I shown are not guaranteedarrival and departures