SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 - Sparta Township Historical … Sentinel...

KENT CITV mm. a W. VULJKJDMON. Coroepopdent - Phone OB-ft~31Wi Mrs. Tulkerson returned Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patterson morning after a week in the hospital and family have been spending following a fall. She is still quite Chuck's two-week's vacation in the bruised but no bones were broken cottage at Long Lake. Mr. and Mrs. and she eels quite well. Bob Anderson and children of Grand SPECIAL OF THE WEEK: 1962 Pontiiac Safari Station Wagon Sea-mist green with vinyl interior. Smooth and powerful 389 cu. in. engine. Nearly new whitewall tires. Perfect for family or bus- iness use. Local one-owner car. Specially ^ $1795 1961 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan Very Clean car with standard transmission and economical cylinder engine. color with nearly new whitewall tires I I960 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan $845 Two-tune blue finish that shines like a show- room model. 6 cylinder, standard transmis- sion. 1959 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan Standard transmission, 6-cyl $595 1958 Chevrolet Station Wagon $645 1957 Chevrolet Station Wagon 8 cylinder, power glide. Two-tone green $550 1960 Rambler CLASSIC SEDAN $595 Nice looking wagon which should give thou- sands more trouble-free miles. 1962 Ford 2-DOOH SEDAN. <> cylinder, standard stick. £ 1 A Q C Very clean. ^ I U # J 1960 Thunderbird 2-DOOH HaRDTOP with Power Steering and brakes. This luxurious model priced (I JAf at only $ >47!> 1959 Oldsmobile 4-DOOR HARDTOP. Power steering and brakes, whitewalls and beautiful blue and (LQOQ white finish 1960 Ford 2 Ton Truck Eight cylinder with two-speed axle. Good 1QC tires and ready to work ^BI7«7 1952 Chevrolet " ™ N Pickup Good Tires, motors runs fine. $295 OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9:001 — P H O N I 6 7 1 - 5 1 2 1 K I N T C I T Y — Ray Stout Chevrolet TWO DOOtK CAST OP TRAFFIC LIGHT IN KINT CITY Rapids spent Friday with the Patter- sons. A letter from Andrew Carlson from Lundington informs us that Mrs. Carlson fell in their trailer and sustained quite painful injuries. Harry Shirey is home from the hospital and the Shirey family moved into their beautifully remodelled hon e on Friday. Variar and Bill Rexford spent last week with Marian's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mundinger. This week the four of them are staying at a camp at Gladwin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffatt and family returned Friday evening af- ter a two-week's vacat ion touring the wes:, visiting Glacier National I'ark, Yellowstone, and other points of interest, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Miller of Blocmfield Hills called on Ed and Nevft Casey Saturday evening. Gis and Martha Hulburt of Wash- ington, D,C, came Sunday to spend two weeks with their mother, Mrs. Ada Robinson, Cleo Drink left Satur- day for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson spent last week at Baptist Lake. Mrs. Hilma Winell is at Ferguson Clinic for observation and treat- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cross and two sons ol Aylmer, Ontario, were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mentor John- son a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Longccre,Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. l ed Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. Johin Byle attended the Bible Conference at Maranatha on Satur - day evening. The Cavanaugh family went to the funeral of Pete's brother-in-law, Leonard Vandawater in Big Rapids on Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I.. Kupp and family lock a few cays vacation last week and went to Chio. Mrs. Albert Whybrew of Rapid River is visiting for a few days with Mr. t.nd Mrs, C. E. Wylie and the Milton Wylie family. Mrs. Esiher Knndler of Clinton, Oklahoma, arrived Tuesday to spend two weeks visiting Mis. Irene Mit- chell, Mr. and Mrs. John DeVries and son, Dave, spent the weekend at the Winona Lake Bible Conference at Warsaw, Indiana. Mrs, Lois Pressler and family have moved into the apartment over the laundromat formerly occupied by Mrs. Belanger and children. Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Newberg and children who had Bfeen living on the old Luther Broman farm have moved into their new home on i 1 -mile road. Mr, and Mrs. Jake VanderVeen from Arizona have been visiting in Michigan for three weeks at Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Seites' and other members of the family in Musksgon. This week they are in New York visiting Mr. Vander Veen's family. They will return here and remain until Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeVries and little Steven took their dinners Sun- day and drove to Mersey to spend the day with Mr. 1 luff. Dr. and Mre. Griswold entertained several couples on Saturday night at a corn roast. Don E'-yle is home on leave and will be her.? until next Sunday, Duwayne Fausey. who is also in v ;e submarine service, is back in Con ecticutf rom the Mediterranean arid expects to be home on leave the last of the month. Mrs. Lilian Kelly has rented her home to Mr. and Mrs. Greenleaf and daughter from Escanaba. Mr. anc. Mrs. Bruce Pike have rented the apartment in the rear of Cavanaut',h's Appliance Store and ex - pect to move on Sept. 1. Visito rs at the Alfred Slater home on Tuesday were Mrs. Kent Slater and chilcren, Mrs. Gertrude Vanden Bos and Mrs. Vera Slater, all of Grand Rapids. On Thursday two cousins of Mr s. Slater spent the day, Mrs. Louise Tricka of Wyoming and Mrs. Etl el Blschoff of Grandville. La t Sunday the Cooper family re- union was held in the Kent City Park with 84 present. Saturday evening Mr. an d Mrs. Douglas Scitea entertained five of THE SENTINEL LEADER Wednesday, August 19, 1964 her sisters and their families from Muskegon at a steak fry. Mr. and Mrs. Sand ford K, Deyo and Danny drove to Detroit Friday and met Hans Grudemo, a Swedish exchange student, who will live with them during the school year. He will be a senior. On Sunday, the four of them spent the day with Nancy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silko at Wes iownlike Lake at Coral. Mrs. Elmer Martens and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rollins spent a few days last week at the cabin on Au Sable River. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taylor, Canada Road, entertained at a family dinner Sunday in honor of their son Jackie's first birthday and a farewell party for her brother, Howard Osbur and his familv of Fort Smich, Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Osbun of Fort Smith, Arkansas, were Monday night dinner guests of the Dale Ri- ders. o I SWAPPED FOR IT THROUGH THE WANT ADS Watch for Stout's HOOTENANNY August 20-22 STOUT'S TIRE & SERVICE 11 S. State St., Sparta M-21 AT LOWELL—Turn North on Verjjennes Rd. through Fallsburg Park 2 Miles North of Park on FallsburK Park Drive or Cedar Springs US 131 South to M57 East to Lincoln Lake Road, South to 3-Mile Ro id, East to end of road, then South 1 Vt miles on Fallsburg Park Drive. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 STARTING AT 1:30 SHARP 21 Mead Dairy Cattle 18 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS to freshen- some close, all large quaiity heifers, show in;? & product ion type, many from purebred cows, all raised on this farm. 3 HOLSTEIN HULLS. All Cm 1 tie calf hood vaccinated, TH and bangs tested. iitg Equipment 375 gal. Milkeeper Hulk Tank, 3 Surge MiJkers - 4-lJnit Suige Milker Pump - Double Wash Tank - Electric Water Heater - Stainless Steel Pails, Strainers Feed 4,000 HaJes of Alfalfa Hay - 4 Doors of Silage. Equipment 2 Massey Harris (30) Tractors - Massey Harris Cultivator - New Holland Chop- per - Ghel Blower with 40 ft. of pipe - 1955 Dodge 1-ton Truck - Jamesway Barn Cleaner - Massey Harris Corn Planter - 32 ft. Mayrath Elevator - Mey- ers Hay Crusher - 7-ft. Massey Harris Mower - Side Delivery Rake - 10 ft. Cul- tipacker - Discs - Plow - 4-section Drag Oliver Manure Spreader - 2 Discs - 4- Wheel Wagon - 2-wheel Trailer - Tractor Cab - 14-ft. Aluminum Boat - 5Vi H.P. Johnson Motor - 26 ft. Shultz House- Trailer - Table Saw - Several Cedar Fence Posts - 30 gal. Oil - Post Hole Dig- gers - Forks - Shovels Many other items too numerous to men- tion—Come early—Sale must start on time! - Not responsible for accidents. TERMS: CASH—or see your banker before sale. Mrs. Fred Rickner, Prop. Auctioneers & Sale Managers: VERIO BAYNE—TA-1-2233 Holtovi 1 1 RICHARD POFFINBARGER—TU-7-6772 Sparta State Saving Bank of Lowell Dan Wingeier, Clerk

Transcript of SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 - Sparta Township Historical … Sentinel...

K E N T C I T V mm. a W. VULJKJDMON. Coroepopdent - Phone OB-ft~31Wi

Mrs. Tulkerson returned Saturday Mr. and Mrs . Char les Pa t te r son morning a f te r a week in the hospital and family have been spending following a fall . She is still quite Chuck's two-week's vacation in the bruised but no bones were broken cottage at Long Lake. Mr . and M r s . and she eels quite well. Bob Anderson and children of Grand


1962 Pontiiac Safari Station Wagon Sea-mist green with vinyl interior. Smooth and powerful 389 cu. in. engine. Nearly new whitewall tires. Perfect for family or bus-iness use. Local one-owner car. Specially

^ $1795

1961 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan Very Clean car with standard transmission and economical <» cylinder engine. color with nearly new whitewall tires I

I960 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan

$ 8 4 5 Two-tune blue finish that shines like a show-room model. 6 cylinder, standard transmis-sion.

1959 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan Standard transmission, 6-cyl $ 5 9 5

1958 Chevrolet Station Wagon

$ 6 4 5

1957 Chevrolet Station Wagon 8 cylinder, power glide. Two-tone green $ 5 5 0

1960 Rambler CLASSIC SEDAN $ 5 9 5

Nice looking wagon which should give thou-sands more trouble-free miles.

1962 Ford 2-DOOH SEDAN. <> cylinder, standard stick. £ 1 A Q C Very clean. ^ I U # J

1960 Thunderbird 2-DOOH H a R D T O P with Power Steering and brakes. This luxurious model priced ( I J A f at only $ > 4 7 ! >

1959 Oldsmobile 4-DOOR HARDTOP. Power steering and brakes, whitewalls and beautiful blue and ( L Q O Q white finish

1960 Ford 2 Ton Truck Eight cylinder with two-speed axle. Good 1 Q C tires and ready to work ^ B I 7 « 7

1952 Chevrolet " ™N Pickup Good Tires, motors runs fine. $ 2 9 5

OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9:001 — P H O N I 6 7 1 - 5 1 2 1 K I N T C I T Y —


Rapids spent Fr iday with the Pa t t e r -sons.

A le t te r f rom Andrew Car l son f r o m Lundington in forms us that M r s . Car lson fell in their t r a i l e r and sustained quite painful in jur ies .

Harry Shirey is home f rom the hospital and the Shirey family moved into their beautifully remodelled hon e on Fr iday .

V a r i a r and Bill Rexford spent last week with Mar i an ' s pa ren t s , Mr . and M r s . Char l e s Mundinger. This week the four of them a r e staying at a camp at Gladwin.

Mr . and Mrs . Jack Moffatt and family re turned Friday evening a f -ter a two-week ' s vacat ion touring the wes:, visiting Glacier National I 'ark, Yellowstone, and other points of in te res t ,

Mr. and Mrs . Or r in Miller of Blocmfield Hills called on Ed and Nevft Casey Saturday evening.

G i s and Martha Hulburt of Wash-ington, D,C, came Sunday to spend two weeks with their mother , Mrs . Ada Robinson, Cleo Drink left Sa tu r -day for a week 's vacation.

Mr . and M r s . C la rence Johnson spent last week at Baptist Lake.

Mrs . Hilma Winell is at Ferguson Clinic for observat ion and t rea t -ment .

Mr . and M r s . Allen C r o s s and two sons ol Aylmer , Ontario, were house guests of Mr. and Mrs . Mentor John-son a few days last week.

Mr . and Mrs . Cliff L o n g c c r e , M r . and Mrs . Loren Dudley, Mr. and M r s . l ed Johnson, and Mr . and Mrs . Johin Byle attended the Bible Conference at Maranatha on Satur -day evening.

The Cavanaugh family went to the funeral of P e t e ' s b ro ther - in - law, Leonard Vandawater in Big Rapids on Fr iday.

Mr. nnd Mrs . C. I.. Kupp and family lock a few cays vacation last week and went to Chio.

M r s . Albert Whybrew of Rapid River is visiting for a few days with Mr. t.nd Mrs, C. E. Wylie and the Milton Wylie family.

Mrs . Es iher Knndler of Clinton, Oklahoma, arr ived Tuesday to spend

two weeks visiting M i s . Irene Mit-chell ,

Mr. and M r s . John DeVries and son, Dave, spent the weekend at the Winona Lake Bible Conference at Warsaw, Indiana.

Mrs , Lois P r e s s l e r and family have moved into the apartment over the laundromat fo rmer ly occupied by M r s . Belanger and chi ldren.

Mr , and M r s . Dennis Newberg and children who had Bfeen living on the old Luther Broman f a rm have moved into their new home on i 1 -mi le road.

Mr, and M r s . Jake VanderVeen f rom Arizona have been visiting in Michigan for three weeks at Mr. and M r s . Douglas Sei tes ' and other m e m b e r s of the family in Musksgon. This week they a re in New York visiting Mr. Vander Veen's family. They will re turn here and remain until Sept. 15.

Mr . and Mrs . Clarence Johnson and Mr. and Mrs . Paul DeVries and li t t le Steven took their d inners Sun-day and drove to Mersey to spend the day with Mr. 1 luff.

Dr. and Mre . Griswold entertained severa l couples on Saturday night at a corn roas t .

Don E'-yle is home on leave and will be her.? until next Sunday, Duwayne Fausey. who is a lso in v ;e submarine se rv ice , is back in Con ecticutf rom the Medi terranean arid expects to be home on leave the last of the month.

Mrs . Lilian Kelly has rented her home to Mr . and M r s . Greenleaf and daughter f r o m Escanaba.

Mr. anc. Mrs . Bruce Pike have rented the apar tment in the r e a r of Cavanaut',h's Appliance Store and ex -pect to move on Sept. 1.

Visito rs at the Alfred Slater home on Tuesday were M r s . Kent Slater and chi lcren, Mrs. Gertrude Vanden Bos and M r s . Vera Slater , all of Grand Rapids. On Thursday two cousins of Mr s. Sla ter spent the day, M r s . Louise Tr icka of Wyoming and M r s . Etl el Blschoff of Grandville.

La t Sunday the Cooper family r e -union was held in the Kent City Park with 84 p resen t .

Saturday evening M r . an d M r s . Douglas Scitea enter ta ined five of

THE SENTINEL LEADER Wednesday, August 19, 1964

her s i s t e r s and their famil ies from Muskegon at a steak fry .

Mr. and Mrs . Sand ford K, Deyo and Danny drove to Detroit Friday and met Hans Grudemo, a Swedish exchange student, who will live with them during the school year . He will be a senior . On Sunday, the four of them spent the day with Nancy's parents , Mr. and Mrs . Louis Silko at Wes iownlike Lake at Coral .

Mrs . E lmer Martens and children and Mr. and Mrs . Jack Rollins spent a few days last week at the cabin on Au Sable River.

Mr. and Mrs . Ted Taylor, Canada Road, entertained at a family dinner Sunday in honor of their son Jack ie ' s f i r s t birthday and a farewell party for her brother , Howard Osbur and his familv of For t Smich, Arkansas .

Mr. and Mrs . Howard Osbun of Fort Smith, Arkansas, were Monday night dinner guests of the Dale Ri-de r s .



Watch for Stout's



11 S. State St., Sparta

M-21 AT LOWELL—Turn North on Verjjennes Rd. through Fallsburg Park 2 Miles North of Park on FallsburK Park Drive or Cedar Springs US 131 South to M57 East to Lincoln Lake Road, South to 3-Mile Ro id, East to end of road, then South 1 Vt miles on Fallsburg Park Drive.


21 Mead Dairy Cattle 18 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS to f r e s h e n -

some close, all large quaiity heifers, show in;? & product ion type, many from purebred cows, all raised on this farm.

3 HOLSTEIN HULLS. All Cm1 tie calf hood vaccinated, TH and bangs tested.

iitg Equipment 375 gal. Milkeeper Hulk Tank, 3 Surge MiJkers - 4-lJnit Suige Milker Pump -Double Wash Tank - Electric Water Heater - Stainless Steel Pails, Strainers

Feed 4,000 HaJes of Alfalfa Hay - 4 Doors of Silage.

Equipment 2 Massey Harris (30) Tractors - Massey Harris Cultivator - New Holland Chop-per - Ghel Blower with 40 ft . of pipe -1955 Dodge 1-ton Truck - Jamesway Barn Cleaner - Massey Harris Corn Planter - 32 ft . Mayrath Elevator - Mey-ers Hay Crusher - 7-ft. Massey Harris Mower - Side Delivery Rake - 10 ft. Cul-tipacker - Discs - Plow - 4-section Drag Oliver Manure Spreader - 2 Discs - 4-Wheel Wagon - 2-wheel Trailer - Tractor Cab - 14-ft. Aluminum Boat - 5Vi H.P. Johnson Motor - 26 ft. Shultz House-Trailer - Table Saw - Several Cedar Fence Posts - 30 gal. Oil - Post Hole Dig-gers - Forks - Shovels

Many other items too numerous to men-tion—Come early—Sale must start on time! - Not responsible for accidents.

TERMS: CASH—or see your banker before sale.

Mrs. Fred Rickner, Prop. Auctioneers & Sale Managers:

VERIO BAYNE—TA-1-2233 Holtovi 1 1 RICHARD POFFINBARGER—TU-7-6772 Sparta

State Saving Bank of Lowell Dan Wingeier, Clerk

THE SENTINEL LEADER Wednesday, Augus t 19, 1964

IN IHE SF. 3V1GE Roger D„ Martson, inter ior com-

munication:? technician third c lass , U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs . Donald B. Matt son of 16990 F rui t Ridge Ave., Kent City, has departed for duty with the U. S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean aboard the guided miissile des t royer V, 8 . S. J oho King.

Watch for Stout's



11 S. State St., Sparta

Kent City Registration

I he Keni t ity High School an nounces its schedule of regis t ra t ion ,

Kent City High School and Junior High School students a r e expected to attend the following meetings as scheduled:

Si NlORS 1:30 p.m. Mon, Ail}',. 31. jl 'MORS 9:00 a .m. lues , Sept. 1.

SOHIOMORFS - 1:30 p.m. l u e s , , Sept. 1.

TFACHFRS MI-1 TING' - 9:00 a .m. \ \ ed . . Sept. 2.

! Rj si I Ml N 1:30 p .m. Wed., Sept. 2. b il l GKADI RS - 9:00 a .m. 'I hurs . ,

Sept. 3. 7 m c.RADI RS 1:30 p .m. Thurs . ,

Sept. 3.

I here will be a c lass meeting fol lowed by completion cf reg i s t ra t ion . Any student who is triable to attend when designated, is requested to come in at 9:00 a .m. on Fr iday morning, September 4.




TOWNSHIP OF TYRONE County of Kent, Michigan

NOTICE IS HEREBY GH EN, That a General Primary

Election will be held on

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1964 At the respective polling places hereinafter designated:


For thu purpose of placing; in Nomination by J i l l Political

Parties participating therein, Candidates for

the following Offices, viz:

STATE AND DISTRICT: Governor — United States Senator — Representative in C ongress — Sta te Senator — Representative in State Legislature — Judges of The Court of Appeals.

COUNTY: i . secuting Attorney — Sheriff — County Clerk — County Treasurer — Register of Deeds — Drain Com-missioner — Surveyor — Delegates to County Conven-tion.

NON-PARTISAN: Judge of the Court of Appeals Judge of Probate,

Circuit Judge

And For Such Other Candidates That Are To Be Voted For

at This Election.



Section 1. On the «iay of any election the polls shall be opened at 7 o'clock in the forenoon and shall t e continued open until 8 o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. Every

prescribed for the closing thereof sh;*ll be allowed to vote.


Tyrone Township Clerk



The J —-J1 stroke Bou/


T>raw stroke

Pitch stroke

T a k e no te , b e g i n n i n g c a n o e i s t s . He re a re f i v e b i t s i c i a d I s i m p l e s t r o k e s w h i c h c a n make the go ing e a s i e r for you . T h e J - s t r o k e i s u s e d to turn the c a n o e toward the paddle; s ide by f o r c i n g the s te rn ini t he o p p o s i t e d i r e c t i o n . Serv ing an i t s o p p o s i t e i s t he draw s t r o k e which " p u l l s " the c a n o e s i d e w a y s by f o r c i n g the w a t e r unde rnea th the k e e l . U s e f u l in ge t t i ng a boa t c l o s e r to a d o c k , t h i s i s a r e p e a t e d s t roke made by d ipp ing the p a d d l e and pu l l ing it toward the c a n o e in a sho r t , s t r a i g h t mot ion . T h e bow s t roke c o m e s in to p lay for power and cont ro l when a p e r s o n i s a lone in a c a n o e . It p r o v i d e s f ront end we igh t and b a l a n c e in h igh wind or w a v e s . T h e s c u l l i n g draw is a gu id ing s t roke u s e d to s t e a d y a c a n o e in rap id w a t e r or h igh w a v e s . It i s s imply a squa red off f i g u r e - e i g h t . Fo r c r u i s i n g , the p i tch s t r o k e i s per-formed by the man in the s t e r n of the c a n o e . A s he d r a w s the p i d d l e t o the r ea r , he t w i s t s it s l i gh t l y to fo rce the w a t e r a w a y from the s t e r n . T h i s h o l d s the c a n o e on a s t ra ight c o u r s e .

Mich. Dep t . of C o n s e r v a t i o n




r A N Y S U M


L$ 1,000

v .




:h. Barth Murray, Mgr.

ThurT9 to 12 Mon.Tue.Wed 9 to 5 led Sat, during June. July, August.

oke IMoppy Homft







Notice is hereby given that a regular election will

be held in the Township Hall in the Village of Kent

City, in Tyrone Township, Kent County, Michigan, on


from 7 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the aft-

ernoon,, eastern standard time for the purpose of vot-

ing on the following proposition:

Do you approve the Zoning Ordinance adopted by

the Township Board of Tyrone Township on the 13th

day of December, 1963?

YES ( )

NO ( )

—Mentor Johnson

Clerk of Tyrone Township (8-12-19)

Final Rites for Casnovia Resident

Funeral se rv ices were held Mon-day afternoon at the Hay ward Fun-e ra l Home in Casnovia for Mrs . Fr ieda Humprheys, aged 74, of 135 W. Waterloo St., Casnovia, who passed away Friday evening, August 14, at the home of her daughter, Mrs . Les te r Wolff of Frui tport-Rd. She had been ill for the past two months. Burial was at South Cas -novia Cemetery .

She was born in Sweden January 14, 1890, and came to the United States at the age of 18.

Surviving are her husband, Guy; one daughter, Mrs . Les ter Wolff of Frui tpor t ; two s tep-daughters , Mrs . George Miller of Saranac, Mrs . William Stegenga of Wyoming; four s tep-sons , Irving and Glen Humph-reys of Casnovia, George of Lake-view and Clarence of Jackson; two s i s t e r s and three brothers ; five grandchildren and five g rea t -g rand-children.

• • • • • • • •







Protection Ed Lane Answers




QUESTION: I have fr iends in a large insurance agency in a nearby city and I carry some of my insurance with them. Would there be any real ad-vantage in t ransferr ing it to a local agent?

ANSWEIl: About as much as having a local physician for your family doctor. Would you want to await the convenience ol someone in another city if you were ill—or if you had an accident with your car?

This publ ic service is our w a y of adver t i s ing . Your insurance ques t ions will be answered without cha rge or obligation if you' l l send or bring them to

BRACE-LANE _ / < / / w c V y

ALL f- C R M S OF /C.U* *U+4<. ,• ,

7 J f [j\ • i b I a ? M'AU T A