Saturday Press J. NOTT Co - University of Hawaiʻi...Jin wim n wnrni fric-m-l nml mijipnt'lur nf tlm...

THE SATURDAY 111KSS. a rt w a r . i it it l i ii 1 1 mi K i w u i: n i. v I.MKIt eliaai'nirilni rivi:noi.i,Aits a ykaii in advancji: I ftli Hntitftlptl in, fnmi Jit, tn ? M, an. fiitillnf li lrllflalh.Ml Nlliiiiltl rt Mid Jilrrlltra olll a.l.llr.a IIIIIM tl Tlllll tl M mater tn .Inn. It ! will IMl fcnl.l lltalf tii,i.iiiU,1e (nt lh nil i imi nf rtiiftninilnl limtll', (.if lli niliiiiUi l'ii tliirtil.l In ail.tietaed Mix MD HUM I'HMfl. llrniiliiUetwrii nf HoiioIiiIii. No U7. Putty in .Iniittrirjr, Ifl.'iO, y n vnln of tlm Pnij Cmini'll, Oiivnriiiir ICnkiinnflim rn niilri'irrX'il lo npimliil n numlitr of "jn'oinl Polli'mnmi," lor llio iit nf I In. imliilii. Thin in 'i nut n liml lln nrlftlii in it lVrlif of iui)iirlly ivnd niirlii'iiiUoi llml Imit Itikmi iinrMl(iii of annul nf tmr til T v of ut'itniMililnl luiliiilniii'it nil llin )tirt of rrmvd of wlmlrn, iiniiliiti from llin Ciilifntiiln oltl fntnr, nml nln in irft'iritpo In (lin nrrt t nlti from Knn I'riin-'is.n- t, vrllli'li H'Cin liiiMiiilntr imtnrmluit iiiitiirtrniii., of tinlly nnif-l- i r linrnrli'm I'miiii (ho iiminn, who I'ftiiin limn In hpciul llm wtiilrr-mnihiii- . Tlinio lutil lirrm uimiiOTi'i', for Mirrtnl mnnllm. i Mioi'puMiiii tip iiiIIiioiu nml Iwiulnriim In tlm riiy, wlniili tn n klnrllliijf imvoliy Mnl quit" iipnl llm upinulmily uf our .mimnlly iiini'l I'ummiiinfy. ! wnn llm imiMhiii nf tlm ICliijf nml ltiiilui; until r in lliiwn ilnyn In ml; In llm plilit'lpiil fiiliil(M U'hIiIiiiiU for nlil nml lOili'inrl in nnylliitiK Hull liml llm nppiininni r of nn MUM C'lu', Mid lumen llm iilcn uf nppotnlfnf; n iiiirrliil pnlii'n tiiMnly from niuoii llml climn. Tlm itul nuUmonr liownvm', uiHll KCv. iil yr-nr- nfiiir Ihlii ilnlo, lo iimko nny iifcn of IIiIh irotinioiinl I'lircn, Thn fntlowin lintttnl itnnllnmiiti tTiiro duly N)iiiiitlioiirtl "riprnlnl I'ullrtiiiiim," by ()itiiior Kiiltun-imi- tlntnim l II. Mnuhnll, Oupliiiiiri JliMijiinio 1 Hnow, .Itilili Muck nml Thou. H niri N. V. Hnyie.O. S Vim mil,. I. II. llrown, .Intuitu AnllnlJnlliifi Aiilhnn, Win. Jnrrnll, Wnriwi flomlnli', It. H. llmK'nr, llniny Hon, I mil .Mtiiiini, A. I'liUi, .Inliii Ii, .1. Knro, J. (I. Liiwii, W. V. Sliiillny, Al. Somhbir, K. hrllunkn, O. (1. Clillni.l, W. C Pnrko, J. M. Ilyrnm, Icmi thnn dim linlf of liiomi nrn iimr IMiij;. l)n llm Mlh of Kohrimry nt Hon oifioo, nfiur o lirinf ill iit-n- ilitiil Win. I'nly, I'Jsip, who liml Immiii for ii mimlior of yonrn Collrrlor Oonurnl of (Jiiklninii nt llniiolnlii. Jin wim n wnrni fric-m- l nml mijipnt'lur nf tlm llnwiiiinn (liivotiinmnl, nml nn njiilplil nml worthy itmn. lln wnn n brother of tlm Into (jiiptMn Jnlm l'nly, n,ml nnclo of .1. II. l'nly, Kfq., of tho bmikilig Hoiun of Jllnlmp , Co. Kohrimry -- hi, nrrivcil tlm ynoht llloi-ilrrii- ', 12 (pinn, Hnnjwnin Hoyil, )m , owinir nml commnmlur. Slio lidloiijjcil to tho 1oinlon Itnynl rnc)il Sqnnilrnii, nml vnn rroilii(j nbonl Ilia world for tlm wealthy ownor'n plimHiiro. lloo.uim hpo-cinl- to HoiioIiiIii lo mi-o-t Air. Wyllio, who win nn old frinml. Doriiip the pniiif,'o of tlm iriiiiinVfr from Tiihiti to llnwnii, on tho morning of tho titU of Kohrimry, tho lookout dorricil n whiilohont nbonl tlircn milin to wimlwnnl, wilh n if,'iinl of ditrcMi llyiii;. A very novmn gnlo wns lilowinj; nt tho time, nml tho vnctit wnii umlnr Ahoit xnil, hut tlm ninmiKcd to hent up lo tho hunt, noui piiougii to (mil, but nt first tho only inlcllf. gout word thnt eould ho honrtl wiir, "Wn-to- rl wnlnrl" Tlm liont wnn dnftinj? nt tho mnroy of tho wnvcn nml nil tho miser-nbl- o n ptireoiiN in her could do wns to ntrotch forth their hnnds for holp. After orenxl nttnuiptn tho H'diiiiTf)' Mieccmled hi (;el(iii(; hnfllcicntly uvnr to honvo n rojio to tho bont, rrhen by luo.ioa of n roiiuio liowliun llin jnrty wns Imulrd on bonrd. It cotuinted of Joo Dnvis, a Hrnxilinii-Afri-en- n, no old ren'ideot of tho IhIiiikIh, nnd two limn nnd threo women, nntivci of tho Jslnndn, ono of tho lnlturboiiig Dnvis' wifo. They Ind left Molokni ton ilnyii before on the wny to Alniii, but buin' cnuglit. in n heavy "lo from tho NT.K. mid their boat disabled, they hnd tlum drifted mimo three liu ml rod milm to the S.W. They hnd been nine (Iiivh without wntor when thoschoouor foriunntoly fell in with llieui, .ubhislim,' ontirely by (suoking uninll jiiecos of pump-ki- n, n few of which they had ill, mid which Davis doled out lo them sparingly, nml he unid ho hnd determined whon the gnlo n In toil to lmvo mndo Knila out of tho women' dresses nnd endoavor tD rig n now rudder, nnd by fitucriug by n pniticulnr Htnr of hin acqoniiitniico ho expected to fetch tho coast of South Amoricn. Whon they got on bonrd tho yacht, the poor crcnturc wero cxhnuttcd from cold nml thirst. Hot tea mid bircuiti revived them ftiilllciciitly to givo nil necouiitof their After tho nrrivnl of tho Wanderer nt Honolulu, Mr. Wyllio conveyed to Cnptniu Uoyd the cxprefiiou of 11 i Alnjosty'ii thntikn for his hutmuiily in rcscninc Davis and hin conipniiiom. On tho 10th of Alnrch, arrived tho new United Stolen Consul, Mlislia II. Allen, Kq. lie caiiio by the wny of P.umtnn nnd Sim I'rnncisoo, nnd wns tho beaicr of tho now American Treaty, which wns (signed nt Wimhinglon, Deo. 20, 1840, by John M. Clayton, Secretary of State of tho U. S., nnd Jamei Jnckson JnrvcH, II. H. AIM Special GommikMoncr. This wnR tho first itnportuiit Trenty betweou llnwnii mid n foreign powor which fully recognized tho King's Sovereignty, omit ling tho provi.ion ""... Atliclo III. of tho llritish unit Krench Tiealies of 181C, that, "No BritUh or French subject nccusei of nny critno what- ever shnll bo judged otherwise than by n jury composed of untivo or foreign mi. dents, proposed by tho Uiituh or Krench Consul nnd accepted by tho (lovernmontof the Sandwich Island." TheDnuish(lSlG) nnd Hnmburg, (18 18) Treaties did not contain this objcctionublo stipulation of Consular jurUdielion. Tho Treaties with Great llntnin, (1851), llremcii, (I85t), Swcdon nnd Norway, '1855) and with Franco, (1858), wcro based upon nnd in their main features, that with the United Stntes or 1810. Air. Allen, shortly after his arrival, upon the duties of his position, nnd Judge Tun-ill- , his predecessor, sailed with hi fntnily for tho United Slates in the foU lowing month. Tho emoluments of the Amcricau Consulate in thoso days of tho whaling iloet wero Tory considerable, de rived from fees, nnd n judicious mniingc-mo- ot of tho Hospital for iek nnd dostitute Rinmen. The latter iustitutipn wns uu. questionably n inina of wealth, when care, fully worked, as it was by omo of the Consuls who iu nftcr years succeeded J udg Allen, aud the corruption becamo so glar. ing and notorious Hint it wns made the ubject of special iuquiry, n secret investi- gating ugeot being sent out from Washing- ton for that purpose. It wns geuorallv that Judge Turrill went Lome quit comfortably "tixed." 4fi. . .i'. m Saturday VOhUiMK II., NO. 28.1 Tlm Inter of IFHO-M- ) wnn nnlnbln for (oi'cinl snieni r.lormn uf wind nml rain whli'h vUllril llm Ulitmln, In tlm lnltur linlf nf Decnmher n H.W. gain nl I Itiiuilnlii Iniilril hvo wruLr, dniliii; wlilnhllmhilg ii .linen, befurn iiinii I hmrd) wnn losl on Ihnrerf, Tlm nnnm A'iKiir iiniln iIukIiiicIIvo oil Muni nml llnivnll. At Wniliilni liveuly hniisen wire blown ilimn, nml nt Wnlhrn 9 hieuly-IWi- i, Inelmlliig solmnl lioiikc. Al Mnknwno, wlmrn n mijnr plniilaliun wnn lni'iili'd, wluiln ni'ii'ii of rimo wurn llnttiuii'd, tin nml llm rniii' In kiiiih liulnurort bruknn in-t- o tin rii pliMoN, In Knln nml llmuiikiin, fill llm iipliniil limiM'H, in well nn ninny ih'illiii;, wern pros'mleil. Al Ivohnln, llnwnii, ii jrrnti I niiioiiulof injury wna iloiiii Iu ildmollnliltig Imihluigii, limlmlliig iiolmul Iioiimm, mid llm llir. Air. IIuiiiI'h tirw liii'nling hiiupit, jusl I'limplulml which Innl wnH n inwiii loin. Hwnu imliinnliil llm I r.ilVi'n iihiiilms on Ivniinl loU 110,001) lln of i'iiUiki liy I hi. gnlc ("In I'ohiuniy I Mli nml Ifilh.n rimiml:i- - bin liuiiii'nnn lUiled hnhniiin, llm wind viirylug from M.M 10., nml being llm fimnr est blow mcr known lo llm iiblunl inhiibU Innl. I'nir minimiIn dragged their nui'hmfl oil' lo mm, nml uun, n conNllug iiiihiiumir, wnn onpsiri'il mid nniik nl bur mutlior iu n At iiiidiliin iqmill of imltrt llercimimM, nnd miv end piiuoiii Oil lioiild wi'to ill owned. When the blow wns over il wnw found llml beside un iinmniiiii uiiiubiii' of lieim blown dim ii, iipivmdn of mm bundled hounni In nml nbonl liiihiilun, iucliidiiig tlm ICIug'n lesiilnuri', weio llnl Ml'lh llm (round. Ou llm -- Mli of Alnroli, in wnn er Hliir gnle, with plenty of rnln, from thn H.W., ivhioli lasted 0(1 hours. On the morning uf Hint day, nriived tlm Jliitish Imrk (nrnlhie, l'eny mnslur, M0 ilnyn from Adelaide, N. 8. W., nml 109 ilnyn fruiu llohni'lowii, Vnu Diemnu'N bound for Sun Kiiiiicisco. Him had ou htnrd fiotim eighty or moro jiaNsnugnrii, mnoiig which wuio n number of womiiu nml oliildrnu. The Into Win, lliimphreyH, for n number of yearn thereafter n mnoli lespenled losidonl of thin city nml nccoml Ului'k of tho Supremo Com I, wns, with bin 3 fxiuily, miiong (lie paKsongeni; ns nlno was Krniik Silencer, I'Jsq., now of Wnimen, lln-wni- i, nml a number of others who beonnio itkIiIciiIh hcie. Thn (irdZxnwasniichorcd oulsido the reef ou thn morning of tlml!rlh, the wind blowing n good lireezo rrom (he Southward. It wns tho imisler'n iiiirpnsc lo ii'ocuio unfiled provisions their water had linen c.ihuunled iu consequence uf tlm long passage mid without unnecessary delay to proceed on tho voyngo to Califor- nia, l!t during tho forenoon tho wind constantly iucioitcd in forco, until by '2 p. M., it wnn blowing n A'oiui gale mid llm tmlc ivns pitohiug bown under nt her nuchors. Two bourn Inter nn attempt a hnpolcsn ono wnH mndo to get under wny nml "olnw oil'" fihorc, by slipping tho en-bl- ami mnking nail. Sim eould not fetch tho passage. Hutwilli the gain blowing mid a heavy swell rotting directly , on Iho ( reef which wns no near, the pilot in ohnrgo (1 think- - It1 wnirtho lateCnpt. I towlnnd) did tho best thing to bo donouudoi'ihocircumutmi-crt- . Ho pointed hor for n plnco iu the voef wheio the surf seemed to bioak with less violence than elsovvhere, which wan nbout tlueo huudrod ynnU to tho wostwnrd of tho cntrniico to the harbor. Immediately nflcr striking sho slowed broadside on tho reef nnd commenced pounding hoavily Iu n fuw miiiiiteR, the fore nnd mniu-mn- st wont over carrying with lliom tho ruizon-top-mns- l, which fell partly on deck, knocking over tho ship'H surgeon, who stood holding by tho tnizzen rigging, nnd breaking his arm. At tho snino iustmit n hoamnti, htnuding near tho bow, wns struck on tho head by a block nnd knocked ovoiboud. llm dead body wan found by unlives the next dny on tho reef sovcrnl milca below tho wicck. A titimuor of whalobontn wcro biihily employed whilo daylight lasted in bringing thn women nml childron from tho ship, lint tho wind nnd sea wero constant- ly inci casing. Some forty pcrsomi reninin-o- d on board whon tho bonis gnvo up woik fur tho night. Tho next morning nnd throughout tho succeeding day, tho sea wnn making n comploto breach over tho ship, nnd sovernl boats wero stovo or cap. sized iu tho vnin attempt to reach her. The Dritish Consul appealed to the Gov- ernment to try catiocH under uativo hut thoso wero equally iih iiiisuc-cessf- ol ns hnd been tho boats. Hut on Weduesdny morning tho wind nnd soa had nhated, nml the entire ship's company that romiiuird wero taken oil with safety, the only casualties being thoso before relnted. The vessel beenmo n total lovs, mid the montofthe perishnblo goods with which sho wns laden wcio seriously A Inrgo portioti howoror consisted of lumber, the well-know- n blue-gu- of Australia, being iu lota or houso frames, nil sawed, morticed mid tenoned, icndy to put up. This was lauded without damage nnd sold at nnetiou, somo of our peoplo getting tho materials fur house-buildin- g quito cheaply. Dot tho ciirpentors who pot up thewo houses, (a number of them can bo now pointed out in various parts of tho town, for the blue-gu- is wonderfully durable) were said to haio used very strong language in regard to tho obdurnto " Syd-- n cy htull'" that wouldn't tako n nail. 11. h. S. i HAWAIIAN TRANSLATIONS. rpni: uNni;iwitiXj:i js iun:- - X lured l Iran.tMo, ulik sccuracx anJ dliialch, nil un ri'iijiiablc trrui. Deeds, Lenses, &c &c. From KiieIUIi Iu Itauallau, iii'l r(c ri'. lloMcnre' Nu 47 Knimt ulrrrl Mav !. fumiil at tlic I.aM Office ot ll'iu. A b. Ilitlncll.dutliiE biiilnr-- a lumrn S.W 1m II. I.. MIEMIOV, THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL, -s; asjtww-jgaijB- efJ JNO. U. LAWLOR ft CO., Proprietor, 1IOTKL bTKKUT, HONOLULU. Entrance on Hotel, Itlcbarila. ami Dcrctaula Strtcll rmtT-OLAS- s iiTevery reifeot. filcca tb aun aa Flrtt-Cltt- llololi la Baa I'riaclico. 4 HONOLULU, II. W, KI'.VIillANUi:, HnwMtliili Oinimil ,V, (Jiiiiiiiilnaliiii Mnmliniit IIISI alirmiiU III I al , llimiii No J J; DIIWAHII IMIUSTON. Allm nny itml (jiiMiiatilliir nt I.itw, f fit I'mi miimI llnn(.iihi I J. M. OAT .V. CO,, MAIliM AKI1IIH, Makr a III. I', loil.ltKllI, II I riaK ill all ilririiiiiiina inmla inl i,.ilif. Ijr ,i. Norr tr. co.. put lewa nml OmilfHa III Mlovcn, Hiinitra, llrlalu, Hunan t l.llll.lllm lln.i.l. ( mi fcriy lllaia ami I III Mil Uaru, I'm) llml Mi'rl alllra. Iliiliiillllll, II I I If rCIC t& XIIEa 'JTLf S UHAMl'AdNi: il)i:it MANUFACTORY AND (IROCKRY. A .V'l. Ill I. Illllll fllllfl. If .INO. II.MIIOWN. Iiiairnltir nl Wnlp.lita unit M.naui'ea, lirl llnrrlanln Mliri'l i"i llnlnta inn Im left nl 'iiii Mlnllmi flm A. W. UIOIAUn.'ION ,'i. CO., Miimirkiia Ahli fial at atia in llnnla, Hliuca. I'iiiiiI.IiIiir Hi. ...It, Half. I'nia, Tnilllt, Villi.", IMf.mii-f- Ami Mnaiia, Mallham Walrlma, rinu.lritalfr, Hi , nt nor nl I'wt mnl Mi'iiimiil Ml.., Ilmiuliilii, If I I If H. MAONIN, lniii)i'liir nml Dmilnr in Dry mul 1'nuey (IimmIh. louln, )ilinn, V:ii.f tin. (Ifrnt I'.n.lfrii Mlnif. Nn ii I nrl HI , Ilmiuliilii fti ijr I., w. iioi'i, Outilnnt Miilnu', lliliiilnlni'iii', Dimlni' Iu I'liriiltui'fl, Nn, hHKIiiK Nlirrl, halltPKii Nllliauii nnil I'mt lUl"!'. Mrtllrt'a.i a niiiataiuly nn liiinit nr iiiihIii In nnler. Til OH tl. TIIH1JM, liiipiirllni; ami Miiiiiil'iuiturtiii; Stittlimnr Now A;iiiit, HiMilf lllnilur, &n., Mr n lunl Hlrurl, ami llialfrln rtnr Hlnlliinrry. Ilniika, Mll.lf, 'Inja ami I'nnry (limit., I I ml Hlfrl, nrnr llhlcl, lliiiinliilii j V11AN1C OKHTZ, & IIGOTANDIiHOEMAKER Nil, III I'ull til., ripint.IlD I'miiI Hlolilxa, llnnla null Mhtna .llinlr tu Orilnr, of lli'il .lln. Iri'liiliiinil nl Iti'iiNiiuhtn I'rlrrw. tloatn nnd Shooc nimlo for Cnnh only a ix , M. S. OlllNHAtJM St. CO., Importcm nml Vlnilrillo DcnlnrN In Onllo-- Mnrcilimiillin, Jlaki'r'a lll.ii'k, iii'rn Mtrfi.l y M. S. OIIINHAUM .t CO., I'nrwmilllu: nml CiiiiiiiiUalnit Mol'nlimita, Ulldaliriiriiln Nl .Huii I', Hiclal liiclllllra In Anil li.irllol ir nllcnllou pnl.l Iu U riMi.liiiititnta nl laliinil lifuilm h, VOLOAKTO uit,vi'i;it u' or i(ii.iii:. W. II. laKNTK, MANAGER. I'lcntjr In nil. iniialnir lire, i Irnn lipila, nml llio Imat nllrinlaiirii un lliu lalnmla VI. In. r. iripiirlni; nny uiinaiinl dtxplay nt vulcanic nrllnii ulll klnilly clin .lliiiiocrr al lct ion ilnyn nuilm In (lilt- - wenllii r, mnl front i li'vrn In thlilcm In luul T. J. MOSSMAN, Inipnrtur unit Dnuler tit Croolmry, I'lalnsml llmirnti'il Pnrrrlnlii, Ciilsml l'rrai.i (llo, Hllvor Plilnl Wnni, Uullrry, Uliamlallrra, Lninpa, l!lilinniya, lilt. Klru 1'riMif miirit, r. KIiikkiiiI Ninninn Hta,, llnnnliuti. 'y A. M. HKWITT, l'ml;lit nml Ooitornl Shlpiilni; Clerk. V All iinlcr lull at II. P. Ailninn' Auction Ileum will llj liu irntnU jy 11U f mlfil In. llm MAX KCKAR.T, Wutohmaluir, Jeweller, EiiKraver nnd Dliimuuil Setter. Nn, B Kaalmiuanu Hired, Honolulu. All onlcra fallh. fully rx'cnliil. !H ly A. I.. SMITH. 41 milTHTIIKkT, IMrOHTKIt IN H HUM til II Mirlilcn ()iuulriiilo Plati'tl Wnrr, (llnnawnrc, KliiKa (toiiiblnailuii SppLlnrlca nnl l.'yr llluaaca, ltrachcta, Vaica, Iiiiatrnl Wlro Ware, nincy Hihiih, 1'lcliirc I'miiii., Wnl,iiliulin'a piwkit Knlvra, Hcior, I'la tola, 1'iiMiIiT, Shut nml Amiminlllon, Olnrk'a hnool Uotton,Mactilnti Oil, nil klmla of Mnclilnu Nei'illra, "Dnini'alle" I'npar I ii.liloiia, Holo Ajjent (nr Ilia nut. lcranlly ackninvlrili'i'il Iil;lit Raniitui; Domaitlo Sowinc Mnoliiuf "WM. MoCANDIiESS, Mo, O, liiiiiii Mrit, I'lili .llnrkrl, I)icr In lllinlcrd Ilotf, Vrnl, Mntlon, Kluli, flc. I'.imlh' nml Hhliiiilii' llnli'ii rnrt fully iilli'nili'il lo. I.lin Stock furnUhi'il in a nl almrl liollro, nml Viyplnlili" uf nil klnil. aiipillfil liiunlrr. gl l)r CHAS. BREWER & CO., J7 Ullliy Nl.. Ilonloii. AgeuU of Hawaiian racneU, Commission Agents. Sprclnl nlti'iitlnn gtvrn to llio purcliaalui; of ( for llio llnvAullaii trmlc. l'r.Ili t at tin. luwcil rate. M lly C. E. WILLIAMS. Itnportoi, Manufacturer, Upholsterer, anil Ilcnlcr In l'lirnllurunf livery l)rcrllllnn. I'timl- - turn Wurn IliHima, N't), ill Ir'url mrcct. llork Hliup at Ilia 111,1 Kluiul on lloti.l Hlri'Pt. C tr All Orilffa Promptly Atlfiulcil In. Uly J. WILLIAMS & CO. PhotoiirnpUlo Artiste, litiaml 1UI Korlftrrd. l'lclnrra of nil aUra nml klmla matlo In orilcr, ami l'r.unca of nil ilracrlntlona cnn.Untly ou hnnil. Alo. Mirlla, C'orala, and Ourlo.lllc. nf lln Paclllc. il ly WRAY TAYLOR, PIANOFORTE AND OHO AN TUNER nr- - Onlen can lie left nt T. 11. Tlirum'a Vort Htrral ami Mrrcliaiit blrcet Slorra. M Inn i JOIIS CMSILLUTU, U. K.VaLlNU. G. ENOLINQ Sc CO., No, u Niluniiu Htrcct, Tluamltha mill Pluintora, Dealer tn Stoves, 1USC, Tin, Hlnrel Iron mnl C'uiipur W'nrf, keep run tlnuilyon liuml n full naaorlminlof Tlnnart. (lalran. I run ami l Pipe, Imlln llubbcr Huac, itc, ic. Wly JOS. E. WISEMAN, Real Eitnto Broker S: EmploymeBt Bureau lti'nla llooma. Cnltnsca. Hume, nml arils and Irn.ri Itt'sl ll.latn In all paita of lliu Kingdom. Kmploy-lilfi- il foiintl for llione loillui; work In all the vailona Iiranclira of uiiiIiipm coiuii'Clril nun mean lainnua tlT- - N. II. I.t;al Ilocuiiientailruwn, llllla Ci.llrcloil lloolca ami ActounU krtit, nmlcou'ralorllcsvinrktrana-ncteil- . PJlruimzeaullclleil. Cunnultilona motternlo. I. 31 I'J a, X. caaTLC. , 11. ATIKHTON ; ,. s T i. '. v ) o oui:. SHIPP1NQ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS fMrOHTEil8 AND Doalors In Conoral Morohnndiao, No. W Klnj Street, Honolulu. H.I. AflK.NTH ron The Union limranee Company of Ran Franclaco. Tho Ncir Kugliind Life Inaotanco Company, lloaloo. The Oirznn Pack ft Line, IThv Kohala Plautntloo, lit. Jayno.BSon'aOtlcWal-lrii- llalkn Plantation, nl Mrololr.c. M'nllnVn PlanUllon, Whrrler.t IVIUon'iSenlnslllaraokoa PlauUllna. .Machluea, uSMly IIY.HA.H 1IIION,, Importers of General Merchandise FROM FJIAXOK, ENGLAND, OERMANV, AND UNITED STATES, No. WMrrcliiutSttctl, Honolulu, H.I, II VII .1 1IUOM., WHOLESALE GUOOERS, J1S and 118 California Street, AN r KAN IIIC, (V Particular attention paid to tiling and ihlpplug bland ordcu. K5ly Mr II. I., SATURDAY M r. t, m:ni:mam a co Imporlrra nml Cnniliilaalnn Merehanla, nar . niin.iiit Hllif llonoinpi "" t I". JOHN HtlHIiirfX. jv'i'.i'aj 11 r,iti-- jv'j. liyviv .?'., ,. M, """I""' m '"' "'JT"." "L -- ""' ' I. M. IIAVIIIHON, Attorney al law, No, 111 Manhunt MrM, mi IIDNDl.l 1,1; es W H, OAH't'lii:, v"i"i'. ii rv ii-- V'l' riAW ami Nnlary I'lilillr Alt. ml. a tin Cinirla nf Ilia 11 llliil..ini . ! ivii.insit At. :o.', I'lirni r of I'otl ami I nun Mint. Iloniiliiln, I.iltnliar, I'nlnti, Olla, llalli, flail nnd llului( "Ml; Mllarlall nf avnry kl;iil. I'. ,t. Hi'll.i l,a'll( A I'O,. Imiiortorii A. CorninloBlon Mnrohnnt HTl IIiiiiiiIiiIii llnnallan llmla j 41, M. l,1itlisni;r4, ,11 . .'.. buikikon Ann IIOMLOVAIHIU IIIARIOIAN. Oltlrg t'nflii'r I'nll ami llililnnla Ml.,, Jlol.i.lulli, Auctioneer and Cominliriloii Merr.hnnt, jm ijiuni Hlrp, lloiifTiiiln, I; i:i, iioi'i'hiii.i.i;4;i,i( a o,, IMI'OUrKllH ANII COMM1ABI0N HKKUIIAMTI tibial lliiiiiiliilu.lialiu, llj I. Ijr A. H. I l,S,JIMllrt A ,'... iMmnmia ami inriirna in Ciixioi.l HVTcvi'cjl, Dfl lliirner )n.n anil liaaliiiinniui Nlirrli. j II. iiuuri.i.ii A ,., (IKNKHAI. COMMlhhlOK AOKNTft, 9i iJiion Hlrar Honolulu, II, I. ly a . v Tn ; n ii""."" QROOCn AND PROVIUION DEALER. 1'aiully (loii'iy nml I'rril Hloir, JI7 Ir W I'inl HI r r itLL!!ilil! " ' 'ii I.AIftlf Ac 4'Oi, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ami Impiirlrr of nml lltalrnia In liny, Oialu, ami nil ilciii'ful I'l mini ". Honolulu, II, I, ly .niii-'- r iVA'ii.niioiihi:. IMI'OHTKU AMI) DKAIiKH IN UKNK11AI. Ml'.KL'UANOIHK. Itn ynion Hlriel, Honolulu, II. I. ly i. i'. i:iti.i:it.s .v. ;o.. DKAI.KUS IN DUY (100118 AND (IENKHAL MKIIOUANUISK, f Hlori, I'url l nlmna ,li 1'ollon. Ilnll. im ly .1. ,11. Will ITMIV. ,11. II,, , 11 S. Dontnl Hoomi on Foit Htrctt, (Htlrn In llrcwir'a.lllotk, tornir llnlflmul I'ort alriHa HI I ly linlraiini.lloii I hllrfl, :. 4. iiAi.t. a. r4, IHroUTEItS AND UKAIiKltH IN HAIIOWAIIK llry (looila, I'nlnla, (Ilia mul (Iriicrnl .Mnrliai.illrr, Ml ly (Jorn.rTiirt nml llliu; Htf, j. w. nonKriTSOpr:"co.. Iiuportluic mul Mniiiil'nuturtui; Htutlonorn Pitliltalinra, Now. Denlnr., Uonli- - iluilnr mill I'lipnr lllllora. 111 ,t lit Mcrclinnt Hlrorl. Ilonolnlii, II. L r'li 2 ii. a, v. in in l: il, n.jiiHi.a , jit 0. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Kiy Honolulu, HrtwnlUn lalnndi. ly nonT. LKwriin. . uai, i.i:ivi:iim a. tiotiKi:, Nnccuraora lo l.Ewrna ,t Dionaoi, IMPORTERS & DKALKH8 IN LUMBEll Ami nil klmla of lliill.llni..Miirlnl(, lfort Hllrrl, B' ly , lloiinllllil. S. M. CARTEH, Auout tu tko'Ac)JioirloWniieut to" Con- - trnot for linlior. Onicnnt P. M. H. DocW, I'.auliiinilr, llnnnliiln, II, I, Mil It! ly A. W. PEIHOE &. CO., SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS ui.NTa run Ilrnnil'n (luni anil llomli Loucca, Terry Dnvla' I'aln Killer, ihi I No. IU Queen HI.. Honolulu. ly rill'4. II. lUVIliN. Latk Janion, (Iiikki .t Co, IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT ami Mtm roii Llo)it'a nml Iho Liverpool llmlcritrltcra. nruian unu roreiKii .Muriuo iiiaurnuce voinpnuy. Anil .Niirlhern Aiirniifo C'cinimny. 0lfl,i tr I4lirs II. I'A'l'V, NOTAKY PUBLIC nnd C0MMIS8I0NE11 of DEEDS For Hi' Wtutc-- of Cnllfornlii nml ew iork. Otl'.ce at the Hunt, of lll.liop it Co., HoiioIiiIii. ih ly ' JNO. A. HASS1NOER, Ardent to tako Acknowledgment to Con, ti'acta fur Lalior. tiTO 3 Intirlor Office, lion liilij. ly ii. I'.jioi.vrvui: a iinoTiiiiK, OKOOERY, FEED STORE nnd BAKERY Oornrr KIiik nml Fort Htrreta, Ilonolnlu, fcbil ly MRS. A. M. MEIiLIS, Fiuihlonnlile Dreti nml Cloak Maker, 1UI Port alreet, llomilulu, It. 1. ba !.M ly iiiiiiirviiA.ii v co., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN KABDWARE Cuttcri', Dry Oomla, J'nlnta nml (Mil, and Ueiural Merilmnillae, 811 No. 37 I'ort Htrcct, Honolulu, ly cr.ACa arillcKtLa. WM.o.inniK. wn. ti. iKtvin :., Sugar Fuctors and Commiision Agenti Honolulu, ii.i. wo 1141 1. 1. KN CO.. Ship Cbandlcji and Comtnimon Merchant., liuportrra nml Drnltraln Griiirnl Xcrcliandlae, (uien rt., llniiolulii. II. 1. ir V ii N . .'. 'I' II It It .11 , IXrOHTINU ANII MASUrAKTUIlIKO STATIONER, NEWS AOENT, AND PAPER RULER, Merchant tit, near Karl, nml Ir'ori hi, near Hotel, II ono lulu, Oalm, 11. 1. Alao, I'lihllahcrof Ihn Haftallan Almannroipl Annual ana Hawaiian mrrctcry ann t. uiuiuar, .c The Mrrclmnt alreit more "lhol'oit .trcetrJturo will Mill bo Unvoted to (lineral 'rjtiact i'lnn rltallonery, Mntlonery, lll.inK Hooka, llnuk.,Aillta' Molerlar, ncwa ami iiiuuini; iicpari-nunt- a Toyi and fancy Oouda, twl ly cab BANKERS. IIO.NOI.UI.V, I i I HAWAIIAN miiANDH UllAW KXCIIANOe ON IIIE SINK OF CALIFORNIA. : : : : SIX FRANCISCO ANII TUaiu AU.Tn X flaw York, lloalon, rut l, AaickUnit, IHEOHIENTAI BANK CORPORATION. : : : : LONDON axb tuiik anAici.a in Hens Kuna. Nyilney, and Melbourne, And Iraniacl a Cleneral g Himueaa. bW ly "HA RL EJ TUL. H.M. MOORE, AND l)EAI.EK IN Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco Sec., aV SO H . No. 1 Fort Street. ly v. '. ;oi,i:.nAN, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST llarae Nhoclun;, 'wrriaif Work, rianlMlluu Mnrfalurri-- , r, 8C1 Shop on King Street, neilt'aalle A Cooke'a. ly HONOLULU IRON W0KK8 GO. ffMft. TRAM RKUINKH, ICOAR Ml M.J 4U KallarafCoolara.lroa, Braiaanil UadCwIlafi Machinery ef Every Daserlptlon f NaJ. la Oia.r Par'tUular attntlft paid t Ihlp'a lluiBitU t-- JOB WORK t xccutad n lha iborttit aotka. ottt I; Press AROII. II, 1 882. i:i. ;. howi:, llnnan nnil Hl(ii l'illiler, I'npni lliiiinnr, An 11 HiiHrTllliiRHtrerl, Honolulu J I'ioNiir.iinriiAM Candy Mnnufiiutnry unci Onkory v. Koriw, rinntlnal ('onfr,tlorir, I'ailrjr OioV an1 I'aVar, NTH 71 llnlelalrael lialween Nnimnii and I'ort Ir HoMini llti.1 nl of lliiilrnvrllrrrii A lil'.N'I'M for llm lalaiiita, HVi y I IHI V, V lilt A ('(! I'lillailrlpliln lloanl of lliitlrnvrllfni. Alil'.N I'M (hi Ihn HaiTNllHii lalnmla, f II IIIIKWI'.IIAI'O i'. a. h,iiiAi'.i'i:ii. AliKfUTfiMlieiiifii, llMnr'Inf llnilrrlteia, nl I'mlarwrllere, Aitmil nl Vli una lloanl of liierHlr Ulalioa aualnal Intiiiaiiia Compnnlea ( Hie Jiula. illrlloii of tin atiote lloanla of llliilirmlln will hate In Im iMllfti.t in hy tliaahiita Au'Ml In make Ihaiii M"''- - h'J1 ' Iiiiiiiraiicn Notion. riiiii'. Auntfr I'oirriiic iiiuiinii i'r. kIiih .Marina Imnrniirii tlmnpiny fl.lmlleili haa r o I o . ( liKlrurllii'K In lloiiiioo tin. llniin uf In aniniiei) Imtween Honolulu ami I'orU In Ihy 1'iirtnr, au.l la noir prepareil In I'nllrliti nt llm (oh..1 talaa, with a apui-ln- leiliirilon nn fmlulii per it.auiira, Tlllltl. II IIAVIIIM. til Ijr Acenl Itrll I'or. Mar. Iiia,0o l.lmlled iiA.tiiiiiitiJii. iiui:.iii:Si FIRE 1N8UIIAN0K COMPANY, ruMir. iiMM'.iiMiivr.n iiavimj hkhv a v. pointed Alp'nta of Ihe nhin (lonipany. are pre pared loliiiiif IliUi nialliil dm on pil'inn nnil llrlcli lllllllllllliM .11,1 .11, tl .,.!. Ml. ill.M bl..,l ll....ll. . llm moat fnvoranln lerina I'or pniHriilara niiply at IllH omcmif r1 ly I' A MttllAKjM'.H A d(l HAMDURC-MACDEDUR- C FIRE INBURANCE COMPANY, (IK IIAMIIIJItH. HiiiMtiMiiN, ,n i:iiiiiA.MiiMi:, riuirii. luanred agalntt I'lra nn Ilia liionl fnvorahln terioa, A. JAI', Airniu forth Hawaiian lalnmla, . h1 'i Insurance Notice. ruwiv. i',xiii:iini;m:i ah; iiii:i'aiii'.ii I to wrlle upon .Merrhnii.llar, pr rlr'I'Claaa vmaela liriwenii ihla and Ihn (!oat Porn, ronrlnz I""' or daninpe, If amonnlliitf In 7 per lent, or morn, on Ihn aoiiuil value of Ihn wholn aliliiiint at port of ilellrery, ilimn fnvornliln leriua, IIIHIIDP A Co, Aicnti of Ihn I'lrenien'a 1'iind liianrania l.'oiiijmny, JinMiijJai,l, IHfUl hM .Im UNION lifslJ HAN CE"C 0 IMP A NY Ol' n AN 1111 A NVIHtSit. nXnrlno. IKOOKI'OIIATBI), 1H08 CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS W.7I 1'nr tlm HmwhIIhii IalniiiiN I GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. H.u.t Oflloo, til) WnH St. Now York. 'riinnhovn Company having ealnlillihrd an Aeeneyat llonnliilu for the Hnunlliin lilnnda, the mnkr'lnf d la nuthorl.iMt lo accept nml nrlle Mnrlne Itl.ka nn 3r chiiudlao, Tn:uiuri'i ,'iiiuiuUI..ii. nml llulla, Blinrrenlriilia, .1 H. WAI.KKIt, H77 ly Agent loo the Hawaiian I. lamia Rhnnlnh Wootihnllnn Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, Ol' H. OI,AniIA'll. Itlioiilili friiaalra. Aachon and Leipzig Insuranoo Co,, I.lmlKd, oi aai:iii:x. !!,. IHN I'lHl I'AtlTRIUI.AIt AI.I. iitlneil hy Onoda arriving here, ami In llm iil)oro,Joiiiiuiil'!, lnvn to ho made with HiniDKnlancn of ttiidccrllfled lo hy the underalneil, tohe vjlt.l. A, IS. OI.ADU, Aaeiil. fn ly GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. i1 o ifru NA General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. ritlll'. AIIOVK INM'IIA.M'K CIIHIM-d- U J. havn eilnhllalKil a Oeneral Agency here, and Ihe nnderalgned, llcnerul AgenU, nre nnthoil7ed to lake lliilii nicnlnal flip llmiKcra of Ihfi dr nl lhe Mnat IteiiHonnblo ItHtm, nnil on the Mo! ninrnllv 'I'rriua Bf,7 ly V. A.S0IIAKI'Kll.tCO(lenernl Agenla. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Katahllahcd 0. Unlimited Liability to Stockholder. AaarU tnt.'ZW.tffl Itcairrvc $ r,,7.v),tyi Income for lhTtli 1'ri'mtiitna rccclvul aftir di'ilucllon of re'lu- - aituncc SfVilprj Loaaca promptly adjualcd nnd paid here, 1 3m ItlNintl A 'o Aifenr. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Company. A Loading Home Company. Aaaela, , ,,,,., l,2.7),0o4 Unplul, 1,0U0 Total Aaiot ,I,i00,(iuO fpiIK FinKMAN5"KUNl INSint-- X ANU1! COMPANY haala Ita clalma to Iho licit Iiatrunage upon It. aonnd financial condlllnu, reinforced nf capital, giving It orer a million ilollara In aaaeta; Ita ettenvlvo ayatem of Agenclea, ln tiring It a largo premium Income, without tho necev ally or heavy concentration of llnei; lla adlirinra to tho Let prlnclplea and practlrea of Underwriting; by open, fair nnd clearly expreaacd contract!, and prompt and i'o,ulUblc adjualment and payment of legitimate loaaea. for aeventcen yrnra it ha, heen farorahly known aa a cnnaervatlvc underwriter, and during that lime haa paid over 1,500,000 IN LOSSES, Patting triumphantly through the heavlett conflagra- tion! anown In modern hlalory, MIMHOP A Co, Ac-NI- 1.1m Honolulu, IM. HOBTK BRITISH AND MERCANTILE Xuaurrvnoo Oouxpauy Of Iioudon anil Edinliuru. Eatabliihed 1809. lUaonrcea of the L'oinpanj aa at 31. t December, IS-- ! Jtn'cr.inciiOiiiTAi. I'lllE FUSID I'aidnii r ruti.ajo Hu.erie ...milfilt 13 It Uncalled I.V),uu l'reniluulta. ere 3IT,Wi71t 10 OflOOJjM Ilalanee uf 1'rtlll and Ix.i AccSl'.-X- 9 2 i'l.-jji- 5 it Rtrrnue rna the Year I8M.-Flr- I'reuiluma and la'l,UI3,tM9. E. lIOKFaOHLAKOKR Jt CO., 6ni M Agaiila (ot th Hwallin laland. TUA.1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ' IIAMHUKU. Capital nl Ilia CoDipany A !leaerrr..!tclchiniark C.roi.ono lueir 10I,iV),Ul Total.,,,,,,.,,.,. ..Itelchtmarlc nr,,a),'xC NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of IIAMKI'Kll. t'apltalof thoCompaur A I'.elclnmartS.MO.HO ' their " U.iui.uft) Total....,, Helen. tnark U,b.,(JUO Nt'llWKIItKHINCIIi: I.I.UVB RUCK VEI.SICHERUr.GS GESELLSCHAFT OF WINTERTHUR. Capital of the Companj .,...,....., franca 3,000,010 IIIHK VaIlir.KlilUaIi:il,KNKBAl. AUEWTII at the abort three coinpanlai for lb Hawaiian Itlandt, ar prepared to laaur Uulldlnga.l'ttrnltnrt, Menhaudlaaaad Wodacr, Macblnerr, Ac. alto o jar and Hit Mlllt, and teatelt la lbs barbor, aaaln.l la ot damrje br Art, on lb moat farnrabla term.. 8Tjr II. HACKIELU CO, WHOLM NUMMflRbU TflK Now England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OrlMMTfirr, lllll i n ii i ii i ii a T r. m , i an , 7A Otil'tt 'tire' Mutual fiiiiirinirt Mi Uiillnl Hlnlrt, rollelat littiad on th itoit ftral,U Tarmi, r,iilMIiln ill I'IMIl INHIIIIKII AHI..W VI'.AIIM OIIIIINAItr MKK riirtni I Annua piemliiiii (onlliiiiia 1'oll'r nyan 3ija;a tl Annua pram unit ioiilnii I'olj'y I yean liijijt It Annua lireinlilint lonllnun Polley dyeara 7i(aya I Annua preinliiliit rnnljnun I'nlliy nyrara 11 rlay a t. Annua prainliimi i onllliua I'ullr.y IU jctit IA tit a AatMntta, I BJM,liOO,OOOI l.nanea I'nlil llirnilgli llniinliilii Aariiry, 411,000 CASTLE & COOKE, AJENT8 im i'(lt Till'. HAWA IIA 111. Arvnr y WILDER A CO." HoiioIiiIii, IIhwmIIiiii lalnmla, lien ral ArmI nf llio Wfitiial Life Insurance Comply or .m;iv viiiiii, LnrKnat, flnfunt nnd Moat ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO IN THE WORLD J Cnnh AsuotH. over 800,000,000 I v I'or Information rnnreriilni; lh Company, and for itatea of Inanrann , apply o Hll.lllilt A i,,,,," llen'l Aidiula, nr j, i., ninroinn, i4 am WILDER CO. Importorn and Doalorn In LUMBER AMI BUILDING MATERIALS! or a 1,1, hi. in. JUST KI2UJUIVJBD : j LATE ARRIVALS ! , -- MKVKIIAI LARGE AND WELL-SELECT- CARGOES Itfll-lS- ! LUMBER, t i. t'OllPltlHIKll I j ALL 'IHE USUAL MOOK MZXA SCANTLINO. ' TIMBER, PLAKK, B0AED8, FEKCIMO AND PICKETS A Moit Complete Stock of A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER i.atkut ityi.i:h. NAILS, LOCKS, BUTTS, HINOES, BOLTS. SCREWS. Etc DRY REDWOOD! Scantling; l'lank, Hurface and rotih lloanla, mirijccil ami rough ; Uallcna, Ticket!, Kuatlc, Lattice, Ulajiboard. AIJIU, lar.MTOCK, Paint and Whitewash Brushes, win rejiii: au, MlllTKri.tlCT, rAIXTOII METALLIC AND OTHER PAINTS! Glass. 8alt. Fir.ewood. . DOORS SASH BLINDS j Alil.NIZEaV Of eastern and California Mak. FOR 8.ILKIN QD.IRTITIE8 TO BUT; AND AT low inioxii Im M MANILA. CIGABS. IXVOICi: OFFIXK MAXIMA UIUVllI, 2M Inbox, a tin- - artlcla, and alio an I moke uf Manila CUart. W) In box. Jutl receleed from Manila direel, and guaranteed to be Ibe icenalue article. Yut Sale bir Ml .B0LI.E8 A CO. SALMON ! ltlVKIt AM) FKA-- ) ZKIt litter Walinnn, lo perfect order, In Barrtla. Vtr IllH M..K B Sot 1Mb. II. B0LLC3 A CO. CI UHOCEHIES & VK0Y1810N8. AFULL A8SOHT5IKNT OF FIKK at IVholcmle and Kelall. nr- - ftm ai.k mr Mirnth.-SI- . I10LLES A CO. II EXTRA MESS BEEF! IX HtKREUI. WitrraulaH a 4ial ArllfU ir ran haw. u rOLI.ES A CO HAWAIIAN PIA! X.AltCK COXSKJXMKKT IX 50 iiijt. Tor Sale by I10LLES A C'O. ACONHIfiNMKXT OF Al, Uala bir tsl HOLI.KS A CO. Billiard Table For Salt, IN I'KIIFKCT OltDKl!. STIlAlIIaK IIJOIIKSwakai I'belan A Collaodtr catbion eaarblt bed. Vat particular anqalre at COMMERCIAL blLLlABD PAaLOKH Flear t Flaur ! FleHr ! II ATE EXTBA rAMILY riAlCB, ' per Kalakaaa, I'or al bjr U BOLLKS A CO. tM a.- -. If J 4&i!!ifegm!JBfctllk.. , v$piL&vsO'J ,5. --..L "fJ J. NOTT & Co TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WORKERS I I ii in Im r, tvi nml Tin HoofflM, K'.p In lnv, All Klnl. nt Malarial In Aliot' Mnfiindnf BEST WORKING IMNDS And art 'fiartt a r.i'la any and U KINDS WORJtlNJTHEbE BR1NGHE8 COOKING STOVES, LAUNDRY STOVES, H!ili nml Hrliooniirfi iinhnnwn, " A mi)' HiuiKiiH," eooHnr capadly Int WI Mia, MET AJL.JSI nliKt l,ad, Hlital Oftiie,. (tliiti Zlnf, llalvanlrtd and llfack hhit Iloil. 14 In 14 tafia ll'ii.a'lln I'late, If, II, IM, In.) I.' lain I'lpa, (4 i Int hhtat Coppe, 6 ui ' ui. In aijnara ot, lint t, and tlttni Hum Holder. 7 Inman'a Mnl'i'r. I.'oppar and llfaaa Wilt, (lalvauirt'i Walar l'M,V.IJ!,IM,-'l- l I Klliant, Tt, Illl'lUt, U, Plumbers' Stock -- ? Walar ttt,Catl (toil and f.aad H'liMne,- -' lfnarJIIM'a,fllaiCntiil'lalrililb7f Wlvrf Plated and Nlckal ") ;! ni llnr, iJoriiblfiatlnn t'r, ka. for fold and fiot viaKrt llu.a t'uulln(Ouiiujer Bhor Jleada, llalli 1 il hi, Hop and Urppert, ('( lion Mhlf noldarint Unppera, I'lliaand lltt'lmigt, (ialv, (.llf.olatloK llollifi, for aupplylnt; lllh alnk, Ac, win Iml eratrri I'lpe, i 10110. hoi si; i i itMsint; gcp;s to Arinivin PER F. S. THOMPSON. HIJOII A Oliandellers, ()C TO MIX MOIITHi Library, Hall, llraclrl, fttodtnla' and Htand Lamp.. Now on Hand, a Fine Aunt. Granito Iron Ware MM, I'otta ...t-lio- Iftew rant Mlllr llollere, Illtcal Caller., Jelly Hlralwera, lo;e J.ainn, Krooi Klovta Tot lit Krla, J 11 Mniilil.. rif attorlmeriti Ilatt limit), flhoo, Yard and Mtahle llrutli.., flour and Jtlly Nlavea, I'orn Umom.. Hhoe Ittaeklny. floor llata, Itnjra. Clotliet Wrlnyrri. Crlnifiln Irona, naute I'ane, tlnnrd and (!li,ppln'ira and Knlret, Wire Meal ('otera, Clothe. 1'lin, rltuva 1'olltb, ltM J'ant, ('aka H'lirm, Crockery & Glassware Miwli aa Copt and Haiieert, I'Utat, S'J to I 'Hi Inchia n dlametrri l!ow, llakera, Poup Turaent, Veretahla llclir., llk and ('ream I'ltchera, Kwcra and Jiatlni. a'BK'tT?fWfflr.a"fSc llowli, Dollar Carriage and Cart Material ! To Arrival lax T. H. Thoarapaon n4 Curburlein, Ptlloea, Tllma, Mpnkea, Kln.ler'a Ail... ditto half Patent llofffrrCarrlayn lliiltt. dlltn Ijropt, flulkr ftima and rlpoki.a.ltuxrr nliafta, H'lilffltri, r. nulla, Ac. Aito.iiorae ann iimt nnott.oiiio 01JH MOTTO- -" Winnie Hlrnence," "And o Inf-r.- to Cahl It out on tula lln." .T. NOTT aflcOo. Wonolalo, (lept. 17th, IMl. Mir G. BREWER & CO. HAVK JUHT KECEETISD, PER American Bark " Ceylon," From 33oton., THE FOLLOWING LIST STAPLE AMERICAN GOODS which us now orrtRKu ton hale UPON EASY TERMS. Steam Coal, Cumberland Coal, Franklin Cual iu caaka, for Karall Ua. IIi:iiLOS12VlH: OIlLi 130 degree test, Doi?7iier Oil. Barrel fhooks. 7 Chairx, Cut Nails, 3d to 10d,' lanterns, Charcoal Ironi, Hant'a Axes, Hutu's Hntcheti, af1 .. 1 1.4r . - l. I. Tflr. vilru ng;n. Tm,.r.. 1 -- ' v r ALL 'HIZEb. Pick IttindloB, Ax Hand)4ai, A C1J0ICK AHBOKTMKENT OK GROCERIES! toxairnxa or z? Corn Starch, Tomatooi, Botton Baked Bsa (Omoio). Greta Corn, Sautage Ileal, SucooUeh, Gbarkina, Lobetm In-nc- Crackcm J Huckin's Tomato and Mock Turtle Soup. Calrea" Head, Ham aud Tongue, Family Soap Whale BwU, Mule aud Ox Carte, Burnett's Extraots, Owina to tba Lars atcck ol rchamli In li market, w propoara to aali UU eonaltament At PrleaH that will NaU ear Cuteaere. t r. BUaKWXa aft cW. y ;i 'I

Transcript of Saturday Press J. NOTT Co - University of Hawaiʻi...Jin wim n wnrni fric-m-l nml mijipnt'lur nf tlm...

Page 1: Saturday Press J. NOTT Co - University of Hawaiʻi...Jin wim n wnrni fric-m-l nml mijipnt'lur nf tlm llnwiiiinn (liivotiinmnl, nml nn njiilplil nml worthy itmn. lln wnn n brother of

THE SATURDAY 111KSS.a rt w a r . i it it l i ii 1 1 mi K i w u i: n i. v

I.MKIt eliaai'nirilni

rivi:noi.i,Aits a ykaii in advancji:I ftli Hntitftlptl in, fnmi Jit, tn ? M, an.

fiitillnf li lrllflalh.Ml

Nlliiiiltl rt Mid Jilrrlltra olll a.l.llr.a IIIIIM tlTlllll tl M mater

tn .Inn. It ! will IMl fcnl.l lltalf tii,i.iiiU,1e(nt lh nil i imi nf rtiiftninilnl

limtll', (.if lli niliiiiUi l'ii tliirtil.l In ail.tietaedMix MD HUM I'HMfl.

llrniiliiUetwrii nf HoiioIiiIii. No U7.

Putty in .Iniittrirjr, Ifl.'iO, y n vnln oftlm Pnij Cmini'll, Oiivnriiiir ICnkiinnflim

rn niilri'irrX'il lo npimliil n numlitr of"jn'oinl Polli'mnmi," lor llio iit nf I In.imliilii. Thin in 'i nut n liml lln nrlftlii in it

lVrlif of iui)iirlly ivnd niirlii'iiiUoi llmlImit Itikmi iinrMl(iii of annul nf tmr

til T v of ut'itniMililnl luiliiilniii'it nilllin )tirt of rrmvd of wlmlrn, iiniiliitifrom llin Ciilifntiiln oltl fntnr, nml nln inirft'iritpo In (lin nrrt t nlti from Knn I'riin-'is.n- t,

vrllli'li H'Cin liiiMiiilntr imtnrmluitiiiitiirtrniii., of tinlly nnif-l- i r linrnrli'm I'miiii

(ho iiminn, who I'ftiiin limn In hpciul llmwtiilrr-mnihiii- . Tlinio lutil lirrm uimiiOTi'i',for Mirrtnl mnnllm. i Mioi'puMiiii tip

iiiIIiioiu nml Iwiulnriim In tlm riiy,wlniili tn n klnrllliijf imvoliy Mnl quit"iipnl llm upinulmily uf our .mimnllyiiini'l I'ummiiinfy. ! wnn llm imiMhiii nftlm ICliijf nml ltiiilui; until r in lliiwn ilnynIn ml; In llm plilit'lpiil fiiliil(M U'hIiIiiiiU

for nlil nml lOili'inrl in nnylliitiK Hull limlllm nppiininni r of nn MUM C'lu', Mid lumenllm iilcn uf nppotnlfnf; n iiiirrliil pnlii'ntiiMnly from niuoii llml climn. Tlm

itul nuUmonr liownvm', uiHll KCv.

iil yr-nr- nfiiir Ihlii ilnlo, lo iimko nny iifcn

of IIiIh irotinioiinl I'lircn, Thn fntlowinlintttnl itnnllnmiiti tTiiro duly N)iiiiitlioiirtl"riprnlnl I'ullrtiiiiim," by ()itiiior Kiiltun-imi-

tlntnim l II. Mnuhnll, OupliiiiiriJliMijiinio 1 Hnow, .Itilili Muck nml Thou.H niri N. V. Hnyie.O. S Vim mil,. I. II.llrown, .Intuitu AnllnlJnlliifi Aiilhnn, Win.Jnrrnll, Wnriwi flomlnli', It. H. llmK'nr,llniny Hon, I mil .Mtiiiini, A. I'liUi, .Inliii Ii,.1. Knro, J. (I. Liiwii, W. V. Sliiillny, Al.

Somhbir, K. hrllunkn, O. (1. Clillni.l, W.C Pnrko, J. M. Ilyrnm, Icmi thnn dimlinlf of liiomi nrn iimr IMiij;.

l)n llm Mlh of Kohrimry nt Honoifioo, nfiur o lirinf ill iit-n- ilitiil Win. I'nly,I'Jsip, who liml Immiii for ii mimlior of yonrnCollrrlor Oonurnl of (Jiiklninii nt llniiolnlii.Jin wim n wnrni fric-m- l nml mijipnt'lur nftlm llnwiiiinn (liivotiinmnl, nml nn njiilplilnml worthy itmn. lln wnn n brother oftlm Into (jiiptMn Jnlm l'nly, n,ml nnclo of.1. II. l'nly, Kfq., of tho bmikilig Hoiun ofJllnlmp , Co.

Kohrimry -- hi, nrrivcil tlm ynoht llloi-ilrrii- ',

12 (pinn, Hnnjwnin Hoyil, )m ,

owinir nml commnmlur. Slio lidloiijjcil totho 1oinlon Itnynl rnc)il Sqnnilrnii, nmlvnn rroilii(j nbonl Ilia world for tlm

wealthy ownor'n plimHiiro. lloo.uim hpo-cinl-

to HoiioIiiIii lo mi-o-t Air. Wyllio, whowin nn old frinml.

Doriiip the pniiif,'o of tlm iriiiiinVfrfrom Tiihiti to llnwnii, on tho morning oftho titU of Kohrimry, tho lookout dorriciln whiilohont nbonl tlircn milin to wimlwnnl,wilh n if,'iinl of ditrcMi llyiii;. A verynovmn gnlo wns lilowinj; nt tho time, nmltho vnctit wnii umlnr Ahoit xnil, hut tlmninmiKcd to hent up lo tho hunt, nouipiiougii to (mil, but nt first tho only inlcllf.gout word thnt eould ho honrtl wiir, "Wn-to- rl

wnlnrl" Tlm liont wnn dnftinj? nttho mnroy of tho wnvcn nml nil tho miser-nbl-o

n ptireoiiN in her could do wns tontrotch forth their hnnds for holp. After

orenxl nttnuiptn tho H'diiiiTf)' Mieccmledhi (;el(iii(; hnfllcicntly uvnr to honvo n rojioto tho bont, rrhen by luo.ioa of n roiiuioliowliun llin jnrty wns Imulrd on bonrd. Itcotuinted of Joo Dnvis, a Hrnxilinii-Afri-en- n,

no old ren'ideot of tho IhIiiikIh, nndtwo limn nnd threo women, nntivci of thoJslnndn, ono of tho lnlturboiiig Dnvis' wifo.They Ind left Molokni ton ilnyii before onthe wny to Alniii, but buin' cnuglit. in nheavy "lo from tho NT.K. mid their boatdisabled, they hnd tlum drifted mimo threeliu ml rod milm to the S.W. They hnd beennine (Iiivh without wntor when thoschoouorforiunntoly fell in with llieui, .ubhislim,'ontirely by (suoking uninll jiiecos of pump-ki- n,

n few of which they had ill, midwhich Davis doled out lo them sparingly,nml he unid ho hnd determined whon thegnlo n In toil to lmvo mndo Knila out of thowomen' dresses nnd endoavor tD rig n nowrudder, nnd by fitucriug by n pniticulnrHtnr of hin acqoniiitniico ho expected tofetch tho coast of South Amoricn. Whonthey got on bonrd tho yacht, the poorcrcnturc wero cxhnuttcd from cold nmlthirst. Hot tea mid bircuiti revived themftiilllciciitly to givo nil necouiitof their

After tho nrrivnl of tho Wanderer ntHonolulu, Mr. Wyllio conveyed to CnptniuUoyd the cxprefiiou of 11 i Alnjosty'iithntikn for his hutmuiily in rcscninc Davisand hin conipniiiom.

On tho 10th of Alnrch, arrived tho newUnited Stolen Consul, Mlislia II. Allen, Kq.lie caiiio by the wny of P.umtnn nnd SimI'rnncisoo, nnd wns tho beaicr of tho nowAmerican Treaty, which wns (signed ntWimhinglon, Deo. 20, 1840, by John M.Clayton, Secretary of State of tho U. S.,nnd Jamei Jnckson JnrvcH, II. H. AIM

Special GommikMoncr. This wnR tho firstitnportuiit Trenty betweou llnwnii mid nforeign powor which fully recognized thoKing's Sovereignty, omit ling tho provi.ion

""... Atliclo III. of tho llritish unit KrenchTiealies of 181C, that, "No BritUh orFrench subject nccusei of nny critno what-ever shnll bo judged otherwise than by njury composed of untivo or foreign mi.dents, proposed by tho Uiituh or KrenchConsul nnd accepted by tho (lovernmontofthe Sandwich Island." TheDnuish(lSlG)nnd Hnmburg, (18 18) Treaties did notcontain this objcctionublo stipulation ofConsular jurUdielion. Tho Treaties withGreat llntnin, (1851), llremcii, (I85t),Swcdon nnd Norway, '1855) and withFranco, (1858), wcro based upon nnd

in their main features, that withthe United Stntes or 1810.

Air. Allen, shortly after his arrival,upon the duties of his position, nnd

Judge Tun-ill- , his predecessor, sailed withhi fntnily for tho United Slates in the foUlowing month. Tho emoluments of theAmcricau Consulate in thoso days of thowhaling iloet wero Tory considerable, derived from fees, nnd n judicious mniingc-mo- ot

of tho Hospital for iek nnd dostituteRinmen. The latter iustitutipn wns uu.questionably n inina of wealth, when care,fully worked, as it was by omo of theConsuls who iu nftcr years succeeded J udgAllen, aud the corruption becamo so and notorious Hint it wns made the

ubject of special iuquiry, n secret investi-gating ugeot being sent out from Washing-ton for that purpose. It wns geuorallv

that Judge Turrill went Lome

quit comfortably "tixed."

4fi. . .i'. m

SaturdayVOhUiMK II., NO. 28.1

Tlm Inter of IFHO-M- ) wnn nnlnbln for(oi'cinl snieni r.lormn uf wind nml rainwhli'h vUllril llm Ulitmln, In tlm lnlturlinlf nf Decnmher n H.W. gain nl I ItiiuilnliiIniilril hvo wruLr, dniliii; wlilnhllmhilg ii.linen, befurn iiinii I hmrd) wnn losl on Ihnrerf,

Tlm nnnm A'iKiir iiniln iIukIiiicIIvo oilMuni nml llnivnll. At Wniliilni liveulyhniisen wire blown ilimn, nml nt Wnlhrn

9hieuly-IWi- i, Inelmlliig solmnl lioiikc. AlMnknwno, wlmrn n mijnr plniilaliun wnnlni'iili'd, wluiln ni'ii'ii of rimo wurn llnttiuii'd, tin

nml llm rniii' In kiiiih liulnurort bruknn in-t- o

tin rii pliMoN, In Knln nml llmuiikiin,fill llm iipliniil limiM'H, in well nn ninnyih'illiii;, wern pros'mleil. Al Ivohnln,llnwnii, ii jrrnti I niiioiiulof injury wna iloiiiiIu ildmollnliltig Imihluigii, limlmlliig iiolmulIioiimm, mid llm llir. Air. IIuiiiI'h tirwliii'nling hiiupit, jusl I'limplulml which InnlwnH n inwiii loin. Hwnu imliinnliil llm I

r.ilVi'n iihiiilms on Ivniinl loU 110,001) lln ofi'iiUiki liy I hi. gnlc

("In I'ohiuniy I Mli nml Ifilh.n rimiml:i- -

bin liuiiii'nnn lUiled hnhniiin, llm windviirylug from M.M 10., nml being llm fimnrest blow mcr known lo llm iiblunl inhiibUInnl. I'nir minimiIn dragged their nui'hmfloil' lo mm, nml uun, n conNllug iiiihiiumir,wnn onpsiri'il mid nniik nl bur mutlior iu n At

iiiidiliin iqmill of imltrt llercimimM, nnd mivend piiuoiii Oil lioiild wi'to ill owned.When the blow wns over il wnw found llmlbeside un iinmniiiii uiiiubiii' of lieim blowndim ii, iipivmdn of mm bundled hounni Innml nbonl liiihiilun, iucliidiiig tlm ICIug'nlesiilnuri', weio llnl Ml'lh llm (round.

Ou llm -- Mli of Alnroli, in wnn er

Hliir gnle, with plenty of rnln, fromthn H.W., ivhioli lasted 0(1 hours. On themorning uf Hint day, nriived tlm JliitishImrk (nrnlhie, l'eny mnslur, M0 ilnynfrom Adelaide, N. 8. W., nml 109 ilnynfruiu llohni'lowii, Vnu Diemnu'Nbound for Sun Kiiiiicisco. Him had ouhtnrd fiotim eighty or moro jiaNsnugnrii,mnoiig which wuio n number of womiiunml oliildrnu. The Into Win, lliimphreyH,for n number of yearn thereafter n mnolilespenled losidonl of thin city nml nccomlUlui'k of tho Supremo Com I, wns, with bin 3

fxiuily, miiong (lie paKsongeni; ns nlno wasKrniik Silencer, I'Jsq., now of Wnimen, lln-wni- i,

nml a number of others who beonnioitkIiIciiIh hcie. Thn (irdZxnwasniichorcdoulsido the reef ou thn morning of tlml!rlh,the wind blowing n good lireezo rrom (heSouthward. It wns tho imisler'n iiiirpnsclo ii'ocuio unfiled provisions their waterhad linen c.ihuunled iu consequence uf tlmlong passage mid without unnecessarydelay to proceed on tho voyngo to Califor-nia, l!t during tho forenoon tho windconstantly iucioitcd in forco, until by '2 p.

M., it wnn blowing n A'oiui gale mid llmtmlc ivns pitohiug bown under nt hernuchors. Two bourn Inter nn attempt ahnpolcsn ono wnH mndo to get under wnynml "olnw oil'" fihorc, by slipping tho en-bl-

ami mnking nail. Sim eould not fetchtho passage. Hutwilli the gain blowingmid a heavy swell rotting directly , on Iho (

reef which wns no near, the pilot in ohnrgo (1think-- It1 wnirtho lateCnpt. I towlnnd) did thobest thing to bo donouudoi'ihocircumutmi-crt- .

Ho pointed hor for n plnco iu the voefwheio the surf seemed to bioak with lessviolence than elsovvhere, which wan nbouttlueo huudrod ynnU to tho wostwnrd of thocntrniico to the harbor. Immediately nflcrstriking sho slowed broadside on tho reefnnd commenced pounding hoavily Iu nfuw miiiiiteR, the fore nnd mniu-mn- st wontover carrying with lliom tho ruizon-top-mns- l,

which fell partly on deck, knockingover tho ship'H surgeon, who stood holdingby tho tnizzen rigging, nnd breaking hisarm. At tho snino iustmit n hoamnti,htnuding near tho bow, wns struck on thohead by a block nnd knocked ovoiboud.llm dead body wan found by unlives thenext dny on tho reef sovcrnl milca belowtho wicck. A titimuor of whalobontn wcrobiihily employed whilo daylight lasted inbringing thn women nml childron from thoship, lint tho wind nnd sea wero constant-ly inci casing. Some forty pcrsomi reninin-o- d

on board whon tho bonis gnvo up woikfur tho night. Tho next morning nndthroughout tho succeeding day, tho seawnn making n comploto breach over thoship, nnd sovernl boats wero stovo or cap.sized iu tho vnin attempt to reach her.The Dritish Consul appealed to the Gov-ernment to try catiocH under uativo

hut thoso wero equally iih iiiisuc-cessf- ol

ns hnd been tho boats. Hut onWeduesdny morning tho wind nnd soa hadnhated, nml the entire ship's company thatromiiuird wero taken oil with safety, theonly casualties being thoso before relnted.The vessel beenmo n total lovs, mid themontofthe perishnblo goods with whichsho wns laden wcio seriously AInrgo portioti howoror consisted of lumber,the well-know- n blue-gu- of Australia,being iu lota or houso frames, nil sawed,morticed mid tenoned, icndy to put up.This was lauded without damage nnd soldat nnetiou, somo of our peoplo getting thomaterials fur house-buildin- g quito cheaply.Dot tho ciirpentors who pot up thewohouses, (a number of them can bo nowpointed out in various parts of tho town,for the blue-gu- is wonderfully durable)were said to haio used very stronglanguage in regard to tho obdurnto " Syd-- n

cy htull'" that wouldn't tako n nail.11. h. S.


rpni: uNni;iwitiXj:i js iun:--X lured l Iran.tMo, ulik sccuracx anJ dliialch,nil un ri'iijiiablc trrui.

Deeds, Lenses, &c &c.From KiieIUIi Iu Itauallau, iii'l r(c ri'. lloMcnre'Nu 47 Knimt ulrrrl Mav !. fumiil at tlic I.aM Office otll'iu. A b. Ilitlncll.dutliiE biiilnr-- a lumrn




asjtww-jgaijB- efJ


Entrance on Hotel, Itlcbarila. ami Dcrctaula Strtcll

rmtT-OLAS- s iiTevery reifeot.filcca tb aun aa Flrtt-Cltt- llololi la Baa I'riaclico.



HnwMtliili Oinimil ,V, (Jiiiiiiiilnaliiii MnmliniitIIISI alirmiiU III I al , llimiii No J J;

DIIWAHII IMIUSTON.Allm nny itml (jiiMiiatilliir nt I.itw,

f fit I'mi miimI llnn(.iihi I

J. M. OAT .V. CO,, MAIliM AKI1IIH,Makr a III. I',

loil.ltKllI, II I

riaK ill all ilririiiiiiina inmla inl i,.ilif. Ijr

,i. Norr tr. co..put lewa nml OmilfHa III Mlovcn, Hiinitra,

llrlalu, Hunan t l.llll.lllm lln.i.l. ( mi fcriy lllaia amiI III Mil Uaru, I'm) llml Mi'rl alllra. Iliiliiillllll, II I

I If


AND (IROCKRY.A .V'l. Ill I. Illllll fllllfl. If

.INO. II.MIIOWN.Iiiairnltir nl Wnlp.lita unit M.naui'ea,

lirl llnrrlanln Mliri'li"i llnlnta inn Im left nl 'iiii Mlnllmi flm

A. W. UIOIAUn.'ION ,'i. CO.,Miimirkiia Ahli fial at atia in

llnnla, Hliuca. I'iiiiiI.IiIiir Hi. ...It, Half. I'nia, Tnilllt,Villi.", IMf.mii-f- Ami Mnaiia, Mallham Walrlma,rinu.lritalfr, Hi , nt nor nl I'wt mnl Mi'iiimiil Ml..,Ilmiuliilii, If I I If

H. MAONIN,lniii)i'liir nml Dmilnr in Dry mul 1'nuey

(IimmIh. louln, )ilinn, V:ii.ftin. (Ifrnt I'.n.lfrii Mlnif. Nn ii I nrl HI , Ilmiuliilii

fti ijr

I., w. iioi'i,Outilnnt Miilnu', lliliiilnlni'iii', Dimlni' Iu

I'liriiltui'fl,Nn, hHKIiiK Nlirrl, halltPKii Nllliauii nnil I'mt lUl"!'.

Mrtllrt'a.i a niiiataiuly nn liiinit nr iiiihIii In nnler.

Til OH tl. TIIH1JM,liiipiirllni; ami Miiiiiil'iuiturtiii; Stittlimnr

Now A;iiiit, HiMilf lllnilur, &n.,Mr n lunl Hlrurl, ami llialfrln

rtnr Hlnlliinrry. Ilniika, Mll.lf, 'Inja ami I'nnry (limit.,I I ml Hlfrl, nrnr llhlcl, lliiiinliilii j


& IIGOTANDIiHOEMAKERNil, III I'ull til., ripint.IlD I'miiI Hlolilxa,

llnnla null Mhtna .llinlr tu Orilnr, of lli'il .lln.Iri'liiliiinil nl Iti'iiNiiuhtn I'rlrrw.

tloatn nnd Shooc nimlo for Cnnh onlya ix


M. S. OlllNHAtJM St. CO.,Importcm nml Vlnilrillo DcnlnrN In Onllo--

Mnrcilimiillin,Jlaki'r'a lll.ii'k, iii'rn Mtrfi.l y

M. S. OIIINHAUM .t CO.,I'nrwmilllu: nml CiiiiiiiiUalnit Mol'nlimita,

Ulldaliriiriiln Nl .Huii I',Hiclal liiclllllra In Anil li.irllol ir nllcnllou pnl.l Iu

U riMi.liiiititnta nl laliinil lifuilm h,

VOLOAKTOuit,vi'i;it u' or i(ii.iii:.

W. II. laKNTK, MANAGER.I'lcntjr In nil. iniialnir lire, i Irnn lipila, nml llio Imat

nllrinlaiirii un lliu lalnmlaVI. In. r. iripiirlni; nny uiinaiinl dtxplay nt vulcanic

nrllnii ulll klnilly clin .lliiiiocrr al lct ion ilnyn nuilmIn (lilt-- wenllii r, mnl front i li'vrn In thlilcm In luul

T. J. MOSSMAN,Inipnrtur unit Dnuler tit Croolmry,

I'lalnsml llmirnti'il Pnrrrlnlii, Ciilsml l'rrai.i (llo,Hllvor Plilnl Wnni, Uullrry, Uliamlallrra, Lninpa,l!lilinniya, lilt.

Klru 1'riMif miirit, r. KIiikkiiiI Ninninn Hta,, llnnnliuti.'y

A. M. HKWITT,l'ml;lit nml Ooitornl Shlpiilni; Clerk.V All iinlcr lull at II. P. Ailninn' Auction Ileum willllj liu irntnU jy 11U f mlfil In. llm

MAX KCKAR.T,Wutohmaluir, Jeweller, EiiKraver nnd

Dliimuuil Setter.Nn, B Kaalmiuanu Hired, Honolulu. All onlcra fallh.

fully rx'cnliil. !H ly


Mirlilcn ()iuulriiilo Plati'tl Wnrr, (llnnawnrc, KliiKa(toiiiblnailuii SppLlnrlca nnl l.'yr llluaaca, ltrachcta,Vaica, Iiiiatrnl Wlro Ware, nincy Hihiih, 1'lcliircI'miiii., Wnl,iiliulin'a piwkit Knlvra, Hcior, I'latola, 1'iiMiIiT, Shut nml Amiminlllon, Olnrk'a hnoolUotton,Mactilnti Oil, nil klmla of Mnclilnu Nei'illra,"Dnini'alle" I'npar I ii.liloiia, Holo Ajjent (nr Ilia nut.lcranlly ackninvlrili'i'il

Iil;lit Raniitui; Domaitlo Sowinc Mnoliiuf

"WM. MoCANDIiESS,Mo, O, liiiiiii Mrit, I'lili .llnrkrl,

I)icr In lllinlcrd Ilotf, Vrnl, Mntlon, Kluli, flc.I'.imlh' nml Hhliiiilii' llnli'ii rnrt fully iilli'nili'il lo.I.lin Stock furnUhi'il in a nl almrl liollro, nmlViyplnlili" uf nil klnil. aiipillfil liiunlrr. gl l)r

CHAS. BREWER & CO.,J7 Ullliy Nl.. Ilonloii.

AgeuU of Hawaiian racneU, Commission Agents.

Sprclnl nlti'iitlnn gtvrn to llio purcliaalui; of (loo.lifor llio llnvAullaii trmlc. l'r.Ili t at tin. luwcil rate.

M lly

C. E. WILLIAMS.Itnportoi, Manufacturer, Upholsterer,anil Ilcnlcr In l'lirnllurunf livery l)rcrllllnn. I'timl- -

turn Wurn IliHima, N't), ill Ir'url mrcct. llork Hliup atIlia 111,1 Kluiul on lloti.l Hlri'Pt.

C tr All Orilffa Promptly Atlfiulcil In. Uly

J. WILLIAMS & CO.PhotoiirnpUlo Artiste,

litiaml 1UI Korlftrrd.l'lclnrra of nil aUra nml klmla matlo In orilcr, ami

l'r.unca of nil ilracrlntlona cnn.Untly ou hnnil. Alo.Mirlla, C'orala, and Ourlo.lllc. nf lln Paclllc. il ly


nr-- Onlen can lie left nt T. 11. Tlirum'a Vort Htrralami Mrrcliaiit blrcet Slorra. M Inn



G. ENOLINQ Sc CO.,No, u Niluniiu Htrcct,

Tluamltha mill Pluintora, Dealer tn Stoves,1USC, Tin, Hlnrel Iron mnl C'uiipur W'nrf, keep runtlnuilyon liuml n full naaorlminlof Tlnnart. ( I run ami l Pipe, Imlln llubbcr Huac, itc, ic.


JOS. E. WISEMAN,Real Eitnto Broker S: EmploymeBt Bureaulti'nla llooma. Cnltnsca. Hume, nml arils and Irn.ri

Itt'sl ll.latn In all paita of lliu Kingdom. Kmploy-lilfi- il

foiintl for llione loillui; work In all the vailonaIiranclira of uiiiIiipm coiuii'Clril nun mean lainnuatlT- - N. II. I.t;al Ilocuiiientailruwn, llllla Ci.llrcloil

lloolca ami ActounU krtit, nmlcou'ralorllcsvinrktrana-ncteil- .PJlruimzeaullclleil. Cunnultilona motternlo. I. 31 I'J

a, X. caaTLC. , 11. ATIKHTON



Doalors In Conoral Morohnndiao,No. W Klnj Street, Honolulu. H.I.

AflK.NTH ronThe Union limranee Company of Ran Franclaco.Tho Ncir Kugliind Life Inaotanco Company, lloaloo.The Oirznn Pack ft Line, IThv Kohala Plautntloo,lit. Jayno.BSon'aOtlcWal-lrii- llalkn Plantation,

nl Mrololr.c. M'nllnVn PlanUllon,Whrrler.t IVIUon'iSenlnslllaraokoa PlauUllna.

.Machluea, uSMly


Importers of General MerchandiseFROM


UNITED STATES,No. WMrrcliiutSttctl, Honolulu, H.I,


WHOLESALE GUOOERS,J1S and 118 California Street,

AN r KAN IIIC,(V Particular attention paid to tiling and ihlpplug

bland ordcu. K5ly



r. t, m:ni:mam a coImporlrra nml Cnniliilaalnn Merehanla,nar . niin.iiit Hllif llonoinpi "" t I".

JOHN HtlHIiirfX.jv'i'.i'aj 1 1 r,iti-- jv'j. liyviv

.?'., ,. M, """I""' m '"' "'JT"." "L -- ""' 'I. M. IIAVIIIHON,

Attorney al law, No, 111 Manhunt MrM,mi IIDNDl.l 1,1; es

W H, OAH't'lii:,v"i"i'. ii rv ii-- V'l' riAW

ami Nnlary I'lilillr Alt. ml. a tin Cinirla nf Ilia11 llliil..ini

. !

ivii.insit At. :o.',I'lirni r of I'otl ami I nun Mint. Iloniiliiln,

I.iltnliar, I'nlnti, Olla, llalli, flail nnd llului("Ml; Mllarlall nf avnry kl;iil.

I'. ,t. Hi'll.i l,a'll( A I'O,.Imiiortorii A. CorninloBlon Mnrohnnt

HTl IIiiiiiiIiiIii llnnallan llmla j41, M. l,1itlisni;r4, ,11 . .'..

buikikon Ann IIOMLOVAIHIU IIIARIOIAN.Oltlrg t'nflii'r I'nll ami llililnnla Ml.,, Jlol.i.lulli,

Auctioneer and Cominliriloii Merr.hnnt,jm ijiuni Hlrp, lloiifTiiiln, I;i:i, iioi'i'hiii.i.i;4;i,i( a o,,

IMI'OUrKllH ANII COMM1ABI0N HKKUIIAMTItibial lliiiiiiliilu.lialiu, llj I. Ijr

A. H. I l,S,JIMllrt A ,'...iMmnmia ami inriirna in

Ciixioi.l HVTcvi'cjl,Dfl lliirner )n.n anil liaaliiiinniui Nlirrli. j

II. iiuuri.i.ii A ,.,(IKNKHAI. COMMlhhlOK AOKNTft,

9i iJiion Hlrar Honolulu, II, I. ly

a . v Tn ; n ii"".""

QROOCn AND PROVIUION DEALER.1'aiully (loii'iy nml I'rril Hloir,

JI7 Ir W I'inl HI r r itLL!!ilil! " ' 'iiI.AIftlf Ac 4'Oi,

COMMISSION MERCHANTSAmi Impiirlrr of nml lltalrnia In liny, Oialu, ami

nil ilciii'ful I'l mini ". Honolulu, II, I, ly

.niii-'- r iVA'ii.niioiihi:.IMI'OHTKU AMI) DKAIiKH IN UKNK11AI.

Ml'.KL'UANOIHK.Itn ynion Hlriel, Honolulu, II. I. ly

i. i'. i:iti.i:it.s .v. ;o..DKAI.KUS IN DUY (100118 AND (IENKHAL

MKIIOUANUISK,f Hlori, I'url l nlmna ,li 1'ollon. Ilnll.

im ly

.1. ,11. Will ITMIV. ,11. II,, , 11 S.Dontnl Hoomi on Foit Htrctt,

(Htlrn In llrcwir'a.lllotk, tornir llnlflmul I'ort alriHaHI I ly linlraiini.lloii I hllrfl,

:. 4. iiAi.t. a. r4,IHroUTEItS AND UKAIiKltH IN HAIIOWAIIK

llry (looila, I'nlnla, (Ilia mul (Iriicrnl .Mnrliai.illrr,Ml ly (Jorn.rTiirt nml llliu; Htf,

j. w. nonKriTSOpr:"co..Iiuportluic mul Mniiiil'nuturtui; Htutlonorn

Pitliltalinra, Now. Denlnr., Uonli- -iluilnr mill I'lipnr lllllora.

111 ,t lit Mcrclinnt Hlrorl. Ilonolnlii, II. L r'li 2

ii. a, v. in in l: il, n.jiiHi.a , jit0. BREWER & CO..

SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Kiy Honolulu, HrtwnlUn lalnndi. ly

nonT. LKwriin. . uai,i.i:ivi:iim a. tiotiKi:,

Nnccuraora lo l.Ewrna ,t Dionaoi,IMPORTERS & DKALKH8 IN LUMBEll

Ami nil klmla of lliill.llni..Miirlnl(,lfort Hllrrl, B' ly , lloiinllllil.

S. M. CARTEH,Auout tu tko'Ac)JioirloWniieut to" Con- -

trnot for linlior.Onicnnt P. M. H. DocW, I'.auliiinilr, llnnnliiln, II, I,

Mil It! ly


ui.NTa runIlrnnil'n (luni anil llomli Loucca,

Terry Dnvla' I'aln Killer,ihi I No. IU Queen HI.. Honolulu. ly

rill'4. II. lUVIliN.Latk Janion, (Iiikki .t Co,


ami Mtm roiiLlo)it'a nml Iho Liverpool llmlcritrltcra.nruian unu roreiKii .Muriuo iiiaurnuce voinpnuy.Anil .Niirlhern Aiirniifo C'cinimny. 0lfl,i tr


For Hi' Wtutc-- of Cnllfornlii nml ew iork. Otl'.ce atthe Hunt, of lll.liop it Co., HoiioIiiIii. ih ly

'JNO. A. HASS1NOER,Ardent to tako Acknowledgment to Con,

ti'acta fur Lalior.tiTO 3 Intirlor Office, lion liilij. ly

ii. I'.jioi.vrvui: a iinoTiiiiK,OKOOERY, FEED STORE nnd BAKERY

Oornrr KIiik nml Fort Htrreta, Ilonolnlu,fcbil ly

MRS. A. M. MEIiLIS,Fiuihlonnlile Dreti nml Cloak Maker,

1UI Port alreet, llomilulu, It. !.M ly


Cuttcri', Dry Oomla, J'nlnta nml (Mil, and UeiuralMerilmnillae,

811 No. 37 I'ort Htrcct, Honolulu, ly

cr.ACa arillcKtLa. WM.o.inniK.wn. ti. iKtvin :.,

Sugar Fuctors and Commiision AgentiHonolulu, ii.i. wo

1141 1. 1. KN CO..Ship Cbandlcji and Comtnimon Merchant.,

liuportrra nml Drnltraln Griiirnl Xcrcliandlae, (uienrt., llniiolulii. II. 1. ir



PAPER RULER,Merchant tit, near Karl, nml Ir'ori hi, near Hotel, II ono

lulu, Oalm, 11. 1.Alao, I'lihllahcrof Ihn Haftallan Almannroipl Annual

ana Hawaiian mrrctcry ann t. uiuiuar, .cThe Mrrclmnt alreit more "lhol'oit .trcetrJturo will

Mill bo Unvoted to (lineral 'rjtiact i'lnn rltallonery,Mntlonery, lll.inK Hooka, llnuk.,Aillta' Molerlar,ncwa ami iiiuuini; iicpari-nunt- a Toyi and fancy Oouda,

twl ly





flaw York,lloalon, rut l, AaickUnit,


axb tuiik anAici.a inHens Kuna.

Nyilney, andMelbourne,

And Iraniacl a Cleneral g Himueaa. bW ly


AND l)EAI.EK INStationery, Cigars, Tobacco Sec., aV

SO H . No. 1 Fort Street. ly


llarae Nhoclun;, 'wrriaif Work,rianlMlluu Mnrfalurri--, r,

8C1 Shop on King Street, neilt'aalle A Cooke'a. ly


ffMft. TRAM RKUINKH, ICOAR Ml M.J4U KallarafCoolara.lroa, Braiaanil UadCwIlafiMachinery ef Every Daserlptlon

f NaJ. la Oia.rPar'tUular attntlft paid t Ihlp'a lluiBitU

t-- JOB WORK t xccutad n lha iborttit aotka. ottt I;

PressAROII. II, 1 882.

i:i. ;. howi:,llnnan nnil Hl(ii l'illiler, I'npni lliiiinnr, An

11 HiiHrTllliiRHtrerl, Honolulu J

I'ioNiir.iinriiAMCandy Mnnufiiutnry unci Onkoryv. Koriw,rinntlnal ('onfr,tlorir, I'ailrjr OioV an1 I'aVar,NTH 71 llnlelalrael lialween Nnimnii and I'ort Ir

HoMini llti.1 nl of lliiilrnvrllrrriiA lil'.N'I'M for llm lalaiiita,

HVi y I IHI V, V lilt A ('(!

I'lillailrlpliln lloanl of lliitlrnvrllfni.Alil'.N I'M (hi Ihn HaiTNllHii lalnmla,


i'. a. h,iiiAi'.i'i:ii.AliKfUTfiMlieiiifii, llMnr'Inf llnilrrlteia,

nl I'mlarwrllere,Aitmil nl Vli una lloanl of liierHlr

Ulalioa aualnal Intiiiaiiia Compnnlea ( Hie Jiula.illrlloii of tin atiote lloanla of llliilirmlln will hateIn Im iMllfti.t in hy tliaahiita Au'Ml In make IhaiiiM"''- - h'J1 '

Iiiiiiiraiicn Notion.riiiii'. Auntfr I'oirriiic iiiuiinii i'r.kIiih .Marina Imnrniirii tlmnpiny fl.lmlleili haar o I o . ( liKlrurllii'K In lloiiiioo tin. llniin uf Inaniniiei) Imtween Honolulu ami I'orU In Ihy 1'iirtnr, au.lla noir prepareil In I'nllrliti nt llm (oh..1 talaa,with a apui-ln- leiliirilon nn fmlulii per it.auiira,

Tlllltl. II IIAVIIIM.til Ijr Acenl Itrll I'or. Mar. Iiia,0o l.lmlled

iiA.tiiiiiitiJii. iiui:.iii:SiFIRE 1N8UIIAN0K COMPANY,ruMir. iiMM'.iiMiivr.n iiavimj hkhv a v.

pointed Alp'nta of Ihe nhin (lonipany. are prepared loliiiiif IliUi nialliil dm on pil'inn nnil llrlclilllllllllllliM .11,1 .11, tl .,.!. Ml. ill.M bl..,l ll....ll. .

llm moat fnvoranln lerina I'or pniHriilara niiply at IllHomcmif r1 ly I' A MttllAKjM'.H A d(l



HiiiMtiMiiN, ,n i:iiiiiA.MiiMi:, riuirii.luanred agalntt I'lra nn Ilia

liionl fnvorahln terioa,A. JAI', Airniu forth Hawaiian lalnmla,

.h1 'i

Insurance Notice.ruwiv. i',xiii:iini;m:i ah; iiii:i'aiii'.iiI to wrlle upon .Merrhnii.llar, pr rlr'I'Claaa vmaelaliriwenii ihla and Ihn (!oat Porn, ronrlnz I""' ordaninpe, If amonnlliitf In 7 per lent, or morn, on Ihnaoiiuil value of Ihn wholn aliliiiint at port of ilellrery,ilimn fnvornliln leriua,

IIIHIIDP A Co,Aicnti of Ihn I'lrenien'a 1'iind liianrania l.'oiiijmny,

JinMiijJai,l, IHfUl hM .Im


Ol' n AN 1111 A NVIHtSit.


CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTSW.7I 1'nr tlm HmwhIIhii IalniiiiN I


H.u.t Oflloo, til) WnH St. Now York.'riinnhovn Company having ealnlillihrd an Aeeneyat

llonnliilu for the Hnunlliin lilnnda, the mnkr'lnf d lanuthorl.iMt lo accept nml nrlle Mnrlne Itl.ka nn 3rchiiudlao, Tn:uiuri'i ,'iiiuiuUI..ii. nml llulla,Blinrrenlriilia, .1 H. WAI.KKIt,

H77 ly Agent loo the Hawaiian I. lamia

Rhnnlnh Wootihnllnn LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,

Ol' H. OI,AniIA'll. Itlioiilili friiaalra.

Aachon and Leipzig Insuranoo Co,,I.lmlKd,

oi aai:iii:x.!!,. IHN I'lHl I'AtlTRIUI.AItAI.I. iitlneil hy Onoda arriving here, ami

In llm iil)oro,Joiiiiuiil'!, lnvn to ho made withHiniDKnlancn of ttiidccrllfled lo hy the underalneil, tohe vjlt.l. A, IS. OI.ADU, Aaeiil.

fn ly

GERMAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin.

i1 o ifru N AGeneral lnsuranceCompany of Berlin.


J. havn eilnhllalKil a Oeneral Agency here, and Ihennderalgned, llcnerul AgenU, nre nnthoil7ed to lakelliilii nicnlnal flip llmiKcra of Ihfi dr nl lhe

Mnat IteiiHonnblo ItHtm, nnil on theMo! ninrnllv 'I'rriua

Bf,7 ly V. A.S0IIAKI'Kll.tCO(lenernl Agenla.



Unlimited Liability to Stockholder.AaarU tnt.'ZW.tfflItcairrvc $ r,,7.v),tyi

Income for lhTtli1'ri'mtiitna rccclvul aftir di'ilucllon of re'lu- -

aituncc SfVilprjLoaaca promptly adjualcd nnd paid here,

1 3m ItlNintl A 'o Aifenr.

FIREMAN'S FUNDInsurance Company.

A Loading Home Company.Aaaela, , ,,,,., l,2.7), Unplul, 1,0U0

Total Aaiot ,I,i00,(iuO

fpiIK FinKMAN5"KUNl INSint-- X

ANU1! COMPANY haala Ita clalma to Iho licitIiatrunage upon It. aonnd financial condlllnu, reinforced

nf capital, giving It orer a millionilollara In aaaeta; Ita ettenvlvo ayatem of Agenclea, ln

tiring It a largo premium Income, without tho necevally or heavy concentration of llnei; lla adlirinra totho Let prlnclplea and practlrea of Underwriting; byopen, fair nnd clearly expreaacd contract!, and promptand i'o,ulUblc adjualment and payment of legitimateloaaea.

for aeventcen yrnra it ha, heen farorahly known aa acnnaervatlvc underwriter, and during that lime haapaid over

1,500,000 IN LOSSES,Patting triumphantly through the heavlett conflagra-tion! anown In modern hlalory,


1.1m Honolulu, IM.


Xuaurrvnoo OouxpauyOf Iioudon anil Edinliuru.

Eatabliihed 1809.lUaonrcea of the L'oinpanj aa at 31. t December, IS-- !

Jtn'cr.inciiOiiiTAi. I'lllE FUSID

I'aidnii r ruti.ajo Hu.erie ...milfilt 13 ItUncalled I.V),uu l'reniluulta.

ere 3IT,Wi71t 10OflOOJjM Ilalanee uf

1'rtlll andIx.i AccSl'.-X- 9 2

i'l.-jji- 5 itRtrrnue rna the Year I8M.-Flr- I'reuiluma and la'l,UI3,tM9.E. lIOKFaOHLAKOKR Jt CO.,

6ni M Agaiila (ot th Hwallin laland.TUA.1


Capital nl Ilia CoDipany A !leaerrr..!tclchiniark C.roi.onolueir 10I,iV),Ul

Total.,,,,,,.,,.,. ..Itelchtmarlc nr,,a),'xC


Of IIAMKI'Kll.t'apltalof thoCompaur A I'.elclnmartS.MO.HO

' their " U.iui.uft)

Total....,, Helen. tnark U,b.,(JUO


OF WINTERTHUR.Capital of the Companj .,...,....., franca 3,000,010

IIIHK VaIlir.KlilUaIi:il,KNKBAl. AUEWTIIat the abort three coinpanlai for lb Hawaiian

Itlandt, ar prepared to laaur Uulldlnga.l'ttrnltnrt,Menhaudlaaaad Wodacr, Macblnerr, Ac. alto o jarand Hit Mlllt, and teatelt la lbs barbor, aaaln.l laot damrje br Art, on lb moat farnrabla term..8Tjr II. HACKIELU CO,


Now England Mutual Life Insurance Co.OrlMMTfirr, lllll

i n ii i ii i ii a T r. m , i a n ,

7A Otil'tt 'tire' Mutual fiiiiirinirt Oo.tnMi Uiillnl Hlnlrt,

rollelat littiad on th itoit ftral,U Tarmi,


riirtniI Annua piemliiiii (onlliiiiia 1'oll'r nyan 3ija;atl Annua pram unit ioiilnii I'olj'y I yean liijijtIt Annua lireinlilint lonllnun Polley dyeara 7i(ayaI Annua preinliiliit rnnljnun I'nlliy nyrara 11 rlay a

t. Annua prainliimi i onllliua I'ullr.y IU jctit IA tit a

AatMntta, I BJM,liOO,OOOIl.nanea I'nlil llirnilgli llniinliilii Aariiry,


im i'(lt Till'. HAWA IIA 111. Arvnr y

WILDER A CO."HoiioIiiIii, IIhwmIIiiii lalnmla, lien

ral ArmI nf llio

Wfitiial Life Insurance Complyor .m;iv viiiiii,

LnrKnat, flnfunt nnd MoatECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO


Cnnh AsuotH. over 800,000,000 I

v I'or Information rnnreriilni; lh Company, andfor itatea of Inanrann , apply o Hll.lllilt A i,,,,,"

llen'l Aidiula, nrj, i., ninroinn,i4 am

WILDER CO.Importorn and Doalorn In







Itfll-lS- ! LUMBER, t

i.t'OllPltlHIKll I





A Moit Complete Stock of


i.atkut ityi.i:h.NAILS, LOCKS,


DRY REDWOOD!Scantling; l'lank, Hurface and rotihlloanla, mirijccil ami rough ; Uallcna,Ticket!, Kuatlc, Lattice, Ulajiboard.


Paint and Whitewash Brushes,win rejiii:au,







Alil.NIZEaVOf eastern and California Mak.


low inioxiiIm M


UIUVllI, 2M Inbox, a tin- - artlcla, and alio anI moke uf Manila CUart. W) In box. Jutl receleedfrom Manila direel, and guaranteed to be Ibe icenaluearticle. Yut Sale bir

Ml .B0LI.E8 A CO.


ZKIt litter Walinnn, lo perfect order, In Barrtla.Vtr IllH M..K B

Sot 1Mb. II. B0LLC3 A CO. CI


at IVholcmle and ftm ai.k mrMirnth.-SI-


EXTRA MESS BEEF!IX HtKREUI. WitrraulaH a 4ial ArllfUir ran haw. u



iiijt. Tor Sale byI10LLES A C'O. OF Al,

Uala birtsl HOLI.KS A CO.

Billiard Table For Salt,IN I'KIIFKCT OltDKl!. STIlAlIIaK

IIJOIIKSwakai I'belan A Collaodtr catbioneaarblt bed. Vat particular anqalre at


Flear t Flaur ! FleHr !II ATE EXTBA rAMILY riAlCB,' per Kalakaaa, I'or al bjr


tM a.- -. IfJ 4&i!!ifegm!JBfctllk.. , v$piL&vsO'J ,5. --..L "fJ


I I ii in Im r, tvi

nml Tin HoofflM,

K'.p In lnv, All Klnl. nt Malarial In Aliot'Mnfiindnf

BEST WORKING IMNDSAnd art 'fiartt a r.i'la any and



LAUNDRY STOVES,H!ili nml Hrliooniirfi iinhnnwn,

" A mi)' HiuiKiiH,"eooHnr capadly Int WI Mia,

MET AJL.JSInliKt l,ad, Hlital Oftiie,. (tliiti Zlnf,

llalvanlrtd and llfack hhit Iloil. 14 In 14 tafiall'ii.a'lln I'late, If, II, IM, In.)

I.' lain I'lpa, (4 i Inthhtat Coppe, 6 ui ' ui. In aijnara ot,

lint t, and tlttniHum Holder. 7 Inman'a Mnl'i'r. I.'oppar and llfaaa Wilt,

(lalvauirt'i Walar l'M,V.IJ!,IM,-'l- lI

Klliant, Tt, Illl'lUt, U,

Plumbers'Stock --?

Walar ttt,Catl (toil and f.aad H'liMne,--'lfnarJIIM'a,fllaiCntiil'lalrililb7fWlvrf Plated and Nlckal ") ;! ni llnr,iJoriiblfiatlnn t'r, ka. for fold and fiot viaKrtllu.a t'uulln(Ouiiujer Bhor Jleada,llalli 1 il hi, Hop and Urppert,('( lion Mhlf noldarint Unppera,I'lliaand lltt'lmigt,(ialv, (.llf.olatloK llollifi, for aupplylnt; lllh alnk,

Ac, win Iml I'lpe, i 10110.

hoi si; i i itMsint; gcp;s

to ArinivinPER F. S. THOMPSON.


Oliandellers,()C TO MIX MOIITHiLibrary, Hall, llraclrl, fttodtnla' and

Htand Lamp..

Now on Hand, a Fine Aunt.

Granito Iron WareMM, I'otta ...t-lio- Iftew rant Mlllr llollere, Illtcal

Caller., Jelly Hlralwera, lo;e J.ainn, Krooi KlovtaTot lit Krla, J 11 Mniilil.. rif attorlmeriti Ilattlimit), flhoo, Yard and Mtahle llrutli.., flour and JtllyNlavea, I'orn Umom.. Hhoe Ittaeklny. floor llata, Itnjra.Clotliet Wrlnyrri. Crlnifiln Irona, naute I'ane, tlnnrdand (!li,ppln'ira and Knlret, Wire Meal('otera, Clothe. 1'lin, rltuva 1'olltb, ltM J'ant, ('akaH'lirm,

Crockery & GlasswareMiwli aa Copt and Haiieert, I'Utat, S'J to I 'Hi Inchia

n dlametrri l!ow, llakera, Poup Turaent, Veretahlallclir., llk and ('ream I'ltchera, Kwcra and Jiatlni.a'BK'tT?fWfflr.a"fSc llowli, Dollar

Carriage and Cart Material !

To Arrival lax T. H. Thoarapaon n4Curburlein,

Ptlloea, Tllma, Mpnkea, Kln.ler'a Ail... ditto halfPatent llofffrrCarrlayn lliiltt. dlltn Ijropt, flulkr ftimaand rlpoki.a.ltuxrr nliafta, H'lilffltri, r.nulla, Ac.Aito.iiorae ann iimt nnott.oiiio

01JH MOTTO- -" Winnie Hlrnence,""And o Inf-r.- to Cahl It out on tula lln."

.T. NOTT aflcOo.Wonolalo, (lept. 17th, IMl. Mir



American Bark " Ceylon,"



which us now orrtRKu ton hale

UPON EASY TERMS.Steam Coal, Cumberland Coal,

Franklin Cual iu caaka, for Karall Ua.

IIi:iiLOS12VlH: OIlLi130 degree test,

Doi?7iier Oil.Barrel fhooks.7

Chairx,Cut Nails, 3d to 10d,'

lanterns, Charcoal Ironi,Hant'a Axes, Hutu's Hntcheti,

af1 .. 1 1.4r . - l. I.

Tflr. vilru ng;n. Tm,.r..1 -- ' v r


Pick IttindloB,Ax Hand)4ai,


GROCERIES!toxairnxa or z?

Corn Starch, Tomatooi,Botton Baked Bsa (Omoio).

Greta Corn,Sautage Ileal,


LobetmIn-nc- Crackcm J

Huckin's Tomato and Mock Turtle Soup.Calrea" Head,

Ham aud Tongue,

Family SoapWhale BwU,

Mule aud Ox Carte,

Burnett's Extraots,Owina to tba Lars atcck ol rchamli In limarket, w propoara to aali UU eonaltament

At PrleaH that will NaU ear Cuteaere.t r. BUaKWXa aft cW.



Page 2: Saturday Press J. NOTT Co - University of Hawaiʻi...Jin wim n wnrni fric-m-l nml mijipnt'lur nf tlm llnwiiiinn (liivotiinmnl, nml nn njiilplil nml worthy itmn. lln wnn n brother of

0 O M Iff R It O ! A li .

II'lSlll.1 l.l MMtt II Mill I'Mfla.lrisaa fnr Ilia use has f dtilitiuail In ill eame

)itrt nntfhlfnt stale we nnle,i In nnr laai wlili srarrea fiftlen ariltal In islKie lha niiHioteny, ttt f pllnR

lh few iahafrs t)Mfi fa Mitt nitThe Kala.atia eyiitieei dfr loading Miit mil"! lael

Matiirilar for iati riaficlirfc Willi a rargn prf n fr7 "itumestie, priwliitu sslm.l at JM.tM'l The t alhailruliai nrtfly flnl.lieil fitflilti Tirltlil fur same poll,eiiirttlng In .ill to ila nf Monday Ihn H'm.

Itwlii has aim rnmi Irt a lintli al Hi" ItapUnait andi (allng In 'argii as fait at It arrises Tim V II

lllshii l,nr '.i"fl'l'il illsrliaralrigjiar (argn finmtlrenian haa mmtiinired loading fur New Yolk, to litfnllntttit ' lli Amy Turner

From Kalinliil we learn of Ihn loading and sailing ifIhe Cnnaiialn for Nan I rntirlarii, In lm fnllimed hy Iliarrt)a ft, Thnmn.mi, which will liasef'sllnne hiiosrnnlioatil hy linlay lifr.tit ailtltea from tlieta a i k Inplftffliut'inta of Ilia farlllll'a of handling freight andlomtlnif llialr parlxla

lif lha (.Unlike nti Hnndar laslwaa tarelsed fromKohalo, the flrat sliliimrnta of rtiigara nter Ilia- - llawalIan fltll'ioa I, from ha. Alar Dillon, and Hinds' Villaand r Stored In lh maikrt at a tale of Iralclil aald InI. tcrjp advinlagrmti to th irndiirrrt ami llkuljr Inaaciitn In the railroad ami sleam.r tha entire linilhisof Hint imitlnn of tlm ill.lilcl.

Tha iarnnfaili In our Hawaii notes nf lait we.k (apotllnif lh. iif l, Kahna llanrh of Mra.ia Allan A

Htatapola to Mr .la.t, Wnnilt for M,W mails itnurMHon aa In ha pika nainul, ivhlali a i InfotniailwoiiM hasa lirati a Inie Itgnre for lha alnrli alohr Thalit IK h propar, Intfallirr with ae.ttal liana under Irate,tiiittrac' tuirie IJ.cri acres, nhlrh Willi Ilia alnek ofClHl,, ,e data hraii dlaplix'il nf mi prlsnliilannt, lilll nndrralimd In ha ailtalilagi-nn- to Ihn purrliat'r. r.irelall Willi Ilia prospecta nf raplilljrrnrlianelnir valnaa In llila patllcular linn of glaringliitreta

We liase In prrpaiallnn our iianal All mill lleslaw, Inappear nail week with Ilia (,'natonl House Talilea irrmtltfiuiipletrit fnr lnl,y t'nl W I' Allan and 1,1.

.isn una n nirprii 111 liar me.emiil llila Mark, intlmi fnr Ihn mil itnlns mail. mil stir" ilia protniaaIhi rinf nml nmaalvra ilafairril,

1'okt or iiuNoiaUi.i;.A uuu I'irrirniL i

li.vnra-wjiil- l l n conni-- mMar. wl. I,k aL ,. iMk7,rtnn,n.rr'1

lakakiTTrf'CiiilanB Ahl wh hk llniinillnif lllllnw, Jniirsan, from

i rniar nnn tvi'aini'aKiiaHim l.lkallkn, from U'liidwntd I'uiliKlin liilniica linn, fri.m Kahiilnl

IV fli .Maninjkaiial, from tlaiiniiianlii7 htm hfnlanl. fnr Komi Kan nml Mna'ata

Am hk llrnry llurk, VTMlat fin I't 'I i wnaandAm hk ll'Vi'ia. .Mrlnlrri. Snilra fin NAiialmn

1r Hclir Wnlnll for I'aanhHiiMm l.nhiia, from llaoall and MnlokalHtm .Mnkiilll, ri inn KnnianHtnl Walmanlilii, fiimi Walnianahi

II -- Him U II lllihop from KauaiToloicriihil.

Il- -fi a. . Am tktna Illla, lliuwncll, from Hun I'

siHTTit.Mar, I ITaw hk Kalakana llUca, fiir Hnn Pranclaco

Am ih hk Mnli'l, Kallv. for An liehim UMlmaiiahi. for Walmanalnfell Kakiiiiliinln, fur llonalclHCh l.'alnliia. fnr llnn.ihlhcli KanlUaannll, fnr llimokaaNrh l.rahl, for llmiulptl

-- Hcli Uvn Hlurl, fnr W'nUlnnhih Mnrlnn, fmm KnkiiihiialrHun l.'liiu. fur .Maul iml Moluknlhim (' It lllahiip, for KnualFlm .laa Mnkaa, fnr Kauai

l.lkullkr, lor Imluiird I'nitaMm Kllaiim mi fur KnhnlnlHchr Nrllln Mnrrlll, for LnhalmiHrh Mmiiinknniil, fnr HnitamitnliiDeli HnlcMknla, for I'rpipkru

Wallclr, for MallLnAm h hk Mnrr Mnran, llaikrr, for Arellc

II Mtinr livnlaT.l, rur Mialara Knna ana KauHch llaunanl, for llnMiill

Vrtnaoln in Port.Am Ifrn Haillo Y (,'allrr, l.oranuAm bklnn J A rnlklnhnri;, I'mliai(Irr hk U It lllahnp. WaiirraAm Bihr Itln Hclmancr.Am bRlnr W (I Irwin, 1 ntiitrAnt llnn W II .Mnyrr. llnwaAm uk Amy 1 uriicr, NiwcllAtn hk CiildiMldi, lliilihurilAm ch Anno, Mct'iilluchAm hymn li mini; Hlur, IlrayAm hk llrvrrr. ilclntioAm Uk llcmy llurk, liatla

Vennol Exiootnd nt llnnolnln, from ForailKMPorta.

Brit hk I, ady I.ampnm, tarvtnn, Hin I'ranclrco, Uui'JUirh S"- (I lrr(ir ,t Co, A;enla.

Am arh 8ulfl, Han 1 ruiicl'co, for Kiilnilul, tlnr.March IMh

Oar hk AlulanU, Mohrmnnn, Llrorpnol, ilur March &ld,J T W'alcthouiia Autnt

Hilt hk Rirl tlnlhoiiala.,lnrla,Lnndon,TU8tMlchnrla,llila March O V Macfarhinn .t Uo, Accnla

Am hk KdHnril May, Joliiivnn, Liverpool, ilup .May Ki- -

3". (I W Miclarlani: A. Cn, .,MilAm bk I'urnrM Ahhcy, Uia.l, liualnn, due Mi; 1.0 lltcwcr i. Co, Acanta.llr hk Uxzle Hell, MolsiurU, l.Ucrpool, due April -

. S,T II Dv4f Acintflrr lik HtHfiWntinnii-r- , Krw York, duo Aptll ,

Caalle ,t Cooke, Aoiitallrll H H Ueylnu, , Yokohama, due March SS.

Dalle l Co, Acuta.(ler hit 1'arailoi, , llreman, due , II Ilackfeld

A. Co. i;tntaOcr hk Adolph, , due , II Ilackfeld A .'o. ActsAm ach I.i'o, llatrlnuton, South ticu lalauda, due,

lilllhe ,C Co, Agtnla,Am hktna Jilb, llrmtuell, Han I'ranclaco, duo March 5.

10, llrewer & Co, AmentaAm bctiin J I) riprackela, Krlaa, San 1'rani.lacn, due

II M.ncfarlanr .1 Co, Al'i ntaAm ttvrn Hva. Taut, Kurckn, due, l.cwers X Cooke,

Atrnta.Ilrlt l Kalnna, lthodca. New C.iatle, loadlnR Jnn

(I W .Mucfalane t Co, Ak'enta.Am Urn V I. Ilceheo. Krachen, I'nrt Oanible, due

March '.UK, Ilackfeld .V. Co, Agenta.Am bk lliicnn Vlau. Calhoun, Tort Humble, due Match

L1I.2. Ilackfeld .1. Co, Asenla,Am bklur. AmclU, Newhall, Toil IHnkcly, due April

Allen Vltublu.uji,A:eul.Am bk II 1.' Murray, lUicus. ban due March

hctiacfur .v Co, Aucnla.It I CI M H r.liiabeth. , unci In nil thla mouth.V .M H M Zenlandln. Cheialler, Sidney, due Match Id,

Ilackfeld A Co, Agcnla.Y M H S I lly or New York, Cobb, San Kranclrco, due

.Mntcli 18, Ilackfeld A Co. Amenta.Britbk i:cnrt, , from Nw Caitlo, N H W.loadln:

Jniath for Muliukoiu, II II It Co Amenta.

Whalorn oxpeotcil t Honolulu in nil March.ronKianiti r tiM. a, w, retinc co.

Am wh hk Abram Ilarkrr, from S I" and Cmtie,Am wli hk Sea Urease, McKeiina,lriiui b ruud Crulae,Am wj bk Arnolds, Jonea. frnai New Uedfurd ami

i Crulan,Am wh hk Uaelle, Ludlow, from New lludforil and

Crulae,Am wh bk Luutoa, Manter, from New Iledford and

Ciulac.Am Ileum wh LucrctU, , from New Iledford and

Crulae.Am ateam wh North Star, Owena, from New Iledford

and Crulae,Am wh hk Ohio, , front Now Itedford and Crude,Am wh hk Slamboul, Keenan, from Nun Iledford and

Crulae,Am wh bk imnc I'hcnlx, Mitchell, from New Dedfurd

unit Cr uli e,And thn following whatera nny tnuclt hre, vlxt

ElUa. lSuropn, Hunter, Joaephlnc, Sappho, bin ltnnccr(.nil J A lluulnnd.


Thu Ida Schiiaucr la atlll In the handa of Ihe alilpcarpenters, at Sureuaon'a wharf.

The Am bk Calbatleu Is at Allen A Itohlnron'a wharf,where alm'haa been loadlu for San Francleco, forwhich pott ahe will tail to da).

Ihe bglni W (I Irwin la nt the Kanlanada loading forfiau Kraiicltcu. to idll prubabl) on lunday next.

'the Am bk lliury Duck la at the Kaplaiudedlichar);.I nc lumber lor the .Miilno ltullway.

The Qcr hk O II Illihup la at the Ktplanade loajlujnear for New Yoik, illuct.The Am hk Kovero la at the 1' M S 8 Co' dock

a cargo of coal.The following lciiela are atlll nt nurbor In the

treain ttiattln the il rival of aucart from Ihe otherlalanda, vizi badle K Caller, Am) Turnir, Anna, J Aralkliiburirnnd W II Mejer, The lat two will proba-bly hanl la on Monday to commence loading for 3an

ianclci.Tho I' M S 8 Zeoland'a will be due from the Colonies,

cu mule In flan on Monday next,itraim Allen X llnbluion are pultlnu" up n large ware-hom-

back ui their uftke, on Cliarllou w barf.Tha Am bk Ferris e Tuonipuni arnird at Kahulul on

the i tr'cb, from Nanalino, with a cargo uf coal,Thr,Conulo aatled from Kahulul on the 4lh Instant

for ban Ktar-clsc-

uuronTs.Vnrm I'url Tuiuuti.d. pir IIenr Iluck. March btli

lUckfeJtl & Cu, UuiW ft lumber, b .pur., T.Gua pickets.Krom .Nanalnui, per ISmcrc, March b I,n lone coal

tu Allen A Rubluaou," it a crulae, per March l'tn Value $lc!.

EXPORTS.For San Pianclico, per i vmare, March 3d 3TJ.&1 lbs

aufar, 1U.1W ells rugla.iei, !M bucb" banana.. Uuui.value jtv.di.u; uu. valua ssu.w.

Vot ban rrancl.LO. nei Kalakaua. March 4 TI6 IMlb. tuear. 1TJ.IIV) b ilce, VII bucha lunaua., ValueI)om.i!.l,11iVi; Value I'gu, llxMU.

PASSENGERS.Kur bau, per I'limarr. March 3 II Ktuim4f Khjcr, E bulllrau, J Folrr.Vur ban r', per Ulikaui. March llh-- Mia

Audcrson and. children, J J llluke, Wm Mrera,

"niED.LANt-- At Mikao, Koolauloa, Oahn, Match Stb, INS.',

of alow farrr. occasioned bj a fall from hla horio auuie(lire weeks ago, Wiuum Cibit Uht, setend sou ufMr. W V I.ane, s,edslyisn,4 months sudada)..

AUMlTAOK-AtllunoV- aa. Hawaii, March lit, IbSJ.of opbold feier, Mr. Jtama '. AsviTaut. a uatlre ufNew Zealand, sed VS) er. The deceased had nsldcdou thf.o lalauda fvr the pad leu sears, aud was unlrirsail) iv.prcled by all who knew nliu.

TturnoMO coiuinutilcntiou iauovr completedltb llccli aud Wai.tholo.

nil. ma 1 1 iiim rni.fiiI'rtbllihrd fnilha HatiMiit t'nr.aa Aai'n latmji h

Ittllll'.IlT (illtllVK f l.Hook. Joli anil (irmlal filntan,

Itonoluln II I

Mntlraa nf anf anlln( Inlaraal trapfrln on III

olhrr lalanda will ala l, Ihankfnllr r'lH fortiiiliilrallnii otr'apondania ai innraai l app'ndihalr Una namaa lo all r'nnmitiiltalliiiia. tint for pnlili-cailn-

nrraaiarll, lint aa ihiiiihim that lha wrllirl aillnf In rini'l fallli



SATL'ltDAY I'HKSS.MMtt ll n.iff--


f)nr rrinlniiwifnrjr, tlm '. 0. siiln-tllt'r-,

Inltrn r jrrillini (o aoitin illlrrflhfn of ttm Hun

rrniiflari'i t Initnirl wlirniln II In nlnloil llml," lllil Maoaty dim linen (halt Moling liln pniiilijIn ralliril Initio lint nnllvrn to llm l,a;laliilmr.,"nml naadtllnj; Mini mull n ntuU moiil la iiiilrti",nml llml It In nlan imlriin llml nny rnrn nhii;-iililni- n

linn Intcly liprii ilnvnlnilni; Iiito ; Hintnil aiirli ffnlliiR If ll nxlnt wnn III lirilil' illitlii

rianll of mi clfurt mi llm mil of Klu

fnrt'l;n Mlnlnlnm toinln lo llm IJnIlcil

Htnti'H n piirllon nf Ilitwnilim Irrrllnry. An

un li ii vt; iinncrlcd li'ifoto, nil nliannin nf

n frnllnt: ill Ifiinl, In In mi ivtati to lionltriliilli'ilIn tlm nlfnrln of our (oiilninioiiiry j Imt In tlm

i;nnil MPiinii of nmili of our linlivn iolltkluiin nn

Imvd arrii fit In Innk rlanwlirm In lilin fnr

gillilnni'n III it inntliir Unit no liirfjul.v t:nin.inintlm iillitnnln wrlfntft of lliln cnuntrv, Hn fnrnn tliM nun prcjuillcu ilm-- cxlnl, It In In nnwuy Hint n urn iiwnrit of Mltlclilnrly uiii-liiic- il

to Amnrlrntia, Iml in hIiiiiciI In rc'iuil Innil fornilJiiTn ; ninl nucli n furl wnlllil ncnrrr-l-

ni'fin lo ihjwWfifjrrV-jijiYi- 1

. t - i . it a . . -

torrilory lo Anifriru, nml uniy iipmlly nn wi'll

linvc linil Ha nrllln In nllitr pnliliuul trnlililun

oi;'iirrlii; "l n ilittn lint fnr illatnnt thcrof ruin.Hill, liowoTnr lliln limy lir, ntul liownvnr far

l nnrli u feolini; limy Imvfl fjnlni;il nn nnci'iiilmicy

in tlm mitlvo iiiltnl, wn fcol naniirril llml ilnli; h

PiiconrAKcil III IiIkIi plnron, nml iinli!nn fnrcviirliuliC liliirio I nut liy ntiinip orntnrii nml wiiiilil-I- n-

iltiiiiipnjiiii'n, o ncril four no iriictfculllml iimy oiheru'lnp, nml liy iin

ri'ilcriilloti, Iin ('iiKi'inliTcil. It in imillcrnflinwavnr, llml tlm rntiiliict nf cur tain

ciiiiilliliiti-- !io pill tlirinnclvrn fiiMvuril withiinHurliniiH I lint I In'' ucin Hiiii'irti.'il liy Itoyulfnnr, nlmulil li.tvu nlliuluil in no milil I.iiiijiiiiko

lo llm niilii;ntiintiu iiilliii'iici) of fnivincin in

Ucnoriil tlmt ono nucli nlioulil Inivu uililieBMCil

liimnulf to liin I'utiHlitiit'iilH to lliu InllnwliiI'lfvct: 'I'lint Illn .Miiji'nty linil cxprcnntil InIiim liia regret nt linvinjj br cn iitivintt'tl frmn

lining iiinro fm liin linlivn nulijccln tlnin li.ullie I'll ilnnc, liy tin) powuiful inlliiciiccH llml(onJiiurrt linil ixL-rtci-l in lliu polilicn of tlio

connlry, tliul nnotlior nlmulil liivo impii-tli'iill- y,

in nn out ilinlrict of tliix Inbuilt,bin nupport by Itnynlty, nml li.ivn

i'm ti,tn lliu rnincliiovoiln unrk tluit liriH

liecii- - ilniic liy foroiguum in iiiitiiiiiiiani to llm

tilio inlcrrntH of lluwiiii tici, uml in nnp.implilel iknucil nt tliu recent oluc-lioi- in

by l.iliknliiiii mid ollicrn of bin licliiil, in-

cluding lliu iiuiiio of V. .M.Uibiion, llicgioiuiil,tlioii(,li iiKiio funriltilly tuki'ii lliuii in hiiiiiuother iiiHtiiuccn, in ulill in piinciplu the n.imu,llint IIiiwniiuiiH bnvtt not been crpmlly until,nod llmt thtiy linvc political (iliilifiunliui stuil

riglilK which hitvu not yet been fully cxorclacil.I'uiluipH il nmy mil liu nut of pl.ico just hero

to ntnto tluit thin circulnr to tlm cIcclorH ofIIouoliilii in biinleiivd with proof of the

ailvntiliirjeii to bo Ruined by incurringTen Million limn, uml ntmi of the necessity ofnllowiiig n.ilivuH tho freo line of rum ; and,with lliu excvpliun of :m advocacy of cort.iinmilitary iiuuioviivcrn in thu wiiy of fortreiiHinakini; in Huiidry nbHiiril pl.icen, mid it fewother iilcim nbout an tender, in in ronlity but ucotiiitoip.irt of tho now lluupililluker Mitniislo. Now it in nimi.iiif; to bcothu consiMleiicy between tho coiiduet of Mr.Gibson in condciniiiuK tho lunu ofHu.ipili llnkor and thou giving bin cndorHo-uict- it

to that of Idliknlnui and Lnhiluhi; howbin nuino wnn recorded in 1660 nuiong thelioca upon the question of u pealing tho liipiorlaw, and how bo believed frco ruin tobo good for the native, lint tho history ofthiii llouorablo Member is made of contrail

nnd tbiri is but ono among tho ninny ;

Mill if bo would now attempt to alter the yi'ouhof tho Chronidi in regard to tho alleged " thcro him been developing an antago-nism " ol raccn, perhaps It wouhl bo proper to

conform tho ullei.iiiceti of bin nativo nowd-pnp- er

therewith, an from its previous tnuo on

inoio occasioiiH ihmt ouo iuferonccB such iih

may have actuated tho Chronich's statementsmight have been drawn.


It ncetiiH to nn that II. o community is lack-

ing in a very important clement. Wo are nothard-worke- on tho contraiy, wo aro easy-going, AVo submit to nearly everything anuasita' as fatalists rcnign tliemtiolvcH tu theiiiovitable. When wo do work, wo do notwork together. Hero all effort is liko au iinpulne,

Publio spirit is the main-sprin- g of nationallife; it is lion hero nioro necessary than in anisolated community, and tho want of it is con-

sequently now hcio so evident. Public spiritkm! u judicious policy, without which it can-

not exist, would lutvu lelained the patronageof the whaling llect, even ugninsl tho oddswhich San Francisco oilers. Il would havelogubitcd thu suiiutary uiulitioii of tho city inso.ihoii to avoid, in n great tnoistiie, ti o penti-Iciic- es

that havo visited tu so gricvouslv ; itwould hnvo utilized tho plans long years agoand niudo lines of street-car- s ptacticublo andprolitublu tu patrons nml proprietors. It woulddiscountenance thu tendency exorbitant pricesthat might provnil ill any department of bus!nets. It would have uutictpnted Iho luanocu-ve- is

of .Uuimo a ml prevented Ilia disgracefulepisode that for n moment filled disinterestedspectators with laughter or disgust auditwould have enlightened the world upon a sub-

ject that bus been no viloly misrepresented bytho S, p. CViixmicAi and kindred journals thatwe fear it is now too lato to disabuse tho pub-

lic mind of tho horror that possesses it.Situated us wo nio in n, Uoond tho

repch of tho telegraphic whisper which, whileit " puis a girdls round Ihe earth in fortyinimilcV' lias Icll u out ill the cold, wo mustdepend almost entirely upon ourselves fortlieao iHversioim so necessary to health andhappiness. Heading clubs, moonlight nights atIho bench, boating, riding, driving, lawn-tenu-


mid cricket, and tho Alblvlio aroall well enough, but they ate not till sufficient.There must bo u rckvat to which lliu public usa public, is admitted; a bouse of entertain-ment worthy of tha numt, whose succsss ih'alluol b tiidaiigeitd by ft inlsuomor ; a theatrethat shall not bo called a music hall why

should It bo' 'Iho Iheatri' hemme tho bom r,f

lbs drnrna nml of the very ilrnmi that wnn

riolirlalml In thn bosom of the church. Wlmtnnjn Nnnli Wrbalrri "thtnlt'- - nny room" lo tho exhibition nf nny pnrlol mancej

"before nn iiaemblyn for publio lecturef," for ntholnatio rierclscs, niintoiulcsl demori-- "

alrsllonn or nillglcnl operation", befotrj n" tlnn4, and liko purposes." Muaio Hull

for nunlli I n plnro whito rinij alls with his linton nnd drinks brer nnd listens In handy aougnpud aien duiiu'fs lllng thflr herla, 7 bin la thomusic hall nf In.iluyl Hnnolillil In uol bftlrir tlitin llii n at of tho world llmtalio run nlford In call her Iheiitrn tho iniinlc

Imll, wlifii II Is not iiiie, ne.ver Ins liccli un

uml ! allireiely hopi) nnvcr will Iioiiiu one.IVnplu in tha glMit world nm, nt Intervale,holding religious nervlren in Ihuittcn; milnic

hull may formerly Imvi) been a good ouoilglltiiimn for a hull devnlnl to music, but it linn

ulilortituntely beenmo naaot'lalrd with reaorlnof a very low diameter ; tho iiiimn In n

repronch uml Honolulu caimul bopo to purge Itof contempt.

Our Ibeniro owing to vnrloun reasons, haslint it MlHfi.aa; It wns publio spiritthat laid thn tornur an, tin nnd promised loniinlnlu thn etileiprinn ; but publio spirit, orralhur tho Unpuhn which wo Imvo uliove refcr-It- d

to, lun lulled to ntniid by I lie institution.Il opmeil under comparulivcly favuroblnnilaplcin ; mill, biter, tho production of I' wnn nn r.vcnt on which wo may Justly,

prhlo oilieclves; but poor JIMimgcTucil'f 'nml(ho IndilTi'rcifCTi lit-ll- u; "publio following the'"I'JiJilliio ul bint spring li tvo almoat nenleil tho

'Inlo of tho hoiinn, lunliiiid of growing out nf

debt, it bun grown into it.Tin) gentle mui who showed publio spirit

onoiigh to Nlibscribo towaids iho coiistriictiouof llm biiililing arc ihn sorry rlurrhohlcrs nfnlotk llml bus never puid, and which is

wanting ill thn clutches ol a mortgage that hasgrown iiiuuslroiisly, Tliemi shureholderH donot bcgriidgo the money ihoy put into thuhandaomo little theatre, nnd limy iiloi.o urnwoithy lo bo culleil public npirilcd, but ihoynlioulil not bo niitluivil to loao by il; an elfnrtin being niudo in uwukvii a now iult-rea- l in

lliln lemplo ol tin) munen, Ilniiolillu has thoopportunity of redeeming her reputation. We.

trust for thu honor of a city w bono t licit ricnl bin-tin-

ban been brilliant; whoso niidicuicn havelinieued to Kale Hayes, Mtidumo Anna Ilinhop,lima de Murnku, fiiguor uml Mndiiliio Ilian-ih- i,

Muibimo Ag.ilh.i Stulea, Aniiia .Montague,(Jli.irlcs Turner, .Stephen Manuel!, Ketlcrr, ntul

the OurnditiiH in opera nod concert; and toIMviiu liootli, (,'harlfs Malthcws, WitherMtuilgomriy, llaudiiiuuii, lln) Willlauisoun, thoZ iviitounkiu, and Marie Durol in drama, lo h iynothing of a boat of iiiinccilaueoun cutertairi-uiflii- ls

that tho now Ibcutro m:.y soon enterupon a carcur worthy of tho capital of thokingdom.

'IheioiH no reason why wo nlioulil not bo

visited by lliu slum llmt aro Loiislnutly nboot-in- j;

belweou tho Colouicn ami tho Coant andvisited with profit to each. Wlitu iho pit oftlto llicatio in (loured over it will bo admirablyadapted in promenade conccrla aud bills amito exponitious, the most notable of which nowon iho lnjiin is thu ptoposedArt Ijoati Kxhibiliou;and wu bopo noon lo bo ablo In congratulate,iho gentlemen who aro at present seeking to

h.ivo the only theatre in tho Pacific fromfoundering, as it is now fuitiiduriug, utulorfalse culurs, in a dead culm.


" It is an old game," Hays, tho San Francisco Chronicle of 1'eb. IGlli, "ibin of attempting to decoivo the people by corrupting the

newsiapor corrcspomlentH at Washington. It, ,

on v Hiiccceds in rare iiistanccs. lor most ol

tho gentlemen roprescutiiip; largo paicr8 attl.o cauilal aro iiorfcctly trustwi rtliy andunapproachable. Il is a safe proposition to

make that a correspondent who takes up thecitdgola for the sue;ar monopoly, or any otheriniquity baing a largo lobby nt work in

Washington, does not belong to the latterclass."

It til nn old gamo nnd ono that has beenboldly played in tho Chronicle ofTieo eversince that journal ceased to be a gratuitousadvertising sheet. And how true ills that itonly silucccds iu raro inBtancco. If tliu Chron-

icle carries the point, to which cud it is nowmoving heaven and earth it will be ouo of therare instance) nbovo lofcrrcd to.

So it seems that "must of the gentlemenrepresenting laruo papers nt tho capital uroperfectly trustworthy and unapproachable"Wc wero not awuro lhat gentlemen represent-ing largo papers iu any country under tho sunwcio otherwise; but tho Ch)Oniclt' standardvaries according lo circumstances and wewould not for worlds, seek to disabuse theirminds of the fact that thcro are gentlemen rep-

resenting largo papers nml that they are," many of them," perfectly trustworthy andunapproachab'o notwithstanding.

. When tho Chronidi sends abroad repre-

sentatives who aro untrustworthy and ap-

proachable, it merely pmcs liial they citherexhaust their collection of gentlemen in ihorepresentative at tho capital or they considerthu capital hits tho exclusive rights to thatclass of representative

It may bo lhat tlicio is a kind of gentlemanpeculiar to tho Chimuile oflicc, ono uppiuach-abl- e

under certain chcumstaiiccs, and trust-

worthy or untrustworthy uccouling to therequirements of the cuse. It may bo thai thoChronidi considers tho gentleman icpresenta-tiv- o

a luxury to which largo papers ttloiio aroemitted uud has therefore nut presumed loindulge in them; or it is only that liciealler agenllcuiuit repteseulndvo shall bo known byhis persistent assaults upon tho reciprocitytiealy, inasmuch as tho Chronidi has statedthat " it is n safe piopouiliun lo uiako lhat thu" correspondent who takes up tho cudgels fur" (ho sugar uioiiiipoly doea not" belong to tho latter claas" i". e.

" gentleman tcprescntatlve."'Iho Chronicle in it persistent misrepre-

sentations has proved itself utterly untrust-worthy; tho method of Its scandalous uesaiiltsupon tho treaty and, through thu treaty, uponall tho interest of this kingdom, in whichassaults it is locked by Eastern irfiner, cam-fe- es

it approachable. It ha telrajed itselfagain stid again and yet aain, but perhapsnever before n ingenuously ; it is iho livingaud unblushing typo of a paper not largeenough, ngr liUiul enough to employ ouo ofthoso phenomena, known in (ho Ciroiii"c office

as gentleman rcpiceiiUltei, who are, " motfof thctn, trustworthy nnd uuupproachuble."

It ha been objected to tho remark madein our last issue, advocating the adoption ofmeasures prohibiting the purchase and use of

4w r

liquor by f'li nese, I tin t Ihero nf llnliah stib-jnr- ts

airiotio; llim. If audi bh ntijocllofl couldhold good, il (night nlnu bi rslaed aa In tf tes

prohibitive Irie.iinrea now Affecting thn natives,ss there nf hrro a fe' nf Hawaiian birth whohold llrftieli pnpern of iisturBlIrstlnii. In thiinntte.r it v Niild only Ui sriiestloti of nuuib;r,nnd llinsi; .inoiig Ihu C'hlncso who hold sin hiKilnrnllralltin pipers, would bear lint ntiInalgiilflcnnt rnlio to n total of llm Chinesepopulation of Ihe. e lalituls,


Thero is aornelhfng wrong, something radl-rall- y

wrong, In tho Clitonhh (.fficn, nnd Ihnprirtnutfnua multilines nnd rumblings thatreoch us from nfnr tlirenlen thn bre.akfug outof a nlorni In another ipnrler. Tho (IhronUl'UItching palm nerds greasing; Hit) inachllieiyI'liist bo lubiienled for (ho jmirrml is gellingwitrm ; llm rxelntpirr Is nvideuily "down in(aaon'for nil goes " merry nan inarilngnboll " when llm clinking sound ol the dollnr la

heard In Iho sanctum. It tins soured on lie

pR(, tho Hnsterri sugar refiners. It liillmati--a

that lis nlfveiliinn aro becoming entrsiigcd.I'orhnps they havo shown Ihemnelvcs uugrHle-- fii I uml refuacd lo (.onlrihule to thn good work

ns liberally ns tho Chrunld' would wish.Hoiiietiiiug In wrong, at uny rnl, fnr thn ri.tor In ono of Ids recent editoiial says : "Wodo not ticfAT ulul never did think Ihe Hnalcrurel'uicrs a whit belter or less selfish than thu

Pacific tosil motiopoly. Thoy arocorpornlionswiio ulfii to do Ihn l'it for llii.i'i Rlbckliol'Iem,and huvo as litllijrgnrd fur the rights of llm

peoplo aa the rullroasl corporations, " This is

a niueo to tho Kuatum refiners, Unliaa(heir domilioii lo (be antl-trcia- ly fund l forlh-comln- g,

thn Cliraultli will iiuhotllo iho vljlsnfilswrilh and deluge ibeui with mud. Inthin canu it is not improbiblu that it will whiparound nml hmd thn llcaty, (In: Hawaiianplanters and our alleged nine tyiltnt to lint

nKlen; but wn earnestly hope thin is not in

sloru for us lis breath blasts every obji-c- l

upon which il falls. Its praino is censure ami

its rename praise. Wu trust that wu may bo

allowed to pursue tho even tenor of our wiiywithout a friendly push backward from the.San I'ralicisco (Jhruntdi.

Wr. hasten to acknowledge un error madeby wn ill our issue of last .Saturday in dialing(hat a bill introduced by ihn Hon A. H, Uleg-hor- n

at tlm lust session of the legislatureprohibiting the sale of liipior lo Chinese,was finally p.i'ned in tho House. We alsoh.istiii lo thank tliu Unfile for iho very frankway it has taken to remind ils leaders of tliu

I'iihhi' error in the matter, nnd Ihu vry htcn.min inferences it bun drawn, as to tho care-lessness of our observation of events. Jlut wewould much prefer to acknowledge our ownerrors, rather than laying them to tho chaigoof innocent compositors, an has too oltcti been(he practice of certain other joiiruilists of (lie

pl.ico, whero (here wns prima facia evidence(hat tho mislako had originated in (ho sanc-

tum, and not at th" case.

Thinga Wise and Otherwise.

A list of liettermout i has claimed tho attentionof our lending merchants ou tliu front tins Meekhn.1 will receive ntteiitlun in our next.

A m went into n Ilouolnlu store theother day to buy a thtrmoriintir, but concludednot to purchase until we u.itu another hih-I-I ofcixil wcnthiir, as thoy are very liih now.

Una any one a right to dump largo piles of bottled, broktm and tilt cans on tliesiilewnlkandIn tlio xtreet nf ouo of odr bai'ist tlioroitbfareswhen there is it convenient alley near by ?

Tlm O'lreffaKiys trffcV' complaint is rande oftho nl).cnco of nn Idea " in Judco l'ornander'sbook. 'I his certainly is n caso of " inexcusableremitfnesa" in the proof reader, for tho writer no

doubt intended to Hay Index, instead of ultii. Andi ngtin, it it hard to bclievo lhat ColcrldKo wrote

nuui ,Fum.u,u 1111311 ns uui k.iuuiiuilUI,IIJ Mrrrii, ,,, i,i, i,i iii mt h.i."..I ..... ....- .u

Our thanks aro due tho police for removingfrom oar eisht numbers of manj?y cum who havolong been an cjefcoro lo tho public. Wo hope thegood work will not coiao until every doa-gon- onois a gone dojj. We would safest in this connec-tion tluit the periodicil slaughter bo made

due rare beinu taken that only thedogs bo impounded.

We notice the laborious effort of the writer of" I'ollytix " papcra in tho Gazelle to establish apjstom of spelling that would put Josh, llillinesto thu blush. We most emphatically object lo tlmmurdoring of tho (Jneen's English. The hits onelections, ten million luan, our nrmy nnd navy,though good, wo tiolioTO cm Ixj made jnst asstrong and ruore acceptable nithoat tho disguise.If the writer wants a change let htm be progress-iv-

aud givu us" lonetii."

Wailuku Correspondence.

KDrron 1'jiems: Tho King arrived early onTuesday morning and received a hearty welcome,from tiativoa aud forelguers. The people of U'ni-knp- u

and Wailukn e ich gato His Majesty two re-

ceptions last week. The grand invitation ballcame off on Friday niht. Thn decorations, rauicnml refreshments left nothing to bo desired. Theladies deseno credit for thu actho part they took.The King and others addressed the jwoploon Wed-nesday night. 'Ihe baud wan kept Lnsy dpring lisstay here, and It is missed very much since its de-

parture. The street decorations are still up buteverything is (inlet, although the King is with us.

Legitimate Fruits of the "License System."The l'.tll Mall Cuzillt styB last year out of some.

30,003 tersous apprehended for drunkenness inLondon, nearly 14,000 were women. "

Thero are iu Encland and Wales 10.COO womenubonreciasjtnl.tshabituiitdrnnkard'i. The num-ber of men in thn saraa category is2,S7S.

Cart there bo n doubt that fill a jn olnbllion lair,the nbutelrightfiil state of facts would be.ivoidid tWhat tho best intcrcnta nf this Kingdom requiresis, not r.u enlnrged license system, bu t a v, d

pruhihitioti of tho importation, manufac-ture or sain of all intoxicants, ns a bevorage. Isnot this the only sate ground for nil honest

of this nation tu suud npou 1

Juwiii'a Fcicid.i . .a"' as .Report of tUo Quoou'a Hospital

Honolulu, l'eb. stb, 1SS2.To tin Tru$ltf of l)it (junn't Jlotpilal ;

I hnve. the honor to submit thefollowinu reiiort fur th'o quarter tudiug Februaryt!Slh, lc2. Ihe total number of patient nt pre-sent in the isU), viz.: 4U Uanaiians. 21males, IKi females, and U foreigners, 12 payingpaticutM.

'Ihe number of admissions during tho quarterwaa'JI, iz.; Slllauaiians.V'linalesltfemales.stid(X) foreigners. Discharged daring the quarter 1U2,viz. i lit llawniiaus. 27 mains, 7 feiualoa, and OS

Death during tho quarter It, all foreiguers. 'the cium.- - ot iU nth were as follows:ferer 2. cunsumptiuu 2, of thu heart 2, dis-ease of bladder 1, dincaMi of liver 1, gangrene 1,paralysis 1, cancer of stomach 1.

Iliiihrst number nt Indoor patient was 91 ; lovr.eit CO, daily average TA-- Number of pieecriptious4.US7. The number of patients trvntetl in theHospital daring ttieqa.irler was aa follows i

Mil, 110; January leS. 103: Februarylo(-M-

Calls at the disinaary 33. New names enterediu duinusary boutts W.

ltestiectfully submitted,llosctiT McKibus, . 1).

Tug missing boatVcrew of thn steam-whale- r

.Yin th Star of which meutiou was made last weekhis ltii heard of. They fastened ou to a whaleand soccecdoU in killing it, but darkness comingon nnd tha vefecl not bein in sight, they madefor Alolokni, nnd effected a landina on the winu-wn-

side, but atovrf th boat in doina so. Theylanded nt Kalankai, nn uninhabited district, andniter wandering about, throo of them reached Mr.It. W. Mejer' A party went back for ththroo others, but up to the latest advices they hadnot lMti found. If th turn hate not fallen inwith th native or other they may h&v hid toundergo great suffering befuro being reacued,owiug to th barreu) of the-- part of Molokaivbcra they landed.

IheJI'ij. ,t Pi, I , t of ' ' Y M f A .i RvKitr m iAr'viiiyofrrt flirittr hunh aj'i'.ni t comBi'ii-ln- i at I ti



lr A .JAI'A.VIIBI-- A HITIJATMSI t t,i rk In a re.iant. lit m tvtltalef.izillv I ri'j a I (

at lha KAIIllt'H IIOMr! "H"MI83 CLENCH.

AliAKliA H'PHI'J'r, IHWiitjVIiV.MtDir l.r.MKOJIli AM t SB Ol I'lA'1 f

1'iaeli.a T'rma In adisri" t l'r nali , (I prrn mi

IfT III. I', II I. II Ml SMI IHMIJ qi'iri:lllli .'f I, roil a,lll'lrai a """


'i'm: r.viMr.iiMK;vi;i iicHiunJ fen.,U thi to whom br la Inil btaif. noil alt'i

Iho.n who air In'l'hl"! lo talm. In t.friet tul atilIhi-l- r arrimfta wlihli lh :xTTfllttrv IMVh..Uhi. linntlim In last ihe Kiritilom nlcml tfcr in nf,t prill,-- H MA'IKI!".

llDholaln. MsrahM. IW. It

"notice,i.v tim: matpki: or tiik vm- -1 late nf John Ytar lb IVohalent.i,. i, f .,.l,y Kl.. n to - t ' "f 'Mf-M- tolfcr

IJ.iala ul aalil John fiai.r il"-a.'- lhat ln.m"1llI eminent will If 'r,ird of .n.r Ari'l a. I .i'i Uiwh. m aald aute . Ii,rel,te) air bar- by not.rJ.i) lo preent lie Ir riaii.ia with (he pir rer igodnr.. wiihin iwo

In'rrlha of Cie llf llil"if It I'.er will l, fi'C bar. JOII-- i liWA. Artmlrililralwllonoluln llairh lllli n-- t Ht

icw Vork iV HonoluluPACKET LINE !

trr 3lr.rn . 1 1. I IIOfaH l A ltltr'.,itffa ,"1 iHapsUli anMlcf l! tf.ail ifrniLA1. ;i, Ytnk lo ll'li'l'ilii illrett Ih lait of May

or (If of JuneHhlnneri by Ihla faairtlte line villi An f In .'!

iirrti-f- a lir llila rnnil t'ibfte aafiis alii manufsrlMirrallm- - lo til IhelMinlrif ami (;! Ihun un XnitiA In kw--as.oil fr fielrlii. al leillnro rale. -- V

LAMf.K A CUOKK.VI Iin llimnlsln Aaenli.

.Mai-rtliitl'- Hull; hy Am) Ion.pv viim:n or a wiMTornxi:- -I ) rullon l.ii'il ml if Ihe Cntir n.- - Cusit nn Ih" TA

ilay nf April A II 111. In lat'.f nf Ahmi, I'lalnllfr,alli-- l Kauwa. Ik.) am) Irmanat (a. I 'l'll;'lnl..

fur Ilia .inn of Jifl1! '0, aa par Jnijarnant raiMleitd nnIhe I'Jlhilaynf Se , A I) Ifal. I hsra IrtM ntmriari'l "hill Mjioia for ml- - to lha fiithett hliHer,nil tha rah day if Airll, A Ii. I. si IS St., at l,

Ifiiii'iintii llahu. nil the ilyl.t till" ari'l Inlrr.l nfIlia .am nanwa k aii'i HiKimaiis. k. manii in ina im- -

iiilnileiilh'-- I ii". illy, Ki lli I Ww-1- '" Ifon.e fitVt. hulltthriiuehiinlnf tilaurJ himfil.: al.'ilba utttMDittilani nf laa.e r.f lani) nn which lal'l lion.ala allbal'd.

.ay twiyeara. aullahla fnr enltltntleii nf rl.e i,r larn,nnnr In rice I K liana de.rriiled to Knniaii fiuui f,uhrntlier. Manel". It) j t alimo. Kixilanlua.Oiihiii,aillti'llest'il hy tl,a I'miafr (Vmil heln tiilaana Jio,rrfr, a acre. All Illte Land I'nleas lha aM ajaru-lin-

my rnrta iml ond other expense .ati.nad

lluunliilii. Pah swili. ft.7JU W O. I'AIIKK. Msrsbsl.

OEO. KTKATEMKYEItFrnctlcnl Pulriter, Dncorrijor, Olldrr,

Grittnor mid Lettornr, "Walltiku, Mnnt., pir .

NOTIGK.rwMir. jni:i:i.-n.a-f r tmkkii- -

1 IIAIA HtJriAlt CO., will d at ll.' oftha i t i - i .are (7a.tle V r noka. mi MarthSEI.l.M' J. II AlilKIt'lO.S. hety.

Iliiniilaln, larch aid.Z-- J )rt


riiiiiu ii;vi'!.m: Aitrii'i.i srit.ti.M:riM. etc . In perrctt outer Ju.t roxlred per

" ilAllY A: SUSAN."f7 Yot hale byWl eb5S, V IIOI.LKH A CO.



Railways !15 ft, lengths; 14 lbs. to the yard.

Jut received par"Ilokpof Abercorn,from I.lverI.

OT-Ap- to V. I,. fJUKG.V, or. V.; JIACI'.MILASK U Co.

71-- BJi-t- f A'.'cnt. for Jno. Kotrler & Co.


TTAVIXG TKSTKW TIIK KVYUIcncY of - Hallldrft i'atent Wife J!otrr" for

carrrlu Btisar cne I Lire fiutch ttom Mt, A H,Halildl" the rxclueWft riLl uf raid I'llmt for (heHawaiian IUiiil( and Uvtcuj glr notice tbat I amptrptted t tuttiifii matriial vt contract o crectlturaof any dttlrctl kuglii or capaclljr.

i'jri;c intvrrii-- in ihf mu'WTi&xiozj ri aojarCaiw, Pugai KnM or MiTchandlt ejrclaI1 overbroken and dlfMcntt -- roun1nrr Ir.titrd 10 injct thell norkliiix ui'On My pUntatloa at Kral.a, or thepriirtlc of tbc tatnf ou ricvi t lbcofl;cof Wtn. ( Irwin ic Cn., il'juolulfi. Anjr litfornifctlon kHI bechcerfullr phen by the undcrli;ii?tt 01 J. M.Tltompton. care Mrr. Irwin L Co. mLu ulll vlItloiilit.r) nhrr lliu." mar be doired, aud make pro-fl-

and etllmalc for the aatne.Wl 74 Z. H. SPALUISG.





No. 102 and 101 Fort bt.Will continue the baalne.s at the old slaml. Hy

KK' S and eupliyln I'lUIT.CI. tss All'! isrv.we.baltcuileatufto malnlatn tbeprealise nf tbe ii'd and poimlsr (iallery. mud to merit aliberal pair maze by fair dealing and .aperiur Work.

Special Attention Given to Children.We are prepared to do all Linda of large Work from

MlmUtme to Life blze, either In

Water Colors, Crayon, India Ink, orOil. riiotos.Uoloretl, Vc, kc.

The only Oallery In Ilonolnla which has a completeUnlleUlun of IS I. iMI i tilt la. In addition to thoseparcha'td of Mr. Dickson, arc bare the entile collec-tion of Views and I'uttiall Kejrallvee made by llr.Chase, thus cnabllu; us to offer tbe created variety InYlti, compile Ins

Pictursque, Town,Plantation and

Lava Flow View,Also, a supply nf Hiwsllan aud booth Island

cnrioaltles, terns, shell., ic, A.c ie.A fine tcck nf I'ramei, Mais, and rasiepartoats

constantly on band.A lady will be in constant attendance

Chorees Reasonable and SatisfactionGuaranteed.

fJT Hire ns a Call.

J. Williams Co.810 7 I'rotiMHura.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.rnur. undkksioxkd iiavjxoX beenilnly appointed Adulnlstratorof tho K.lalnof

W. A, Maikbam, deceased, late of Honolulu, Oann. II.I., ncrcDy nonnea all pr.ona inueoieq lo sata ri.ute tomake Immediate tuyiuent; and all parties batfojaaycnims azainaraain waeiner .ecorcu nymor:

ntbrrwlse ate to,,t or 1'ivriut tut r m iu aj

wllhin all moniha fnia data nr iher will be foreterbaricd. .U.r. J. CWKTWUIUilT, Adiuln'ir.

llonnlaln. March llh. Ita.'.

Foreclosure of Mortgage.

TIIi: OIVKS XO- -J. that ha Intends to foreclos a certain morl-a- ce

byjt. Kuaea ton u. Iinrrons, dated .March UHb,flsenrevorded in Liber Ul, folio SIS, to .rente paymentof a note for $717,711, for breach of conilltlou thereof, lo

!li of Interest aapiottdrd by said note;and afler due adrrrllicmint. as provided by law, hewill sell at public anctlon Ibc pniperljr described laaald mortgage. lxt tbat new woodru dwellta hosewith appmteiiaueee. sllealej on Ihe tntkal shlo ofbchool street, near tbt atreara, la llunwlnln. staBdipj;ou land sf aalil M Kuaea. and now occupied hy hlu.

A. J.CAUTlVHtUHTTTK Adailnlslralor Eitatc S I) Bnitows. MiNci.r atHainci Kaa, llanall. as rrortslon Merchant,

ami General Coui&ilnlon .tscnl and llealcr is DryGood., Uatdwsre. Jlc I re.pectrslly solicit a .hare olpublic pauoitaje. I'. II. A. MAhljL'EZ.


Mr. t'ii.iiti.r.s ur.vsi.i:ii. isr.Hint Von Uulow will be glad lo play CI..Iral

Mnslcat eeealnspanifaoii moderate I erme. lasonsrisen In llanuforie plijln; pet leatoo, llwithlahalf a utile of th l'o.t ufflce. bajm.,1 ttAt jt.IV,

loft al UKULb" Music bt"ri will boproinptliattend'-i- l Im 71 baa 8n

Engine For Sale.1 Xr.Vs" VOWKIt NItilNL", la pcrrect order, I or Kau by

'J if C IllltlVKIl CO.

Dissolution of Copartneiibip.KTOTICElSlinilKllYClVKNTHAT1 J. U, Ijmlxrt, of ihe nn ol Lambert A C- o- ofKotta KcbaJs. Hawaii, tat dl.po.ed of hla lottir.t lathe same and retired fioiu the (rns, Batin: January list,IbSi. Tfce bn.lne.a will tx coatlnied by tee ndtr-tlirne-J,

h assiuaes all liabilities ol lha lata tim, endcollects ill out.taailoe accoouu.

7a Iu C1IAS. L. UOl'KI.NS.

MRS. THOMAS LACK,No. Tt) Tart St.. Honolulu.


Bowing IVlMchinuB, and CenulneParts, Attachments, Oil

nnd AccoiiBorlos.Aonn'r" joji 'mtm

VhlU, New Horn?,Dark, Crown, Howe, and

Florence MrKhlnw,

Howard' Machine llttitt,all klndi & iJz'.i

Cortical!! SIIV,

(n nil color;(jMitK.s' .Miiii: i:.m).maciiixi: corro.t.


Manama. Ian..t'a flailahla (at I'ar I'all'rni.and l'slil'llv' llnl'r In

fiir.... Jlitils Oust. d flpottlnKM'aali,Vlt. I'lHxi't laii. A Mtnllr. ClflfMr...


bit My nta-kn-f l'(a .if I.,..Jm Tahvei Ac,xlllha.oid at I (INI I'lili m


Fort StrcotAS

MEBCHAHT ST. STORESha l,a.B le'-lr- mlb.f aMIIIoa tibia

Full Stock Of

Stationery andBlank Books,

F.X HTMIl. AL'rtTKAt.IA Alio, s fall .ttli orui.Mii A,iioiiri:i

Vegetable andFlower Garden Secda !

Base Ball Goods, etc., etc.,lu "hl'li the itlnilliMi of tba jeMI'

. ra.raatfny InTllrd.Ord'ra from lb olfja, l.l.,,). ftlthfuliy altesdad Vi.


CHoIcoFruit &Ornamental Trees,

Shrubs, etc.'Mir. i:tin:iiM;.;i;iiiii'ri;itm run rssn" Intn.iitlila. in ill. a I'li'.Iea Ixt of Tre. andrlinl. "! In pi"in. slid If 'larlr I. will ti rutall tmrehi.ta whan jumti'U are trapaiad Xnn'UrtrrnltTrea,. la, Appla Aprlrl, :h'rriri. I'carhe.,rears, riora.. ri?. noice rmlt. elf rirspal lne, lrwiarry I'lanl'. Currant. I!)aaltlarry. IUp-la-t-

mi llmimci.ul Tifi an-- l Hbrnlx.Tin liinar-- r I'lnaa fyprr... A'birrlt. iVpljr. Ks.l.ani Y.lHf r'irk Kin. t'boiea Flwarnj I'lantssCmIIIi. IIi.a MM. Iln.a, PrlMrme Ilelh. ate

Orders from Ihiolbar fallbfslly allraded to,Kor partfcnlars. apply In

J mix it, tsirtriiitTii.TH let Vn, 8 Kolnl llonololn.

Homes iliido Coinfurlable !!

The Rcatlcm will Obscrvo that"VICKEfiY'S FIRESIDE VISITOR,"

TTS, i:'KX IM ITri ITA'CVas yai, .otta-'ja- rl m tha lead nT all other Tiaiorlalil'iutbly I'apar. In the Klnjdnn. lis ptr;ea are foil oflula.-.ll-na and Imtroelire .lories for h"lh Jimiir andold and the TWO IlKAL'Tim 1.AIJI1K .Y.Chrncio. Isan aar with lha at.t nurn bar ., suitabletiad'irn lha mot ela7ant tiail,,..

i:o Karh tkacrllier fur HI OS reetes a ofC1II101IOS srlth the flr.t numb- -r nf Ihe paiarand a

ipy of the psar by eii mall aieimer for trliermuitbf. Aadresa JUKEI'll K. W IfKMAN.Ofllte g7 Muclisnt St.. Honolnln, II I. n VviZm


The Mission Woolen Mills,of all .fzes, weights and colors;

tr- - For bale br--' 57 In. . IIACKFELD A CO.


In Cans of SO poonda caeh;137-- Yor fale byMIT, lm H, HACKKELB & CO.

Blue Mottled Soap.OF QUALITY.

In Boxes, 24 Bars each;For hile In qnantltles to suit, by

El73 1m H. IIACKFXI.D i. CO.

NOTICE.t tiii: a.m'.u. )vKriii or xnnHONOLULU IBOS WORKh COJIPASV. M

Jlarth 1st. Jf, the followln: Officers verrreappnlateds1're.ident T5ki. II. Ial,Andltnr ...........W L. Grrea.fcec etary and Treasurer T. It. Walter.


Fenee Wlie. i and 6; Staples, black and sale ;Charcoal Tin I'latea. Charcoal Irons, basceratiaTea Kettle.. Cacc Knlrea.Vell.isr J, IS, 2). S3. SI,

and92bancra:Toxder U. !i and I lb. tins: .shot. S. lOaad Ii etc.

671 Ira TJlm Fur Sale by II. HACKFELD Jt Co.

133C O. H.. BISHOP,bt. I'aal'. Ale. Cnr.ul(Eale) Beer,ilerliurr Ilnfbran.

Uerlla Ear-ot- l Ueer. Xorwejlan Ueer,JeCrcy'a l'ale Ale.

F0itSALr.Bv,ff'J',,'o,,CTl,B,,u-,tv"- -


Superior FrenchCalfskins!


ain la H. IIACKFELD Jt CO.

1000 BARRELS OrGerman Portland Cement,

ECJUAL TO THE IIKVT BIUXHi.Fur tiale In Qaantitiea to bill by

851 n lm II. HACKCELD A CO.

Easter Cards !A small but choice airortmrnt el

Easter Cards, Plain and Fringed;lT For JSale at

Thos. C. Thrum'sn Fuel St, a tore.



Ojipoaile Peat OHcev..vr. jirsT riyiiiv.i Hssrt ri.'ii(iaiiir.

seieral sew rraci. whkh sslll be alwajs neallrkejil for Ibotraiellnz public Mrala al all hoars.Palronaj rviretlallr solicilni.4 l.l .in nt;c.

"The Shepherd Saintof Lanai"

TSXOW1SSU15D IX PAMPHLETA yorm. Fanlc deslrlaj cojiles sslll pleaic leaseorlers.or acMresaTI10S O. THOfM. rabllsasr.


Onjtft and Expre Mh1bc ef alt klaiolProutlr IKradH to,

By Dis b Jct.l'Std. 0l at aw, KU U HooolalaMm MKWHY HtAD- -

FRANK H. AUSTIN & CO.,Commission Merchants and For-

warding Agents.Oalrc X. M CallforaU St.. Sa FnaHcs.

Coaslzsmcnts from the lla.slUa Islati. daslisd.Th. Ue.t Filce. WamotrJ. and bale. GauaaUcd.SH i Ij






No. 105 FORT 8T.f


Istrgi AiUitloni to Th'lr Slrjdc nf



Ant IIVii lo K'tfi it U''rt lU Public,

That They will NOT BE UNDERSOLD.




Latest Styles,a:u ve will ell at

Lowest Prices.CALL AND SEE


onsmn irvTELEPHONE No. 140

--A-1- --A. 3VSI IS,


lOS Foirt S-fcree- t


HOLXISTEK tCOn--DmBrgists 6c Tobacconists.

WIIOLEHALE ASII UiTTML,3 ya MrteJ. lloiilalo. s

liiUGS AiM) 1li:iM(itS!-- THE

Largest Stock and Most

Complete AssortmentIn the Hawaiian Ialaads.

Aa the sreater portion of eair tlti Is obtained frmaOil hands we are eaabled lo


Only the Best Quality.feULE AGE3TS TOB THE



Crowi Pcrfmncrj (' Uin.iiPARKE, DAVIS fc CO.,


ManuCovctiirinaa Cktwttmt.

HUMPHREYHomeopathic Meciclne Co., Hew Tort

G-- . o. G-- ar o xx,WOODBURY. J.

August Flowers aud (leriuaB Syrnf.



Winaalrd sot to Rastf Brrakt cr Wear aaat,!

Physicians' PrescriptionsCard ally prepared by aa rajxrltaxed rVaoutUl

al aay host ! the alia.1 sir iay, at

I0LLISTI1 6 IUWholesale I Retail Dntftists,

Kal fa NL'UAXU ST.



Per C. R. .Itohop.

H. HACKFELD A.Co.we laa rrtai


wslUa Aetlal rai.ay. h.M at HtsaWiJsaaary !. Ihf Wltwt oalcer wt el1t4tut Ut. easalaj year.

Haa. C. K. Msawiav.. ,...IieaHi,Hua. U. A. F. Carter,, ........., ..Vic. rmHalMr. F. C .. Jr,.. ........... .....TTeaaasfwr.r,s.O i'ail, .... wr.uiy.

r. D. i . tjtUihm,.,............Asia)Hir.J.O.CAKTBK.

HUII aVccntary, U. JL. Ca"f ,

..M6V., A -l- Jj St j A MS--i I. Jl. AkMss, " J . Aftr wi TfissfU,iraArr- -i i" i.-- E jr,i

Page 3: Saturday Press J. NOTT Co - University of Hawaiʻi...Jin wim n wnrni fric-m-l nml mijipnt'lur nf tlm llnwiiiinn (liivotiinmnl, nml nn njiilplil nml worthy itmn. lln wnn n brother of

Saturday Press Supplement,Tlio tViitlvo 1'rusi.

(I'miii I In' lliiwiiii l'il InilA (iiiiit ileal nf Hiirprbin In full III Hi" I'liiiiiiiiniHy

ill llin pnlluy inirniiiil liy the lunula t if itovennimul,III Miiulnlliij niter hliiingim wlu drift lilllmr,wlni Imvii mi Inldii'AtH In Urn rniiMliy mill pioletulIn mi uiTcetlnu fin lli people or llin IiiiiiIiIii mii'iui-lii'-

wMi'h niMMir In it'ivcirniiiiml niiiilnv, ultlmulgiving ii tlinii(lit In IIiimiii Iu'wIiiiiii tlm country Im

longs.Wlml vvn hIiihiIiI lit." In Hue, mill wu (Irmly think

wimlil lin fur llin best IuIciosIh nnil Mm liuunr nflh" imlliiii In lliln i Wlii'ii ii Micmiiiy tucuiHby llinili'iilli iir nwlgiuillou of imv i;iivtiiiiinciit i'iiiiliiyri,III filling iiiu'Ii viii'iiiuiy ptofiilclicii hIiiiiiIiI ulwiiyitI hi nlvi'11 to uur own iiuIImi people. Unit uf nil, Ifp within mixt In Hi" iihlldicil nf foiolgn pticiilnIiiiiii hero) llii'li In Mm fun IgimiH who humniurtli'il Hawaiian wnfueni nntiinilicd fuiolgiicrsifniflgii leshlenlM wlni Iiiimi Miilnl iuti'ii'iilH In .liu(iiinnlry I nnil llin last chum of all from which toiielect nIiiiiiIiI tin imw comers finm nbloitil. Hill Itii Hpcclcii uf lieasoii tn llin nnlluii mill III"I'liuntiy which ImscrviH, fur it covnriuiii'iit iilllflalIn limillly in ikn iiiinlnliii"iiln finm milling IIiiimi

who ntu ciitlro htrungorii tu lmlli Hi" nation nnilth" rminliy, anil who Iiiimi nu rignnl fin iih.

Anil llii'rnfurn wu mill iiiini 111" heads uf de-partments uf out guvcininont, In hood tliiii pupu-lit- r

iionllnioul to consider well mill luko it Inheart.

'I'll" high" it lumnrsiiro dun from tliu Hawaiianpeople In tlm memories uf llin inlsslniuiry 1'nlhurrilllnghiiui, Thurston, Whitnuy ami lliulr iiHnolutei,who Iiiimi iiim mil away, nu well as to tliu fuw fou-lil- n

iiiuii jet lingering, fur llu'lr having biuuglittliu light nnil I'lltiuitluii to Ihcsu islands, 'limyluft liomt'ii nnil frli'inlH mill Hulled over fiilhomloiH,nillliiH sons, mound llin Hlorui) enpu, out uf lovufor u pooplu living iiuilur tlm hIiiiiIuu of death IntlicNii InIiiiiiIh, lu lniutrt tho gospel, and they didnut begiudgu tlm loll anil tioiililii uf Urn way.'I'lmy worn llin Hist lo rediicu tlm lniiu trt towriting, n laliur tlm resullH uf which inn enjoyedliy tlm generation uf lo day. Koiim of our peoplehave blamed th" 111 Ht teachers, hiuiuso limy iliilnot lie-- in by tcndilng us tlm l.uglish linguiigo.Such Ik not hnwuMir our own vlnw, fur wu lioliuvnthat the course puisucd liy our touchero was tliuhost at that time, mid their ntlollnii of tlm Ha-waiian laugiiigu wiiii irolialily lliu ciiusenf theirprompt iiiTi'iitani'ii liy tlm li'itlnu mi thill Hist

fur tlii'ii'liy tlioy woionble lo Iiiimi pleasantiuteronurso with llii chiefs mill the people.

Hut now llml wit 1i,im learned a lit tin out uf tlmgrout muss uf human knowledge, liy means nf tlmdegree uf education iillorili'd lu llawalfm iihfouuiU'il liy th" Fathers, tlmio is yet tlm liroid amiih'i'ii running slii'iun beyond If we Imt posscmedu knnwlulgu of Hi" tongue lo which wo mostrangers. Anil tlieroforo u think Hint Ihu pislfifty and inoru years lu which wuhnvu clung tuoiirmother tongue, ought to milllce. Without nnllel-IMidii- it

that our own langungu will fitilu entirelyiruiu uur imu llpi, hut considering tlm Interests oftlm present nnil Ihu luiiiing generations and theirchildren, we ileiiiauil of our in tliulegislature of IcW, lh it tlmy iiiiitu in passing numloniatu upproprlilioit fur tliu instruction of ourcliililreii in tlm Kiliuli lnnmini;", which it Ik howconccdpil is tliu InHiiiim lauuunniMif tlm world,

Wu iIohIio to mu KiikIUIi whouls imI.iIiIIiIik! inevery diHtrict, wlileh aliall liu freo to nil vhildreiiwillioiit any tuition ehurn upon pirciils, tlmcintlra uxikuihih Lilnu defrayed liy ijovouuneut, an1m thuu.iHu with day Hehools at priHuut. l,et nottlm lieulHlaliiro lieKrudco tlm espeiiKe, for tlmlienellt will liu to in, Hawaiian parents. This hasloiiK bun iiiKlecliil lu the pant, hut now ithluiuld liu unitedly taken up, and with mi" voleulet lis ileiiiauil that our children liu educated intliu KiixIIhIi I,iiiuiiiii:v, Its poas-ssi- will h ofmeat liiiiellt lo them ami their children, lat iihnut ho Hliithful therein, for iu our opiuiuii Hi"time him ciniio when wu nru foiiml in tliu hiok-ruun- d

in uur own country attaint. Tliu onlythat occupy 14001I positions In tlm

country, nru Hiomi who huu u kuuwleil)u of Knu-liftl- i.

Let us e iruestly Kiipkit this ine.iHiire.A coiiiiiiuuicatiou nppeiirH lu thn k.iiiiu paper

from 11, M. WTiimey, in uupjiurt of KnlishxcUuulu.


Tliu session or tliu Ijem'slaturo beiu near athand, wu M't forth tliu folIowiiiK recoiniueiula-tiou- .i

fur tliu consiiluratiou of tliu lepieientalhesand of tlm iH'opIu at I'lre :

Particular atluntioit to tlm puhllu health.Kxamlti" into thunivnf uovcrniunut olllclaln. bo

that it uityhu piopurly apportioned,I'rovulo ainphi inuius tor eduuatlnn the youth

uf tliu nation 111 the, Kuulisli launuaKO.Kepirale tlm lloird uf Health trom tho Dopirt-n- u

ill uf the Interior.Widen anil deepen the 11 trancu uf Uonnlulu

harbor, fur that is tlm piiucipil inlet of piutlt.Amplu iippropriatiiius fur puhlio liupruveiucutu,

Hitch its cutting duwnthu Niinanu 1'ali, tlm niak-iii-

uf U"il luiuls, pioidiiiK liarboM mill bullillii:blldutM,

l'riivislou for Hemline nbroid uinro Hawaii injuiltlw, to Im iHlumtiil 111 Aineiiai or i:nnliud Ininechaiitus, law or phjhlo.

Limit thu liniuinratiou uf Clilueitn nnaoconi-paule- d

with families,No govcrmmut oillcer to 111! tun poxitiniis, if tho

pay for one uliall mnouut to $ I'AKl pur minimi,In KuM'ruuiuut iipHiiiitiuuiits, prefeience to liu

Riven to Ihu natives uf tho will, thonii burn here offorVlxu pirciils, naturalized fureiuners, old rest'dents, mid thosu having MBled iuleimta, rather;iiau tostr.uiKurs and pissinjj vmauers.

Thu iippoiutiuciit of a comf'ttullcr of nil Kvuru-lue-

iicoouuts.From tlio Klift J'vnlolu.

To Ouu I'niESimt Wo are well nwaroUnit nmoiiK n certain npirso ring there exists afeeling hatu of nualut us, but that Is nut of theslightest impottmioj for when tried lu tlio bualesof (air controversy, their motives uf personalpiipiu and je.dousy are of 110 weight. Not ho how-

ever with our just priuelplM, wliieh lmvu thu warmbiipport of tho Hawaiian tieoplo mul soino foreiKU-er- a

as well, who rush for tlio KUlt for informa-tion, for dUeutvsion, mid for 11 firm bnpportcr ufHawaiinu Independence.

Iu thesu fair dajs uf Hawaii's wonderful pros-perity, wo rejoico to know that the issues of thisuur inoutliniece, nru Increasing', so that eoou it willbo that no homu will bo without Its plcas.uit face

psjssissjr" "

In every ilwellliii; fiuui tliu inoiinl'ilii hul lu tlmiihi-i- l mi III" ii"ii beiieli, lliroii)(lioiit theiui HawaiianiHlandu, Mils hi 11 ulnar nvhleiiiiii llial fair conInivmiiy, fieu froui p"in"ii illlleii, nil roiuluiilml liyilrt liiiippieiilateil by tlm 1111I1II11, mul It iiiemul miappiovnl uf uur eniiiM" In iiiIiiiIiIIiik Hi" 'I'liroii"mul tlm luilepi'Uilciii'ii uf tlm Kuvetiiiimnl, luitlrlvliiu fur lh" iliilil, Hm welfmn, tlm pnwpiirlly,tlm peiic" mid II111 llfn nf lliu wlinlit pi'uplii, AndU" lielii iiiinir" our frieudii llml uur i'oiiihii III

lliu fuliiiu will I'liutlnuii lo Im tlm iianm 1111

lu llm past, Wu ilu not In Iniiic lo any ilnj(of birds uf a fiiillmrt wu am nut wnrkitijt forIjiiln but uur prluniplii lo wlilnli ivn nluill closelyadhere, Im iilwayii Independent, Ami nowwo urijii iihii everyliudy who owns llm lUrle, luinali" limit", mid my up, i'or 11 uieat ninny whoIiiimi iiuliMOrlhed tni' tlm pip'il', mill hoiiiii nmiiitiialso, am In line iih, mul lliiirefoin let 111 Im livelymid p iv, no Hint uur pipar uiav riinllnuu In live,tlm principles of uur uiiiiltliplei'u I mi untililiililKilami llm ml, lelicu bo undisturbed uf mil ((rentl(iui.

Mention "' lb" Slliireliiililne.l nf tlm P?iisliiHull.

I'iuih llii' Ifilitiilttin (hltrllf. Mill ill Kid

On Monday evenlii( the iihiircholilerii of thisliiilldhiK mi't at Ihu MiihIu Hall. Tlm followlnucentli tin n weiu piihi'iit: Miimrn, H. (I, Wilder,lliiHienj.:"!', Illekeilou, Widciumin, ('leghorn, 1'hh- -

ton, W. (). tliullli, II. HeiKiu, Nolle, N. I'. iiiuii,(I, llruwii, Irwin, II. iMaefiirlaim, Hiiilllileii, W,Wilder, Kuhuiiill, .1. Itiiheilmm, Holies, ('. ,1,I'lnliel, ,1, A. Ilupiier, Day bin, ,1, I'alv ami CaptainI Iron 11. Wilder oeuupleil tlm Cluiir.

Mr, llniiMijUKcr, Hiciotarv, lead 11 report for thulast till iiiiintlii. .Mr. Illukerlou lenileied a Htnliiiiii'iitof uci'ouiibi and nave an uxphiuiltiuu uf tliuvarluiis Hems. Tlm leceiplii from Hepleiuhiir bit,1MI, to AIiiicIi lid, IH'll!, Iiiimi been iJHUUfi, llm em-le-

iixiiciihih $7l'.l.7;l, l"iulll a lialauiuof Jjlll.ll'JIII tlm IiiiiiiIh uf llm Truaiiurer. Thu lepnit winaccepttnl. Jlr, 1'ieslou iiiiidniioiuu leinnrl.s uponllm mhiliatloii with rufueucu to Air, Tlioiuim'clitlui, Tlm goiitleiiien appointed In nibltiat" hadpreseuleil 11 veiy full lepurt, they had spent 11

nuioiiut of Hum iu thurouu,luy exauiin-lii- (

tlm liiilldluit, mul In lentlui: thu cuutraetni'iiwink, Tlm iiuaril hail been that Mr. Thoiuiiii wanto ueelvu iJIStK) lu iidilitioii to his iioutiaut prieulur exiras. Air, rrcsiou cotisiiuiiou unit nils wuhby 110 means uxhorhit.ini.

Ml, Wlduiiiiiuu, iniiMil, mid Air. II. Hurler,Hcuomli'd, that a petltiuu lie ninilii to Ihu Lepisla-tur- u

that tho novel uiimut liike mnr thu hiiihliuiby piylliK its debts. Mr. Wldeiiuinn, after Ihuillhciihriinu wnieu loiiowcii, wiiimrnw inn 111011011.

All. 1'iuHtou pointed out Hint Hi.) Majesty badpurchased n box ill tliu luiildiutr mul Hint any Hal"or transfer uf thu huildiuu. would have to he Hinduwith llm King's box iih a chiuim upon it,

All. Iliukciliiu mild that if mieh 11 iiiiimi wet 11

iniidii it ought to be distinctly uuiliiiHtood that thubuilding must ho kept nil a plaeo for piibllomiiusiiuieiit or iiiollt. I lu rn wem Hlrcet riiinoiHthat It w'iih hoiiiii uiiu'h iiiteutiuu to turn it into 11

museum, Thu plaeu ought to bu kept for hiicIientertalnmenH its (ilayii, concerts, lectin eH, ami onSundays It might bu admitageoiisly used for re-ligious lueuHugs; tlm Hiiggistiou bad been made,mid it was 11 good ouu: It was fivipicntly ilium 111

othui countries, why not iu this? Thu Hall hadhiillered from imfor.ieeu mid uuiiMiidahlu uilHfor-tun- e,

It bud had us it wem a blank eje. TliuHiuiill piix had dealt it a heavy blow. A companywere lieru, who weiu just nil llm point uf niiilcln;;inonuy, vviiuii thu plaeo bad lo bu shut up. It hailgot a bad name aiming thu llieatlicnl profession inconseipienc". An ellort was being niaile to attracttheiitiuvil ieoplu here: agents hud been eomiiiiiiii-cite- d

with lu tlm Kastcru Ktatcn and iu tbu0 lioniea. Under tlm clruuiiistntici-- thu sliouingfur thu nix months was not really bad. Thuspeaker wiih desirous that tlm place should buII al ed along fur ouu year mole, so us lo give freslipeople a chance of coming here: hu felt confidentof the liltiiuatu huccchs: liu was opposed to Air.Wldciiriuii'H motion mul he hoptil llml in souiuway Hm interest on thu duht might bu mail" up,ho as lo allow the building to carry on for a year.

Mr. Wldeniann, had no fear ot Its being turnedinto a museum, it was not hiiitnblu for it, andgreat vimuso would littvu to bu Inuuried in orderto lit it fur that purpose. Hu agreed with Air.lliukertoii ulmut the black eye, anil bu thought itsproducts might improve.

Air. l'restou pointed out (hit there were sovurnlt null smell who had to bu iaid. Hit did not wishtu si" thu plaii'j closed. Hu would move thu meet-ing lie i.djourned for four weeks. Tliu motion wiihnot seconded.

Air. lliukurtoii thought thai niliiHtt might boobtained from tliu legislature; it was the customelsewhere to HiibsidUu placcHuf muiiscmunt; bocited Krance, (lerniauy mul llussia iih cxaiupluii.

Air. W. U. Kiuith mad" enuuiries from tliuChairman iih to thu llnanclal liabilities uf thubuilding; Im learned that there wan a mortgage,upon it uf fll.OnOund. that there were, other debtsiiuiotuitiug to over .flL',000 more, ilu utilisedwaiting fur iv short tune. Hu himself had notlu'cii awaroot tlm uuauuiai comiition 01 1110 ptacuuntil tliieo days ago: ho was ipiito suru theru weru11 number of others who were its much tu thu dark1111 ho had been. It was only a matter of a shortlime to ihcldo whether this was 1111 institutionwhich was lit ted for thu wauls uf thu pllue. llothought tbu dillk'tiHIes under which it laboiedshould bu put befoiu tbu public: they weiu tliujudges in thu matter: for himself hu consideredthe Music Hull us 11 yury import nit institution, ithad lis mission as a civilizing and refining force,but if tho community at largo could not mu this,If they weru unwilling to uupport it, why it wouldhave to bo dropped.

Mr. llnsseuger was of opinion Unit 11 comiiiilteushould bu appointed to hut to work among thocitUeus to rouxo them to the necessity of actioniu thn mutter: thu 11 trail' should bu thoroughlyM'litiMtcd lu the press. It should bu brought beforethe public eye. Ilu did not n why tlio AlusioHall should not receive from tlio I,eg is-

lamic: money had been voted for a statue, moneyhad been voted to assist a railway mul even umarine, railway, 11ml why Hliouhl not money bovoted for a plaeo where tbu tired mul weary mancould couio mul enjoy himself for a few hoursafter llin hard day's work? Ho thought that thoplaeo ought to have assistance,

Air. Cleghoni thought that 110 action hIioiiUI boentertd upon until after tho llo con-sidered that it was highly probable that assistancemight bu obtained from that ipnutcr. Tlio assist-ance might tiot bo large, but it would bo suhlclentto carry on.

Air. Nolle h:U1 the building would have donobetter had it boeu built ho that It could vastly boturned Into a ball-nsii- ho cited l'latt's Hall InBan Francisco iih a plaeo on which it ought to havebeen modeled on.

Air, W, O. Smith called ntlention to tlio factthat though fiOU shares bud been promised, only"75 bad been paid up. It would bo well to interest

March 11. 1882.people nu Hm utbnr Inland In thu matter! hu feltmini Hint inipirt iiouhl bu gut mm llmui. Huwan ready lo Inkn 11 few morn hIiiiiihi himself luolder lo assist llm iisiocUIIoii, nnil hu wait minithai iilbnis felt 1111 hu did 011 tlm mailer.

Mr. Wldi'inmiM iniked llml llin TnuiHuriir 11I1011I1I

bu aillboiled lo collect Ihu luouny 1I1111011 pirt'allyP till up iihareiii tbu m tut wan not latg", but Itwould b" noun lldng.

On tlm motion of Mr, I'renton, iiecouiltil by Or,Kiiierson, thu nieeliug proei ileil lu Ihu eleellon ofTlilslieH, 'I luj following giilllletui'll worn eliH'ledlMeiisni. ('leghorn, Ilastiiugei, I'retituu, Irwin,lllekerlou.H. (I. Wilder, W. (). Mnilth, Wiiliimiinumul (Indfrey llruwii, I'Imi of thesu i(iiiilluipii,vli AIi'hhih. Cleghoiii, I'ii'mIoii, Irwin, W. ).Hiuilli nnil (loilfrev llruwii wuru iippolnled a

U'avsiiml .Means In report lu four winksMom il lie. Tlmy weru lu try mid rulmi money,and IiiIiiichI Ihu loiiiiiiiiultv lu llm Aluiil" Hull.

A motion was mucin that It wan llm hhiiiio of thuuniting f Itit all bnhiiKH'ii 1111 paillypiiid iihariiiHluiuld bu colli eli i by Hm Incoming Tieasiinr:Mr, I'leslon nalil thai all hiihuiim wliu hud partlypaid 1111 weiu legally bound to nay up Ihu remain-de- l,

Hoiii" geueiiil couversiitloli followed withreganl lu a lloor for eoM'tlug tlm pinpietl". Itwas lliouglit Hint this would nubiilKiu thu vnliiu ofllm pine" cousldi rably. Alluiluu was uiiidu lo thuiilylu uf iilertaliimeiits to hu given, It wiih thuopinion of thu ma Jot liy that iIIrchi lion sliuulil buused In llm iniilliiri nothing low or vulgiir oughtto bu iillownl 1111 llm boi'ds. What wan leiptlreilwas good eiileitalniimnlii, which nil chisseinf tlmI'oiiiiiiiinlly niluht iittiuil, anil which Hlionhl havemi elevating iulllieiicu. 'Ihu ineellng then

Anion" Ilic, Kiiillcss Viiricly



Art, Presentation,Miscellaneous,

Juvenile andToy Books,

; I'ltKhKNTH

rou am. auks that hah

Novor 33oon Excollcd in This City,mul while Hm rimuu of tlio rmne lum hern miiiglii for tomilliill iige', tin' limti's of I lie mm niimlly hm emit beeninirdiMiUed, Itlier In the tlupii of reiiillng or vtvlo ofiiiiuihig. rr-Tiii- : stock i:.miii(aui:Ci

Ilrjiuil's, MoIiiu'b'. I.iingtillon'i,, .M reilllli's, Teiinysoil's unit Wliltthr's Piit'iiiM, hi elulli suit morocco;OlirlidnmnTlili', I rli-- . Thu hclioul liny, Prime Deiikiillon,'lliu King's HiirM. I.iii Mi-- . A I II 11111 of Pulr U'oinrii,I'lmtnf May, llrltmli tiulillim, pore's Kline of tliu An-rlt-

Murine r, hluikeHpear's I'liiirin ters, Ucjiinnl tlioI'ox, l Htnrm, l.lltlu Worn Ifu Imlx litllniM-ry- , llilliulsof lleiiuty, I'nul l.ecrolx's I'lmums ArtWorki-,:- ! viil; Iris Hum II11I, Our 1'iiiiillliir Hougn nnil'llio Who .Miiile Tlirm, Oiirlo Turn's, Kidryl.iiiul uf ricU-nrp-, Tliu llnlvi're, Tahiti rs'Sciili"r. etcI'linmuit Hiioln Ariiiinil Oxforil, Art In Ihirojie, Ml anilArlliUn In Coiuiecllnit, Hoy's hlug Arthur. I una

The Wutlil's Womlilp hi Wood and Htiuu-- , l.oiir'."nf Provence, Pastoral Day, Wandering .lew, I.siiri'll.eaii'i-- , i I'icturos, Ualeilonlu, Tioplral Niilurr,In tlu Hky (Inrilui, I'earl Foiiiitidu, 1'iru I'liniillsc.Ileaullful Hnuw, l.amls(iiii! In Am. Pot try, Mieplienll.iuly, Tlio Men, Kirnllrctluiin of Writers, Ifulf Hours InNutiiriil History, (Irein's UUlory of Knclbli I'eoplo,Welon's Origin, l'rogrex anil lieslluy iif the KnclMil.iingiiiisu mul l.ltimturn. (lelko's Mro nnil Works ofUhrlvt, '. Mils, j lllrki'n's Wurkn, l.niiili'a Worku, Miiriiu-ley- 's

Ksa. nnil HUtory nf linglaml. Ilayilu's y

or Dalvt, liiUot' IlUtory or Ulvlllxntlon,Klieillie'K KHiI, Kgypl In l'ldcmlnc, Html Hook ofI.i'SiMiilitry Arl, tiki Idling from Nature, lliiuil Hooks InWuicr Culm. Heplu anil Si rural Tint, Ceramic Art,Parks mul Oanli'iis of Piirlf, Literary llomii't. Ito.enami Holly, Library 'lienrurcs uf Ult mul lliiinor, lllrilLife, lu CuKtern fitus, rn'imlli! Vurn, Undo Koimit,llrillli l'oets, :l miU.j l'lyiuotk Uollcclliim of llvmiiianil Timet, llllile, hliuktiirar'H Worki, Tnylor'iOecllia's l'n Ft, I.ulku's Art. S vnln.; Anierkaii lioniea,Aimrlcaii Painters, llollaiul'i Works, UIIiIhiii's Home,l.'lillilri'n of llm Village, Incolilsby Legeiulii, Ibillinn'sWorkji, Maple Leaves, Kulgtil's yiiakespenro, royalin, into edlllou, -' Mils. Light of Asia, Print Collrctor,Ivulgliti lllstoiy uf Kugliiiul, Tyrol and hklrls nf ll.eAles, Tennyson's bongs, ultk Music, TliorHiiliUni'sLife and Works, Muikesprar'i (lenis, Longfellow's,Ibuernili's anil ullnr Hlrll'ilay Hooks, KrUr Jirome.Umlirliriish, 'Ihu 1'ulrnuri Mne, Hay of K111I of11 Coll, Up Ilia lllver, iirlfllnir, .Memoirs of Nniioltuu,uml .Mad do Itcinusnt, Ilinxll, Hoy Tnivelfis, 1'nriiillillail., Papyrus, l.ltllo l'olks hi Vealliers uml Kilntrxilliei Willi luriely uf latest Hooks liy buerllo au-thors milt many other works of vurlnus kliuls, TheLine of Children's Hunks la very full and (annul fall tosatisfy nil tastes. Cnldecot ami Mm 11 Toy Hooks 11

urlcty, embruilus Ihu neiv lino u(

ART TOY BOOKS:Afteriiuou Tea, Under tlio Window, Pretty repcy.


Jlotllny Hooks, Zizzug Juur-uoy- s

in l'!itroio.Our Llltlo Oues, Zlirug Journeys In C'lanslc l.nndl,

llrlllbiir U011111I tho World, ltlp tail Winkles Travels,Old 'limes. Hoys of TU, Story of Liberty, Young

fours Kucyclo, of Common Things, Youngr'olkes Kucyclo. nf Places, Young Nlinroili.

Clilliltein Hooks ot l'liolry. and Teacher's lifblts

together with manyothers,

1Pa.-voxrl.t- o Gfroxxxw,Homo tiwccl Home,

Christ My King,III tlio 1'alaco of tho King.

Changed CrossHulling al the Cross,

Unto thu desired listen,Itovsl C'uniuiauihuenta.


KaUkaua, for talc by UOLLKH A CO.March 1, 1Mb rj

Page 4: Saturday Press J. NOTT Co - University of Hawaiʻi...Jin wim n wnrni fric-m-l nml mijipnt'lur nf tlm llnwiiiinn (liivotiinmnl, nml nn njiilplil nml worthy itmn. lln wnn n brother of






.'p it



51 '




J7 ."

AUCTION' HAM.S.iiy r. r. a ha mm.

Auction Sale !


Dulhlliiff ami ('ononisox

SATURDAY, MARCH 11th, 1882t 1 in nil llm preniliea, wilt be told, the

liiillilliV formerly nernplcd l.r lieu,McLean nan hnda Water Mann- -

fnriury, on lintel nt ,

Ono Stcfim Boiler, Saury & Co.I Lvge, Mill, I better Freaa, Lot Olmiwure,Minn C,lr, (.'imnlfti nml Hlieltlnc.I'aritciileia'Tonla, llotilnarr. mil n l.iil HiinililciHiilliliitij 'lo lio Hcmovdil Wllliin

Ten Dnjs I

I! I ADAMS, Anrt r


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15TH,At III A. Jl lit Nlllei lliinill,


Dry Goods,Clothing,


Sack Fine llrown Hognr.Hncka Ciillfi.riilii Pntnloee,

Sack f itinll Yellow Corn,j C.naca Aiielrilllnn lliiltcr, Kntha Osti,

V V. ADAMS, Auc'lr.

Mortgagco's Notlco of Snlc.y ftntr.riiuN or a, j. t'Ain ii iiii r.

Mm Ihe mnttBzi'tf, nhmeil Inn crrttitu Iintrtitiirt...

ofMiiiili .'l.H icwi, .,..(.. if..i....i tin'irt'.ir ilultt iiiiiiic u iiiriii-- i i .ii

Ilr1u4niul l.tiQciil llriL'L', lil( wlfp. loaithl A. .1. CartvrtlLTlit nun for o bream or the tuuilltiuiis In rubiiinrigng't contained, I mil directed u eell nt ill, lieAuction miHiitiinlity.Srilli ilny urMnrcli, lSSiI,t li! M,nt my aalee riMiin lh Honolulu, nil tluit certnln plire ofI ii ml alluiUe In Honolulu nml known ,i n pint of Killvinliint kikI iniiro pnillciilirly di'urlbed n fiillottni

llecliinlng nt I liv Minilli tiirnrr nf Wm Kn' lot at n

imllll which In S TV )' W. STJ feet frrim III" Wealnniulo nf II"' Mmikn nlinlmciit nf III" Niittiinii Ml. lirldnnrri'" tlm I'ninu Mreiim nml running thence N I'l' urM, trim inia fpvt alone Win. Has' lol th"in e N !IT tin'W inn! 'I foot nlmiK Win. Km' lot II c N.n.oiui' I!trim 117 feel along Inane AUIiinn' llirrirp H. :ni" Wi" II.Irii I'tt feet nlim. '.ipt. Herrlla' theme M. r.lMjn' V.

tni"7l P-- along Hie llolt lot thence N. WHO' W truel.Vj tppt tilling ilnynl Patent PKi IIiimic" S. I,.VWW.trio- - 771, foet along Koisl I'nl.'nl iwi thence S K Wi'W.true rrj irii n Ion Itiit-u- l t'nlrnt tlHI llirnri' N --'T" tU' Wtrill' I It It! iilon h Mil" to iolnt nf ImyiiiiiIii nml c untAtlltltR ri'4 nf IM.Ilii hi. ffnt or cltililir cIl'IiI une- -

liniiilii'ilth of nn mrc nt laiirnse of pimlutbir.ror fnrtlicr iimlknlnrii iihiihio nr

II. I'. ADAMS, Ancl'r.or (li'Cll Drown Att'y. for Mortgngri'. W1 rl

Notice of Snlc.

BY DlltKOIMON OF TIIO.MAH K.(UjAHK, the niotlpiu'o innu'il lii ii'rtiiln Ittilfti-tnr- r

of Morliii" ilnlnl Mnrch I'.'lli. IWI, ninila liy II.Knfin nml Nntm" hln wlfo to Wnllur It. hi'.il, uinl toWilier IkiHM HKOtsnvd to H. II. Ilolu, ami I17 . II.Dnlo altiu1 to snlil Tlintnnii K. Olnrk

I am illrcctcit In ri'll nl 1'iihllc AiirtlunOH SATURDAY, THE 25TH DftV OF MARCH 1882,

t 12 M.. ttt tav hhIcj rnnni hi lloimlulti, nit Hint rcrtri.11phec nf In nl rlttmlu at Kiipnl mm, Oaliu, ntiil niorrimrtlculrtrl)' in Itnjnl I'titrtit So, t'i, Kulr.nnallnlti Id; I. mni c'ltiiiitiiluK I II IMimrr.

h'oi I iu I hot nnrltcMlirfi (.nnulre ofII. I'.ADAMS, Auct'r.

orOfcl!'y. for Kil,;uet.Drril at rxprnic of pun lln. 835 80


ElegantFurniture !

by ounrit or J. w. I'liatJKit, i:.,At His Residence, Waikiki

(fnrinerly 1'. 8. l'llATT'ti Premlam,)


at 1(1 A, M., on account nf owner' uYrnutnrf,mill bn mill, Till-- : J'.A rilli;

ISoiisrhoUl Fsiriaiture,IS l'AUT AS l'OM.OWS t

Elegant Black-waln- ut

Bedroom Set, 9 pes.;Klr.-iti- t IllJcV'ualinitKic.uit lllftck-wiilu- I.ititncri.l'U'iut lllacK-uliiu- l KocLlnj Oimlr, hair,Kliiint ni..cW'nlmit Wardrobe, llnotictm,Kki(.uit Jllnclvulnul biduboartl, Kxtcnslon Table,

SotK oi lleaulii'ul Carved Oak ParlorChairs, cuno seat and back;

Card nml Slrl.Tnb1rn, Dlinirr Tabk. ko.i;IXnnrr TabUm, 1)tr,rkwnlniiL mul ptnn;VleuiiH Clmlr, ItocUln nnd KxIciikIou Clialri,Lotincon, Work Titbit i, Ottuuiani,KoolttoU, Whntuot, ltitKf,

1 Beautiful GiltFrame Mirror !

fi lln ricitroom beta, l'lnoI'tnc nrurono", iicuiiini;,fr-ith- Ilnlrnnil 'ulu I HI"Kprlni:. Iliilr ami KnrcUa Miitlri'Mcn,Momilltil Nil- -. .Mici'U.Ollllla. I'lll'i' I'aira,Towvli. .Sillikliu iuin'rliliilollit,Tlill

VIiATEl) Sl'OO.NS, KNIVES AND (OKKS,IM.ileilTiM I'ltclier. CriiclflnuiU, l'lckln (llinc,Varr, Mntiiei. KluuctalumU, nnit Tola,rictiirt'. Urge anil liuilli llook', Allinna,Vaea, Mnalc MlatuU, Trua. ClocWa,Delia, ami unmcroua ntlirr Mlckimcka,

China Gilt Edge Dinner Set;And Crockery nf nil Dracrjnllona:

(llnrnwnre, Chnileliltn. I.:iinp ,t Lnntirna,Oil. Kltclirn fti'iull.. Mont unit If" Mufeaami many ullwr uilKlca tii mrnlluu,

USrE PIANO AND STOOL !I Hewitt; Maciilne, I Uitliet I'linctnn

' 'anil llaiitraa, I Dnzsy and llatnco.I lu.llfi' a.v.l.lle, I (Icnla itxldle

1 Oontlo UillrV Marie.

N. 11. - Neatly all the abora nirntlonnt article ara InoihI onlel, and will to III luiiillrvv

ul rhurge.N. II -- Onuill)ue will lirtvo rnrWnlklkl on Jijof

aalu, trout K, O. Hall bnn'a comer and from II. Hackrrld it Un'a alocu ut UiJ) and 1U A, M., anil rctlllll at 1

and 3 I. M.N. II. A aiiluulo luncUor Ladlca'aud (lcntlcmcn

will bit provided.

E. P. AH.VJIS, Auct'r,


ALL 1AUTIK? KITIIKU INlloniMUiv. at au, of t lie Ulamli In ibetliuMU

. In Want of EmployeesWill nlcaie ruika tbolr uanta knowu to Uio under'

Ijiied.'yUo "ill do al In lUeir lowcrlu till their order.,I. 0, JUNKS. ;

J. U. ATI IK ItYON', ! Kmnlojimii I'oininllteaII. f. UlUl.l MiUAM. J Y M. l.A. 3T an tm


lleef, In half liarriln Ck llupcu'a llniio. t'j,.Mdalini U.lon, L'naea CiltfiunU C'ln if, fan', t'ulrluiik'a Urd, In and 0 lb. lull; ,rvrhU tliladar.uerW.UtWt.N,anafur.aU't.y

mLhKi & ,0READ THIS!

ryilli UKIIKKHIONIU) HAA'lNCiA. made ciilulii luipiiVriurlita In Itio airuugeiiuiil

ana louilrurtloii of tiuea and Air loroitamlliillera ublcli effect a coualdrrable latlmr of 1'url lawlllllif lo lUJranlei) all ftorkelitnutrd to blui.

wktinvi iiAiiiirsnvAilduiK OAallt, It Qutiti tl.

pioiiusiniA niVEn salmon, inV barrel sua Halt t'trrcia, roreauor


itPioneer" LineFROM LIVERPOOL.



T3E3CI3 0--3FLC3t--O

or 'iiiir

"Duke of Abcrcorn"NOW ItlilVO I, Will. D IN


Aftr-- a MpM jrtrnKP. nml from rtcnntKllIpllKMltC, tllM following

DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINGI'rnitM (if liiliHt nlylw, fiial (dliini;llllIU Dl'llilllrt, Wllill) Clllllllll NIlUrlillK,I I'M tnek'n I.iiiik CI(illiH,llro ii Iifni'ti lirilln1'iiru I.iiiciiH, MnlcikliiH,Illtiu nml U'lillu C'lieik MslmloH,Kiincy J)rcriN OimmIh, I'miuy 1'lnliln,ItitKHia CiiihIi, HrnrlH, Tici, Cniviilri,CrtiuholH mill Kniicy H'oik,Tj t'tinH it tit J TiiwuIh,Mi'Ii'h Wliilu nml llimvn Cnltoti llittr.linnc,Iititliva' IIiiHu, Men'ri Kuntly MiiiloClntlilliK,liiilin llnlilicr Cii.iIh, Chh,m nml l.i'Kiiigri,IN'K'iltii nml Wiiolun KlilrlH,lllni' nml (lu-- IIoimu lllatikulH,Wl.iln Cotinii IllmikvlK,Wdiiluti HlmikulH, nil culnrri mid

wi'IIiIh;Wimli'M mnl Oiiiilnti l'littitiuln,Vulvul mnl TnpcHirj ('.iriulini;H,Vi'lvti mnl Tuictry Hugn, Cm pets mnl

.Mn In,

Sugar Bugs 20 x 3G, Coal BagsIiJVIlCHIl JVIV33 HMAIiZi,

Rice Bags, Prime Quality,llonvy nml Mlil llttrliipH mid Twinu,

SADDLERY!A full nuMoitiiicnl of

CMllMTS" SADDLESAIho n fuw very tileo

LADIES SADDLESHmlillu chillis, liridluH &c.


III o. 7, 8 nml lift Iciir.lli" ('JIriiiiri'), Screwsmnl Wiulura to ninlih.

Rooflng JSl,ts,I'i'iicu Wire, Nob, !i, 0, 7, nnd Slnplcfl,

BMIRDAD IRON WITH FlSK MillloltH nnd bplkc couiiill lc.

Kite llrlck.H, I'tirlluiiil Oiiiriit,I'liu-Olit- Whltliifc', Chalk,

Vfllow Oclirr.



x 3, 5 nnd 7 yard lengths.

Liverpool Salt & Rock Salt,DcinijniiH 1, 2, 3, I nnd 0 ipiltiinn cnclt,(l.ilviini'.ud IlnokclH, Tubs, li.iuiua ten,Uiuckcry, Iiun IIiiIhIimiIh,


WorccstciHliiro Sattccn, (iroccricp,

Knr;)isli I.oatlior Uclliiij,-- , frotn3 to 10 in,Hitpcrior,

Toptiail Sheet ClinitiK. "Ailmirnliy Tchi,"Sii'H Ul, 3-- 8, G, 1.1',



" I'if; Draml" Stunt, in linta and qnnrtn;CliiiiiiiVM Stunt,Itlonil & WnllVrt Ale, pintn mid quart" ;H.ish' Alo in ipiarlH nnd pinto,ltnli.i I'.ilu AicH in ipi.irli mid pints, (lingiT Ali',Kino Fri'tiuli llrntidiua in hulk nnd canon,IleniR'Hsy'H llr.itidy in imsch &Old Tom, Cln'.ip Itr.tnily in ciircii,C.iiK Scutch mnl Irish Whiskiun,Dupk'tniiii 'Mtcd liar" mid other fino

uhirutH in cuocfi,UcHt Shiny in hulk nnd ca0H,CIiiuiii;ij;iiu in iptarla nnd pints.

Powell Duffryn Steam Coal&to &c, &c. &c &c

f'JI '5 TIIKO. II. DAVIES t:o.

Little's non-poisouou- s, andnon-corrosi- ve

Disiiii'cctant and Sheep Dip.


and ilcoderlier for lioiiililioM and holtnl uio tlilaiiiliinimi itr)urdiiiii, nar an iiidkumi iiiniiiifaoi cjro-oll- c

aulil. wjtliout 114 iU.iih'iiiit.i;, tiuinuimp, and of nle.iat;t odmir. A un itiitceltie,InaiH'tlilde, and lotion fur u omnia Ac, In nil animula.It will be found innal cilKiitlim.

AS A SHEEP DIPfor illplilni; or html ilrraalnri a n remedy for acab orl.ljt.t'....... tlv..v, It. , In, .',.....,..i.i.twM'l.tllv kill,,., lit... nml...... .vIn ...r.Inr'.lv. . ......i,(l It,...California, lliu nun loiiiuu'B nmi miiuii .nivrten. of clipckltix It iitoiuotea thu crnwlli ofwihii, anu nuna tit uio ajiiicarunce ami lunlTty of Hie

lin.crliilUd circular nml dlrectloua frr uicwlll be(unilabcd on uiiillcjluu o

Thoo. H. Davloa A Co.n 6ii


A N .V.HATKD MX-AiroilI.- DISSEltXV betinuv, pleitina In land',



WehatK Jutt receltcda tmall parcel of etteimedauduell kn mm bii'rae, ttlilcb woolT'r In uuaiitllleato Hilt.

HJt 73 TllEO. II, D.VVIE8A CO.


r'rom L. NKUl'KI.D, Ilerllu,f-t- For Sale, by

tan 71 ii. ai.iru'i:i.irii.NOTICE.

nmiK AIlJtU'KNKIa AKXVA1. HKKriXQoftha HMKU CO., will be lei I at

ilei.ia. Citl i Cooke, on Mou- -uay, .uarcn .in, at 9 a. In. J. J, ATJIKlt TO, rec'y

cuolulu, March 3rd, loal. VJ--



Tlii' Tine t. Upper Hfliooner

IVk --A. 3NT TNT V .9ir:iiM.icii,,

Will liavo (Inlok Dlipitch for nbovo Portlor IreHlitor I'aiimir, apldr to


FOR NEW YORK blRECTTlif Al AiarMcan Halle tj&tM.WKI.I., .MAHTKII,

Will have Quick Dispatch for the nhovo port.Tor I'rilxht and raantfi' Aitil, to,

JT7 B..I It A KI'J.IJl X Co.,


M2Zl W()I,Tl:ltH. Alnnler. iiXiWill load for Now York with Dispatch,

I'or Height nnd nin.'e nipljr toWl '? II IIACKI i:i.ll AI'O, Azenla.

FOIl SANTho riiiu Hevt UilppiT llfticAiittnn

V 111. J jr . a CUJ M4

TfllNltlt. MAHTI'.lt,

Will havo Quick DMpatoh for above port.I'nrl'relnlitor rnawiie, 'ij' to

..fW W.M (I lltWI.V,ti;o, Acenl.J'OR'S AN J''ILAN(al"S(JO

,K. The I'lne Aliietltan Ililg

Jm"VJ- - H. ME YE R,--rf3S iiowi:, jiasti:iWill liavo Quick Dispatch for tho abo vo Tort

I'or I'relght or pnMni-- , apply InW V llltKWKIt & , Agmta


v T v "nii-- irn'iV" u.Huxa..Jc aiHinourgrOUIIKH, Maalur,

Will havoQuick Dispatch for thoabovoPortI'or l'rilitlit or paranur, apply toBrJ t'ASII.K AfOOKK, Aiji'iila.



Htrainer Mkidtke will IrnM-- llnmiliiln Tnrailaynl I r. m., IiiihIiIiij; nt l.nliiiliin, .Mmilurn liny, .Makeiin,Mntiiikomi, Kiiwiiiluif, l.iti.piihoelioe nml llllo,

Kiliirutiu will loiicli nt ull thr nl, ove porta, nrrlvlnj;at Honolulu tmh Hundny a. i.

Co-- 'ri.ll for I'liNnnif .ifoiii'.v. --t.nWr ponlthi'l) ri'luic lo otiiu uicoiuita for Tnaaisea,

nnd we pjrllculiirl) cnll Ihc iitteulloii of tint Iruvcilnpublic to Iho in";, i,l ty or liming; DupKiitrf and KreluhLplainly luiirkid; the tcllllK'r will nut be rcnpotiMhlcTor nny uuiiitirk.'d ItniiKC, or for l'rult(tit or 1'unela,lllllena Itri'l'ipllMl Kll.

Frolght Moaoy Dao on Demand.In nil cna'a of freight for partita not repiiniialblc, or

unkiion n, the fri'lKhtinnnvy will bu required In ail vnuccI'AC'KAtll.S til I.IUHOIt.S mill t IM.S .Ml H

In: i' .iiaiiki;iI'or tho party wlinin tliey arc Tor, or plainly atnted In thereceljit to wtiom theynrt coiieicned

All deiiinmla for damage "r lo-- a inuit be made withinone mon tli'.

In mi way liable forlorn or accident lo lite itock.ltr llnek DrlvirK, Hoyn, mid ucli like, will nut be

allowi il on board the Menmer on nrilvul, until aftir thepne.eui'ra b.ito been lauded.


For San Francisco.TJIK MI'I.;MIII MrUAUNUla

ZEALAISTDIA' i'on,tMii:it,


On or about Monday March 13.


tiik M'l.K.vmii srr.A.ii.Niiir

CITY of N E W YORKCOliH, Ciiiiiiiiiiiiilnr.

On or about Saturday, March 19,For rre!clu utul Pnainge, atildr totW 3ll. II. IIA'JKI'KI.D'A ( O., Agellta.JiiiIh Inr .SIiliiiti'iil ivr Ntrniiirr cull noiv

bn rttori'il, I'rci-- l a'liiirici'. Ill Hip flrifiiruulWiirnliniii" iicnr Hip M iiiiiit 4t hurl.


Wallolo, j, MaloloWntoll. Xfjf JnUa

Watolin, tfifSw "Wnimalu.Gnu. SioRol jjjjJg Kalnaa,

nml Mann.Ff.Ad Uoil with While 1UII. Onico-Cor- nf (Jncei,

HSI and Niiiiiuni .Strccte. 1

From Honolulu to Hilo Direct.Thu A I Clipper iSiliooner,

S " M A J. O L O," 2tlOODMAN, MAbTKll,

Will pall from llouolulii to llllo direct, nnd will call atliitprnivdlati-- l'orts on the return trip,

I'or I'rdght or I'uihikc, npply to lh Captain on board,1 d or A. ritAXK COUKE, Agent.


BOSTON LIMEJ.F PACKETStr-- TIIK bk "MAItTIIA DAVIK." WII.I. Ill:ijm dlaputclicd from Jlmtou for Honolulu

Not Zintcr than the 15th ofMny,1'eraotn wlablni; to order goodt abllipedby tlila teaacl

eiiiniiii tiiiiu iiruvia on i,r uviore iIJilll mill. I'oruriner pnrtlruiara apply to



.f54v c Brewer &. Co. -- Agents.k!.- Mnrchanillc ri'cclved Miirniro t'rrr.viSBiidllbemliailiailtancia made on ablpiucutt ht llila

111 TNI ly JU. IlltE WElt A CO.


(Imported Tree of Duty,)

PER S. S. " MARY TATHAM,"and bark "EUREKA."

And emulating of n Large Aiaorlment of

PRINTS & DRESS GOODSPrinted I'lrjaea, Ijiivih, l'lipllna,

llrocadei, Munlcoa, Mlki, FancyHum, lliiudkerc'.iicf. rllianla,

Spool Cotton, T.iweli, illmkets,

Oasslmeres !Wlitto and llruitn Cottom,

Cjutuii Flannela, Coltunadea,


OL.O-I- - I3CIIST C5--,


Coats and Pants of Casslmere,Diagonal, Cottonaclo, Duok,

Ac, &o., &o.Illankct Lined bulla.

bhlrta, white, fancy, tcarlct, etc.,iiocka, L'udcr blitrta. Draw era, rtc.

IXT For K.ila at Low Ultra by

H.HACKFELD&CO.81J 74 :im


dealrabla rcildeuco No. 1M NuuanuAvenue, loutiluluy eight roomi, kitchen nantrv. bitaroom, eervaula' room, coach name, atabla and fowlkouie. J. II. WOOD, or

a untf J. 1.'. ttlBKMAK, -- , MClCbaUl

- 'lft' -


Proclninnllon.Wo, Kauraiia, h, Ilic (Jrnro of Owl, of Hi"

tlnwnllntt lalnnila, Khi(f, tlo proclnhn I

'I lint It In Our In imtannncn nf OurCotifililtitloii, tlmt the JteinlictH (if tho IlhtlT0Anaitnlily nf Onr Itliitiilnni do nr inl,te, nt llioIHlnlallTn llnllnl Our Cnpltnl nf Itmi'iliilii, forUio illapnlcli nf pnlilln Itiniiiin nl la o'clock iiwiiinn Hntiiritny 1 in Will liny of April, A, 1). Elghtr-cl-t

Ilnmlriil nnd l!lt;lity.twii.(IIvpii miller Our Hoynl Hlrjn Mantml, nt

Our I'nlni'f) In tlm City of Uniiolulii,Hcal tliUaiat Dajrnf IVIirtinry, INtt, ittid

tlm Ninth Year nf Our Kclun,KAliAKAUA Ill'.X.

Ilr tiik Kinii:7'Ar Minuter frtli' Inluhr,

W. N, AiiMitTiuttfii.

Snln nf Lnnan of Oovoi iiniriit Lnml.On Wcdtipiolny, April 15th. I'tvJ. al ihv froiilriilranrf

of Alllnl.inl Male, nl 13 o'clock noon will lie mid ntI'llbllc A'irtinn, Ilie l.en.e of nil Hint tinft'lit I ,n ml llnnlril In'l.llll and Hie adjacentlaiiili, (Illli). Itauall), ami lnrlmteibeleen I'AI'AAI.HA nml JI.UIMI.l and between tlm llnyal I'alenttlrnnta nlrendy lamed nf Innill alani; the e ahorp andn linn on tho mania ude, iorllfl with and twiiinlleailllnt from tlm aeacoaal, Ii"Inl' abnnl n mile and ahnlf 'ijnare and (ontnlnln IWI anea more or -- f,

TCIIMH l.rnao in ycr.. tlp.el price W per i

in, pnyabln (lunrlerlr In advance.W.M. N. AltllHTUOSn,.MIftlater of Interior.

H"pt. nT Interior, Himnlillii.. Mar. 8tli, 1SV3. 80 Vif,

Water.-Water- ,

All peranna wlmie Wntar Tlutca iIiip oii'lhe 1,1 of Jan.nnd remnlnltii; unpaid at the OfUce of the Hupcrlntcnd-cu- t

of Water Worka on tlm Slit of March, will hatetheir ptlrllexea auipeiulcd without further notlre,

(I, II. riU'.KTII, mipt. Water Worka.Ilnnoliilii, MarcliJIli, I6hj.

Mn. W. I'. JloaiWAH has Hill day been otipnlnted anAtfcnt In craiit Mnirlaxe I.lcenica for Hie DUlrlct ofMakawao, lalnml of Maul. W. N. AH.M8TIIONO,

Mluiilntcrof Interior, (Ul Intrrlm.Interior Ofllce, Jan. CIili, Wl.Notice la hereby (?lven Hint, npnii tho recommftida-lie-

of the Hoard or Ilcnttli, Dr. (Ico. 1.. Km il hna tuladay been nppolnted Vncclnallnu Olllcer for the Maud ofOaliu. W. !l. AltMHTIlONd,

Mlnlatcrof t liter lor, m Intrim.Interior Offlce, Feb Sltli. ICJ. IB b'JI St

Notlco ofthoBonrilof IlPnllh in Roiranl toVnooinntlou.

In aecoribitice with the law (Civil Code, Hec. fWJ toHec. .117) I hereby notify all parent rutldliig within theDlattlct from Maiiiiulun lu.Mn4iiiliiiiwlihareiiu,accliia led ihlldteii In btlnjr to tlm Dlapenanry of the lloaidof lliollh on Maiinalira Street fur the purpdie of

grntultluiia vnccliinllon. t'nvaccliiatid nilullanre nlno notified toioine to ihe above mentionedplace for the e.iine pnrpoae. The Vareltiatlng Ofllcerawill belli colli day (exceptlnc Huiidoya andMonday) between Ihe houraof llnnd IJ o'clock.

0. I., VITCII, M. D,T3 6?l fit Vncclnnlltig Ofllcer.

Extract from Civil Coilo.-La- w RoIkUuk toPulilio Viicciniitlnna,

(iectlon Mi. The Mlnlaler nf the Interior ahnllnpon the recommendation nfthr Hoard nf Health

a pullible pcreou lo bo vacclmitlr. ofllcer In each ofthe gubernatorial dlvlilona of Ihc Kingdom, who ehnllreceive auch anlnry, aa may, Irnm time to time, be ap-

propriated by the LegMalurC", Dud efiall be removablefiom ofllce at the plcnaurc of raid Mlnleter.

Section SID. Knih vucclnntlng ofllcir ahall appoint,nt lead, three cnnrcnlent placca In each rcbool dielrlclthroughout Ida dlvlaloii, for the performance of vaccinntlon; nnd, from time to time, give public notice of thetime when be will attend at audi place, lo vaccinateall persona not already encceatfully Tncclnntcd whomay then nnd there appear; and alio of the time whenhe will attend at audi place, to Inapect the progreaa ofaudi vaccination In the persona eo tncclnntcd.

.lection 311, The fnthcr or mother of every childhall, within alx montbe nfter Ihe birth of inch child,

or, In tho event of Ihe death. Itinera, or abeencc of thefather or mother, then the. guardian, nnrec, or pcraonhutlug charge of auch child, ahall, within alx monthaufti-- lt birth, or nt Iho eirlleet opportunity after, takeanch child to the vaccinating odlc'er, for the purpose ofbeing vaccinated.' Beillon .117. L'rAmtliTclglilhVay, fcSlnwIng the doyon which any child baa been vaccinated, the father,mother, guardian, or other perr-a- having chirgcof raidchild, aliall ngnln tnke audi child to the tacclnalliiL'uilkcr, that ho limy a.certain by Inspection thcreeultofaudi operntlou.

Hecllon HI3. If the rncciuntloii la foil id to bothe offlctr ihull deliver (o Iho father, mother,

or other pereon having chargo nt the child, free ofcharge, n certificate that the child lias been lueecaafullytnccluntpd. nml rhall hole the fame In a book to bekept by audi officer for that purpoac.

.Section fill. On the, presentation of any chilli to bevaccinated, ehould the olllcer deem the child to be Inan unfit atate to be vacclnaud, h may postpone theoperation nt hla dltcitlliin, ami give due notice In theparent, or perr-n- having ihargp of inch child, loreproduce the unit for vaccination at a future time.

SectlouSIS. "Ihe vaccinating ofllcera ahall rblt theaeveral atallnna appointed by turpi, ut once Inetery lx month", and oftener. If required an to do bytbe Mlnlatcrof the InUrlcr, or Hoard of Health.

Kterj pan nt, guardian, or other personhating Iho charge of any child, who rhall refine orneglect tuionipiy Willi the i.rntialona of the law

vaccination, eluill bonbjeit to a line nf Avenuuare; oiu-'oa- oi wnieu auan ot'paia lo Imttlitornier

Section Ml., 'lb-- jiLaul vacclnatlnp ontiera imllkeep u faithful record of their traneaitioni, ami ni.ikuan aniiunt report of the ame to tho Mlnlatcrof theInterior. W. S. AltMbi'ltONO,7nt bl 3t Mliilater of Interior, ail tnliitm.

Licenses Expiring in March, 1882.

ittrr.ii.- - nt .1 I.alno & Co. Kiplanade, ' I'onnlnlu1 .Inlin A Palmer A. Co, cor Fort i Merchant hi, "1 1I.IU llroa, lintel .St.

Alonn, Wjlauap,'I Win Turner, King St, "6 Chung Wan, Nunanu HI, '3 HtiTwo hou, l'llnihbonl SI,

15 A W Itlcbard'ou A Co. Fort A Merchant 81, "DQiioug bam KieCo, King it. . - "14 W 1' Akau. timinnu at ..I'J tl Wel. tjneen hi, "'.'1 r I'nnihbonland Klnz Hta, "'.M hhnn Mug, Queen ht. ".'3 O F Wolfe, King bt,

itirrAii.-HAUA- ii.

1 (1 W C .Toner. Keaiihou, Kail,b I' Spencer, Walinca,t) Akiiu.1 .V. Akol. Kitiubotl. Kona.

13 Aknua A Akoj, lloiintni, Itotia.10 Ming Fill. Mnullll, llllo:'14 I. Anlu. llouoiiitknu, N KohnU,15 Wong llti.Onkulu, llllo,SI Tal Chung llllo,M L,kau, Hllo.

IttMAII.-HAt- 'I. .

3 Alum, Walluku, J8 II W Norton Co. Makawao, "8 lloun Till A-- Co. Liih.ilna, '

11 Chung HiHin, Walluku, ,.U Alo, l.iilulmi, ' jIt See blng Kee, Kaliulnl, '" "

Httl'AII.-ltAU- An

IT Hong Chon?, HMOfcliol, J.lhup, ,v -31 Koku, llaunlel,

wiiiii.utAi.i:.CI C llrcmer Jt Co, Q,no'ii St, Honolulu,

j ii ii ii i. ti fli'iiur.'.'j E HoffiChlaeger i Co, Honolulu V

VIvrilAIJ.nU.1." Alo, I.nhilnn, Maul,I Hug Kit Kee, Mauuakea HI, HonoluluU llarrlgaii A Tlien. biuithnt,II llnrt llroa. Hotel St.II pap Slug Kee, Kahulul.Manl,13 Wilder, X Co, Mahukona, Hawaii,III Mln t Flit. Maullll. llllo. Ilawjll,17 Joaquin Manuel. Mauuakea bt Honolulu,14 Chung Moon, Walluku. Maul,W Ah Sang, Kapaau, N Kohala, Hawaii,

AtrrioN.V. n K IMoualna. (liana). Mini,31 lMUu X Kahili, Molokil,

'IKi: AKMN.!fl John M II 1,'ilaukoa, Honolulu.

nii.i.iAitu,I Hart Uroa. Hold St Honolulu,

10 llore Kaplnda, l.ululnl, vr.

17 F Spencer, llllo, Hawaii.34 O llivloii, Honolulu. Oalui.lit Wm llabcock, ilouolvlii, llahu,

iouii iiiirciii:u,1 Wong Ah llee. Haiku, Maul.

SI Klemakiile, llrela. KnohnirHikii, Oahu.M Chlng Are, HiiUula, Nulla Ktihala, Hawaii.

'AMi;renii.iAU.$ YoiieMun, Walluka, Manl.

11 Wal Luiu, llaunlel, Kauai,HUITHKII.

I C Ilettrltnanii. Ilanalel. KiujI.a C II Maker. Walluku. Maul.

II it It I'uowalni. Flih Matkel, Honolulu.St Ado. Haiku, Maual.aj tlxhl, Koloa, Kami.

ALMMJf.24 KumokaU, North Kohila, Hawaii.

msl'taaa.- John AFalmer Jt Co, cor Tort Mcrchtot Sti, Ho--UdUlu.

.,.rfwtit:i--rfc';a--aaria'- l

NOTIGK.Tfllnicrnph nml HlRnnl Rtittlnn nf VlnR.On the 14th nf Hcptembernn llkctfle. Telearaph Onlca

roinhlntd with a apeclal calabllahmenl for nfhanglnRatonal! nltli ve.l pmlnir aturanlll bep'd atVlugn at the entranc to Onltenbnrir.Tlila Once la limited IIOmrlMa writwarda from tht

I'lnen linton,Telti;rama till there be receltfd and dlipltchtd dal.

ly from mnrlie to aumet,The afainaliliiaT luihlpaalraa will berarrlcl on

by imiiii of P.iri and dlitalit "lunali accord.tni( lo Iherdlaa laid down In the Internativnal' Corn,merclal Code of Mlnnala "

Willi rejinl to ttlegrama lent to raaaeli, thefollowing rnlei are In be red I

I io. Tho nddreM mail site, not only lb" ordinaryIndication, but al'o the mine of Ibe ?e, nlllclalnumber (I. r. algnal lellera In lh' Cixle I.I it) n writ aathe port o nlllcll the ahlp belonvai

m. Tli 'I telegram ahnll either be written In theHwcdlali language or bo roinpoird of rninblnallona ofletlera. In the taltarcn.o only Hip followlnic IS eon.annanta of the alphabet tlai 11,1' 1. 1', (I. II. J. K. I,M. N, I'. IJ. It. M. T. V. and W. ma; be rnrhconililnallnti ili.ill not contain more then fourltlterata taleiriam of Hill dercrlpllon will be conaldrred aa If I1,

werp ciphered.Telegram ruining from ahlpi will, at Iho rerjneil of

the aindcr. be forwarded lo their dttlnallnn In thebote mentioned kind nf cipher; In cane no inch re

'iiicalalinnld be made, the deipilcli will be forardedIn Hnedlili tran.lallnu.

The charge for mei.ngea by lnl letlera will, In thernle, be calculated at the following; rate!

) for Zxii'llliiKi I kmiia uiorr fur any number nfwirdai

b) the forwarding of the meMaee through the tele,grnpli will be ibarged nrenrdliiR In the establishedtariff if rnlea for Inland and foreign telegraphic corres-pondence.

The whole amount of bolh there poili ta to be paid ifor telegrama adit lo tenel. ,j the .ender, and fordeipatchea rouilnj from venaela by Ihe recelrer.

faaalng veaaela will be able, by limply hoi. ting Iheenalzn with their dlalluchlklicd llnl, I. e, theirnntelal iiumher In the Code Mai, In Iiayp Ihelr pn.raeerrp&ilfd by telegraph lo nny pcraon within Hwiden,who, bo letter or telegram, aliall hate prcrloualy appiled lo the ofllce for puch ptJrpo', at the nine timeI'lrliif hla addrerr

In aueli e! i,o charge will at prencnt be made forIhe alguallng, and Ihc ncraou lo whom a meirnre laadd ea.ed will oul, bate to pay Ihc ordinary charge forthe trno'iiilmlon by telegraphic wire and uch cipenieaal Ihe forwarding of the intnnige lotta addreia fromthe neareat tclegrBph-orilc- e rnny Involve,

After the eilnbllahment of the KI'Clrlc-Tclegrnp- h

Ofllca, Hie Optlrnl Telegrdi at Vlnua will no longer beihi.I.

Hlockholm, Ansuitnotli. 1841,7S-- Till: IIOVAI, IIOAItDorTKl.KflltAI'IIS,


Mnnri;cra'a Notlco.All advcrtiicmcnta for the bATt'nriir I'nraa mu'tbe

acnt In by Friday noon. No Innertlona for the currentlaaue can be guaranteed when aent In later.

Adverlleera will mark Ihe number of Insertionfrom which dole they charge. Any nut ao marked

wilt be charged ! month.THOH. (I. THIIUM, Manager.


An ww no to prc44 tho Inrkcntlno tlila from Kanr'niiicixco In off tlto jKirt.

Tiik Hprlnkler linn been out ntf.ilu thU week nndthe lnyltift of lliu dnnt wim n threat relief.

Tim diver wnn nt work ninin on tho bottom oftho I.lkilikt on Jlontlny nnd Tm-adny-.

TttE It. M. stcntner '.tuUmdla will lio dao fromtho Colonics next Monday, tho l.llh Inst.

OornBXon Domlnis loft liy tlm Wtefa(ln4tTao4-dn- y

for Mnui, ttlicru ho tt ill iniet tho King.

The tnrctltiR of tho couitnitti-e- of tho LoanKxliibitlon will tnko place next Wcdmdiy.

An intereHlltir letter from Hiwall nnd othormatter in compelled to KtAiid over till next week.

1'ivF. ptiH8cn;crB left tlila plnco for 8an Frnncincoby tho Kaliduim, mid n like tho number by theVonime,

A buddki, slirrt mid heavy Hhower of rnln foilyesterday nt 11 a.m. It wna clenr nud wnrm lit themorning.

frnr. steam roller wax In naa nt tho pnlnce ListMonday for levelling the wnlkn nnd portionn ofthe Kroundn.

The Band hits returned from Manl. They weremuch niixsed dtirinn their nbii'nco,niid their next0111 nir concert will be niiprrciiiteu.

A i)AT liotifio is bciuK built (or tho Kln in Uio

hnrbor off tho foot of UicU'irda street. It ia abouti!Q feet by 45 but is in very flinllow water.

A hkayt layer of rock and oil linn been spreadnlons Adams lnne nnd is roitdy for tho steamroller. Thii littlo street was b.idly in need otrepairs.

The meeting of the Teacher' Association,whicb wns to lmve Liken plnco butt Thnrsdnycveninu. tvns poatiwtied to next Thnrsdny 011

account of the concert nt the Fort Street Churoli.

At Fort Street Church, Sunday morning Mr.Cruzitn will tnkn for hil theme, " Tho Man Chriat-Jesuii- ,"

In tho iivenitif,' the reRnlar monthly lec-

ture to outu; villi bo upon "Temper." A

cordial welcome to nil.

In fcivlnfj the committees Inst week ot tho LoanExhibition for tho benefit of the Library nndItcadiliu lioom, wo omitted tho name of Mr. A. J.CnrtwrtRht, ns Cbnirman of the Cotnniitteo on"coins, plate, jewels sud bice."

'Iiir. Survey Department hivi discovered that thelocttion of the fire-plu- mid cisterns nre not pntdown in tho litlioutnplied map of the city, re-

ceived from San Ftnncisco, although they nre intho original. Suoh beltiR the the map shouldnot bo acceded.

A ueetimo ot the Honolulu Cricket Club washeld nt the Hawaiian Hotel Inst Monday evening.A committee wiih npixiiutpd to se about procur-ing, a new cricket ground, nud it unsaccestful, toconfer with tho Athletic AHsoclation in refjnrd totho Muklkl reserve.

TtirnE tvns n heavy storm on tho Koolau side oftho Iilmid last Sunday. All afternoon we couldhear thu thnndcr nud In tho evening there wns annhuost continual Hash of lightning. Wo nru thu r.tin imured down in tnrrenU nndthat nil ot thu streams were much swollen.

Wouk 011 the artesian well nt Alilolnni Hale isbeing carried on night nud day bo as to completethe well it possible this month. On Tuesdiy thedrill was down JU feet nnd the piping 2uVS feet.The rock they nro in is quito hard but everythingli going well, and thu indications nrofavorable.

K.iin natives wero rolling a heavy iron skeletonwhirl by the Water Works ofllce yesterday Hf

tu a schooner 1 it got n cant to ono side whetithe natives let go of it mnl it fell on one ot tbenibreaking liU arm near the shoulder. Ho was cu-rled in to Dr. McKibblu'a oQlco where tho brokenbono k set.

Tint Foreign Office has Issued lu pamphlet formfor distribution abroad among the Hawaiian Con-

sulates, the Statute of thu Hawaiian Kingdomreining to appprcntirus and ountr.ict laborers,with a synopsis of rulings and d'eisiont of theSupreme Court thereon, prepared by Judge y,

nnd for a copy of which we are under obligations to Jtr. ti. aa, ureen.

A muubkb ot men are now employed on prepar-ing a roadway nud for lajing nrailiond track fromthe Punchbowl quarry to Fbherrosn'a Point,nearly a mile in length, to convey rock to bs utedin constructing theTong-tAlked-o- f marine railway.Tbo bark lleury Untk arrived this weelc withmaterial for tho railway, nnd we may expect tosea work continued until it is computed.

An Interesting game of base ball waa played atMnlil.l last fviturdiy between the Oi.inta, fromtown, nnd tho Infanta, from l'unahou. The UianUdid wrll on thu lirst itiulug but after Unit the U

began to crawl upon them. The bojabavobeen out of practice fur some time, but with thepresent revival ill game wo huNi to so some goodplaying. When ibirkneta put nn end to tho contest the score stood (Jisut-- t .', Infants 17.

The first entertainment of the "F.vening-- J inForeign Lands" series was .given at the FortStreet Church last Wednesday evening. Japmwaa thn country visited. Mrs. Cruzau gave a shortand interesting description of the empire, havingn map ot tbo country and its surrounding seasdrawn on ft black board. Prof. Scott followed,citing an account of the trpyag frota San Fran-cisco to Yokohama,' bit fir trip into the Interior,nnd his varied xprUOM anionic the pople dur-ing bit itay there. He described many of theirpeculiar custom And, like Mrs. Cruzan, occupiedmore than the allotted lituo before the interested

fact. I1111m hm nnsrn 111 iiiit vtttnii itiiii'iipv read n rnpr mi tlin "Old Ilpllglona nf Jainn," I

and .InilRfi Mcf'nlly fjave it abort scronnl of thotncoof "Clirlstirui'ty In .Tin " and the dim- -

M..l(lu .. ........ I II...I. I. 11.. .,..., .t1 uir, .itiiu i' mo liner lAiiuri-riite- dto mnkn Iho (ivciiIiik an enloynbln one,

which It rrrtnlnly was. China will Ira Tlnlted Inthe salmi manner noit May,

Titr. Istrnt novelty appronrhlnKwrnplotlon lutlienew OmnllirH of Jlr, Jamea Dodd. The Has Iibuilt (in Ihr American principle, linn n acntlnK onbadly for M nilulla, nnd will Irfi a modal rdeco nflinn workinnnnliip when inippiil nnltalileS(Picet linvp been Ml nn.r. tur i.tivurtlaeinrnta,ami many of our lintinepK etoiia hare n I readynelrcteil their apapea, which ro Wider thn

of Mr, VIpiinri.

I'ot.tiA 1.10 Is tho proKMinmo for tlit fUnd Concert nt Cnirnn Hipiarp, nt tJ) this nf leriKxni i

March llnmbflrdon .... ..ParnDuet Tronbadonr .VerdiWalt'-tllld- ed Youth WaldtcafclHeleetloii Marltana WallarrI'olka Manuka Aralla .,1'aii'tHungarian Dnm-Cir- da I'otof

Tho Hand will kIvp, -- rtltlvely, nn cxlrn conceiton Monitny cvptiitii; March l.'HIl, at tho Hiuallanhotel.

I)n. 'I'liiwanti who tins Ixptt inana(pr of (lie1'aclfic rlnisr Mill at Ktiktillinelr, Hawaii, forllirto jeara prut, on servltiK his ootifKctiott withtho plnntation wns prenented by thn rmployepa,roost of whom have lieen on thu plantation duringthe pntitn t'riod of his riiin"u,critcnt, with thnhmuhtnmest i.'nlil wnlch nud chain to lm had InIlonotutn, on whlrh is (iirnvril thn followinginscriidlori t " I'rcspiiU-- d to Dr. Troaseau by hisfrleinU nnd employees nt tho l'sclfic Kngnr Mill Inloken of Ihoir renp-'-d nnd tslpprn, Feb. 1st, 18M."'I his shows pomethini of the fpcllnf Hint existsbotwpctt tho Cliniiltlt't " slaves" nnd Ihelr over-aner- s.

Titr. (Ittirtlf in lis comments on llio admirableletter of 'lino. 1(. Dnvlrs, Im., to the IyjitdonThin conccrnloK matters in Hawaii, says 1 "Itwould have been naliafactory to have seen similarletters publishid In the Ucrinnn paprsi wn oughtto li.wn n few friends in that country." This hasImiK slnro lieen done In German piper. rIheWcser '.iltmiij of January 4th, contained nnnrllclo ntiilcr Ilia hpadiiiu '' Laborers nml theirConditions in tho .Sandwich Islnnda," which wasto have been Irnnnlnlrd nnd coplel by nowspaiiefsin l'orltiKnl. nt Ht Michael's nnd in Norway, nndwan probably circulatid in lliono countritn beforeit ri'iti'hod hero,

Oh p. of tlios!p;niof the limes Indlcillng thnwhich cnpltnl tins In thatiermancncenf the

country's prosperity, Is ncett In the Investment thatIs beint; mada in this city in brick or stonn strnc-tnrc-s

for busitil-n- s purixiscs. This week wn nolothe demolition of the wooden two-stor- y bulldlnuotiKnnhuiiinnu strict, belonging to Thomas Cnrnmins,'.v., which is to nlve plnre to one of brick. Tho

old lions wns crrrted hi 1S..1 by O. W. Vlncont,nnd wns lirst occupied by Aldrich A. Hum, H. 0.Allen, HnlcftiiiHii, mid nfUrwards bv J. C. Hpnldlng,nn liiijirter nud Coiuiniuiou Alerchaut, now nI'nymastcr in tho U. H. Navy. Thu next old honsoId rotnu down is tho O. C. Mclnn's rkxln-wnt-

factory, oil Hotel street near Nuuanu, which is nl-s- o

to i;ivo plnco ton brick structure. Thh Instwns built by the Into .In in oh Jiobinson, i.irly in thollflles.

TiiEwiro cnblo trnmwny nt Kealla plantation,Kauai, uacd first on Iho 12nd day of February, isnow In pcrfict working order. It Is olf feet inlength, and carries thu cano from Iho Held to thnmill In baskets. Tho elevation of the extremo endof the trnmwny Is K','1 feet HOove the mill. Thotnimwiiy ciletids nine hnndrcd feet of tho dis-tance over a level tnblc-lan- but there nro nerer.itshnrji ascents of varying height nt either cud.Tlm nupiiortH of tho ca'blo nre from 17J to 72 feetin height according lo the nature of the (jronnd,nud tho longest Intcrvenint; srmco between sup-Ir- ts

is iVJ feet, tvhero tho cable pisses over nswamp; the strotid longpst spico is --WJ fpot. Thocable, on the principle of an endless chain, bringstho loaded carriers to tho mill and pisvs themback empty to Hie field. It is rnn by the enginent tho mill nud gives ierfect h itisfnction nnd willno it great ot tlmo anu latior. Atibtriorthe tramway may bo seen at the olllco of V. U.Irwin li. Co., corner of Queen nnd Fort streets.

Mn. FnA-f- x W. Damon, who bns definitely de-

voted his lifo to missionary work among tho Chi-nos- o

on theie Islands, returned to town on Wed-

nesday Inst from n two-wee- tour of the Island ofbill tl, in cumptuy with a Chines'" colporteur. A

full nccoutit of the trip ami its incidents may lmshortly expected in print from Mr. D. ; nnd in themeantime vie may Htate that, as n rcsuttof his per-sonal vixits to tho numerous Chinese who, as

traders, Ac, nre scattered over thisInland, his intercut in und his appreciation of thomagnitude mid importnnco of the work havo beengreatly stimulated nnd enhauccd. While talkingnbout and planning for niiaaiouary work nhroad,wo nre prone to forgot that right hero in onr midstaro ninny thutisandsof nn thorough heathens nsnro to bo found in the, "dark continents" of theworld. With tb important difference,that these heathens have n civilization of theirown which is Tcry ancient, in the beliefs andproc-.ticc-s

of which they nre extremely fixed.

At tho Fort Street Church on Sunday eveninglast, every scat was filled with an attentive audi-

ence to listen to tho address of tho Tastor, theItcv. J, A. Cruzan, ns previously announced, "tobusiness men." Tbo text wns in the words of 1 5Apostle " Whether therefore yo eat, or whelheryedrink, or whatsoever Jo do, do nil to tbo glory ofGod.' In n familiar, but nt timen eloquent dts- -course of half an hour, the preacher forciblyemciuaieu iiow me loprcuani.iuo planter, ine man-ufacturer, the mechanio and tho laboring man, intheir several spheres of life, could nnd should,while honestly, diligently nnd even absorbinglydevoting themselves to business, be working fortho good of humanity, and thereby for the gloryof Qod. Thus the dischnrgo of our daily nvoc.i-tion- s,

if done) rightly nud from right principles,wns a practical preiching of tho Gospel, as reallyns if ono held forth on tho street comer, nnd wouldperhaps do more good in tho end. Lawyers, even,wero to lm included among thoio who, by acontci-entiou- s

discharge of their duties, could bo advanc-ing tho glory of God. Wo note that nothing wassaid about editors, and therefore aru fain to sup-Io-

that, being prntchers themselves, they werenot specially preached to.

The branch Leper Hospital nt Fisherman'sl'oitit, is now in complete working order and thereare as many people tbcro as can bo accommodatednt present. A visit to that place a few days sinceiroved very interesting. Thu grounds nre neatlyaid out, although as tet there is littlo Bhrohtwrv

or grass growing. Uroat cure, however, is beingtaken to encourage the growth of desirable trtes.Tbo rooms nre all largo nud comfortable nnd scrupulnusly clean, nnd the patients are better curedfor than they could bo at their own homes, 'lbeynppear ns well contented ns could be expected.'I hey get plenty to eat, have comfortable leds nnUreceivu the best care. Kach one eats ioi out of nseparate bowl ; no two nre allowed to use the samedish. There is a school for the boys nud girls,who seem quite happy. Home of the men wereplaying croquet when wo went in. Soreral ofthem told us that they nre improving and seemedto bo honsful. We heard 110 word of complaintfrom any one. A room is being prepared fortaking photographs of the patieula nt differentstages. A history of euch one is kept, which withthe views, will be n valuable contribution to thegeneral history of leprosy nnd to mience. Wehave not sp-te-o to describo folly nil we saw. Wewero agreeably in finding tho hospi-tal m commodious nnd well arranged nnd tho un-

fortunate imitates no happy and comfortable. Thefriends aud relatives of tho patients bring themlargo quantities of ;o, fish, etc., every dy. Theexpense ot their maintenance to the uovernmeutnuiuuntd to only abont one dollar per week each.

The First Concert given nt Fort StreetChurch on Thursday evening last for tho Ladies'Iteuevolent Society to aid iu procuring funds fornn instrument for the vestry of the church, drewtogether n comfortably well-fille- honso, nud thovaried programme of instrumental mutic, tolonnd quartette vocal selections nnd readings pass-ed nn with 'much satisfaction if wo except Iho

used, which fell short of the capacity of theouse or capabilities of thn performer. This waa

noticeable in Miss Castle's execution otIilaiuly l'olonabso in A, ns also in her encorepiece, liotu of Mrs. Adams' readings, "TheVictim " by Tennyson, aud " The Wlteh'a Daugh.tcr,"' by Wlilttier, showed to advantage this pains-taking lady's enviable gift which the aodieneathoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Hanford's renderingof tbo difficult "Seen and i'mjvr, from' PerFreUchutz' by Von Webtr," aecomjunied on thepiano by ilr. M. H. Jones, " carried the bouse."nnd iu Tesponso the kindly tracted the audience to

Cleansing Fire." Mrs. Paly'g rendition of Mil-lard's "Darting" was in her usual easy style atwhicb the audience freely indicated their

and sighed in vaiu for more Sirs. J. F.llruwu's first fcolu of the evening, Hlumenthal's" My Queen," givru in her deep rich voice, wascarried through with credit In her usual auy, butnonchalant manlier. Schubert' Quartette, "'theJjurd it my Shepherd," by Mrs. Cruzan, MltsPa ike, Mrs. llrowu and MUsllhodew a noveltynud tilth Iho quartette, "Fredoru'a bong," bvMissis. Hall, Btarkey, Wm. and W. II. Jourt waswithout nccompanimeut. A aocial nud ice creamfestival followed in the vestry that was wellpntroultoU nnd adJeJ considerable the fundwhich o learn his resulted in the gross receipt ofsome V0. Altogether the promoter are tobo congratulated on their double success.

Foixowran Is the record ot Folic Court pro-ceedings for tho week 1 A. D. Howe, selling spirit-uo- u

liquor withont a license, fined fSOO, coat3 1 cat appealed to Bupreme Court. Elemakule,

drunkenness, forfeited 6 ball. Lorn Keats, LHang Lan, Lee Ming, Leo Jt'ar Van and Lee Tye,gatcing, Haiti enter! by prosecution.


Mnktkm.w., Kanahl, Ialt, Klmokco, llhwuMflbw.. Kaleo, Ha pah I. Kahlho and Kamn' , HstrrlnB,remanded to the lAth Inst. YourtRllann.ilrtinr-pnnes- ",

forfellpil IJO Intl. William Keanlanl,.iin)rhargp, fnrfallil i ball, Llloa, name charge,forfelled f "5 MH, wtrruj rhargn, finedfo, cts .'!. Hltnene, name rharge, fined ff, fist,,,1. All 1 at. assmlt and battery on Ah Kin, noluj'loiiptl enlerr-i- l by tirofyirttton l'aahana, loreeny of n guitar valued At (10, anitf nc"(t Id nlnilaoutlis' Imprisonment al hsrillaboTamt fined VJ,

(vists 1 1. 'I. John Johnson, drunkenness, forfritclfO I nil. J, 0, Wayman, same charge, forfeited f)ball, Kauai, truancy, committed lo IlaformstorySchool during minority, William OotdMifdfuiilrpnncM, forfeited ffl Imtl. A. llentpn, naainlt atnlbattery on hla wife, Alline, fliipd f ,cmlil Geo.Votrt, violating Habbstb by keeping shop own,HnlU pnntnut entered by prowrntlon. WotigBlng,larceny of flrt.wo'pl, tn prVKjl rnlenal byprospcnllon. Ah In. and Kaailan, nftray, fined 2costs l each. IMfld Matioo nnd Anna, rf.,havlngopium In peuune,rt", Mnhoo fined ?&0, nnd tenlenced bi threo monthV imprisonment nt hard ir,

coals f.t Anna fiiMMl f 7ft, nnd MiitsnceiHoalt months' Imprisonment, cnls ?.1. Klpl, drunk-ennna- a,

fined f A, rohts f I. 1're.lerlck Knaliwaun,sarno chnrgp, rptnandeil to th; Ulh Inst. CbarlisChsrlrslown, rescuing Kuahwann from aialodr ofa pollen ofTlcPr, remsndrd trallin llth Inst. I'lfllIt'yjonl. Kaloo, k., vs. II. Williams, action ofilamngn laid at 810, nun-sui- t taken bv plaUilllT,;. II. Macfarlann vs. F,H, KelVi. actionof Ircxpiss, dnmsgn $M, Judgment for sdalntifl for

costs MO, John llopp adinlnlstr.ilor, m. J.'. .VouIp, acllon of nssumpsll for f 15, jt'igmtnt

for plnhitlrf.

On Tnrtnlay lnt Messrs. Itynn A Power Islet fhkpel of a schooner, on the Walklkl side of lhKsplansdp, which Is being balll for A. F. Cooke ACcrThakoel Isfd fcel length over nll,63fenl Ihe atomI. dug nearly irpendlcolnr breadth of bonoeighteen feet six inches tleplh of hold fiv feetsix inches. Shu will be built expressly lo meetllio riqulrrmeiits of a vessel In the Island tradn.quito flat, so ns to carry a ilrok load without ballastlielow and lo ho abp lo navlgalu In shallow water.All of tho crooked llmlx-- r to ha tit'd In her con-st ruction ll lie of rnonkpy-i's- l grown In andaround Hot.olnln, 'I ho grain of this tree doe notrun straight but seems tu cross mid Interlock. Itis difficult In work on this account, but Mr. Powersays that il Is leas liable Inbreak nnd split andwill hold a nail belter than nny other wood ha boserir jitiitored In his uxpcrJpnco of 18 years withtimbers gro n In these Ulnnds, nnd is superior Inmany respects to any other timber we have hero.Doubts nre entertained by some ns to its durability,but Mr. Dower has no fears im tblt scorn as helmu d it in carls nml oi.yokes for the past rightyears arid has never ycl beard any complaint.Mr. Ilyan has also used In for sterns of boats) jetno one can HI how It will be affected betweenwind mid water in a vessel. Under water when Itis in contpct with salt, wo know it is safe, Iwettweek (3 was nid for four blocks of sumioaed-lo-be.rotte- n

timber, outsido considered to ix of anchlittlo value Hint no ono would cart it away t and afew honrs after It was sawed Into sUijh for partof tbo croopid mid ship frame of the visp nowbuilding. ' ho whole frame was got out nt thnKntcrprliw Mill, chiefly by Mr. Hingley nnd Mr.Dower. With tho saw mid machinery nrraugedfor llio purpose logs can bo cut tip to mnch bethradvantage than formerly. With this saw polboard are now sawed from very heavy timliers.With tho improved facilities for sawing timbersfor vessels nnd with plenty of native wood easilyobtainable, wo hope Hint all the coasters reqnltodill our Inter-Inlan- d trado will be built at homehcroaftor.

Maui Nciiji.Tut Hawaiian Html vlsltrd Sprocket's Mill on

Monday tho --"Cth ult The cvangillsts John Ka- -

Inma nnd Kcatvcamahi aro doing n good work andbut for this tiling an exciting week would hnvi fallbonnes each meeting.. ..Th") King was not

by tho wvrfrnfnn her last trlpnp; however,two companies of natives went to Manlaea withpart of tho reception committee bi escort him up.On Tuesday, many people called on blrn, and thetown was beautifully decorated. On Wednesdayevening the KingadJreesed the pople at tho UnionSchool-hous- o where there were some eight hand redassembled. Ho said that ho bad cirrumnavigatedtho globe, had been honored by mauy foreign pow-ers, had sought a cognate race from which to re-

cruit the Hnwaiiins. Hh stated that the Treatywas ensured for the period for whicb it was made.Hou. George Iticlinrtlsoii. Jnmtm Humphreys nndHon. J. W. Knlua. nlwi nddrpsd the people. Mr.Humphreys nllnded to the benefits of the treaty,tho incrcaao of taxable property and contrastedthe old method ot receiving Kings with the pres-ent. Mr. Knlua said every man, woman and childin tbo Kingdom owed tho King n debt for all thatlie had done for the country A grand bill waagiven nt Walluku on tho 23rd alt., and another onthe 1st ins.t.

Hawaii Notes.A small package sent to Kawalhaa at the cloae of

lant year, nnd recently taken from there, is saidto hnve cost if 10 for storage... .. In nnswer to an in-

quiry as to tho yield of sugar nt Lidgato'a planta-tion, wo have received the following: "We com-menced grinding January 2Tth, and stopped Feb-ruary loth, when wo had taken the cine from six-

teen nnd n half acres, making one hundred andthirty tons of sugar, ono hnudred and twanty-eigh- t

tons of which we packed and weighed two tnnrfwo estimato we nave in the coolers yet lo dry.From tho almvo wo mads 828 elariflers of MO gal-lons (imperial) each. Can not tell whit the den-sity was as our saccliarometcr wa broken. As waflumed the canes, wo of courto know nothing abouttheir weight, but estimate that there mast lint bless than 100 tons of canes per acre. We havetaken ns high ns twenty-fou- r elariflers of MO gil-Io-

each fromaalnglo acre.".. ..At Hilo tberohas lieen a largo numlwr of dogs killed by poison-ing lately. The guardians of tho peace are tryingto find out who tho guilty person or persons nre.There are still left a very liberal snpply of do;,also cats. The stomach of-- one of the dogs is to banalyzed Hilo resident are wondering If Ihetirao is still far distant when they cm get to thoother eido of their Island without going to Hono-lulu first. It seems to them that the LikiUle mightconnect with tho Itralanl at some convenient pointon Hawaii, and thus enable pprons to roach tbsother side, which would save tirao and expense. Itwas tboueht nt one) time that the Iiealunt wouldcome to Hilo The rain-fa- ll as registered by Dr.C. II. Wetmore at Hilo for the month of February188?, was !U7 inches.... .There ha been an abund-anc- e

of rain and wind in all part of the Island.....Peloln active at Kllaaea.

Kauai Notts.The long bridge at Uanapepe U finished, and

the pile driver usnd in making it has been returnedto Honolulu Thero has been much rain latelv,but the latt few days have been pleasant...Steamers nnd schooners have had little difficultylately in ta'iing in and discharging freight.

Plate of Worship.Seaxci's TiETiici-ll- ev S C Eamon, Chaplain, Kief

treet. near the Sailors' Home. Preaching at II a m.Seat free. Sabbath School be fere lh, morning arnica.Prayer meetlnr on Wcdncidsy evenings at 7K o'clncck

nai SinzsTCiicncu Kev J. A.Cntian evof Fort and llerctanla alrecu. t'rcactilns on It a x and 71, r at. Sabbath Schcel at 10 a k.

StAvdhew'sCathzohaI' Kngllah aerviceai Rt Rethe III. bop of Honolulu and Kev Th.M lllickburn. Ha-waiian aervlcai ltev Alex Macklnlorh. 8 JO, HolyCommunion: 9.3). Matlna aud Scraion (.Hawaiian): 11..Matin, Lllanr and Sermon (Kn;llbj; I, Hvenaent;(Hawaiian); T.3 Kvcuaonr and Sirmon (Engllah).

Homay Catiiouc CuL'ncn- - Under the charge of KIter III, hop Matzret. audited by Iter tllibcp Hermann:Korlatreel, near IScrelanla. Servlcea every Sunday at10a atudsr u,

KAWAiAiiAoCucrxu Iter II II Parker, Putor, Klacatrcet, above the Palace. Servlcta In Ifafalliu everySunday at It 4 al. Sabbath School at 10 a . Cvtone;aervleea at 7i o'clock, alternating with Kanmikaplll.Dtatrlcl meeilnsa In varlona chapel at 3.S' r at. Prayerluectlng every Wedueidsy at 7)a r at.

aVfltS. AUGUVTA HARTViCrti Thr of VooaU ttaul Imat -

amaat 1 Ms lo,Hecommenda hcrielf to the Ladiea' of llouolale.

Pleaae call from to 8 In Ihe cvenlnj, tthJl THE HAWAIIAN IIOTKI. Ira

HOUSE TO LET IA HOINK. NIITABUtfor a family. Near lbs head of Fort xtrtfi.UnfnrnlahrtL I'oaacaalon rtfen tmmrdlataitr.

Apply aoon at ibe premlaes are In uimand.CI1AS. T OUL1CK.

eud tf No. I Kaaaumanu St.. Ilonotula.

AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOK.rpiIK ItKGUIiAlt SK8SIOX OPJ. OceinleCmodl No. in A.Uof H tr kl la

the Knlihli of Pvlhlaa Hall. Campbell' BnlMlsr esth. FIKSTtnd TUMID TUEHDAYM of atenr !.W7 3m IIKNRY M.

S KVKHY TOWN COUNT11T,L to aall very valuable Standard ComoercUt work of

.x.--A.' ni-onTA- -0-1

(Jul publlihedi. for laraii and Territory addrtMA. ROMAN. iWokacllcr A rblliker.

b9t Im Mutter St.. San FranclKo. C.l.



r Far ! byVHim A. W. PrlKCK A CO.

Crocerivs.A ri.l, AHSIIKT-KI- IT 4r 3aIt'K-- mi

J uatirelvt frera EarojM yle Ute.l arrltaHiand el vrv chg qulliy. Aio,lratddtileaolUroccrtat 10 our former nock, jaat arrived lioro StxrFnualico. ex Ktltksoa, Ktrtka 4 Mdls F, 'llf rWill be toU lo lilt Ibe trade.Oct. IV. ii7J) VOL1.CS A Co,

ii,lr.i-f- i. .iiiA, ttfiTtitlipillii iBMi-i-ilHit-r:


Page 5: Saturday Press J. NOTT Co - University of Hawaiʻi...Jin wim n wnrni fric-m-l nml mijipnt'lur nf tlm llnwiiiinn (liivotiinmnl, nml nn njiilplil nml worthy itmn. lln wnn n brother of



A Modern Instance.

Kxlfnol from W. D, llon-nll'- niory nn-tlc- V

tho nliovo limuling In Iho Century Jin-$mi-

of Dccctnlior, 1 88 1 :

" Itnliion llicro lind Inrgcly cmhci! to bon fnct of apinttinl pxjiorionco, nnel llio

lloiirinlied on comh'iioii of provid-ing for (Iki mictnl rit edn of Ilia community.It won prnellcnlly lirld thnl tlio Kitlrntiunofnna'n Mini muni not lio mndo loo (lojircin.frig, or tlio young peopln would li.ivonothing to do with ft. I'rofcMoni of tlioMrrni'At rrredi lorupomrtl with Ri'tinorn,nod did what might ho tlotio to win themto hoivcn Uy helping llicm to hnvo n goodtime here. Tho cinircli omhrnetd findiiuludod tlio world. It no longor frowned

vmi iijioii diluting n trnripgrtmiotiotico m hi'inonn in its uyen ; it opened itsdoom to poptilnr lectin do, nnd cticourngcdBornlnr intigin in iU hnpomcnlft, where,during Iho winter, oy(or.Hiiiieri wero(riven in nid of good objcotn. Iho Hmiiliij-K'ho- nl

wnn mndo pirtionlnrl ntlrnclive,lioth lo thnohildicn nnd tho young minimid girln who tnught thorn. Not only nlTliniikKgiring, but nt Uhristmnn, nnd ly

byoii tit Knntcr, there wero xpccinloliiorrniico, which tho onlerprifiing opiritslniving the welfnrn of tho church nt hearttrt'vd to mnko nignificiiut and ngiconblo tonil, nml promotive of good feeling. Christoningn nnd miirringtH in tho church wtociK'oiirngcd, nnd clnttorntcly celolirntcil ;

dcith nloue, though tienled with oilflower-- ; in emblematic doviccs, rel'iifted lolend lUolf to (ho cheerful intentions of(hot, who wero dtrnggling to reudor thoden of miother nnd n better world cpH

repiilfli-- o. In contrnot with tho relnxnlionnnd niicrrlniiily of their doctrinnl nim, thortido mid hold infidelity of old Sqin'ro Ony.loid had tho grenler nllluity with tho noodof tho PuritnuihUi they hnd outgrown.

IIo might ho rending Ilumo or Gibbon, orho might ho roniling tlio Jliblo n book inwhich ho wnn deeply Tcrned, mid fromwhich he wnH furnmhrd with toxtn for thodemolition of i'Ih fricudn, his ndvers.iticfi.Jlo profcHhed himself n ndmirur of i'Ih

literature, nnd, in tho hunt of controversy,he often found himself n dofender of iUdoctrines when hn lind ocensiou to exposethe fnllnoy of Intitiidinnrinu interpretations.For libtrnl Chrihtimiily ho Imd nothingbut contempt, mid refuted it with n ecornwhich Knrcd nono of tho worldly tenden-cies of tho church in equity. Tho identhnt miuIh wero to bo wived by churchMcinhlen filled him with in.ippo.ibnblo rnti.cor; nnd ho innintnined tho superiority oftho old I'uritnnio discipline ngniust themwith rv fervor which nothing hut its

h nont could hnvo nbntcd. It wns nidthnt .Squire Gnylord's influence hnd large-ly helped to kecj) in plnco tho Inst of ihorigidly orthodox ministers, under whom hisliberalizing congrcgntion chnfed for yci.rsof but this wns probably nurxnggerntion of tho nntivo humur. Airs.Giiylord hnd belonged to this churcb, nndhnd never formnlly withdrawn from it, midthe Inwycr nlwnys contributed to pny thewinihttr'n Milnry. Ho nlso niuungcd n lit-

tle property for him so well ns to nmkohim independent when bo wnn at lust nak-

ed to resign by his deacons."

Postage Stamps.

Tho numbor of U. S. ordinnry postageKtmnpi issued in 1881 wns 95t,128,'l't0, nndtho vnltiei S1J4,040,G1U. Tlio method ofprinting postngo fctnmps isnR follows : Thoprinting ih done from steel jilnle, on whichi!00 stumps nro engraved, nnd tho paperturd is of peculiar texture, toniowlmtrohcmbling that employed fur bnnk notes.Two men civer tho plntcs with tho coloredinks mid pass thorn to u man nnd girl, whoprint them with largo rolling hand-presse- s.

Three of these little squads aro employednil the time, although ton cnu be put inoperation if ucccssmy. Tho colors u bed intho inks nro tiltrmiinriuo bluo, Prnssinnblue, chrome yellow ntul Prussian bluo(grcon), venuilliou nnd carmine.

After tho sheets of paper on which the200 stntnps nro ongrnved iiavu been dried,they nro sent into another room nnd gum-med. Tho gum in mndo of tho powder ofdried potatoes nod otbor vegetables, mixedwith wntcr. Gum nrnbic is not dosimblobecnuto it cracks tho pnper badly. Thoshoots nro gummed beparntcly. Thoy nroplnced backwnrd upon a tint wooden suj-po- rt,

tho edges being protected by n metnl-li- o

frntne, nnd Iho gum is applied by n widebrush. Aftor having' been ngniu dried, thistimo on littlo racks, which nro fanned byHleain power for nbout nu hour, they nreput in betweou shcoU of pasteboard nndpressed between hydrnulio preasea capableof npplying n weight of 2,000 tons.

Tho sheets are next out in halves, eachshoot, of course, containing 100 stamps.This is done by n girl with n largo pair ofBltenrs, ontting by hand being preferrod tothat of machinery, which method woulddestroy too many stnmpe. They nre thenpn.fcd lo tho perforating machine. Thoperforations between tho stamps nro elfecl-c- d

by passing the sheots between twocylinders provided with a serios of raisedbands, which nro adjusted lo a distnncoapart tqunl to thnt required between thevows of perforations. Each ring on thoupper eyliuder has a series of cylindricalprojections which fit corresponding depres-sions in tho bauds of tho lower cylindur;by these, tho petforalions nro punched out,nnd by a simple contrivnnco tho sheet isdetached from tho cyliudcrt", in which ithaa been conducted by an endless band.Tho rows vuuning longitudinally of tho

nper nro first mndo, and tneti by a similarmachine the trnusverse ones. This per-forating machine was invented and patent-ot- l

by a Mr. Arthur in 1H5'J, and was il

by the Government for 20,000.The sheets aro next dressed otico more, andthen packed and labeled nnd storod inanother room, prepirutory to being put upin mail bags fur dispatching to fulfillorders. If a kiuglo stamp is in any waymutilated tho whulo chect of 100 is burn-e- d.

Fire thousand nro burned overy weekfrom this cause. The sheets aro countedno letis thau eleven times during the pro-ca- ts

of manufacturing, nnd so great is thocare takeu in counting that not a singlesheet has been lost during tho past twentyyears.

Cones of the Ohorlin, 0llV?A7y Xeirt,received from thitt place- - by Mr. S. X.Castle, contain full accounts of the ternueranco work being do no at that place.The citiiem of Obcrlin have determinedwith nn almost uuauimoue voice to have noliquor sold in their town. The saloonsliavo been closed but intoxicating drinksare said from a drug store, tho proprietorof which refutes to discontinue tho busi-ness. Tho peopte have appointed con-initt- res

to iuUrview the otleudcr, a Mr.

Ilrornott, nnd thoy havo gone in n body (otho storo nnd importuuvd him not to in-

troduce the sale of liquor on his prcmiscr.On each occasion ho threw red popper onthe fire lo drivo the peoplo nwny. Thcronro 020 students ntlending Oherlin Collegewho have tnkon in nclivo part in tho pi

to suppress tho sale of liquor.Olhcr towns in Iho vicinity lmvo theirsaloons, but Obcrlin npparetilly will not bosatisfied short of tho utter extinction ofIho Inst gin mill of nny description.JlroiiRon may hold out for n timo, butwhoio opposition is so unanimous nnd sonclivo there can he only one result soonoror Inter.

How Tadabiiry Suffered.



A fow weoks ngo, Mr. Nathaniel Tmls-hnr- y

wns ns happy n mnn as ever lirrd inNew Orleans, hut now ho wnlks tho streetwith n limp in his gait, nnd n sad look inhis eyes. His troubles wero caused by apnrly which his wifo gave, and n slrangosimilarity in Iho sound of tho nnmes offcOTornl of the invited guests.

On the night of the party ho colored thoparlor, nnd his wife, coming forwnrd, said :

"Mr. TaiNbnry, lot mo introduce you toMr. Toot, who is a friend of our daughterMnry."

Tho grnllnmnn extended his hand nndTndsbnry grasped it cordially. Just thensomo gnestn arrived, nil of whom werostrnngors to each other, nnd bearing ihonnmo of Loot, Coot, Iloolo, Newt nndPool.

After hsing presented to Iho gnosis inIho hnllwny, Mr. Tndsburry tishcied theminto tho parlor, and seeing Mr. Toot sittingnloue, he said :

"Allow mo to introducoyoti lo Mr. Pool,Mr. Tool; Miss Loot, Mr. Tool; Mr.Cool, Mr. Toot; Miss Iloolo, Mr. Toot ;Mr. Newt, Mr. Toot. Miss Loot let mepresent you to Mr. Cool; Miss Koolo, MissLoot; Mr, Newt, Miss Loot; Miss Iloolo,Coot," continued Tndsbury, gasping. "Mr.Nowt, Miss Iloolo; Mr. Pool, Air. Coot ;Mr. Newt, Mr. Coot."

Suddenly ho appeared to loso control ofhimself, and ho stood in (ho middlo of Ihoparlor floor oxclaiming " llooty, toot, loot,toot, looly pool, cooty tool, newly pooty,pooty toot."

The nssemblcd guests begnn to stnro inwild, but ho merely kept on yell-in- g,

" Looty, tooty, looty, poot I " until hi.face grow deathly pilo and his eyes had nfixed, stony look in thorn that closely re-

sembled insanity. " .My gracious Nathanielwhat is tlio mnttcr with you t " exclaimedhis wifo greatly alarmed.

" Jtooty toot toot toot, Rooty toottoot loot," ho moaned, and leaving tho

parlor, rushed up slnirs to his room, nndfalling in tho bed soon beenmo delirious,nudfiiially went off into violent spisms,dining which ho mndo futile ntlcmpts tokick n holo Ihrouh tho ceiling. Sevetnlphysicians wero immediately summoned,nnd ns soon ns thoy could bring himthrough ouo spism ho would opon hiseyes, yoll " Toot," nnd go right oil' intoanother. The doclois could not explaintho cause of the sudden illness, and ques-tioned his wife, who staled that she didnot know what was tho matter with herhusband.

About this timo Tndsbnry rniscd him-self in tho bed, nnd moving his nrtns overhis head, cried out; "I am n big brasshorn. Just listen to mo: Looty toottoot toot tnntvlnriti l.mti. ..looty toot looty toot; " nnd then laugh- -

iTiiuij, no mm ionr more spasms m lessthan tilled miniil.-i- s V... il,-,- ,,, .I-- ,.. i.

remained in bed, nnd his delirium lootednwny untill evcryono in tho house wasnoarly crazy from listening to Iho dreadfulsound. When tho fuver had left, him howeighed nbout as much ns a straw hat,nnd his eyos wero so far hack in his headthat he cuuld not seo on either side of him.

A'. 0. Times-JJeiiiocru- t.

The folly of nny American foaring thatIlnwaiian sugar can overrun tho UnitedStales, is seen by comparing Iho sugarcrops of various countries. Cuba nndPorlo Hico grow, in 1880-1- , nn oil' y oar,nearly four times ns much sugar as thoUnited Stnles and tho Hawaiian Islandstogether. Tho crop of Cuba nnd PorloRico, in 1878-t)- , a good yesr, wns 5G7.000Ions moro than tho United Stales crop oftho same year tho best of tho threeunder review nnd the crop of the Ha-waiian Islands in their best year, 1880-- 1.

Ju other woids, thoaverago crop of Louisi-m- m

nnd iho highest tho Islnnds can teach intho next ten years will not thofluctuations in tho product of tho twoother sugnr-produciii- g countries named ;

that is, will not equnl 200,000 tons, or thodifl'erenco between Cuba and Porto llicoin 1878-- 9 nnd 1880-1- . An examination ofthe crop tablos shows that tho world's pro-duction is not growing ns rapidly ns thonumbor of consumers. Merchant.



Hny, Bran, On,t,Corn. Wheat, OH Cake Meal,

Mixed Tcod Cracked Corn,Wholo and Ground Barley c,

Which f ulll (til ton VtMii imuT than nnrflthcrdrm lit tomi. .Vo (cIMTKIII.VciitlooiMlicHid.Wo litrurixrlivd ex Kulakam, ! of l'nininu Co.'a1'iiU'iii spilni; Carl. tthlitiareln arcat (leiunn.lj ihi-s-

crt arc superior tc ai.ytlilnt: ofite kind hcrttoHirciron here. Telcphoiio No. Uf.


IRRIGATION!TltltJOATION AFTlMt TIIIH DATEX UtulctljT rolilbltnt, cxceM lvln?cii Hit, linutt ofII luHn. in., nml t lo tl . hi. (I. li, Kllt'.KTII..tli.iiit riiciii!riiuriiifH luur worka(HfMiftl) It A I'., Mlulalerur lnleilor.

llonuliilu, April Mill, tssi foT ritfBY THE LATEST ARKIVALS

t'ttllM H.S I'llA.X'I.X'O

WK UAVK ltnCMlVKU AT,A1K1Kto our funiier itocl. uf blilp Chandlery

bUlpSluro., froiUlom, Ac, Ac.nhlch filvea lit td

Greatest Assortmeut of GoodsJCrpton Iheta Ulandi, all rt uhlch ulll he .old at theUmeal Market 1'rlcca, a utual. Oar frleiida and Ihopublic uuucrally are re.ptcUullr Invited lo examine' - IIOM.KS A CO

13DII-Kl- ) MNSHKIl PAINT OI T.,.K.y.llV',r,1.,ln, " Wairewled the puto AltlcULaid OH. for l.ubtleathi". l'him nr hi.i.h t...

ntlue. Atlaullc Ltad, In packa-e- a otl lb, amiupward nr GO Iba. I'alnl lirunhea In stealvanity , vf nlilch nlll bo nl,t it I'rkc. by



Oor.oNu KNcrasu iiukak.Uitei. Japan Tea. Huma rcrr anauillty. Alu. liauclionc and ullicr HlackTta.Nur Ulll. !. llOI.I.K.S A VO. 01


Iiictnos Inch. Alae.Spiiiiyaiu Belaln.--, Itatllnlluuicllue, Maillnc, ltouudlur, Ac.


pacific mnsiiKit PAINT,X Afullaoitmeiittrihl celebrated nalutandUpllid J talloli pacLaje., alt Ilia 4r.lrabU ahadra tucoltuw. Krtr 4lo by IIOI.LKH X Co

Walluku Pnl ranfnruQUALITV OF PA1AI

AH order, tflled with Ul.lulrk V. II Ulll vvHy naiiuiu, jiani

ES. O. HALL A SONWould Call Attention to Thoir

Splendid Asst. of Coods !


CoxxmlntijJip; of -

Mnll's No. Stool Plow.

.fv.M.-- fl . 'm ' rrTi ii faTTilillt IP I 'HI'ijw If - -


D 3E5LI3NTIDS,HallV Hlcel 1'lnwa, rnlllni; frnmfltnll lnche( llall'n 14 and IS Inch llrrakrra, Inch Knlft Mnrcni.CiiIkoII l'low. Ilnll 1'iitriiw IMowa Hlilr Ulll I'lima. 10. tlfatiil II liirhrir Inrli Hiilky I'lunra, madi' rpcclally for llnninhiia riantallnna. No. 2 Iliick Kjc Movicra,flow llandlci. ratra pulnla and beama for all I'lowa thai ivc terp;





STOVES AND RANGES, of many kinds and sizes;WU ilAKK A HPKOIAl.TV OK

PAINT AND OILS,And hnvlni: over li,i It", of lliibliiick.'i White Lend and Zlnrr.f Different (Jualltlei.,lirldr a Full Mm- - of allDry l'nlnln wiuited, and overano (Inllonn of lliililiiielc'a l,i: IKlll.a.ll l.lMci:il oil.. e run He!at the ,oel Flciire. Oier Jio l!nll(iii of 1. 1 IIKICATI.M; OILS, by tlio ' ,. M'II1'N"",t-" American I'alnl. knSwn. I,'.' "uniu- - La 'rt ofl.l. I lll.ll fmni Callfornl.i. the Ka.iand I'rance, cteroirureil In thlii Market. Ilnltn, fnmpa, I'dckliie.,.tc, but p will not iitlempl lo iiiiiiofriileniiy ninrenf the lhonnnd and one ortlc1evthat we keen aa li

)Ze c,","y 'V1?0 ", Wenda and enatntiHKlto call andfor thein..en. and they will convinced of what we eay, Cr,

THE IJNlbir FEED CO..A. W. BUSH, manager.

Hay, Grain and Mixed FeedOr ALL DESCRIPTIONS,


OUL.TR.The Culirornlii Hny nml (Jrnln or tlio Company In or VJKltY SUI'RKIOIt (JUAMTV, Scleclcd

Cnrcfttlly by the Manager During n Heccnt Visit lo the Coast.



"XT&jrsr 33est of H,y and ,C3-r,ix-x !And can Sell tlio mnno AT THK LOWKST UATLS, AS WE HUY LAllGiil.Y AND FOK CASUlo tlioso Consuuiern wlio linvp lierctolorn Imported for TlicmselfVs, iiveullciniirir Vnt- -

roiinRo, trtihtinK wo can Sitisfuction, tbereby .ivini; tUeiu tiiuo und labor.

direful Attention Given to the Shipping of Orders to tlio Otlior Isliinds.Largo Additional Supplies are now on tlio way per Eureka and

Kiilnkatia. -- Ail Orders to lio Sent to

71 8?0 3m

We Beg to NotifyTHAT -

3E3 33


Our Many Patrons

"7"e Ho,-- v DFLecexxtly 3tol-r3- L !

V Xjax-b- o Addition toOUR USUAL STOCK OF HAY & GRAIN


Since we Commenced BusinessIIAVK WE

WITHOUT HAY OR FAILED TO FILL ALL ORDERSof Regular Customers, nor Have Wo Advanced tho Price

to them during the great scarcity ofHay In the few months;

We will Continue to Sell Hay and Grainas Cheap as it can be Purchased

in Honolulu !


Goods, Wares or Merchandise,Whether in Our Line or not, will

be Pilled at Low Bates, and noCommission Charged. Telephone No. 147



127 Fort Street, Hoaolula.

C. J. Hardee,H. F. Uertelmann,

Contractors and Builders.I'liuiniiig, Shnjiintf, Turning,

llniiil umt Scroll Saicing,Doort, Sth, Dlintis,

lhor ami Wintlow Promts,Hracktts, llalluittrt, Slnirs, .,

Made fo Ortkr.Mouldings nnd Finish


IV All 1IM on abort nollca, and Jcbolnzplompllr atieiitje.1 to.MouMIdh iuail tu as pattern wltbont cttra cbarxaforkuhca.

Fries of Macblua Work, $1,00 to11:60 per hour.





Y JF 13 !





paat and



JNO. FOWLER & CO.t di, England, ar pr.par.d to


Steel Portable Tramways.With or Mlthout Can and

Specially mlupted for 8ug--r IMaulatloiisirrmnent nMlwajg.altu locomotlvcxi nnd care,'I ruction tnaiiies ami llond Jxouiiiutirr.i,htenin X'UiUKliiiiK nml CuttlvnttiiKSIncUiuerj,l'ortalilo Kiiglne.s fur nil iiurixMva.winiliuK EuRlnes for lucliuv.Cataloiua with llluatratlona. Model, and Pliolo

erauha of tbc abnto I'lanla and Machlnetr may be acnat Ibo offlcca of Iba HnJr.rnr.t.W. UllfiKBXand

) W.JIAOKAnLANKiCO..3l A;ent fur J wo. Fowler A Co.



M'OffKY I.AXi:i UN riHNT'.IUt RE.carlliea, for Ionr or abort nrrloda. Avplr loW L. IIUBRX. Manager pn Sl..overO.W.MacfarlanJtCo. Ulif

Family Uroeerles,A-

- n E W AMrUKTMRT ixclcsirotorn iry Ine Uuod tat Sale brM fiULLBS tt CO.


INVOICES OF NEW GOODSjcht iii:ci:ivi:u

"IOLANI," H. Carrols, Wastor,IWJujpi fr'.nt Hitmen,

UotialfllnR In part of aa followat

A Largo Asst. of Dry Goods,MUCH AH

Fnitcy rrliits, Twrntj.I'lTC Xvvr .Stjlc,Denims, Ilrnwii nnd Whltn Cation,Drilln, 'I lcklnK, Tnrkcj Hal, t.c,

Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualitiesHTP", ColHinrj, Alpnci, Ilnllnn Clotli, nnd

Dress Goods,SUOII AS

I'rlnlrd rhllrcTin, I'mnpnilourn, l'lnlda,UliiKlinnia. Vlrttirln l.nnn, Hfttln Klrliicii,1 nncy Hlriwd (Ircnndlmn,While Hllk Jntiiiicnp, Twilla, Hcrcci,l'iipliii,HntliiiimlM0irp,Jllnck nnd Colored Velvet,

I'lNK SIIiKS,Jllnck, OroKRinln, Fnncy, Colored nnd Hlrlpcd,

JlnrcKe, Criiv,Ac.,TAl LOUS' GOODS:

llucknklna, Di.iKniinla, Tweed", Cords,Heri'fl, HilenlftB, Docalilnii, CaainicrcH,i(c.

A Splendid Asst. of Shirts,(Woolen, Jllaicl, Calico, llltknr, Dcnlm, Ac.)Mrrliio nnd Cotton UndorMilrtH,White lloRoin Hhlrld, Ac,Hockn nnd HluokliiRM, Ilaiidkorclilcffl,i'oiilnrdfi, (JloviH,


1'lno Dlnck Cloth Frock Contn nnd Fnntd.Jliipkil.lii HnckH, I'nnlH nnd Uuitn,IVIt, Mohilr, Urlll, Vlaiincl SnckH nnd l'antn.Hojh' Shirt nml Cliildn h'h JnckctH,Monkey nnd Knllor Jncketri,I. !l. ConlB mid JyrW;iiKa, CnriH't .Slli)ra,Kilk ami I. (!. UmlirtdliiH nml 1'ar.iBolH,

nnd Tnicliin Hhnwls,Cotton mid 'J'urklah Tovh-Ih- ,

Whllonnd FnnrvQtilltfi,Felt IIiiks nnd lrusni'ls Cnrpclltif;,

33 r. A.3N IS. 1rJCt& :Homo lllnnkctn. White nnd Fancy IJlnnkctn,Fancy Strlpnl Woolen, IwokIzoh,Hcirlet, Urmie, Whltu Wi6lcii,.1niid 1 polntH,Thrcmln, 'l'npo, Kliistlc, Sc.irfH, Ac,Silk nnd Vchct IlihUiiH,lluttons for HhirtH, Contn, PnntH, Drtsno,

I'HRFUMHIIY, FLOItlDA WATER,Ctiiiiino I'uu do Cologne, Lubin's EitrncU,Toilet So.ips, I'hllocome, llnir Oil, Corabt,Mirrorn, Ijooklnj; Olnasvn, Fipen,I. II. Hulls, llnrmonicav, lllniik llookn,AinuniH, uoiu i.cni, dfttciry, Wntcl UK.llcinp mid I. It. FncLlnit, Conl JiaukctH,

VIENNA FURNITURE:Litcnnloii. Arm, Dining ltoom nnd 1'nrlor

Chnirn, BpttrcK, A--

Saddles, CnlfukiiiH, GirtliK, Bllrruii Ivcnthcm,

CRATErf OF ASSORTED UKOUKEItY,Contniniiic lM.ilcn, Cups, TtnpotH, llowh,Climnbi'i-K- llico Undies nnd Itakcrs,Dftnijolins, :l nml f, unlln ; Hmoplo JJoltlea,VnHes nnd Uliwswnrc, Mniiiln mid Tarred Itopo,

SiJisax cfc Hloe BagaOf nil fiizrn nnd qualitUH,

Coal llnRi, Cuiinie. Twine. Jlurlnpa,Woolp.ick nnd Twilled Hacking, Liucn Hose,

GIlOCEmES;in half nnd qnnrter boxes,

II. nnd V. llisraitn, Halt in jnr,Cnntor Oil in linn,StenrinoCnndlcs,4, Band C,Mnlches, Cocoanut Oil, Wnah Illnc,Hiibbuok'hLinwedl'iuutOil, 11 White Lead.White Zinc 1'aint.


Do Iinj;e filn nnd Bontcllcnn Drnndy, nndother bnindH,

Hum, Oin, St. Fnnl Hecr, Ale nnd Porter,Fort Wino, Sherry, Ithino Wine,Finn nnd Table Clarets, CbnmiMKno,Dry llcidwick Monopoie, Ch. Tiirre,O. II. Muinm ,t Co., SiMrkling Hock,Jlosel le, Ac., Ac

German and Havan a CigarsFlated Ware Spoons, Forks, Cracts, Ten Sets,

Caps, Ac.

HARDWARE:1'ockct nnd Dtitclier Knives, Scissors,Sheep Shears, Xecdlet, Spoons, Files,Spurs, Gnlvnnized liaeins, Hoop Iron,lieu Itivets, Hummers,Yellow Metal nnd Comiiositlon Nails,llabbitt Metnl. Sa(;iir Coolers,Iron Tanks, Clarihera 4c. Alto,

Portland Cement, " White Bros.,"Fire Clay, lllncksmitU Coal, Firo Bricks,Tiles, Empty Barrels, Oak 15oats, &c.

Terms Liberal. Samples sent Free of FreightOrUcra from the ollirr Idauda carefully

attended lo by



LUNCH PARLORS.'os. 7G ami 78 Hotel Street,

HART BROTHERS, Proprietors.Board by tlio Day, Week or Transient

BILLIARDS,CigarCCigarettes and Tobacco,

Soda Water and other Iced Drinks

Meals Served in First-Clas- s StyleAT AM. IIOUHN.

IIKNltY J. nAltT. 87 0 ELLIS A. HAUT

The Germania MarketHAH HKK rilUUOtJ.v UKNUVATER,

la now cnnilaully in recrlplor Ilia beat ofBEKF, MUTTO.N, YKAL AND LAMB, .

From Cholcrtt Hcrda.Fork Sauia;r. llolniiai. Head Cht?t, Qrrman

Uauaana, .tc.alnrjya on baiid,aa alio Iho beat of Foal-tr- y

and tpUn.Our Mrata ara all cut and put up In Kattern atjle. Allordera falitifully attended to, and daltrcrcd In any nartof Iho clly.n Cm IU01T ,t 8CHKADEB. rroprletora.



Whole and Ground Hurley, Oats, Mrau,and Alfutfii Jay,

We carry the larjeit atock of Hone Feed In thlaKlnKdom.andwa aro alwaj, prepared la nil all ordrrailltn arcuatunird promplnt n, and

.rll' LOW JIATKS FOlt CASH,ocrflraln (ironnd lo Ordered

Wheat, t'.irn. Cracked Cora, OH Cake. MMdlln-- a.

lllxed Feed, cic, always on band.'I'm LAINK CO.


UNDEnSKJXED IIAVK JUSTrealTed per Amy Turner, from lloaton. m. full ..orlncBl -- f tbeaa ctlcbraled I'umpa. wblcb are rnaras-Ue- dto ba chrauw and boiler tbau any other altlo ufpump Iniporled. W e call lb altenllou of plantara par.llcolarlytolhaeuuiulump, wbleh la l.a tomplltalftl an J rauia acrrtcab). it,... .il.. n.n.n..T'l.r.ri:." .IWJ 3ai 13 If v aiKSWBK CO




W. H, Wliiton, from h'ew York, City of Madrid and Cily of Nankin, from EnglandTIIKBF. nOODH AW". AIJAITKII FOlt

Plantations, Country Stores and FamiliesAnil boncht from l'lllST HANDS FOlt TArJlI, nml will l,t w.l.l for CA8II, with Leallime, or on nsnnl Lrrrjn lo "f count onrnrticn npprouil. We offer rm l.mul nml to nrrlTr,Palnoo Water Wliito High Test Koroaono Oil,

Vulcnn Water White Abovo Standard Kerosene Oil,Lnril Oil. Cnnlor Oil. KeMn Toot Oil, rylli.,ler Oil, Klni fllrnrn lMcklriR,

lnlnt V,?k,n' 1,'c' tl. Acj Ai l.etoa Htr-ir- I'ncklntt AMiealo lioller C,lnlItahlil Mrtril, Cynnl I nrrown, Ijico Inllicr lleltli.K, St, 4,C, 8, 10 12 Inch i

IIUAll CCVtllffl 1111(1 Ktinitlm. f It Itfiua fti1 f.t i.t n..i it .'. .. .Ilenvy (Jr.l, 11,,, LnneVrMnierV lo'. A.V V. d V"kk I si uX "nrla ZXZ''.Ililill Ilprrn tnitln fill llr,n !LI I I 11 1 ....". IJAaU I'JAJWH,I!ent Ktntulnril Wenton'd Oritrifniinl I.lriincn. niiil Inch l.o.l nnntfiv . fni.i t v --

Inlilwin 1V1 IJiK(. Anrlla, HHr Vk" n'iI)lMlon ,elel.rnte.l hinH, nil .lirs Mnrl,l,,t(,- - Mwn'"Mrk ""


WkA, IlnlU, Screw", HIiirm, Aurpw, AilRer 1IIU. CIiIbc-Ik-, Kn w, Ilrncep, Ilolln Cntel.ra t.

Paints and Oils of tlio licst English and American Brands 1



STAPLE GHnrd liicn, Oxford Snumtes. 0ntn, Kvni . "4,che??y ni. Snlii io"n"I In, I nvorllr, nncy nml WaS,lK S,,ni, Cnllforr.ln nnd ftsuS, L?o"J , 'llariui, Com Jltnl, Avcnn, arnlinm 1'Iotir, Ac. Ac. Ac. . t

Tho Goo. F. Blake Mf. Co's Steum Feed Irrigating & Vacucm rumpWeston's 1'alcnl L'cntrifuyuln,

Woodxcard t Brown's Celebrated Pianos,A'cw IInvcn 0r'Jan Co- - Warier Organs

nashhurnttsMocnNg- - Co. Barbed Wire, the Jhrbal Wire manufacturePortland Cement, Sugar Bags, Oats and B; an, California IayColumbia River Salmon, bbls. and If. hbh., Salmon Bellies in Kit- s- Very Fine

NEW& DESIRABLE GOODSWo Havo Recently Received a Largo 8tock of Coods In Our Line,

(many of which are Entirely New In this Market,) ex Late Arrivals)viz: Barks F. 8. Thompson and Calbarlon, from Now York; BarksElla, Lady Lampson, W. H. Moyer and S. S. City of Now York,Large Invoices of Goods !

from Now York, JJoston, and San Francisco.Bk. Sir Lancelot with Fence Wire, Paint Oil, fec., from England



Agricultural Implements,Builders' Hardware,All Kinds of Mechanics' Tools,House Furnishing Goods.



Averill Mixed Paints, Hubbuck & Son's and Other ,

Manufacturers of


American Paints &BrushesOF ALL KINDS.

Berry & Bros. Superior Vnniwhcs, VnleiUino'H Carriage Varnishes, Bct BrandKerosene Oil, American Lubricators & Lubricating C.,s, Lubricating CompoundA FULL LINE OF LUBRICATING OILS



J)'.? I""1' h" wltU ih""l." and Urif by

ll.ntu' fij.t ft. I'nm.! b.1 f. .1 f .liuv...a .n..u 4 hiu nvi OUltS.Uut" nndUcxits' nml

Genu' Llneu



above to .ni.r lh of Ihraluvllc. the i.iibllc lu mural lo uwlu. ih. iauT aIolt -

llXltaS,Geats Wliile

IJojr'e Ttaenlfiulln,Iuiv'm llriiurn I.fnt WHatu

Ulae HulU.


Capital, $3,000,000, Limited. a. FITZGERAIaD, Ptm.

1 M. MIS, OF TM EONOLOIU CLOTHIK MMMSpecial Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

"1,s"ca nJrraoecmfiilal.'.h.!'"'lL,V"i? '"H"""1 Huillu.'.

G-ent- a' Blaols. BroadclothiuwilUiriBhcotch Twra Cnasimere Coatu,

bculcli TuceU Cauloirro I'miU.GtntV White Unwi CohU,Wuiiu l'nuta,


Omianr conimunllr Itlandi

Lineu Veals,Gsnu' Drown HuiU,


lkS'i Navy B.UIor


Sell Tliettt at Lower Figures Thai ; ttherHouse ii This it)

N. B. A Few Bargain ia DRY GOODS, DXXMI GOODSTMmfUfQg, JfcO., wliicU will lo sold away AT ANV MUCK



Honolulu Clotbinir EmporiumNIM mi rr stnMi, imw, i

c, "


f aUAA. . ,:kM. . -) v i&stgmiMA