Saudi Arabia PPT


Transcript of Saudi Arabia PPT

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Introduction about Saudi ArabiaThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is located in

Southwest Asia on a wide area of the Arabian Peninsula. Its western limit is defined by the Red Sea.

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially established on the corresponding to 22 September 1932 A.D. This state lasted (75) years governed successively by nine individuals and in the fifth day of Shawwal in the year 1319 A.H.


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His Majesty King Abed Al-Aziz. Saudi Arabia, officially known as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh is the capital and Jeddah is the principal port of Saudi Arabia.


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The climate is usually hot and dry, although the humidity along the coasts is high. Saudi Arabia has at least one quarter of the world's oil reserves, and the oil industry dominates the economy.


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History about Saudi Arabia

Arabia has been inhabited for thousands of years by nomadic Semitic tribes. With the birth (AD 570) of Muhammad, in Mecca, Arabia was briefly the centre of Islam.

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By the end of the 7th century the area of Saudi Arabia was disunited. Modern Saudi Arabia owes its existence to Ibn Saud, an adherent of the Wahhabi Muslim section.


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Beginning in 1902 he conquered the Nejd, Al

Hasa, and Hejaz regions, and in 1932 he proclaimed himself king of a united Saudi Arabia. Oil was discovered in the year 1936 and commercial production began in 1938.


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King Fahd was Saudi Arabia’s ruler since 1982. He died in the year 2005, August 01. He died at the age of 84, and now KSA was succeeded by Abdullah.


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Kingdom’s Currency:

The main currency in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the Saudi riyal that is equal to 100 halalas and is exchangeable for other currencies. One US dollar equals around 3.75 Saudi riyals.

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Measures and Gauges: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia adopts the metric system and the kilogram in weight.

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Date:The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia adopts the Hijra calendar based on the Hijra of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) from Holy Mecca to Medina. The number of days in the lunar Hijra year is 354 days divided into twelve lunar months.

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Kingdom’s Flag:

The flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is rectangular; its width is equal to one third of its length and the Shahada (There is No God but Allah, Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah) is located in the middle with a third line, underneath it is located an Arab sword whose grip is directed toward the flagpole.

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The Kingdom’s Slogan:

The slogan of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is composed of two intersecting bent Arab swords with a palm tree. The two swords symbolize strength, force and sacrifice, whereas the palm tree symbolizes vitality, development and welfare.

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Timing:The timing of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is

3 hours ahead of Greenwich Time.

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The Kingdom’s International Phone Code:

+ 966 then the region’s code (1) Riyadh, (2) Jeddah, (3) Dammam/Al-Dhahran/Al-Khobar.

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Constitution The Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia is the Holy Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad and all of the legislative rules and regulations inspired by these two sources.

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Governing RegimeThe governing regime in the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia is the royal regime. The Council of Ministers and the King constitute the state’s executive and legislative authority and the Shoura Council expresses its opinion in the state’s general policies referred to it by the Prime Minister.

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Culture of Saudi ArabiaThe cultural setting of Saudi Arabia is Arab and

Muslim. Many proscriptions of behaviour and dress are enforced. For example, alcohol and beverages are prohibited, and there is no theatre or public exhibition of films.

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Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions

The arrival of a guest at one's home is an event that leads to a special meal in honour of the visitor. Traditional etiquette required that sheep, goat, or camel be sacrificially slaughtered, and this is still often done.

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Male guests and older men gather around the tray and eat first, using the right hand; they are followed by younger men and finally boys. Women and girls eat separately.


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Music and danceOne of Saudi Arabia's most compelling folk

rituals is the Al Ardha, the country's national dance. This sword dance is based on ancient Bedouin traditions: drummers beat out a rhythm and a poet chants verses while sword-carrying men dance shoulder to shoulder.

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Film and theatre

Public theatres and cinemas had been prohibited for over three decades, as Wahhabi tradition deemed those institutions to be incompatible with Islam. However, an IMAX theatre is available, and in private compounds such as Dhahran and Ras Tanura public theatres can be found.

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The clothes that are commonly in Saudi Arabia display the rich culture of Saudi Arabia. The men in this region wear thobe (white gown), ghutra (white headdress), and bisht (black overcoat). Women Clothes in Saudi Arabia are the traditional burkhas, and cover their heads and bodies

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Religious Beliefs. All Saudi Arabian citizens are Muslims. Except for a small minority of Shia, Saudi Arabians are Sunni and mainly follow the Handbali school of Islamic law (madhab). Half or more of the immigrants are also Muslims. Non-Muslim faiths are not allowed to practice in Saudi Arabia.

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Language Arabic is the official language of Saudi Arabia. It is the language of the Qur’an (the holy book of Islam). Through its eloquence and the spread of Islam, Arabic has become one of the most widely used languages of the world.

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Saudi Society & Culture

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IslamIslam is practised by all Saudis and

governs their personal, political, economic and legal lives. Islam was born in Saudi Arabia and thus is visited by millions of Muslims every year.

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The Prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of God's prophet to bring revelation to mankind. The Prophet Muhammad brought the last book, the Quran. The Quran and the actions of the Prophet (the Sunnah) are used as the basis for all guidance in the religion. 


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During the holy month of Ramadan all Muslims must fast from dawn to dusk and are only permitted to work six hours per day. Fasting includes no eating, drinking, cigarette smoking, or gum chewing. Expatriates are not required to fast; however, they must not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum in public.


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Etiquette and Customs

Men shake hands. Good friends may greet each other with a handshake and a kiss on each cheek. Women generally hug and kiss close friends. Men and women would not greet each other in public or from outside the family. When Saudis greet each other they take their time and converse about general things.

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Economic Factors in Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia is ranked 8th out of 17 countries in the

Middle East/North Africa region, and its overall score is above the world average. Saudi Arabia scores very well in fiscal freedom, labour freedom, and business freedom and slightly less well in trade freedom and government size.

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There is a special tax on hydrocarbon and oil production. Government expenditure is just under 30 percent of GDP. The labour market is flexible.


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Government SizeTotal government expenditures, including

consumption and transfer payments, are moderate. In the most recent year, government spending equaled 29.8 percent of GDP. State participation in the economy remains substantial. Oil exports generate more than 70 percent of government revenues.

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Investment FreedomForeign investment is generally welcome, but

foreign investors must take local partners in certain sectors. Minimum capital requirements have generally been eliminated. All foreign investors must be licensed by the General Investment Authority, and licenses for other projects may be required.

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Labour FreedomSaudi Arabia's relatively flexible labour regulations

enhance overall employment and productivity growth. The non-salary cost of employing a worker is low, and dismissing a redundant employee is not burdensome. Regulations relating to the number of work hours are relatively flexible.

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GDP(Gross Domestic Product) According to official statistics, GDP grew 7.05 percent in nominal terms in 1997 to $145 billion. The non-oil private sector grew by 4.5 percent and comprised 34percent of GDP, a sign that Saudi Government efforts to broaden economic activity beyond oil are making progress. 

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InflationInflation in Saudi Arabia is forecast to reach a

record annual average of 6.5 per cent in 2008 because of an expected new wave of interest rate cuts and a surge in rents and food prices.

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Saudi Arabia is famous for Saudi Arabia is famous as a country with: 1. Oil rich reserve:- Saudi Arabia is most famous for being the world's largest exporter of oil, as it holds the largest amounts of oil in the entire world.2.With a large area of desert.

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3. An Islamic country whose government is based on the teaching of the Holy Quran and is headed by a King as the custodian of the Holy Mosques Makah and Medina and at the same time, the Prime Minister . Presently, the king is King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al - Saud.4. A generally peaceful country.


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5. The world largest airport in its capital city of Riyadh, the King Abdul Aziz International Airport.6. It has rich natural resources and unspoiled mountains and seas (like the Red Sea).7. Various tastes of dates. 8. Famous Muslim pilgrimage Hajj.


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In services, Saudi Arabia is offering commitments in a large number of sectors such as telecommunication, courier, construction, distribution, environmental, banking, insurance, news agency, transport services and temporary movement of professionals. Commitments have been obtained on cross border provision and commercial establishment. These commitments by Saudi Arabia will guarantee the European service providers improved market access and more predictable conditions for conducting business.

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