Saturday, 10 October 2015 Microbes and Disease: Lesson 2 The Infection Cycle Objective: To...

Friday 25 March 2022 Microbes and Disease: Lesson 2 The Infection Cycle Objective: To understand how diseases can be spread and be able to investigate the cause of a CHOLERA outbreak. (L5-7). Pre-Starter: Use pg 34-35 to familiarise yourself with some of the KEYWORDS for this lesson: Infection, Symptom, Toxin, Pathogen, Incubation period.

Transcript of Saturday, 10 October 2015 Microbes and Disease: Lesson 2 The Infection Cycle Objective: To...

Wednesday 19 April 2023

Microbes and Disease: Lesson 2

The Infection Cycle

Objective: To understand how diseases can be spread and be able to investigate the cause of a CHOLERA outbreak. (L5-7).

Pre-Starter: Use pg 34-35 to familiarise yourself with some of the KEYWORDS for this lesson:

Infection, Symptom, Toxin, Pathogen,Incubation period.

Keywords - meaningsWord Meaning

Pathogen When the microbe/germ enters your body.

Incubation period The signs of the illness.

Infection A microbe that causes a disease.

Symptom Poisons that pathogens release into your body and cells.

ToxinThe period of time between becoming infected and showing symptoms.

Keywords - meaningsWord Meaning

Pathogen A microbe that causes a disease

Incubation periodThe period of time between becoming infected and showing symptoms.

Infection When the microbe/germ enters your body.

Symptom The signs of the illness.

Toxin Poisons that pathogens release into your body and cells.

Starter – In pairs – look at the ‘Microbes connectives’ sheet. Discuss the possible correct sentences.

Outcomes: You must identify at least one disease and explain what symptoms are associated with it (L5).You should explain the difference between infection and symptom (L6).You could investigate the cause and source of a cholera outbreak. (L7).

Microbes and Disease: Lesson 2

The Infection Cycle

Microbes ConnectivesIn pairs, take it in turns to read a sentence from the ‘Microbes Connectives’ sheet.

Use the connectives to help you finish each sentence.

Try and use each of the different connectives.

The infection CycleIn pairs, discuss the statements below and then, put them into the right order:

The pathogens multiply

Symptoms start to show

The body’s immune system starts to operate

Pathogens enter the body

EXTENSION – Discuss what you know about the disease CHOLERA.

What is CHOLERA?

Cholera is an water bourne disease. Symptoms include diarrhoea, nausea & vomiting, dehydration, body shock and then death if left untreated. (Sometimes within 3 hours)Epidemics of cholera swept through Britain in the 1800’s – mainly in cities and areas where there was a large number of people.It still affects people in developing countries today.

Cholera InvestigationIt is 1854

There has been a terrible outbreak of cholera in London. It is all centred in one area but the number of cases is rising.

You and your team of fellow scientists need to investigate the outbreak to stop it claiming yet more lives.

You have got to:a)Work out where the cholera is coming from. b) Suggest a solution to the problem. c) Suggest how the epidemic could have started. d) Present your findings and clearly explain why your team have made these decisions.

Cholera Investigation

Group Work Organisation

In Groups of 3


Investigators (X2)


One of you has 2 roles – decide who!

Can't have a scribe for no pens day! Perhaps the group of 3 could just consist of 2 investigators and a presenter?


Present your findings to the good people of London!!!

Now compare them to the findings of John Snow:

Did anyone in your class come to the same conclusion?

John Snow (1813-18581813-1858) was a British physician.

He is considered to be one of the fathers of epidemiologyepidemiology, because of his work in tracing the source of a cholera cholera outbreak in Soho, EnglandSoho, England, in 1854.

By talking to local residents, Snow realised that the water pump on Broad Street had not been used since the end of July and since then, the number of cases had got worse!

Snow later used a spot map to illustrate how cases of cholera were centred around ‘Well 2’ .

Snow concluded that all the people infected with cholera had drunk water collected from the Broad Street well (Well 2).

It was later discovered that a leaking cess pit containing sewage was only 3ft away from the well and was contaminating the water.

Snow's studies of the pattern of the disease were convincing enough to persuade the local council to disable ‘Well 2’ temporarily whilst they worked on fixing the Cess pit!

This caused the number of cholera cases to decrease rapidly.

Wednesday 19 April 2023

Microbes and Disease: Lesson 2

Bringing it all together!

Use the KEYWORDS from the starter to write a sentence about the disease cholera.

Infection, Symptom, Toxin, Pathogen, Incubation period.

This will be assessed for good science and literacy!

Remember . . . . . . Capital letters, spellings, connectives and textual cohesion.

Volunteers can have their work checked by the group on the visualiser.

Again, for no pens day pupils shouldn't be writing down their sentences. Perhaps this plenary could be for pupils to work together in groups of 2 or 3 to develop a sentence, using the key words and then to say the sentence to the rest of the group.